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We have a large
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Butcher Your BEEF or PORK at
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TEL, 345-2360
HOME BREW CHAMPS-- These smiling Dublin Pee
Wee girls are the Western Ontario Homebrew Pee
Wee Champions. Team members are left; Mary Apn
Nolan., Susy Brosens, Ruth McCreight, Cap.; Joan
Bruxer, Coach; Dave Brown, Marjo Kale, Betty
Mrs. R. Laing
Mrs. Wilfred Carr, Stratford,
the Presbyterial visitor, and Mrs.
Norman Coulthard, St. Pauls, as
well as the members, of the
Marian Ritchie Evening Auxi-
lary, were guests at the Thanks-
giving meeting of Cromarty
W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. Cliff
Following the programme in
the Glad Tidings, Mrs. Calder
McKreig opened the meeting.
The meditation taken by Mrs. J.
Jefferson, Mrs. C. Douglas, and
Mrs. J. Miller and the offering
received and dedicated by Mrs.
Grace Scott.
The roll call, a Thanksgiving
Verse was answered by nine
members. Mrs. Lainond presided
for the business. The Fall Rally
will be held in Knox Church,
North .Easthope on Oct. 23. An
invitation was received from
Seaforth W.M.S. for their Thank-
offering meeting on Oct. 22, with
Rev. Hancock of Egmondvill as
speaker, and from Exeter
Women's Christian Club for their
meeting on October 23 at 7:45,
Homemakers meet
Jean Van Tyghem was named
president of McKillop 3 Home-
making Club for the project `Let's
Bake Bread' at their first meeting
at the home of Mrs. Van Dorren.
Other offictrs -elected were vice-
president; Theresa 'Van Dooren,
Secretary press reporter will be
Janet • Drager, Treasurer-Anna
Marie Hoste. Mrs. Van Dooren
demonstrated how to make Free-
zer Whole Wheat Bread. The next
meeting was held at Anna Marie
Hoste's on October 7th. .
Mrs. Bill Chessell
The Varna U.C.W. met on
Thursday evening with nineteen
members present. The president,
Mrs. Robt. Stirling, opened the
11 meeting with a commentary on
Thanksgiving which was written
by the moderator, Dr. Wilbur
Howard. Group I presented the
worship service, on the theme of
Thanksgiving, The treasurer's
report showed a„ good profit from
the smorgasbord supper, which
was attended by over 260 people.
A committee was nominated to
begin preparing for a Christmas
concert. Mrs. Gordon Hill of the
nominating committee led a dis-
cussion concerning the possible
re-organization of the structure of
the U.C.W. to see if it would
make it easier to fill senior
executive positions. No decisions
were made, and it was left for
members to think about until the
November meeting. Lunch hos-
tesses were Mrs. Roy Elliott,
Mrs. M. Morrison and Mrs. Ida
Members of Varna Church
attended Goshen Church Anni-
versary on Sunday. Inspirational
music was provided by the
Belgrave Male Voice Choir under
the direction of Rev. John
Roberts. Mr. Roberts was alwo
the guest preacher, using Ro-
mans 12:2 as his text. Mrs. Bruce
Keys on the organ and Mrs.
Berne McKinley on the piano
played in duet for fifteen minutes
prior to the service.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Hunt for the past couple of weeks
hatte been her father, Mr.
Eihitard Kirkpatrick • and her
sister, Mrs. Jean Henry, of
Graysenhurst. A week ago Sun-
day they also entertained Ron and
Linda Beattie and Bill of Ilderton.
Don and Martha Kirkpatrick, Roy
and jill of Stratford, and Preston'
and Susan MacCallum and
Michael, and Miss Cresson Hunt
of London.
The dance at Hully Gully on
Saturday night was successful,
Winner of the ten-speed bicycle
was Maurice Masse of Zurich.
Anyone wishing to play bad-
minton may contact Mrs. I J.
Clynick at 482-9971.
The Egmondville I 4H Club
held their opening meeting for
the project "Let's Bake Bread” at
the home. of the Eggerts. The
leaders are Sandra McLachlan
and Carole Eggert, with twelve
girls taking this project. Election
of officers resulted, President:
Debbie Rose, Vice-President:
Dianne Smith, Secretary: Diane
Nigh, Treasurer: Connie Van
Dyke, Press Reporter: Marg Van
Dyke. .
This meeting was opened with
the 4H Pledge and all the girls
answered the roll call "What is
your favourite bread?" The
leaders gave an outline of the
project and told the girls about
"Bread Making Techniques"
Members talked about_ "Working
Methods" and discussed dish-
washingand measuring, and then
were told about freezing dough
followed by Sandra McLachlan
and Carole Eggert demonstrating
how to make Freezer Whole
Wheat Bread.
church by the Rev. William Mair
on Oct. 7, 1950. their attendants
were the bride's sister, Wilma,
(Mrs. Jack Butson) and the
groom's brother Anthony Allen.
Mrs. Elmer Dow played the
wedding music and accompanied
the soloist, Murray Christie. -
Mr. and Mrs. Allen have a
family of three: Janet, Mrs. Barry
Gammon, Toronto; Nancy, who is
attending Fanshawe College in
London and Frank at home.
October 6 was Worldwide
Communion Sunday. In Cromarty
Presbyterian Church the service
was in charge of Rev. Wilfred
Jarvis assisted by Elders Calder
McKaig, Carter Kerslake, Mervin
Dow, Philip James, and John
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. L. Scott
visited Friday night with Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Moore of Lindsay.
Saturday they journeyed on to
Brockville where they attended
the wedding of their nephew,
Kenneth Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott were
guests at the marriage of their
cousin,' Kenneth Taylor in Brock-
ville on Saturday.
Weekend guests with Mr. and
St. Columban
V. J. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Lance Robinson of
Toronto spent the weekend with
Mr. & Mrs. Thos. Kale.
Mr. Marvin Kale, Fanshawe
College, visited his home Sunday.
Jack Stapleton of Owen Sound
visited relatives here and in,
Dublin recently.
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Lane were
visiting friends in Toronto and
Newmarket and returned Bro
Joseph McQuaid to St. Johns.,
Uxbridge after he spent his
holidays in the Western Provinces
and with relatives here.
Mr. Dave O'Reilly who was
spending his holidays helping
with the corn harvest the past two
weeks, has returned to his duties
in London.
Tuc kersm ith
(Continued from Page 1)
construct a sewage system.
Council accepted a letter of
resignation from Gerry Salton
from the Vatiastra Recreation,
Parks and Community Centre
Council has applied for a
grant of $2,400 from Wjntario to
buy sports equipment of Vanastra
Council was quentioned about
paying for garbage collection at
Vanastra by the Holmesville
Length committee based 9n a
1,000 population and 26 commer-
cial outlets at Vanastra as quoted
in a Vanastra column in the local
papers. Council said this was a
blown-up figure and said , a
population of 600 with 11 com-
mercial outlets was a more
accurate estimate.
Council adjourned at 12:30
a.m. Wednesday until October 2 t
when Mark Bell of the Ministry of
the Environment will be present
to discuss the Vanastra sewage
system which a council is consid-
ering having the Clinton PUC
manage rather than the Ministry
of the Environment as at present.
Sir Martin Frobisher's visit to
the Canadian Arctic in 1578
carried the earliest type of
prefabricated house.
Looby, Louise Ryan,
Brown, and front; Vicky
Pauline Jordan, Martha
Debbie Maloney and
(Staff Photo)
Mrs. Eldon Allen and Frank were
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Gammon,
Toronto, and Nancy Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing and
Tom visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Grigg, Clinton.
'Staff sew ..& Sews was chosen as
the name of Staffa #2 held
Monday evening. President
Bonnie Norris called the roll
call,`My design ideas for the free
choice article I have chosen.'
Jean Elliott read the secretary's
Mrs. Wallice and Mrs. Douglas
demonstrated the twisted chain
stitch, couching crossed stitch,
and the couching outline stitch
and the girls worked on their
Mrs.Laverne Wolfe
The high lights of St. Peter's
Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on
Saturday were two weddings for
Rev. Horst in one day. the
Kistener-Illmari wedding was
held at three o'clock and the
Shean-Gloor at seven o'clock in
the evening.
Sunday morning there was a
basket with beautiful white dai-
sies at the lectern from the
Kistener & Illman wedding, and
two vases of , yellow mums and
white daisies on the alter from the
Shean and Gloor.
Twenty Fifth Anniversary
Mr., & Mrs. Kennith Smith
celebratesd their twenty fifth
wedding anniversary with a din-
ner in London at the Trairs Cellar.
Those attending were their family
and attendants.
They were blessed with four
children; Denise, Dean, Sheila
and Sharon. The later's brother
(best man) and sister in law
(brides maid) Mr. & Mrs. Ralph
Fischer, Walton, and Mr. .& Mrs.
Barry Baillie, Monkton, the later
their flower girl.
The foriner had one brother Mr.
Albert Smith Blemheim, a sister
Mrs. Harold Wurdell (Margaret).
The later also a sister, Mrs.
Edwin Scherbarth, Mitchell.
Mr. Smith is the son of the late
Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Smith and the
later is the daughter of Mr.
Rudolph Fischer.
Their family surprised them
with a progressive euchre party at
the Legion Hall. Mitchell winners
were Wayne Ahrens, Mrs. Edwin
Mogk, Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth
and Jens Thorup.
Address of good wishes was
read by Mrs. Howard Fawmme,
Stratford. The honored couple
received gifts and a purse with
money, presented by Mrs. Barry
Baillie. they expressed their
thanks and admitted it was a real
A pleasant evening was enjoy-
ed by all including a delicious
lu ncheon. Rev. Walter Becker
officated at their wedding.
Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Wolfe were
dinner guests of Mrs. Martin
Diegel, Shakespear on Thursday.
Mrs. Diegel has returned home
from New Jeey where she spent
all summer tvith her daughter
Yvonne who has been convales
sing in her home also with George
and David Quin set.
Relatives and Friends will be
sorry to hear Mrs. Quinsey is a
patient in St. Michaei's Hospital
Newark. New Jersey.
Miss Shirley Trentousky from
Dublin WI
Mrs. Charles Roney was
hostess to the Dublin W.I.
President Mrs. Norman McKay
conducted the' meeting. Eleven
members answered the roll call
"'Name your Favourite food
dish". Mrs. Ann Burchill gave
the treasurer's report. A cooking
school "Salute to Vegetables"
was announced for Sept. 25 - 26 in.
Stratford also South Perth Rally
Oct. 15- 16. District Anipual Oct.
Mrs. Jack Burchill gave a
report on the car trip six members
had to Elora on August 26th,
They visited Mu seum, the Old
Church, the park and had lunch at
Elora Inn.
A get well card was sent to
Mrs. George Colville: Mrs.
Charles Roney introduced Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Harris who
talked about antique dishes and
lamps. They had many different
kinds of lamps and glass, milk
glass, custard glass, vaseline
glass, cranberry, ruby, carnival,
satin, etc. Mrs.Harold Pethick
thanked them and presented
them with a gift. The meeting
closed by singing the Queen.
Mrs.R.S.Aikens thanked the
hostess. • Lunch was served by
Mrs. Ann Burchill and Mrs.
Olive Smith.
The Brodhagen Midget girls
ended their season with a perfect
game, no runs, no hits and no
errors. The win gives Brodhagen
the WOAA championship with
three games to two over Formosa.
Winning pitcher was Gayle
Beuerman with 15 strikeouts.
Leading batters were Colleen
Murra y and Pat Jarmuth with
two singles each. ,Pat Flanagan
and Cathy Duffy each added one
Downsview spent a few days with
her mother. Mrs. Adolph Tren-
tousky and they both attended the
Kistener and Inman wedding on
Mr. & Mrs. Les Wietersen had
a wonderfull motor trip to Frank-
enmouth, Michigan, and Vasser
for several days with the beautiful
coloured leaves and sights.
Mr. Fred Kistener, Brodhagen,
attended his grand son's wedding
at St. Peters Lutheran Church.
Guests with Mr. Kistener for the
Kistener-Illman wedding were his
son in law and daughter, Mr, &
Mrs, Don Jackson, Betty Karen
and Doreta Goderich. 'Sorry to
hear Mr. George Weisenberg is a
patient in Seaforth Community
Hospital. He's wished a speedy
Mrs. Hoppenrath is a patient
in Seaforth Community Hospital.
Her relatives and friends will be
sorry to hear this.
Mrs. Lai/Ina Beuerman and
relatives and friends will be sorry
to hear she is a patient in
Stratford General Hospital,
Congradulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Glen Mogk on their first grand
child, Melissa Caroline, a daugh-
ter for Mr. & Mrs. Ken Hunsfer-
ger born in Stratford General
Hospital. Mrs. Edwin Mogk is the
proud great grand mother.
Sincere sympathy is extended
to the relatives of the late Mrs,
Albert Smith, Blenheim who
passed away Suddenly with a
heart attack, Fri. 26 of Sept. She
was a sister in law of Mrs.
Kennith Smith and Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Wurdell. Her husband
was from this community and
attended St. Peters 1,utheran
Church.Tne late Mrs. Smith and
her husband were guests at the
twenty fifth wedding anniversary
of Mr. & Mrs. Kenne th Smith on
the 20th of Sept., not a week
before her death.
Guests over the week with Mr.
Gordon Miller were his sister
Mrs Toleda Beuerman, Cam-
bridge and' his daughter Miss
Linda Miller, Kitchener. Mrs.
Annie Elligson who has been a
patient in Seaforth Community
Hospital has been moved to
London's victoria Hospital. She is
wished a speedy recovery.
Relatives & friends of Norman
Reihl will be glad to hear he has
returned home after being a
patient in Seaforth Community
Hospital •
Every week more and more
people discover what mighty jobs
are accomplished by low cosi
Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial
spent Sunday with his mother who
celebrated her 85th Birthday at
Arthur Ont.
Mr. & Mrs. Chas Friend were
weekend guests at Mr. & Mrs.
Lloyd Humphreys of Palmerston.
Mr. & Mrs George Coville are
holidaying at Port Franks with
Mr. & Mrs Die)/ Tate at their
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Coyne & baby
of Owen sound spent the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Ferg' Kelly.
Mr. & Mrs. Reg Smith &
Family who have sold the Shille-
laugh Restaurant & igas business
to Mr. & Mrs. Tom Watson of
Sm yth s •
have a complete selection of new
Lauer a
S •
for men, women and children E
Trade In your old skates on NEW BAUER SKATES
or reconditioned used skates., WIN
Black Panther
Smyth's Shoe Store
348-9951 MITCHELL
when Mrs. Lillian Dickson of
Formosa will speak.
Mrs. Cliff Miller sang 'There's
a song within my Heart' accom-
panied by Mrs. Robert Laing.
Mrs. Carr brought greetings from
Stratford Presbyterial and spoke
briefly of the fellowship develop-
ed in meetings and communities.
She said,'Great things come out
of small groups.'
Mrs. Mervin Dow gave a talk
on The Least Coin, and led in the
unison reading of 1 Peter .1:6-.9...A
film strip, The Miracle of the
Least Coin, was shown. It showed
how the fellowship of the least
coin was started by Shanti
Solomcin of India, and the Uses of
the money raised through the
giving of the least coin in each
country. Canada has taken part in
the Fellowship of the Least coin
since 1969, and Canadian Projects
which received help in 1975 are
Street Haven 'at the Crossroads
and, the Elizabeth Fry Society,
both in Toronto and some special-
ized women's work in this Inter-
national Women's Year. The
Fellowship of the Least Coin
stresses both praying and giving,
person to person, and an equal
basis in both East and West.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
Allen, newly-weds twenty-five
years ago on Qctober 7, were
given a rousing chivaree by
their relatives and neighbours 'on
Saturday night when they arrived
home from a dinner for .their
family and attendants at the
Eastwood restaurant in Stratford. _
The evening was spent visiting
and playing euchre and crokinole.
Eldon Francis Allen and Gladys
Irene Dow were married in Roys
Varna UCW
may reorganize
Ann Kroonen, Mary Jo
Assistant Coach; Charlene
McCreight, Diane Deloger,
Looby, Barbar Kramers,
Maureen O'Reilly.
Chivaree held for Aliens
Two weddings
at Brodhagen
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilfred Maloney on the weekend
were Mr.' & Mrs. Steve Maloney,
Marilyn, Rose Mary & Jim of
Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph
Horn of Stratford, Mr, & Mrs.
Harold Maloney of Seaforth and
Mr. & Mrs Mike Thomas & son
Steven of ctratfArd Mr. & Mrs. Dave
Mutha of Kitchener with Mr. &
Mrs. Lou Rowland.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Moons of
Orangeville with Mr. & Mrs.
Louis Brosens. ,
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Elliot & family
with Mr. & Mrs. Elmer James,
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mederak &
Bryan of Kitchener with Mr. &
Mrs. Steve. Maloney.
Mr. & Mrs. Car I Brehm, fl Mitchell & Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Maloney of Fullorton with Mr. &
girls win • Mr. Steve Maloney & Family.
Mr. & Mrs. „ Russel Kramp
Weather helps farmers
get caught up on harvest
Stratford have moved to Goderich
on Saturday. Mr. Watson who has
been employed by Cronin Trans-
port for sometime is no stranger
to Dublin. We wish them success
in their new business.
A very successful sale was held
on Saturday of furniture &
contents of the Estate of the late
Fergus Horon.
Mrs. Millie Evans, Mr. & Mrs.
Mili e MacRae and Mr. & Mrs.
G. Geottler & Family attende
the wedding of Caroline Malan &
Ken Kestner in Brodhagen.
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke
visited Mr. & Mrs. Don Muegge
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Jones of
Mactier with Mrs. Mac Vincent.
The weather of the past few days
has been ideal for the farmers to
get caught up with the remainder
of the harvesting of mixed grain
beans, corn and fall ploughing.