HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-10-09, Page 8NEW LIONS • MEMBERS-- Three new members Joined the local,. Lions Club Monday. With ,their sponsors are, Albert Whitney, sponsoring Ross Ribey, Marten Vihcent with nelw Member Bill Hodgert and new Lion Ed Taylor with hii sponsor Irwin Johnston. (Staff Photo) "NEW"SINGO MONDAY, 8:30 P.M. October 1 3th " Al VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE JACKPOT - s210." IN 55 CALLS with a co/Halation prize el $75.00. II not woe, Jackpot grows by 010.00 end number of calls Increases by one, each week. 15 REGULAR GAMES AT 1 0!°°' EACH 3 SHARE—THE—WEALTH GAMES ADMISSION 01.00 INCLUDES ONE FREE CARD. AD. OITIONAL CARDS 050 EACH OR y FOR Hag. ADMISSION RESTRICTED TOMOS! IS 'YEARS OF ADE OR OVER Country Singles Special Octoberfest Dance SAT. OCT. 18 at ' V ANASTRA MUSIC BY . "Encore" Refreshments SERVED Watch for our Next dome OCT, 25 AT AMY GULLY MUSK "I•oty STAG EUCHRE Seaforth Legion Wed. Oct. 15 — 8:30 p.m. — Admission: $1.25 40th Wedding Anniversary Iiiefate0MIONATWASSIMBEETP For Mr. & Mrs. Martin VanBakel Friday, Oct., 10: Brodhagen Community Centre Everyone welcome Best Wishes Only •A';.Va,$$.:',AMaaMINAU CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Oct. 10th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO — TWO DOOR PRIZES. — Admission $1.00 Extra. Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (cHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 • Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth Reception Jeanette Yvonne Muegge and Richard W. Hulley [bridal couple] on Saturday Oct. 11 Seaforth Legion Hall 8:3U - 1 am. Lunch provided Friends & Relatives welcome COlbenl. TOWIlabip 11M MAwl Christmas Country Fair Sale N kmal arts, crabs, country balilog •soaseanatiners SALTFORD VALLEY HALL 14 mite North ol Godench Easton Itoy 211 Hednesday, October II 10 a.m. roc p.11 AND Saturday. October IS 10 a.m. le e p.ne TEA ALL ON ONE FLOOR DOOR PRIZES EVERT HOUR ADMISSION ISK &Mc A kw gilt snedesliens• —• palettIng et Huron County by Jock McLaren —pottery ming lout CU), —a wail bangle, —a winter flow am...dement —a Christmas table Centre --a terrartunt Du hapairoreit saddle blanket als, candles, reps, DenIMV, Pim humid., Munr".Ing. Washy. 011aticralh, refinished hantibtre. cloth ouch& stitchary etc. Ili CABARET DANCE, for Pat & Budd Bell (nee Pat East) OCT. 10 9-1 ozarts Melody Makers ° Vanastra Rec. Centre Ladies Bring Lunch • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • Friends, Neighbours Neighbours and Relatives are invited to the 50th wedding Anniversary Reception for Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Feeney Oct. 11 1975 8P.M. - 12 midnight Clinton Community Arena Auditorium BAYFIELD ROAD • • GODERICH • • • • • • • •• Licensed under L.C.B.O. • • isr• • • • • • • • • • • • • 0000000 • e• • • • 00000 • • • • • • • • • DINING &DANCING • , Fri. & Sat. Manhatten Next Week • The Parisiennes — Exciting HARNESS RACING — SAUGEEN AMUSEMENTS - - AMHERSTBURG COMMUNITY BAND — — KINGSVILLE & ESSEX ASSOCIATION BAND - - ACRES OF EXHIBITS — LIVESTO6K SHOWS "SWEETHEART OF THE FAIR" CONTEST - - DEB-U-TON MAJORETTES FROM WINGHAM - - GIANT PARADE — VARIOUS 4-H CLUB SHOWS - -- FRIDAY NIGHT SNOW FEATURING LOCAL TALENT — — BEEF AND PORK AUCTION ON FRIDAY NIGHT — PLUS A SATURDAY NIGHT PROGRAM AND DANCE featuring AL CHERNY AND FERNANDEZ All This And More! — Don't Miss It! *zs ee,zeozzemm ffezma ;5wf. ofef,0 mor,0 rezedp. 4766 MONDAY, OCT. 13TH ONLY! TEESWATER TRACTOR AND TRUCK PULL 12:00 NOON AT THE FAIRGROUNDS W.C1.T.P.A. RULES 5 FEATURE HOLIDAY SHOW . SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1 2 Every Body Gets What They Want in (THE LOVE anie's Teenage e Fantasies . When the mob muscles in on the Massage Parlor.. the girls rub em down ...then rub 'em out! •••, THE MANIIANDLERS KR MONEY COLOR What they do ' after hours Is their business! ngit3 bormaikls TIM), Mee bib tips I P 15 Girls Caught in • ▪ WA of Sexploitation! 0,1/1 /110 roe.... a , Or ...pr... to•tear -O1.JSS Z.40$ a,, Massa:[,:„.440,.&414 ea Slek W 4311,1 Pulle PLUS WIND UP WEEKEND! WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOUNG GIRLS FROM SMALL TOWNS HIT THE BIG CITY...BROKE? • RpyN, HOTEL. MITCHELL In The Crown Room Friday and Saturday THE HUMMERS no delay in publication of next week's paper, correspondents and advertisers are asked to forward as much material as ‘<Y 44/0 Q Sedorth 11.1 Thursday, Friday and Saturday Centennial Lounge "Trilogy" Nightly Entertainment Dancing ************** ** **** Country and Western En ertainment Friday & SD urday REP KNIGHT ROOM " Francis & The Music Men Tasty Chicken wings for Snacks — Ample Free Parking — We serve Beverage Room Luncheons 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 - At Very Low Prices- [We Sell Ice] Thanksgiving Day Dinner: 5-7 Commercial Hotel - Seaforth ********************** Dublin & District • Atheltic Associgtion Dance Crystal Palace , Mitchell Saturday, October. 11 Music by the WILDWOODS Admission $2." ,tx DAN. CE CHSS CLINTON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 7 9 -...1 2 p.m. Dance to "SMALL WONDER" ADMISSION - $2.25 with student card $2.50 without immomar PARK ro,H ,,0„, GODIRICN (1501011101,10 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT an moo soree4 101110UW4 MAW HELD OVER! Til October 16 The terrifying motion picture front the terrifying Nal best seller- NOW or SHAW MIAMI . SCHEMER DREW 5 DANCE to the music of ROLLIN' SMOKE SATURDAY OCT.11. at BROADHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE Dancing 9-1 am Admission: $2.00 per person Everyone Welcome BRODHAGEN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNIVERSARY WALTZ PARTY Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the United Church at Kirkton - Woodharri Community Centre Friday evening October 10th Music by the Siivertofies Dancing 9 — 1 Admission $2.00 per person $4.00 a family' including children to 14 Lunch Available Everybody Welcome . Sponsored by the Hibbert United Church 1••••n ••••••n •••=mlloormil li 4 • BROWNIE'S folivuol CLINTON - ONTARIO fEATT4 BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. . FIRST SHOW AT 8:30 P.M. FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 10 & 11 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOBODY, BUT *NOBODY,* KNOWS THE TROUBLE HE'S ITH Ol . ed` SERGIO IBM pnam ADULT ENTINTAINALENT EOBECCACO. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 to 4* DAWN SHOW SATAN IS COMING! THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS IN THE WORLD! Same are Inc Some are for LOVING HOLING ti ADMI: ANCI Our season closes with the dusk to dawn show October 12. We thank you for your patronage over the season, and look forward to seeing you again in the spring. • General Meeting For all those interested in forming a St. John's- Ambulance Section in Seaforth. People are needed both tcy serve on a brigade and to work on an, administrative level with the branch. This meeting will be informative in nature and all are welcome. Thursday, October 9 8pm Lower Library ...0,‘ A. A - TEESWATER , A is--.- I /FALL FAIR i ,., Ai i fl 1,1 t4 'it& 4 Dl 1 wi OCTOBER 10th & 11th FREE GRANDSTAND ENTERTAINMENT Next Monday is Thank tying and a public holiday. As a It there will be no postal delivery service. So that there may be Please send news early PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WOHOliT NOTICE 4111.11M11"1"111.111.11W: OPEN WEEKENDS FRIDAY, SATURDAY,BLINDAY FIRST SNOW AT DUSK Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Preer of Hamilton visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer over the- weekend and also with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Govier and family of Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Johnny of Centerline Michigan attended a family dinner in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Trapnell who celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on October, 6, 1975, Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trapnell and family. possible to reaclr us on Saturday. To facilitate publication copy that is not available until Monday should be left at the office or. phoned. Local Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wanless and Mri. Miltien and son Bradley Mrs. Overbo of Virqua Wisc. were guests of Miss Mae Smith last week. Mr. and Mrs. D'Orleon Sills have returned from a motor trip to Timmins, Quebec and U.S.A. Mrs. James Home (nee violet Rankin) and Mrs. Shelkey (nee Mary Reid) were guests of Mrs. Charlotte Pullman this week. Mr. and Mrs. Art Devereaux visited last week with relatives,in St. Albans, in Vermont. More next week Some news has been left out of the Expositor this week because of space limitations. It williappear next week. Friday fa Wednesday October 17 to 12 "Race With The Devil" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Benefit Dance for Jack & Gerry CHAPPEL (recent fire victims) WEDNESDAY, OCT. 22, 1975 Kirkton-Woodham Hall Howe and Christie Orchestra Please bring lunch Drop Out !, I '\ tom *"..L. 4,- I'M. &I Of Ihnnh,b.red Losern.O.,09 OP- 0Orsageou0IL Pesesled A Hol.onovs Lesson ,n HOW ro SUCCEED WIJH SEA -PLUS- n erected ih Seaforth's History? Huron County library piesents Coloured slides & early, postcards of Seaforth by CBC freelance broadcasters Betty Tomlinson and Alan Anderson Thursday, Oct. 16 at 8pm IN THE LOWER LIBRARY Free admission • #.11***0•••4° 'we*** COMING- hors C ION 2 Earthoeiih how Beyond flot Greve Orvirs his PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ,