HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-13, Page 19•
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,..,. Alvin Snell ne.l w s at Hallett on :the north 0ide in t,ot 4, Cort, Ira M w.er at3.b7,.;,
a in►>n, .�u.
S Ad. '•Council Noy. 3 t was
subeek tx•�`oI#`
y o nqutre about 1.4, to .be used ;for Ohmoctery P
to WT C Approval. It was, 90e O p " ,fl7,
u., ► d e onstruction along tho road pur ses
• o c
tr r Iowa -between Lots 25 & 26, Se4forth fair board was ranted
four re clued,
,Con. 14, torevent water from $100.00 for 1975. „
10 yru n
g over his land. The Road The appointment of
fry ueirnintendnt will look at the E. H. Uderstat, 01 p11 the
C .
situation and make the best Wagner Drain came into effect
a.*:nn x..pp,al,ew by Bob riustlr, •a Bog 267, eim,r.possible arrangement. on Nov. 3rd.
Detente.is the fare name used days. D. Bowie asked about the Petitions from Wayne Kennedy
y y grain away. Canadian farmers cannot be expected to
For a couple or three decades it was called the cold grow huge surpluses sand not get paid a decent return on
possibilities of securing a permit and others; and Allan Carter and
ti person for a second'mobile home on his others for work in these drainage
war. their labor and investment. What logical could dr/y '/
As far as this g P property, He decided to think it areas were accepted, and the% „
Behind both the Iron arta the Bamboo Curtain are aner is concerned, it is still Zf lcouar. le burden off feediriect our mers or a!! the starvinianeoa les of this worlders to ? the g p y the % % r
over before submitting a formal Clerk instructed to notify
P g gP P % %�W
of political systems that stink. Out loud. But Canada and the United States should be most ex- application. Conservation Authorities. ONION[
The Drainage Commissioner involved. mg-_ _
And Canada is being hoodwinked into selling massive pli it in indicating that the countries which co-operate to g j N r' •
amounts of grain to both these nations and their sate] solve world food problems through responsible national report work being done on shown o
Council refunded
taxes sveaaas
lites which could leave more important stomachs — more actions can share in our food. „ , .
important to us, anyway — empty. This country and the Sound like the dog in the manger: I don't need it but you 'Building Permits were recommended by the Assessment
United States have been placed in'the unsought -for position can't have it? approved for - John Radford, Pt. Office.
of being the breadbaskets for the entire world. Not at all. Lot 26, Con. 11, addition to shop; The Inspector's Report on MKIi.%Qp ��T�A FIR, '
Yes, we'll get a little help from Australia and New Zea- Look, the rest of the world is becoming overwhelmingly Gordon Howatt, Lot 29-30, Con. Application for Tile Drain Loan,
land in helping to feed the hungry. But we will not,get a jot dependent on North America to teed it whether we like 13, Shed; Robert Trick, Lot 38, Lot 26, Con. 14, was accepted.
or tittle from Russia or China. it or not. The situation is unprecedented in history. Con. 11, Addition 'to, Pig Barn; A By -Law to impose special N INS
Fifty years ago, Russia was an exporter of grain. But Canada and the U.S. shotild get together on the dis- John Lyons, Lot 34, Con. 9. Silo annual drainage rates upon lands , URANCE COMPANY
-the five -yea plans have failed. Both those totalitarian tribution of food instead of hurrying all around the world Room and Hugh Flynn,, Lot 17, in respect of which money is • &tabli8hed 1876 f
states are on the hunt for rain and we will willingly sell undermining each others efforts. Con. 8♦ Porches to house; These borrowed under the Tile Drainage
g g Y HX4D"OFFICE: Seaforth, Ontario tc
itto them. - Sell- the surplus — sure. But sell it through an inter- permits to be subject to Township Act was passed. Mrs. Margaret Sharp, Sec.-Treas.,Phone 527.0400We'tt take their money and laugh all the way to the bank national. food and monetary bank only to those nations By•Laws and County Health Unit Greg Brandon was appointed to
not even realizing that w's have contributed to the who agree to co-operate with responsible behavior such approval.efid increasing agricultural production
attend the November 11th Service - It Only �
strength of those countries who have openly vowed to rid as rormng and agrcuuraand An application for severance on in Clinton and Clare Vincent to s
the world of democratic -capitalism. providing full information on the status of crops and on Lots 32.33, Con. 13, was Blyth Service.
grain reserves. And to those who have instituted respon- requested for approval with the The Clerk will advertise that J Costs A•
Those great wheat sales to Moscow and Peking brought sable population policies as suggested by Lester Brown, -suggestion an agreement on Line Huilett is not spraying cattle at t7 �I
money to Canadians and bought votes, too. in
head of Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C., and Fences be drawn up between 1976 �:'. Little To
I think it's immoral. Selling, our surpiuses to .countries an expert on the world food crisis, parties concerned. Council accepted the tender for j r, ,
which could, under a free system of government, pro- Canada, he says, has not sought for this world -food A the drain loan application for a Tractor and Loader and Mower .— I • Be Safe
duce more than they need to feed themselves is immoral dependency position but that is precisely where we are, John Lyons, Lot 34, Con. 9 was C r
A when other nations attempting to grow enough on which thanks to farmers who have embraced science and tech- approved. at $11,589.75 from Radford Ltd.,
to subsist are clamoring for food. nology and who can produce 45 times more today than Hallett agreed with the :. less tax exemption and add Model. 0 Fire, Extended Coverage, Windstorm, Theft
We simply contribute to the, coffers of the Communist they did 50 years ago.
proposal from Tuckersmith that Property Damage, Liability, Etc.
nations so they can spend more on armaments, military I've said it before but it should be repeated: Oil is not
buildupand massive armies, they pay the deficit for any
the most reciotis product in the world. It is food. The , � Directors and Adjusters
P P Huilett children at the Airforce • Robt.Archibald ,
It's too bad John Turner resigned. And I'm a small nations that can feed themselves and much more of the ,R.R.4 Seaforth 527-1817
Centre. Ken Carnochan
"c" Conservative.' He, at least favored an international hungry world hold the key to political power: tliq power to , R.R.4, Seaforth 527-1545
Doug Vincent will be billed for
food bank and an international monetary fund that would make it a Better worlds Lavern Godkin, R.R.ft1,Walton 527-1877
buy food at going market prices and distribute it on the Canadians and Americans have a great responsibility on, $36.00 for repair to sidewalk as Ross Leonhardt, R.R.1, Bornholm 345-2234
basis of need. .their collective shoulders. was agreed,John McEwing, R.11.1, Blyth 523-9390
Council agreed to the extension,""'
� No one, least of all this writer. advocates giving Let's hope we don't blow it. � Stanley Mcllwain,R.R.2, Goderich 524-7051
of Blyth Union Cemetery by `the Donald McKercher,'R.R.1, Dublin 527-1837
addition of 3 acres, more or les7, Wm. Pepper, Brucefield 482-7534
J.N.Trewartha,Box 661, Clinton 482-7593
depu'-ty iotie Agents:
°F of A CCn't pin down min.i ter James K
eys, R.R.1, Seaforth, Wm. Leiper, Londesboro
11 Steve J. Murrav,R.R.5, Seaforth, K.J.Etue, Seaforth
Agriculture in Huron County enough incentive for farmers, and One Percent the meeting called for the project, so we should make the
has changed in the past 25 years, leaving farmers unprotected from A loss of just one, percent in abolition of the present Environ- decision."
yet it has stayed the same. the ebb and flow of market aricultural rdduction in the Another resolution was passed
That' was the assessment of P mental Hearing Board set up P The Legend of Big John
conditions, . county, he said, would mean a used by the Province for such calling for better instructions on
Gordon Bennett, Deputy Minister q Y things as sewage project g plates
� Several questioners after the loss of $1.2 million to the county- seed corn bags as to what
of Agriculture for Ontario and a speech tried to pin Mr.Bennett . Spread, that among only 3,000 hearings, should be used in the corn now showing ng at our
former Agricultural Represen- down on farm policies with little farmers, he said and it could have planter. Bill Purdon of East
tative in -Huron county 24 years success.He was asked if the serious;Xnancial results. • The resolution said Wawanosh, supporting the
ago, as he addressed the Huron ministry would consider a change Mr. Vos ,urged everyone to that these boards dun't listen to resolution -said that his research .
County •Federation of Agriculture in the present cow -calf attend the inquiry into Hydro's the public and should be replaced had showed that the seed
annual meeting in Clinton. stabilization plan: He answered long-term plans when it meets in with a board chosen from .local companies used testing boxes
Mr. Bennett said that, the that there was provision for Wingham later this month. A people and chaired by the local that were designed to be
biggest change in that period of review of the plan at the end of resolution was passed at the MPP. ' compatible with John Deere and 1
time is that farming has turned each year, meeting recommending that International planters and those
from a high labour input.base to a Fight Plant Ontario Hydro npt be allowed -to Supporting the resolution Alan with other makes were in trouble.
high dollar input. in thosea4ays, , Also present. at the meeting ' build power _ facilities o L good V�alper, the new First vice- resi- I Another resoluu n,, llipg;.fpr ,NOVEMBER 14. AA .IV1 -
dent of .the Federation arguedfree-
~~ _ �- . . , •30
he, said, people worried that they food roducin land when there g the government to provide free•
were MPP'n Jack Riddell and p g that "We're the ones who have to
couldn't make any money on the Murray Gaunt. Mr. Gaunt had to were other sites available that poison for the control of rodents '
farm. Today, they worry about wouldn't affect food production. live with the decision and we're and thereby save loss of rain, Liquid cooling takes
leave early but Mr.Riddell briefly P Y g UOUIFIRE
e 9
the same thing, but while 25 addressed the meeting and Another resolution passed at the ones who have to pays for the was defeated.. � - . '. - .. .. the (teat Off high=
years ago the maximum'capitali-
zation was $10-15,000, today it's
many times that amount.
Consequently, he said, there's a
big change in the physical layout
of the farm.
Huron county's gross farm
M income reached $120 million last
year, he said. But while farming
has changed, the aims and
aspirations of Huron farmers
have remained the same.
Marketing boards, he said,
have made a great deal of
difference in farming. He said the
♦ recent egg vote really boiled down
to the question: "Do you really
,want to work together or don't
you" and, farmers showed by
large majority that they did.
One of these problems is farm
income protection, or stabilization
or whatever it might be called. He
said the trick was to being in a
plan which strikes a balance
between the two evils of not
pledged a continued fight against
a power plant in Aron.
He said he had heard rumors
that Hydro had purchased a piece
of property north of Highway 84
and had tried to find out in the
Legislature that it wasn't so, but
had been `unable to get an
Such a plant would bring an
influx of industry that would
seriously inhibit farming in the
county he said. Huron's urban
citizens want more industry, he
said, but this must be industry
that is compatible with
The newly elected president of
the Federation, Adrian Vos of
Blyth who is also chairman of the
Huron County Power Plant
Committee representing farm
groups in Ontario, pointed out
that. ozone pollution from car
exhausts. factories Re. tan
seriously affect many farm crops-,
particularly white beans.,.
Buyers of.
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