HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-11-06, Page 12r„
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�.-..,R,,-,� .0 f arak>rx�lee plf;s^
''uC#on Sl�lag' 20. Auction Sal�lr 24. Cf�rcl» of Thanks r a fi° r £� .s 4Y,� O>p t11 1VX
• � '�`�. r+z �.a "," � ,, r } �` .� 4r# $ t s 3•°.4� 4MEMBRANCE'
• •L
would like- to express our $ •� t �`"`�ia t.c°'i'
z , y d thanks to everyone for their 'f, .4� y&';, ` 'k� swf� } The Future '(lf the Church
CLF tARll AlUCT�ON SALT cats, gifts, flowers, treats, warm sr 1 e ' a • .-Set
wishes and visits while we were in � � g+`� h ra •� , �, :Suvkday, - bveinber 9th, 11 -am
of, Beef caws and calves at Lot 31, Concession 8, Hullett A hospital and since comipg home. . �••.
TawnshiA, 1 /a miles west and 1 if miles south of Londesboro r ,7tG1u 1�'ICDonal
' 1 A special thanks to Dr. Malkus, ,,, eta.: l �:` GUEST 11IxYISTE. Rev,
l for Harry Snell on Dr. Whitman and • the O.B., + r a.,, c
nursing staff. ,of Seaforth ,f , Special Music By the �+, , •- -
WORMY,, 12th 1:30 P.M• Community Hospital. Everything a, �+r�t��!'� r� \ + ' Hur,o'nia, Male Choi>Ir• S .
was greatly appreciated and will '� 'a *` 1
� � � �'' Cli4rch School 9x46.
offering Includes always be remembered. — Joan• r r� ;
i` Twenty Hereford and cross bred co s, some fresh recently Brodhagen and Baby Jason, rJ r / a. r f , Lunch sere6d following se�ir ice'
24-17x1 P £. ,rc r t
rind some due soon. t Y, a , v of
' Twenty Hereford calvgs from newborn tq one ear old. One 26. Personal
registered Herefordbull coming four years ofd. We. invite to
engaged cou les
i nod hetrd of beef cows, showing sire and quality. visit the Arbor Gift 'Shop in,'
This sag Clinton: Pick up a free gift acid
I a tell your friends about our Shower THE.POP CORN EATERS -- These three sat right dawn and enjoyed' themselves' at
Auctioneers or Owner not responsible for accidents day ,of and Bridal registry service. No the Hallowe'en party for the youngest students at Huron Centennial School in
+ + ' sale. charge. no obligations, 26-17-tf 'Brucefield on Thursday. The three kinder arten fa pits, in Hallowe'en costume are,
Clinton D Au eers Bornholm 2� Bi1 h8 left, Janice Mgffat, Brucefield and Jere y MH' er and Jane Papple,. Seaforth.
' (Staff Photo)• ,
In Townsville , Queensland '
4 Australia, on October 27, 147S -to Nurses hedr abn, OfHealI♦ h Coundl,
' 22. Le al Notices 22. Legal otiCes , Mr. and Mrs.Co)in a ,1'"'
$' McKarney (Anne Shortreed), the (Bv Hilda M. Payne) outlined the development ••of Health Council is formed it'should
gift of a daughter, Colleen Joyce: •
Stephen Skorez, Area Planning
District Health > Councils since
; consist '^of'six providers of 'care,
Co -Ordinator for Community
basic planning was. begun in
six consumers•of•6are and three
D LRYMPLE — To Mr. and
Health Services. Toronto, was
guest speaker at a recent
' 1972, Previous to this health care
had been largely and
Politicians. These •peopi� should
Harold 'Dalrymple, R.R.tfl,
meeting of the Huron County
wholly planned, by .'providers .
be able to relate health care
Brucefield, in Seaforth
!Community Hospital,
Chapter of the Registered Nurses
•such as hospitaf boards. doctors
geographicaliy ratter . than
locally-. , They
Association of Ontario IiM at the
apd nuAW.' In' the future health
should be
November 1, 1975, a son. 27-17x1
'Sc.aforth community Hospital'. Ile
care is -o to be planned by
community minded people/hand
About the
only negat' a McKillop -are agreeable to.assist
consumers: that is those who
should regard themselves as
receive l the care. All aspects of
vehicles of the public. Mr: Skorez
Hadwen 'stud profiles .
heath care are to be included itt ',
warned, r
Meetings planned to which
District Health Care and involve
all para=medical '' workel!s
the public will be invited.
ambulance crews, and
homr care workers , he said:
five Health
Pointing out that health councils
are a ttew concept in health care,
the speaker urged the meeting to
At, present. 'District
The study provided a profile of -
the vpters and 'enjoys their
Councils exist in Ontario. Each ,
ChSuncil is responsible for the „
keep an open mind, to attend
meetings and get educated as'to
the typical Huron County reeve., ,confidence as he carries •out'his entire,health care of the District what it is all about.
NOTICE is hereby given that 1, 24. Car(ls Of Thanks He is,a,far'mer who has lived all duties. uncle! the Health Minister ;
Garry Young will not be Th G' his life in Huron County. 'He, is a There's really not ►much A m odified steering committee
,103,0 Ohnjo 1,21.,
and attend -the
• : s: •SERViC�E •
�- At the, Cenotaph '
Victoria Park
TUESe NOV 1,1 th.
responsible for debts, purchases e'• ibson family thank the man in•the•fifties, who lives.in, a difference between the typical
is to be set up in Huron County
a Seaforth and Clinton Firefighters rural area,. He has been a member ree a and the typical municipal ,+,th %ell: * t 'main ob'ertives. • ` is
e'or commitments other than those 1personally' authorized or incurred
rvho worked all night in the wind, of county council for three or four councillor. al�hough it is more t i;n,un7cr input should be le. - Time !�a Orde
by myself, 22-1b-3 smoke,and water, chasing sparks .years. likely the typical councillor liveti c �lnindrit, inoncv must be spent
prptecting our buildings. • 'Previous to becoming a county in an urban area of the county. more +k isely care must include ', n
24.17-1 councillor, he has served his The typical reeve is in touch the cmironment outside •.the' t
2& Bus. Directory t • community, in an elected public with Both town and ro-al Tha't er a12(x� � L 0 Jew,�e�le'r
Y• p t.• imtitution and.altcrnativc ways of
I,ywd like to thank e� ryone office, and in community mbnicipal councils as wei'l as with rc•a),ing.iare-must'be sought. '
who 'attended bridal showers,y.
organizations. He is a member of representatives of the'provinciai t'F„ i,ill+, \% hen the District
R.$.�BOX given for me, in the last�two the United Church of Canada. governmerit. He is increasingh '
weeks. Relatives who gathered at The typical reeve is a family concerned with the broad and Exeter gets GOLD..'- f
FUNERAL HOME the home of Mrs. Linda DeJong, man, and hips family is a little important question of planning
Swiss friends who h ad a shower 'larger than the average size in -for the area, whereas municipal (Cuntihued from Page' l) '
Phones: for me at the home of Mrs. Ontario. His wife does not work councillors tend to be more ho(h /Aurirh and,, Fleeter. The
Day 52,7-0680 - Night 527-0885 _irodfre • Bari, and .all th outside the household (that is.to concerned with the maintenance Indcpcndent'Ncwy will be printed -CES
neighbArs and frienas wh sa she does not work for a) of existin facilities such as road
23-17-tf p Y g ;w the Signal Star in Godericb. _ -- R -E
- attended the shower given for, e � is a reeve because ikewants. upkeep. fhe foxar people now on staff in I �
JOHPV E. LONGSTAFF in the church basem t.N to 'mprgl a local living conditions, In other words, 'the typical "/.urirh arctita� ing on and the t it o
Everything as a is willing to give the
appreciated. — Anne Glauser. considerable time and effort ill's rive tends more and more to be ,!retaking two more employees •,m,•
` OPTOMETRIST `concerned with the future of from the Times Advocate 'with
24-17x1 involves.There may be a specific .Huron County, while the typical them when they leave, Mr Batten
area in which he wishes to'work,
By Appointment Only i Mahy'thanks to all those who on county council. Being a reeve municipal councillor tends to be said. There will probably be, a
Seaforth Office more concernedwith the present. couple of part• time peoplemunicipal
remembered me while I was a offers.a chance to enter political While both are respected j S g y," `
Tues., Wed;, Thurs., Fri„ p ted as too, "we're u t feeling our wa
patient in Seaforth Community life and there is a certain amount
9to'S:3 P.M. prestige individuals and for the quality of The new venture is exciting, We'll be"'happy to assist in your s)eleetiom
Hospital, especially to Dr. of rests a attached to the office,
Thursday evenings their work, municipal councillors but it's also scarey, Mr. Batten " ,
Malkus; 'Branch 156 Royal but a reeve is -not reallymuch i
Monday only - Clinton Office Canadian Legion and the nurses. concerned • about' that kind of may be" slightly closer to the :said. "i think we have done a of that Extra' Special G#t �
For Appointment (A •• g public, while reeves seem slightly good job in the, past and I hope we
It was greatly appreciated. — ' thin The t teal reeve is ,.
Phone 527-1240 or 482-7p10, Frank Phillips.. 24-17-1 certain! not on count council more respected for their can continue in that vein." '
23-17->f y y expertise.
because of the token sal`ar-v. L QFAMART
I wish to thank m relatives and
The report
gives a ,`dean I uckersrnI I
friends- for' the love) cards and
The typical reeve feels th'at his
picture of how
satisfied, how ntinued from' Page 1)
are '.with t
47 Main St., • .. •527-.0270
gifts, to Mrs. L. Htrdie. and Miss'
.Mary Neville for the birthday
interests have become broader
municipal system," Dr. Had, n�Or
. since serving on county council.,•„
told council.
Council has been notified the•
cake, to St:Thomas Anglican
He has gained in self-confidence,
, Townships o[ and
Church for the.. bouquet of
insight and understanding, He is
About the
only negat' a McKillop -are agreeable to.assist
flowers and the Seaforth M.,anor . fo r oking and realizing the comment made by Dr. 'Hadi a 'th any deficit incurred -by
Nursing Home for arranging the '`r:ru sal importance of planning for concerning Huron" wa(s' a ch dren from, their township at -
party on tfte occasion of my 90ththe uture.He believes,. inkeeping' "optimism comes hard he a", the V,anastra Day Care Centre but PRE 4S EA ' N , : P R I C E
Birthday, Sincerely, Ada J. Reid. in t uch with his constitue`rits, .in But he added' that •O ario the Town of Clinton turned down ; -
S '
24-1'7x1 bei g available to the people -and residents in general tended to be Tuckersriith's request to assist
in Oaking full use of the media.. "worryers". with any deficit of children from
We would sincerely like to thank a does not desire a ehange'to, Reeve Gerry Giffin of GoderiA ' Clinton who might enroll at the
our . relatives, , friends and reg pal government and Township summed up 'the study Centre. There are 14 children
ne hbours for making our 35th dep • res that he has more desire for all of county council when he enrolled at the Centre at present,
LOU ROWLAND We ing Anniversary party to help the, county than he has said, -It couldn't have been a and 43 are needed to avoid a 19'75,-.- OTC
TRANSPORT LTD. som ing to be remembered. power to control events. more flattering report if we'd deficit.►
Special thanks to,our family who He knows he has the support; of written it ourselves." tA. The meeting adjourned at 12:45
arrang d it all. for us. All the ' a.m. Wednesday.'
P.C.V. Class CDF & FS greetings and %best wishes were Sn'' owmobil
Serving ne 345lin 2 01 Dublin
areas really appreciated/ and 'will never
Phone 345-2301 Dublin . �-
be forgotten. — George and
anytime -
23-17-tf Vietta Hoggart. 24-17x1 0
t Q
, -AAF ..
�1, — WE Sf;LL AND SERVICE— —� i MOM
Bu'lova- Accutron � Wat"ches `.
SKI fj
SEAFORTH -- CL(NTON — WALKf=H1ipN �• p' Used Sn'owme
' le t
24. Cards of Thanks ' SKI--DOO OL YMPI 3 5
We wish to thank Marty Jean �s Dr'Psa o(�
Women's esm s ••_......
Shcisbury and Palsy Scott wh8 p • 'MO.TO. SKI, CAPRI 295, "340
found and returned -the camera '
equipment which we had left on Women's Stacked Platforms .........••.....' 00 o
John Street last week. Their
In d �, co-operation was much women's Sanialinas 0 �..
appreciated. _ <'. John f ...... 1 �.
' lgottingham., 24-17-1 ' "
C�'u rar�tee - Men's Platforms ........ .........�0
We wish to thank ail those who
TSU# attended our anniversary party
Children's Shoes ...................•.•.. 00 .
for all the lovely'cards and gifts. «, 5.
Ceeti f lcaten Special thanks to our family who
planned' it. Bill and Marge°
Dale. 24-17-1RM
S�e>�I;�orth -
I wish to thank everyone who sept aM ' ;` , , - , r `1`
Insurance flowers, cards, treats or visited s "7N9 13US111114
i e while 1, was a patient in
;einey 'IL,>rm><tel Seaforth Community' Hospital.
r '�r ( thanks to Dr. Malkus, Mary' , SEMI�fRH
•`7'+' b 10 \ 'Detreteau:t, the nptses
hospital staff.
Janet' Haneq
.934 AM.1ABiL1'r1+' BUILT"
b 1 -*4" . 621-'1100