HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 4mon., hoMe, V
Correspondent with Mr. and hfrs. Edward
Mrs. Eel. Regele Regele.
-Mrs, Paul McCallum is visiting
with her parents,` Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Willis of Brussels.. ,
Mr. lidward Regele has return- va n a st �''o
ed home from Seaforth Commu-
nity Hospital, " 0
Mr. Harold, Paul and Ron Po
McCallum, Mr. Don and Warren' 'Winter Registration
Dennis, Mr.. Kelly Dalton, and
Mr. Johnny Glanville are spend-' December 13
ing the week hunting on the
Manitoulin island.• for det0s see
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fisher, Huron Shopping N6ws
Mitchell, Mrs. Harold McCallum November 27
and -Carl were Sunday visitors
November 28.1475
Please check your account and
help us clean up these y
loose ends for the
coming year
We like to know our customers
by name!
Miss Rebecca Rock, U.W.O.,
London weekend with
pol lkpi ,� PQS1TPf.t i! Qy9MBP1,90#
Knights of Columbus will be held
a n 1
t the Council Rgoms at• ,St. '
W Got
;her grttnFlpar nts Mt•~ hnd Mrd,
C�aystal . lgalaice;* �"•''�'Mitshell.
and boys, Sebach's Hili and Mr.
Columban of 8.36 .m. November eve
Paor,4,nts primary,
sa s
20, 1975. Come on out and'bring a
" '"10s:p£`paramount importance
examine the priptity which -they
building's location 'beside the
ttt recogt4o the primary role of
themselves give to God and work
cthurcb and across the road from
hcistla ,parents as we dedicate'
'together for the Christian
the (elementary) school
A_buJld.i4g whose geographical
development of their children,"
represents the co-operation which
location - highlights the
he concluded.
has been the mainstay of Roman
co.responsibility of home, school
A crowd of over two hundred
Catholic educaticq in Ontario, All
' and church for the Christian
parents, clergy, school board
of our endeavours must be aimed
k «
Education of Youth" Bishop
members both separate and from
at bringing the reality of Christ to
John Sherlock said at the official
the Boards of Education from
our students and this can only
opening of the new board offices
Huron and Perth, . school
happen through continuing co-
i m
of the Huron -Perth County
principals and area residents
operation among the church,
t' Roman Catholic Separate .School
attended• the, ceremonies 'in the
school and home."
Board in Dublin
offices in the former Ursuline
Renovations to convert the,!
"We r9ust do more than pay lip
iConvent and continuation school
building td provide the spacious
service to the primacy of, the role
located on the main street in
uartvrs for the school board
of parents," he said. "The
administrative office and teaching
opening of this centre gives us an
The convent and school were
consultants' offices are estimated
opportunity to examine the
invitation to
built sixty years ago ;n 1415. The
school was closed in 1969 and the
to .cost about $30,000. No major
New s �, n � �,. r s c I u b t o
t h e �
genuineness of our
parents to share in Christian
convent w s vacated in June this
structural changes were
yearn the three remainingKindergarten
children from St.
Dublin and District Diamonds,
. Mr. Louis Maloney Sr. and son
on the weekend with brothers and
"We must provide new
Sisters moved.
Patrick's School, Dublin,, and St.
Senior Citizens group which was
John and daughter Mrs. Al Shean
sisters in Dublin.
structures for their participation,
David T eahen, Stratford, board
Columban Roman Catholic School
formed as a result of a Horizon
of Detroit visited on the weekend
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coyne and
structure which will enable them
chairman said as he welcomed the
continue to use two of the
Grant had it's first card game
•with,Mr. and Mrs. Pete Maloney
baby of Owen Sound spent the
to share one another's faith,
guests, "We believe this
classrooms in the building.
Friday October 24 ,at the St.
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ferg
Patrick's School Gym, when 40
Visitors at the home of Mr.
Special -
at Churc'h''
At the meeting a bus trip ,was
organized to go to the Royal
Mr. and Mrs.,,Dave Murtha of
Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Peter E. Maloney Sr.
were Mr. and Mrs.& ' Robert
Winter Fair Monday.
and Mrs. Lou Rowland. Mrs.
O'Rourke, - and family Karen,
Friends and relatii7es of Mrs,
Commerce attracted the largest
Forty members enjoyed a good
Evelyn O'Neil of Windsor visited
Daryle Murtha from Hamilton.
Mrs. Laverwwolfe
Smith will be sorry to hear she
attendance ever.
day at the Fair and had dinner in
Sunday morning at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen,
had undergone surgery again in
the Seaforth community Hospital.
Friends and relatives of Mrs.
Carl Higenell will be sorry to hear
Kitt:hener on the way home.
In charge were Joe Shea, Mrs.
there was a basket of flowers at
We wish her a speedy recovery•
that she has gone under. surgery
Anne Burchill and Geo Ducharme
the lectern from the family of the
in the general hospital at
late John Alles. They were placed
there by his daughters, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rock
from Farmington, Mich., 'were
We would like to dish
Mr, and Mrs, Don Warren of
Mrs. Albert Bauer, Mr. and,
.guests of Dr. and 'Mrs. Keith.
•, her a speedy recovery. Mr. and
London visited with Mrs. Jean
Mrs.Donald Shenk and
McGill, Mitchell and other
Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were dinner
Dill over the weekend also her
grandchildren. Our sincere
relatives around Brodhagen last
guests of'the latter's brother and
brother Jack Frost from Sf.
boys Bowmanville visited for a
sympathy 'goes to his family.
sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Ezra
Thomas spent a .few days with
John Templeman
few days with Alvin and Bill
Mr. Fred Egerdee, Milverton,
Mrs. Murray Rock had �opb,n, .
,•H,inz, Dennis ,and Larry in
Mrs. Dill. Mrs. Dill is recoveringMrs.
was the guest speaker at the
house in her home when she was
Stratford on Thursday.
favourably since her recent sur-
The final meeting of the Staffa
service at St. Peter's Sunday
hostess to a number of ladies
Nifty Needlers was held on
morning. He is a member for.
from Brodhagen and area who
Mrs. Dan Costello had a
Saturday November 3rd at, the
` Mrs. Myrtle Duncan passed
Stewardship Committee. Pastor
attended to look at and see a
last week with Mr. -and Mrs.
•home of the assistant leader,
away on Thursday evening Nov.
and Mrs.Arthur Horst were in
display of beauty products and to
Doug McGilleuary anf family
'Mrs. Doris Jeffery. The meeting
13, at Auronview in her 85th year.
charge 'of Riverside Nursing
enjoy the delicate aromas. 'Each
from Chatham and late,ana_h Mr.
opened with' the 4th pledge and
• She leaves three daughters,
Home and Smith Nursing Home,
came out like a rose..
and Mrs. Peter Grohok of London
secretary's report.
Jean, Mrs. Robert Maver, Exeter
Mitchell, Sunday evening for both
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kistener
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Visser and
Then girls answered the roll
Doris, Mrs. Lloyd Miller, Roberta
the services and entertained with
accompanied Larry to Acton near
family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
call by showing their "Free
Mrs, John Templeman both of
a cou a of musical selections:
Toronto and were Sunday guests
Ryan and Don MacRae. Mr.
Choice" articles and telling their
Staffa, also 23 grandchildren and
The Ro rt Robinson family took
at the home of their son and
J. D. MacRae leaves next week
favourite stitch. 1
13 great grandchildren.
the seryl a for the Rit. Villa,
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
for Phoenix. Arizona where he
Mrs. Joyce Vivian explained
She also is survived by two
Mitchell. rs, was in
Robert Kistener.
will be on course for 13 weeks for
Achievment Day procedures. She
sisters Mrs. Hazel Coward,
charge of t e meditation, Scott
Mr. • Armand Legras. St.
Mrs. R. Laing
Minneapolis - Honeywell Com-
also discussed how to judge
Woodham and Arabelle Mrs.
and Jane ave the scripture
Claude. Manitoba who was
Members of the session and
needlework, She presented four
Benson Tuckey, Exeter, a brother
passages an Bob conducted the
visiting friends here last week,
board of managers of Cromarty
We envy him the nice warm
wall hangings and the members
Nelson Hunkin Teeswater.
order of ervice and Brent
formerly worked at Dickison
Church"held their annual canvass
weather for the Jong winter
then judged these on general
.Funeral service was held Sun -
assisted. M ss Lois Horst was the
following the church service .on
appearance, workmanship and
day from the Hockey—Hopper
organist'. For many of the people
Error - when Mrs. Al Leonhardt
Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Nick Blatt of Chatham
design. -
funeral home with interment at
of St. Pet is it was a„ very busy
had a recent plastic display in her
Friends of Mrs. Otto Walker
called on Mrs. Jean. Dill last
Mary Jane Templeman told the
Roys cemetary. Rev. Glen Wright
Sunday ening. In addition to
home it was Mrs. Christine
will be glad to hear that she has
members how she judged the wall
officiated'.'Pallbearers were six
church activities the Luther
Belfour who sponsored it and was
returned .,home after spending
Mr. and M!. Clayton Hill have
hangings and how to give reasons`
grandsons, Wayne, Jack and
League -held a party at Mitchell
in charge. Thank you.
several weeks in St. Joseph's
returned to there hom in Chicago
for her choices. The meeting was
Brian Mauer, Exeter, Ron Miller,
bowling lanes Sunday evening:.
There were a number from here
after visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
then adjourned.
Rob and David Templeman,
where members enjoyed a
who attended the Adams and
Sunday visitors with Mrs. John
Martin Klinkhamer. The regular
Mr, and Mrs. Jim Rickard and
Staffa. r
bowling party
Osborne wedding in the
Jefferson were Mr and Mrs Bill
meeting of Fr.,' Stephen Eckert
mon., hoMe, V
Correspondent with Mr. and hfrs. Edward
Mrs. Eel. Regele Regele.
-Mrs, Paul McCallum is visiting
with her parents,` Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Willis of Brussels.. ,
Mr. lidward Regele has return- va n a st �''o
ed home from Seaforth Commu-
nity Hospital, " 0
Mr. Harold, Paul and Ron Po
McCallum, Mr. Don and Warren' 'Winter Registration
Dennis, Mr.. Kelly Dalton, and
Mr. Johnny Glanville are spend-' December 13
ing the week hunting on the
Manitoulin island.• for det0s see
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fisher, Huron Shopping N6ws
Mitchell, Mrs. Harold McCallum November 27
and -Carl were Sunday visitors
November 28.1475
Please check your account and
help us clean up these y
loose ends for the
coming year
We like to know our customers
by name!
Miss Rebecca Rock, U.W.O.,
London weekend with
Presbyterian Church in Monkton.
The reception was held. in the
Chessell, Marion and Brian,
Varna, Mr, and Don Reihl,
Knights of Columbus will be held
a n 1
t the Council Rgoms at• ,St. '
W Got
;her grttnFlpar nts Mt•~ hnd Mrd,
C�aystal . lgalaice;* �"•''�'Mitshell.
and boys, Sebach's Hili and Mr.
Columban of 8.36 .m. November eve
EdL d i1'1 N'
C t i f' th
d Ivi $'ll L ;At J h d
20, 1975. Come on out and'bring a
win oc an nc a Orman.ongra u a tons o e young an rs. t at aw, o n an
Mrs. Adeline Bennewies spent couple. Tina of Dorchester, car load.
a few days with her son-in-law . \The ]lingo and turkey draw held Recent visitors with Mr. and Mr."and Mrs. Maurice Etue of
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy at 'tfie Brodhagen Community Mrs. Mervin Dow were Mr, and Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bossence and David in Stratford Centre last Wednesday and Mrs, Bill Worthington of Jr. Maloney of of Dublin visited, s.To- S
last week. sponsored by the Chamber -of Kitchener. with Peter and Cothilda Maloney,
Raglan St. Dublin.
Old timers. card party a -success
■ i s"�a� N "mac• �x
Correspondent and quality leff nothing to •be The next meeting will be Bro. Jos. McQuaid of St. John
Mr. V.J. Lane desired. - Wednesday December 10th. School Uxbridge visited with Mr. �s
St Columban 'Olt' Timers Club' Ladies high was Mrs. Mike and Mrs. V. Lane Thursday, .
held the first of their monthly McLaughlin. Mrs. Tessie Mal- Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McLean x - 77=7
card parties Wednesday after- oney was low winner. and family Stratford visited with Senior Citizens from here were
noon November 12th. While -the Wilfred O'Rourke was high for Mr. and Mrs. Dennjs Nolan on guests of the Dublin District
attendance was not as large as the men. the low prize going to Sunday. thamonds on -a bus trip to the v
anticipated it was considered very Joe Doyle. Gent's lone hand went Royal Winter fair on Monday, a
successful for a starter. Ladies to Mike McLaughlin with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vanden very enjoyable day was describedin`
who supplied lunch in quantity Mary McIver winner 'for the Berg Sarnia called on Mr. and by all. Thank you Dublin for this
ladies. Mrs. Vincent Lane on Sunday. arrangement.
St. Columban
wins first in.
Stratford meet
St. Columban school placed
first in a cross country meet held
November •7 around Stratford's
Avon River. Two boys and two
girls from each of the grades from
S to 8 competed against teams
from 8 other schools. Two individ-
ual first prize winners were
Louise Nolan for the grade 6 girls
and Michael Van Drunen for the
grade 5 boys.
-The St. Columban Senior Girls
Soccer team advanced to the
Huron Perth finals but were
narrowly defeated by the Kings-
bridge team who scored twice in
the last 10 minutes of the game
held at St. Columban School
November 6.
Local students who placed i n
the meet include? Grade 5 girls,
Colleen Melady 6th, Eileen Duffy
Grade 5 boys, Mike Van
Drunen 1st, Wayne Ryan 4th.
Grade 6 girls, Louise Nolan 1st.
Denise Ducharme 2nd.
Grade 6 boys, Brendan Lane
2nd, Doug Steinman Sth.
Grade 7 girls, Linda Klaver 7th,
Gail O'Rourke 9th. . .
• ' Grade 7 boys, David Menheere
3rd, Matthew Klaver 7th.
Grade 8 girls, Denise Lazne 2nd,
Mary Anne Nolan 8th.
Grade 8 boys, Mark Murray 8th
and Joey Van Bakel '9th.
St, Columbary school got these
1st --2 Sth-•-•1
2ad-3 6th ----1,
3rd -1 M---2
4th -1 qth-- 2
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