The Huron Expositor, 1975-11-27, Page 20as fVQ,.13-At h
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x (By Mabel Toxpbull)! kindly. Indicated their wilplignes where they ado OCpi di ner
Shopping days u.ssttl Chrjstsna to loan or sail a violist for'thb use outing, Among; - special guests
are at the moment limited. 'Far of an anglou$ resident of the were Mr, .and Mtn: Victor C.h olee
some time #-AV we bave heat4 s o Homo, At present 1 hear him Toronto a. fo mor owner of
ma y shopping days until trhrist- tunin up.
lbar h f rttte m
T ., �� �� ;��' ;; •:�^' �' � bars of the staff. o r ern.
altos. The staff met at the Cbmmer-
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kill%,`. ";':.., ,. k•:' `�4Xcy :i'�;�ys'L'1{ 'via{,.�:4 :.:it5 .:r.:: :'r``•:4. '
�� � � .�4,, ''`j't•��r%��:.. M presentpreparations re as , tial Hotel Thursday evening Thirty-five sat down to dinner.
�4y.i?9.,.>�c..{ �`y�{...8 �4'�',ic?,� ]�.', i••,:�; <<d" � `�4y follows. It is my custom tq write
Christmas letters which Itenclose'Dw
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{•�,.; : �< <s; �;„r� ., ;� �,- in .my Christmas cards to my
��,u,'y .,sv�'�`3• .? ,:�f:;,.,,5: tic. � t}:. .i.�l .:trio ?=. �'4�'•'M' 4 �, ,
� a]' •t:;.; �t Iii>, r � <j' . �4 , j' absent friends. 1 have written u
to twenty-five letters (and, not
::¢;�°:�s'. ��,... 1 �} Y,�{,,x,'. t.. r::.::{?:, .fi:. ,"• Y;just
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n tes, bringing my friends •
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up to date on my limited ... • •
activities. After a slump of a few • *.•* •• + '� •••. �(.
months I have started painting
again and rind it very rewarding. i
as SE>.:�. ,, . , •, am look over sem hand local .-
u�,W ;: views of he town in expectation
'rYfsF °h ` •5 '
'�LSt'; ,c '` /;' ;. Sur<' ;�.
<� + E � :<, y; 9 of the, coming of the Snow. Fr.= •
my window I am able to see some
> n
lovely old ,gnarled trees which
G, tend themselves to winter treat.
. 071r {.
• ;wx"� z � ] � Being unable .to take part in
winter sports, 1 seem to satisfy
^c j F 4• ', M \ myself in this way. I have been u
doing considerable pre -Christmas
�; N, reading and have -found many
shy y, Y { els: gems relating to Christmas which we toL k
k.fir„ sy' Y,, g 1 would like to pass on to my
r •, readers:
"And so we come again to Local History,
: j
Christmas with its colour and joy,
::. . . .p . ;:,t �:u..
.. . . . . .
,� its magic and wonder, its spirit of
THE NiccouNI-COWPER MADONNA by Raphael, 31%1' good will and warmth. But how do
• we come to Christmas? What it y
MADONNA ADORING THE CHILD with the Infant Saint John the Baptist -and an x 22%" wood. Andrew Mellon "Collection. Photo. means to us depends on what we
Angel by Lorenzo di Credi. Tempera on wood, diameter 36 inches. Courtesy graph by courtesy of The National Gallery of Art, bring io it, pot in gifts and outer
of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1909. Washington, D.C. r display, but in the inner offerings ; Local A
of love and faith that abide in the
Madonna and Child in Tain'ting "Christmas is more than a From Forest to Thriving Hamlets
gift -laden tree. It is, caring and by Belle Campbell each $4.00
sharin unselfishl
!i The Madonna and Child came more intense, they produced in this period. did many paintings much Washfngtoh. D.C. g Y•'
have long been a source of took to the catacombs- as, Paintings of the Madonna admired by those who paint- Special mention goes to "At Christmas time, these are
inspiration to artists. The places of prayer and refuge. were fewer after the 1000's, ed after hint. Though his Andrea del Sarco, called the the things I know: Fragrance of The, Story of Seaforth
period that produced the In the catacomb of Saint but the really important drAwiilg -was based on the "perfect painter" by Floren- pine, air frosted with snow; b Belle Campbell each $4.00
greatest works of art, of the Calixtus, in Rome, one of paintings were produced be- study of models, his Saints tines of the High Renais- y P
Madonna and Child, was fore then. and Madonnas are idealized sane. He produced master- laughter is children, raised -in -
the earliest pictures of the gra Filippo Lippi repre; representations. Among his pieces -like The Hol Fam- glad surprise; breathless, expect -
the Renaissance, though Holy Family was found. �� y A History Of Tuck@rSmith
sented a sentimental trend Madonna paintings are ily," extremely satisfying ancy, the smiling eyes of friends
there is evidence of paint- Renaissance means the in painting of the Renals- "The Madonna of The and popular works of. art. with gifts wrapped and ribbon- by Belle Campbell each $4,00
fng of the Madonna long rebirth of the art of classic sance. His "Madonna Ador- Chair,” "The Alba Madori- One of the greatest paint- tied, odour of things cooking.
before. antiquity. Although dates of mg' the Child" includes a na," "Madonna in the Mead- Tit!
The number of Madonna this period vary from conn- ers of all time, an, a There abide the dearest things �t '
pictures increased after the try to country, it is °gener- deep forest background in ow, and his "Sistine Ma- leading painter of the Vene-
Council of Ephesus, in 431 his painting that shows the donna," originally painted. tian school, affirmed his joy i know in all the earth. Home and A History of McKillop
A.D., when the Virgin Mary ally agreed that it began in youthful mother kneeling as an altar -piece for the of life in his "Assumption of loved ones, friendship song and by Mrs. Joseph,Grum' mett each $3.00
and Child became symbols, the late 1200's and lasted before the Child. There is Church of San Sisto. This the Virgin," mirth". ,
of the accepted Christian into the early 1500's. It a feeling of light and deli- masterpiece shows the Vir- Giovanni Bellini, Gior- This ism message to you dear
faith. The oldest paintings was a time in which new cacy !n his stirring work gin Mary supported on tone, Alesso Baldovinetti, y g Y The Story of Hibbert Township
were found in the cata- styles developed in painting, "Madonna and ' ChiId En- clouds with the infant Jesus g readers. "May there come to you Y p
sculpture and architecture. = in her arms. Pope Sixtus II are among the many paint- M
combs of the early ChYis- p throned." this Holiday Time .an abundance A Hibbert Review Part
tfans, built between the The society in which the Some of the greatest kneels in prayer on one side, ers of the Madonna. [ )
First and Fifth Centuries, artist lived greatly inffu- of the recious thins of Life,
paintings of the Madonna Saint Barbara on the other. The Madonna and Child P g A Hibbert Review [Part II)
as places of worship. As per- enced his art. were do by Raphael in the His ,NiecoUni-Cowper Ma- has been(and will continue health, happiness, and enduring
as placeution of the Christians Some of ,the greatest late n sance, In his donna" shown above, hangs to be an inspiration tq all friendships." Three booklets dealing with the To of Hibbert
under Roman emperors be- pieces of religious art were short bu rilliant life, he in the National Gallery in ... in the arts, in fife. Special thanks, to those who by Belle Campbell each $4.00
Pre -Christmas present for'children has `abet' interest Huron County in Pioneer Times
9 by James R. Scott each .75
Pets and Christmas seem vous, often shy, and quite a puppy of pedigreed stock,ley—and are available from' welcome4,,by the new mem- his present early, perhap$ (�
' to go together, much to the unpredictable. To ask4hem an order may be placed Batteries or shelters. bar of the family. a book about his new $pet S@tti6rrlolr�f`'Of' Huron Count
delight of the children, oc- to share in the family ex- with a breeder: The breeder The pet should be brought• And fo?the child who got would be just the thing: Y
casionally to the dismay of citement of Christmas will let you know when the into the house well before by James R. Scott each $5.00
the parents, Morning is often asking too Puppy. is to be born and Christmas Day. In this way
But the practice of giv- much of them. when you may pick him up. it does not have to compete Lower Interest Rates-
ing a puppy or kitten on When a child first evinces Many puppies, of course, for attention with toy'fiftir'is •'� First Presbyterian Church
-Christmas Day leaves much interest in a et for Christ- may be obtained at local and dolls and should- well A Century of Service
P Y each $1.00
to be desired. mas, the first decision to be humane centers or pounds, enough behaved so that it 1St and 2nd MortgCigeyS
Actually, the pet should made is what kind he or and these more often • than willmot wreck the tree, par -
be presented to the child • she wants. Then the prob- not become the most lova- ticularly if it is introduced anywhere in Ontario on Varna In R eview
Iem of breed should be dis= ble and intelilgent pets. to the tree as it is being
two or three weeks before RESIDENTIAL =INDUSTRIAL
December 25th,
cussed and decided, upon. Kittens, too, come in two put up. J. Floyd McAsh each $3.50 r
kinds — pure-bred an al- COMMERCIAL and FARM PROPERTIES
Young animals are ner- If the decision is to get p d Gifts from the children to interim financing on new construction
the new pet should be in- or land development -• Seafolrth Women's institute
eluded in the presents un- REPRESENTATIVES IN YOUR AREA Souvenir Cook Book '
Christmas In New Mexico der the tree.. A pet blanket, . PHONE
a basket, toys, goodies for each $2.75
New Mexico, Land of En- -word for village. with everything morn ever- pet snacks — all will be AREA CODE 519-744-6535 COLLECT
chantment, is so called be- In New Mexico, at the green branches to fox,tails. SAEEWAY INVESTMENTS
(Please allow 25 cents per book for mailing c ges)
cause of the beauty of the Santa Domingo Indian The dancers carry on
land and the history of its pueblo, the Christmas sea- their ceremonials until
people. The Spanish con- son is honored with a four dawn, when they move to Sugar Maple grows from Nova OP
querors who came to the day long, sacred ritual their sacred plaza,,where Scotia to Western Canada. & CONSULTANTS, LTD. 4 �tettfiihN ' r
area from Mexico, in 1540, dance. they continue dancing Head Office: a"6 Weber Street East ����
to search for legendary At 2 A.M. Christmas day through the day. , , Kitchener, Ontario
Individual Sugar Maple .gold, found only six small it starts. After midnight The children dance on g Y p trees WE BUY EXISTING MORTGAGES FOR INSTANT CASH �„�'�... � .. t •• v w
villages where Indians lived, mass, the Indians gather in- the second day, and on the have reached 400 ears of age. •• «
r The conquerors named the side the church, wearing third, the older members of � � 'C
Indians Pueblo, a Spanish colorful costumes decorated the tribe take over.
The Perfect Gift
"Lu .. a_a-._._e froom -Smyth's"
Smyth's have a complete stock of
Luggftge and Totes Priced $� a and
from 5 up
Style lllustrated:-
Priced from.
Mt'tGH$Li, $8.9951
"Bang. Bang. You're dead.'
The Royal commission on violence The Non Judy. LaMaraWkis Honour Judg@ LA.Bpauhou, Scott Young,
In the Communications Industry, Comini"loners.
M Bloor Street West; Room 510,
Toronto, Ontario NdS 2V5. Call U9 'tolX-free auythhe at 1400-2,60691,
Some say the violence in our media makes us -and our
children -react to the world in a violent way.
If that's true', we're in trouble, There's been very
little research in Canada, and none about aa1 the media.
The Royal Commission on Violence in the Communi
cations Industry is tryinit to find an answer.
What does violence mean? Does it reflect the real
world? Or can it create`a different, more violent wprid .
in which we all have to live?'
What is the Commission Aoing? We're reviewing
the current research. Holding public hearings for
everyone. And well be recommending appropriate
action to all levels of government, to the industry and
to the public.
What canxou ? You can start by thinking about
the effect that violence in the media has -good or
bad -on your life. Your family. And that includes violence
in radio, TV, comic books, newspapers, popular music,
movies, books -even rock conherts.
Then, Le I us what you tUmk Send us your -ideas.
Come to the hearings, And when the time comes '
to make recommendations, there'll be things you can
do. In your own home, your own neighbourhood.
Witb your own children.
It's important for all of us to know Tore about media y
violence and how it affects us. We will, If you help.
The Royal Commission on Violence Is holding a "
hearing in:
December 3, 1975 - 7.30 p.m. - 10130 p.n.
F.E.Madill Seton ix
da'ry School, Gym 28
Carling Terrace
Winghani, Ontario