HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-06, Page 18% :�-i7T�­ 777;771� 5A > 2 A ", T k ope, ns (,d M.P.P.), Saturday. Thes VO wduce our enorm _PPle w1i ous Provincial $4104 of the sincetehr and y icar# bill, Mr.. Roy, 4ald'lt 114i0h Pairliament, of 'the SOVV their liveA. sec;ms, completely illogical aU6 PrqVlnc� of Ontario openid on hive Upt their bus cI9 '5P, 04 out of k0eping: with reality not to Tabiday, October 28th. alm4st, Saturday. M Singer d at iv, enact,- without delay an und . rqsively.� There were '74 order to su lve,.In co eiN 4mlondmeoi such, s he IS,, Opp�'.$I *6 ' member� to 'the 52 enterprise,- eularly, in l&r Government mlinoers. 17iie urban centres, it . is necess go proposing, Spe6qh from ;he Throne r6a.d by . their business be caiTied , that In a special ceremony, held in 011- Qtk* the 491slative Ch�njberm, -ArihOr the Lieutenant 076oarnor of the Stiliday. Thefi� rell#10us --Maloney was sworn in P 6ns will not alloiv t4em, to on-fa-ffo4ji AS , rayince,Ahe Honourable Pauline conviqi first bmbudsinan this A, 'M1., M cGibbon, promised action operate ibeir business - on we ck. e Ire Th 'Mo ce confirmed o4'issuel such as UAtion, rents. Saturday and the law Will no UY the appointment mortgage., interest rates made last May- rom ing indp prohibit them f -*,Rrk 01, Mr. - Maloney referred to the �A tenont security. It alsp indicefted Sunday' Mr. Singer felt this enogingus impact o I o4r lives al , C7 that thd Government In, its' -would be most 'dhfair and of public, admialstra , iion, giving po pcem over the discriminatory. Mr.. Singer said A ft�o�ionliic, )iPalth rise to themeed for T _0 the Province an ine problems in - impartial Of inflation and Unemploym he will, ther.efore"L be introducing ombudsman�, when people �nt, an Amendment, to thi effect that "believe they ha�e 6een-pre- 8&ylN(3--fHE, GOODlis Mrs. Doredh Coleman, will,support the decision X,,the, those people by reason offteir udiced by an act or omission of a, right, dlv' to her custome�,: Mrs.Edith, es change �religious convictions tre Gov�tnment,of Canada to'launch at civil'servant", and acknow'ledged 'at the First Church bazoaf,on Satbrday. a. nation wide attack on -�hese, Saturday as their day, of pause' thb'pio4eermg legislative work Beuerman problems. done by Liberal'M.P.P. Vernon their b . uyln'g wAs finis . hed, these four I ad an& who close their business On There was a big line-up ready to buy the 66 'me baked A RESTFUL CUP OF TEA— After idlei h' On tfie'firsi day of the Session, Saturday, be includid as Pne of er, who pr000sed an' Ontario goods as, soon as theywent on sale,,at 3 P.M.N a cuO. of 'tea at the First Pres4yterian Cfiurch bazaar on NS'turda�. From left ar', the Hona rable John Rhodes, the exemptions in the". Statute and ",print udsman f6r ten years'beforV' ($taff Photo� Mrs. Gloria Love, Mis.Wilma, OW -Mrs. Thelma Wright and M1 iste -o Housing reported to be allowed to remain open, on' th6. Governmen0itook up the Miss Luea'a th7Hous on'the plans for the Sunday. M;d'ntgbmery.- Phc!,,;.' intrwodu ion ' of rent' review . According toA statement by the legislation. He indipated th#t Pe Provincial ' Veasurer,- ' the ............... ...... one very,,:irfiporta Mence on kfon)urabl�, Daitrey McKeoujh, -this' legi! -*,It,, federal, the Piwincial Government Intend A�pi proj;ramme�'on'wage and price to give the Nderal Government- N� fq�eral plans and, in Ottawa' the ower.to administer controls and the p ffinding in. respect of houkipg. tot�lly their newly proposed wtage ............. The lc�gislation, to be introduced will, and price control in Ontario. This k� , '.. g N provicle tor a rent reviiew wdfild N.] mean, in effect, that in p g Q boa d, empow6red to review rent For Y6,ur S in ekpcct6d Z:onfrontationw, with '�M merqases, FOOD. STORE.' *ithif); —limitg teachers 'and civil -servants' thq conventef prota "p. .=�.&tdrminei unde;,, �1:t.l An jonists,eill be the-, Federal W Are Open Every 1,.,!m'�;p:i e appropriate caseV the b rd' will. Government and the unions. The r .X% ro FRI. Dn that the' H be able, to allow incieases or Lfberal party , haye, however., T URS. 'and "M 'tenants who'are being asked to, Xffi� ......... .... N ght - AN U Mr, back rents,' For thd benefit of takeir the positi .M. L Provincial civil servants and other "Till 9 oIcl k oc or have sig'ned leases,.on or after Orofessionif peopl' who come R incr July, 30, 1975, rent east in wi ovipcial jurisdiction. 'thin in excess of those permitt, i eF Albert KOY, Llbefal M.P.? BUR H, .1 f or c MR." the bill will be rolled b 0 0 awa East, Ois week . . . . . . . . . . . N. date of ac the, new lefe, Jn� introduced PRICES EFFECTIVE'TIU . ....... ... in the Ontario AT' 119 ir W, ature, a Private landiords will be reA' ired "to Legisl , Member's TUESD NOVO' refund those amounts. The right ........ ..... Bib which would am6d 'The' Highway Traffic Act, reduc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hot be to these -refiinds ifill affected by the fact the tenant has ihi spe�d Unlit on the Province's highways, to'5� miles per. hour. 'signed a lease on or after July 30,� SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS 1975. -RS He proposed Similar legislation in SCHNEID]L �J 'L�m untry Maple #J. The Solicitor-GeneraL ohn April of tfiis year. He said the bill S Co MacBe_th, intro4uced I .egis ion has dual purpose, to'save eniergy lat designed to force large retail and reduce injury and death on S11 Z ''to close on Sundays and the highways, "Statistics hkve stores RED HOT holidays, or face fine' BOLO s of UP to -proven that when similar BA-CO'N.. $10,000, bipjinnirr January, legislation has been implemented 4-1b. Pkg� 1976. This legislation applies to in jurisdictions outside Ontario, 16 oz. pkg. A, - stores of more than -.3 employees M� I the result has been aconsiderable and more than 2,400 square feet- sa'v* fist ing in gas for. the moto and' of ietail kpace. The exceptions 'a quite 'remarkable, reduction in include small grocery stores, milk tr�ffic fatalities and injuries. C stores, news 9nd C 1-lbe, pkg. tobacco stands, Obviously any measure which has drug stores, antique shops' 079 duced the enormous toll of ps, flower.shops and serMigg-st,:'"d th and injury 'resulting- from Mr. Veriion Singer, Liberal road accidents must be given M.P.P. for Wilson Heights, said serious c'onsideriti6n and the the *3 introduction of the Retail sa�ing in' gas consuidpItion must Busines's Holidays Act., (Sunday also be taken into �ccount at this Closing Law) had one -serious time, whe ' �rgy conservation HEINZ RHODES" CA RNIVAL KRAFT omission. and the price of gasoline� 'is of White or Whole Wheat - 'He said 'while the law purports concern to us'all". Mr.'Roy als�, tb be secular and not religiouA, Frozen said that there is another in Sunday'is posed as the day of important factor th' K, 5, oz.hottle 'MIRACLE [ATTO.:: at cannot be paq4e. Theie are many * people in overlooked. Motor vehicle the Ontario community who accidents cost the health system -T BREA -11�i.lii��ii: cannot choose Sunday as� their of this Province SI.-milhon a day., day of pause. IP ICE Many Orthodox When one colisiders that this C Jewish, people, Seventh-Day one change in-existin g legislation 45, OZ. can Salad Dressing Adventists and others have deep could. reduce death and injury,, H, DOUGH-. i religious convictions -that will not conserve our valuable ener gy allow them to work .. 32 oz. C, on resources, and at. the same time U C 5 loaf C P k p 9. Jar 8�7 .9, 99 ............ 19 , K ry paW V BUDGET 15'oz. tin List 'N Your Child's' Portrait qcK-UppriceS Q ust DOG or CAT _'FO'0D7/,1*'00 I't 11 r In vivid, to'lor .. **J4, NiD APF�61NT NECESSARY, just' drop into oir 4 sto the aays and hbtirs listed below. 'Your lovely gift piqture will be taken FRIZE by a professional childken's' photolgiapher. One gilft portrait to a family which may include groups. It"S'our way of saying "'Thank you" to our regu. 1.1ar crustomets, and "Welco'me'! to everyone else.. SATURDAY NOV. 8- 10-S:30 P.M411 YOU fr6m . A A S � N GOLDEN MAPLE 4S, e '2 lb. 65. LE -0 DIOR RINGS e 6oz. J.7 OLMSTEAD. Cleaned LAKE.- - SMELrvol A. 01 6 e '-7. CARNIVAL MANDARIN ORA XG V Q 1�00'10 /Al oz; tin 000 LYSOL BASIN TUB'&.T", C CLEANER 15, oz. .8.8 �CARNIVAL Flavour Crystals 9RANG-E 4 - 3,1� oz.,' e Pkg. `77 Cream Style CORN 14 oz. 3q AL. FRUIT, COPY" TAIL 7 9' ,28 oz., IMPEWL'U Soft Spread Sleeve of 1"R-GARINE'2-1/21bTubs. �69e ............................... 4 .......... DIES ""A BAKED uuO ......................... ......... wEsirO'NIS DONUrrQ*\ e 0 (Plain, - Ibinnamon or Sugar only'. 5 9 WESTONIS, PIES, App'lle oit Raisin Gn1Y -69-c 4WESTONIS - LEMON 'BUTT 159C ,RAHORNS PROD CE U.S.A. CANAD* NO. 1 EMPEROR R G—R—APES 33 C lb. ONT; GROWN C -ARROTS 3 lb. bag 9. 39e -PRODUCE U.S..A CANADA No.1 G R 'A PEFR UI T Pink or White 10 for, 89c CHIQ 6A Golden Yellow B—ANA N A S 1'7 C lb. MINI* NX A