HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 3, .. ... . r , an..! ., ..,.. ,v and ....•. '..,..,.
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picture of the trees'" she .Sa sr' - ' u o h $ fi o:. a ti ,
x .y • , a enin thi. s u the Goderich editors comments thought . $ht t the millions of people no P....iiiP Rg a n1 a t ,
��M" _ 3 We gave a lot of coverage last. P ' opening ng p too aaiu�ch
I we. o he Hadw. report The Goderich editor a1ti4a' h&` i u some of the no so In of er arts of the world' who, . SCuforth "'ail?i.S 4atfi
X41h3 „4Fs tF ek t t ., en ep rt to Just how far aPak County to bring out mt t .. P
�f by County Council, .The University some thoughts abouj Vic. Councillors and their Constituents satisfactory things about county don t get enough to eat, QJii?}kivla
�n ; Had en's portrait f e i 2
y, ✓ d, ,,3 of Guelph sociologist s report Po t o "the Cal may actually be is illustrated b government It wouldn't do far is trying to change this by helping Seaforth CQ)artugliy 'op
sang the praises of our elected rive. the • fact that the bi est the noise of Huron county poAr countries develop more got another 1 . our awht1p,
representatives, at the municipal g$ i
P percentage of voters interviewed councillors and .Huron county efficient ways of producing their the �Citnadjau ., oS,piti�' ,
Hes in his fifties and has ty y p g
always lived in the coup He's "
• � .� j`� ,: : ��z�� z'�a� `'��`� � and county. level. Y tY+ thought roads and snow removal voters patting each other on the own food. Association Cbgventtt+ln izi'liegin�;> ,
People in Huron have a lot of self employed farmer and his wife . were count council's biggest back to become too loud. Students at SDHS are giving up the hospital duos:• rated -�l`or the''
confidence in their local responsibility, while councillors * * * • • Y
does not work outside their lunch today and will donate excellence sof thdir medical record
j` councillors and reeves and they the household. themselves said their biggest job the money they'd spend to keeping,
f � �N feel that communication with There are pros to having this was planning. It was good to see hundreds 0f OXFAM. It's part of a one day A Dr: Taylor, wbq -Vas. o4,0e
,y r,k !F type of m n
r them is excellent. Those surveyed YP p making most of the People taking in the C}derfest at fast, that's going on across the team which accredited .tbe lofr4l
' `t` y "i by Hadwen feel that they can, decisions in county government, 'Anyone who has • carefully the ' Van Egmond house on province. Vanda Storey is in hospital last spring, was spodkitig
says. bring problems to their Mrs. Keller sa s He'l had a lot followed local government in Sunday. The grounds and the old charge of the fast at the local high to convention delegates, :when he
' 4 ' representatives and are. sure that of experience.. But he may be just - Huron over the past few years will house were a perfect location for a school, said there is no excuse for even
U .
't& tea they'll try to solve them. a bit motc .stuck in his ways than have to agaree that county family outing. Members of the public who small hospitals not to keep good
s - Before -Huron politicians get younger, representataives would council's planning and We- saw a, large number of want to donate to OXFAM or join medical records.
be . But younger people who are d
• ' � �" •�' _ � •� �°,� , ;W too .swelled headed about it all, Y g P P evelopment work is the most strange (i.e. not native to the fast can contact the school. He said something to the effect
y +, , we'd like to print a few of the not self employed might not have important thing they do. A t Seaforth and area) faces and think that, he knew it coil d be clone
(1 �{ : °j " �� h , the time or resources available to ' At'' least it will have the most the house is proving itself a major
�t , x: thoughtful comments of Goderich P g j because he had seen a really top
Signal Star editor Shirley Keller, sit on county council, where impact on what. sort of a place tourist attraction. Only four girls showed up for notch medical record section at
who's covered county Council for day time meetings are the rule. Huron will be to live in in the Van Egmond Foundation Brownie registration Tuesday Seaforth Community Hospital.
about 10 years. Finally, and we think it's an future, They have had to take on president Bob Newnham said night, according to District Mrs. Dorothy Munroe and staff
Mrs. Keller says that few of the
inter oint, the t teal looking ahead responsibility for over $450. was raised. Justabout Commissioner Vivienne
y p yp g p are in charge of medical records
450 people Dr. 14adwen surveyed reeve is qot the average Huron the County to banish the threat of everything Was donated•including Newnham. Tberefore, there'll be here.,
were well' informed about the county man, because his wife regional government. They have homemade muffins,jams, dried
doesn't o out to work. "And this been trying to do for themselves flowers and apples for cider.
workings of county or local g Y g PP
government. Most people aren't, may, in some way, put the typical the things that the province says Gerald Marten worked`
she says. reeve slightly out of touch with only regional government can do.' hard all afternoon pressing apples
'I only intend to point out thatthe average Huron Cd'anty We are glad that Huron' into Cider on his hand made PRE SNOW,,
�; y, few voters are close enough to voter." residents are confident in the press. About90gallons were'sold. f ..','*'•'";,�,
A SMALL VOLUNTEER -- The spirit of co-operation municipal and county council Reeves and county councillors, work that county councillors do. Don Graham of Goderich
A matters to answer questions as well as voters were intefviewed We too have -found local reeves an '
was catchingat the Van E mond Ciderfest on q demonstrated old fashioned ,,.• `
g concerning them with any degree for the Hadwen study. The reeves open, available group of men who sausage making with an antique : f;<.«z<.s:;; >:.,•:> r r',,:
Sunday. Little Kari Lynn Baker, who attended the, of accuracy. What average voters are quoted as believing that it is return calls, answer questions sausage stuffer (belonging to
Ciderfest with her grandmother was busy opening could provide would be feelings important for them to keep in and don't hide behind a layer of Dorothy Williams) in the kitchen MENS
the door for people who were touring the renovated .•. very general feelings ... and close touch with their constituents unelected bureaucrats as.we have of the house and s• ales of the 50 00
p p 9 ,Top Coats 3 2. & 4 5.
house. The Van Egmond Foundation is restoring the whether or not these feelings by being available to see people seen happen tin bigger f resh, pork sausage were
were always expressed honestly . and by malting full use of- the municipalities and at other levels brisk. All Weather Coati 50 00
house, built by Constant VanEgmond to its circa and objective) for the purposes media. Mrs. Keller says few of government. 29• zip lined 35.
objectively PrP Even the warm weather
1860 condition. (Staff Photo) of the study, is also open to county councillors are making full But we'd like to see more co-operated to make it a relaxing Jackets & Parkas` 14'.95 to 39,50'
'onjecture." use of the media to inform people county council committee and enjoyable afternoon. Let's Sno-suits r� 50 ' 00
• For those reasons, she and we'd agree. , meetings open to the' press and see it again next vearr `� �' to 45
Brought movies here luestions whether the study The 450 people interviewed public. Heavy duck work parkas 2 95t0 26900
'realty got down to the nifty may think they are learning all There are two sides to every As you s,it down to a heavily
(C onlinnc(I from Page f) in organizing several tennis clubs gritty of government in Huron about county council from the story and we've reprinted'some of laden dinner table tonight, give a Extra long vests 10 95 '
business until 1932 when the lack in town and continued to play an County." People seemed to feel media. But county council 95 4
that life is pretty good here in continues to hold all its committee COveral IS 6
of silent films forced him to close. enthusiastic game until recent, P Y g sessions in private and the .
ears- Huron County. Perhaps it could P 95•
Throughout the years, the theatre Y reports from the full sessions that •�'� heads
,Lined green Or denim SRiOCkSwas located in the buildin now Until failing health recently be better, but don't rock the boat p SeafortI man •
g because it could be worse, was You read in this paper are a Flannel work -shirts 50 95 °
occupied by Sincerity Shoes. forced a curtailment of his "watered down vers on" bf how 5. to 8
A keen athlete Mr. MacKenzie activities he continued to play golf the tone of their comments. vers)
8n champion Seaforth well past his 90th birthday. Mrs. Keller says the study business is conducted. shareholders Flannel pyjamas 6.00 to 9� 00
lacrosse and hockey teams at the Mr. NfacKenzie served on the concentrated on life-long There are two different '
residents of the county, and while agendas handed out at county Polo pyjamas 9.95
turn of the century. A tong time Seaforth council for several years council sessions too --- one for the •
tennis player, he became and for nearly 5'0 years was a their impressions are valuable, it A 9 percent dividend on shares for a 9 percent, dividend. Assets Fleece lined sweat shirts 8.95 with hood 8.50
P Y might have been interesting to Press that is less detailed than the was approved at the annual increased by almost 2 million
• interested in badminton when the member of the Seaforth Volunteer one members et. Press 95 95
Fire Brigade. read the views of those who have g meeting of Clinton Community dollars to $8,890,163.00 at the Caps & Toques 2; t0
game was introduced here in the g lived elsewhere, or of those who representatives have argued for Credit Union .Limited November fiscal year end September 30, 3
early thirties and continued to He is survived by his sister Y P
Miss Rena MacKenzie with whom have moved 'out of the county. more open meetings, more 12, in the Ministry of Agriculture 175 Dress & work gloves 2.50 t0 `� O 95
play as long as the Seaforth Club "Sometimes none can stand too detailed agendas and access to and Food Board room in Clinton. 1%eZt Kingswell, resident for
carried on. He was instrumental he resided and by a brother Alex, " o(, g p Deer skin curling gloves 10 95
135 Lac lie St.; Orillia and b close to the forest to get a clear , county reports, over the years, This is the second year in a row eight yearx,,resigned owing to ill
y but the haven't succeeded in 9 95 a:,•• ;.";:
several nieces and nephews. He Y health and 'Charles Nelson, a - 71 Combs. .
duos predeceased by a sisterMrs. credit" committee member, was. `,.i. •',. `•`
elected to the Board of Directors. 71 shirts iris Or Ion
When � s . Montgomery (Maizie) Patrick and � 9S 5.95
1 ••
Richard Lobb was elected to the.
R rt '_brothels George andWest Show com n tc• Blyth g Thermal combs. ion 'or shod sleeve '$'.50
Robert E. He attended Credit Committee. 9
Thermal longs heavyweight6.95
th tUr+��� E mondville United Church. ;I At an election of officers 45
i g
The remains are resting at jlfe • Theatre Passe, Muraille's occasionally outrageous glimpses life on the Prairies from the Riel following the shareholders meet- •
R.S:Box Funeral Home where a widely acclaimed new play about into the life -of Mr. Diefenbaker.' Rebellion to recent farmer ing, Ernest Williams, Town Clerk med,weight 4.95 -
funeral service will be conducted the Prairies, "The West Show", A red river cart was built for demonstrations with intuitive of Seaforth for several years, was Thermal Shirts heavyweight 6.95 L:J
done,by Rev. A. R. -Yielding on Friday, wt'll be presented in Blyth the show by Bob Pearson, stage understanding." elected president, John Lavis,
November 21 at 2 p.m. Interment Memorial Hall fon one night. only , manager for Theatre Passe This show is fine family vice,president president and Tom Eadie 5
g Y BOYS race. weight 3.
How do you know when roasted
will follow in tJlaitldndbank on Monday, December 1st. Muraille and a native of Brussels. - entertainment, and the Blyth remained as secretary. Also ap- J
Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Proceeds from the performance The use made of the cart in the performance will be the only one pointed for another year were
y, poultry is cooked and can be HarveyBeuerman, ' Donald will help defray the cost of Jackets & Park'asl (� 95 to 2 95 n,rrh
P Y production has been described by in Western Ontario. Performance Andrew Peterson as Treasurer
taken from the oven.
McKaig, Edgar Allan, Andrew materials for the LIP funded a reviewer as "fabulously, time is 8:30 p.m. and tickets are and Fred Gibson as Manager. Flannel pyjamas 3.95 to +5 50 -'
One way is to press the thick Q
Houston, Glenn -Smith and A. C. improvements to the Interior of imaginative". $3.00 for adults and $2.00 for . A By-law to increase the limit a
muscle of the drumstick by first Dunbar. Flower bearers will be the Memorial Hall. Polo pyjama 95 ...........
protecting your fingers with a "More satirically funny than 'The children under' 14. Advance loan officer is authorized to 4.
cloth or paper towel. If the muscle J•A.Cardno and Elmer ....•... John Diefenbaker, Tommy Farm Show", say reviews from ' tickets are available by phoning apprgye from $3,000.00 to Thermal longs coloured 3.95' White 3 50
feels soft then the bird is .done. Stephenson. Douglas and the legendary hero, Saskatchevgan, " 'The West Blyth 523-9646 and at the Huron $5,000.00', was ratified by the
Gabriel Dumont, are among the' Show' catches the many facets of Expositor office, Seaforth. membership. Corduroy pants plain, or checks size 7 to 18
Another indication of doneness is
if the leg moves easily when it is ' racters recreated by David. 95 95
lifted or twisted. T u c ke=r S m i t Eric Peterson, Ted Johns (a Wind b r'� n 9S 95
• to 9
Hockey bags 'j 3.
W011 muco frc'un Pa ,e 1) native of this area), Miles Potter, Gym Bags 4.50 & 5 95
If you own a meat thermometer Janet Amos, and Anne Anglin Motor Sports rtS Gym Shorts 50 & 95
• insert it in the thickest part of the 'attending the Vanastra Day Care (wife of director Paul Thompson). Xmas tree 4th " n
thigh muscle making sure it does Centre. Full capacity is 34 Each of these actors is well known 2' 2'
not touch the bone. The according to government here for performances in "The "It's an ill wind that blows no Spedial to clear Men's and boy's hockey
thermometer should read 850 regulations. Farm Show" and 'subsequent good", proved true during the Repair Service socks 1.00
Celsius. Salaries of $1,075 to the reevehi h wind last week that toppled a
. Passe Muraille productions, g PP
if you are roasting a stuffed and of $800 to the other members state) 40 foot blue spruce on the
bird place the -thermometer in the John Diefenbaker saw a special l P S %owmobile & Small Engines BILL O'SHEAS
of council were. approved.They performance of "The West front lawn of Ted Savauge on Ord
center of the stuffing. When the are the same as last year. Show" given in his honour as part Street. Al' • Types
temperature of the stuffing The first meeting in the new of the Saskatoon celebration of It how has been erected in front YP ' MEN'S SEAR
reaches 70° Celsius, the turkey is year will be January 6 at 8 p•m. his eightieth birthday. The actors of the twon hall by PUC workmen
R done. The meetingadjourned at 12:45 and will soon be glowing with Rear 14 James St. Seaforth
If 0'u are following a roasting � alternately moved and delighted g g PHONE 527-0995 SEIAFORTH
y g g a.m. Wednesday • the audience with accurate and Christmas lights for all to admire F , B R U G G E R5 27-0,5 2 2 * * * * * * * *:•*
timetable that provides a range of and enjoy,
times such as 3-1/4 to 4'/2 hours for
an 8 pound turkey, then start '
checking for doneness at the
shortest time. CNRISTMIAS • >E$Il�'�
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CLOTH ES DRYER by Canadian General Electric
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We have a good. stock of
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Seaforth, Ontario* Office Phone 527.9320 a Plant Phone 5274297
Cordially invite you
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MANAGER Don Deighton