HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-27, Page 5til,ynod or Ha.. The mtlt9n andLon- don. The meeting of this body ilia Velli at Hamilton, last week. About 200 delegates° were in attendance, At Tncsday's session, after devotional exercises eomhietecl by the new Moderator, Rev, J, 13. Battisby, of Chatham, the Synod. got down to 'husinees. The committee on the 'Buxton building fund reported that .$221 had been received and paid to Rev, liVm. King, as directed by.the Synod. The accounts of the treasurer were examined and fatted correct, and a striking committee composed of eight ministers and four elders was ap- p oiutcd. Dr. Cochrane, governor of the Brantford Ladies' College, roi$ortcd that institution to be in a progressive state, and was • successful financially. During the year 134 students, com- posed of 82 day students and 52 boarders, had. been enrolled, five of whom are preparing for matriculat:on this year. The report was adaeatcd. The StratfordPresbyterypctitiohlecl the 'Synod to use its influence with the General Assembly to stay pro- ceedings in regard to the change being made in the Hymnal at pres- ent as proposed by the Pan -Presby- terian Council. -. After considerable discussion a committee was appointed to meet the Stratford representatives and draft a new overture. The general opinion was held to be in favor of some change in the Hymnal. Dr. Laing • presented an overture signed• by himself; Dr. Fletcher and .A. McLaren, to the effect that the order of public worship in Presbyter- ian churches bo improved. 1)r, • Laing said the service should be for edification and uniform in substance and order, At present some churches gave too much tifne to singing and others too niuclh to prayers. Generals interest as well las particular interests should be remembered, and some of the prayers were defective. Rev. Lyle and others spoke on the ]natter,. and the foi%or said he wished. to conduct his service as at present, and did not see aliyeldeg objectionable to singing during the Offertory. • Aetioa Was deferred. Considerable time was occupied during the afternoon session over the appeal from D. M. Gordon, an elder of the Maitland Presbytery,. who ap- pealed against the Presbytery's find; ing ill. connection with a difficulty he Thad had with the pastor, i1ev, Hector McQuairrie., Rev. Dr. Cochrane presented a lengthy report ' on the matter, from which it appeared that Ie. li1r. Gordon had rcfuse'd to appear before the Winghanl Session so answer a charge of slander and falsehood, preferred by Mr. McQuarric, who was also sitting in judgment on the case. The falsehood, it is stated, consisted in. Mr. Gordon- alleging that the ntinister had represented him (Gordon) before the Presbytery of Maitland as a "weak-kneed"' Temperance man, and further that Gordon crew certain inferences from letters received by him from Messrs. McQuarric and Me- Nabb that Atr. McQuarrio declares to be slander. After a lot of discussion it was decided, on motion of Rev. P. Strath, that a commission .be appoint- ed to issue the matter et Liieknow or elsewhere, provided all parties interested are willing. They ex- - pressed''their willingness, and the matter was dropped. At the evening ]meeting the follow- ing were appointed the commission on the Gordon appeal case :—Revs. Dr. Cochrane, Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Mc- Mullen, A. Henderson, and the Mod- erator, Dr. I3attisby ; and Ac'laln Spence, A, W. 'Leitch and Joke S 'Cameron, elders. The counliission �t'fll in all probability meet ill Wing- hani, in May, d An appeal in regard to the re- 1 arrangement of the congregations ofa l3elgrave, Calvin, East WMvanosll, Whitecliutreh and Langs de Churches't into two pastoral charges, was referr- ed to at committee to consider upon and report, The following standing committees • 1 were appointed': State of Religion—Revs. W. G. Jordan (convener), I)t�, McIntyre, G. ,1 C. I'attlirson, W. A. Gook, I. Nattress, ministers* Messrs. r: t Harrison,St. t e.ss s. I ilelcaas; 'Houston, Sarnia; •Stevely, t London ; Gcoege Thompson, Strat• t ford, elders. 'Temperance. •ilevs. 3;' S. Iielidcr- s son (convenor), James Fitzpaatrielt, I �, J. Clark, D. I'errie, A, IL Drumm, •ministers; Dr, 1)ttncan, (;hathant.; e James Colliht, Stratford; Major Eck- for<l,Weet I atit; ,ltnues Miele, Bel- mont, elders:— ' iders. ` t Sunday Schools—Revs. W. M. THE WING AM TIMES, APRIL .27.) 1894. . .4 w t er man, J. A. McDonald, J. M. Alec- tions. The latter amounted to $20e, ct e n Tin t , 1 MaeKibben• (eonvoner), (l, A. Ale. number of schools and the contribu L Jaren, R. Pettigrew, rninisters ; 1), H. 21rl,and $0, $O had been contribute IIlunter,. Woodstock; W. 1T. Iiossie, towards various sellenhes of tit Brantford ; T. W. Nisbet, Sarnia; ebureb, J,aincs A. Young, Glencoe, elders, The report of the Committee o Sunday Observance, .- Revs. 5, Sabbath Observance was presented Lyle (convener), . J'. L. Murray, by Rev, 5. Lyle, It referred to tie Nathaniel Smith, J, 0, Tohahie, J. "harvest of Sabbath desecration' Crawford ministers; y 1 John t, ► `it c Charlton, on, attsed by trains, boating, bicycling M. I'., Robert Laurie,, D. K. Mae- speeding horses, besides cock lighting • kenzie, John Carmeren, elders. dog fighting and gambling, Tih. Systewatie Beneficence—Revs. E,report contained this clause:---"Wha II , Salvers. (convener), II. McQuar rre, fair-minded man can ltavo r cspeet tor IJ. G. Shearer, IV, S, McTavish, those who demunee Sunday papers I ministers ; D,1 . Wilson,. Seaforth ; and at the same time are themselves !.James Lombie, Windsor ; Adani stockholders in companies which are ' Spence, Brantford; Alex. Campbell, making large dividends by the hired Kincardine, �. Caldrl0 eld 1 services ` ofs ti star 1.. tri v tt 1 preachers er� e 1 � a l and 1 r Rev. Dr, McMullen, convener of the acrobatic Sabbath porforniances committee on theolfcensing of students, under the cloak of worshiping God ?" reported recommending the synod to During the discussion that arose Revs. grant leave- to the Presbytery of F. McQuaig, and A. F. Tully refer - Hamilton to take on trial for license red to the management of the Grims- W. Cooper and. G,'A. Wilson, and to by Camp Grounds, Mr. Tully the Presbytery of Maitland for leave expressing the wonder. how .cihurch to take -E. A. Mackenzie, B. A., on union could be looked far when tlhc trial for license. The report was Methodist tolerated such an install - adopted. tion, The report was adopted. An appeal against the Presbytery The queerest appeal that came be - of London by James Munroe, former- fore the Synod was that of AIr. Jas. ly a member of St. Andrew's Church, Munro of London, •w1u ' fifteen years London, was referred to the following committee --Revs, Dr. Laing (con- vener), C. Fletcher, R. Hamilton, A. for disturbing the congregation by IP. Tully, ministers ; Messrs. Ruither- "involuntary weal sotuids," in lay - ford and Harrison, elders. .• ago was suspended from membership in St, Andrew's Church, that 'city, The prineipal business of Wednesday morning session was the hearing of an appeal of Rev. Angus MacKay, of Lucknow, against the finding.of the Presbytery of lfaitlancl in regard to alleged wrong -doing on his part. He charged the Presbytery with having, on June 12, 1893, violated several rules of the church in judging him on font. matters" without a trial and broken God's word in the forms of judging him. I --le also charged the Presbytery with having improperly admonished him to refrain from mak- ing < references to rumors from his pulpit, while he considered it his ditty to refer to them: Rev. Mr. Maclay talked for one Hour anti. a half in defence of his conduct. ' Mee ttfterrloou session it was decided to terminate the pastoral tie between the congregation of Belgrave- and Rev.. George'" Law in order to prepare the way for the union of the Belgravc and Calvin Church and water. East Wawanoshand Whitechurclh,Rev GOD RICII. Mr. Law to be compensated to the A number fr 1 Wingham and amount of `?50. other neighboring towns were in The ca;ntnitteo appointed to -pre- Godeiichattending the grand military pare an overture in regard to pro- ball which was held. On Friday night OSed changes 111 the hymnal reported of last week, in the exhibition hall.— Last Tuesday about midnight, the house of .Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson was burnt to the ground, with nearly all that the Presbyterian churches in the I the furniture. The fire had ]Wade old country be communicated with to great advancement before the firemen the end that .a hymnal could be pre- were able to work and consequently pared for general use in the • old they were unable eo save the build - county and o try Canada ; also that selec ing.--The block of store adjoining tions of hymns should be made by East. street. and .faeing the square are undergoing 'extensive repairs and reconstruction, --The. Geduld' foot- ball club will play with Seaforth in Beaforth on Saturday next: LONDESBORO, Mr. Ouhuette vas in Toronto last week—Joe Stevens, of Belgravo, was in'town on Saturday.—Miss Crisp has The MacKay appeal ease occupies returned from Walton and gone to the remainder of the afternoon. Re- reside in Clinton 'Tor a time.• --A num- presentatives. of the Maitland Presby- + ber of the, thrillers are through seed - tory were heard and Rev. iVlr. Mac- ing. This is the earliest spring we Kay replied, After a long discussion have 'had for a good many yea.rs.— ancl several motions the • synod Fall wheat looks faih'ly well this decided to appoint the following cog- spring. --Rev. Air. I3u gin, of 13lyth, rnittee to bring in a deliverance on exclhanged pulpits with Rev. H. J. the matter : Rev. I)r. Laidlaw (con- Fair, on Sunday last.—Mr. George Emerson, of Clinton, was in town on man's language„ snoring, Mr. Munro asked the Synod to reprove the suspension, but the members conclud- ed the appeal was outdated and they. took no action, The Synod adjourned to hold its next ]ueeting •at Woodstock. mow to Get a "Suniig2xt" Picture. Swed 23"Sunlight".Soap wrappers (wrap. per bearing the words "Why Does ai Wo- lean Look Old Sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd. , 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a, pretty. plc• tura, free from advertising, and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home.- The soap is the best in .the market and it will only cost one cent post - ago' to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your -address care. fully, BELGRAV.E. Mr. E. Livingstone is putting some new machinery into his saw mill, and will go into the manufacture of broom and other handles on a large scale. The machines were manufactured by. Messrs. Gillies .& Martin, of . Tees - through Rev. Mr. Tully, that an overture should be presented to the General Assembly askil'fg in effect the various Presbyteries so that the Hymnal Committee could select from there hymns that would be accept- able to both cotuitries. The recommendation was accepted and Rev. Dr, Laidlaw and Rev. R. S. G. Anderson were appointed to pre- sent the overture to the General Assembly. miler), Rev. Dr; Laing, Rev. George utltcrland and Mr, A. I. McKenzie, Monday evening. He took orders At the evening session the corn- for three bicycles. Londesboro is nittee in the McKay appeal made a not going to be behind the times.--- eliveianco to the synod recommend- Anthony .Haggit got the contract for ng that the appeal be dismissed, but potting in the drain so Iong talked sympathizing with Rev. t\i ir. MacKay about. He is busy at it now, and ori Recount of the implied censure by will soon have it completed.—Mrs. he Maitland Presbytery when such Thomas Dieter, of the 18th concession vas not intended. Mr, MacKay ex- Itullett, died soddenly on Friday pressed his intention to appeal to the night and was buried on Sunday in General Assembly, and said be would the Union Cemetery. ---Mr. John Hill cave the chuff ch if the decision was . itas put a wire fee cc around his lot tot in hie favor. The committee ,just south' of the village., ---J. J. €twain took the 'eater lit hand later Walker, out' ]cplitar V. 84 has solei u the everting and reported, after a one ef..hledrlvcrs to lir,. l'idt.----mite confer'efice with Mee MacKay, that followin; ` officers were elected in the �, i Y he 14lait � cdr l tan l Presbytery t r instructed utc c be ns rt cl Y 0. G. T.lodge Tuesday' evening y az S V C Chl1 1 g o take from its reeords any reference ;fast : 0. `T., Albert Arc: regor; V. `., o the matter beyond a staatonhent df •Ag; is 'Scott; R. SY, Ephraim aim Gray; the facts. After some discussion tIht' • F. S.,, B. Lawrason; T. Maud Mog- yclod adopted the reetjnntondatio . ridge; M.,.. Itobt, Reid; Chap., Mary The report of the Committee t7 ,n Scott; 0., Lavinia 13righahn;. S., Peenk Systeinatie Iieueficetiee WAS p1'rsc>i't• Longman. -S. ,T,s'P.;, Hannah Riddell; ct by Rev. Dr, Cochrane and adopt- Orgatnist, ,iettnie Woodman; P. C. T., e(1. • WaitAeCunninglhatn. One;e.tndidatc Rev, W. McGibb€n reported ;for • was initiated, ':Pirie lodge is steadily he Sabbath Schools taoinrtiii%tee. increasing in membership and is There bad been an increase 14 the finaneiatlly in good shape. ,C,W9,EDG!4 Brings coanfeee nee ince eeetnent end tends to 'when ei rightly used. Vito ma„}, viir, lige bet- ter than others an:h euj ty life ma/ e, with less expenditure,, b;;' ao•ir4 promptly adapting tire, vv. i l's '. e.'a products to tho needs of physical being, will Wert the value to' health of the pure liquid laxative principles eiabrxc•sd in, the remedy, Syrup of Figs. its excellence. is ane to its presenting in the form must acceptab'a and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; of eetualiy cleansing the system, dispelling colds. headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to mullions and met 'with the approval of the medical ;]rofession, because it cots on the Kid. hleys, Liver and Bowel without weak - suing there and it is perfectly free from :very objectionable substance, Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c, bottles, but it is manu- factured by the .California Fig Syrup Co, only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not Wept any substitute if offered. WROXETER. • Mr. R. J, Evans, one of the old residents of this section, has moved to Teeswater.—The dehorning of cattle is now becoming quite common, and our Veterina.ry,Mr, R.H. Fortune, has a full outfit for doing the work quickly and satisfactorily. Last week he clehorned forty head for Mr. McAllister, of Grey township, doing the work in about ninety minutes.—, Rev. J. Green, of Gerrie, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, in this place, last h5unday evening.— The Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company's affairs are carefully looked after by Mr. W. R. McKercher, the indefatigable Secretary, who has a comfortable office next door to R. H. !Fortune, V. S. This Company has had a successful career, and is now doing as well for its members aas ever it diel. It can fairly claim to be the parent of the fellows g Companies : The Mina, the •Mel.illop and the West Wawanosh, all of whom are doing well and giving those holding policies in them insurance that insures at reasonable rates, The Howick does a very large business, occupying the whole time of the Secretary to attend to its affairs,and at some seasons of the year he has to secure assistance for a short time. ---Mr. Ireland, of the oatmeal twill, was hi Quebec attend- ing the trial of Carrier, the commis- sion merchant who ran away from that city a year or so ago, after securinglarge shipments of produce frena all parts of Ontario, for which the did not pay. 011 the first count the accused was acquitted. He was then indicted on another count, but the ease was adjourned . till the fall assizes. --'Mr. S. I3. AicKelvie, of the woolen mill, ]las everything in good shape for a big season's • work. This establishment is one of our best in- dustries: --Rev. J. Davidson has re- signed the eharge of the Presbyterian church, and preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last. He has moved to Mt. Area. 1- rs suffering with weakness and emaciation, vwho giv e little nourishment to babies,should take is a :rilsion ilt Graph of Cody -livor oil a h "o s i s �ld yp pho fah io , rt. win civo them strength and make their babies fat. physicians, the world over, endorse It; tlonrt be deceived by Substitetes! teaaf, 4 auwaa, raalhatatia.3.initeatitt , GOu.4sfi, sit 15' '410. Wtt THE ONLY ONE IN THE VeuiiLia That will burp BOUCH WQOC and , . , Mdlfrl#N Wen... 1 OIFORD GRADUA 401111 do It ; • • THE WORD:,. OIL GAS COOK STOVE: without wick.. M ;31(es and Burgs. (fs Owin. Has yro,u Common Coal Oil, Has thee Largest oven, 1S A L•Rt'il~R'S STOVE is Everybody's Cook Stove. Sea I M NO DIRT, NO HEAT IN Tt g KITCHEN. Cooks a Family Dinner for Two Cents.. The GURNEY FOUNDRY 00, Ltd.►, TORONTO. e''.:-�,,"�\''.. u•+•'Rain VY.'. •r . , M1h li+ `•y �/ - �%ir �, --- FOR SALE ]r3' D.• SUT]RLAND, WINGIIAM, ONT. Our stock is now complete in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, CHA.LLIES9 • DELAINES, &o. See our TWEEDS, HATS and OAPS. 19 pieces of 40o, WOOL DELAINES for 25c. Call and see our stuff. T1 OTKY AND GLOVER SEED Wholesale and Retail. .ectlully you ;:•, 0-E10. _ I= TG - DONS WORRY! TRY ::UNLIdllT •t IT BRINGS COMFORT cy WASH DAY hite ,Goods Sale. i1'itl, the first e f Retell we inaugurate as Bit Sale of White Geed of e�r-iy desclilltiuu. \\ bite (;r,ttr►it Lawn1luslins, `fable Linens, Sheetines, e c. '\ trite C*,ttons fi•o'1% Gu. illi; Gray Cotton, 31 inches wide, 4c. a yard; heavy' Twill ., kite Cotton, extra. value at 14o., worth 17e.; Victoria Lewtis, from 10e, up. Special novelties itt Lawns and Muslims, with esobrnidrred edges. Ready-made Dress Aprons for 30m Table Linen, good andrheavy, from We. up, e heetings,either -,�t or bleached or unbleached from 1212e. up. We have made a specialty of Laces and Embroiders this season. and are prepared to show you a fuller range than tieua.l. Yon know .what lovely Laces we had lost season; well, this year we have far sur- passed all limner t•fft,rts, both as he„rards to quantity and quality, and have almost toe, large as eta►rl:, THEY M UST BE SOLD. Ntiw is the t1im you Indies are contmeticind„r to lot►tt nut for blies# tib( els att+tl Y.e invitti you fa, mine in and (- c them. We am ii11'e 'you cannot t•esitit our ps ttrllt+ end prices. de have them itt White, ti., Black and tw . tone Silk, Cotten sod Linen and. yen Are sure to get 'tbtt ;best choice; here. See Gaup m w $ .fing Uoud..1n all departments. • • a headquarters for Field and (:.ween Seeds. , i 'j'. pt.. L N. C3 —We 'e bought at a ie.+w• rate en the S, the stock of lid ors. and Shoes belonging to the estsrte 9f the lnti; .f. Si. f30e11aanan,. whirl cur l be sal ,tt SLAUGHTEU Pliii2ES. See these geode and Lave mori ' en your' Purchases. £ 1VIt .i8r'