HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 6•
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u1iQN�N ather�p his # 7 gid, they Kay, eceas herbett tylia: old
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V1(illi m am4s Bmwxi; 7!# of fed ins Tt►ke�t until husband tired a Modda coltducte4 . Rev
Q bg. i in lib blit she is survixed by
!�� Seaforth tiler! nt ;the ho a # retixizyg ;to $e ori in 19$, ills '
' Batt hie P me,. wife dt a fit" son fired ofSeaforth, a sister vs. l+Teiso>t Af sb r ei Q
I.�u to Russekl (Fer$i s r ..
one legal od moral able atia Seaforth IMhndaY es Skreet. R h. rs, Walters M k11 n ba tt ,C
on . ip
S S Survl0ri Mrs
all car owners heat' is ttl:� at a, d
i Born in Tuc ecsm�lth Townshli, nalck ik"1or4 :�Mp j r 'and, Mti. McKa ,, a Han► tour three
VallbearorS , p erg
k obligation to, be sure. their e� 'lSen Willis,'
i he was the sop of the late Angus i{ennet4 (Mary) Mor y, bo111 of ,
vehicles are maintains. in 11
Brawn. He married the farmer SeafortXt ivfars, Bred ` (Jessie) grandchildren and six great Craig Willis, Dounle Shay
n - r
• ''�.,, +. `. mechanically safe ,condition. This . , ..► alp•
l i won't' eliminate all accidents buts Ben wt • sP Af 88rttholm a sister,. grandchildren.
�e ap
fah .Hayter,. Qf, f ucanf seven, The remains rested at the and Clair Reit,
o rt c
t it will reduce them, states thg � "
b CIS Ty grandch ldrefi.
Ontario Safety League. It is sw..' The body was at the ".Box
obligatiort each driver owes to his:
community and those who share funeral home, Seaforth, where.
funeral service was held
the road,_ sssss•ss Wednesday at 2 o.m. with ,Rev.
Rail Cwsaing Accidents . vpp
e r _ E. G. Nelson officiating. Burial
. ' x •' Rail crossing accidents are an was in Saird's Cemetery Stanley
f �,,►z i enigma. One would expect they Township. ,
involve motorists who arej Pallbearers were Bob Patrick;
unfamiliar with the rail Grassing. Lloyd Haney, Russel Miller. Ken
But -all tosh
o frequently that is not Doig, Rod Doig and Bob Doig..
the case, the Ontario' `Safe Flower bearers were Neil
1 tablespoon chopped onion
s�•. r , League reports. An fact, most Hodgert, Arthur Wallace and
I cu sliced mushrooms
crossing 'accidents involve local P Ken Hayter.
residents, fully aware of local rail tablespoon fat MRS. JAMES E. VVII,LIS
schedules, The problem is that /. cup milk
SAUSAGE STUFFING IN A PIONEER KITCHEN — DorothyWilliams cuts and trains are sometimes late, . 1 lam of.e can condensed The death occurred , in
� cream of.mushroom soup � Seaforth` Community Hospital on
weighs the fresh - pork sausage in the Van E mond house kitchen on Sunday. sometimes early, and sometimes Friday November 14th of. Mrs.
P g Y unscheduled. And in a rah with /2 teaspoon paprika (optional) Y
husband Ken and Don Graham of Goderich were manning the old fashioned Dash pepper James E. Willis in her 88th year.
a train...the big guy always wins. a "Born in Seaforth, she was the
sausage stuff er. (Staff Photo) ssssssss /4 cup grated old cheddar cheese
3 beaten eggs former M,ery Elizabeth McKay, a
LLL 1 baked 9 -inch pie shell daughter of the late Mr. and
i 0 0 0/ S n u u 1111 Saute union and mushrooms in
fat until onion is transparent.
Combine milk, soup and
Explains high b with onion and
re•ss u re mushrooms olver medium heat
�, 4 until h4ated through. Add
Many, people believe that as the heartr the brain and theIn summary, hypertension
cheese, stir until melted. Add a
is small amount hot sauce to eggs,
hypertension has something to do kidneys, people are mighty casual common, easily detected and positive effect, on your own blend well and return to cheese
with nervousness or anxiety. It about it. treatable. Untreated hie blond health: 'have you pressure
g One Hamilton h sician, g checked; if you're one of the three mixture. Pour into pie shell. Bake
doesn't. It simplymeans high • p y pressure can shorten a lifespan by at 350'F until custard sets (about
blood pressure. specializing in preventive an estimated 16 years. This is one in 20 people with a high reading, 30 minutes). 6 to'8.servings.
It's estimated that about 15 per medicine estimates that half thearea whseek treatment. And follow your
ere you can exert a truly
cent of the adult population has doctor's advice about it faithfully.
P P people with hypertension don't
high blood pressure. And that know they have it; of the half that
means somewhere around half a do know, only half are being
million people in Ontario treated. for it;' and of these,' only
Contrary • to 1popular opinion, half again � are 'taking' the
these hypertensives .are not all treatment consistently and
high-powered executives under properly. In other words, here we
stress; nor are they people who have an easily indentifiable,
shout and scream and throw' easily controllable health
things.. You can have a low profile problem, but it's being taken care
and still have a high blood of adequately in only one eighth
pressure. of the cases.
'The important thing about Possibly'because the disease is
hypertension is, that it's an invisible people 'tend to be too
invisible disease;: and not only is
it unseen, it's unfelt: the person casual about it. The same
with an elevated pressure usually Physician says that less than six
is unaware of the fact. months after medication is
The only way to find out is from started to , control hypertension,
your doctor. That band he puts only about 50 per cent of the
around your arm is connected to a patients are taking enough of it to
dial that records the pressure -in a do any good. •
blood vessel. This allows In about 90 per cent of cases,
'measurement of two pressures, high blood pressure has no known
' the systolic pressure which cause. We .do know, however,
represents the pressure that overweight people are
developed in the arteries when somewhat more prone to it than.
the heart contractsand �re those 'of,n rural weight; wet
diastolic pressc c� i } �, µ the individual'si
represents the pressure od pressure will vary from
remaining in the arteries when time to time as a result of
the heart relaxes. A normal strenuous exercise, or fear, or
reading for a 35 -year old man some traumatic experience.
might show something close to Also, blood pressure increases _
120/80• during the normal aging process,
Despite the fact that untreated so that a reading of 140/90 might
r, hypertension can lead to severebe normal for someone in their
damage to such ' `target" organs 60s, but high for a 20 -year-old.
o PP.
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Final installment is due .• ,..,._..�
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December 1, 1975
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