HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-27, Page 26777,777
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A, the we"'44,004.
There- wem vleye#-� 411' plubs Specialist, 40" Mm, 00b,
Mts G
Qf Us;
took part In Ai -Br0nQbTQt0"t0 gave comments b 11, -' i I
the . F�bel vA 0 1 Mrs. 1,41111in
Achievement 0 day, 9;t E"Its. Comments, 0 Dvm-, lReW#ad S ffeirisall, �Mrsi� tqwgi was g t soloist #t .the Ay* du So, ur
forthe' fA)t':prQJCqt L�t"Oke QnstrAtIons ,and w6oe give
cmo Mitob0l; of 0woolow,
po at Duffs U
Bread". Threc.chibs from Walton by M144101sTergusq;Ip Regional Clinton, Misses Lue#4##4 fen Chur4;WAtO4
-- -- F %
�ison ib a0einpon it was ,decIdedt9'bAve
Jtls'� had on, COU11tY H9119 Mr, 00, Wi. David Allison of
fjq go�iieriil meeting Walton
vxhibit-"Breakfa$t Bresd0 with tIgn of six OlIjibs W- eve. awarded to Undon Mrs.', h Dec
visited Sunday with Son , embei
ed. JDlane -Godkin, 'RX1, Wait Walter B 10 Mrs. . 31, Iot lqpk supper
0 ,as a F
commentatorrMargaret Shortm, roaofbot. Mr.
t Margaret Sho'rtrecd R*.1 a Robert McMillan of $eaforth also with all units to attend this
Rise 'N Shines" pu
Walton 11
ton,, a i�s of visited av'the same home,durhi$ cWitmas meeting,
and Kim Hun�ohr
on a Skit "Mr. Dough,Poy Visits
Walton, were, preseh with
Granny'* witkAll mquibers partic.
ipating. Walton three "Doighy Provincial HQAQUTs
on the cow.
tion of twelve clubs.
Dollies".hAd an exhibit. M
or. Pengily home ecQnomIgt
Alice Ryan was the commentaMrs. , Anne Donohoe, Foods" Hu r7
ron County also made the_
presentation of certificate's and,
WinspobnsGSM . GD
throp AssonTENT
The Spring Project for 1976 will •
be "A Touch of Stitchery" The
thanked the leaders TEE -.JAYS.
club gi
Ruddies who helped with this regent plub
and hope leaders are available for
girls meet the next pr9ject.
,COUNTY H0 OURS-- Six Brussels and area Dianne Go'dkin, Julie Campbell, Kim Ducharme,
Mr. Jerry Achilles and son Bill
won- county honours at the 4H Achievement Day in Heather Mann and. Karen Bremner.. Cormpondent of Ithaca, New York State spent a,
Ethel' Saturdaiy. They are, left Heather, McKay, (Photo by Langlois} Nrb. MRr9HuHey recent weekend at the home of
Q Mr. and Mrs. WilliamDolmage Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles. Mr.
visited refently with Alex Roney. and, Mrs. JeFTy Achilles and
W111alton Dublin. daughter Deb 0�spent
7 -TI
Mrs, Grace P
ethick om and Sharon Sunday at the same of his
accompanied Mrs. Kathleen parents. BOYS 8-18
Williamson to University Miss Evelyn Hupter. of Wing- POLYESTER THISWEEK'S
.Hospital, London where they ham is visiting with her OOX GIFTS
W 1 -enbi�rtains 4-H dubs spsciAi
visited with their sister Mrs. Mrs. Charles McCutcheon, INTEL?
Marjorie Racho who is- a patient McKillop Twp. . . RTs $6.95 *.shirts a Ties LONG
Correspondent evening Novemb6r 19th. Breads" on display. Their leaders on behalf of the W,I. there transfered from r Stratford The Friday night euchre this S PARTY
Mrs. -Allan McCall Institute Grace preceded the were Mrs. Kathy Achilles and A profitable penny auction was General. week will be con-jened by, Mrs*Xles 8 Socks DRESSES
The 4H club girls, mothers and smorgasborg meal at 7p.m. Mrs. MargAret Shortreed, comments- held which proved interesting for , Mr. and Mrs. Bii --Harris and Dave Watson, * Mrs.GE AS§ORTMENT
club members and guests. Vickie visited w' Mr. and
leaders were guests at the Walton Laverne Godkin was pianist. for was Margaret Shortreed.. Schade, Mrs. James McDonald .*Men's
Women's Institute meeting in the Walton I 4H club "Dough Walton 11 4H club, "Ri'e'N The president, Mrs. Don Achil- Mrs.Tony Wolfcamp.and Marsha and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Housecoats
community Hall on Wednesday Girls" had an exhibit, "Breakfast Shines" gave a skit-, "Mr. bough- les conducted the business. •The Mitchell, Sunday. Sunday guests with Mi. and IN 1 0% OFF
Boy Visits Granny" with -all minutes were read and adopted. Vickie Harris had a birthday Mrs. 'Emerson Mit4Z)iell and -IN PZLYESTER We Now Have G.W.G.
Scrubbers Size 26-38
membert participating. Their Roll cAll was answered by " Small party Saturday night to celeprate family were, MA and Mrs. PRINT
Phone rates, up, leaders were Mrs. Dianne points to remember in emer- her 16th birthday. Gordon Mitchell of Listowkel, Mr. FROM%0
McNichol and Miss Jenny 'Ren- gency". Mrs. Ken McDonald Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Hulley, and Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill of
free to Wingham nick gave the treasurer's 'report and Debbie and !Dave visited with Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Russell TO
Walton III 4H club, "'Doughy thank you cards were read; The Mr. and Mrs', Otto Walker, B.eilby of Kaffield, Sask., Mr, and 12. 1 95 T Family
Brussels.,telephone cutsomers lines to 35c for multi -parties more Dollies" were unable to present regular collection and pennies for Cromarty on Sunday. Mrs. John Brandon and family of
T.EE-JAY FaSh10flS . ..... 1"".
will bc'able t6 call Wingham at no per month. their exhibit, "Holiday Bregds•', friendship' was taken. Buddies Meet Monkton, Mr. and Mrs. Amos $01" To 9 P.M. FRIDAY
charge, starting Monday. But 'Mr. Ross says the introduction but most of the girls were present Card party conveners for Fri- Th seventh,• meeting of the Smith and family of Belgrave, HENSALL Taylo, ladi", Wop, '262-2501
of free )qc�s to Wingham comes day
there is a catch. with th7eir leaders Mrs. Alberta November 28 will be Mir's. Brea Ing Buddies was held Mr, and Mrs. Fred4Cole of
Also starting on Dec. 1, after two ears of planning and Hudie and Mrs. Pearl McCallum. Dave Watson, Mrs. Norman at the h e of Mrs.,, Van•
Brussels' telephone users will pay construction, "with the Maitland Miss Donna Reid on behalf of the Sqhade, Mrs. James McDonald' Dooren's. e meeting was held
from 15c to $1.20 more on their Teleservices spending many 4H club members and mothers and Mrs. Nelson Marks. Conven- on Nov & - 11th.
monthly phone bills , for the thousands of dollars for the thanked the Institute for ' the ers for Friday December 12th will Jean n Tychem, asked the roll Jr Ar
extended free call area. installation of the required evening, be: Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs. Neil call ' and seven members
H.J.Ross, Manager of additional equipment." This being the Family and McGavih, Mrs. Bill Humphries answbfed it. Electricit Pow ers Your Life
Maitland Services Ltd., said, Brussels people no longer need Consumer Affairs meeting, the and Mrs. Laverne Godkin. All the members took `part in
residents of Brussels agreed in a to dial "I" before calling convenor; Mrs. Keith Rock had The next meeting will 'be a reading • the,, 'discussion and
1973 survey to pay higher Wingham phone numbers, as their guest her brother, John turkey dinner at 7p.m. on Wed- planned activities for
monthly 'rates in order to extend Maitland says the change will Rinn of Belgrave who showed nesday December 17. There is to Achievement Day., CONS D 17
free service to Wingham. add about 2,900 phones to the . interesting• slides of Ofaces across be an auction of homemade The girls made mini cake and
Those with a rural, multi party local calling , area for BrussiNs Canadi, and local, pictures. He cookies and members are askdd to 'pizza pups.
phone will pay 15c more per customers. was thanked by Mrs. Gerald bring an article valued at o4e The pizza pups, mini cakes and
month , for two party customers Phone- subscribers - in Mait- Watson and presented with a gift -dollar for a Christmas gift ex- juice were all enjoyed after the
the increase is 25c per month and land's two other exchanges,, Blyth change. meeting. o n t Get Your
. :A.. 1
r individual a line customers and Auburn, voted against a
35c more each month. Businesses similar. proposal, the Maitland -v
will pay from $1.20 for individual rrinagers said: :BiQundar;
. , 17th, meet
The Boundary and 17th Unit of
T W'po- of M CKILLOP the U,.C.W. met on Tuesday
evening at the home of Mrs. Roy.
Mrs. Bill Murray opened the..
meetifig with the Thought for the
Day. The�scripture was. read from
Psalm 46 followed by prayer by
Mrs. Murray. Hymn, "Onward
TAXESChristian Soldiers" was sung.
The offering ,was received and
dedicated with, "We give thee
but thine own
Final installment is clue Mrs. Birrj'Hoegy gave a very
timely Topic. "He died for me"
and In time of Remembrance.
Mrs. Martin -Baan presided for
December. 1, 1975 the business. Minutes were read
by Mrs. Harold McCallum, fol-
lowed by the rail call. U.C.W.
calendars were handed out. No
further business -the meeting was
Marion McClure M —A with ID
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A social half hour followed
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