HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-10-30, Page 5.H.E..kly.n.im.EsPOSTOk,00ivio40:341-1970 Tw Car10#01. trop CrOguirtY. attended agathering at CAI/en Church, Exeter' 39 hear.Lillian Dickson speak of her work In Tiawan as Presbyterian missionary and head of The Mustard Seed Inc. Alec Scott spent the weekend with a friend in Thunder Bay. On Friday night, Mrs. J. Jefferson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and family were present at a gathering at the home of Mr. and MO. Donald Riehl, Seebach's Hill, in honour of the twentieth wedding anniversary, of Mr. and' Mrs: ,Gordon Laing. m Wallace 'led g..41400$014 onon 'A fWory of EOlbrOlotr and we filled in the outline .sheet provided. Congratulations to Mr. and, Mrs. Eldon Men on the W444 their first grandchild, Cafeil, Douglas Gammon. The prottd' parents are Mr.. and Mrs. Barry Gammon of Toronto. r Tuesday visitors with Mrs, • John Jefferson were Mr„ and Mrs., George Reeves, Stratford, 'Mrs. Ina Frederickson and Mrs. Gladys cartenson, North Daipta. Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Laing and boys visited recently with Mrs. Bruce Cleland, Listowel. 4,0 pledge 'followed by the.roil . 'What, have you decided to make, for yottr free choice article?" ,Yeana Elliott gave the secretary's report. Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs, Douglas then demonstrated the Satin Stitch, Sheaf Fillingfititch and the French Knot„ "An idea for your club Achievement Day Presentation", was the roll call for the sixth meeting of Staffa #2's "Setrand Sews". Bonnie Norris; opened 'the meeting with the pledge after Which Jeana' Elliott gave the secretary's repOrt. (*ToOliOn4pot Mo. R. Laing , • Mrs. Ivan Norris opened' the October meeting of the Marian Ritchie Evening 'Auxiliary with a call to worship, meditation and prayer. "God of . Earth and , Planets" was sung. The roll call ' was answby a verse on Praise. Mrs. ohn Miller read the scripture rom Psalm 100, followed by the' meditation on , singing. The offering was received and dedicated by. Mrs. Norris. "Give Thanks, My Soul, for Harvest" , was suinr Mrs. Robert Laing was in charge of die study book chapter on minority. • Kmeans Japan,etWewoups .groups. psloliesividl Oudfiligh0 osuch as i the Ukranians. and Chinese In Canadian cities, Indian 'Canadians and the Hill tribes of Tiawan. The topic, Faith Makes eople Strong, was taken' by Mr John Miller, and lylr,S Carter Kerslake led a ' contest of Biblical names. The meeting closed with "Almighty Father' of all Things" and the .11ord's Prayer. Meeting 5 of the Staffa "Sew & Sews" wa held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Douglas. The meeting, opened with , the Toinm of SegforthAuditor's Report In. our opinion these financialstatements present fairly the financial position , of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at December 31, 1974 and the results of its operations for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for' Ontario municipalities applied on a • basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Clarkson, Gordon & Lo on,, anada Chart red countants. Licence No. 059 , The Mayor, Menibers,•of Council and Ratepayers, Municipal Cortibration of the Town of Seaforth. We have examined the combined balance sheet of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Seaforth as at December 31, 1974 and the related statements of revenue and expenditure and capital fund operations for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting proCedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. FIVE GENERATIONS - .Great Great Grandmother Mrs. Lena Bennewies of Kilbarchan Nursing Home had another five generation picture taken when' relatives visited her recently. Front left is her daughter Mrs. Hilda French,. Brodjiam holding the fifth 6ener'atIon, Mark Ezekiel, ' St. Marys. Behind are Mark's grandmother, Mrs. B. McLean, Brodhagen and his mother Mrs. M. Ezekiel, St. Marys. • "(Phcfsto by Phillips) April 30, 1975. Combiped Balance Sheet DECEMBER 31, 1974 (with comparative.amounts at December 31, 1973) 1974 1973 ASSET'S • . LIABILITIES 1974 1973 $105,000 t. Columban $ 19,576 $ 41,408 Due to bankers on demand loan Cash Accounts receivable: Province of Ontario Local boards . Sundry' Accounts payable and accrued charges: Sundry Province of Ontario 37,647 9,210 46,857 $ 23,842 5,692 29,534 Seniors plan euchre plan 27,642 15,961 7,569' 4,256 4,772 2,316 39,983 22,533 Net long term liabilities applicable to sewer projects 147,082 159,135 Reserves _ statement 5 11241 56,453 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) - statement 2 (2,726) 36,404 Wednesday, NoyeiPber 12th: ' Personals Mr. and Mrs. D.ave Regier ancl family of Kitchener visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin. Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, Marion Villa, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos Murray on Sunday. • Mr. Neil Murray , Windsor, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Th os Murray on the weekend. St. Columban Mosquitos soccer champs played a return exhibition with London district 'champs on Sunday and again defeated them 3 - 1, to prove that their victory here (5-2) was no fluke. The mosquitos remain undefeated all season. Their coach Joe Visser can be very proud 'of his charges as well as their sponsor John Moore Ins. , Dublin and all parents and friends of those goys who show much talent for the future. Correspondent V. J. Lane. St. Columban old timers are considetting a Senior Citizens Euchre beginning the second Wednesplay of November weather( permitting. Games will be held monthly thereafter in the "Knights of Columbus" hall here, .hopefully in conjunction with Seaforth and Dublin. Cards will begin at 2 p.m. to 4. Mod • prizes and lunch will be novided afterward . A silver /donation of a maximum 50c _will be used to defray expenses and any surplus at the end of term will be given to some worthwhile cause, such as Right to Life, or whatever the majority decides upon.For a starter ladies please bring sandwiches as well as y our neighbours and friends. Remember the date 19,346 18,662 1,592 290 17,754 18,372 17,861 15,578 Taxes receivable Less allowance for uncollectible taxes 4 Deferred charges and other assets' 447 Government of Canada Savings Bonds, d ue' September 1, 1983 -eat cost (Market value: $20,450 - 1974) Capital outlay to be recovered in future years: Funded - - Cost of sewer projects to extent• of balance of related debt Unfunded - Cost of expenditures on the Seaforth Memorial Community Centre ' • Expenditures net of donations park building Winthrop 24,500 24,500 Correspondent • Mrs. Robert Hulley The Bread Baking Buddies held their 4th meeting at the home of Mrs. Hoste on. Oct. '21. Seven members answered the roll call, The • minutes of the ,previous meeting were read. Different kinds of buns s'uc-filmClover leaf and fan tans were made from a . sweet dough. The members brought a variation of Brown Batter rolls. They enjoyed cheese herb bread buns and refreshmentg after the meeting. 147,083 ' 159,135 79,404 on recreation 8,093 234,580 •159,135 $354,254 .S..2.11.131L6 .(See accompanying nOtes), $354,254 $281,526 Sta.te.ment_of .fipv.ppueand Expenditure figkARiEN,LW)EelillBfri, 31, 1974 (and,compitrA,Poti',Wit)vbIldtget etit'iinates and 1973 actual) 1 1th • ,•• 4.* .41, ''""t '77 1 .w ,.. tiff 1974 1973 Budget Actual Actual REVENUE E'XPENDITURE Notes to Financial Statement DECEMBER31, 1974 1974 1913 Budget ACtuaf Actual Taxation - statement 3 $260,281 $269,480 $265,402 Contributions from other governments: Payments in lieu of taxes 14,174 .11,337 5,991 ------ Expenditures: • 1. Combined balance sheet The combined balance sheet reflects the assets and liabilities of the• revenue fund, the capital fund and all reserve funds of the municipality.' Assets and liabilities of local boards of the municipality have not been included in the combined balance sheet. 2. Net long term liabilities , . Total char .ges.for the year for net long term liabilities were as follows: , Principal payments ' ' ) ' Contributions to the debt retirement fund of Ontario Water Resources Commission (Ministry of the Environment) 5,552 Interest ' 11,395 General government $'55,005 Protection to persons and property 95,901 Public works 129,870 Sanitation and waste removal' 61,623 Social and, family services 382 Recreation and community services 17,634 Community planning and development 8,800 Financial expenses 1,775 Region or county - share of expenditure 63,427 $ 58,755 $ 41,830 96,596 67,843 133,3i4 41,265 57,072. 107,183 2,047 29,042 26,394, 1,000-N 12,162 5,597 1,626 63,411 50,821 91,505'86,601 Subsidies - Province of Ontario General support grant Resource equalization grant Per capita grant Roadways Recreation Liquor license fees 18,272 " 17,559 .45,728 43,942 22,484 22,484 66,000 .66,559 5,676 1,100 159,260 150,544 10,400 10,412 1,058 3,019 40,206 16,740 32,761 $ 6,500 92,726 10,295 509 1,929. 12,733 Municipalities - Huron County. Road Rebate Municipal utilities . Rebate of Huron.County stabilization grant $23,447 10,400 11,470 All charges shown above were paid from the general revenue of the municipality and are included in expenditures, classified under the appropriate headings. 173,351 111,450 183,834 750 38,900 Other revenue: Licenses and permits Rents,,conoessions and franchises Fines Penalties and interest on taxes Parking meters Sundry Charge back to school boards Charge backs to county Income from investments Total long term liabilities incurred by the municipality and outstanding at the end of the year amount to Of the outstanding long term liabilities shown above, the responsibility for payment of principal and interest charges has been asssumed by others for an . amount of 1,1m 39,031 234 2,842 3,749 1,784 1,173 697 1,072 41,361 221 2,623 3,685 6,375 • $785,579 91'503 Education 1,700 3,700 154 (582,000) 1,103 56 440 499-,271 36,402 1,103 1,600 46,804 t The balance in the debt retirement fund of the Ontario Water Resource& Commission which has accumulated to the fiend of the year to retire the outstanding long term liabilities shown,above amounts to, 51.801 Total expenditure, . Accumulated net revenue (deficit),end of yeat 525,920 538,399 435,725 428,653, 43,474 490,919 Total revenue (56,497) (2, 726) 36,402 Accumulated net revenue, beginning of year 35,001 $525,920 $535,673 $4720.27 ) (See accompanying notes) SaMmary of 1974 Tax Levy (with comparative totals for 1973) • ,1974 Net long term liabilities at the end of the year t $147,082 $525,920 $535,673 $472,127 3. Assumption of debentures issue ,for school purposes On January 1, 1969 the Huron County Board of Education assumed from the municipality • the responsibility for the payment of the principal and interest charges on the debentures issue&for school purposes. 4. Expenditures on 'the Seaforth Memorial Community Centre, During the year, the Municipality expended $79,404 on repairs to the Seaforth Memorial Community Centre without having -received pri6r approval for this expenditure from the Ontario Municipal Board. These repairs were temporarily financed out of the proceeds of bank borrowings which, at December 31, 1974 amounted to $105,000. This would appear to• be in violation of Section 332 (2) of the Ontario Municipal Act which restricts such • borrowings to 70% of the uncollected revenues for the year-which amounted to $57;737 at that date. • Subsequent to year end, 'April, 1975, the Town was granted authority under a private bill to issue up to'$79,000 indebentures of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth, payable in not more than 10 years, for the purpose of paying the cost 9f repairs to the Community Centre. The 'passing of this %bill also provides authorization for the Town to arrange for temporary bahk borrowings to cover the cots of their. repairs until the debentures are si s. sued. Contingent' liability . = The municipality has an accumulated sick leave plan for the Seaforth Police Department. Vnder the terms of this plan, the municipality was contingently liable at December 31, 1974 for sick leave credits to its employees Of the Police Department to a maximum amount of approximately $2,700: In the event of termination of employment for any reason other than discharge for cause or illness,, this liability may be reduced by 50%. The Municipality's liability in this respect at December 31, 1974 amounted to approximately $1,350. No provision for these contingent liabilities has been made in the accompanying, financial statements at December 31, 1974 and 1973. 1973 Mill rates Taxable assessments Commercial and . Industrial Commercial ' and Residential Industrial Original Supplementary Total Total ..„ ' . ' 42.6 56.6 $ 86,977 $1,320 $ 88,297 $ 817,762 23,447 23,447 23,710 'I...-. , , . $110,424' $1.320 111,744 105,47.2 10,455 10,237 ' 10,026 8,987- (106) (117)' , 132,119 1244.___ 579 __,... Residential Municipal: E~ General Debentures Sewage service rates' Telephone and telegraph Farm rebate $1,608,895. • $740,020 2.0 2'.0 4,698 .3,992' 18.1 18.1 42,786 50,645 1,6,3,895 1,608 ,895 740,020 Special area rates Regionoe<O4ty '740,020 • ' Education: School Boards - Elemental)? -7 public - separate \ ' 1,352,4)60 668,660 18.66 ..-# 18.66 $ 37,707 $ 240 ' 37,957 ,41452 256,835 71,360 23.13, 25.7 7,774 , 65 7,839 7,622 1,608,895 740,020. 18.66 18.66 - 43,831 250 441 081 37,112 ------ --1--- 0 $ 89,312 $ 565 A9,877 86,186 $269,480 $265,402 I ' • - SecondsiY 6. Sale or Market Street Sewer subsequent to year end • „ , Subsequent to December 31, 1974, the Municipality sold its interest in the Mark treet ' Sewer Systatn to the Ministry of thee -environment for a iota] cash consid ation df $45,9 28.73, This amount will be qedited to the operating revenures of the Municipality for the year ended December 31, 1975. • . t• Total taxation levy 100.02 114.02 121.06 Public school m 11 rate Separate school mill rate - • 104.49 (see accompanying notes), it