HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-05-04, Page 5TuE woorliAm.TIMES, MAY 4, 1,139.4., THE BUDDET DEBATE. In this House to -day from Ontario 436 per cent, If we are satisfied to' there are fifty-nine Conservatives and cater to the interests of the mann- eo)PrixuEo FROU 13,pD PAGE. only thirty-three Liberal members. facturers and against the consumers,' ' In that connection 1 might state that it is time that the consumers should I the returns for the last general elee- und,erstand what position the Gov -1 •••••"1,1.1....• specifie duties are not so high. From tion corrected liSr' the returns of the ernment takes, I want to say a few year to year we impress that faet by-elections show that 182,000 words.on. the iron tariff. I am not' on the Government and the country Liberal votes were polled and satisfied about that. The pruning,' until we create a feeling in this 186,000 Conservative votes, If knife was applied to 'the iron cliities, our hands were not tied, and if WO brit, in my opinion, it WEIS not insert-; House and outside of it that brought had. the same power to manifest our ed deep enough, The Minister of sufficient influence to bear on the influence at the polls as the Consorva- Finance stated the other day that we Government to cause then). to largely tives possessed, wo would have about were on the eve ofa great production abandon specific duties, Irenioniber 46 members and. the Liberal-Conser—of iron. Nis speech wo almost as year after Year it was said: Why do vatives 46 or 47. That would be roseate and as .hopefal as the speech you oppose specific duties There the position of parties as regards of Sir 'Charles Tupper in 1887, when ? arspecific duties imposed Ontario • but instead of those mem- he stated that within the towing • e in France, Germany, Belgium, and the United States, itrid therefore we are perfectly justified in placing specifie duties on articles here, and it is much better - than the ad valorem system. But now the Government have come to see that the country demands at their hands a thange, and I am very glad that the change has come about. It will prove a relief to consumers, especially to those who consume the cheaper goods. We were told by • the Finance Minister the other day, and he willremember it woll, that thisiis a free country. I•doubted it. a little, but he, said it was so, He. said : Has not this policy been en- dorsed by the people consecutively at four elections; and if the policy was opposed to the public interests, why did not the people then defeat the party who framed it, and placed it on.the statute -book ? The answer is plain, and I am sure it will oceur to hon. gentlemen opposite. In 1882, the first time the Conservative • NEW TAM' in. no trouble, EW IP • L I C 007 iinprovement and U. Jytict,t when n ,•y, 'I1t) 1i770 bot- oy life more, with s, more pr. -moldy .:ast products to hpical cing, will cttest health cf be pure liquid f,nr, rid in ,the'tri; n.t 7ivt, noe i3 duo t its presenting most accept .b'a and pleas- aste, the r efre, ung and truly properties of perfect lax- ectually cleansin the system, and fevers netipation. 'Mons and medical ie d- vfKer aoi bets we have thirty-three and hon. four years not less- than 25,000 f1ringloomfr•r:t.: party went to the country after the National Policy was inaugurated, they did not appeal to the people on the basis of that policy. They know that as well as it is possible for me to tell them. 1882 they passed gentlemen opposite fifty-nine. Call people would be engaged,in the iron b,?nic:11:1 this condition was brought about, or (we years, have a ed and gone,tolgr thYan any one ekplain what principle. industries in Canada ; but these four except that we wore unfairly treated. and there has been very little in- adaptie the ssless expendit• in the constituencies. Another fact crease in the production of pig iron -the needs of is, that for 3,159 Conservative votes up to this last year. We were only the value to polled they have a member in the . producing 20,000 or 25,000 tons up laxative pr. House. Why should we not have a to last year, when am glad to say rernclY) SY member for a like number of votes? that the. production increased to Its excel. In the for The Liberals have a member for 48,000 tons. But how much do the every 5,500.Liberal votes polled. Canadian people pay for this protec; tut tg° hThesafacts prove to a demonstration don? For this 48 000. tons we pay "e!'e-eu" that the Liberal party has been so gerrymandered and so affected by the legislation of the Government that wo have. not had the power to exercise our proper influence at the polls, and that is the explanation of the fact that .the hon. gentlemen opposite aro in office to -day. The Finance Minister the "other clay 'en- deavoured to justify thelligh tariff's of this country by quoting the high tariffs of other countries. That is the same as a boyjustifying his =or by saying that other boys commit the same offence. It. is no justifica- tion'for having a high tarifrin Can- ada that the, Un:ted - States have a high tariff. 6We know. the effects of the high tariff in' dm United States on the farniers, ,We have been told the iniquitous Gerrymander Act, in • by hon: gentlemen on the other side respect of which one of their own of the HOMO that the farniers across men who supported it, has recanted, the border are ten timer worse off and 'announced publicly that it was than our farmers. They have had a passed for the purpose of legislating high.protective tariff in the United into office men by Act of Parliament States for about thirty years, and rather than by the • voice of the consequently their farmers and people. This country, hon. gentle - labourers are in a worse condition men are aware, was divided in such than Canadians of. the same class: a manner that the Grits were hived We have .only a half that period of and had no power of expressing _pyotection hi this country but let the themselves at the polls, and hi 1882 high tariff go on for another fifteen I know that my county was carved years Canada, and ive. bairt out for the purpose of meeting the far -worse condition than WO are at requirements of the Conservative the present time:. In all the speeches party. Sir John Macdonald, who that have been made on the.National introduced the Bill, did not divide Huron ; the Conservatives in that county divided it, and sent a deputa- tion from the county to press that division on the premier, and the very division they suggested was the divi, mon that was carried out, and that was for political purposes. There- fore, the Government did not go be- fore the same jury in 1882 as in ing classes have been benefited at 1878, and consequently the verdict all by the operation of the National of the people was . thwarted by the I find on looking over the legislation of the Tory party. A few Policy' average wages of- farin labourers -in years subsequently a new general election took place. Did the Tory - Ontario that the average from 1882 to 1892 was $161 a year, with board, high protectien, it is certainly not would have more revenue in the party go before the people on a square and last year it was down to $156, adapted to thy country, and we arc exchequer. .Now, I ant coming to basis ? They passed the iniquitous ., • • • . or $5 lower. I will gime you a only keeping it up the -expense of another article which I am. inter - on. the imparted iron we pay $253,000. , 4:,11!ifiltiNpeellitei ; colds, headaches t $96,000 of eborinty. For the duty .i: it haspegt vneannesalysf-a,cotuitoillit and the increase of price, owing togteCn the consumer -of the home product net wilk the approval of th by reason of the duty, was $192,000, zefessi, ii, because it nets on cost the Canadian people for the ver and Bowels, withou 'making a total of $540,000, whith it :303's, production of 48,000 tons of pig iron. . 17 ming t em ami it is perfectly fre Now, the. cost. of production in Canada ' gist" of pig iron this last year was $11,85 fax per ton, and it has cost the people of Co it. In view of that incontrovertible a d being well informed, you will n kage, also the name, Syrup of Fi this country $11.25 per ton to protect P fact, I ask any intelligent Mitil. if we - . cept any Substitute if Offered. clo not pay too high a price for the production of pig iron in this country. I am sure that the people of this - $240,000. The duty and extra pro - country. will not be satisfied to have pig iron protected as it is' ltith $4 a ton duty and $2 a ton bounty to be paid out of their hard•ea.rnings. Again, there earl arrangement male bjectionalae substat,co. p of Figs is for sale by all • ug - in 75a, bo4tles, but it is m 'i - red by the California Fig Sy up only, whoso name is printed on ev ry fits on. coal oil costs the Canadian consumers $986,791, of which $430,- 565 goes to the Government, and $556,236 goes into the Dockets of those who deal in oil—the manu- means new prices. , 0101.1#11/**1102111011111110.11.0i... Haying ler some time studied the interes f the consumer, and retill,1 ing the burdens they have borne under he d policy of long credits, ask knowing full well that the man. who pa.% • ish helps to pay for the c account, and for the man who never p I will, therefore, give you by the adoption of, the and will give you goods cheaper than any other man in Wingbana. go direct to the manufacturers and buy for S P I am, thererefore, in a positidn to give you many lines of goods below WHOLESALE PRICES • Give me a trial and I will convince you of the tact that "J.A R.E- IS KING." All kinds of Produce taken same as Cash. Dress and Mantle making, on the premises. Mantle Goods bought iters cut free of charge. Cutting and fitting a specialty, MACDONALD BLOCK. re G. McINTYRE, WINGIIAM. rowing any Corn this- Season? If so, we dah simply you with the best la (0 CO 3EE. Tie in the country. We have in stock the following varieties of Ensilage and Fodder Coi•n: RED COB, MAMMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET, RURAL THOROUGHBRED, MAMMOTH CUBAN, LONGFELLOW, GOLDEN BEAUTY,- • .to reduce the duty somewhat on facturer and the middleman. In COMPTON'S EARLY, LI?.AMING, puddled bar, which, I understand, is view of these facts, I hold that it is PRIDE OF THE NORTH. one degree liigher in fineness than the duty of the Government to relieve Several other standard kinds are coming in. We have made arange- pig iron, But, you will remember, the consumers of this burden. The milts with one of the largest and most reliable shippers in Canada. for the. Mr. Speaker, that while the Govern- hon. Finance Minister said that they merit proposes to .reduce the duty specially selected Seed Com at a very small advance on the cost •of ordinary', from $i).a ton to $5 a ton, theyepro-' point out a way in •which revenue pose also to give this $2 a ton bounty can be obtained, and with greater IElevator Feed. Corn. Past experience' has proven that Elevator Corn is dear at any price for seeding Purposes. Get the best Corh for seed. for. five years. There is hardly an facility, and with greater advantage article of the • farmers'- implements to the consumers. We often hear it is the raw material of their hidesof free tea and free toffee, and a free that is not .composed largely of iron ; members on the other side speaking AIL Er [lli f,41,1 try, and they demand of Parliament breakfast table. I am sometimesi W 11 I • handling of their Seed Corn. By - this arrangement we are able to furnish that some greater reduction of duty Policy by hon. gentlemen opposite I , shall be made in the tariff on this have never heard the statement made article. Mr. Speaker, I now come to that protection has 'increased the anothsquestion and I hope that the wages of the labouring classes of this hon. member from Assiniboia pin country! As I understand that a Da/in) will .be here to assist large number of gentlemen on the ask why did not the Goveyriment other side have yet- to speak ou this make .soine reduction in thegtxtraor- question, I- hope they will be prepared: clinary ditty on coal oil, wlychis now with figures to show that the labour- about 100 per cent, if' ,Srou include the duty on "the barpf. I • cannot conceive why any industry that is suitable to our conetry, should need a protective dutA:of 100 or 120 per 'cent Ig the indastry requires that nauseated. when. I hear such stuff. Is not tea a legitimate article of taxa-, . tion? Why should we make tea free any more than any other article ? Will any hon.. gentleman on the I other side tell me that? We import tea from foreign countries, and every person in this country, both the poor e."------- - I uv THEW NI, ,iceromo and the rich, use tea ; but every • (.11;;4';•0)4 person does not use coal oil. There- fore, with a reasonable duty say 7 per cent, put on tea, which would be equal to 3 cents on coal oil, the con- sumer would be relieved to a great . • N D RTA K ER, vviN GHAM, ONT.. AN :1 isTA1111:11 land. ILI ILA GO BY iT1101/T extent. and the Mimic° Minister 1L1U .LVL 1L1. p p keeping Liberal voters off the list sample of • the increase of wages the consmyrs. Coal oil ikan abso- ancl placing their own friends on the under free trade in England, and no lute necessity to every householder in list, and. by appointing friendly protective eouin ntyy the world can this cot:airy; especially to the farmerS, ,• revising officers, securing every- pos- show anything it. Under free labourefs of all classes, because in • 1 • • • 1 , 1 thusin1887 thetrade in England the, wages of farm eitiesAnd towns, gas dr electric light and othey, labourers went up as is. tb6 means of. illuminating, and th.e people at the general elections were follows : The wages of miners under richer people are not extensive user's tibuts°11'1H Pl""ed . t" thy' hat, and again handicapped, notwithstanding. tout eer ,alt-inakers Iri%e now to COW- ahchigun and Syracuse. I am to ested ; that an article produced in the county Loin which I come, and I want the Finance Minister specially to note What I have to say. ,The salt interests of this country chiefly uelong to -the uounty of Huron I understand • d free trade 4ent up 50 per cent.; fa a: of coal oil.'Therefore the poorer pete with the American Halt•Inakortt3d of free people. But passing On WO C01110 P i " 1 ) , p say th a t o u r Htiit-Illuktors are pellet:My cont, bricklayers, 65 per cent, sea- oil tax. I will prove to you that it %vitt i e a to compete, priwided they are men, in Bristol, 66 per cent, in Glas- falls ou their shoulders: Last year ,pilitilxiivi,:ipnea H. bitetioi Di equality with the to the general elections in 1891. Did the Conservative,s go Were the sult•inakers. Hut. while the gow, o5 per cent, in Liverpool, 25 to we imported of coal' oil 6,980,000 PiD;;;;t; miliis.i,,',; hiih ".'11"11"a"'d with people qn the merits of the National 70 per cent ; unskilled labourers, 70 ,gallons. The ,otiginal cost of that ' Mi'11„1.rI'1? ' Policy ? Not at all. Sir John Arm- ,,i i t.,,ii.:,,i,,1.,ipyttecacii donald issued a proclamation that he farm labourers, 60 per cent Can $430 565 The average price of the ..ree .isyilt.! salt Maim vitutuirtali la to 90 per cent, and the wages of was $437,692 ; the duty we paid was on the l• 1 :. was about to dissolve Parliament. . , • ., you show any protective country in best American coal oil was 7.1- cents For what purpose ? That the Gov the world. whore the wages of the per gallon, including the dUty, on the eminent was about negotiating a different classes of the community barrel, or -without the barrel, duty reciprocity treaty with the 'United have increased so rapidly as under was C. 4-9 cents net. Now, that duty States, and he wanted a Parliament the free trade policy of England? 1 of $430,000 which we paid went into fresh froni the people in order to see from the 'Globe' of to -day that the exchequer, and that is all right ratify the treitty that he was about there is a strike among ihe weavers enough, But we paid $172,226 as to make between the two countries. down in the Maritime Provinces. It profit to those who handle that oil. Hon. gentlemen opposite who belong Thus, we paid in duty and, profit to the Maritime Provinces are very says: " $602 '791. ' NOW the Finance Minister e s a y y that wo, aro a tory hands, 20 to 80 per cent • car - the Finance Minister entdib .„ 'or cent niasons 47 • people of the country are compelled to bear this heavy burden of the coal not go before the vople of Nova Scotia Witilt,011 Strike ofy0t0rallY on 110count of a says 'that he cart get Canadian oil at per gallon i well aware that the Government did The weavers tbe Ralifes cotton factory and New Brunsw-licl or reduction in wages to front 9 to 11 cents ref the National Policy. They will take effget fr The mturgees Petioles and that the oil men do notn 4*, on the question aotice of it 10 per member that at the cross roads and frtoiorEy, isw:. 'lit Ira no weavers in the se tletiOe Of it re. take advantage of the duty. A coal ' that,on on the fences there were placards (Intim of wlagestlitu 1181 ocit°11: Ines of goods. oil refiner told Me la calling on the people to vote for . They were notified last week that a mine- the best Canadian oislt; theyYnar took d reciprocity and the Conservative ' o mu would take place. vantage of Math:0y, and that gamy' ' 1 C i dial Wate • Whit -1,11 PAGE. -st CONSUMPTION Is averted, or if too late to avert it it is often cured and zhvays relieved by t.t91* .07,1151=22.13=Effrp. muimon inanttfactured 2,000,000 gallons of ,„„129•1,14:4aazu.e),,,,.&.6.4130gM' party leading the people to suppose Heim we itrO proteetine• industries in c, the GoVermnent wore about to nego- this country, up to 720 and 30 per the bast No. a ia i i e, . On which the rate of duty would. en - tate the treaty with the United , cent, and sometimes to thc tune of 40 able the inannfactuter to charge States, and desired tho suppoitt of the I and so per cent, and yet we find people to carry out that treaty. So 1 that the labourers are thrown qut of $1.44,000 extra . by reason of that , the hands of the people' have been employlnent or wages reduced in one duly, and that they manufactured wholly and t 'direly tied, by the leg:s. 1 ol'the hardest seasons of the year lative Act3 of the Government in I when we know that the sto ks oi 8,000,000 gallons of No. 2 inferior I 011, on which they take the advantage. 1 ve le iol, r. Ti re is one fact that will these companies ,are Voted ii the of at least 3 cents a gallon,on account . prove the contention I put forward. different newspapers at frein 20,te of.the duty, which would seine to • % VP -L 411 the Cream of Cod-liver OIL Cures Coughs, Colds and Weak Lungs. Physieittne, the world 03/61` endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes' Iliatthit••••,liellev1110, A1000141, iseo, ,k OU will find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. SING It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. Our stock is now complete in 94. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CHAT JIIES, DELAINES, Svc. See our TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. 19 pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25o. Call and see our stuff. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED Wholesale nini Retail. Respecti ally yours, G- O. li