HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-13, Page 3", M
"We're invited and we're said Tuesday as he talked to' a . who W46 in Seaforth to meet with I Florida's biggest part 40-'ttt.ltl
tram a •n, an front Bufftln. Nv"
going." SDHS GirlsTrumpet representative of the Fort Myers.' the band. aver+ }.ear in^mid-Febroa* sg.itl
ior'k. Mrsaid this
Band leader George Oildebrand Florida Pageant of Lights Parade• Fred Mills, who is in charge of he heard about the SDJJS band
man had b<•rn Impressed uith the
and - go about our business but as getting their news to us just as Walton,, Brucefield or Brodhagen.
no way we can get their papers to
hand's pertc>rmunce 4t a limns
we go into our fourth week of quickly as usual. They have been it's getting the papers there
r •�
parade in Hamilton eaxiisr this
Juneau., defeated in his attempt
several weeks of old Expositdrs
when and if the strike is over -is
.$60,000 when he is named, a
We imagine all small with her." They do and we communities near Seaforth, Now
another question. Some of our far
policy adviser to the Prime
businesses who aren't on a sometimes get their news sooner instead of our papers going from
away subscribers got such poor
strictly cash basis and who have than we used to in the mail. Seaforth to Stratford to Kitchener
mail delivery before the strike
Mr. Mills. who talked td the
customers out of town are feeling The weeklies- in the area are ' then '1 back to' Walton and
that maybe they won't notice
equitable way of deciding how
it too. helping each other out too. Our Brussels, they go right .from our
much difference,
much everyone's services in our
Ir . Outside of the small details of subscribers in Clinton can r ick office to the Walton and Brussels
We've had readers come in to
society are worth. Currently we
bills going out and money coming uptheir Expositors at the News Post Offices.
tell us that they are travelling to
hand eaecuttce and Huron Board
in, things -are going smoothly, Record office there. Because the The problem arises with papers
some' part - of the province and
how loud they yell. .
amazingly so. That's because our Seaforth Post Office staff is that have to go through the larger
offering to act as couriers. Thanks
We think most Canadians are
correspondents and our readers working, weeklies from other post offices like London or
to everyone who has gone out of
willing to sacrifice and to try and
v are performing, services above towns can go out to Seafonh Stratford in order to be delivered.
their way to help life go on,
makd the federal wage and price
and beyond the call of duty. We'd people through the mail. Our farther away subscribers,
despite the postal striker
controls work. But if we're going
of Education' trustee Molk
to fight inflation we have to stop
We haven't seen an evidence
being reed and check this "the
g g Y
of support for the striking postai
hell.with you, I'm getting mine"
workers in this area. We doubt
that most Canadians 'feel much'"'.
The greed has got to stop at
? dp
sympathy for the strikers.
Kull said the SDHS band is
0.y kZ
The concensus seems to be that
advisors to teachers, to postal
the? inside postal workers are
workers. 1'
getting paid rpore than most
x•/ RMS
people in this town are now,
We've also heard, over and over
again, that the only qualification a
the onk marching band from
"h t'
postal worker needs is knowledge
of the alphabet in order to read
the address on a letter.
Now this is over simplifying
things, but if pay rates are based
Brownies registration for girls
on education, training or
aged 7 to 9 will be held at the
Ontario in the parade. A band
responsibility needed on ,the job,,
town: hah, on. Tuesday November,
postal workers would riot head the
18. Girls to be accompanied .by
list. But are the postal workers
their parent (s)•
only the current scapegoat for a
country wide greed?
A Van Egmond Foundation
We use a warped yardstick
Executive meeting will be held in
FLORIDA BOUND — His audience listened attentively as Fred Mills of the Pageant
Jrom St. Yholl has also been
the Seaforth Town "Hall at 8p.m.
of Lights parade"in Florida, back to camera, explained details of the SDHS Band
are set up. Along with question-
on Wednesday November 19.
trip to play in the parade In February. Huron B. of E. trustee Molly Kunder, band
ing the justice of postal, workers
Members of the public and all
members Barb Maloney and Barb Chesney and band leader George Hildebrand
wanting 40 hours pay for 30 hours
foundation members are invited
work, we have to ask why the
to attend.
invited. but it's an orchestra. he
stressed •.
The local band is also the onl)
t.... „„ .,
all girl band from the province
h a
urwfA(MrN3�i'"� °
that at has ever played in the big
Florida parade as jar asbe knows.
�Ir. Mills said. ,
Last week the Huron Board of
Education aye approval in
principle to the band's trip. SDHS
�v •
principal Bruce Shaw said.
All their room and board will,be
once they are at Fort
�,' Mfr, "
a .,
; '"�
Myers but the band members are
trying to . raise funds to pay for
Y g r
¢ t£
their plane trip there and back. A ,
BRINGING IN THE WREATHS — Leglonalre Allan cenotaph service on Remembrance Day on Tuesday.
fundraising committee has been
named and donations can be left
Nicholson lays the Town of Seaforth wreath that Representatives of other organizations wait at left to
at the Toronto Dominion Bank in
Mayor Betty -Cardno has just. presented at the place their wreaths. (staff Photo)
Sl6m ethin to -Sa
by Susan White
We have .help to, weather the- strike
It's all very well to say that like to thank them. Post offices are also open in
about 1/4 of our total circulation
Toronto Argonouts are paying
0 "the mailstrike isn't hurting me" Most of the correspondents are other small places- around like
just have, to do without. There's
football star Anthony Davis $l
and - go about our business but as getting their news to us just as Walton,, Brucefield or Brodhagen.
no way we can get their papers to
million a year. And why is our tax
we go into our fourth week of quickly as usual. They have been it's getting the papers there
money going to pay Pierre
publication without the benefit,.of a great help, calling us to say, that's the trick. Our staff has
Whether they are going to want
Juneau., defeated in his attempt
the mails, we're starting to feel "Mrs. Smith has a meeting in been working extra hours doing
several weeks of old Expositdrs
to become an jv1P, $40,000 to
the crunch. Seaforth and i'll send my news in this direct mail run to
when and if the strike is over -is
.$60,000 when he is named, a
We imagine all small with her." They do and we communities near Seaforth, Now
another question. Some of our far
policy adviser to the Prime
businesses who aren't on a sometimes get their news sooner instead of our papers going from
away subscribers got such poor
strictly cash basis and who have than we used to in the mail. Seaforth to Stratford to Kitchener
mail delivery before the strike
We've got to find a more
customers out of town are feeling The weeklies- in the area are ' then '1 back to' Walton and
that maybe they won't notice
equitable way of deciding how
it too. helping each other out too. Our Brussels, they go right .from our
much difference,
much everyone's services in our
Ir . Outside of the small details of subscribers in Clinton can r ick office to the Walton and Brussels
We've had readers come in to
society are worth. Currently we
bills going out and money coming uptheir Expositors at the News Post Offices.
tell us that they are travelling to
seem to pay them according to
in, things -are going smoothly, Record office there. Because the The problem arises with papers
some' part - of the province and
how loud they yell. .
amazingly so. That's because our Seaforth Post Office staff is that have to go through the larger
offering to act as couriers. Thanks
We think most Canadians are
correspondents and our readers working, weeklies from other post offices like London or
to everyone who has gone out of
willing to sacrifice and to try and
v are performing, services above towns can go out to Seafonh Stratford in order to be delivered.
their way to help life go on,
makd the federal wage and price
and beyond the call of duty. We'd people through the mail. Our farther away subscribers,
despite the postal striker
controls work. But if we're going
to fight inflation we have to stop
We haven't seen an evidence
being reed and check this "the
g g Y
of support for the striking postai
hell.with you, I'm getting mine"
workers in this area. We doubt
that most Canadians 'feel much'"'.
The greed has got to stop at
? dp
sympathy for the strikers.
every level, from ministerial
0.y kZ
The concensus seems to be that
advisors to teachers, to postal
the? inside postal workers are
workers. 1'
getting paid rpore than most
x•/ RMS
people in this town are now,
We've also heard, over and over
again, that the only qualification a
"h t'
postal worker needs is knowledge
of the alphabet in order to read
the address on a letter.
Now this is over simplifying
things, but if pay rates are based
Brownies registration for girls
on education, training or
aged 7 to 9 will be held at the
responsibility needed on ,the job,,
town: hah, on. Tuesday November,
postal workers would riot head the
18. Girls to be accompanied .by
list. But are the postal workers
their parent (s)•
only the current scapegoat for a
country wide greed?
A Van Egmond Foundation
We use a warped yardstick
Executive meeting will be held in
FLORIDA BOUND — His audience listened attentively as Fred Mills of the Pageant
when pay rates for various jobs
the Seaforth Town "Hall at 8p.m.
of Lights parade"in Florida, back to camera, explained details of the SDHS Band
are set up. Along with question-
on Wednesday November 19.
trip to play in the parade In February. Huron B. of E. trustee Molly Kunder, band
ing the justice of postal, workers
Members of the public and all
members Barb Maloney and Barb Chesney and band leader George Hildebrand
wanting 40 hours pay for 30 hours
foundation members are invited
work, we have to ask why the
to attend.
talked to Mr. Mills. (.Staff Photo)
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