HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 170
T. rVJ
Huron Perth board •
ion - rans.,for'.
(B�.Wilma Oke) The fourth recommendation is for an enrolment of 210 pupils or the project he said. 133 pupil Sacred. Heart Scjtoal ,
The Huron- Perth Cougty a site purchase adjoining Immac- six classrooms for the centre. Wing am trustee, William Wingham, included in the 1974
Roman Catholic Separate School ulate Conception School in Strat- Justify Kinahan said he found•it difficult forecast for a library resource
Board set priorities for $470,000 ford estimated to cost $60,000. We must justify the need for.• to support the•fgrecast with the (Continued on,Page 5)
in 1976 and for $445,000 in 1977 For 19'1'7 the capital forecast
school improvement oroieets calls for an addition at 5- Town lacks at property,standardt";
The • board accepted the . Ambrose School. Stratford, of a
recommendation thi:t the first library, resource centre, general • I
task should be 'providing aecom- purpose room, change rooms, Seaforth may establish some Crocker said.. The whole discussion is second
modation at St. Michael's School, health room, general storage and sort of property standards to property's owner wants it cleaned hand, Mayor iCardno comtnente¢
Stratford. by alterations to class- administrative area to cost prevent people making "garbage up. Another complaint was
rooms I and 2 for industrial arts.` $320.000 and at St. Boniface dumps out of their own "We have to look at the total reported by councillor Sinnamon;
to "er'ass'irooms 3. and 4 for home ,'School Zurich, a library resource property". Council asked their• town. We have no by-law from a woman who fell- on a
economics, and to gym balcony to centre,, change rooms, plus alter- finance and general government `authority unless there's a health sidewalk, - that had been
provide a music room, including ations to existing reading centre committee to look into flow the hazard. But we should have some recemented after a new light pole
equipment for each at an esti- and principal's office for admini. town can have the authority to ask Aick 'to swing," councillor installation. _
mated cost of $125,000. strative area and storage respec- people to clean up eyesores. .(Charles Campbell said. 11 We should follow a set'
The second project at St. tively. Reeve John Flannery reported We coup+ resolve it with a procedure for complaints, Reeve
Joseph's School; Stratford, is Dublin trustee Joseph Looby that he'd had a complaint from' a request frons the property's . Flannery.said. Councillors agreed
providing a general purpose expressed disappointment that High Street resident about "'junk owner". councillor John
g 1Sinnamon said. There should be that anyone with a complaint
room, change rooms, health- St. Patrick's School. Dublin, was from the dump" being should be asked to put it into a,
room, general storage and admin- not included in the forecast. accumulated on property near the legislation, councillor Campbell letter to council.
istrative area estimated to cos` Jack Lane, superintendent of cor-plainant's back yard, repeated,, and if other towns can
$240,000. business and finance, said the 184 do it, Seaforth can.. If it's not in wfiting, you get
The third project calls for the pupil St. Patrick's School would Mayor Cardno said me town ` Seaforth could pass a property this "I never said a word", after
has no right to clean up the mess. standards b law and it would be
purchase of three new buses not qualify' for a library resource y- the complaint is made pubiic or
(replacements) at an estimated centre until enrolment increased The reeve said that the set by a committee made up of action is taken, councillor George
cost of $45,000 as the Ministry of Education calls complainant told him that the citizen appointees, councillor Jim. Hildebrand said.
" ne
Van Egmond house Sunday.
Huron MPP explains ..what
rent review, act means
(By Jack Riddell, M0i.)
is satisfied the costs presented
on strike, which will affect some
The•Residential Premises Rent
justify the amount of the rent
140,000 high school students.
a Review Act was introduced by
increase. On the other hand he
In reply to a question by Mr.
the Honourable John Rhodes,
can order the landlord to reduce
Vern Singer, Liberal Member of
Minister of Housing, in the
the rent increase to an amount
for Wilson Aeights, as to what
Legislature this week. Mr.
less than 8%. Some Exempt `
progress the Attorney General
Rhodes said that the introduction
This Act will not apply 'to a
made in tightening up or having
of rent control in Ontario, at this
number of residential premises.
the federal authorities tighten up
time" is in keeping with the
These include those owned by
the drinking, and driving law§,
Government's undertaking
federal or provincial governments
Mr, McMurtry indicated that he
during the last election, and that
or government agencies,
attended a federal -provincial
it should be viewed in the context
buildings of four residential units
meeting of Attorneys -General in
of the federal government's
or fewer, luxury accommodation,
Halifax recently , and made
anti-inflation measures which it is
which is defined as having a rent
represesntations to his federal
designed to complement. The
of more than $500 a month,
counterpart with respect to a'
Minister indicated that he was
co-operatives and non-profit
proposed amendment to the
j concerned that the possibility of
housing and several similar
Criminal Code. The proposed
rent control , could have an
exclusions. Also exempted are
amendment dealt with removing
adverse effect on the
new buildings, no part of which
from the Criminal Code the power
development of rental
were occupied for residential
of a judge, in most instances it
accommodation which is already
purposes befmc January 1, 1976.
would 6e a trial judge, to make
scar ce in a number of
Any person who knowingly
order or prohibition arising as a
communities. However, Mr
contravenes the Act, is liable to a
result of a drinking, ana dri-ing
» Rh odes said that at a time when
fine not exceeding $2,000.
offence. Mr. McMurtry said he
} rents have been climbing, wages The Attornev General, The
indicated that in his view this was
limited and prices subject to
honourable Rov . McMurtry,
not in the best interest of
review, rent levies must be
informed the Legislature that in
',controlling or reducing the very
i legislated for the common good,,
t,,tiew . of the introduction of the
serious problem relating to
k The General principales of the
Residential Rent Review Act,
drinking and driving on pur
)? Legislation are-
further legislation to ensure
provincial highways and
Leases commencing between
of, tenure, is required,
requested the amendment be
$ July 29, 1975 and January 1,
Therefore, he intends to
changed and that trial judges be
1976, will be limited to a
introduce amendments to the
given the power to make driving
maximum rental increase of 8 %
Landlord and Tenant Act, to
prohibitions up to a period of a
0 of the rent paid in July, 1975.
protect, tenants who 'become
lifetime for the appropriate case
i' During this period the allowable
involved in rent disputes.
Mrs. Margaret Campbell,
increase cannot be appealed by
Last Tuesday evening some
Liberal Member for St. George,
either party. Appeals will be
3,000 Metro Toronto high school
asked the Ministerof Community
allowed either party . for the
teachers staged a, mass
and Social Services, whether he
balance of the term after January
demonstration at Queen's Park
has given consideration to
r 1, 1976. Provision is made to
"to urge the Government to take
redefining dis ability for the
require landlords to refund
a more reponsible stand on the
purposes of GAiNS. Mr. Taylor
?+ overpayments.
handover of provincial control of
the Minister of Community and
Leases commencing between
education to the federal
Social Services. said that a great
December 31, 1975 and August 1,
government", because the Anti
deal of consideration has been
1976 will be subject to a
inflation Board in Ottawa is to
given but that it is a difficult
i'. V maximum rental increase of 8%
have the, final say in settling the
problem as therq is supposedly a
which may be appealed by either
matter of the teachers' new
difference between the
4° landlord or tenant.
contract. Opposition Members
permanently unemployable
Leases commencing between
have pressured the Provincial
and the permanently disabled.
July 31, 1976 and August 1, 977,
will be subject to a new, maximum
Government to establish a
provincial board to deal with.
There has been a review of
everyone from 60 to 65 and
rental increase established by
wages of employees in the public'
there has been a massive transfer
Order -In -Council, which may be
sector, such as teachers, instead
from permanently unemployable
appealed by either landlord or
of giving jurisdiction , to the
to permanently disabled persons.
federal government under the
Mrs.Sandeman. NDP member
Disputes will be first heard by
new anti-inflation guidelines. In
for Peterborough. asked the
a rent review officer with a right
fact, Liberal Leader Bob Nixon.
Minister of Consumer and
of appeal by either party to the
tabled a motion in the Legislature
Commercial Affairs whether he
rent review board.
to the effect that the House
was aware of the different
- The onus will be on the
regretted the- failure of the
requirements made for married
landlord to demonstrate that
Government to accept its
women who wish to get credit
increased costs justify the rent
responsibility to provide for the
from a credit union or a bank as
direct administration of federal
opposed to those made for
Residential premises for the
Wage and Price Controls.
married men. She asked whether
purpose of the Act will either be a
Leave to Federal
the Minister w as goinb to bring in
dwelling unit that contains
The' Provincial Government
legislation to end' discrimination
bathroom and kitchen facilities or
continues to insist on leaving the
in credit rules.
land used as a site for a mobile
administration of the new controls
Mr. Handleman replied that he
with the Federal Boar&. Teachers
was aware of the discriminatory
Rent will mean, not only the
have ref•ised to sign for an
aspects of credit granting
amount paid by the tbnant for
increase beyond the federa'
practices on the part of certain•
accommodation, but that paid for
guidelines, conditional on
institutions, but that a set of
any ancillary service "or thing"
approval of Ottawa, accepting an
guidelines have just been
such as parking or lockers.
interim' in6rease of 12%, and
completed which will be put to
- A tenancy agreement may be
Ottawa cannot review a contract
industry for comment, The
written, oral or implied-
until it has been signed. This
Minister said he hopes to have an
The rent review officer will be
means that negotiations are at a
$nnouncement to correct the
empowered to approve -the
stalemate, and the teachers have
situation before the , end
amount sought by a landlord if he
now voted overwhelmingly to go
of November. .
� a
The Expositor's.
Christmas S opping.,)
Is, Coming
� Next Week
With only 29 shopping days
'till Chrishnas, - .
district shoppers look to the
Expositor Shopping Issue
for suggestions
for their Christmas buying
y� Expositor Shopping, _Issue
with extra 'copies-
opiesto cover the area
brings the
message of
-, Seaforth and area
Merchants into homes
just in time for Christmas
gift buying
..'Reserve vour� space nowov,
. �
• 4 J