HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-13, Page 12a CRl CK3
Plainly marked sealed ten -
4 dere will be received up to 12
;y noon Thursday, •November 20,
1975 for snow removal at
,i. ro .! 7 .. Vii'• ., •-. ... ..
h � + I .. �,,'• r ,+xaA% ib)-
sas�, �. �►�oo�
By Sandra Hulley Christmas. Vicki O'Rourke and obviously thq bad `0` of t e flrom, level four; .loan Primeau and The'break was fine but it was
A student council meeting Sandra Hulley have applied to group, wore a blain sheet with, ':Dan Melady, from level five; June too short and there were Some
25. In Memoriam Thursday, October 30 with Anna attend this year. It was decided to "The Black Sheep" written on a Williamson and Faye Storey' complaints about getting out of
Lee Stevenson, president sponser both of these delegates at sign behind him, Awards were Everyone who competes on Reach school later.
discussed the dance, which wits a cost of $120,00. presented by the usual SDHs for the Top gets a chance to go to Mr, Shat?y has now arranged a
or a ucar bun anu arotner,
(ireaser vay. it began at zmv. A
50flb students held their
rive stutients in disguise, but in
TV MCI In tsiv al"I'As Lul'Q r,a=..
Wedgesday. instead of the tory
Gordon, who passed away
disc jockey played" at a cost of
monthly assembly last Friday
some casds it was difficult ,to tell
S.D.H.S. has Morning Break
minute classes that students are
suddenly 11 years ago, Nov. 14,
$70.00; An admission charge of
morning. Anna Lee Stevenson,
the difference. The level four
For the past couple of weeks,
used to, the classes will be
1964 in his 22nd year.
twenty-five cents was c arged at
student council president,
students will be responsible for
the students and teachers of
, thirty-eight minutes and will start
In a quiet country grave yard
the door. The Travels rs Club
expressed her concern about the
next month's assembly.
Seaforth High have been going to
at nine and end at three.
Where the breezes gently blow,
provided pop and chips for sale.
garbage that has been left strewn
Student Guidance Information
class five minutes earlier and
The two minutes off each class
Lies one we loved so dearly .
The December dance will be
around the school grounds. She
Stugents wishing to . find out
getting out five minutes later.'
will provide the students and
And lost eleven years ago.
held on December 13. Three
asked the students to help clean
more about the careers which
This ten minutes was used as a
teachers with an eighteen minute
Time cannot stop a heartache,
bands that could have been
this mess up and be more careful
they are intetcsted in exploring in
ten minute break after second
break at the .end of second class.
Or even stop a tear,
booked to play at this dance were
'in the future as to where they put
the future have a new way of
class: r ......
Linda Smith
Or take away a memory, Vehicle, Yukon and Homespun, It their garbage. finding information. In attempt to
Of someone we loved so dear, was decided by a show of hands The student lounge was also provide students with up-to-date
We may not show our sadness, that Homespun would be hired. mentioned. Work has been at a information about future careers
Phone 527.1240 or 482. 010 The Toc Alpha on erence was Commencement; not the usual courses and programs offered at
Chairman Dir.,eetor 23 17 Cf 8 1975, Elizabeth Agnes discussed again. This is a youth type of Commencement though. all Ontario universities and
21-18-1 (Staples) beloved wife of the late conference which is held in g
Thomas Hill, formerly of Dorinda In this Commencement, sheets colleges as well as many other
_ Niagara Falls every year after were.worn as owns and one u post -secondary schools in
24. Cards of Thanks he and 170 Bruce St., Londono g y' Canada.
22. Legal Notices her 100th year. Dear mother of "The cost to each student who
Cecil Hill of London. Resting at REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REV- subscribes will be $1.50 and the
NOTICE is hereby given that 1, We wish to thank our family, the Evans Funeral Home, 648
Garry Young will not be relatives, neighbors and friends Hamilton road. Funeral service in IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW student may use the service as
responsible for debts, purchases for all the lovely gifts, money, St. Matthews Anglican Church, REVI R W REVI many times a year as he or she
940 Dundas St. on Wednesday, desir s simply s filling out the
or commitments other than those donations; cards and �
personally authorized or incurred- congratulations on our 25th November 12 at 11 A. M. EV\/• R E R I EVIEW request cards supplied by the
b myself. 22-16.3 Wedding Anniversary. Also for REVI E W REV service."
Y Y I g Y• Interment in .Rens to Mr. Shaw, SDHS principal,
the lovely party that was held in Cemetery, Lond onations to iEW I I EVI EW said that he hoped students would
NOTICE TO CREDITORS our home. Everything was very Grand Lodge, Masonic REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW'REVIEW REV g
much a reciated and never P g take advantage of this service as
IN THt ESTATE OF PP Scholarship Fund, 363 Kin St. he thinks it is very worthwhile.
JOHN COLIN MacKAY forgotten. — Kathleen and Roy West, Hamilton gratefully IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW R each For The Top Team
All persons having claims against Williamson. 24-18x1 accepted.- '28-18-1 ,
the Estate of John Colin MacKay,Last week we reported that
ate at . the Township of A sincere thank you to all who SDHS had a Reach for the Top
late sttiith the County of made our 25th wedding Team. They won their first game
TucHuron, Farmer, deceased, who anniversary party such a happy against Wiarton 235-85. Last
died on the 7th .day c September, occasion, and to those who sent Wednesday night the team went
1975, are hereby notified to send cards and gifts. A special thank, to the Wingham CKNX Statioq
in full particulars of their claims
you to the Walton Institute for r and ,played against Orangeville.
before their part and a special thank you They didn't do as well this time
to the undersigned on or b
the 4th day of .December, efore to our family and relatives who ' and lost the match 390-240.
after which date the assets will be made it all possible. — Ken and The members of the team are
Leona McDonald.
distributed having regard only to
claims then received. ,'�;,. , �4.a _ Spotlight on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivan Dickens of � ''+!++' ' � � r�: ,:, �A b,
Dated at Seaforth this 7th da of �` �- '.s
November, 1975. Ann Street. Dublin wish to thank <s t t
ter p
the 'Dublin chairman, Mr. Don S. `Thompson
DEVEREAUX, MacRae, The Hibbert Township This week's spotlight is on
crew and the Seaforth P.U.C. We;q. t y :
Barristers, &c., , , �.�t Sharon Th ompson. Sharon is a
sure do appreciate the excellent" :: level one. student. She is the
Seaforth, Ontario attention and serviceerformed
P daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
in the removal of the tree on our Thompson of 11.1112, Seaforth.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS front lawn. Again thanks to all for Sharon has three brothers and
IN THE ESTAE OF a job well done. 24-18x1 d 9.
«'r;." one sister. Her birthday is June
i. 26.
All persons having claims against Many thanks to all who s t
• �. ' °� � Sharon has quite a few hobbies.
the Estate of Th omas Blanchard, remembered me while I was in Macrame, piano, (she has grade
late of the Township of McKillop, the hospital. Special thanks toY fr five) reading and babysitting are
in the County of Huron, Retired those who came to our home to Y " just,a#ewe•-She also belongs to the
Farmer, deceased, who died on help my family, also to the ladies "` 4-H Homemaking Club and to the
the 26th day of October, 1975, are who sent in baking for the five A GHOSTLY 'PRINT — The faces just visible over the head of these four smiling Outdoors Club at school. Math is
hereby notified to send in full weeks I .was away. it was girls aren't ghosts, it's a double exposure. The four girls;. Debbie Rose, Donna her favourite subject. This
particulars of their claims to the appreciated by all of us. Thank Henderson, Gaye Fischer and Debbie Rawn were the -top prize winners in the summer Sharon helped pick
undersigned on or before the 4th you. —Grace Pethick. 24-18x1 Huron Expositor' subscription sellingcampaign conducted by SDHS students this cucumbers on her parent's farm.
day of December, 1975, after
which date the assets will be fall. (Staff Photo) There were fifteen acres so that
kept her busy. Sharon likes level
distributed having regard only to
26. Personal one,
claims then received.Nov.'20 is OXFAM fastShe thinks 'it is fun and not
Dated atSeaforth this 7th day of November, 1975: We invite engaged couples to much harder than public school. ,
visit the Arbor Gift Shop in There is just more homework.
McCONNELL STEWART & Clinton, Pick up a free gift and Students at SDHS are taking efforts of the people themselves. almost $1.3 million on projects As for the future, Sharon wants
DEVEREAUX, tell your friends about our Shower Part in a -continent -wide Fast for a Last year, OXFAM -Canada with developing communities to be a teacher. She likes kids so
Barristers, &c:, g and Bridal registry service. No World Harvest on Thursday, collected $1.6 million in donations around the world and among thinks she yvants to teach at the
Seaforth, Ontario November 20, sponsored by and other income and spent .Canada's native people. elementary level.
22-18-3 charge, no obligations. . 26-17-tf OXFAM.
Vanda Storey is the co-ordina-
tor of the Fast program at the
local school.
OXFAM organizations in
Canada and the United States are -
Township of Stanley asking organized groups, schools,
families and individuals to go
without food for all or part of that
day. -The money they save on food
will be donated to OXFAM to
a ment of 1975 taxes due November 14th, support self-help, agricultural
P Y projects in 20 developing nations.
MEL GRAHAM +Fifty secondary schools, col-
Cler-k-Treasurer leges and universities in Ontario
22-16-3 are already taking part in this
year's Fast. A similar event in
Canada' and the United States last
year raised almost $250,000,
23. Bus. Directory 23. Bus. Directory Participants may mail donation
to OXFAM, Box 18,000 Station
A i� ST ETTT JEWELLERS LTD d srupdon,ntanyD branch urihof mail branch
Royal Bank in Ontario will also
k%E SELL AND SERVICE— Last year's World Food Confer-
ence in Rome estimated that
there were 460 million severely
Bu lova- Aceutron -Watches malnourished people in the world
— 3 STORES— — one-eighth of mankind. That
toal may increase to 750 million
SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON by about 1985. Death rates are
23 17 tf already rising in several under-
developed nations, with malnutri-
tion as one of the most significant
Complete. Bookkeeping Services & Related Fields "It is neither practical nor
Assistance — Preparation likely," says OXFAM, "that the
income Tax
-P remote villages and urban slums.
of Asia, Africa, Latin America
I4VDiVIDUALS — SMALL BUSINESSES and the Caribbean can be fed by
FARMING' the wheat and corn fields of
WILFRED L. ELLIOTT North America. In the long run,
theymust depend for food on the
Telephone P.O.Box 729,12 N. Main Stharvest of their own local farmers
15191 S2i-03tl1 Seaforth, Ontario OXFAM gfwes its'' highest pro -
NOK l WO ject priority to helping these small
23-18-1 'farmers to grow more food for
their own families, their neigh -
LOU ROWLAND bouts and countrymen: By put -
TRANSPORT LTD,. R. S. BOX ting funds into agricultural '
cooperative§ and other commun-
P C.V. Class CDF & FS FUNERAL HOME ity-based projects such things as
5lettving Dahlia & Seidoirth areae
• credit unions, water mahageinent
hotie 345-2301 Dublin Phones: better seed and fertilizers, and
y s - dih�time Day 527-0680 - Night 527.0885 improved storage facilities
23-11.0 23-17-tft become possible through the
SMOKED PICNICS........................................................................lb. 1.09
SPARE RIBS ............................................
.,,....,. ,.1b.1.29
PORK SAUSAGE ........................................ lb. 1.09
BABY BEEF LIVER .,,,,.....:......................'.,..,,..................:,..,.,....,..lb. 4 9 C
DELICIA LOAF SLiCED.................................................................lb. 89C
-----------Freezer Specials--------
SIDEOF BEEF ...................... :....... ................... ...............................
RIBOF BEEF....................:..................•............,.,.....:......................... tb. 1.19
10 16: TURKEY DRUM STICKS ............ 4.50
10 lb. TURKEY WINGS...................................................................
3.50 �
10 tb. BEEF PAT TIES ... 7.90
Stephen Central Public
Every day throughout the
Nomiantions for the Citizenship
standstill lately as t ere is a lack
and training avenues, SDHS has
School, Box 100, Crediton,
Award for Commencement were
of materials. Hopefully, work will
subscribed to the Ontario
Ontario, and Huron Cen-
But in our hearts is where we
held, Joanne Kunz was
resume again soon.
Ministry of Education's "Student
tennial' Public School,
nominated by Dave Smith, Dan
Barry Lane, social convenor,
Guidance Information Service":
B r u e e f i e 1 d , Ontario.
We're wishing you were here.
Maloney by Dave Smith, Wilma
announced a dance for November
"This service uses information
Specifications and. tender
By Appointment Only
— Sadly missed and always
Jansen by Joanne Schenck, Cathy
22 with Hellfire providing the
which is constantly being reviser?
forms may be obtained at the
Seaforth Office
remembered by Mom. Dad and
Murray by Brian Deitz and Mary
music. The band is costing quite a
and which is stored by a computer
schools concerned.
Lowest or any tender not
Tues., Wed:, Thurs., Fri.
family. 25.18-1
Kale b Barr Lane. Joanne
lot of money so he hoped that a
at the MiPistry in Toronto. It can
necessarily accepted.
9 to 5:30 P.M.
2$. Deaths
Schenck moved nominations be
good crowd would turn u
g p'
provide descriptions for some
Huron County
Thursday evenings
closed and Tracy Baker seconded
To top the whole assembly off,
7,000 different careers, training
Board of Education
Mondayonly Clinton Office
Y -
HILL: At Parkwood Hospital,
this motion. Joanne Kunz was
the level five students resented
required for over 650 different
W St►ortreed D J Cochrane
For Appointment
London, on Saturday, November
chosen !'
C f
a skit. The theme of the skit was
vocations and descriptions of
Phone 527.1240 or 482. 010 The Toc Alpha on erence was Commencement; not the usual courses and programs offered at
Chairman Dir.,eetor 23 17 Cf 8 1975, Elizabeth Agnes discussed again. This is a youth type of Commencement though. all Ontario universities and
21-18-1 (Staples) beloved wife of the late conference which is held in g
Thomas Hill, formerly of Dorinda In this Commencement, sheets colleges as well as many other
_ Niagara Falls every year after were.worn as owns and one u post -secondary schools in
24. Cards of Thanks he and 170 Bruce St., Londono g y' Canada.
22. Legal Notices her 100th year. Dear mother of "The cost to each student who
Cecil Hill of London. Resting at REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REV- subscribes will be $1.50 and the
NOTICE is hereby given that 1, We wish to thank our family, the Evans Funeral Home, 648
Garry Young will not be relatives, neighbors and friends Hamilton road. Funeral service in IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW student may use the service as
responsible for debts, purchases for all the lovely gifts, money, St. Matthews Anglican Church, REVI R W REVI many times a year as he or she
940 Dundas St. on Wednesday, desir s simply s filling out the
or commitments other than those donations; cards and �
personally authorized or incurred- congratulations on our 25th November 12 at 11 A. M. EV\/• R E R I EVIEW request cards supplied by the
b myself. 22-16.3 Wedding Anniversary. Also for REVI E W REV service."
Y Y I g Y• Interment in .Rens to Mr. Shaw, SDHS principal,
the lovely party that was held in Cemetery, Lond onations to iEW I I EVI EW said that he hoped students would
NOTICE TO CREDITORS our home. Everything was very Grand Lodge, Masonic REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW'REVIEW REV g
much a reciated and never P g take advantage of this service as
IN THt ESTATE OF PP Scholarship Fund, 363 Kin St. he thinks it is very worthwhile.
JOHN COLIN MacKAY forgotten. — Kathleen and Roy West, Hamilton gratefully IEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW R each For The Top Team
All persons having claims against Williamson. 24-18x1 accepted.- '28-18-1 ,
the Estate of John Colin MacKay,Last week we reported that
ate at . the Township of A sincere thank you to all who SDHS had a Reach for the Top
late sttiith the County of made our 25th wedding Team. They won their first game
TucHuron, Farmer, deceased, who anniversary party such a happy against Wiarton 235-85. Last
died on the 7th .day c September, occasion, and to those who sent Wednesday night the team went
1975, are hereby notified to send cards and gifts. A special thank, to the Wingham CKNX Statioq
in full particulars of their claims
you to the Walton Institute for r and ,played against Orangeville.
before their part and a special thank you They didn't do as well this time
to the undersigned on or b
the 4th day of .December, efore to our family and relatives who ' and lost the match 390-240.
after which date the assets will be made it all possible. — Ken and The members of the team are
Leona McDonald.
distributed having regard only to
claims then received. ,'�;,. , �4.a _ Spotlight on
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivan Dickens of � ''+!++' ' � � r�: ,:, �A b,
Dated at Seaforth this 7th da of �` �- '.s
November, 1975. Ann Street. Dublin wish to thank <s t t
ter p
the 'Dublin chairman, Mr. Don S. `Thompson
DEVEREAUX, MacRae, The Hibbert Township This week's spotlight is on
crew and the Seaforth P.U.C. We;q. t y :
Barristers, &c., , , �.�t Sharon Th ompson. Sharon is a
sure do appreciate the excellent" :: level one. student. She is the
Seaforth, Ontario attention and serviceerformed
P daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
in the removal of the tree on our Thompson of 11.1112, Seaforth.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS front lawn. Again thanks to all for Sharon has three brothers and
IN THE ESTAE OF a job well done. 24-18x1 d 9.
«'r;." one sister. Her birthday is June
i. 26.
All persons having claims against Many thanks to all who s t
• �. ' °� � Sharon has quite a few hobbies.
the Estate of Th omas Blanchard, remembered me while I was in Macrame, piano, (she has grade
late of the Township of McKillop, the hospital. Special thanks toY fr five) reading and babysitting are
in the County of Huron, Retired those who came to our home to Y " just,a#ewe•-She also belongs to the
Farmer, deceased, who died on help my family, also to the ladies "` 4-H Homemaking Club and to the
the 26th day of October, 1975, are who sent in baking for the five A GHOSTLY 'PRINT — The faces just visible over the head of these four smiling Outdoors Club at school. Math is
hereby notified to send in full weeks I .was away. it was girls aren't ghosts, it's a double exposure. The four girls;. Debbie Rose, Donna her favourite subject. This
particulars of their claims to the appreciated by all of us. Thank Henderson, Gaye Fischer and Debbie Rawn were the -top prize winners in the summer Sharon helped pick
undersigned on or before the 4th you. —Grace Pethick. 24-18x1 Huron Expositor' subscription sellingcampaign conducted by SDHS students this cucumbers on her parent's farm.
day of December, 1975, after
which date the assets will be fall. (Staff Photo) There were fifteen acres so that
kept her busy. Sharon likes level
distributed having regard only to
26. Personal one,
claims then received.Nov.'20 is OXFAM fastShe thinks 'it is fun and not
Dated atSeaforth this 7th day of November, 1975: We invite engaged couples to much harder than public school. ,
visit the Arbor Gift Shop in There is just more homework.
McCONNELL STEWART & Clinton, Pick up a free gift and Students at SDHS are taking efforts of the people themselves. almost $1.3 million on projects As for the future, Sharon wants
DEVEREAUX, tell your friends about our Shower Part in a -continent -wide Fast for a Last year, OXFAM -Canada with developing communities to be a teacher. She likes kids so
Barristers, &c:, g and Bridal registry service. No World Harvest on Thursday, collected $1.6 million in donations around the world and among thinks she yvants to teach at the
Seaforth, Ontario November 20, sponsored by and other income and spent .Canada's native people. elementary level.
22-18-3 charge, no obligations. . 26-17-tf OXFAM.
Vanda Storey is the co-ordina-
tor of the Fast program at the
local school.
OXFAM organizations in
Canada and the United States are -
Township of Stanley asking organized groups, schools,
families and individuals to go
without food for all or part of that
day. -The money they save on food
will be donated to OXFAM to
a ment of 1975 taxes due November 14th, support self-help, agricultural
P Y projects in 20 developing nations.
MEL GRAHAM +Fifty secondary schools, col-
Cler-k-Treasurer leges and universities in Ontario
22-16-3 are already taking part in this
year's Fast. A similar event in
Canada' and the United States last
year raised almost $250,000,
23. Bus. Directory 23. Bus. Directory Participants may mail donation
to OXFAM, Box 18,000 Station
A i� ST ETTT JEWELLERS LTD d srupdon,ntanyD branch urihof mail branch
Royal Bank in Ontario will also
k%E SELL AND SERVICE— Last year's World Food Confer-
ence in Rome estimated that
there were 460 million severely
Bu lova- Aceutron -Watches malnourished people in the world
— 3 STORES— — one-eighth of mankind. That
toal may increase to 750 million
SEAFORTH — CLINTON — WALKERTON by about 1985. Death rates are
23 17 tf already rising in several under-
developed nations, with malnutri-
tion as one of the most significant
Complete. Bookkeeping Services & Related Fields "It is neither practical nor
Assistance — Preparation likely," says OXFAM, "that the
income Tax
-P remote villages and urban slums.
of Asia, Africa, Latin America
I4VDiVIDUALS — SMALL BUSINESSES and the Caribbean can be fed by
FARMING' the wheat and corn fields of
WILFRED L. ELLIOTT North America. In the long run,
theymust depend for food on the
Telephone P.O.Box 729,12 N. Main Stharvest of their own local farmers
15191 S2i-03tl1 Seaforth, Ontario OXFAM gfwes its'' highest pro -
NOK l WO ject priority to helping these small
23-18-1 'farmers to grow more food for
their own families, their neigh -
LOU ROWLAND bouts and countrymen: By put -
TRANSPORT LTD,. R. S. BOX ting funds into agricultural '
cooperative§ and other commun-
P C.V. Class CDF & FS FUNERAL HOME ity-based projects such things as
5lettving Dahlia & Seidoirth areae
• credit unions, water mahageinent
hotie 345-2301 Dublin Phones: better seed and fertilizers, and
y s - dih�time Day 527-0680 - Night 527.0885 improved storage facilities
23-11.0 23-17-tft become possible through the
SMOKED PICNICS........................................................................lb. 1.09
SPARE RIBS ............................................
.,,....,. ,.1b.1.29
PORK SAUSAGE ........................................ lb. 1.09
BABY BEEF LIVER .,,,,.....:......................'.,..,,..................:,..,.,....,..lb. 4 9 C
DELICIA LOAF SLiCED.................................................................lb. 89C
-----------Freezer Specials--------
SIDEOF BEEF ...................... :....... ................... ...............................
RIBOF BEEF....................:..................•............,.,.....:......................... tb. 1.19
10 16: TURKEY DRUM STICKS ............ 4.50
10 lb. TURKEY WINGS...................................................................
3.50 �
10 tb. BEEF PAT TIES ... 7.90