HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-27, Page 1• • et••••. ft, ;rim
VOL, XXI I I. ---N O. 1160,
—Mr. 0. Gilehri is ushing along his
now factory builldi g..
—See our Collets or '25 cents,
tl! G. MCIxonate.
—Rev, Mr. Hear of Cre Amore, preach-
ed in the Presbytern church, on Sunday
evening last.
—Mr, McIntyr of London, shipped a
car load of live ho to Mess S. J. L, Gra
& Co., Ingersoll, of We:lne ay, per Grand
Trunk Railway.
—See our La
—Mr, Elisha Lemm
on Minnie street.
--Mr, Wm. Casemc
of hogs to Toronto, o
—See Our Own
25 _cents:
Mr. Win. Holme
to -day to attend the
who died near there
x is erectiug a. house --Mr. Geo. A. Ne ton has ut a front
entrance to the di fog o r his harness'
shop. w,
—See our A ,,Wo nits at 44,50,
G. McINTxntl.
—A. larg num r of .the members of
Olivette Lodge, Belo kah Ziegree,I. 0.0. F.,
paid the lodge e in La :know a fr• erns visit
t g tt 1 visit;
on Thursday evenin, of this week.
—Regular meetin; of Court Maitland,
0. 0. F., to -night it.+riday,l Election of
officers and other ir•portant business. A
full attendance ram sited.
•fe shippe a car load
i Mon y, per G. r.! ..
Txleotfc Soap,10 bars for
G. McINrnie.
goes to Mirkham
uneral of a cousin,
u .71urst ay.
—Last wok, fife
d put in the Presb;
room, to acconnr
—Why buy cheap g
gat the best for the si
shaw's ?
—Mr. (Geo. McKI
buying hay again, an
to dispose of will
market, at current r
—Division Court -ashel
on Tuesday, Judge Loyle
was a very short loot
adjourned before no• n
-Revival servica,s have been held every —Seo our Ging
night this week in -the Methodist Church. ard.
The meetings are yell attended, and will
9.--- D. Penne a id Mrs. Perris intend
be continued all f ext tweek. Rev. B[r.
c.�• s iortly to start or. a trip to the Old
Irvine, of Goderich, s asisfin; the pastor. Country. The trip smell be made for health
Y o can, ani pleasure eombin•d,
is the highest grade stock in Canada and .
the only gentleman chewing. —It has toren deck :d; to celebrate the
formerly of this Queen's birthday ii Wingham, and an
n employed in De- energetic committee 1 as' the matter,in
ap,y1 cent per 1 ar.
G. MCINTYnp, •
-A little dallghte f Mr. Jos. Bullard,
one day last week y soma means got its
hand in the gs an ice cream freezer
and had one of is fit gers taken off.
— A. numbe f boarders can be accommo-
dated at m residence, Edward street,
near Victori street.
Mr, John A: McLean is ereoting
several dwellings o i the corner of Lctward
and Shuter streets the work of excavation
having been comm .noed.
'Carpets, Curtains, Oilcloth, &c„ in fact
everything during House Cleaning time.
Direct Importers.
THE BEAU, April 18th, 1894.
o Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATxitSON, I o 23, Vic-
toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
Place in Ganada to •
get a Business Edu-
cittion, Shorthand, O
etc., is at the Cen-
.'i, • -• - • .- trat Business Col -
2 lege,' Toronto, Ont„ and Stratton:, Ont.
Unquestionably Canada sareatestCom-
merciat 5choo1s. Cala ogues free. Men-
t n this paper. Shaw & li Ilotl Principals.
to t. l
*OiN�Ep®oal *el Q+9ee 9 Ails**®•kb0
— See our 01 own WincI or'Toilet
Soap, 6 bars for cents. G. McINTYRE.
-Crossley and nter, the evangelists,
pre-conduetingroviv 1 services in Belleville.
r+FfJr.-Tamlyn is e
.tatirg.ry in connectit
cutter John and Mit
new chairs ;ad to le
si•lan 5 iday School
date t e incraaeing
s, when you can
e money at Mun•
isle has cop menced.
those having same
always be sure of a
in Wingha
esiding. There
t, and the Court
ns, fast colors, 5o. per
—Messrs. Beattie
ting mare Wanda, w,
Windsor, entered fo
ros. have their trot -
Mb is in training at
th 10,000 stakes at
—Go to Munshaw, he leader, for all
kinds of bar pins, s ord handle, Corsage
'Messrs. Jas. Dukfield & Son have pur-
.chased the fine risidenee of Mr. D; Mc-
Innis, on the corner of Patrick and Centre
streets, and will t ,tie possession on the
15th of May next. .
— A man named (-nes. Shoenfelt, of Galt,
died the other day from eating canned
tomatoes. It is '':ought the can had
corroded after hero opet.ed before the
tomatoes were rem ed. 1
—Beaver Tobacco is absolutel l It
—Mr. John Bawds
town, but w}io had b
troit for some rim
friends in town, on
1 cl Full
was calling on old partioult rs will bfgiven in a
4ednesday. He bite iuta:•o issue.
just returned from 1n land here hehas—E s for Hatchin rom 'thorough -
been on a visit to ' hisg parents. He may bred Brown Leghorn Fo v—the best layers
in existence. Prices re enable.
remain in town. R. ELLIOTT; Wingham.
—.We learn that dr. Geo; McKenzie was —Miss O'Connor, R. T., of Brussels,
not the only one,fi m this section who
teacher of instrumen al music, will visit
offered a site for le proposed House of. Wingham weekly. 117ie may be found at
Refuge, Mr, Wm. Campbell, of ' Lower the residence of Mr .. Farquharson, John
Wingham, also off ed a most desirable street, every Tuesdaa and Wednesday.
site, consisting pf fori
located property. It
County to pass on
eating an , office and 'rection for the locate
n with his residence, house of Refuge, wh
nie streets. are offered.
— Cash for good butter and eggs at R. A.
Graham's uaarket,grocery..
'Lonna H
'112r, Robt. Hill; asci
street,on Sunday aftt
her .left arm.
—Mr. Fred. Johnst
Thos. Bell's furnitur
ill. His many
for his s' speedy recov
,—See our Shoes
11, eldest daughter of
entalIy fell on th
,noon, and dislocate
n, foreman of Mr.
factory, is seriously
s in twa will hope
lecturers' prices.
G. MOINrrIue.
—Mr. C. H. Doreeevend, who advertised
£o visit • Wingham la: t week, with electric
alpplianceB, for some_ reason did not put in
AA et/wanes.
.Iaasf Batoirday't Gazette announces
itrnong other ohangse in the militia, the
following : 33rd .Bron Battalion, No. 5
Company, Brussels.-•tc be 2nd lieutenant,
e i d i
Geor a er ck Blair.
'e lr promptly
clocks and y we y p rom pt y
repaired and fully warranted by HAMMY
ii PAuu, Meyer Block, Wingham.
.=Revt' Sam. ,Tones.. t1says that the most
'beautiful sight in . world is to see a
family gathered arour 1 a hearthstone with
the head of the housel old reading his local
paper ---paid for in ads -epos.
Dulmage have
corse "Saranac" to
he track. Brussels
-mile track, and at
ds of a dozen horses
Messrs. J. H. & VP
gent their celebrated
Brussels, to fit him for
'baa a very good hal
present there are upwl
from different points 'tieing trained there.
—G. T. R. trains for Toronto and east
fit` leave Wingham at 6.25 a. m, and 11.20 a.
C m. and 3.45 p. m., via Clinton alaw or other causend Guelph. —For' first -clash tailoring and cheap q :erica before his eyes.
Good connections by all trains. gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. a short time ago, bole one of Mr. G. M.
—On Friday eve ling ladt, the Fire R'emem'ber the place, one door south of Dufl'ield's well-breet and valuable game
R. A Graham's grocery store. cocks from the hen noose, and tised him in
�rfgade were testing the new hydrant on -
Patrick street. A 1 ranch of hose wa —On Mbnday ning last, a Council of. a cock fight. Tho 1pp.;(.ha 1otlgbt against
taken to the 'tblio school building the fianedian OrBer^of Chosen Frier.ds was was fitted with.slafa doors; k tae killed Mr.
t n g ad L in tl4 .to injury,
cravats vats'whe. took the
td bird l-.ackand left it
``d. The strong arm of
diet in rroti,I'n against
h oondaot.
y acres of splendidly --_Methodist Clitrch Pulpit Topics for
Svfll be hard for the next Sunday : Morning — "Spiritual
r the claims of this. Strength." Eveui —"A Foolish; Invest-
�Jn of the proposed . ment." The speciservicesf will be con-
n such desirable sites titiued next week.
—Why do ,you ruin yo r eyes by looking
— Muuehaw, the
taken a full conrse
Institute, anti has ,
far testing the mos
testing free.
— Brussels Post : Bev. T. Davidson, M.
4., of Wroxeter, ha ,totified Rev. D. Millar,
moderator, that he intends resigning his
charge at Wroxet r. He resigned a few
weeks ago but with( rew it at the last meet-
ing of the • Presby .cry. Mr. ' Davidson's,
health is not good.
..-Messrs. H. 0 Tiara & Co,, Stock and
Debenture Brokers, Toronto,have just pur-
chased from the own of Orillia $15,000
worth• of debentm 15, bearing 5 per cent.,
payable•haif-yearly, - rid payable in twenty
equal annual instal nts of principal and
interest. The arse vment of Or illia lief
$1,274,356, and the ebt, $90,015.
le, ing 'jeweller, has
the Toronto Optical
the latest appliances
deficient eyesight.. All
Last Warning.
—Prfyate moneys to loan on mortgages at the sun to see if it i near noon, when ` All who are owing Win. Ridd by note or
tet reasonable rate of interest. Apply to yon can buy a r ole watch for $3.10, account, will pay the same to John. Nee-
.• JOHN NEELANDS, fro}n Muusnaw, the oder lands at once or they will be. put in court
ifor collection.
e leading jeweler . War. RUM, V. S.
d the services of
Lee ore.
ebrnted New York On Thursday, 3rd day, r, Thad. W,.:
iY, May znd. Persons H. Leavitt will deliv r lecture in the
i tel'1 with dimness
who are a dirtTown Hall, subjeg,t.
should call at Patter=n's jewelry stot'e on Politician, and the
Wednesday, May 2n , and sec Prof. Brodie- is a lecturer of gr
No charge for cons, ation. nught to hear whtih has to say on above
subject.Silver collectionto defray
' rr
fa e
t �ntl boll the
Ata meeting re y c Wing.
Assessor• Youhill ilas about completed
his labors for 1894, ane the figures he has --Mr, Mm. Patterson, t
furnished us indigate that 'Wingham is in of Winging -co, has secs
a healthy, progcessi'1s condition. The Prof. Brodie; the,
assessment' this year, as' compared with
Oculist, for �V
last; shows an increase of $17,145, and the
population has mare: sed 6ff, •''1!he figures
for 1894 are 'as follo•-s: Bealro r
p pe ty,
$471,333; personal p operty, $68,650; in-
come, 55,106, making , : total of $5.45,083.
For 1893 the assessmynt was: Real prgf
perty, 6456,813;perso
income, 47,100, makii
The populaticrt in 188
— Wanted, a boy:about 16 or 17 year of
age,: to learn the printing trade. Must
have ,a good English education. Apply at
the Tnn.s office.
—A Gospel Tents
in the Tempera
on Sunday next, at 4
will be addressed by
Past Grand Councillor
in England, who will
"The Bond Set Free."
has spent many yes
work, both in England
and is thoroughly cc
subject. Mr. Secord,
kupnY g l i% thepulpit o
n n
church, will also gi
Appropriate selection
rendered by it choir.
vited. .A. collection
al property, 664,025;
g a total of $527,928.
4 is 2225.
ante meeting will be
ce Hall ,
. m. The meeting
ev. Wm. Gribble,
of the I. 0. G. T.,
ake for his subject,
lie rev. gentleman
s in Temperance
and this country,
versant with the•
ho is at present
the Congregational
ve a short address,
s of music will be
!All are cordially in -
ill be taken e to defray
'ire Papacy, the
. A." Mr. Leavitt
ility and everybody
am Maple Leaf lac fosse club was reorgan- p=oses•
ized for the, present :ear, with the follow-
ing officers; Presid int, Walter Vanstone;`v ids
vice-president, Josph Carrnth; captain,
Dan Calder; ssore'ary, T. E. Cornyn,
treasurer, J. H. Ch sholm; committee of Winstone, nstone, T. E. Cotnyn,
C. P. Smith.
—Mr. D. Rath has -recently enlarged his
parlors and is prepared to serve ice cream,
of the best quality, to those who may favor
i i
hi th tl 3 t H l
a large stock of fruits and confectionery ,
of all kinds, Call and see him.
m wpepa nonage. e a so cairn es•
--A. Sabbath scho
be held in the C1'
Wingham, this (Frit
ing at 8 o'clock. A
readings, recitatioi
marital music, wi
addresses by Mr. A
present supplying t
and others. A cot al invitation is extend -
—This is the tiro
1L Admtss n10 cents. I
average member of t;
a species of fever lei
ing." The symptea
entertainment will
ngregational Church,
ay) evening, comments -
good programme of
s, vocal and instru-
be given, as well as
bert Secord, student at
to pulpit of this Ohurch,
'`Mr. John Nichol,
Ilton, who is well and {i
the business men of W
ing anti courteous gent
rooted to the position
branch at Lucknosvl;
been in charge d t1
since it was establis
and Mr, H. W. Aylwi n
takesMr. Nichols 1
f the Bank of Ham.
avorably known to
ngham as an oblig-
eman, has been pro-
f Manager of the
tr. Brown, who has
e Luckno•v agency
ed, goes to Chesley,
, of the head office,
e in the Bank here.
—If you want good, healthy plants, of
the hest sorts, go to the Iron Bridge Green-
houses. Increased facilities and experience
in plant raising enable me to furnish a
superior article in plants. Remember the
Lest are the cheapest in the end. The
following are a few of the kiuds grown:
Tomatoes, several varieties; cabbage, six
varieties; cauliflower, celery, pe per,pansy,
chrysanthemum, geranium, fa his, coleus,
verbena, jessamine, aster, etc, . Come early
and got a good choice.
T. C. Gn,inaar, Lower Wingham.
-Some one who tad not the fear of the
water was easily thrown to the highest part l organ'zed.in town, 1 y Grand Organizer G. Duffield/44M. big, . To
of the building. Evoi ything was found in 1 W. Thompson, of Toronto. The Council the it iscreattt er perfectilli
working order: i starts of: under very favorable conditions, bin brought the d�
-Ladies, have your garmentsm
made bYand 00 Lk, lht will sot n have :u large mein- .iooli r. Dufield's ye:
r Miss M. Johnston, Gregory black, opposite bership, Ili , benefit and privileges of the ti a law should be
the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good Society i. g open to b.•th ladies and :.e:ny one guilty of sit
wow, always first-class fit. , gentlem: equal ter."tis. The officers' ti6;, ,
e H
the late Joel* elected •r rite 1patane
117exico on' t Wr Friday are: D.'r;.igle,
d in the Wingham , C.; Jas. Galley, , jr., V,
ty afternoon, the ' Recorder; J, 7, lS,p*tiutl
>m the siderite of ' L. Ireland, Mar.; 'Mfrs.
s street' ; A. goodly Mrs. rr. Elliott, l'.; A.
tt id•Long,R,
o to wein a E. S. J.
p 01 D ,
he high 'esteem iir tt •nedy, Physician; L.
held, .i ' '; °,'and D. MoDhetstlu,
The • remains o
`err arrived from Ne
e filter
ls,s + and war
eelnotery on l atur,A
#uncial takiu:i place fjr�
Ur. John :>, t•r , Chari
number of spur towns
laflee, testiiyntg 1.t
Which flirt deaoased
of th e resent
The Evolution
C.; R. Elliott,
C p4 C'
f Medicinal a antsis gradually relegating
,, J. B. Fergnson,r tite aId-time• herbs, pills, draughts and
Treasurer; Geos' vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing
F. zefinedy, W ; ` foto geil;s the pleasant and efleotive
Murray, G,; ,i►{, lanativo, Syrup of Figs, :To get the
on, A. It.; J. 1?.. true Seti*1ly too that it is inaattfaetured by
paean, Dr. Keir- the 'Califdrnia Fig Syrup Co. only. For
Trusitees. +' kale by all leading druggists.
of theyear when the
ie fair sex suffers from
own as "house-clean-
ta usually consist of
the doing up of the Nair in a linen duster,
and the introduot-on of a plan whereby
the bead of the hoaso is made to eat can-
ned salmon off an n'turned biscuit box for
his dinner. Couple with this the bedroom
curtains are allot id to dy out of the up-
stairs windows, am there is a wild desire
to waltz all the fur Acture on to the front
verandah. At snot a period, the average
lord of creation is Tiede to feel that he is
ono of the biggest mistakes that nature
ever perpetrated, t ed lie is looked en with
acorn unless he is able to carry the piano
under one arm and n stove tinder the
other, while he ayfully .balances ono or
two other artiele on his head. When lie
fails to accompli 1 a few little feats of this
description, lie tt naily gets the hint that
he is only in he way, and that he bad
better go into t e back yard and make a
bonfire of the r biela
-Mr. ktobt, McIn6o is going into hor•
n- 'Rotel and
flesh pretty exteeeivey, He has recentl'.
purchased Mr, Jas, Angus' fine pair t f
—A. meeting will be held at Swarts'
hotel, OU Itlonday eve ting next, to organize
a base ball club, t full attendance of
those il,terested in tl beet o
sports, as requested. 7
all out -door
—See our Flttnnelet' 5 cents per yard.
G. MCINrxur.
—A number of the ti' ec'tera of the public
school are in attendanc = at the East Huron
Teachers' convention, vhich is being held
in Brnssels on Thur' qty and Friday of
this week. ,.
— Mr. Geo, Rrssoll's eldest son, "Buzz,"
received a charge from n air gun in one of
his eyes, the other day He has a very
sore eve, but it is not hought the sight
Will be'injured. -
--Fruit culture is more profitable to the
farmer•now than his other crops. Brown
Bros. Co., the most extensive nursery house
in Canada, have a vacarcy in this section.
Write them at Toronto, Ont., for their
—The Secretary o a court of the I., 0.
F., in Toronto, was i rraigrted before the
Police Magistrate, th other day, charged
with sending out c culars without the
words "assessment sy stem," printed there-
on. The case has no• .yet been decided.
— The impretsive c remony of the indic-
tion of the Rev, Robe McCosh, fora erly
o`. this town,.into the rectorship of Christ
Church parish, Cluelham, took place on
Sunday last. His L. rdship the Bishop of
Huron officiated',
The Gray, Yew g (St Sperling Co,n-
i'pany, of the Winglia salt well, can boat
of the largest horse n town. • He is four
years old, weighs 17 pounds and is 172 -
hands high. Mr. Spa ling purchased him,
last week, in the tows ship of Norinanby,
and expects to make hi weigh 2000 pounds
before a year.
et'='The military ball , Goclet•ich,"on
day last, was attends by the following
residents of this town Captain and Mrs.
Williams, Mr. and firs. Hanson. Mrs.
Swartz, Misses line, .'attersnn, Duffield,
and G.,,,,Duffield, Dr. J. 3..Macdonald and J.
Inglis. pjIt was the grrrdest social event of
thes son het in the :county town.
d o
fixtensive imoro 'ements are to be
yrnacle in and around tl e•Wingham Preshv-
ian Manse;t:_ Twoparti-
imine ately. i t t
tions are to be taken down, considerable
papering and paihiti ig down, a new roof
throughout. some lowing and a new barn
g g
of modern design. I is a'so proposed to
have a furnace and path room put in the
Mr. Chas. Pogson, the has been spend-
ing a few mouths wit friends in Crosshill
and Stratford, returnee to town on Satur-
Mr. D. M. Gordon s rent a couple of days
in Brantford last week
Mr. Jacob Large, of Listowol, was in
town on Tuesday.
Rev. M. Swann n id Mrs. Swami, of
Fergus, have been vis ting their daughter,
Mrs. (Rev.) S. Sellery, 'or some days.
Dr. Macdonald was I ome from Otta40.
for a few days, return ng again on Mon-
Mr. B. F. i3roo1 t Listowel, was in
town on busiheas, on
of i s was A, MacKay, .nt,kno v, in
Wingham, on business, ,n Wednesday. I
Messrs. Elli 1tt Fnito i and .1. Fraser, of
Teeswater, wire in than; on business, on
Miss Jones, of 1Valk;rton, is visiting
Melds in town.
• Miss regale Kenrotly ft on Thursday,
for Hayfield, after a v it to friends ata
relations its 'tt iwn.
"Ten 'Years of T•-nperanoe,"
A rather pretentious v ,lune is itn course
of publication under the shove title by The
Templar of Hamilton, Qt. It is issued in
seven tnonthly numbe-<, each covering a
different phase of the to aperance reform,
and all profusely lilt,.
number is a beautift'l it
ing Flo less than thirty 1
. giavures of Canadian pi
and it is styled the ',Men
Not only the tentperan<
of fine engravings
with the wail.. Two
i incurs a epecinien dopy
, by mail free, of five cop
the remittance is made
an, Hamilton, Ont.
hop . Licenses.
We have not bee able toget thenames o
all the parties to oro licenses were grant.. .
ed at the meeting f the Commissioners, on
Monday last, but i11 give them next week.
We learn that all rue applicants wile
already hold lice ses were granted licensee
for next year, ex apt the occupant of the
Grand Union H tel, Clinton, whose .oaly;e
was held over Mr. Sohn. Dinsley, of
Wingham, wa granted.a license, es also
was. Mr, Black of Dungannon.
nSaturda; last the License Board for
the East Ri ng of Huron met at the
Revere Hens- Brussels. The following
hotel license: were granted :---Messrs.
Lamonby, B :'more; Campbell and Orr,
Gerrie; Husk tt, Lakelet; Brown, Ford-
.with; McMi n, Newbridge; Gotten and.
Graham, Wr xeter; McDonald, I3lnevale;
Livingston, ; elgrave; Mrs.. Sage and
Fisher, Walt n; Jones, Lettdbery; Craw-
ford, Dublin McDonald and Zimmer,
Cranbrook; i aerrin, Ethel; McEwan,
Jamestown; aures, Koenig, O'Leary au 1
Zilliax, russ.is, making 22 licenses grant-
ed to allJ,' Mo • wan's license is for wine
and bet°V. Ti Commissioners decliiied to
grant licenses o Mrs. Steins, Fordwich, as
petition was i snfticiently -signed, and to
Mr. Beirnes, T olesworth License will be'
granted to his ouse if suitable •tenant' ie
procured. Bo.
rd will meet at the Central
Hotel, Brussel., on May 5th, to sign new
licenses and trnsact other business Doming ,
before it.
rated. The first
rk of art eontain-
agnificent photo- 1
tibition leaders,
f the Movement."
people, but every
will bo delighted
y.five cents will
the first number
t for a dollar if
o W. "tV. Bnahan-
-The Deline tor for June is called the"Summer Num or," and is a superb issue
in every respect, the amount of practical
and interesting r • ding matter being large-
ly increased. Tharticle in the College:
Series describes a irl's Life and Work at
Smith, and is writ -.n by a recent and brite
]dant graduate. T' ere is also a very inter-
esting and snggesti a paper on A Grammar-.
School >•CSmmenc cut. Nursing as an.
Employment for ' omen is ably treated by
Louise Darohe, S perintendent of the New
York City 'lrai ing 'School, for Nurses.
An appropriate "pattern" article, in addi-
tion to the regult r monthly issue, is on
Dress for Sumni. r Sports; and another*
equally suitable tt the time, gives informa-
tion on Trunks a id 'Trunk Packing. The
opening chapter to Vocal Culture, by the
author of .L)rlsarti �uvsfcal Culture, begins ' ,
in this number, al d bbi,uld prove us bene-
ficin' as tlic serit s uei • ,ust a. ilk papers.
on Hygienic Livin; are coutiiiii d; ti.udthe.
ccufideiice teat ; Heald exist L tweed
Mother sud Dungb er is the theme of the
article bearing th it title. A Rosebud
Party is described, rod other coutributionsl,',,
are: • How to Serve yniall Fruits, Daintin -
peas in the Home, he ever -popular 1 ea-
Table Gossip, anti, ,Among the Newest
Books. The articlei in Knitting, Tatting,
Netting and Crocheti ig show tunny origi-
nal and attractive cleidgus, The subscrip.
tion price of The He neater is al a year.
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