HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 5•
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Lions rXX
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Correspondent '
WThi Dublii► Lians club 'dance inICuntlt?ii4f1 lrsol P,t1;e its eikierrs fid«huiliMitchell arenaSaturday might n' this as a busioos venture, 1}e ��eit
attracted a large crowd and says, but when he ,wa's going to ' xu�&ei,' :rs� %yo►e Wt, lair,
resulted in additional funds being fond4rt and Sarnila tin�,aX i! �d ivlrs, fl�iryan?inlaysutl,rsY
soon take somethlgTaulri� 1yicCeYlax,sa kiX ;
made available for the club projec '� just asalong."[ltptt�
a new community building at the r
park. To save money on your foal Mr.. Baker says he�has'workpd . , On the sQutit'boirrKtt�}y of #lt�t
Marg Bowman off ullarton won bill, make it your business to in a factory himself and doe`sn'fi tow nshtp'tere k1lsR WesleItF
a fpur piece ster0i in a draw know what you're buying - get the like to be a strike,breakeir, Now ',R 'IR,.1, kirktr2n end jVXr ► 7 Py
WOO, f
which took place at the dance. most 'goodness for the least hes pondering whether to offer' stewaut,`ire#ssl(a
The club in addition to its major money. Did you know that by the service for another week' or MA`
project supports local sports government law, the ingredients not. A lot depends on how long
program. The club has provided of a product are listed on the label the strike will last. Most people An .Expositor Classified ,, 0
uniforms for the Dublin Lionettes in decreasing order of amount? " seem to be jus putting up with it, pay you dlyidends� fiave'yau t}ik
who are coached by Ernie Flem- That means if sugar is the fust he's concluded, one? Dial $27-Q40.
Ing and managed by Larry Cook. ingredient listed, you're paying
The Lionettes lost their 1st mainly for empty calories. Put
game to St. Marys' 4-1 and their your money where your mouth is .
For the ' C a tt
2nd game to Clinton 4-1., They Buy nutrition ....,it matters,
won over Seaforth Girls 4-3.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maloney, Are you confused by all the We Have
Liz, Lori, Lynda and Molly of controversy and conflicting
Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. information on nutrition? Want to
and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. know some inexpensive nutrition
Dublin postmaster Don' books `? that nutritionists T RAM I S O L WORMER
MacRae announces the , new recommend? Send a stamped,
stamp issued November 10, 1975 self-addressed envelope 'to the in Pellets or Injectable
in honour of the 50th anni
versary Toronto Nutrition Committee,
of the formation of the Royal Box 744, Terminal A, Toronto,
Canadian Legion at Winnipeg in and ask for a list of -suggested
1925. It is a limited s.,,ck item nutrition books.
the barn behind Alphonse Cronin's house near St. had stood on the property for more than 100 years.
Columban had one end of it stripped of siding and See story on page one. (Staff Photo)
UCW has, ar chaior tof 1
Correspondent hunting trip to 'the north. They Egmondville U.S.W. when Mr.' endof November. bread other than for toast . or the "Caloric Values of Some
Mrs. C.Geddes shot one deer. and Mrs. James M. Scott A decision was made tq, cater to sandwiches". Some of the girl's Snack Foods".
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Teatero have presented their visit there in `a dinner next April 14, when the answers .included: dressings, Carole Egg"ert demonstrated
just returned from a'fve day trip EgnondvWe U.C.W. Meets pictures at the November annual meeting of District 8 pudding, dessert, ' etc. Debbie how to make Pizza Pups which the
to -Nassau.
"Sevenks in India meeting. was Horticultural Association
Rose read the minutes of the last group tasted. They also tried the
The Smith's were lucky on their enjoyed by • members of Mrs. Scott said that their son Societies is held here. District 8 is meting. Swedish Tea Ring and Hungarian
John was a teacher there at the
comprised of societies from
��� � � i4*vrv"
Bubble Ring which were fresh out
time and it was an excellent
Huron, Bruce and Grey Counties.
"Snacks and Small Meals" was
of the, oven at the end of the
opportunity to visit him„ and t�e--
The n ew slate of U.C.W.
the main topic under discussion
vast country which is not known
officers will be presented at the
°and• Sandra McLachlan read
The girls went over the skit for
by most here.
December meeting.
about this. The girls also answer-
Achievement Day once and plan
His station was on the third
On behalf of the group, Mrs.
ed questions to review this
to hold another meeting next
level of the Himalaya Mountains.
Eyre presented Mrs. Hancock
project. Sandra also spoke about
week to do more work on it.
The scenery was beautiful and the
with a gift of appreciati9n.
Mrs. Boyes read t6e minutes
and correspondence and Miss'
country vast. It is a land of
Mrs.James Rose and
Buy one today, Use it tonight
Smith gave the treasurer's report.
contrasts -extreme poverty and
extreme wealth, she related.
.committee served a lunch.
Last But Not Yeast, Club
Seaforth Manor Iia enings
"There, are too many ,people",
The Egmondville -I 4H mem-
effective September 1, 1975.•system
she said, "just masses and
bers met at the •home of the
"Birthday • Greetings" ' to
visited with Wilbur Keyes. Mrs.
Eggert s for the sixth meeting.
Steven Fournier and Bert Hi'ndy
Anna McNichol and Miss Tillie
They were thanked and
All the girls were present and the
who celebrated their birthdays on.
Dundas visited with *Mrs. Leila
presented with a token of
meeting was opened with the 41J
Friday. Bingo was played and a
: ap by Mrs. Leonard
pledge. w,'
urge birthday cake was enjoyed
Visitors with Mrs. Ada Reid
Strong. Mrs. Alec Chesney, who
The roll call was answered by
y ali. Winners at bingo were:
this past week were Mrs. Beth
was in charge of devotions,
telling which supper. dish they
Full House, Harold Walsh, Len
Bee.hely, Miss Belle Campbell.
introduced them.,
made using bread as a main
' McKellar and Earl Watt. Straight
'Mrs. Eva McCartney ' and Mrs.
Taking part in the program
ingredient. Marg Van Dyke read
Line, Aury Lambkin, Duncan
Jennie Storey. "
were Mrs. Douglas Wallace, who
the minutes of the last meeting.
Aikenhead, Clarence Jackson and
expenses by the Perth
The easy effective way to kill
those warbles and -lice
Call "us for . Service
Seaforth • .521-1910
read the Scripture; and a reading Carole Eggert wrote out an idea
by Mrs. Andrew Lunn. Mrs. Earl .fora skit 'that the club could
Miss Bessie -Davidson.
Four Corners, Alvin
��� � � i4*vrv"
Papple read "A letter from the
present at Acheivement Day and
' Ludgn,
Moriey Bloomfield, Ludger
ar m
Battlefield" and Mrs.Ed. Boyes
read it to the girls. All voted to
Seguin and Albert.St. Denis.
detailed report of the ad hoc
a poem - "Recessional"
"Lest WE Forget", by Rudyard
use it and then chose characters
for each part.
Kathy and Mike Coe of Dunas
visited their grandfather Mr. .
1. *16" cAlim
A quartette of ladies, Mrs.E.
The leader, Sandra McLachlan,
spoke about ' `Fancy Breads" and
'John Darling •on Saturday. Mr.
Jack Davidson visited with Mr.
William Scott, 'Mr. Wilbur
MY1Myy �'*'�a&& ��/� xA&&jG..A*oom*
Durst, Mrs. E. Stephenson, Mrs.
From Other Lands".
mentation procedure of the ad hoc
T.E.Hancock and Miss Mae
Smith sang, "At the Foot of the
The girls held a discussion -and
ariswered the questions for this
and Mrs. Ada Reid. Mrs. Lillie
Hudie was visited by her sis ter
KhOwn Aid Portable Dishwashers
Old Rugged Cross".
meeting concerning these topics.
Mrs. Jennie Storey of town also
Mrs. Boyes read t6e minutes
and correspondence and Miss'
Carole Eggert demonstrated how
to make, the Hungarian Bubble
her niece Mrs. Marjorie Rock.
Mrs. Elmore Keyes of Exeter
Buy one today, Use it tonight
Smith gave the treasurer's report.
Ring 'while Sandra read the
intendent of special services,
minutes and the agenda be sent
HPRC, board
(Continued from page la)
tiohs to the new board office
centre, special education class-
costing $30,000'-4hd the moving
room, change rooms and general
costs of $5,000 were as budgeted.
storage, has been dropped in this
Mr. O'Drowsky presented a
year's list.
detailed report of the ad hoc
"There is supposed to be equal
curriculum review committee and
opportunities7f, all students...,"
the committee was disbanded
Mr. Kinah n said.
after being commended for 'the
Mr. La assured him that the
'work carried out in the study.
forecast is sed on ministry of
The board adopted the imple-
education gui lines, and that the
mentation procedure of the ad hoc
Wingham schoo would not be
committee on early school leaving
one to get the minis 's blessing.
and appointed William Kinahan
Salary increases of $2,400
and DavidTeahen to the commit -
given to John Vintar, director .of
education, raising his salary to
The board approved a request
$35,400' effective August 1, 1975
from the principal's association
and to Joseph Tokar, super-
that copies of approved board
intendent of special services,
minutes and the agenda be sent
raising his salary to $29,400
to each principal within the
effective September 1, 1975.•system
to be posted on the staff
Stratford trustee Howard
bulletin board.
Shantz • remarked that these
Four new Roman ' Catholic
increases were within the guide=
separate school zones have been
lines set by the government.
verified by the ministry of educa-
tion and the catholic ratepayers
Trustee John O'Drowsky of St.
living within these areas can
Marys commended both Mr.
direct their tax support to the
Vintar and Mr. Tokar for staying
separate schools. in Perth. 1.
within the guidelines although
Township of Wallace. In Huron:
their salaries were set prior to the
2, Township of Stanley and
ministry restrictions.
Tuckersmith. .3. Townships of
Named to the ad hoc salary
West Wawangsh. 4.
negotiating committee for teach-
Township of East Wawanosh.
ers were board members; Donald
Mr. Lane reported that the
Crowley, R.R. 2, Gadshill, Arthur
partable classroom at St. Aloysius
Haid, R.R. 4, Listowel, Gregory
School was rented to the Perth
Fleming, Crediton, and Howard
County Board of Education at a
Shantz, Stratford, ,and their ap-
rent of $1,000 Rom January to
pointments were effective im-
June 1976 and all moving
expenses by the Perth
• A borrowing by-law for
Board. He said the portable will
$300,000 was passed to carry the
be moved this week.
board for the remainder of the
The. meeting adjourned at 12
midnight when board` continued
Mr. Lyne *reported the renova-
as committee of the whole.
Two fellows were discussing
Mrs. Charles Ey re presided for directions. the decline of the stock market.
the business period. She Meeting Seven One asked the other: '"Does it
announced" that a bale was to be The ., final meeting of this bother you?'
packed soon and asked members project was hei'd at Eggert's and "Who, me?" replied his E - ZZ to bripg contributions of good it was opened with the 4H pledge. friend. "i sleep life a baby. Every
used'clothing to the church by the • The roll call was, "Name a use for two hours 1 -wake up and. cry."
1. 0
O all tune u
O o p
pia its
Valid with Cov on Only
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Parts Dept.
Offer Expires November 28, 1975
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• 'CVI.i• .�t�Y'h�fih:l�. \,4:::v: :.i\...: S." •t �X`C `Sia`y.<'`Ciwi+l��>:;t;.fi:S`.,+:•`.,:5�.'•�i�`.>. ho>'yy�.�.•�,?`.�1:
We ,Stock A/C DELCO Tune Up Parts
for CM, Pond, Chrysler and
Imported Cars
T-«- 17 , - Seaforth, ort.
The dishwasher for small •or narrow kitchens be-
cause it opens up, not out. Takes a minimum of.
floor space. Your choice of colors.
Big, roomy racks roll all the way out for easy load-
ing. Handy work surface top. Convertible models
can be built in anytime. Your choice of colorsa
Your dealer Is also headquar-
ters for KitchenAid Trash Com-
pactors, Food Waste Disposers
and Hbt-water Dispensers.
i wKt'Ch4m.41A.41110
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