HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-06, Page 14;11., -1 kl�,� 1111 "i W:1. -I ": �V L; . ; ; ., 1, 5, , , " ". ,�;T.ar.�Y,., ."", , C,
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aas In V, YJ1ry
A very enjoyable'40100sot reading he addrc5i and and atrwn- mljkj�g,t6 do 4t night, Tors: 4
by�6.Ict6T4'T0w,n'6'hend. y; the A little less worry novel was - 41e jioise. 94 ,Jell!! Sheet
party was-Aeld at Family Paraillse, presenting their- Mom That is 141 his 'Com visit them Qu can,.
bay got 411 ruined Aud"haylag�, end pud e v if y,
ht fOt year with the rant..' OSse, 33 years have 6o Hallowe'en P49 I*Wgo� and Dad with a gift. Following, the. That very first ilh. housekte�ping
ve been full of
bAu4'us up living
Di&, Hd� and-4to *,�Q dance the girls served a cold meat 'fl �tihcc cat No,�)( 't tbey -
and Bill 'flit Mother'$, 44n m' $004
35 years. Th; evening begon" as lunch With Wedding cake. cheered him righTf, IWOWS boot! happy times and
friends, relatives apo riviglib oqrs It was 35 yeiis thfi'bctob�r And set hi m is a bit of a, whirl- But when we, had on 'up sad
f lied the knot As the jolloWing fall he became- And started leaving 40int'que, by 7Wey!ye weathered thd hard
As* Mommi and V danced to the anisic of "%e Vy.h.e Rev diner ho
My sympfthy goes Quit I Lal�l parents o n
"During And M
months, �Ilvertones". The prgud father of li�bj, giti. times,, together
young,chil4ren. For thee'pl mo Morn and D4d settled. down W _one
Intprmissiob th6 Dale' pyel And this ww inulig, Moin and Dad to false n' sab&a-gea t NO 11,11, Jet It malies,tlies# ifid.
you_ havi�, been In 'HuYet, 040 nas•the. lot. easy
daughter's weiecalle ie at For gracious' alive! -For although fife' way was dphill
71k ads attack you in a ro9fid-' nw thought it'd be.ealief thaii. I'll bet he'd Sell the faim,'and h#ve some fan. And at tilrics. troubles seem. to just
about yct 1�4ea i hile, tn� niece has given me the
',cholcd..of . a stereo'or or a / typewriter. parents. with the eldest daughter banking That he w6s going to ehd tt��', They. moved into the town of
ctive. way - thfough your k T. 1 11 1 Zam,
cc - five. Seaforth' We ji0i6they'd 49et tegeth6r,
When -the childreW'6ome hqkme fro4a
a Ual with them. If my nephew Well Father had to deftlop some A] dn� deoide, and agree
[dug with some of. the & urfi.
chool, their favourite ptograins-are on TV Oersuades Santa Claus to give him a.�_ 1 1 . , . , , . . ,
ki�6arclhdn'Notes obbies �' "' Y., A.,
That they'd 0* it 11 fi
They'see ten minutes of a sbow; then they pripjector, I'll buy somefilm for his camera. clan an.
[By Mabel Turnbulilf,, was asked how he in his rim witch five minutes:. of corrimerizialii, If my niece convinces old Saint Nick to givaj., fi escape, worries- and
• desciibin�� the fun they cAri have,with her a stereo', I'll buy her Vrecord. Rev. Ure' Stewart,' took, 'the' he ireKted, "At ihuffle�oat4' cares .
the I -super *new toksr and games. My youngest nephew is three -and -a -half devotionals 'thi� week. The Mr. Dalton as #Iread� won eight So be 'tinded . to hbk,#,CJydesdalA 4P#
set4lde opened with a recordfitg trophies his five, winters And judged ':et, all the fairs.
,Put,, �vel Knievel/ through. his year Q
Id. One of his favotirite'b9oks is the
dare&vil stunts. Wrelck your car in ffiw Christmas catalogue, He props it under my of the. hymn "All things bright Florida. • And,,politiqs was everprt'Ant
I Theo'
and beatitiful.', This recording Miss Sharon Edward R. It must enter into Aui story smash=up
d by, and then rep4iirit'in your nose and flips through tte, pages
garige. Pull Bugs Bunny's ring, and he'll �xclaiming. "I want that and that and that.'- was led by Rev.' Yournatoff ' has returned from a two, week's There' were' meetings and con-'
it different vacation in Lethbridge, Alta. Her v
talk. to 'yo Re says eig An minister of Middleton Anglican entions and clectitins
I - _O there's Ernie a9d Ber� and'the Cookie Chur-6h. We were (old. that 'this, sister,Mrs." Bee a Grk?-,or as he a..
phrases. You, never know wha e'9 going Monster. That truck would b� fun . too. �er�"k her place' Now - was he w I il IMF
f-,nexc until oxo the minister often reaches out in the - Tory?,
to, sa -Look atifilt(old -while. s im4g
car! be was away.
Then later
lake to' livi congregation. 'Mr. Fred Zeigler celebrated h on h� bought s (�pe ✓
C�glft lines. How can ',.explain fo a, three-ye'ar-old PE WN
Prayer in which Mr. Stewart Jbirthday on Wedqesday-at the' Guerrigeys
Cook a meal in a little kitchen, that's just that his poor old aunt is almost kroke? I'm
like Mommy's. It has a kitchen cabibet, an gave -T Whibh became his pri4e.an joy
thanks for. all '�"God's church oervi Three of the% WIN -
just hot in the $10.99 Jaguar class,; 4 99,c CIP Mr,
* I , goodness to his peopI junior members of; the, staffAnd Mom and us girls were great
10v y sty
a refrigerator/ freezer, a dishwasher mini -car is more in le.
7 He based his remarks on the -iresefited him with 4 'gift arid the helpers -
and a sink that -holds water. Then ser* the How'should we h. �50 -_
handle the "I want this 23rd psalm which was en b e, boys.
group sang happy*birtliday... FTed • Yes, just as good as some, meal on. your three-piece dikette set. and I want that" syndrome? Should we. David who was a she Af. 'There iiq in
invite Barbie's friends to a pool party in evade the issue by saying, s6i?'? shepherd. is 85. .vyas milk the morning
try to, reason with the & words 'of the psalm are based 6 ----- ---- ------------ 00
her very own swi7mmiqg pool. Dress her up d1we children? ---- ----- — -----
-for a night on the, town or for camping ih e assure them, '.'Th ose toys his experience as a' shepheid A
�Should w
I . ..tending. his sheep arid. caring f6r.
her camper 6� for cyclin on her. ten -speed 't what thev're crack�d up torW' or
bike- or for sailing ' her yacht.," Barbie� aren't -Aheii needs"di; God cares fof_ut�,
"You couldn'hplay with 411, those things at
He provides
lives'higher than it, of. -we adults.. or -,Y 'd I , us with food.
once, anyway. ",You'd - soon get tired of
Akk David ttied'to find 4 quiet strearn
yjaur mommy nd daddy to buy you them"? ' ' , . I Water .
al for his slieep, tiodrink.Jhe
the walking d6g that s es his head, wags
Should we expl n some fidancial facts.
his tail and barks , your comman.d. -Those things. cost money, and money of life eg4nes.fro ' m-GQd,; he spoke
4 1hrough,David tows, Mr. Stewart
Hundredeo gam6glexist, suitabte for all doesin't grow on. trees, you know.'
ages. The, most appropriate ones for adults Wese little details ' 't mentioned on said.
aren't 2 rod and staff , to
David c�r&ried
are "T 'ble", Headache, the TV ads or in ' e , catalogue{
1ou th
-."Aggravation" and "Sorry". The one that descriptiohs. The children on the prote;ct his ' s sheep from all harm.
gives the best o4vi�e, is "Don't Cook Your* television seem having fun--,natur#lly were enemie�p� the
Goose. the ones who watch,at home want , to trythe sheep -wolves and. poisonous uryo ..ove
There' �v the da -
You're .'probably wondering why Mys, too, snakes. Ar
compalin, when I have'.,, ad - children. 'Once upon a nmF I thought TV.* David ;had olive oil, to heal,,his.:
However, I too have felt the heirt-break of sheep if they were -'hurt. God
advertising, aimed directly at children) provides food and -watef for us,
seeing an expensive toy abandoned on the would be banned. -� must have been
floor, while a youngster plays- with the his she*
empty box. dreaming. The advertiseM-ents contiAue to ,p '
tempt the children, who- in turn besiege _Ae Stewart then showpd
My oldest nephew wants. only one thing' - their parents. ides of different
ec 4 54 9 7 7
11111111 i11111114111 I'l Ili I I I Vl-1it 111111111 IJ�1.111 1-11111li'l I I I I I III I I I il IIII111111 it 14 1 len�y' in, �uamlg'siteWare orks Park at St. Th, in7as2 Way Rado SCM-
'a f hour, D b,
from Detroit to Boblo' a Canadian
n "couple, Island, J ackton - PAFk, Windost, Marto sLargesa a h trip byrodhagle M"d. WestOrn 0' t
_Piqppe Park, Detroit,, Then to
Kirkland Lake. where the first
old mine w" located.
"; '0" and e e n:B..q'uiprrent
Northern Oi�tario, S%�O S ctio'of, fe*m�ios-vn
IVfro'd v The site of this mine is being
-to n Strat. \1
face sleeves and pleated skirt. preserved. The slides f
St. . Peter's'-Ldtheran Church' carnations concluded with a showing
was the setting on October A for bearer was Crai
The ring with silver accessories. Ile,
V inside of , Dunburn Ile,
the -wedding of Caroline Mae Musseltuan and the train holder Dinner and the reception w .4 -Hamilton where Mr. Stewart had
held the Mitchill Co
ilima and Kenneth Nelson Fred was Danny TurueD They wore in Community a special gujde who assiste& him.'
des for
As a result he. -was -ab *,_CUST0M,* REGENCY
Kis%qr, The' bride is the blue checked,.shirN black -bow. Centre. Master of ceremonies le to e
daughterand Mrs -Darold ,,t �Iack %the dinner was MurrayFeltz of AM -f
of Mr, .1; . many !earful slides lmult*014 rpo CR202
,,ties i�e trousers. M
was, Eiiiin: Interior of the 'castle. Th d
116� R. d "the bling' rill N
fN an lk"
son o rs. fil' �,'�e rii4jvW,. -Ushers were with c tape detk
fort4on An
groom The , couple- left for h, he visited were, colo complete, Wifh'Ai I e
to Northern On
Rey Kistner, R.R.2, Wnkton. Bruin Kistner, R.R.2. Monkton, honeymoon I I flowers in profusion and beautiftil eake
Pastor Arthur Horst' pefformeo WaNtr, lllm�. '11.9.2. Monk -ton. They Will reside in Stra. landsc4ping. xs and 23 c1l n n e I's
the double ring ceremony. The Glen,Reinz. I R.R,2, •Monkton and. • 6uests / attend from - Doris reg. 139'95 ireg. 167'96�;-
'Hblman, en Kistner, R.R.2, Moatk6n. Pidmerston. Listowe. Zurich. Activist �Mrs. - Muir".'
organist was Mrs.Carl organized, an afternoon Bingo. -
Monkton. e . y Dubli u, Monkton. Mitchell, Winners were" Mick . ey Sullivan, 99 NOW! $15900 Vt
wore bl�ck and -white 95
Wilton Fred and Harold 111man, tuxedos except Allen K'F`ner , O'Stratford, S6rinjvfll-�, Ralph Hales-, Ed. Wilusz_ Mrs. . • I I
00 -ft
brothers of the bride sang at the who was dressed similar to the Shakespeare, Ripley, Goderich, Lillian JRY�t, Mattie Aho, M
beginning of the ceremony and ring bearer. •Kitchener, Milverton7 Toronto
az arVt Pithick, a fun car RR itche'll
while the coupiq were signing the The bride's mother chose a' Bornholm,.. Guelph. Angus and
.1ittle Andrea 'Muir and Vickie
register. floor -length gown of fbrest green 1bridon. Gordon ass*ted. - S as
The bride, given in raFnage by and 6eige shades with matching Pri6r to the wedding Mr., and. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rapson 3. mi Vbf Mit'chell'on n,04- wotch. for the
her father, chose a iftill-length sash -with beige Accessories. The Mrs. Roy -Kilmer patents of the
attended the bingo. She is Mrs.
V- grw.m, entertaidi� the wedding �99,trees'the south side,'
gown of organza o Broom's mpther, chose a floor- Pethick's &ughter. towers and spruce. on t
length gown of mint green with , party following the rehearsal.
long sleeves, high neckline and Kelly Dalton visited the home
*Snacks and 'Refreshm6nts wIll bia-avaUab
Ong e gown was
trimmed with pink and white lace.
She wore a shoulder length cap
style veil trimmed also with pidk
and white lace. She carried pink
roses, white carnations --"d
The maid of honour was Mrs.
9e'tty Kinnaird, Stratford. She
wore a full-length orange checked
gown. scooped neckline and short
puffed sleev6s. Sm- white
daisies >trimmed the' bodice.
sleeves and -neckline. She cafyied
a basket of white and
orange carnations. =h
she wore,, white, daisies � hair
ribbon to match her gown. The
bridesma'dse NESS Yvonne
Illman .11.21�r`Monkton, Miss
Karen Walker, GoZierich. Miss
Carol Rose Bornholm and Miss
Sherry Illm;'Z R.R.1 Monkton..
They wore gowns identical to, the
maid of h onour only in yellow,
green ,blue and mauve shaded,
carrying baskets of white daisies
-and colbured carnations to Match
their. go*ns. Miss Ceone'Leistner
and Wks Sarah Scott were flower
girls- They both wore blue
checkid, gowns and carried
baskets of white daisies and b1pe
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