HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-27, Page 23/
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0104, 04A.
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Wines add
,t. �1
Pas R st annie • ` 4i I" ai n• Ment alit #tar, deft hod a o cttt;ref> a Ott. 1!t'Pzt
Qu»ty alas"
t re fJe4t, MSst, �i ),8Spr.0ge., ppm Ph. rm9 .h
.. o. r e ,C !�'. R!f1 •7^t, �T f �q•7:i '+`.Fr 'Y'F,
. , N Qabot'n a �e ich ats.or
Mrs %,,frostivlunaa,y,� • ,, Qt', th (�, f,. �� hE . fir.
mil it ,with th ':use of fQr idt!' / !
e .
- Fe it )i§trict Pro Life G#Q.uj . �xp is Mrs., 'Martha ' vipirs. Gdderif`1t,, sx�m• . >i. Y Smit t ¢r;`�,',t� j� �l
Few gifts s suit the vArm ,
and. f d s i f e ygte of thanks to the tpembets CPU Reidy, )�rocefaeid, Mm" h�►toes,�[h}s �r!puid,t►Pt'Q?tlyS�FtxYe 'Maid• A
40a ly p rit. o th
holids a better th im- and the board at a go#Oral Mrs, Agnes Carbert, Clanton - do bettefietai to toe hond}`cappefi he ildttro # Alk'**
y n g°F
pp�ed �'renc;h vFintf� "-- d ' . •`�'°� .' . ; , :meeting in '�oderJeh recently. , .a sub committee, the Member= person, but it alaQ,ec!atxRxnee,llX
few ,beverages p#p>ress the " :h. New President and Co-chair- ship Chairman for, the com;ng sound, he said. " e#tnlr+ 00?ttti?+�04t 'etc•, add'
JOY of the Season as well as ,:; ? man, Mrs. Clarice )Dalton, was year is Mrs, Alice Kromne.r, Statistics haxo Abown , 'fir A 4 �Qr.:,siPerial :aiss��gt��elp�'„
French wine, g#'aclously ` , ?f ''. ""introduced as a fo4riding member , Godertcia. progressive doGline ' an i acts. Ms�:#s to thdAl4 d ,the RUlu t.
fieryeti at a holiday party, ;t, of the Grou ,She Jtas served, on The guest speaker fpr th,e available far adoptign fat . #f uarQq s. pe*r; a#d-p���A
The Christmas hostess, P
whether At a Christmas
gather- , most committees and had evening; Huron County's 'County, Thi$ is :due 1n psrt, lto eheg9e' .r lhtrtt .; he tt tediat iy
family ga attended the Fi*stivat .of Life and Chitdrens Rtid Society many unmarried ,ad}itts ,itloving. ,tiesigtiatpd fox ,tie r
in8 or other social, occam
sign a het rests rise Presentation of one million Director Bruce Heath was out of the country, he solid„Also G•A,?,Cftlkts>ratttiYrtd;; ,1 A
can p c a Apme petition in Ottawa; as we
11 introduced by Mrs. Osborn. She most unmarried girls ace iieeping Thesanfss taeetitt8'ttrstarjlecl,
richer, more festive mood
r:,; ”
itjr the Season by serving " as the various workshops at the pointed out to the group that the their ¢fiild> pn, It is impossible to aSer .a short {flint h :brook»
imported French wine. ' j Annual Alliance for Life film show, "Wherever there are determine rife impact of family pins Were i scossed;>ro PAte P.
Wine is right for all oc-' ' /"
�` ; , ,•"�. , " - Conference in Toronto, children" would be of particular planning and abortion; but they flow' in the �i}j�stattas ;�aarado,,, .. ',
casions: cocktails, dinner Mrs. Osborn asked the interest as the Children's Aid are factors, he said. Chairman for the float J., MF$r
eveningor. late Supper, :, l ,members g' Society, with the het of the At' resent, in Huron County, Sharon Munro,
�, �,� present to the their Y• P Y
One of the most delight- " f." ' " *„• ; �': support, and strength and Community are concerned with the CAS has 85 children in their A membership `'dt?ve fqt
ful French wines', particu� �`` s encouragement to the new positive ways of 'helping people care; 50 of these are 13 years and renewals and new ntetnbers Will'
laxly appropriate for the Ooh Ia la. Christmas takes on President. who .are suffering with human over. They ' do not anticipate the begin shortly, At ' present there
holidays, is Marquisat, the a special rrmeanlwg when din- `, .' Y • ss•, „,• , N ,.9 Mrs. Dalton thanked the pproblems. Mr. Heath has recently percent of teenagers coming into are 375 members, Membersoip
n„,K.remarkable Beaujolais Vil- ner is accompanied • with w- retirin 'President and introduced been appointed to a Retardation care to decrease. There is an fee remains at S1„00.
lages red wine which French French wine, whether it's a CHRISTMAS CARD from about the 180136. Color the new Board of Directors, and Service Group in a five County urgent need for foster parents on The program , •chatrri►am
law distinguishes as supe- chilled white or a room tem• lithography by Ra heel Ruck and Sons. Photo- their office for the term of Area, London Region. a short term basis for teenagers, reported that letters will, be going
API! to ordinary Beaujolais, perature red, courtesy of The Qakland Museum.
• Today, wine is part of our graphy� 1975-76. Honorary Chairman: Mr. 'Heath said the plan is to • Mr. Heath said. out to groups who may wisJt a
casual "at home” life-style, Rev. Marvin Barz, Lutheran phase out institutions for the There is a high portion of senior program and panel discussion.
Serving wine is no longer a ANIMAL FEASTS Church, Goderich, Co-chairman: -
mystery. Follow the simple Ancient tradition has it Rev. 1, Warr, United Church, rx S r
rules: white wine should be that animals helped spread ,Gpderich. Past President andserved
wine shouldtbe served atea the
Birth of US Christ. Because of CHRISTMAS BIRD FEEDER s of the Public Relations: Connie Osborn,
cool room temperature. this, barnyard animals in 1st Vice President; Mrs. Penny
fells, Clinton, 2nd Vice �
And to make things sim- many countries are served a Those of you who are kind to our fine, feathered friends ,
pler, a nice "generalOskam,
"P 'glass can easily be used for eve^ to your bird, feeder, Cranberries andpopcorn make a spe- Go je�ich; Secretary: Mrs.
all wines: Cattle kneel in their stalls tial treat as do small boxes of suet and seed. H*riett Klazina, Treasurer;
Decorating a small tree near your house will provide
Mrs. Theresa Courtney,
As far as choosing be- at midnight, on Christmas color for you, and nourishment for the birds, Here are a y'l':
tween red and white wines, eve, and for a moment have few suggestions for decorating your bird tree:`
to go with various foods— the power of speech. This x•' ,!�<,,,
don't worry about It. To- belief, an, old German leg- HOLIDAY DOUGHNUTS — a length of wire at the end, Christmas Gesture
day's people simply drink end, has been broadened to Loop colored ribbon through to attach to the tree. Robert Louis Stevenson
what they like with any include all animals, the hole of a doughnut, and ORANGE HALVES — Cut (1850-1894), author of
food, add a sprig -of holly -berry. oranges in half. Make three "Treasure Island” and ."Kid- i
Hang on tree with wire. „
Christmas' Eve Legend - holes, equidistant, around napped, was born on No-
f 6
ROUND TABLE POPCORN STRINGS—String' the edge of edch half, about vember 13 but "gave" his t
In Iceland, Christmas Eve popcorn onto 20 to 24 inch h " down from edge. Push birthday to a girl born on>, m
is the holiest night of the King Arthur's Round Ta- lengths of heavy duty ends of pipe cleaners Christmas Day. Stevengon • Ad
entire holiday season. Leg- ble is traditionally believed thread. Hang, looped, onto through each hole, seeur- made a gift of his birthdate
end has it that on the night to have been the site of the bird tree. Ing firmly at lower end. At to a child named Annie H.
t t I,
before Christmas many first Christmas feast. Refer- top of pipe cleaners, wilt all Ids, o let her have two ,� :�,�: •
years ago, dwarfs, elves and ences to the famous king CRANBERRIES — Using three ends together tightly. joyous celebrations a year,
"" have been traced back to as wire, string cranberries and Using another pipe cleaner with a proper birthday and
other little folk' danced early as 600 A.D. shape into a circle, leaving as a loop, attach to tree. a Merry Christmas." Ll r
in the streets. 11 1J(/ �
Famous names in appliances—at famous Canadian Tire
slue packed prices... Great gift ideas .' . .
Toast to your taste 'Two -in -One' Kettle
Popular -priced Proctor Pop -Up Toaster—a happy addition to the An award-winning design in sparkling stainless steel. Automatically
breakfast nook! Features sliding wast control. automatic shut-off, turns off when water boils dry. Allows you to use it as a kettle oras an
bakelite handles, attached cord. 8 -hour vaporizer.
Use Your
Canadian' Tire '
4 CAnn
h, Ontario
� -ifidG'aiie surc2
-Choose from these
Make it an electric
Distinctively Personal Four Type Styles -
for Invitations, Thank -
You and Notes, waa. DONALD 11WILLIPS
Perfect for Gifts TVM *TV= Ata
Mi"r. Did Ra. inon
25 Informals and 25 WmeMsAt*
Proctor 2 -Speed Blender
Automatic Can -Opener
C.G.E. Coffee -Maker
a -Speed Nand Mixer
Stutd.. Economicui. 6 -cup, high-
Van Wyck Eitss-Clean model.
Gleaming stainless steel,, Reheats
Light -weight, yet powerful, Hand-
inipaacnmainer. leg$
Handles any can. �qq
withouiperking.Up 4�qq
les the heaviest �qq
White J
Avocado Green,
Stops itself.
to cups.
jobs, plastic.
t 1
c3 j' s
, h
to of
Deep Fryer/Cooker
Low -Heat Crock Cooker
Non -Stick Fry Pan
Premier Oven -Broiler
Automatic thermostat. 4-ql, capa-
5 -quart glazed stoneware liner and
Westinghouse 12", High -domed.
I I" x 9'/z". Range -type element.
city Complete with 1079
+ovenwareglasscos- X844
Removable control. 1ss
Chrome&Avocado 2288recipe
er. Avocado/Gold.
Colour choice.
- '•mss: .
vsarrow• ♦�teYt(
"lice proctor Teaatef
NeWStick Waffle Iron
4.Ot. Popcorn Popper
Sleek Galaxy Kettle
Takes jvaffles, pop -tarts, etc.
reflon' coated cooking. surfaces.
Not buttered popcorn in minutes.
Westinghouse, stainless steel, 2 -qt.
Chrome. Gold color 99,
Removable plates. q9
Colour 21W
See-through Leilan 99
size. Heat -resistant 44
trim. Twin controls.
lid, used as bowl.,
handle and lid.
Use Your
Canadian' Tire '
4 CAnn
h, Ontario
� -ifidG'aiie surc2
-Choose from these
Distinctively Personal Four Type Styles -
for Invitations, Thank -
You and Notes, waa. DONALD 11WILLIPS
Perfect for Gifts TVM *TV= Ata
Mi"r. Did Ra. inon
25 Informals and 25 WmeMsAt*
Hip,��: ,
The name in raised. black printing on fine quality Trrrl ,,,trout Ato
white Vellum paper with matching Plain envelopes.
�it6• jlRblt �trCQB b
.... .,? ' 2.90 $9.20 TYPi ttiTYL,R All
t Wjt'�:..:. �'',L".�,:•�.'^',`.ri,:�. •t 4:3;..' n>2?'tr`• �
s f For the person with every- Single
t •t thing, choose from our wide Deck3.50
selection of styles and SERVIETTES
MEN,colors colors imprinted name or Double 50
g' } ' initials Deck �'
NO i Ideal accompaniment to
04;h ., any table .,.luncheon, tea
:;,;>.;. �'0rf` �� �• or dinner napkins in a linen
or facial quality imprinted
95 300 LABELS TREASURE PACK with your name in gold,
4 silver or black. Choose from
Cocktail napkins and a wide assortment of colors
Short-cut "» Put your name on these matclles both with name or
to f delicious K handy personal labels � and styles.
coffee break! initials imprinted. De -
y: Excellent for Cameras, 6
Toys, Stationery and thou- lightful souvenir of your SO
holiday parties or a from
Proctor "CoffeeMagic" sands of other uses. Y P 54'0
GUMMED thoughtful gift for the lOQ
This automatic coti'eemaker from Proctor -Silex makes S``
v; hostess.
up to 10 cups of delicious drip coffee in about 7 mins. a LABELS 1.95 from fj•S0
Uses ixrmanent or disposable filter.,Q.
50 Facial Quality Napkins ,rw6i
MOULINEX200 Presson Labels and 45 regular
Gourmet (White or Gold) •r size matches. - 9.20 t•
Meat 2.95 :.
Grinder' . 100 linen finish. napkins MATCHES
-'°` �'` with 45 regular Nwr
•_ 10.60 Wide range of colors.
�l^..' size matches. • . personalized book matches
+ � PENCIL " t. in a
More than just an electric PACK 50 Facial GIFT DRUM
meat -grinder. With 4 int1r• Quality Napkins
changeable drum-., and two Yellow eraser -topped t with 94 ten Show your good' taste . .
cooing blades, it can be pencils stamped with a full strike matches^ 11.70 an attractive cleat plastic
used for dozens of other P P
kitchen chores. name in gold. Handy gift _• drum containing 50
for the scholar. 12 100 linen finish napkins personalized book matches.
1975 Edition "
with 94 ten strike from
* Pencil matches. Choice of
SILVkR DOLLARS Pack 2.50 12.00 colo
will be givon bs change '
on a one per customer .•,� -.�+I '
• ,t
hosts while •supply I'dsts. -• ........ , ..: , ,� ,