HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-20, Page 5WRQX1)TER.
Tlv, , second Annual . Spring shoj - 1
WAS lid on Wednesday, 11th Inst.
Owing to the inclemoney of .the
weather, the number of horses was
limited, Tho erowd was fairly good.
Financially the. show was a success.
In the heavy imported class of stallions
Mr. Jolui Wilkinson, of Harriston, ! at a o'clock, attended at the opening
was the, only competing party €End !this afternoon, About 22,000 women
took first prize ; Carriage or coach?--- I arc interested in this great }verse, the
lst, John Wilkinson, 2nd, Alex, Ora, l geld of whish extents from Glen -
The Diploma for- best heavy horse i gamy to the Paeifie, The Society
was won by G, J. Wilkmson. For originated in' Toronto eighteen yeas
best light horse, R. 13. Harris, Bulb ago. The method of procedure IS to
2 years and over -lst, M. Sanderson; I elect a board of 36 members, from
2nd ,• T. Musgrove ; bulls under which the officers are chosen. These
years, lst John Cooper..
'Seed grain. -Best Spring Wheat, I and are as followsfficers are all sicl Pre sof Toronto,
ist, J. Knox ; Oats, lst, J. Knox, President, Mrs.
2nc1 A. Gibson •Pts, 1st A. Gibson, T,Ewart; vice-president, Mrs, (Prof,) CLINTON.
2nd, J. Knox • Barley, 1st J. M€icLaren ; honorary secretary, Mrs.
2nd, A. Knox ; • rley 1st, of sects Shortreed ; foreign secretary, Mrs. On Monday night last, about 11.30
' hardy ; • recording secretary, Airs. o'clock, fire was discovered in the
grain, Diploma, J. Knox, Mayfair ; corresponding secretary, rear or the Central Hotel, in this
Mrs. Haight ; treasurer, Mrs. (Judge) place,. owned by Mrs. T. Cooper and
LLCKNOW. MacLennan; seerotary of supplies, occupied by R. Mason. The Plaines
Mrs. A. Jeffery. soon spread through the building,
which was frame, to such an extent
that the saving of it was impossible.
An effort was made to save the ad
of the bride's parents, on Wednesday East Buffalo, N. Y., • April 1 6.-- joining hotel; owned and occupied by
morning of last.week.. The ceremony Cattle -Eighty-five cars on sale; Mr. John Lea, and the firemen
• ivas performed by the Rev: Mr,Miles, opened active.aiicl 10c to 150 higher, thought they had succeeded, bot in a
The bride was the recipient of matey and on light handy and fat butchers' couple of hours afterwards the second
The W. VII, 8,
Ottawa, April 17.-A. largo num,
ber of delegates to the convention of
the Women's Foreign Mission Society,
winch opened in Bank Street Church
THE WINGRAM T14. ES, APRIL 20, 1894•
Chas, Sage, a well known resident'
of this place for the past twenty-seven
years, passed over to the great ma-
jority on Wednesday morning of last
`week, aged 59 years. The deceased
vas born in England and was mar-
ried to Miss. Elizabeth Ash, his now
bereft partner, at Brantford, in June,
1854. Their family consisted of cue
son, George, who died in December,
1881, and four daughters, all living.
Ile had been a great sufferer for the
past two years, and owing to the
nature of his disease, was compelled
to sit in his chair day and night,
During it all he displayed Christian
fortitude. Mr. Sage was a consistent
member of the Episcopalian church.
Mr. David Jaeobo, of Tara, was
united iii marriage to Miss Aiinnie
Ross, second daughter of Mr. Alex.
Boss, of this village, at the residence
Live stock Markets.
beautiful present,, and after the cere-
Mania was given, and the Lea Hotel
I20c to • 2 5c higher; good demand for also wont to ashes. On the Central
loony was performed, the bridal I prime to extra cattle ; none here ; Hotel'there was $300• insurance on
couple, Rev. and Mrs. Miles and the most of the best offerings sold at the building and $800 on the furni-
inembers of the family sat down to a 415 to .$4:65 ; feeders. bat $8.25 to' tine• on Lea's $2,200 on the building
su nptupus wedding breakfast, The I $ ' ' ;
young couple loft on the. half -past ten
I 0 too0. ibest;Sheep €ood ui�l lambs -One rime and y100 on the itrrtitlire. b ry
train for their future home in Tara. hundred and thirty cars on sale ; GLI;NFAR1tOlfi.
--The Oddfellows of this place will i shoe lOc to 150 lower except tame
celebrate the 75th anniversary of the j p' r ' . p p Mr. John Gemmill, agent for the
establishment of the Order in Amer.-' wethers ; lambs, 15c to 20e off for Jones Locl;etl Wire Fence, is meet-
choicegood to choice $5.25 '
csw, )y attending service in a body at �' lambs, ing with great success, as the fence CULROSS.
l to $5.75 5 ; clipped, $4 to $4.6 5 ; fair
the Church of >Englai�cl, .on Sunday, goodto iuixed s�iee �4 to X4.50 • sells itself. He has been building On Tuesday morning, the 10th, a
April : JtU, ata eleven o'clock a.m.-A slipped $3 to �4 • p,oxtr:t . all wool some for his neighbors and it proves disastrous, fire occurred by which Mia.
grand lacrosse tournament will be clippers eto,r to xtra.. .Hogs_ satisfactory in every sense. of the Braden, Lot 15, con. 14, Culross, lost
weheld in this town, on the 24th of May. Thirty-five cars ; 10c to 15c higher ; hand, as it is cheap, strong, durable, her house and its contents. Mrs.
very active; choice heavy, $5.70 to handsome. and harmless. Persons Cross, Lot 16, con. 14, also lost her
• WEST WAWANOSH. c r . o. intend ng to build fence should call out buildings, seed and feed. It a -
$5.75 ; good, medium and mixed, on Jolm Genni ill and see the' fence pears Bradenwere usinga fire out-
oun it iucMembers on Saturday, $5.55 to0.60; to .65 ;pimYorkers, dull,$5.40 mostly and get rates per rod, or call on his ide on Monday forenoonabout 15
neighbors, Mr. Herbert' Henning, rods southeast from the barn. At
Minutes of former meeting were react $5.45. Mr. Duncan of Glenanan or It r.Robt.
and passed. The Treasurer's report Chicago, April - 16. -Cattle -Re-' noon they wereothrough with it and
1 Pp Hastings, and see the fence he has watered it out.. It was examined
for February and March, showing ceipts, 13,509 ; 60. loads of Texans ;. erected for them. Mr. Wm. Gemmill again during the afternoon and they
a balance on hsncl of $216.15, was active ; a .5c to 20c higher.; prime has secured the right for the town- were satisfied there was no fire
read and filed. Tile Clerk was in- extra native steers, $4.50 to $4.85 ; ships of Carrick and Culross and is remaining.there
structod to notify the County'Clerk medium, $4 to $4.35 ; others, .$3.75 ready to build, if there are anti per- been a sark overlooked ati when
of the death of Jas. Barron,t ward to $3.90 ; Texans $3 to $3.50. Hogs sons in those townships intending to p
,` ' p r, the wind got up through the night
of the county. No action was taken -Receipts, 26;000 ; active and 10c build wire fences. Mr. Herbert it kindled. it up and blew it into the
in the petition of A. II. Jacob and , to 15e higher •- rough heavy, $4.25 to Henning is.thc agent ' for the town- straw stack which was east of the
others; asking for the formation of a $5 ; packers and mixed, $5.25 to shipsof Kinloss and West Wawanosh, barn, from there to the driving stied,
new school- section, the other munici- $5.40 ; prime heavy and butcher and is prepared to build at most any and the dwelling house. Miss
palities declining to appoint .arbitra- weights, $4.45 to $5; assorted light, tine. -Plowing is -all the go in this A gtc then totBradewas elle first to awaken
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. Tho many, who live bet.'
ter than others and onjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of tho pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moat acceptab'.a and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently :During constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid-
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak-
ening them and it is perfectly free from
?very objectionable substalioe.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only,whose name is printed on eve
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
Iccept any substitute if offered.
tors. The Treasurer's bond . was $5.40 to ..$5.55. $.beep and lambs- neighborhood ancl, some have been and alarm her mother, brother and
L 0' t'
hired man. They got out as quickly
as possible and just as they got out
the roof fell. in. The women escaped
with their night clothes only and the
boys got their trousers. There was
lug last. It,was a decided success in nothing saved in either buildings.
every particular. Though being Help soon arrived and prevented the
bashful, as their bachelorship 'would fire spreading totlie barn.. The wind
indicate, still they are adepts at get- which was blowingahul•ricaneproved
ting l,.p al)411.--The brass baud has its salvation, but it proved the
leased the roller rink for this season. destruction Of the buildings belonging•
It will be open for skating on Tues- to Mrs. Cross. Being in the course
day and Thursday nights, Band in of the. 'wind a even t:t shower of
attendance Thursday nights. -The burning shingles was tl:;.,.ping In her
Harriston High School is to be con- yard and the straw w.t m a flame
gratulated on the success of two of before there was any alarm. They
its former pupils, viz: J. 13. Wilson got the stock out but all the seed and
and Jas. McDeriuitt, both of whom feed . went .tip in sm.Ae. Bradetis •
carried off honors at the examination loss will be ali•tut j'2.)i0, airs. Cross'
in Trinity Medical College. We about ..,i;10)..). In bobs cases the loss
congradulate the boys on their sue- is partly covered by insurance in the
cess. --The North Wellington Teach- Formosa Mutual fire Insurance Co.
.ers' Association will hold their annual The tire; occurred ahem 1 a. ni.
meeting in Harriston, on the 17th and
18th of May. Air. Tilley, Inspector
of Model Schools; will be present
and take a prominent part. On.
Thursday evening there will. be a
public entertainment, at which Mr.
Tilley will give an address. -•The
IIigh School football boys are prac-
tho smaller lambs would scarcely tising hard now. They intend play -
brine. over $2-50 each. Good years- ing for the ' Intermediate Champion-
ing sheep sell in lots at from 5e to 5- c ship. They expect to win their spurs
per pound, and older sheep at about this season. It is to be hoped they
4c per potmd. stat hogs continue to will not be disappointed.
sell at from 56 to 5- e per pound. •-•--
Toronto, April 17. -Receipts cots- know to Got a "Sunlight" Picture.
1y, C, Taylor, J. Laidlaw, J. Martin, tints fan and pr, e g y
per bearing the words "Why Does
' man Look Uhl Sooner ''ha•i a pian") to Healthy by
Duillan, A. Anderson, J. K Cameron,J. Levunfavorable, The hest loads' sold aide you3 will receive bb co post a ' pretty pie.
D. tr,Archer, J. Thom, W. Thompson, Webb, J, •to -da at 8sc to 3, a and a few small turefree•iron? advo iia n, andlwed wl th
J_ ester, Jos. La,icuaw, It. Y ri , framing. ' •bis is an cagy way to decorata
II. Rintouul, W. 5.• Livingston,. J, lots of the choicenit at 38C to :31e! your hem y; The s5at� is the best in rho
Mole, J. Gaunt, J. Whyard, T. Pent medium cattle are quoted at 80, and...l aiket.tcnd it wilt only cost one cent post.
• lance. The pound -keepers and fence 'inferior at 210 to tic per ib ;> half° age
ends andiY `i tho
w y ape aclr sou aa` ee
viewers of last year were reappointed, fatted steers, Sic to 3 „e,, calves, d 11, full p
The following checks Were issued: at $3 to $rt each, and ninth col v at p
1,5 $25 to $45 each. Shcep and la•itbs, Cheese Markets.
Jas. I)ttrn%tt 15 yards gravel � U,
It I Miller, i oleate boots Fi0• cents unchanged ► � Little Falls, s , p
examined andaccepted. n motion Receipts, 11,000 ; active and strong ; sowin g
of Messrs, Gibson. and Medd, lots 17, all sold early ; top sheep, $4.80 to $5; b
18, 19 and W t 20, con. 1, were top lambs, $5.25 to $5.75. - HARRISTON.
transferred from polling sub division . Montreal, Quebec, April 16.- The bachelors of the town held
No. 1 to No. 2, and lot 22, coils. 4 There were about .700 stead of their annual ball on Thursday even -
and 5, changed from No. 2 to No. 1. butchers' cattle; 450 calves and 150
--Carried. Moved by Mr. Durnin, sheep and spring iambs offered at the
seconded by Mr, Medd,tliat the Clerk East End Abattoir to -day. The
ask for tender's for the building -of a butchers' were out in full force, but
Sheol on the township hall grounds, trade in cattle was slow and. prices
' a.ncl that the Reeve, Clerk and Messrs. somewhat demoralized, having de -
Todd and Durni'i be a contnittec to dined about one -;,tarter; of a cent
tract the tenders
A grant of $20 was per
iv pound
choi e mow last
were sold at about
made to Dungannon Mechanics' Ins-' 4e per pond, but it required Some -
tam. The following were appointed I thing good to bring over 440 per
pathm€Esters : D. Mellwain, P. Kirk, pound, with pretty good stock at from
D. McPhee, W. Davidson; J. Willard, a little over 3c to -31c per pound.
J. Hastic;' Jas. Bailie, W. Plunkett, There were not many rough or lean
W. H. Wilson, A. McCabe, S. John- ) g
stoic J. I�'luker, Jos. I`'eagau T. cattle among the offerings, hut there
Nicholson, W. llcliath J. McLean seemed td be scarcely any 'demand
N. Youn, R. Bell; T. :Begley, Me, Jos for them, and prices ranged from less
Smith, A. Pollard, T. McKenzie, .7.
than _c to about 3e per pound. Good
Boyle; S. Medd, N. Cummins, T. calves were in demand, but there
Radcliffe, T. Davidson, A. Pentland,
were few of this kind offered, and
W. Campbell, R. Bowers, J. Clark, J. the best one was bought by Mr.
Thom son W. ilicAllister J. AlcCabc Bourassa for $10. Air. Joseph Osch-
I�. cinBrophy, E. McGuire, P. O'Connor, arils bought four calves;,for $29, and
J. Camey, T. Woods; D. Alton, E. two superior spring lambs for $11.
Fitspatriek, W. Cameron, J. Rad. Mr. C. Brown bought 18 good spring
Cliffe, . W. Kinahan, G. Beadle, W. lambs at x4.50 cash, while some of
Armstrong, S. Thompson, G. White,
H. Rutherford, G. Henry, E. Rogers,
J. Durnin, E. Dnriiin, R. Woods, J.
Ramage, W. Wood, C. Smith, P.
Cummins, )+I, Haines, J. Bowles, J.
Smith,, P. ' Campbell, . W. Millar, J -
Campbell J. McPherson, W. Donnol.
Mr. v� ettlaufcr, a farmer near
Listowel, realized from nine cows
during the past year as follows: Cheese
cheques, .L+5O1.95; butter sold, $52.90;
calves, ; 16; total, b;$ 575.1)1. It will
be noticed that this averages .$63.88
for each cow.
who are thin, hollow -chest
ed, or growing too fast, are
i i es enerall are Send zs"sunlight" Son n wrappers (wrap• I clads Strong, Robust
e a Wo -
G. Greer T Webster W. J. Me- weaker for cattle.. • British markets p
are demoralized and the outlook is rt t. '1'orant
.: ) : , ' i unchano eel • the former sold at -1.25 ' +i• ll , N Y. . April rel 16.---
Andrew Steart, 50 yards gravel, to ; yearling .lambs at 41e 01- e Cheese; srtic 8l11$1,1181:11'1
, 1,711 pacicabes of.
$1.50 ; Dungannon. Mechanics'" Insti- per M., and spring lambs) $. togs cheese on Coinirlssion ;. 2.? boxes 0f
tate, grant, $.) onncil then ata- each. flogs in fair demand; ivith fall cream went 10.3. Prices of old
..�. �'i
JOut•Ited to meet as a Court of Revi- sales of the best; off cars, at $*'1 7.) to cheese during the past week have
seen and for general business on $4.85 per awt; thick fat h0 s, ,y1.70 been lI c to 11le; 37:.p€tetra;c, of
Sattu'clay, May 26th, at 1.0 o'clock. to $4.75 •, stores, $1.50, and kliomifon, Essar daily butter vitt a, 19 lc to 21e .
R. It. I [ir.t.rlt, Clerk. $4.25.
bulb at 20e.
1 •
t110 Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
It contains material for mak-•
ing healthy Flesh and $ones.
euros Coughs, Colds and
Wreak Lungs, Physicians, the
world over, endorse it.
ibn't be deceived by Substitutes!
soott.t.Bottne, Bell,ville. Alt Druggists. alto. &IL
ir-" TWS. 0
• Every year a great deal of alone+y Is lost
`foss week we will put ).0U on the right track to save Essar money by >n
practical pointers, It .s an acknowledged fact that
TO* A...JD . S1.1.:_...,
is the great money power to service in the present day, and the man , % .
buys for SPOT CASA and sells for READY CASA, is in a position to help :
you along, here are a few pointers tO start you on the right traek. They
are only a few of the many we could give you, but time and space does not o
l� actory Cotton , ... .... ....4e. per yard.
White CottctlE , .. .
Shirting.. .... , ... , ... 5e.
I`"laIlitelette..... , .... .... . , ..5c.
Print .. ,,,, .... ,..,5c.
Ladies' hose .. , . .... 5e, per pair.
Ladies' No, 4 Vests.. ..... , ♦ . , .. •. 5e. each
L€Ece Curtains, taped... .... .... .:. 25c. per pair.
Ponge Silk, all colors. , ... .... . . 25e. a yard.
Kid Gloves, , .. , . ....25e.. per pair.Dress Goods, double width.. .. . . ....15e. and up.
Cutting and fittin;; a specialty. ALL MANTLE GOODS bought in this
store cut free of charge. TWEEDS 25e. a yard and up. Sec our all wool
suits for $4.50. GROCE?LIES fresh and ehewtp. 6 Iles. New Tea for $1,00.
SI-IOES at Manufaeturere prices.
9e, $1
Our stock is now complete in
See our TWEEDS, HATS and OAFS.
19 pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c.
Call and see our stuff. •
1Vholesale and Retail.
Respectfully yours,
Com- 0_ E_ era
hite Goods Sale.
IF she does, see that.
. the• wash is made Easyand
Clean by getting her
which does away 'with the
terrors of wash -day.
Experience will convince her that
it PAYS to use this soap.
Witi, the first of March we inaugurate a Big, Sale of White. Good
of eery description, White., Cotton Lawn iyinslins, Table Linens,
Sheetinijs, &c.
• White Cottonh1'rom 6c. up; Gray Cotton, 34 inches- wide, 4c: a
yard; Heavy 'Twill At hite Cotton, extra value at 14e., worth 170.;
Victoria Lawns, from 10e. up. Special novelties in Lawns sin' 1 usiilis;
with embroidered edges? Ready-made Dress Aprons for :30e. Table
Linan, good andrheavy, from 20e. up. Sheetings,either 4 or - bieached
or unbleached from 12?,c. up.
We have made a specialty of Laces and Embroiders this season
anis are prepared to shote you a fuller range than usual. Yon know
what. lovely Laces we had last season; well, this year we have far sur-
passed all former efforts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and;
have almost too large astork.
Now is the time you ladies are commencing; to look out for these
gods and we ifivite you to come in and see them. We are sate you
cannot resist our pct -terns and prises. We have there in White; Slack
and two tome Silk, Cotten and Linen and you are sure to get - the bet
choke here. ,See our new Spring Goods in all departments. --
Headquarters for Field and Garden Seeds. •
lr• 1 Z .
B -•••-We bought at alow late on the $, the stock of Eooti and
Shoes belonging to thee.Ptato of the late 3, M, Buchanan, which will
be sold at SLAt7GH7 Ll1 PRICES. See these goods and save money
on your purchases.
• T. A. MILLS.