HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-27, Page 44 Oat E. WILUhWIt,. +OH ;3T -- 1N D -- I'G GIS°,' ° 1 . ,ry n�'RA I 11 M AWLS. ti. W. TELE�(I O opp. Drunswjck House Wiiigham, - - - Ont Ekc 1'(1_itill t Mil 1y fl11ES L FRIDAY AP1t11, 27, 1894. ,;. EDITORIAL NOTES. ,;rDA1.YID POLL. 1R! , a depllty-retut'n- ing officer in the bye election ]11 Dorsey, I;ttrllharuthorpe ; 1, . Oliver, the papers reser before the Sheol) I appeal •o )c b) 1 • cols • `opened steacll„ for ani the honer:, in 1892, refused a voter Avonbank ; R. H. Harding, Thorn - named Piper a ballot paper. 1+or dale ; S. Cocksworth, Claremont ; J. this he is now langttiehed in jail, and I Robson, Mosboro, and others. will remain one year. After the minutes of the previous THE Opposition in the Ontario meeting had been approved, the Legislature has been laboring hard financial reports were submitted, of n this session, hunting for sUii ''kung which the following is a summtll y : OH which to raise a cry to go toy the Swine Breeders' Association: Re - country at the approaching general ceipts—Balance from 1893, :117:211 ; election. After all their labors they fees, $424 ; Legislative ' grant, $700 ; THE WINGIIAM TIMES, APRIL 2��., 1894, • w Saeep end S M Amide' t 1 '»r0f) from mit eerily. Swire are also in generally e1, 2700, It le considered that each 1IARICET ']P011T . l f tl above •' , cit tb('lb have L n WU1O Nen, N lett t '' no • e•XCeec Wap . i " 1y'LNO#IASL. ,` coon , contrition. Some form 'of (in of t , le ,1 )o1 e 1 ur • a ' gott Wiilghau), April 20, 1804„ ltssu(latlort. t, ,wIt�1 M1'I 11 N() of ¶L111 .l:;h0(•IATI()xtl A motion. 1vLU' (ulopfe(1 to (ippuilit a temper is 11(1'e and there reported, good bargain.---11ev..J.1', Parte, of Corrected by P. Decals, Producl! Realer, IN t,otln)N, coululittee to eonfi'r with similar coal while ill the neighborhood Of Dere- Utllt(�t Ghtlreh, Listowel, and Rev. ' -- lnitte(• S a) loillted by other ti:soei- hauls township hog cholera broke out Louis 0. Woocl,otWingllatan, esclltLllg. pamper 100 1bar, • , , p b3 too 5 t; ,r Executive (*tions fbr lthe purpose of devising recently *end carried off 200 hogs, but e(1 pulpftlast Suuday, Rev,llr. Woo(1 Fall p spr ing Is at ' . A jrint net (. n., of the 1 1 Commit'C0 of the Dominion Sheep 111('ain whereby iuilllencO plight be notwitllstancling these local and oc- preached two excellent and very Oats,.,, Swine 3 , • 'tl rs ssoei i.ticlll:; brought to bear on the Government easiollal oceurl enees the *(wide indus- impressive ser tholes which were at- BesBarley alt. . til nit I 1 l ( t . : t u Tecumseh Howe int• Wtt` himsteu towards till' repeal of tri' Inas seldom presented a *Nolte tentively listened tU by elle latlgc 13tttter, tub, .. was held .i, r} London, lately, :1 1(1 • proved by far the 18 .t a a1t1 l , ,.- • ' • • • . ' animals registered in the Canadian : Farm supplies ---There is cot Mittel among the best sermons ever" delver- Eggs per dozen • 1 r35 to 1 70 the t ug ,ttc t c n 141l and c n(ntt�«hai r, 1 g , • , • - �, Record. The committee a willi colli- unanimity of opinion regarding the in the laigllsh church here, --A. huge 4VU0(1 per cord.... ti 00 t0 0 00 Int t t.tt (.1(1 hold by any„( au•tdi*tit Hay per tor, .... , . live • . i , stir: '•• `'o Among those lamed of Messrs. .1. 1. Hobson, Il.. quantity of luty, grain or fat and meeting of the ratepayers was held potatoes, per bushel 0 a:, to 0 IT 1.1( (,tool~ ti . crt+.1 .11. „ I • ttl hand. Il the three ill the town hall last Friday evening, 7'a1Jaw, per lb 0 05 to 0 05 present •t Fort nl tae (hour ; k •iti• • IIn'4 »'l1. * t c,c .u, • Dtessecl Hod•s I401U1011, Secretary ; J. C. Snell, tlessrs. John ,Iaekson, 1), G. Ham. bulk of correspondents report a sur- almost ullaill1slytas ingl�ln� Beef .. , .... 4 50 to 5 50• Edmonton • W. Thompson, Derwent ; mer, R. (libson and J. C. Snell were pills of 11a) +pled wheat, and in some council togrant $3,200the l ., r� ,.. clxxro:l. 1). McCrae; Guelph ; J. Fetltherstou, appointed the Programme Commit- counties thele are more oats than aro. Bros. Co. factory scheme. ” , Hood, tee with instructions . to assist the 11t'e(10(1 for feeding awl. seeding, In 000 has been raised by private sub Fall Wheat, old ,,..0 57 to 0 00• M. 1 ., 5tt c ettil lllc ; Major if 1, , '' Fall Wheat. now.. .. 0 57 to 0 00 lxuelpli; John I), Gibson,Denfield ; Secretary in the preparation of the the Lake Ontario counties there is ecription toward the scheme *Intl if ain;� ea.Wheat '0 57. to 0 58: 1 t i ' 't J0101 1'e ports Uf annu(11 111eet111gs a11(1 1C- , blit little hay . to Spell e•, ail(1 i11 the tale e01111011 g1,ULta the abort amouhlt Barley • • . , . 0 35 toe 40 - James TOl .011, Walkerton 011 ; 1 : eastern and northern hay wheat 811(1 the full alhlolnit '1'C'llllirecl 11'111 be Oats 0 32 to 0 32. Shake p, Abington E. ,T011hl I1]3nr- 1'o Mesas, ,lamesTolton IleiltyArkell, oats are 111 St01'l) 111 '0111y 111oderate plovi(lecl. It is expecte(l the council Potatoes erbushel....,0 50 to 0.52•a Shakespeare ; .1. Bretltour, Bur- +la l Frank nk R. Shore White Oak; J. Coxworth and .1. H. Harding were , quantities. A great deal of hay was will grant the request of the rate- Butter , p , 0 17 to 0 40- f'e;(l , Ila Mint; . , W. a) ]oillt('(1 a committee to prepare • a : pressed and exported during the fall ' payers unless they find too In*my rings, par dozen:(1 0 08 to 0 00 i� . 11I.: Knuth, I .ul field I lain(+ , 11 ..... fi 00 to 7 00 S. Italvkshiii, G1:mw01'th; If. 1), model ret of rules and prize 18t5, GS'all(1 winter, )mel large quantities of legal obstacles ill t11(-' war'. Hay • " programme 1 ' , I Live Steals nittL:zc•tJi. Cordtvot,d 3 00 to 400• Wright,„htGuelph ; William Beattie, set forth in the rogramme Of the' wheat were fed to live stool: more : • Wilton I trove ; W. S. Stevens, Lam- meeting. i esp001IIIy to swine. 1' at cattle arc. , •last Buffalos N. 3 ., :ll,rit 23.-- 0 �.-- beth ; D. DcC'ouraev, Bornholm ; R.. nil. Gibson loss appointed to edit I hardly as plentiful as usual, and Cattle—One hundred. and *-trim, buyers- • t 1 • •h * it most r, ( t rte •icon lull• as it aITt Cts fsivomble bill of health,• congregationpresent. They were Brater, rolls 05 to053. 0 32 to 0 34 035 to 040• 0 52 to 0 55 0. 10 to 0 1(x „,,.,,,01(i.to010. 0 Bto0 0 91t Wel'(' ; --Mess1•`. lite11ald Gil)- tl11)5021, Joseph Featherstone (Error bIl(' store cattle i. , , T ,� , ... ,t. ,�• western districts of the Province the at which aL resolution 11.18 ettrried Dried Apples, per ib........ 0 05 to 0 05 • 5 00 to 5 00� Breeders' Association, and lir. Snell to • proforin the smile duties with respect to the Swine Breeders' papers. The following resolution Was un- animously adopted.: ;`That the 1)o - quarters, as several correspondents better grades and - not quotably State that fewer beeves than usual changed, but for coinmone• qualities have been sold for May shipments.: the market was bad, and from 10e to Store cattle are plentiful with some, ' 25e lower ; choice to best exhort and scarce with their neighbors ; in :deers, ti 4.10 to 4.50 ; medium ;1 h „'' told shf) er •' '3.75 t • fairly fat, light handy km rs CEO. SHAW CUTS DOWN THE PRICE OF MEAT AGAIN. Do- minion Government be asked to pay fact the cattle industry appears to lm )etc c s [ I a , STEAK 1 OCi. PER LB.. in full for all Hogs, the snoperti of in a most unsettled condition, except and other meats in ow proportion. „13.40 to $.3.65 ; rough heavy,,;„ 3.15 to ;kb.t;5 ; light western, .„''3.25 to _ _ _ .$13.50 ; smooth fat butchers' cove, ii111 have little *peter the old, UlU, Vt)ratt"ruu4ll total, $1,911.9b. =i� av++l. — : b - !3. 2i) t0 q i3.JU ;. CO111711011 't0 good, The Choose Outlook. scandals that have. done scrl iCl1.7h1 the Prizs at Guelph Show �8r381.58 ; of this meeting that the exhibitors The profitable character of last . "2.7`' to a3.25; mixed, ;,;*2.50 to 5',13:10; , , •campaigns, to te11 the electors. copies of records su lied. members who suffered loss should be fully coal- ,1 bulls, 2:15 to x$3.15 ; • oxen, $2.25 to I am prepared to pay the highest price• lasttli o I 1 P , season's e lacsse trade has prompted ' ` course the race and religions issues 1307.513 printing papers in annual pe nsat\(l, as the benefits arising from. sfeaso 's tl1 through the WCSt 't0 aln )tl- l 03.50. hllecp 111.1(1 . lalllb3 —lib ears; for all ki nd of fotvl. They must by drawn. Of e01 s 1„ p 1 r r, 1 1 r then exhibit were national import -.1 )re arc, for the coming make, which .good dema nd; wool ninths tenet clloicc and well dressed. that have done duty "1-'ae ler.. Mere -Trish report, $1U,) sltuclries 8180.7.) ; I , anon and benefitted the shine trade I P filth went out of the "Facts #alt• Trish total, ry97.1.91 ; leaving a l�alaucc in the treasurer's hands of 82t>ti:.135. Sheep Breeders' Associatiou.---Re- ceipts—Fees, ,p68; Government grant, PORK. SAUSAGE also on hand. Point Edward. That it is the feelmaexhibitors at the Exhibition, which died or were in better demand tban ever fbr the , slaughtered while in quarantine at dairY. Electors,” will be to tile fore agam. THE Boards of Trade in different parts of' the Dominion are ,entering7UU ; total $7418. I:s c uclitlire— strtmo protests against some ,proofPrizes at Guelph Show, Expenditure— . ; print- sions of the new Insolvency bill, par- ticularly that clause elating to the mg papers in •annual lrport, •;153 appointment of official receivers. It sundries, ,„21)._ balance olein, does not appear why such an officer o�n'last year's account, 81418 ; total. . should be given the power that is k8 )b 40, leavinga balance due to eonferred upon him by the acct. Those the treasurer of ..1. ) 8.40. mostly interested should surely have Some discussion followed the read - the right to say how the estate of a ing of these reports, particularly with bankrupt should be dealt with. . reference to the deficit sbewn in the I second statement. The Secretary , .'I'IIE D01111.1110/1 .Government have, stated that he hadieceived'81 assur- ufsed to introduce a bill at this 1 mice from Ilon. Mr. Dryden that the was referred. to as ,committee for each ser i(+ ,in reference t,) the administer- • usual ( tovermnent grant would be breeds to report Ryon, and most of ink, the-olttll to witneraea al;ppear1ng ! given this year, and that he had these committees reported before the before the. Public Accounts Commit- : suggested to the MIinister that the meeting adjOlul(zd. ,, - tee. It leeks as thonalt by this move Sheep Breeders' Association was 1 the (xovernluent 11. 11 t,eepO the justly entitled under existing circum Crops in Ontario. seati'ching inquiry- which should be stances to a larger contribution. made_ into• tits Curran 1)i'i(l'e .1111 It was suggested that the Govern- APRIL BULr.EiLIE of THE PROVINCIAL other• scouela15 this serried. iii The : ent be ltskecl to increase 'the grant ( • DEPART1U ' OF AGRICULTURE. titall•l':Hirer by the •ir)vernulelit on to the Sheep Breeders' Association by, ,s ; indefensible, +:+ was I this question loss illdefen�l I( oriel I ,_., I , S.,OU. A motion to that effect 11 as Toronto; Ont., April _4. Ioiloly- ir ;John Thompson's *l t}0n, in submitted by Messrs- Treason and in; is a,;bulletiu sent out by the On- . speaking 0)10 way and voting the Jackson, and adopted. 1 tarioaDepartment of Agriculture front other, places hills iIl a rather n.11e1111 Secretary Hodson then presented I information sent in by correspondents able position.. - his annual report, which opened with i under date of April pith : A STRONGER C Se corder not have a reference to the financial condition [ Fail wheat has been seriously set been made out against the system , of the association, which the Secre-; back by spring frosts and absence of which taxes the many for the benefit ; tory el(tim a was such that retrench- warm rains. Should another week la the few than that which t1'«e•iluties; meat was necessary. This :could be' or -two of unpropitious weather pre - pieced upon rice disclosed. Under i effected by appointing smaller comavail, much of the •crop will have to be the tariff' as adopted a duty of 2-10; puttees, by doing the work of the ploughed up or resew 1. But, as the; of a cent per.pound is imposed upon ' association more largely by. :eorres- roots are vigorous, timely showers . uncleaned rice ands a duty of 1 1-4' penance, and by having fewer and genial weather may carry the cents per pound. bel cleaned. Rice 1 Papel), prepared fol: the annual re- fields forward towards an average is .an article which enters into the; ports. Ile thought it would be a yield. • Where the fields entered the t • +the m with rand topthey are still .wintera . n . tk reduce 1 1 loser, 31 1 t L t0 C amount food supply of the masses. 'Tiles'�' • (xovet•11111enit will . extract :$400,000 ' spent in prize$ at tale winter sho•1r . vigorous and ve •dauat, and those who •unlu<tlly . from Clic! I;eupie for 'tile' 1 Continuing', the Secretary states practice undcrdr4uniag rejoice in an 1 enefit of two mills engaged in the I that lie had hoped that a setae of encouraging outlook. The grei t'fall l,it ine.3s of dean)',& rice incl wllielt I points for each breed would be wheat counties along Lake Erie send tinploy all told 75 hands. I prepared. ready for publication discouraging reports, and in the 1 1 in the report of 1893. During the eastern portion of the Province,where 'PRE armee] report of the Depart- past four months he lla.cl corresponded the acreage is small, the prospects melt* of 'Militia was resented to with leading Canadian Atneric.•ln are equally poor fora good crop. In Parliament last week. I From it we i and British li.Cceders -and officers of the Lke ron group, the County les rn that the total expenditure for I live stock associations, and as a of lluron gives a cheerful report, the year was 541I,111 3,745, and the result has come .to elle conclusion while Lambton and Brace are rather i'evcnuil :+43,210. The principal that it would. be well for the Bxecit- the reverse. The Georgian Bay i+cogs4if expenditure were: Drill pay 'title Committee to do what was pen- counties' reports are oqual_in tone, aid vamp purpose:(, :$380,000; pay, Bible, towards preparing scales of' and on the whole the .chances are nainteuance, etc,. of permanent points and pen pictures of the various hardly as good as *usual. Its the corps, :$468,01; drill sheds, etc.,' breeds. It that were carefully done West Midland ,group favorable re - bids folie to be the largest on record. wool n•cthcrs, 10e to 1 5e better; of Cthis res generally; anbe d lslat a mittecloto 1 A good 031al1y 11101'0 11CR' cheese fad- clipped, choice dock, •1 5c to 25e thofe DoluillionnolMinister � of Agrcul- j tories will bet established and the old ;1)ettcr; good to fl;ncy export �vethers, r, , , ';a4.GU to y 5?5 ; rood to choice sheep, turd.” i ours will receive. a larger patronage. I ) 1' • Notice of motion was given to ask The low price; of wheat, and the only -;';4 t0 114.2 ; good to Eaves lambs, the..75 to Agriculture auidl Arts Association tl`e(1111111 price of beef, has no doubt ? 10 5.59 ; r fair to good cars j3 ; fair - to hand over to the Sheep a11(1 Shine stinnilated this movement. Accord_ ly active ; stronger ; Yorkers, sale afair- Assoeiations x,11 pedigrees of sheep turd ing to reports received from Liver. . to 85.55 pigs, :„ 5 to 8 .30 mixed swine 111 their possession, as it was pool, 'tic consumption of Canadian and heavy is,i-5packers, : 5.51•) to 6;5,(15 ; in the of, the abetests of the p and .swine advancement ;ahem' industries of of 18 J',1i ancig1and 1894t1111nov theelosin01, i stags and roughs, ; 3 5() to ;75. Canada by the association of breeders showed a largo increase over that of 1 Montreal, April 3. ,There 11'('1'( which is .directly •interested the year previous; and had not prices about 400 head of butchers' cattle, tary in his report that a standard of no profit on tllo'ilx-penny cut, every tic; Fast 1.tld Abattoir to-dtly, The excellence be Iareypared of each breed box of Canadian cheese would have butchers were preseAbattoir in largo num- gone into eonsluuption a week ago, herd and trace was fairly good, with Ai extract trent the letter of 'lea. ' gaveretailers, .50J calves, '' 150 sheep and spring The proposal uslacle by the Seere- aclv:Lliced to a point that retails rs, lambs 811(1 ?:,) Ieait. trees offered itt 1 c'L lac Pr .,• y Zti sligtlt upward tendency in tire' English house says :— If GanacttL can )licca of beef cattle and lees are supply us with such cheese as she i now baser than they were Ucfore the sent. enablelato ye(lr, ata price that will per ,..eat breakdown hist Monday. The pond, our cutters I otsills u t be per best beeves sold at about 41e per lb., na>tnft, there will, but they were not as good as those Emit to the demand." It has been demonstrated' during the past few years that Canadian makers can profitably produce the, finest cheese at a price that will give retailers their.rprofit on the other side- •'.Phis being the case, it is pleasant to G .look forward to the coming season, which in all probability, will result in the importation of thirteen to for fourteen. were sold at Point St. Charles X30, *million dollars cash, if not more; fit The rices of°calves here ranged m fro exchange for our output of cheese. 81.5U to tit? . eachGood Cal yearling Decry one in the r trade is looking sheep sell at 8011.about 51e per forward, says the trade Bulletin, to which rate 80 head were bought to - the -coming season as'the banner one: •day by Mr. 0. Brown. Spring Iambs. in cheese production, and in a fewarc here plentiful Mid are declining more weds farmers, dealers, shippers 0 and bankers will commence to reap =�lp�,few . loin ling :ovcrt l•��•1 Fat hogs great and growing lit m C7 •' rfi • of this a the benefits a, g g' + • are more plentiful • uc • . •c' w' • ..I a rates l industry, in prices, or from °5c to 5 l per lb. LIS'1'OW1;L. The store hogs were rather a hard 1 1o.0l flits lot, and prices ranged from The Hockey club concert on Pride y S•,5 to 110 each. evening is being looked forward to as the .event of the season.—Mayor that brought -that figure bn Thursday .or those that sold for 4c on last Alga - day. A lot of pretty good beeves were bought at 6'3.80 per 100 Is, by a buteher from Cornwall, but the general price of pretty good stock was from 3.x.c to 3c per ib. • The best calves were bought up before reaching this market, three of which Tho Stratford Post office • was Featherstone has proclaimed. Thugs- ! damaged by fire on Saturday morning day, May. 3rd, Arbor • day for the 'hat town Of Listowel for 1894.—D. D. s. Hay, registrar for North Perth and (,ry, (�Stratford, G. G. llel hclsou, solicitor, , were in town Monday. --The High School (junior) and Atwood football clubs had a tussle on Wednesday, the home boys codling out best. --There is a movement on foot to re -organize r.;1 ). (len. Herbert, in speaking and the result widely published it• ports prevail over those , of a less ,the town band, also to celebrate the of the soiree militia, says that under , would have; the effect of - bringing encouraging character, and the saltie coming anniversary of the Queen's the reorganization which has taken i' about greater uniformity 111 the dif- place the infantry is divided. as! ferent classes of sheep and swine, follows: "Officers, `2,: (i4; non-com. judging at Canadian shows would officers, 3,7728; bandsmen .and bit- grow more uniform, and judges glers,• 2,562; privates, 19,85G; total, would be, expected to be guided by 28,710. Thus the number, tivllieh, the atltllorized, detailed description under the most favorable Orem- of each breed, and not by individual stances could be placed in 1111e, notions. The necessity a11(1 value of amounts to only 119 per cent. of the this suggested scheme were dwelt grand total, or in other words, the upon at considerable length and ,. nffie(.1s and non-commissioned 'officers list(•nrtt t0 lvitit close attention atter absorb too great a proportion of the undivided interest, and. at the con - total number, Ile says that when clu-'ion of the report it Wa:i 1411(1 011 erre constitution of the infantry is the table for futttre consideration.. carefully airalyzed the *lumber of! Upon 114.011011 Cessise Jolm Jackson, 1rlvaires falls v iC01) whichJohn I1et r y and 0. rt pre ent8 thcmaxiinunt tot it strength t otos wor th wore elected t0 form the '",cif infantry that will receive, denten-! isxhibitioli Committee and authorized Vary fns4rt ctlons in drill if the. whole'°to offer prime'% at the Guelph or some km were called o'at. 1 other winter show, the value of which may be said of the Lake Ontario birthday.•-•--Robt. Hay, who has I counties. So far there ruts been an remove(. to Windsor, was made the I almost complete exemption from in- recipieltt'olt the. Poe of his departure! `1'w.c �' = - Men's Snell!, 3 pairs for, ... . Ladles Rn bore. KENDA! 'S SPAVI . RE , GEO. SHAW.. Wingham, Oot. 10th, 1893. , • POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and, Neuralgia its 20 MINUTES, aieo Coated Tongue, Dizzl- ness, l3iliousness)1'ain in the Side, Constipatiln Tcrpid Liver, 13ad Breath. To stay cured and regulate dee bowels. VERY NICE -TO TAKE. PRICE 25 CENTS AT CVO STORES. DR. McLEL AN, LONDON, ONT. 407 Talbot street, EYE and EAR 11JRGEON, Gradu.te of the New Yo,k Lye and Isar lio"spttai,. 1889. Post Graduate Course on the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat at the New York Pest Graduate Medical' School and Hospital. 1802.' Eyes Tested. Glasses Applied - Fine stock of Speetacics, Lenses and etu•tifeial Eyes. Will be at the Brunswick House, WINGHAM,. • The tirst or last THURSDAY of each month,at date named below:. Fifth Visit, May 3rd, x8§4.. Hours 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. Charges moderate. ALWAYS �C 1 1Hallost *ad A 6 That'd worry m adopt mil Always th the very m about the size Of it; rive don't ch about hard tirries, because •we• trade to conditions a'ts they exist. cheapest, means ,that you get at for your doliir here. Our prices for this first part of r April are as follows: gyp' • Gent's Gaiter very fine..... ...,0 1 00• Gent's Oxfords 50 Men's Plow 13o 3 J w o .......... 1 CO. Gent's Shoes 50. IVIe ' n s Pine tweed ts..,1 10• Men's Rubber Coat a 1 75• 1'aetory Cotton, 5, 6•,,7, 8, 9, 10 cents Great Values. • 20 yds. FJannelotjt! for% • 1 001 12 yds. eXtea wit O.Flanilolette for .. 1 00' for, i. .. 100' y}, 8, 9, 10.`.124 cents. rtment j telt received 20 yds. Gingha Prints 5, 0, 7, A fine ass this week.. Chambray 8P10 hod 12 ers, jury by worms or insects. of a gold headed cane and aL suitably THE Men's its Dere Overallsser ha es yd. Rye—What little of this crop is word 34l a ldros s by the members of -• MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY ir. "'town carne through the/ hinter in 1•fob Roy Tent ICO T. :Sr.,f. lvhic)1 FOR MAN OR BEAST. ;peels "/forn'; ?air condition: order Mr. Ifay�was M;iter'ofA ruts. Read proofs below: d los. L demote IUs' Certain in its effects and never bilstere, �� CURE • 0 lbs. Hnieiuzs far Ni u f)�esh .l'idhles ,..• 30 40 Clover -Tic reports concerning -.-loop. llottiisoll is threatefling the KENDALL'S SPAY are0 PLVRPOIa•r, L. , � bottles for.. this crop not favorable. town with an aeti0n for *tattoo e5. , L, N•Y., Jan. 13,189(. 8 liroe ine fur mot d• tiRNDeLt Co. Live stock—Taken altogether, tile He clllinhs that the council of lay* (le,zttr»)cn—i henries etondid baytiorao some LU lbs, OaEtnetLl rJ r tlntea�owltltari nvin, sothimror6s0. Iueed lilbs7181: peed meal • • n+ . , , • !gas'ns t'e 8paviu ore. The N aivfn 1s onott reports Cl)tiCl l Ilnlib the condition of t (tLl allowed tiltll, CtC.,tU 1,L (1eI Us1tC( have boon ancrod bo t'ertho came horoeew, 0 lbs G1'een (k) fee for live stock may be Considered SatiS- oil the street near' 1113 110118e, 1v11iCli r only had hien nine weeks, ea I got 8120 for using • Coloie,i 'Tolle t.sets, big value,. , , , , worth oe Kendall's t3pavin Cure: . Horned cattle,as a rule, W1 the cause of•his family takingYouretruly, w. 5.31onspaa,,. l0 b rs hllecti•iu ioa factory. Ii , . 3 c , p t)in et e • ! Sts 100 >ioces • fol..., healthy - to It rb lean. Reports cli lttitt,lrai from which he lost tlltec. 1 are (at �, though � 1 � ,, �NDALL S SPAVIN CURE z lb • Good Japan Tea for uscattering. •- , 4 iia • snnrnr 3ilaff. b i of disease was r cry rubel , cltticlrcli.- •-title. property ty of y . J. )$,aICANDATI.eo, ' .6' 41894 �'° 0 lb , of our wonderful Toa fol .. 1 50 a• 5 e •••, 25 25 25 25 25 25 l 00 culosis was referred to by some cot.. I was ;old last Monday afternoon by .,. respondents, but the cases alluded to1 pnbtie auction. jellies Ronald peer- • tt1 were not regarded as serious. Sheep dissect his house and grounds for are in particularly good trim, and' :;;1,11110 and Warren Hay was thtl aerSalebyalibruggirte,oraddrestl 1 ,i�r..>b'. 7C1EE21C7/4.]CL f/Obt'.itidN �Irta--1 have used your Sendalfe Spavin auto - l;ood success tor Curbs on two nome6 and it and Ego taken game As '(`'ggf7, the roodsuccessLinimentI urbsvner two ��' Ifi t 00.0006.11.1. 25 50 25 Yours truly, Auatlsr FAr1i' eetear linea 81 per Nettie. ,lambing is proceeding most satisfac- purchaser of the store and office for zueesuatlic rade*, vie.; - ~�'�` 11 ]BJfiY'�!11�. JESSOP & I CELROY • I The 15'x, nod sn' Reanaltoz:.anl doll. The meeting of this body 'e at Hamilton, last week. Abs delegates* were in attendant Tuesday's session, after exercises conducted by- t1 Moderator, Rev. .T. B. Batti Chatham, the Synod got ( business. The committee 'Buxton building fund report • $221 had been received incl Sy n Bev, d.'l'Vm, King, as directed o The accounts of the trcasui examined and found eorrec striking committee composed Ministers and four elders ' pointed. Dr. Cochrane, governor Brantford Ladles' College, 1 that institution to be in a pro state, and was • successful fin( During the year 134 stride* posed of 82 day students boarders, had been enrollee whom are preparing for mated • this year. Tho report was The StratfordPresbyteryp1 the Synod to use its influel the General Assembly to eeodings in regard to then being made in the Hymnal ent as proposed by the Pan terian Council. - After cone discussion a committee was a to meet the Stratford repress and draft a new overtul general opinion 'was held favor of some change in the Dr. Laing • presented an signed by himself, Dr. Flet; A. McLaren, to the effect order of public worship in Pi fan churches bo improves, • Laing said the service shoo edification and uniform in o and order. At present some' gave too much tifne to si.n� Others too much to prayers. interest as well lis particular should be remembered, anC the prayers were defective. Rev. Lyle and others sped matter, and the Winer wished to conduct hie seri present, and did not see' objectionable to singing d! Offertory. • • Action was deferred. Considerable time was during the afternoon sessior appeal- from -D. M. 'Gordon, of the Maitland Presbytery, pealed against the Presbytc ing iii connection with a dill had had with the pastor, Re McQuarrie. Rev. Dr. presented a lengthy report matter, from which it apps • Mr. Gordon had refused ti before the Wingllann Session, a charge of slander and preferred by Mr. llcguarnie, also sitting in :judgment or. The falsehood, it is stated, in Mr. Gordon- alleging nl'inisterhacl represente,dhin before the Presbytery of M a "weak-kneed" Tempera. 'and further that Gordon dal inferences from letters re( liim from Messrs: McQuarri Nabb that Mr. McQuarrie be slander. After a lot of it was decided, on motion Strath, thtit a commissionussio1 1: L, ed t0 issue elle matter at' or elsewhere, provided a interested are willing. pressed°their willingness, matter was dropped. At the evening meeting' ing were appointed the i de the Gordon appeal ca. Dr. Cocluaini, Dr. Flete1i Mullen, A. Henderson, an orator, Dr. Battisby ; t Spence, A. W. Deitch • 'Cameron, elders. The will in all probability me haul*, in May An appeal in regard arrangement of the conal Belgrave, Calvin, East Wltiteelturcli and Litngsid into two pastoral charges, ed t0 at committee to eon and report. The following standing' were appointed 1 Stats of Religion—RI Jordan (convener), I)t°. iV C. PattWrson,I'V'. A. (Cook, 1lihtistels ; 1; Messrs. I Helens ; Houston, Sarllia fLoord, el(lncloe ; e.rs.cor;ge Thon G Temperance—Revs. 3; salt (convener'), James Fit .i, Clark, 1). Porde, A. Ministers; 1)r, Noncar .Tastes (1011111, Strattford; for•(1, . West runt ; Jame. move, ('lders. - Sunday Schools -a - Re