The Huron Expositor, 1975-11-13, Page 5777
�nf HUP 41"Xrs T'M Ovwis Nrit .
Y 04Tkrw%,
ci c
overeating, ase the school cafet r4as so that what Y m f04 Y
Although nearly half the, the Health Unit says they would The percentage of 'Canadians ereating, is the real c u of e ' t four months ald, but the idaro ta: narS�e if, they Itrld �t s.harmftil to is ab414> ,the a a asit4 fxe hp .
Canadian population is. like to see a full time nutritionist who are overweight in the over 39 overweight, Miss Davidson said, is being sold reinforces what's like that "full feeling". A :fat humans, she asstlted hit the' . xtatritiaitlst` laid; P 00; .
overweight, and most of us spend working far the courtly. age group conkinues to climb until "That's one' thing l feel is being taught in the classroom, baby will probably struggle with audience. x!lf a#ktittS , artQhb1Y last jtt
a molethan we treed to on food, we Miss DAvdison, who is a wrong with groups like Miss Davidson says. fat for the rest of'h 00,, she said, Try spinach in yp6p Aaij d.t ; .fiotne tocosst»$y, sht said,
85 percent of women over 65 are g g P Y ,
still aren't getting adequate consultant for a large' area of the overweight. The figures came` W�etghtwatchers and Counter- Kids are told in health .classes Kids go throµgh .,.a .chubby s$e suggested to ottn '}ady wliisa, ithougl4 ; 4lrptf 1$oesn t, "aye
nutrition. o province said about 12 of the 44 from a recent Nutrition Canada weight; they dop't emphasize that smoking is bad and we don't period when they are 10 - 12 Itis trouble digesting, lettuce, its tjkVn n4},trit4onist,. pe,4le�y' illi
43 per cent of men and women health units in Ontario have asurvey. physical activity enough, put cigarette vending machines in because their bodies are ,getting ; Spinach is a good source of iron, questions abo4tt► ca1..i S uit
in the 20 to 39 age group are nutritionist on staff. "Others Watchin calories is onl half the ready for a big growth spurt that vitamin Ac and folic acid,, local public health rtµ,Tse?, the
overweight, Marnie DAvidson, a applied for them last year, but The interesting thing about battle." g Y the schools just so they'll have will come right after that age, she rule of thumb .if you want to eat .h*ralth ulnitis director of Ou�sii4g
Canadians and overweight, Miss freedom of choice, Miss Davidson said. more Vitamin A, which inost of its said. "'If She . doest 1 kiliz �r #h
nutritionist with the provincial were told that there wasn't Davidson said, is that often those Whether they are , overweight said, The same thin should ,
department of'health, told about enough money available," she or not, man Canadians are not g ' What can we give our are deficient in, is that the a%swers, she Il • et th1nJA
Who are too heavy take in fewer Y -apply to junk food.
A 20 women in Seaforth Thursday. said. She feels that money spent calories per day than those who getting enough of certain The Toronto nutirition grandchildren for treats rather greener � or the ocanger a you," Mrs,. Thind std, �I
Miss Davidson's talk on nutrition on nutrition education now would nutrients to keep themselves than all this junk food. one vegetable is, the more Vitamin A After Miss Davidson atiswered
was one of several around the save are normal weight. Overweight P consultant attended a meeting grandmother asked. it has, questions the audience was
An health care costs healthy, the Nutrition Canada with school cafeteria o g 9 •'
people of all age groups eat about operators A Good Hu The nutrient content in offered an apple and a cu of
county sponsored by the Huron ' eventually. the same number of calories, or survey pointed out. P6ople over from Huron County, along with g Pp p '
County Health unit. If Huron had its own A good hug", Miss Davidson commercially frozen and canned: G .. e,for juneh.
Good nutrition can prevent a lot nutritionist she could work with less, than their normal weight 65 don't get enough Vitamin A, board of •education and health suggested, adding that kids like
P counterparts. unit people in Clinton last week.
of health roblems, Miss the schools and existing which green and orange P P attention better than something
P It was just a discussion an
Davidson said, and the province organization to inform the public Real Cause vegetables provide, maybe 1 to eat. if you want to give them, i
because a lot of older people live nothing was decided but it was
is -trying to educate people about and improve everyone's eating Only six per cent of all p p useful to hear each other's point food, try fresh fruit or vegetables
the importance of what they eat, habits, Miss DAvidson and Mrs. Canadians do some regular daily alone and find it difficult P or a bran muffin, she said,
Gu al Thind, nursingdirector of Thind said. physical activity, and that, not preparing a meal just for of view, she said.' �<
More Co -Ordination White bread isn't as good for
themselves, Miss Davidson said. M s Davidson agreed that there. Y
" Most age groups don't get g Miss Davidson saidas whole wheat or brown, The v ,
should be more co-ordination s. '(
enough folic acid, another
nutrient that's in green and between nutrition programs and nutrients go when the flour is 1
" orange vegetables. We seem to the Department of Agriculture's refined and some, but not all of
be getting away from eating 4-H and extension programs, so them . are- added back into
salads, Miss Davidson says, that both branches are educating enriched white bread. White
erha s because Canadians now PeOPIe about the importance of bread doesn't have any of the l�
§a t eat one out of three meals away good eating habits. But it's very fibre or roughage that our diet
n ®.difficult to et in touch with needs.
Y r, from home. g
th "` ��< Y� �_ •' ;: " various departments within the Brown bread isn't any higher in
3.� 'You can't even buy fruit or P
r sF xr a.. Y calories, which makes her
he said
vegetables at most fast food government, s.§eF;
�xz " g conclude that white bread real).:,
A 4 H leader and Women's Y
�;,, •. n ' q s' u , � , , ,� ,'� } resi:.arants," she said. Nutri- is a waste of move Miss
` Y Institute member at the meeting y "
A �, , � � '" , ��� "�=•. % Nutri-
tionists are trying to work with g
the big chain restaurants and get said their programs do teach . Davidson told one questioner. TALKS WITH NUTRITIONIST --Mrs. Brenda
:, > � �►..' sound nutrition. The current 4-H The Canadian government is left talks to Ministry of Health Nutritior
them to serge a salad, but "they McIntosh, ,
don't want to do it, I guess Program on making rolls and investigating the fact that sodium consultant Marnie Davidson at a nutrition workshop
"� because it means more work and bread talks about whole wheat nitrite, used in bacon and
' r*" and mixed rains as well as white luncheon meats, causes cancer in sponsored by the Huron County Health Un't at
less profit for them." g
One of the most shocking bread. A WI course last year on rats and ,"will take it off the Northside United Church last week. (Staff Ot0)'
statistics from the Nutrition baking pies was about all sorts of
Canada survey is that children up main dish pies, not just the sweet
& r
most) / �rry
pies that are calories.
,, r , to age nine aren't getting enough
y P c a lot and The Food Prices Reviyw Board BALL
�� ��
�. rotein. M iss Davidson sa s that ..
t x'� young children snack of a
established that a family of four,
` �w f M may not be hungry enough to eat two adults, a teenaged boy and a
afi their meals' where they would Younger girl, , needs to spend
normally get protein. about $2000 annually to eat i�lpi r
nutritionally well. The average Deficient
LOOKING AT NUTRITION INFORMATION — Toronto nutritionist Marnie Women over 65 are also protein family spends about more
d ficient and don't get enough than this but still doesnn''tt eat well,
Davidson told her audience in Seaforth last week that many Canadian families Miss Davidson 'said.
spend more than they need; to to eat nutritionally and still come out malnourished. calcium, which probably means that they don't drink enough Shop carefully and read labels, *yF+*# *+ **+ +
These Seaforth ladies looked over some of the pamphlets on nutrition that Miss milk, a source of both nutrients. she advised. With food shopping *+*+ + ++**
Davidson showed after her talk and a lively question and answer session. Pour .yourself a glass of skim or getting more complicated and
2%milk, if you are worried about expensive, she thinks people, are ,,'* *•
calories, Miss Davidson told her Paying more attention to + *" + + Wr
audience. nutrition.
Bro*+♦r* «
dhage'� Diet deficiencies get, worse as "When sugar is listed first or
people, grow older, Poor eating second on a cereal label, you
♦ habits may not show up for 10 or should probably put it back on the
ZO years, the nutritionist says, shelf", she suggested. Kids like
Ea Rapien has 99th 64 rthda and her department is trying hard to eat the sugar coated cereal as a
y to promote good eating habits in snack and they can be just a$bad
Correspondent small children. for them as candies or chocolate
called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred and fruit salad for refreshments bars. Even the so-called health
s Mrs: L'. Wolfe Perry,St. Th omas, and Mr. and ' and all enjoyed the fellowship.Nutritionists are working with
s h
We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Donald Wolfe, Steven and ' nursery school and pArifiry � cereals like Harvest.Cruneh have
Mr. Eli Rapien celebrated his Jamie in London. school, teachers to develop" a lot .of sugar in them. BUY A NEW KITCHENS FOR YOUR FAMILY TO ENJOY
99th birthday on Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs.Ronald programs to show children h ow In a ~ quEstion` and answer
November 12. He is in fairly good Thompson, London, were Sunday Every week more and to eat well, and to make healthy, Y session with those at the meeting`Miss Davidson said she doesn't We offer
health and makes his home at guests with the former's parents, people discover what mighty jobs nourishing food fun.
Milverton nursing home. He is Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Leonhardt. are accomplished by low cost Nutritionists want to get rid of agree with the trend to giving
junk food in the schools. The babies solid food when they are
formerly of wife
where he Mrs- Harvey Ahrens, Marilyn Huron Expositor want Ads. Dial chocolate bars, french fries and very young They" can't break FREE INSTALLATION
and his wife resided in the and Steven spent the -weekend in 527-0240. nnn And ehinc chnnld come out of down solids until. they are two to
Gordon Miller home. Mr. Rapien Kitchener with. her son-in-law and —
has given up his long walks that daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rob.
were for so many years, a daily Brady:
practice and cliams that he is Lutheran Church Women to
slipping since he is not needed to flake Service at Villa'
take care of his dear late wife, Mrs. Edgar Elligsen gave a
who was also a resident of the short introduction along with a
home. He finds difficulty in poem - A Dash, to open the
hear ing, too. November meeting of St. -Peter's .
We are pleased to hear that Lutheran Church Women. The
Mr: Edward Scherbarth, Jr. has topic being The Emerging$ Role of
returned home from Stratford Women, dividing them in=to three
Hospital, where he underwent categories, in the home, the
surgery. He is doing as. well, as community and the church. In
can be expectedthis day and age many changes
Many attended the Fuhr- are taking place in the home,,
Glauser wedding in the First other than in our grandmother's
Lutheran Church on Friday days. Time can. be very limited for
evening. The bouquets of the modern housewife who is
carnations were left. on the altar involved in many community,
for the Sunday services. We social and business affairs. So a
extend congratulations to the woman must choose wisely where
young couple who will reside in her priorities rest, be it for her
Dublin. home and family, business world
Me annual 1 Chamber of or church service.
Commerce bingo was held on The hymn, "Teach me My God
Wednesday evening when there and King" was sung followed by
was a draw for 50 giant turkeys. .the scripture lesson from
Mrs. Edwin Rock visited last Proverbs 31: 10-31, Praise of a
week with her son-in-law and Good Wife read by Mrs. Reuben
daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Karl Buuck. She also had a poem, A
Campbell in Goderich Woman's Philosophy. Various
Mrs. Lavina Beuermann, who other scripture passages
was in Stratford Hospital, is with concerning women of the Bible
her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. were studied. Mrs Elligsen was
0 and Mrs. Don Beuerman, leader of the topic and panel
McKillop. discussion that followed. Take my
A shower was held in the Life and let it be, -consecrated
township hall, Bornholm, on Lord to Thee was chosen as the
Sunday honoring Mrs. Ronald closing hymn.
Thompson. She works at Canada Mrs. Robert Robinson, vice.
Trust and her husband with president, took charge of the
General Steel Wares in London. business. Roll call was answered
Mr. Wayne Ahrens who is by naming your choice of a career
attending Waterloo College, or occupation other than being a
spent the weekend with his housewife. Fourteen were
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey present. There were a few
Ahrens, Marilyn and Steven and outstanding bills due to the postal
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. strike. It was decided to send
Ed. Ahrens, He returned Sunday their adopted.child a ten dollar
evening to Waterloo, accom- Christmas gift as soon as the mail
panying Dale Wolfe, who was is resumed. The ladies agreed to
home from Oakville. cater fur the swing bowlers'
Mr. Ed. Scherbarth, Sr. has banquet onNovember 21. M rs,
.returned home `from the Edgar Elligsen will be in charge
community Hospital, Seaforth. of the committee to do same, It
9 Mrs. Paul Hopf held a was also decided to hold the
Tupperware party Thursday
evening with many ladies
annual Christmas party on
December 16. Pastor Horst
remember .. It's Sense t® See
Mr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe
were guests of their grandsons,
requested that the ladies .take
charge of the Sunday everting
service at the Villa on November
Douglas and Donald Watson in
23. It was agreed. Since no'
St. 'Thomas over the weekend,
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe
birthdays were reported, the
meeting closed with the
EXETER 235-1640
LONDON 227-4191
accompanied Douglas to Port
Stanley, then to Port Burwell to
'missionary benediction repeated
in unison.
Open Week days Until 9:00 Saturdays Until 6:00
262- 24181
M► visit Mr. Lorne Hinz at the senior
Mrs.Edward Scherbarth and
citizens' h ome. On Sunday they
Mrs. Reuben Buuck served cake