HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-20, Page 1e
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Whole No. Sb]9 �� N S10 Q(l A year In Adysni e
116th Year
SECTION PAGES �-- 9S '�" HlJpO t .!. 'OSITOI NOVOM Single copy25:cerit
E 2D, #97a -- 2.4 PAGES,
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(By Wilma Oke) hall was damaged to the tune of Township for the �'ackerStrttth
a Beginningwith the January
about $900. in the severe wind- residents on the south side of
f ,s, billing the Seaforth Public• Utili- storm last week. Easement agree- George Street the boundary street
ttF: r , r X r ✓ 1 ties Commission will charge the M
g mEnts for lots 1Q-21 inclusive in between the two municipalities.
town 54 cents on. eagh bill to the Jarvis Street development of It was suggested the township - U.
r s t fy y include the sewer rates with its
• % - F ,. r f f � � � '�” � R ; Y,: �' d water billings to Registered Plan No. 6 have been buy street lights and the ,PUC. ,
hydro an a ng secured, Mr. Scott reported. would instal them and charge a ,
customers every two months.
High Water rental. The PUC manager is to,
g g
4f. > r Presently the town pays the PUC A discussion was held on the discuss the problem with :.the
fs 30 cents for each. The town
surprisingly high amount of water township officials,
administers the sewer system used at the arena to make the ice The PUC will convert to the,
while the PUC runs the town and keep it. The high use was metric system for billing tat the
owned hydro and water systerlis.•. discovered when a meter was put first of January. Edmund Daly
This decision was reached at in. A,,6tal of 777,000 gallons were reported the present radio system•
` a meeting Wednesday following a used from September 115 to for communications between
billing study com ie ted recent) October 15 at a cost of $62`7'90't6 trucks or a truck and office is not
by Ontario Hydro for the Seaforth they town. satisfactory due to the "terrific
enough ,
Commission. 'That is h water to increase in use by citizen bands' .
In other business the commis- supply the rest of the town for He was advised to get informa-1 •f
r - cion accepted the estimate of three and a half days" Mr. Scott tion on securinga new, F. M. *unit
$3,000 from King Engineering, said. or renting one. Mrs. Cardno
Woodstock. for repairs to the Prior to October the town paid a expressed concern that a new
bucket truck which is inoperable flat r ate of $40.00 per year. system might not be more
at the present time. Ask for Lights suitable than the present one and
n ,, 3 • Commissioner Edmund Dal
" ,, ,��vy:y A� ,• 3 Y he commissioners considered renting might be cheaper m the
reported he is still trying to set up a request from Tuckersmith long run.
a meeting with the Seaforth
Planning Board but to date he has. • •
been unsuccessful in getting an m �� 'answer. He said he had hoped forBron eshere n
x;j y an early opportunity to' discuss
with the Board some of the more •
19.0 7 J. MacKenzie .6117411
a urgent street easements in con-
nection with hydro and water
planning. Seaforth's oldest continuous Theatre. In July 1908 Mr.
THE END OF A BARN -- Alphonse Cronin, right, of R.R.2, Dublin Elmira area to take it down. About "40 men worked taking the barn PUC manager Walter Scott is to resident and long time athlete Mackenzie became sole owner '
l watches the huge L shaped barn that he used for 33 years come apart, and will reconstruct it as two driving sheds and a barn near arrange a meeting with the street and pioneer in the movie theatre and he continued to operate the
down last week. Mr. Cronin sold his farm and the new owner Ferg Elmira. (Staff Photo) lighting committee and the chief business, John Charles (Continued on Page 3)
Kelly, made arrangements with a group of Mennonites from the of Police to make a tour of the MacKenzie, 173 South Main
town to plan updating of street Street, died Tuesday. He was in .
lighting: his 94th year. K;c"
Cluster Light Born in Seaforth, August 29,
c m es own •a ter ears Barn
Next-spring the PUC will instal 1881 Mr. MacKenzie was the sone
a cluster light pole at the rear of of the late Donald Maclf,,enzie and <+ Y
the arena with underground cable Christina. Ross. , .
A barn that has stood for more down. He adds that it will air. They worked quickly and were huge barn doors on the west to'be a. windmill attached to a tail to insuKe high -rack trucks will Mr. MacKenzie attended
Chan 100 years in Hibbert Town- probably cost a.fair bit to get -the •- quietly.. Boards were 'thrown from side and Mr. Cronin .says- they pi e'at tl a south end of the barn. encounter no difficulties. Mayor Seaforth . schools and after
ship came down last week. And, it huge beams trucked all the way to the building to • fiielpers below, used to take the sheeves and the Tiiewell was nearby and it pulled Betty Cardno, one . of the PUC graduation became interested- ip
is safe to say, it came down in Elmira. After the barn's removed One man got a head cut that bled threshing machine right side and up water for, the stock in the commissioners, discussed the what then was the new movie' y
much the same wayas it was put y y imagine y g thrash out of the barn. There used stables.
proposed lighting z
P both men say the ima ine that heavily when he of hit by a ro osed Ij htin in the new business. Seafor th's first movie
up, with a bee, a great group of the stable and _underground part tumbling board. Mrs. , Cronin parking lot at the rear of the house - The Star Theatre, began P ',
men co-operating together to do of the barn will be bulldoied and washed the cut for him and he sat curling' club. No decision was operations in September 1907. s
the "work. filled in. in the car and rested. reached on a garage for the new The• following year the business
The barn was"a huge L shaped The Cronin's have used the Barns are coming down � or Tuckersmith; PUC PUC truck. was purchased by Mr.MaclCenzie Aa"
one that stood behind Alphonse P barn for 33 years. As far as falling down all over the country Mr. Scott said the roof of the and Oscar Sproat and the name
Cronin's house, just east of St. Alphonse knows, there were only these days, because, as Mrs. PUC shed at the. rear of the town was changed to the Princess JOHN CHARLES MacKENZIE
Columban. One of its parts was two other owners, Patrick Carlin, Cronin says, it hardly pays to. agree on lights..
114' long' and the other was 54', in who's time'it was built, and' Bill keep stock any more. But there
About 40 Mennonite men from Cleary. The big barn is actually were times when the Cronins` Tuckersmith council Tuesday will pay the monthly service
near Elmira, friends, and neigh- two 'barns set at right angles to barn housed plenty of stock. They night accepted the Seaforth PUC charge.]
bours of Ammon, D. M. Martin each other, had kept pigs in the barn, lately. proposal for three 175 mercury A meeting will be held on
worked Thursday and Friday at As the black suited nen moved On Thursday when the men vapour lights to be installed by Thursday, December 4 at"r
levelling the barn. It's to be over removing roofing and siding arrived to take. down the barn• a the'P.U.C. on George Street, the Egmondville United Church with `
rebuilt as a barn for Mr. Martin and taking' it down to the'bare heifer and a pony were its only boundary line between Seaforth the Ministry of the environment,,:
and -two driving sheds for two beams, you could see a difference residents., They were going to live and Egmondville. Tuckersmith and residents of Egmondville to
other farmers. in the way timbers were cut for. in a neigh'tbour's barn for the will pay $900 -for the lights• and discuss a sewer program for the
Mr. Cronin explained how the each part. You could see where the present, Mr. Cronin said. attachments which will be hamlet. Tests during the summer
barn came to be• coming down. two barns were joined, one of the He remembers when the barn installed on existing poles now indicated the Bayfield River was, \
His wife commented that it made workers said. carrying high "t'e'n's'ion wires and being polluted by the lack of a ,F tt
was all full of sheeves. There Roti „,&'• �,
her feel "lonesome" to see- the The 40. men worked quickly and system.
barn disappearing. The family had the barn nearly. stripped to its Council adopted provisionally
had spent a lot of time working in beams by noon Thursday. Wood the engineer's report on the
that barn, she said, that came off the, barn was piled Seaforth girl s ecologist Layton Drain which consists of
The Cronins sold their farm to -carefully and loaded into the one 4,014 feet' of open drain and one ' Y:
Ferg Kelly but have kept the truck the men brought with them. • short.tile branch estimated to cost
house, which faces No. 8 highway It would make several trips back of the year i n Huron- P e rt h about $5,500.
` Mr. Kelly had no need of the to Elmira and a big flat bedded En 'sneer Hen �:..Uderst adt of fr «
barn, Mr. Cronin says, and he truck was expected Friday to take �ttl �l1�IlPitiplr�'���1,� vl l� ' ��ri �� Now the school has a policy that Orangeville answered questions
made arrangements with the the biggest beams. it should be ~' kids who get detentions are sent from two of the ratepayers
Mennonites to take it away. all down by late Friday Mr. out to clean up the school affected by it -- Robert
Mr, Martin says the arrange- Martin said. kgrounds. "Every day they get Fotheringham of R.R.3, Seaforth
ment with Mr. Kelly is that his Agile men climbed all over the e three garbage cans full, just and John Haverkamp. R.R.I. }
group gets the barn for taking it barns' rafters, perhaps 50' in the w'sr , around the school," she says. Brucefield. '
4�c r A year or so ago Julie was Court of Revision was set for
active in 'a student council December 16.
Few takers for 11 Program that offered students to Six ratepayers were at the
£ dean up senior citizens yards, meeting for the preliminary
free. Few senior citizens . took report on repair and improvement
Vv a � t o n minister s b �� advantage of the free .program . Of the Sinclair Drain as presented
F hr by Mr. Uderstadt. • Thcy were:
� ,� though. says.
Robert McGregor, Irvine Ferris >'
she's'on the executive of the and Ronald McGregor. all of `
y �� �$, newly formed Outers Club at the R.R.2, ••' ' Kippen; Michael"
a service z k High school. They are offering to Conholly. Peter Oud and Flt
�t � help clean up streams. etc.. for Denys , all of R.R.Z. Ki i en.
"Courier service" announced might be able to get people whoff�r r the Ministry of the environment. After explaining 1 P the • ;,1 ; ""'� t� ati
the classified ad in last week's live in London to deliver the mail : 4 The club has about 25 members reliminary report Mr.Uderstadt `
s Expositor. The ad was part of to specific addresses there, He &, and is led by Seaforth policeman w -Ts authorized to make a
Rev. Ed Baker's attempt to says businesses that he contacted Dave Dale and physed teacher complete report.
� bypass the current mail .strike, said that travellers were taking Marianne Weiler. Requests'for building permits '
The minister at Duffs United 'tny urgent mail from place to A 17 year old SDHS student has When she finishes grade 13, were granted to: Henry Klac cr,
i Church, Walton makes regular place for them. ' Others use been named ecologist of the year Julie thinks she would like to take R.R.4a Clinton. implement shed:
trips to London and was going to trucking com antes or have their by the Huron Perth Lung YEA#
p g g g P g a course in recreation and parks Robert Wallace. R.R.4 ,scaforth. P
Sarnia last weekend. He put ads own courier services. Association. development at Lamb(on College milk house; and Durl Hopper.
in three local weeklies and o Some people were igterested in in Sarnia. it involves a lot of field Harpunccy . hangar and storage
Julie Bell. daughter of Neil and .�4 '�- •''�*ti,
radio to see if there was ny ing their mail to Kitchener, work and "i could be outdoors at shed, i
Edna Bell of Godetirh Si. E. a
urgent mail that he could' to but Baker says he doesn't go last." she says. A tits drain loan application for
alon with him: there us all He wasn't Tannin receiv&s a trophy and a cheque for X,?t Y ~'
g Y P g A trip across Canada sparked $21,000 was appro\ cd.
He found out that in this area at $25'
icon inued on Page 5) Beryl Dunsmore. executive her interest in cleaning up the Passed were pacmcnts to the � t
least, there'd not much interest in coutttrysitie. In Manitoba there Ontario Muniri al Im �mvemcnt
director of the Christmas Seal p i o ,
a courier service. He got a few were garbage cans everywhere by Corporation - principal and ,
calls asking where he'd deliver + Associaion said Julie was chosen the side of the road, and very interest (in Bnircficld Waterr�
Letter arrives because she had orgnized ecologyr.
and how much he was charging little litter. "I'd like to see that Debenture. $2.yR0.00: Treasurer nth
on her own. Second here," she says. of Ontario for DaA Nurscrics ziF}ass �6.
but he actually took only a couple programs
2 ears late place went to a student from �
of letters and parcels to be mailed years MY
Her famih' is interested in licorice, $5. 00; �'ana5tra �r ~7
to the U.S. from Port Huron. Stratford's North�testern. ecology too. "M construction lahour
Mr. Baker who didn't Tan on The mail strike isn't the only g. > mother is Recreation P. J r fv� s , Mlt b 5 �� �` _.,: ahj ,•,r
p Julie was nominated for the always picking up things,' Julie account.
an set charge for his services, thing that is holding tetters up."d, xy�
Y g award by SDHS .principal Bruce says, Council passed an amending 4
"'that would make it too much like One day this week Don Woods of Shaw and knew nothing about; it Most kids her age are by-law for final cost of $35.315 on � "'" �• �<� n "" Y `�� a' � ".�
a business", says he's netted Seafdrth received a letter that had until a Stratford radio station interested too, the ecologist of the Dill Drain. A BOOK BROWSER'S DELIGHT -- Jud Anst t an '1 '
about $1.50, before phyitig for.lils been trailed from. Goderich in called to interview her. year thitiks. Perhap's the grade dil rk ,lames McIntosh repcirte`d t d Pam Geddes took #licit tittle
I 3V
ads. April, 19'73. It was found during She started cleaning up litter nine students aren't, but as they there arc now 2t1 chllclrrn. some
looking over the books for sate at the Optimist bake and book.salo 1h.the Opt i.
If' there had been a lot bf the current renovations at the ground the school, where she is a et older. they realize 'it's on a buRdin on Saturday. There was a huge selection of books fha d"Z#l� s RCS•
g part time Pa Imlc . g Y• 9
interest, Mr. Baker thought he post office here. grade 12 student, inside and out, important, she thinks. (Contintivii tin Paae 3) homerhade goodies available. Milff Ah'�ttS�
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