HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 8CINDOO,
• 1'
*MKS AND VELvk:'1'S.
e largest and :'most select assort-
, t •►: t (af flhaetstt and aney Silks, outside
ity. Full line of Black and Colored
:05s.a,rist Silo. Full line of Velvets, In
e dors and :Black.
All the newest materials and colors in
light weignt dress goods, to Spring and
' Summar near. 1'laaniticentliuePattern
• Suits ie geuuine French gouda, just one
dress in each pattern. Choice line
French f)elnlnes, in blanks and light
We .hav'1 adued several lines to our
Gloves and Hosiery, making it the tuoit
complete stock in town.
Have you seen our Spring line of men's
'boys' and children's clothing ? Our as-
'sortcnent is now complete. An the
;Spring cloths and mixtures at popular
Big stouk of Boots and Shoes, Carpets,
Lace Curtains and Gents' Furnishings,
THE WIT 6,11Al'M TIMES, APRIL 134 .b0m,
ern Fortress," (Fort Prince of Wel* by ,
Lieut. -Gov. Schultz; 'A. Plea for Ireland,
---f description of Irish scenery -4y1:1,
Dnwslefr; and a biographical sketch of
Sir Oliver Alowat, with portraits of the
Criterion Premier at difrerent times in
his life. Other intorest'ng contributions
rue, "Emblems and their Significance,"
by H. Blowier Howell; "Ghosts and
Tiliage," by Edward Worthington; "A
(Mance at Lawpmnn," by Arthur J.
Stringer; "Rea Mock," by Rufus Cyrano
Macdonald; "The Story of Nurse Edith,"
by Fidele H. Holland, and several poems.
Published by the Ontario Publishing
Co., Ltd., Canada Life Iluitding's, Toron-
to, ter i''_'.i() per unnutu.
Tie Evolution •
Of medicinal agents is gradually relegating
the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and
vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing
into general use the pleasant and effective
liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To gat the
true remedy see that it is manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For
sale by all leading druggists.
Our Clubbing Rates.
The Ttarss and Toronto dobe, weekly $ 1 60
The Toms and Toronto Empire, weekly 1 75
TheTLxsti and London Advertiser, weekly1 75
The Toms and London Free ?t (es, weekly1 75
The TIMES and Montreal }Jerald, weekly 1 50
The Tot Es and Montreal witness, weekly1 00
The Tome and Toronto D.,11v world d 50
TheTn Esand Montreal Family Herald and Star
weekly, and premium1 76
The Tose and The Ladies' Journal, monthly,
Toronto..... 1 25
The TOM; a,at osmopolitan Mognz.ne,monshly,
New York . 5 25
The Ttatss and The Live Stock Journal and
Hour+ehol t t)owpauton, monthly.. .... . 1 75
TheTnitty and Farmers' Auvocate, bi.weekly 1 00
TheTtntes and the Cult'vator and Country
Gentleman, weekly 0 76
Nedueed rates with all other papers not mentioned
in the above Inst.
Trams Orrice.
Wingham, Ont.
neer's fces,$4; Misses Exfotdl, charity,
$13.50; John clays, keeping county
ward,, $16 .50; Jas. Cook, tilling wash-
out $1; l'`. Metcalf, minute book,.
$1,75 ; Jas. Kearney, gravel, ; P.
Cautelon, keep of Fisher, $14 ; ac-
counts of Jas. Timmins and. D, i 1.
Gordon Were laid fiver until taut
meeting, Moved by (leo. Kirkby
seconded by Thos. Code, that Wtn.
Isbister be instructed to have road at
Forbes' bridge put in a proper
state of repair --- Carried. Path -
masters were then appointed as fol-
lows; North boundary,.('. llenclerson,
II. Bosnians, John McCracken, J.
Gardner, Wm. Patton, R. Shaw, Jas.
Messer and A. Miller, 1st line, Wm.
Martin, John Casemore, I). Campbell,
A. Hughes, 11. Spence, ,f. Robb, N.
Thornton, A. Shaw and A. Forrest.
2nd line, Wm. Caseinore, E. Ruttan,
F. Gayness, I, }+'errand, 0. B. Turvey;
Geo. Caldbick, Wm. Forrest and 1\i,.
Nilson. 3rd lime, Wm. Wray, Jas.
Proctor, R. Forbes, II. Burkholder,
H. Bone, W. Farrow and (leo. lfen-
Presbytery or 3aitle,nd. (lersoll. 4th line, V. V alnlorlwa ll, W.
The Presbytery of Maitland met G. Nicholson, Wm. Bryans, (.eco,
at \Iolcsworth April 3rd Rcv. ll Proctor, J. Wheeler, Wm. Sbedden,
J C'1 1 Neil
` r r isle,
resignation of Rev. T. Davidson was
Millar, Moderator, in the emir. The Jas. Iicarncy, as. oa cry,
Black sand John Currie.
,Jtla 1
Catalogue sent • free on appli-
L .STowEL,
whose system needs toning up and whose
appetites are f'ailinl;,.a Tuck and pleasant
remedy will be found :n
Prepared only by 1. CAMPBELL & CO,
Tilos week aro offer very choice lutes of
i in nervshades. Our prices, too, are very attractive.. Ladies will find their
time well spent among those goods ; and while in, ask to see our beautiful
lines of
Something very special. Our spring stock of
Beware of Imitations. MONTREAL.
considered. Commissioners from the Geo. Proctor, J. Cloakoy, F. Baines, •
A. Clare; B. Wilkinson, P. Cautelon,
Session and congregation of Wrox- 4t��r
J. Sommerville, J. Smith, l` m. Ames,
eter were beard, and resolutions from j�, Innes and John Mooney. 6th
both were read expressing their
Jolnl Agen, John nl
T l Douglas, Thos 7
earnest desire that the pastoral tie be line, J. Grassy, J, Young, Jas. Hall,
not severed. In view of these repre-
sentations, lir. Davidson considered Bernard, John McOutcheon and R.
it his duty to withdrawhis resiMna- Nieliol. 7th line, J. 'Taylor, .T. Phe- do yo
tion. The Rev. G. Ballantyne 'vas lan, John Wallace, Geo. 'Pierce, Jas. c H
inducted into the pastoral charge of Evans, R Bewley azul F. Ashton.
Kelly A. Scott, Geo. Redmond, Jas. • r
is pleasing to the eye, and we guarantee satisfaction. If you wear the
latest and best, conte and get ours.
Ther(( is So much inferior trash sold, that for your sake, as well as our
owls, we would advise you to get your Teas from us. We keep the best,
therefore, will alwayp sell you the best. Our successful experience "in .this
department justifies the bold stride forward that wo have taken in having
our Teas in future packed to our order in the gardens where grown, and
shipped direct to Wingham from the place of production. In this way our
patrons will save the "middle dean's" profits.
Very Respectfully Yours,
L _
M. (3-0RD,
Direct Importer.
--The Anchor House.
uw that
ionto, will be at '
Molesworth congregation. Rev. D.
Perrie preached an able sermon, 8th line, F. Stalker, lI.. Richmond, A. ,. Brunswick Nouse Wingha•m
Revs. Davidson and McRae addressed
Laidlaw, John Brown, Joseph Mc- —0N— r
Elroy Win. Skelton; (deo. Jackson,
the minister and congregation respec-' 1FRIDAY , APRIL 0 T Ii, '94..
tively, in suitable terms. H. Jackson and Dais.holdice. • nth
line, Jas. Logan, John Richmond, R. I „•here be'will be prepared to snow a radical cure
T 'nor, C 1 Howe, R Ii Lai(1larrr i for Rupture (all kinds), by his new Truss (guaran-
a1F v C. r . t , , tuud). Ho has also, a perfect euro to his Electric
•John Searle, I. AreArthur, Geo. li r' u t f 1t 1 d N
Miss Kate \IeEwen, of 1st Imo, is Grigg and Jas. llnrray. West gravel
visiting Mrs. T. MeEwen, of James- road, J. Golley,•T. Scandrett, T. Gos-
town, this week. lean and Geo. Kraehling. East gravel
The following is the report of the road A. Bryan Geb. y Robb, -1Vnl.
standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 7, Oakley,,Geo. �Christoplier And J.
Morris, based. upon au Easter exam'- Moore. Thos. Maker was appointed
nation : 1JOu11(1kecper 111 Division No. 5. The ' --
ETH CLASS,(to ass -400. Nina r Tenders will be received by the undersigned -
r p ) Council then adjourned to meet again Up till the 28tH of April, 1894,
Isbister 444, Geo. Button 382, Geo. on the 28th of May for Court of Revi-
Arde '153 Annie }+'indicter 203 fa the erection of a
i other busines~
—Dustan McClymont 596, Archie •
i in ss6haZ j iflct No. 0, Tg t ( n's).
Penn and eperificntione tai bo conn at the resideneb
McDonald 504, Andrew Warwick KINTAIL. or the secretary, Lot 30, Concosaimt 6. The lowest
or nay tsnder not uecusanrily cccoptad.
pp aures or n oris o .. uscu nr an ervous
1stsoatles, Ithenmatistc, Dyspepsia, !vest Back,.
Num ens Debility, Sexual 11 eaknese, etc. No matter
what treatment failed, come and see this.
No Charges lar Consultation.
Ston and o ter a. n
4TIf CLASS SENIOR, (to pass -42.4.) W. CLARK, Clerk. BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE,
rtlherr • \{CPCCAO
473, Mary McClymont 471, Norman A very successful ball incl stt ger JOHN ROLL,
pl Seeretary. Gtentarrow P. O.
—The Palmerston. town fathers fixed Brandon 466, Lyon Mutilator 311, were held here, on Easter Monday • .
his in their Esther Brydges 183, Cora Brandon Ili 114.-- ., D. 'Knee1 tel of this
• place, left last week for Buffalo, N.
fees for hotel licenses t yearg ,
town at 5275 each. Mr. Wm. Black, and Chas. Ruttan (absent.)
4Tx CLAss Juxio><z, (to pass -424.) Y.—Several of our young people took
—John Isbister 433, Michael McDon- in the ball at Dungannon, on Thurs-
ald 408, Lacy Ruttan 218, Willie day night last, and reprt haying
Brandon 199. had a very good time. -One evening
Zino CL.iss, (to pass --100.) Nellie last week, the friends of Mr. Dennis
Isbister 375, Minnie 4lllartin 195, Sullivan, to the number of about one
Carrie Brandon -135. hundred, assembled at his residence,
formerly of this town, asked the courts
to quash the by-law, on account of the
fees being placed too high, and the by-
law was declared invalid at Osgoode
Hall, Toronto, the other day. A town
council can fix the fees at 5270 for a
hotel license, but no higher.
--The Saturday edition of The Toronto
Empire has of late been making great
strides. Each week, in addition to the
regular news of the day, Woman's Page,
Military Department, Sporting, Dramatic, FRED. A. CLARKSO:i, Teaches. Phee read an elegantly worded ad- mains for you to do your part. .Give me a
etc., it lias a number of interesting special dress and Mr. J. Austin presented chance• R. J. $LACKWELL,
' Articles by brilliant writers. Last Satur- The Council met on 1[arelt 2Gt11, Mr. Sullivan with a handsome gold ' Prop.
1894 according' to adjournment.
-clay it gave a splendid sketch of one of the ' b watch and chain, as a slight token
Members all present. The Reeve in,
Nile voyageurs, a `racy sketch, "How of the. esteem in which he'is held by
Blowers Won the Hat," being a story of the chair, Minutes of last meeting his friends .and acquaintanecs. Mr:
read and passed. The special eom-
lake marine in the olden days, and other S. has accepted a situation with the
mittee appointed re bridge tenders ,
equally interesting articles. Every week Stratford Hedge, Fence Co., and will
reported having let the contract of
.something good appears in it. HOgg's bridge to Robert Lang for the
continue to reside in this locality.—
—The Canadian Magazine tor April,oOn the evening of the 4th inst., Mr.
-which appears mostly in new type, and sum a $718. by
bye, that the
Jantes Connolly, 'Patron candidate
p ter, seconded by Thos. Code, the
'with a bright cover . and generally inn- said report be adopted --Carried. 'for the Legislature, addressed a large
;,proved typographical appearance, well Moved liy Wm. Isbister, seconded by meeting in the school house at this .
St its character as one of the most Thos. Code, that Robt. Hughes be place. Mr. Coimolly is a very, pleas -
;interesting and substantial magazines allowed 30 cents per rod for digging Inge aro forcible l1'Lspeaker,
ea k t , rest ri ly
,published. A remarkable political arti- a ditch on centre sideline, con. 7, y, y p b
cle is that by Hon. David Mills, on running south from culvert at i; lgi- his vaso in a very clear and able �+..
£'The Evolution of Self Government in neer's drain said ditch to be (i feet nutuner. Many who were opposed
the Colonies; the o an o
Unties in the Empire." As one of the ar era a do til of. 2?• feet all dirt to their intention of supporting hun, as
leaders t.f the liberalparty in Canada g p 'they frit that be was in reality the
, be removed at least 3 feet from the people's candidate.
.and as a prominent blinker, the Conten- edge of the drain and spread on road _ _ WATCH rpm
tick which he m'akes,that there is ample and to be coinpleted to the satisfae- '� - - �BuitN. _ vv j
scope for and tendency to the enlarge- tion of this Council on or before the ffSTruev--I,, Wingham, on April 11th,
ment of Colonial power without separ- 1st of October next-7Carried. Oil the. wile of Sir, R. Sturdy; a daughter:
,altion from the British Empire,and with- motion of Thos. Code, seconded. by�insTNs—In East Wawyiuiosh, on April
out what is generally known as Imperial Jas. Bowman, the following accounts , 1tb, the ;Jena Mr. I'. Gibbins; a - Sun.
Crroo—In Corrie, on the 4th instant,
. ederatton,will be received with interest were ordered to be paid, viz : Wm. I the wife of 113x. Richard Clegg; a daugh
both''at home and abroad, as will also Elston, wood to Exfords, $12.25; Van i ter,
his declaration in favor of Canada doing Vannornan,rcpairingwashout, * 1.50; itlARRILD,
its fair share in Imperial defence, The Jas. Thyne, gravel, $ry ; Forrest and' 1)n/ors—Commit • At the fanmily resi-
breakingupoftheBritishEmpirewould, Caldbiek, building culverts and fill -;deuce on the 4th inst.,by the Rev,11. A.
ho holds, be a tremendous and german- ing washouts, $11.75; A. K. AlcAllls- n
2ND CI:'ASS, (to pass -270.) • Harry on the occasion of his giving up farm -
Martin 428, Robert Cruielshanks ing. A very enjoyable time was
394, Leonard Ruttan 353, Edna_ spent in music and speechmaking,
Hughes 302.and during the evening, Mr. H. Me -
to take hold of
To supply you'with
of all kinds. Also,
Repairs for .you Mgchineryf
f' both farm .and factory. I am here. I
can do both, at reasonable rates. It re -
it Rights and Responsi- t d 1 f got wide on botiont alien to to lune before lie came announced''
:i1eLennan, 1l r. Thos. i3eans, of Luther
Ont., to Anna, second daughter of 1t7r.
I, ' star to the cE No s.
tial disaster commercialallowance, It e 7.9U William Connell. of Jth Eon. o Ki A
finRn ter, clearing road alloy a c Ver l C ,
., t . I li -- AL the rest-
Canada and the United .>
prosperity of U ted (co(,ren. Smith, repairing culvert, t, q,... 0 , : ,
. o
States, and a calamity to tho world. Geo. Felly, filling washout, $2; Thos dente of the bride's mother, con. of
Ashfield, on 3rd instant, by Rev. J. Iien-
'Wim. Ogilvie, I+'. R. G. S., begins, with Manders, a repairing gravel road, $1 ; nor, Mr.John MaKoith,to Miss Sarah J.
ilitta number. a series of illustrated eon- Robt. Burns, work on gravel road, (lardner.
'liributione entitled •'In North-Western 75 cents; Corporation of Brussels,
DIED, tt
" ' ' •VANSTONF..-•-In Win hang on 10th bust.• sirs cat tithe noose of In•Mange,-contemplated
conte t plactted b red At
�dt5r" They detail itis explorations in hall rent for Division Court, , (i ; Cor, g . ,
' hall months and 17 days good quality and eaanv rained. Toho within two
_s W
ant d for Site for
T nder
House r ' Refuge.
Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand,
am prepared to, t'urnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop
such,as, •
I malre all my own 'Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
Give me a trial and I will use you right. qq -�-y-:-��-t-����r^,_^,-�-�-
' ' _ ...A .N ... V V 1. V Iz .,
• Wingham
WALLI have just received a large consignment of
YY As- L • PAPER,, '`a• _
111 '01 the latest designs and styles.
Also, a large !;tock of
School Books, Scribblers,
Exercise Books, Copy Books,
Slates, Pen$ci1s, Crayons,
Stationery, &c.
Prices as Low as the Lowest.
The Popular Bookstore, Wingham..
Te solea choice line of Nursery Stock and Seed
Potatoes. Liberal salary, rconimirolim paid weekly.
Permanent hid . paying positions to cocci then.
Special inducements to beginners. Exclusive terri
tors ^uiven it desired. Write at once for terms to
T111.1 tlAWES NVRSE8 aCO..,,RochestY.
Will consult the
heir own in-
terests by getting their
Offers will be "ouch ec i:ty the nn lerelgned ap to
to fifteenth day of Apr next fora site on wlstch
Ike valley* of the Athabasca. Lierd and poration of Myth, arent for Divi Jeseph H. Vanetone, aged 62 years, l0 wpl he from twt-411 rt r .a fury nrres, Soil to ho of a
',Owe< Rivers, and aro full of intoreat, as sion Court, $7.5O; I . Ryan, euliert
'alilstiii`'i irve read 'his "Down the on south boundary, $2; Witt. Taylor,
':awn," in previous numbers, can well bridge on sideline, $113; R. Watson,
'41italtpotra. Other illustrated articles are retnis$iott of Clog tax, $1; W. I•I!t
fibs Lumber Woods." by E. C. tlrantKerr, publishing Auditors' Abstract,
Ain Sullivan; "A Forgotten North -1 $4; Geo. Turvey, remission of Engi-
.,.r17�.. •97a8i]tiL .tit •, a. S[
I+venenerN--ln Gerrie, on the tat inst., law 'tin horn the fob ,riralieri jis' Clinton a'tvSea.
Diluent) i1'tst uAUn, aged $i ,yeare, 1 withififow *tate loo pri.. r'quirod i.er acre, together T
nth anti 8 dl.Ys, + • with a full denorhttion ,t the property.
i8" i We have a large assortment of outs,
osesiseb, P. O. ort short notice, and at moderate dharges.
1.3At,L--1:1 1Howlc1T, ora 6th instant, Dated of Dodo, eh t} s 28th day of
ley other
Printing their
may need at$
`ec�1 al
' I haVe,a fuel stock of
° Jewelry, &c.,
to which I invite special attention.
and all work done on the premises.
Steed—Directly opposite the Bank of
}Hamilton, Wingham.
'vest halt, atteo•part of East. 'halt lot 5?,ccrt, 14
West Watnanosh, eontaloirg 59 acres, Trow further
particulars apply or, the prentises or by mail to
JAMES MclwlltlAV,
Saint Thomas 0. 0., North Dakota. .
-YO.L. XXIII,---NO. 115
o -
Carpets, Curtains, Oiloloth, (ko,, in' fact
everything during House Cleaning time.'
Direct Importers.
TSR BEAR, April lsth;1894.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PamensoN, No 23, Vic
toria a street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
required. „.
eys Place In Ganada to
® get a 5tyslness Edu-
�� Cation,, Shorthand,
etc., is at the Cen-•
®r tral Business Col-
• lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont.
3 Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Cott-
m mercialScltools. Caia'o;;ues tree. Ment•
O tion this paper. Shaw & hlliott, Principals. •
00•.440®0+D®0604) C+'v'•eieio®•A}
— Cash for good butter and eggs. at B. �A
Graham's market grocery.. - t
-Miss O'Conno , of Brussels, has organ
ized a music class n town.
F;f0,*-Messrs. 13eatti
'trotting mare War.
Bros. are having thei
a trained at Windsor
.-The best brands of oysters, at 30 t
•40ots. per quart, sat Jas. MoNelvie's.
—Rev. T. W. C sena, of Walton, coi
"ducted the services of the Methodist 'allure
very acceptably, o Sunday last.
=Mr. John' Wi on, V. S., has not bee
.mble to get around s well as usual latel:
having slightly spr ined one of his legs.
—Watches, clock and jewelry prompt'
repaired end fully warranted by HAM
PARTE, Meyer Block, Wingham.
— Rev. S. Sellery; B. D., was in Stratfo
a few days this we& attending the Confe
ence examinations. He is one of tl
.,Dr. J. P. Kennedy has purchased fro
Mr. J. S. Jerome the property lately ow
ed and occupied by L . Meldrum, corner
Patrick and Centres eats. a
—House-cleaning't a is again here a
no one realizes it mor than the "good m
of the house." Vision of dusty carpo
dirty stove pipes, taki g down stoves a
a thousand and one Alter pleasai}t lit
duties which he can pr_form for his wife
this trying season., 1118.4 Manl WI
-would the dear womer do without you ?
—Oranges, Pineapp_es, Cocoanuts, Bt
ants, and a large assortment of cant
goods, pure maple, syrup,•at the cheap
prices, at Jas. MoKelvie's.
—A young 10na ed Will McLean, v
was engaged A Mes s. Button & Fessal
chair factory, had t e thumb of his ri
hand taken off by a aw at which he •
working, on Monde forenoon last.
hand was otherwisetiadly lacerated, an
will be some time be ore he Will be abs
if 'work again.
—Mr. G. W. Thotison, of Toronto
organizer for the Car a,dian Order of Ohl
Friends, is in town trying to organiz
cotlnoil of that order He is meeting
fairly good success. he society is a pu
Canadian institution and, is based t
sound financial prin iples. Last wee
organized u Seaforth wi
a Con& in
goo tarter list.
--Word was was. rec ved on Monde
, the death, on Sunda , intim; Vegas,
Mexieo, of Mr. Jos. err, brother of M(
Wm. and John Ker , of this town.
Kerr went wort t veral years ago
ecoount of Ms healt being troubled
Wag disease. A die et was with hint a
1 ..
SI .1d will arriv this
h,a vv e
hit s
time of
. intermentin the'S
With thd•rsuuaimi f
Ilam cemetery.
�.a Ti.a deoeased was a tit
young man, mod". it wall -known and
i l erespeoted+/ai a .