HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-27, Page 8WIN WWI . TIM.ES,. A. 'EI:Lf: m aTI) 10 The senna is true of good habits, gcod' IlX.UEVALE. • .�7 4v n �' •'a+, morals unci good clothes 1 . not tilers piing prices without quality, are d, It is the thrifty people, who �gtreolate+ and enjoy quality more than . ' They buy their Silks, their Drees heir Laces, their Cha)lies, their ' arasole, their Gloves and Hosierv,their rpets, their Lace Curta'es, their Shoes and Slippery, at NI H. Mclndoo's. • 1 4 We tire clearing out odd lines and Bamnactts is the diiferout departments; •tjlese lines we own give you at a bargain and have there on the Bargain Counter.; We dao interest you in every depart- I meet. They are all new, fine goods and first to sell, at H. ��y/, t1 ■)1g���r �/�p pay M. . MoINDOO'S. .: CHEAP READING! Our Clubbing Rates. 'She Truss and Torwrto dobe, weekly $ 1 50 The Tufts And Toronto Emprre, weekly 1 75 TheTrn1R And London Advertiser, weekly1 75 The Tress and London Free Pr ens, mEekly1 75 The TIMsS and Montreal Herold, weekly 1 50 The Toms and Montreal witness, weekly 1 00 The Tiand- Toronto Daily World 2 50 TheTtitssend Montreal Family herald and Star 1 75 weekly, and premium The elm and The Ladles' Journal, monthly, 1 05 ut Toronto The TIMES tCosrilopolitan Magaz,ne, uronchly, 2 25 New York . Tim Toms and The Live Stock Journal and T ousehold Cdanpa.rion, monthly........ 1 75 TheTtnss and Farmers' Auvncate, bi weekly 1 00 The Toms and the Cult'vator and Country 75 Gentleman, weeki, Reduced rates with all. other papers not mentioned in the above iia.. Address Trees s Ohr+IcE, a Winghm, Out. '•f Our streets are never so they just • Exactly please a body, Por when it's dry they're full of dust, ' At the last regular monthly mneet- fare, waste any time in doubting the value � , of a roar Tfne people of other countries lug ill OOUi't Doughts, (. tt t ell= wllo /naw wised braa roads ta11C1 nlow i1fit> Order of Foresters, it raati thought good ones a1•e well satiseea dint Query that the Court staving prospered so dollar spout in this work is a good ouvest. well miter the present officers, they meut, anti not site of them would tolerate i should all be re.eleetgd, MIMI was the miserable dirt roads with which so, carried into effect, Brothel's Prinp; many farmers seem tube eouteut " ' atxi 3lillc'r were chosen as delegates i to the :high Court, The, Court has TURNBI RRY. gabled one member for each meeting Mr. It W. Hastings, of this town -held during the last half year, The , mealbcrship now nuinbers74, They shill, is making a name for himself as' have paid out in sick benefits in the a stock breeder. • Ile has a fine herd , half year eighty-two dollars, and in of Durham cattle a good flock of , funeral benefits, . fifteen dollars, and Leeicester sheep and some well-bred i still have a cashe of eight hundred dollars, besides capital in - Berkshire swine.. Recently he solei a 1 vested of seven hundred and, fifty first-class Durham bull- to 1lfr. H.! dollars. This goes to show that Deacon, of East Wawanosh, and a Court Douglas is doing well ha a good Berkshire boar to 3Ir, Robt, Yea of cause. ---•Rev. A. Y. Hartley has return- ed from attending tl 5y d f Ham ll ton and London. --The Board of Di- Ronin, rectors of the Bluevale Cheese Co., L TaLLwIN--At the Methodist -par- at their last meeting, passed the fol- onage, Goderich, on April 16th, the wife Torr jile• resolution "That our sales of Rev. L B. Wallwin, 13. A., of Strat- tc1,. 'no o this township. The ease of Bryce vs. Louth has made another step in litigation, on an appeal from a certificate of one of the. taxing officers allowing separate 11 the Oils of costs to file defendants, townsldps of Culross and Turnberry, in tale actions for danla°Te to the plaintiff's land caused. by an overflow of water from an. highway, W. H. Blake, for the township of Culross, M. G. Cameron for the township of Turnberry. Tlie learned judge thought that the learned trial judge had still power to deal with the question of costs, and referred the matter. to him accordingly, and to the Court of Appeal as to the costs of the appeal, The Council of the township of Turnberry met in McDonald's hall, Bluevale, on Monday, April 23rd, 1894. Members all present. The Reeve in the.chair, The minutes of last incethltg were react and amended by inserting the names of Win. Ross as pathmaster in road division No. 42, in. place of John Diluent, affil Robt. King, jr, in road division No. -1.1, in place of Joseph Leech ; also, Anal when it rains they're muddy. Thomas 'Pope, in road division No. —There is a new "green goods" compau3 37, in place of Wm. Wright. Moved trying to operate in Canada. The circular by Mr. Diluent, seconded by Mr. states the,t the rooney "needs no bogus 3lus„" rove, that the minutes of last newspaper clippings to extol its merits," meeting be adopted as amended -- and tells a most plausible story of how easily Carried. Reports—The Reeve re- sod safely one may become rich in a few ported that allotig with the Deputy - weeks. The circular is signed "One who Reeve he lead called on Mr. John has 'ere." .Ainsley about plan of foot bridge at --We give the following as a .lint to our - Lower Wingham and found that .school Board: Concordia, Kansas, School cost could not be reduced. Mr. Baa`rd has cdecided that hereafter lady Diluent reported that Mr. Cleghorn had completed culvert on Morris boundary, opposite lot 25, and mom - mended payment of $4, Morris to pay half. Mr. Musgrove reported that John Watcher had completed culvert on 4th con., opposite lot 5, and re- e,ominended payment of $6. Mr. GelumilI reported John Watcher had finished brushing in Wylie's swamp, and recommended payment of $15. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Gemnill, that this council give a grant of $100 to help to build a foot bridge on site of the old Gra- ham. bridge, pl ovided that the parties interested sign an agreement freeiltg' this municipality from all liallility Country or state, in either case the lady in respect to said bridge and the shall cause *larded invitation to be sent public road from the south end of the to each of the board of education:' saki bridge to Maitland street, in . Wingham Town Plot •--- Carried. • Experience has Proved it. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded On Saturday last the ratepayers A triumph in medicine wasattained when by Mr. Getulnill, that'WC,,;rant 30 of Amaranth, Wellington county, had experienee proved that Scott's Emttlfsion to assist in opening boundary line an oppoitunity of accepting or reject= would not only stop the progress of Pul- between Turnberry and Kinloss ing the local option by-law, and they rftonaiy Consumption, but by its cantina - Carried.. Moved by Mr. Genunill, ebose> the former with an over- ' mei health and vigor could befully restored. seconded by Mr. Musgrove, that 31r, •whehuing majority.. Only 25 ballots Cruickshank. be instructed to examine were .narked against the ley -late, teachers shall not be allowed to harry • without the •consent of the said board, and in all solemnity have unanimously adopted the following resolution : "Inasmuch as it seems to be the custom of lady teachers of the public schools of Concordia, Kan., to contract marriage without the knowledge or consent of such board, therefore it is re- solved by said. board of education, that Should any of the ladies of the Concordia schools hereafter commit matrimony dur- Cing the term for which they have been I elected, they shall. forfeit a sem of 1; money equal to one-half a month's salary, k, provided they take a home man, and a sum r+ equal to one month's salary in ease the 4 groom is imported from some other Tv. I894. MUSICAL 1 XCl LL ENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN, DURABLE CONSTRUCTION.. Catalogue sent free on appli= cation, MORRIS " FEILD - ROGERS - CO. LISTUWE>l., man lie instructed to attend the first ford; a son, meeting' of the Listowel Cheese BoardY--At a. ltill Ar..usi--FINLAY--At Hawthorne Bank, and use every influence Ito can bring on April llth, by Rev. Kenner, allies L. aulst t 1c r0 userIb tt M. in a fL aug Iter o e at All of BI th to beat against l p p l p E•F' I y, ti h d l f t6 l e beam weight on cheese advocated by Thomas Finlay, to A. R, , Y the cheese buyers of Western Ontario NIa1FNS—AIiAMS—In St. Pant's, Minn., and also against tyle . rinci ole of coni- on April lSth, M1se Mamie E, Adams, to p 1 Charles S. Morons, both of St. Paul's, pulsion proposed by the Assoeiaition to the latter formerly of Clinton, - compel all cheese •to be sold only at Seeow —Bunn—At the Presbyterian the different board meetings, as this Manse, Fotdwich, by the lieu. ,A. B. Company will not submit to either of Dobson, on Wednesday, April 4th, Mr. the propositions,. as bout are colltrar * Co ad $trove, c Turnberry, to Miss p py Bella Burns, of liowick. to, common law and, to say the least, • WR)u. are not strictly honest. . . IVICM.ILLAN—At Lueknow, kith, Dugald McMillan, aged and 10 months. EAST W AIYANOSH. 'What might have proved a serious accident occurred on Sunday, as Mrs. Harrison and fialllfly. were returning from church. Upon entering the gateway, the king -bolt of the rig broke, throwing out all the occupants, Mrs. Harrison was severely eat aud bruised about the. head and face and injured in one shoulder, but the others got off with a few scratches.— An ice cream social is to be held at Westfield in the early summer. ---Quite a nuniberof farmers in this locality have finished seeding.—Mr. R. Corley et having a neat wire fence placed .from his farm buildings to the road. C UILROSS. Mr. George - Crowe is married. George and- his wife lla;ve -the well - wishes of his many friends.—One evening last week, Mr. Scott, on the 4th concession, who is working. for Mr. McRae, accidently ran counter, with a wild.eat on his way home.,, He got within a few feet of his eat - ship before he realized what it was. Both made a hasty retreat.—Foxes are in excess of the demand in the Alps, and appear to have a fondness for spring laiubs.—Seeding is pro- gressing rapidly. Reports from various points indicate that the peach crop in the Western peninsulawill be unusually abundant this year. The trees in rattily orch- ards are in blossolil, which has not happened so early for fifty years. The Good Roads Crasado.the government drain opposite lot 21, while 207 were crossed in favor of it, The Ontario Department of Agriculture con. 11, and have it ,cieaned out, .if leaving a. majority of 182 for local has issued a special bulletin on the subject found necessary ---Carried. :Roved option. There is. only one license - of common °Gantry roads. The pamphlet by* Mr. Geminfll, seconded by 1FIr. holder in Amaranth and the hotelAs ';consist; of 10 pages taken from the larger Diluent, that no•aetion be taken on located at Waldemar, just on. the work on "Country Roads" written by Isaac tate account for lumber for sidewalks boundary line of another local option B. Potter, of New York, editor of Good in Bluevale•--Carried. Moved in township, East Luther. Roads. The pamphlet is copyrighted aud amendment by Mr. Musgrove,sceond- - rubliSbed by the N. Y. State Division of ed by Mr. Cruickshank, that we pay A somewhat peculiar cage was League of American 'Wheelmen. The half the cost of plank in sidewalk on tried at the Waterloo Assizes recently. ncluding paragraph on the subjeet is east side of street in'Bluevalc—Lost, It,wae an action brought by a girl •worthy reproduction here: Moved by Mr. Geminill, seconded by named Dresh, aged sixteen, now en1- a ='Many people who have not studied the Mr. Cruickshank, that Messrs. Mus- ployecl in Berlin by the W, G. & R. ssbiect of improved roads do not under- grove and Diluent be a committee to Co., but formerly a servant in the (stand the immense benefit which they let job of cleaning ont Government employ of a Mr. Eggar, widower, htioog to a community; yet, of all the -drain on Frank Wright's place— and hotel -keeper in Walkerton. Miss iltioesand of miles of good roads that have Carried. The following accounts Dresh was the only female employed a made in this and other countries, the were passed and orders on Treaurer itt the house. 811e deposed that de- ! }( 1_ fat mile has not yet been found that has issued.: • Adam. Cleghorn, culvert on fondant clic. not provide proper fuel ! i i t1 ed to be profitable. The increase Morris boundary, $.4 ;Wm..toss, with which to light the fire; that when values alone is always Moro than repairing culvert, $1 ; 'Phos. Pope, he lit a file be was in the habit of esIgh to pay for the improvement. Some • gravol, SG ; John Watcher, culvert using coal oil to assist, and that to and advantages we cannot always and brushing, $21 ; Daft'Sr. Stewart, plailitiff followed his example with to in . dollars and cents, and some • Iumber $4.28 ; A. Patterson, boxing defendant's knowledge and on one our common sense impels cls to tato drain, 51.50 ; E. Ferguson, repairing occasion tnet with a scrims nticahap rated. No farmer in this country culvert, $1. Moved by Mr, Cruick- whereby her bands and arms were 1 the money value of an education, shank, seconded by Mr. Musgrove, terribly burned. After some months on April 32 years PLUI'IP CHEEKS, A. clear skin, and allthe other indications of good health will quickly follow the use of Campbell's famous . . ... . . Skrei Cod Liver Oi1. It is pure and almost tasteless. 1 .e•,lDON. This week we offer very elioiee lines of DIUSS GHOODS G -0 -01D -S- in new shades. Our prices, too, are very attractive, Ladies will find their time well talent among those goods ; and while in, ask to see our beautiful lines of �-- .� LADIES' WHiTE 000081 MISS O'CONNOR, R. T,, of Brussel Teacher of Instru;' ental Music -- Piano aOrgan, Will be at Mrs. Farquharson's residence, ,john Street, Wingham, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week. EGOS FOR H CHINO From high -cls ii .orted B. B. R. Game Fowl, Pr e• reasonable. Satis- • faction guaran >e.. WALL 7' Young stook ' - • sale. X ll .L-1 L 4 Something very special. Out• spring stock of LADIES' SHOES, OXFORDS AND TOE SLIPPERS is pleasing to the eye, and we guarantee satisfaction. If you wear the latest and best, coxae and get ours. OUST A WORD ABOUT TEAS. - There is so hush inferior trash sold, that for your sake, as well 'as our own., we would advise you to get your Teas front us. We keep the best, therefore, will always sell you the best. Our successful experience in this department justifies the bola stride forward that we have taken in having our Teas in future packed to our order in the gardens where grown, and shipped direct to Win„ ham from the place of pp oduetion. In this way our patrons wul save the "middle loan's" profits. Very Respectfully Yours, - D ]2_ (;-ORDOJ Tho Anchor House. • Direct Importer. ItIAR1VESS AND COLLARS. . Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, inn prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harnetis shop sock as HEAVY, LIGHT a d TRACK HARNESS, - NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING' BAGS, Soc., • • 1 make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. - Give me a trial and 1 will use you right. . A- TT WTO Tc i'Vingllana, • ALLf ?; G 0. M. DUFFIELD, Wingbam, TENDERS WANTED Tender •i11 be received by the dersigned Up till t :th of . pril, 1894, for the e .nota BRICK SC = O e - = OUSE, in School Sectio o. 9, Tnrnber McPerson's). Plan and open •otfons can be seen at t esintence of the Sem • rv, Lot 10, Concession 5. T west or any to . er not necessarily cecented. Join noLPH, • Secretary. Glentarrnw 1', O. BRIDGE WORK, IRON GRATE BARS, WASHERS, -COLUMNS, AIR BRICKS, SIDEWALK. GRATES, p ' CRESTING and. P,TJMP SPOUTS —AT— THE WINCHAM FOUNDRY. R. I have just received a large consignment of PAPER, • WINDOW BLINDS,' &c. In all the latest designs and styles. _ Also, a large stock of , School Books, Scribblers, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Stationery, &c. Prices ,as Low as the Lowest, ALEX. .ROSS. The Popular Bookstore; Wingham. • M. PATTERSONg WANTED SALESMEN l To sett a choice line of Nursery Stock and seed Potatoes. Liberal salary orconnmiesion paid weekly. Permanent and paying positions to good men. the leading Jeweler, directly opposite Special inducements to beginners. Exclusive tent, Bank of Hamilton, Wingham, has se- tory given if Modred, Writo at once for terms to Cored the services of Tilt: ifAIVES- NURSERY CO 'Rochester, N. Y. . NTLMN.—' PROFI BRODIE, If you want your The celebrated New York 0.0 U L I T ENS, WEDNESDAY, IAT 2nd. ' , ROUTE RILLS Made in the lamest style, go to a s+aoh fsriner.:ulaeEth.s its value and that this council do now adjourn to; she brought action for damages r'(� I , is children th.'school, and watches meet, in McDonald's Hall, Iiluevale,'ttllrrough her next friend, Mrs, M.1r�by, a s 1 Ii 1 l(1 4 lgy their t:alv,;acenient in knowledge. as a Court of Revision and for other i of Berlin, After ]tearing' the evidence. health is of infinite vaine, and the. business, on Monday, May w8th,18U4, the jury awarded the girl $800 *aka it and gime* it, but be can- at I0 o'clock a.. nt.--Carried. , , damage., though it is altogether the value in dollars and cents.' .1etf:1' 1i1;,ncl ,tl:1, Clerk. likely that the ease will be appealed, • HORSEMEN. Will consult their own i*t tergsts lay dettitzg their Fite Professor can fit the mast dlflleuit sight,, and guarantees perfect s �t' f tion z r money refunded. If ybu have any alfeotion - of the eyes, call at! Pattorson's Jewelery Stora. on Wedneada , May' 2nc1, and see Prof. Bxodie,i. No charge for consultation. a 1e ac- TAD LATED $AGM FOR SAI Er • . • West haif'aleo part of Trost bsif lot 27, Con. 14 opposite hank of Hatlnilt:nn, West Wawaltosh, contalWII�nrirg I10 Acres. For further paettculars ptyee tthfeises or by milt to WD1GEIAM. - 1 Saint Thomas ?'. O., North Dakota. V And aIi r other, i'rintfrig they ivay need at ti PEDIGREES THE TIMES OFFICE We have it litrge a5aorttneot of cute, and can turn mit work in the best style, ott short notice, owl At moderate eht;ti'ges„