HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-06, Page 23■ A MOTOR HOME (left), containing specially designed computerized equipment, ip the nerve center of the Champion Spark Plug Company fuel economy and emissions tests. From the unit, engineers control the operation of the chassis dynamometer and record results. In addition to giving Champion information on how engine condition effect, fuel'usage and emissions, results will be provided to governmental agencies for their use in formulating policies. Heart of the laboratory equipment used in the half -million dollar Champion fuel economy and emissions test program. is a portable chassis dynamometer (right). The dyno enables Champion to bring a sophisticated automotive test lab to places where the average car operates so engineers can determine performance of a cross-section of vehicles. Can tire tested on the dyno to gather results before and after tune-up. Canadian experts .. . Wouldn't skid you ,r To the motorist who than a routine annoyance. into problems should they lives in cold, snowy winter However, motorists used r be traveling in -frigid areas weather, getting a car out to driving on normally or be confronted by a of a skid is hardly more dry pavements can run freak snow storm at home. Therefore, the Rubber 'Association of Canada CAREFORY UR C shares its experience s �! safe driving on bad roads.. C 1`!v� ^ SS O PUZZLE With: the reminder that stopping on a wet road can take four times the normal - - distance as on a dry road EmmaNES ACROSS 41 What you should 17 Where speed - 1 System to check NMEM - ometer is found. safety of all cars Emma 19 Insecticide. MEQ- OWL).- battery and oil?" NMEN 5 When spark 42 U. of Maryland Emma ARM MR MEMS Momm A ®a■ plugs are mis- WOMEN Ems RE ®mom E■IM firing you get 44 Air (Combined MIN. Lodi MOO excessive emis- form). •25 What cared for MEMBERS MER bio©MN 47 Topmost styry cars are. on ®.RS . (Abbrev.y._ am _ 26 Kind of engine ' HBO 100 49 Rodent. shaft, ME■©E: pheric pressure. AR Columbus or MEE. 12 Author of novel (Abbrev.). Stillwater. Moura EME■ Exodus. NOS Mm. 29 To do this is MEMO MM■S leaded gas with human. the association urges re duce(I speeds. Also 'dis- tance between your car and the one in front should be doubled. On starting out and with no cars around, test the surface by braking the car lightly. When braking, pump the pedal, bringing the car to a gradual stop. Jamming on the brakes is likely to lock the wheels and put the car into a skid. Should you start to enter a skid, take your foot off the gas pedal, stay oil the J brakes and steer in the direction of the skid. When the car is straightening out, pump the brakes gen- tly to slow down. t � Pay attention to tensiosn ' While ignition system or worn alternator or gen- troubles- are most often erator belt can be the responsible for start�g -culprit. The faulty. belt- problems, elt problems, there are of er, can contribute to a fatal often mystifying causes. drain on the battery power An improperly tensioned and cause a "can't start." Want to. Buy a New Car ? .Get a Commerce / New Car Loan Or maybe your wife would prefer a green sedan. Sedan, Convertible, canoe; piano, or wardrobe ... please yourself (or your wife). Whatever it is you want, a Commerce Bank Plan Loan can be tailored to your needs. Phone or visit the Loan Department of any Commerce branch. 1> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Accidents Can To safe -Drivers Too Play it SAFE behind -the wheel of your car. De- pend on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of repairs, injuries and liability claims. Se'aforth Insuran-ce Agency Limi'ted 39 Main Street S. Donald G. Eaton - 527-1610 Kenneth J. Cardno 527-1610 527.0490 Three.-nct tion tests to nlrnhe. ant" f­111P'1W-,qCt1IA Three ear '- pro eet Tanned to that will demonstrate to tune-up in .maintaining that could further improve .. C p _ the motorist the Benefit of vehicles for low emissions the nation's air quality" study engine condition effectAAA , on emissions also �'CL►s ?. itch rs , prggraln t 11s A test program to determine how engine condition • •_ relates to fuel economy and emissions has been launched motorists o�.�%+ to save on fyel use Tests will be run in 30 U.S., Canadian and Mexican Operating on the theory s cities during the next three years. that an informed public The nein series of tests -is the most .comprehensive voluntarily can achieve ------ look —look at motorist maintenance habits and their effect gasoline savings that on gasoline consumption and excessive- emissions ever would make rationing *or undertak�n by a non-governmental source. high taxes iinnecessary, �* # Data gathered in these cities will be compared to the American Automobile results from earlier studies that have proven helpful Association has launched CM in formufating maintenance recommendations. Results a Gas Watchers program. M. - also will be made available to the U.S. Environmental Aimed' at making "five Protection Agency and Federal Energy Administration gallons of gas do the work a for their Use in formulating clean air and fuel economy of six," the program is standards. in response to President According to David L. Walker, Champion's Automo- Ford's stated goal of re- tive Technical Services Director, "United States test during U.S. oil imports locations were selected primarily because they were from six to five million e listed by the U.S.barrels daily. y. A 16 per mental Protection Agen- a cent reduction in gasoline cy as areas with serious mg, malfunctioning dis- consumption would be air pollution problems. tributor components, worn needed to meet the Presi- - ar damaged wiring or or z • T In fact, the EPA recently g g poor dents objective. + .compression: . recommended that these The AAA program con up - areas introduce manda- tory All these conditions oth- centrates ori five areas to er than P_ or compression .' inspection programs save gasoline. They are: for v icle emissions," due to eriglne wear are !+ Use Good Driving Tech - lie "Mainte- correctable by tune-up. s1 e ntinued niques. Jack rabbit Mr. walker said "Cham- starts, fast braking nand neglect that pro- ' g and _ _ duces gasoline waste also Pion is undertaking this weaving in and out of g new, more extensive test traffic can cost motorists causes excessive emissions, program for several rea- and vice versa." sons. With the serious en- up to 44 per cent in gas ment also helps save Baso- Where possible, sht>p by Previous tests orgy crisis confronting our mileage in normal city, line. phone.driving, AAA claims. Join a Car Pool. Just Watch>Speeds. Observe' Mr. Walker noted that nation, we need all the in- Kee Your Car In Ti car pooling with one other the 55 mile formation we can gather P p- g � hour'speed previously con- Top Shape. AAA reports person to work could re- . limit. In fact, where. safb ducted nationwide tests o on how maintenance helps �•� save our fuel resources. It tests have shown that a duce the average motor- and .not interfering -V-=- ° -- the effects of tune-up on , tune-up can result in an ist's fuel use by 25 per cent. traffic, travel at 30. to 40 fuel economy and emis= would be counterproduc- immediate nine to 15 per Plan Your Driving — m.p h. That .is the -best ' tive if the car maiiufac- Bions. Those tests shower{ cent increase in gas mile- Try combining errands -in -speed -range for fuel econ- - that an engine in need of turers improved fuel econ= g only to have their age. "Once you've had7our9----orae trip, cutting down on omy. tune-up wastes 6.2 per omy oncar _ tuned, don't forget the average 55, miles the "Gras Watchers' Guide," cent of its fuel °equal" efforts offset through mo- , -equal - neglect of car about it," AAA advises. "A average motorist expends a 18-pagebonkletcontairl- _ between one and two g° car needs to be tuned at on shopping and related Ing tips on d gasoline per -tank- how -torp Ions of maintenance. g P least twice a year."., needs. Map your route on five gallons do the • work ful based on a 20 -gallon Support for tune-up Attention to proper tire, each excursion to make of •six, 19 available from tank capacity. An estimat- "In addition, we will pressure, radiator temper- certain you're traveling., most .AAAA cliibs, at ed 300,000 barrels of fuel gather more information ature and brake adjust- the shortest distances. charge fob single' ropiest_ ' daily, costing motorists more than- $2 billion- a - year, are being wasted through engine neglect. Al, Emissions tests conduct- z't'�`" - ed revealed nearly a 50 per cent redue- X21 J . ,�• � � � Fs I/ tion in harmful pollutants • at hot idle after tune-up. . ti�•. � � --�--- ;i ,�' •' Some of the causes Conditions causing fuel waste and excess carbon - , monoxide . emissions in-- clude faulty carburetor, a sticking choke, wrong idle setting, dirty air cleanerA and related problems. Common causes of highl hydrocarbon. emissions and poor gas mileage in- :;?;µ. , " �► elude a weak ignition sys- a �,ti�.; tem, worn out or fouled �� spark plugs, improper tim-r� • to ACROSS 41 What you should 17 Where speed - 1 System to check say when asked, - ometer is found. safety of all cars "Check your 19 Insecticide. OWL).- battery and oil?" 20 'Phis cars for 5 When spark 42 U. of Maryland hire. plugs are mis- athlete (Abbrev.)- 23 Sticky confec- firing you get 44 Air (Combined tion. excessive emis- form). •25 What cared for sions of these 47 Topmost styry cars are. (Abbrev.y._ in house. _ 26 Kind of engine ' 8 Kind of meter 49 Rodent. shaft, that shoats atmos -52 Vital engine plug. 27 Campus in pheric pressure. 54 Railroad Columbus or 12 Author of novel (Abbrev.). Stillwater. Exodus. 55 Use — un- 29 To do this is 13 Lowest box leaded gas with human. score totals. catalytic con- 30 Movie studio k4 Untimed engines verters. initials. waste this. 56 Part of a fork. 31 Abbrev. for Mr. IS I never— _ 57 — rod, part of in Peru. ' man I didn't like. steering linkage. 32 Mao's given 16 Word of agree- 58 Unpleasant name. ment in Argen- aroma. 34 Kipling poem. tida. 59 Vital battery 35 Good mechanics 17 Pass6. fluid. give a road — 18 Parts Distributor 60 Afternon news- after repairing Assn. (Wt.). papers.a car. - 19 D in Athens. ' 61 Run away from. 38 What new oil 21 Music to torea- dor's seals prevent. ears. 22 Model of Ford DOWN 39 Short time period (Abbrev.). cars (PI-). 1 Cooling system 42 Uneven wear on 24 Beast of burden. or fuel system these indicate im- 26 Dirty air cleaners component proper inflation. can increase this 2 TV horse. 3 What 43 Initials for auto - emission. 29 Cbinmon prepo- mainte- nance is for uratic 'shift. sition. dependable per-,; 44 Thin Man's dog. :. 29 Lethal emissions mance. 45 Heroic literary can result when 4 A rose — — style. this system is rose. 46 Indian princess. damaged. 5 These should be 48 Keeping car clean 33 —I didn't checked before protects this. have enough installing new 50 Medicitfal plant. trouble. antifreeze. 51 42 Down in 35 Prefix for three.. 6 Ignition system Coventry (Sing.). `3G Needed to cool part that boosts 53 Color of low oil engine radiators. voltage. warning tight. 37 Vital part of 7 Therefore. 55 Exclamation in 29 Across, 8 Academic degree. comics when 39Part of U.S. 9 Syn. for car. one's punched where,. Miami is 10 Seat belt holder. in stomach. located; (Abbrev). 11 Ancient form for 57 Title page 4h' Mr. Olds' initials. qld. (Abbrev.). For. Correct Solutions See Page 17 - t � Pay attention to tensiosn ' While ignition system or worn alternator or gen- troubles- are most often erator belt can be the responsible for start�g -culprit. The faulty. belt- problems, elt problems, there are of er, can contribute to a fatal often mystifying causes. drain on the battery power An improperly tensioned and cause a "can't start." Want to. Buy a New Car ? .Get a Commerce / New Car Loan Or maybe your wife would prefer a green sedan. Sedan, Convertible, canoe; piano, or wardrobe ... please yourself (or your wife). Whatever it is you want, a Commerce Bank Plan Loan can be tailored to your needs. Phone or visit the Loan Department of any Commerce branch. 1> CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Accidents Can To safe -Drivers Too Play it SAFE behind -the wheel of your car. De- pend on AUTO INSURANCE to meet the cost of repairs, injuries and liability claims. Se'aforth Insuran-ce Agency Limi'ted 39 Main Street S. Donald G. Eaton - 527-1610 Kenneth J. Cardno 527-1610 527.0490 Three.-nct tion tests to nlrnhe. ant" f­111P'1W-,qCt1IA Three ear '- pro eet Tanned to that will demonstrate to tune-up in .maintaining that could further improve .. C p _ the motorist the Benefit of vehicles for low emissions the nation's air quality" study engine condition effectAAA , on emissions also �'CL►s ?. itch rs , prggraln t 11s A test program to determine how engine condition • •_ relates to fuel economy and emissions has been launched motorists o�.�%+ to save on fyel use Tests will be run in 30 U.S., Canadian and Mexican Operating on the theory s cities during the next three years. that an informed public The nein series of tests -is the most .comprehensive voluntarily can achieve ------ look —look at motorist maintenance habits and their effect gasoline savings that on gasoline consumption and excessive- emissions ever would make rationing *or undertak�n by a non-governmental source. high taxes iinnecessary, �* # Data gathered in these cities will be compared to the American Automobile results from earlier studies that have proven helpful Association has launched CM in formufating maintenance recommendations. Results a Gas Watchers program. M. - also will be made available to the U.S. Environmental Aimed' at making "five Protection Agency and Federal Energy Administration gallons of gas do the work a for their Use in formulating clean air and fuel economy of six," the program is standards. in response to President According to David L. Walker, Champion's Automo- Ford's stated goal of re- tive Technical Services Director, "United States test during U.S. oil imports locations were selected primarily because they were from six to five million e listed by the U.S.barrels daily. y. A 16 per mental Protection Agen- a cent reduction in gasoline cy as areas with serious mg, malfunctioning dis- consumption would be air pollution problems. tributor components, worn needed to meet the Presi- - ar damaged wiring or or z • T In fact, the EPA recently g g poor dents objective. + .compression: . recommended that these The AAA program con up - areas introduce manda- tory All these conditions oth- centrates ori five areas to er than P_ or compression .' inspection programs save gasoline. They are: for v icle emissions," due to eriglne wear are !+ Use Good Driving Tech - lie "Mainte- correctable by tune-up. s1 e ntinued niques. Jack rabbit Mr. walker said "Cham- starts, fast braking nand neglect that pro- ' g and _ _ duces gasoline waste also Pion is undertaking this weaving in and out of g new, more extensive test traffic can cost motorists causes excessive emissions, program for several rea- and vice versa." sons. With the serious en- up to 44 per cent in gas ment also helps save Baso- Where possible, sht>p by Previous tests orgy crisis confronting our mileage in normal city, line. phone.driving, AAA claims. Join a Car Pool. Just Watch>Speeds. Observe' Mr. Walker noted that nation, we need all the in- Kee Your Car In Ti car pooling with one other the 55 mile formation we can gather P p- g � hour'speed previously con- Top Shape. AAA reports person to work could re- . limit. In fact, where. safb ducted nationwide tests o on how maintenance helps �•� save our fuel resources. It tests have shown that a duce the average motor- and .not interfering -V-=- ° -- the effects of tune-up on , tune-up can result in an ist's fuel use by 25 per cent. traffic, travel at 30. to 40 fuel economy and emis= would be counterproduc- immediate nine to 15 per Plan Your Driving — m.p h. That .is the -best ' tive if the car maiiufac- Bions. Those tests shower{ cent increase in gas mile- Try combining errands -in -speed -range for fuel econ- - that an engine in need of turers improved fuel econ= g only to have their age. "Once you've had7our9----orae trip, cutting down on omy. tune-up wastes 6.2 per omy oncar _ tuned, don't forget the average 55, miles the "Gras Watchers' Guide," cent of its fuel °equal" efforts offset through mo- , -equal - neglect of car about it," AAA advises. "A average motorist expends a 18-pagebonkletcontairl- _ between one and two g° car needs to be tuned at on shopping and related Ing tips on d gasoline per -tank- how -torp Ions of maintenance. g P least twice a year."., needs. Map your route on five gallons do the • work ful based on a 20 -gallon Support for tune-up Attention to proper tire, each excursion to make of •six, 19 available from tank capacity. An estimat- "In addition, we will pressure, radiator temper- certain you're traveling., most .AAAA cliibs, at ed 300,000 barrels of fuel gather more information ature and brake adjust- the shortest distances. charge fob single' ropiest_ ' daily, costing motorists more than- $2 billion- a - year, are being wasted through engine neglect. Al, Emissions tests conduct- z't'�`" - ed revealed nearly a 50 per cent redue- X21 J . ,�• � � � Fs I/ tion in harmful pollutants • at hot idle after tune-up. . ti�•. � � --�--- ;i ,�' •' Some of the causes Conditions causing fuel waste and excess carbon - , monoxide . emissions in-- clude faulty carburetor, a sticking choke, wrong idle setting, dirty air cleanerA and related problems. Common causes of highl hydrocarbon. emissions and poor gas mileage in- :;?;µ. , " �► elude a weak ignition sys- a �,ti�.; tem, worn out or fouled �� spark plugs, improper tim-r� • to