HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-09-11, Page 26,-size musk TEST . ”Atestecfsirewhos'eprcigeny tested an average carcass score of 78.1% kestimated-yieldof trimmed cats) or higher and had either a maturity of ISO day&orTesaor a fed conversion of 350 lbs. of feed per 100 lbsP live weight gain or less, nor animals from a sire whose progeny tested an average carcass- score of 78.1% (estimated yield of trimmed cuts) or higheraralharleithera maturity of 180 days or Less or a feed conversion of 3.511.1bv.„ oLfeect Per 100 lb. live weight gain." Prizemoneypaid in each of the Sections will be: S45: S35:, 525; 520; 515; SH%:58,f, 56> s - - ordenforour Society to be eligiblefor the 50% Federal prize money grant, thereaVIIISTbe three exhibitors Ott each breed or groups of breeds. ittheWrnm-northree exhibitors the Society will pay 50% of the prize ib0.4e'redretPd•i- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, offers'a silver tray to ant one'breeder with most points in any one breed. EGGS - Section G
GRAN - Section J
' (Entriesin this class must be in by 11 o'clock)
L AlfalkSeed. Yr bushel - 5 4
. Z. Tunothy , , %bushel S 4
- 3 RedClOver„ Vsbushel 5 4
4. Fal1Wheat, % bushel 5 4
5,, Barley. % bushel, 2-row 5 4
5aBarley, % bushel-. 6-row 5 4
5b Barley, % bushel. open to exhibitors who have
not previously won a prize at Seaforth Fair
To, Grain Section ............ . '5 4 3 2
6 Maltin5 Barley, 1/2 bushel 5 4 3 2
7. Oats. % bushel 5 4 3 2
8. Oats, th: bushel, open to exhibitors who have
not preSiensly won a prize at Seaforth
Faire' fn Grain Section 5
MiteriOntsandBarley, Vt bushel 5
WhiteReans„ %bushel 7
• 11 Champion. % bushel classes 1 - 10 Ribbon
2. Hu.skitigCorn on Cob. 8 ears 4
Ensilage-C-Orn...1 sheaf of eight stalks 4
Ma, Each additional entry in Classes
r-10. 12 and 13; $1.00 if so merited
R. E. McMillan donates "S5 to above prizes.
14 Baieoffirst cut hay 4 3 2 2
- 15. Bale of second-cut or third-cut hay _ 4 3 2 2
16. Fieldchopped hay, first cut. Vt bushel. 4 3 2 2
Fieldthoppedhay. second cut. 1/2 bushel 4 3 2 2
Seaforth Jewellers offers a SS merchandise
voucher to winner of most points in Section J.
Final Score based on 75°1i Field score, 25°. exhibit at -Fair-
CammIttee- Clare Reith, Stuart Wilson ADULT SECTION, G - 3 fittest Ist,S4.0lk 2nd,S3.00; 3rd, S2.00; 4th, S1.00
2S4 Brown Eggs. 2% Dozen White Eggs. 3. Special: $3.00 for 33.
1test (Adult Section) donated by United Dairy and Poultry 34.
Co-OperatiVe• Seaforth Branch. 35.
4. P.
Committee-Lewis Coyne, Robert Fotheringham, Bill lade, Francis 4443:
Bicknell, Gordan Papple.
Two vegetable marrow
Three varieties table squash
Three pepper squash
Two Hubbard squash
Six field carrots, white
Six Swede turnips, feed
Six turnips, table. Laurentian or Cannell's Purple Top
Six-quart basket white or yellow onions
Largest squash
Largest pumpkin
Six-quart basket Irish Cobbler potatoes, unwashed
Six-quart basket AOV early 'potatoes
Eleven-quart basket Green Mountain potatoes
45. Eleven-quart basket AOV late potatoes
46. Collection of Garden Produce - Three of each; numbers of types
and quality to be considered
Prizes: - 55.00; 54.00; 53.00; 52.00.
2 47 To winner of most points in Section K a one year's subscription
to The Huron Expositor.
Class 1. Six tomatoes, red. 2. Six tomatoes, pink 3. Six onions from seed. Spanish 4. Six onions from Dutch sets 5. Onion sets. quart box 6. Gherkins. quart box. 7. Butter beans, shelled. quart box. 8. White beans, shelled, quart box 9. Six table carrots, short 10. Six table carrots-long 11. Pickling beets, quart box 12. Six table beets 13. Three cucumbers, slicing 14. Six 'cucumbers, pickling 15. Six table parsnips 16. Six peppers, red 17. Six peppers, 'green 18. Six ears sweet table corn, Bantam 19. Six ears sweet table corn AOV 20. Six winter radishes 21. Two sunflower heads 22. Vegetable novelty -23_ Two heads cauliflower 24. Three heads red cabbage 25. Three heads Savoy cabbage 26. Three heads fall cabbage 27. Three heads winter cabbage 28. Two muskmelons 29. Two citrons. striped 30. Two pie pumpkins 31. Two watermelons 13. Canned whole tomatoes 14. Sweet cucumber pickles 15. Pickled beans 16. Hot dog relish 17. Pickled corn cobs 18. Dill pickles 19. Black currant jelly 20. Strawberry jam, cooked 21. Raspberry jam. cooked 22. Apple jelly 23. Red currant jelly 24. Any other variety of jam or jelly, must be labelled 25. Collection of canned fruit (pint), 6 varieties Prizes 1st $2.00; 2nd 51.00; 3rd .75c 26. Three jars of jam or jelly decorated for a Christmas gift Prizes 1st 52.00; 2nd 51.00; 3rd .75c SPECIAL PRIZES, SIMPSON-SEARS SPECIAL 515.00 Gift Certificate to winner of most points in Section L. N. 0, R and S. May not be won for two consecutive years by same exhibitor. The exhibitor scoring the most points in Section N, Home Economics, will receive a merchandise voucher to the value of 515.00. courtesy George A. Sills & Sons Hardware. The exhibitor-scoring the most points in Section O. Home Department, will receive a merchandise voucher to the value of 515.00, courtesy of Larone's Stationery and Gift Store. The exhibitor scoring the most points in Section L. R. & S. will each receive a 510.00 prize. donated by the Women's Division of the Fair Board. HOME ECONOMICS - Section N
Committee - Mrs. Geo. Wheatley, Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs. Mae
Dorance, Mrs. R. McGonlgle, Mrs. Robert Gemmel', Mrs. Keith Sharpe,
Mrs. Alex Boyes,Mrs. Chester Nell, Mrs. Keith Snell.
Score - 1st 5 points; 2nd 3 points; 3rd 1 point
1. Loaf white bread, entire crust. yeast 1.50 1.25 1.00
2. Loaf brown bread, entire crust, yeast 1.50 1.25 1.00
3. Loaf fruit bread, entire crust, yeast 1.50 1.25 1.00
4. Six clover leaf buns, plain, yeast 1.50 1.25 1.00
SPECIAL Seaforth Women's Institute Offers 55.00 for most points in
yeast. Section N, classes 1 to 4 inclusive.
5. Angel cake, united 1.50 1.00 .75
6. Chocolate layer cake, with filling, iced.. 1.50 1.00 .75
7. Banana layer cake, with filling, iced 1.50 1.00 .75
8. Chiffon cake, any flavor 1.50 1.00 .75
9. Dark fruit cake, entire crust 2.25 1.75 1.25
10. Light fruit cake, entire crust 2.25 1.75 1.25
II. Date and nut loaf - 1.50 .75 .50
12. Carrot loaf 1.50 .75 .50
13. Pumpkin Loaf 1.50 .75 .50
14. Applesauce cake, plain 1.50 .75 .50
IS. Maple cream. approximately ' 2 lb. 1.00 .75 .50
16. Chocolate fudge, approximately it lb 1.00 .75 .50
17. Seven chocolate brownies. iced - 1.00 .75 .50
18. Seven baked peanut butter cookies 1.00 .75 .50
19. Seven baked oatmeal cookies 1.00 .75 .50
20. Seven oatmeal date squares 1.00 .75 .50
SPECIAL: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Mayfair Sandwich Spread
for the best oatmeal date squares.
Homemaking Section
Women's Division Officers for 1975
-at ROOTS & VEGETABLES Prom a sire. (attested, under this program) which, when probed. Measurednotmorefliatt 1.1, inches average adjusted back fat and had an ItadjUsted-,amot 180 days or less. (C)Froma-clain (iitested under this program) which, when at maturity 0,f1811dayorless or a feed conversion of 350 lbs. of back fat and had an Prizes for all classes, except Clasi 46, to be 51.00. 75c and 25c. agusted age of 180• clays or less. Paper plates will be supplied. Section K Committee - Mrs. John McGowan, Convener
21. Pumpkin pie
22. Cherry pie, lattice top
23. Lemon pie, not prepared filling
24. Raisin pie
25. Apple Pie
26 Seven butter tarts
2'. Seven baked jam tarts
28. Ses en lemon tarts
Rules and Regulations
All rules and regulations of Seaforth Agricultural Society apply to
Women's Division, also the following:
I. Articles for competition in indoor departments to be in showroOm
before 12 o'clock noon. on the first day of the exhibition. and properly
located in their own departments.
- 2. Payment of 51.50 will constitute a yearly membership and will entitle
the member so paving to compete in any or all of the regular departments.
A membership permits ONE free pass Thursday or Friday. but only once.
3. Entry Fee 15*.s deducted from winnings over 55.01-
4. All parties has tog paid their subscriptions and only such will he
entitled to compete.
5. Prize winners to the amount of $5.00 or user ,ire required to lease
membership fee for l'1'5
6- All article., exhibited must he the work of the exhibitor. Prole...lona;
exhibitor. are barred
' All fruit. flow ers and scgetable. exhibited must hdst• be: n produscd
on farm or in garden of the ex hibttor
8. Nit competitor n. ill he entitled to more than one prize in any one dass
of a section in indoor department
competitors to make entire, with st,retar. for the indoor
departments not later than I I .40 a n3. on the first day 01 the exhlhu um
Judging of all classes m indoor department. to .ommenxe lit) p m
10 Judges ail) be particularly requested to has, regar d to merit in .111
articles exhibited for corn pennon. and to NIIIII11,1(1 prizes tf the,
consider the article Untiesen rug.
11 Point System in indoor exhibits, 1st 5 points: 2nd .1 points. 1rd I
Section L
Committee - Mrs. Ken Campbell, Mrs. Mae Dorranre, Mrs. Roy
McGonlgle, Mrs. Robert Gemmel!, Mrs. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. Geo.
Wheades, Mrs.Alex Bows, Mrs. Keith Snell.
All lams. Jellies and Marmalades to he Libelled
Classes l 18 exhibited in sealed pints with new rubbers and rings
Classes 19 24 An glasses or small containers without paraffin
Prizes - Classes 1 - 24 1st 51 00: 2nd. 8::,, „Ird "Sc..
1. Preserved strawberries
2. Canned cherries. red. pitted
3. Canned peaches
4. Canned pears
5. Canned plums
6. Canned red raspberries
7. Fruit Cocktail
8. Pear Marmalade
9. Mincemeat
10. Tomato juice
II. Chili Sauce
12. Canned pineapple
Arthur Bolton Robert Fotheringham
Russell Bolton John Henderson
Ken Campbell
Harold Pryce
Lewis Coyne Mac Stewart
Donald Dodds Larry Wheatles
"a bushel of barley must be exhtbited at Fair
sawis Coyne
Jos. Devereaux
Donald Dodds
Robt. Fotheringhatn
Ross Gordon
Jim Henderson
Stanley Hiller:
Donald Kelly
Tom Meladv
Donald Moylan
Gordan Papp(e
Yi bushel-of grain must he exhibited at the Fair
Ken Campbell
Lewis Coyne
Donald Dodds
Robt- Fotheringham
Stanley Hillen
Donald Kelly
Don' McKercher
Torn Melady
Harold Pryce
Mac Stewart
Francis Van Druen
Larry Wheatley
sKeaf of eight stalkes and eight cobs of corn must be exhibited
at the Fair.
Ptite moneyirSFielaCrop,s - Ist $19; 2nd S18: 3rd 517; 4th $16; 5th S15;
folltSJ4 1 SI41RIS SU; 9t11 SII; 10th $10; all other exhibiting 56.00
• each
forth' trnt'Inel% Co-OiferatiVe donated 550 towards these prizes. •
Seared-It NeSii Priutingtoro offers stationery, alued at 510 to the winner
of roost it this- teetiell•
5 4 3 Home Economics - Mrs. George Wheatley ' Canned Fruit & Vegetables Mrs. Ken Campbell .
3 2 2 Home Dept. - Mrs. J. M. Scott
3 2 2 Arts & Crafts - Miss Dorothy Parke
Floral Exhibits - Mrs. Jolhn Hillebrecht
Elementary School - Mr. J. W. Talbot
President - Mrs. Ken Campbell
4 3 2 Sec. - Treas. - Mrs. Wm, Hodgert
4 3 2 Committee Conveners:
.7 :-THg• HURON EXPOSITOR, Fall Riir\Prize List (ctd.)
SPECIAL: Seal-oral Creamers 1 d rifler. 5 lbs. Mayfair Sand's ich Spread
fur best butter tarts
29 Stir tea bis,iiits
Seatorth reamer+ l id offers R lbs Max lair SATHIM.tch Spread for
first [MA
30 Seistm bran muffins
Seaforth I reamer, I Ed sifters S lbs. Mayfair Sandich Spread for
first prize
31 Add spur imagination to a cake mix. not decorated, fla,or
1.011111, 1,1.111e a ttarhetl 1.50 1.00
Sicatorth le v. eller. donates a 55 mcrchamdse certificate to w inner
of most points 4. I to 31, redeem by Nos_ 15 -5
12 I, oolocs. 4 sancties. 1 of each
storable for tea 4.00 2.00 1.00
11 Six ways of seri. mu iheesc 4.00
14. Sly is of serN ing ion calorie foods 4.00 2-00 1.00
Cadbury Schwepps Pow ell Limited. makers of Fry's Cocoa.. offer the ,
Iolluw mg prizes for the best Iced or Frosted. eight or nine inch chocolate
laser cake baked with Fry's Cocoa. Frosting may be chocolate or other
flas our. Eintries'must be exhibited w ith a Fry's Cocoa Label. One prize to
ans one eonte.tant. 1st owe 55.00: 2nd prize 53.00; 3rd prize 52.00.
William Neilson Limited, makers of chocolate and cocoa, offer two
pounds of chocolates for the best chocolate cake made with Neilson's
Jersey ocoa. presiding that the empty cocoa tin, with label attacheid, is
displaced with the cake
J.M.Schneider Limited of Kitchener, offers five one-pound cartons
ofCrispy flake to each of the first prize winners in classes 6. 25 at*4 26.
providing an empt), carton of Crispyflake shortening is displayed with
each entry. •
The Ontario Bean Producers Marketing Board offer special prizes for
the "Best Dish Of Baked Beans" . 1st prize 55.00; 2nd. prize 53.00; 3rd
prize 52.00. A condition of the prize awarded by the Ontario Bean
Producers Marketing Board is that the recipe used must accompany the
entry. .
The President. Mrs. Ken Campbell. donates the following prizes: 1st
prize 55.00; 2nd prize $3.00; 3rd prize $2.00. The first prize cake to
become the property of the donor.
1.00 .75 .50
1.00 • .75 .50
1.00 .".5 .50
A Originals - oils
1. Round House of Seaforth Agricultural Society
.75 2. Landscape
3. Still Life
4. Marine
St(updlye aosfe Oa cricgoi mn apl a n-Oils
ypicture with original)
.75 5. Study of Original Seaforth Railway Station
.75 76.. Landsca pe
7,ofPe Flowers
.75 - Originals - Water colours, pastel, charcoal, pencil. ink, crayon. etc.
.75 8. Landscape or Marine
9. Flowers or Still Life
10. Abstract or other (non-objective)
I. Cushion. -
2. 1 Luncheon Cloth 45" plain
3. 1 Luncheon Cloth 45" shaded
.75 4. 1 Tablecloth over ;15"
.50 5. 4 Place mats
.50 6. 2 Tea Towels
7. 1 pillowcase
.50 S. 1 dresser scarf
.75 9. I fancy apron
.75 10. 2 quilt blocks
.75 11. 3 different articles mounted
.75 12. 1 piece of wearing apparel
.75 13. Any article of Shrink Magic
14. Any article of glass Mosaics
.75 IS.-Any velvet article with liquid embroidery
1.00 16. Painted quilt of liquid embroidery
16. 1 pillow case - machine embroidered 1.25 1.00
17." 1 pillow' case - cross stitch and embroidery.. 1.25 1.00
18. I- coloured pillow case, embroidered,
suitable for child's room 1.25
19. I pillow case, serviceable, printed material
sample attached 1 25
SPECIAL: "Jack and Jill Shop" of Seaforth
$5.00 in merchandise, for most points in
in classes 9 - 19.
Wool or Wool Blend
20. Baby set, white or yellow, bonnet and
- • sweater crocheted 1.25 1.00
21. ild's tam or toque 1.00 .75
22. t Ch d's mittens to match above tam or toque. 1.00 .75
23. Obit bedroom slilppers - knitted,
phentex yarn
0 24. Girl's vest or shrink, knitted 11 ..25
25. Girl's vest or shrink; crocheted 1.25 1.00
• 26. Girl's poncho or cape; knitted 1.25 1.00
27. Girl's poncho or cape, crocheted 1.25 1.00
28. Man's sox, heavy knit 1.25 1.00
29. Snowmobile Mask. (Balaclave) knitted,
adult 1.25 1.00
Ladiesponcho or cape. crocheted - 1.75 1.25
31. Girl's or boy's sleeveless pullover, knitted 1.50 1.00
32. Girl's or Boy's cardigan or jacket, long
• sleeves, plain, or patterned, 3 ply. or less.... 1.75 1.25
33. Girl's or Boy's cardigan, or jacket, long
sleeves, plain or patterned, 4 ply, double
knitting yarn 1.75 1.25
34. Ladies cardigan. or -jacket, long sleeves
plain or patterned. 4 ply double
knitting yarn 1.75 1.25
2,00 1.00
2.04 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 J.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.0 0
2.00 1.00
2.00 1.00 1
For best black and white photographs suitable for publication
with credit on the editorial page of the Huron Expositor.
Picture subjects should include an area scene. children. animals.
building, flowers and other subject s of general interest. taken
within 20 miles of Seaforth.
Each entry consists of one photograph and is to indicate where
1.50 picture was taken and identify subject matter. Negative must
accompany entry.
Children's entries are oetcome. Entries will he on display in the
roundhouse. (No Cillry fee/
Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.) HOME DEPARTMENT Section 0 Committee: Mrs. J.M,Scott, Mrs.Robt. McMillan, Mrs.Sam Scott, Mrs. John Bell, Mrs.Wilmer Broadfoot, Mrs. Gordon Rimmer N.B.: No person shall be allowed to make more than one entry in any one section. All exhibits hr competition must be new, and must be the work of the exhibitor. Judges are requested to disqualify all soiled, defaced. or. old work. In classes I - 11 inclusive, work may not be shown more than 2 years. QUILTS 1st 2nd 3rd 1. Quilt, cotton, any appliqued "Flower" 4.00 3.00 2.00 name of pattern attached; applique work to be judged. 2. Quilt; patchwork, mixed colours 4.00 3.00 2.00 3. Quilt, cotton, pieced, and hand stitched • applique 4.00 3.00 2.00 4. Quilt, reversible. 2 colours, judged f6r best quilting design, and quilting 4.00 3.00 2.00 5. Crib quilt, not over "40" x 60", (not liquid embroidery) 3.00 2.00 1.00 6. Quilt for our Centennial Year - use pattern and material, appropriate for the last century Please attach name of pattern 4.00 3.00 2.00 SPECIAL: Seaforth Women's Institute, .for most points in Classes 1 - 6 Inc. $5.00. AFGHANS: 7. Afghan; crocheted, in wool, or wool blend 4:00 _ 3.00 8. Afghan; knitted, in wool, or wool blend 4.00 3.00 MATS 9. Mat; hooked from wool rags 4.00 3.00
10. Mat; latch-hooked, on turkey canvas 4.00 3.00
11. Mat: braided. wool or cotton rags 3.00 2.00
12. Cushion, wool, or wool blend Crocheted, may have
velvet back or satin back 1.25
13. Cushion, "Bargelle, needlecraft, with
suitable back 1.50
14. Cushion, practical, cotton 1.25
15. Needlepoint for chair or footstool 1.50
SPECIAL: R.S.Bos Limited for most points in "Knitted and
Crocheted Articles - for classes and 8, and classes 20 to
34, inclusive.
1st Prize $6.00 - 2nd 54.00
I .4)0
52. 2 quilt blocks. different, names attached
(mounted on bristol board.)
53. 1 article of knitting
54. 1 article of crocheting
55. 1 apron - any sty le
56. Best preserved antique quilt
57. SPECIAL by Mary's Sewing Centre. Clinton
1st $3.00 Gift Voucher 2nd - 52.00 Gift voucher
- for skirt or slacks made by Grade VII or VIII student of 1974-75.
58. SPECIAL by Mary's Sewing Centre. Clinton
- 1st 53.00 Gift Voucher 2nd - 52.00 Gift voucher
- for a Blouse made by 4-H club homemaker.
AFTERNOON EVENTS Harness Race (Every Heat a Race) First Race - A: Classified Pace for :52.00.00
Second Race-B:Classified Pace for 5150.00
Money divided 30. 25. 20. 15. 10. Canadian Trotting Association Rules
to govern.
All drivers must have driver's li cense and don silks. Reserve the right
to change or alter any class.
Eligible September 16th. Trotters allowed three seconds.
Warm-up time limit will be announced Fair Day, and will be rigidly
All entires must be in hands of the racing secret ary. Alf Ross. Staffs.
no later than September 16, 1975.
Pony Chariot Race
Committee: Mrs. John Hillebrecht, Mrs. Arnoldiamleson,
Mrs. Alex Smith, Mrs. Robert Campbell.
Quality and arrangement considered in aIrcut flowers.
Classes 38 to 52. suitability of container considered.
In Gladioli Classes: Stems must not measure more than-20 inches to
bottom floret.
Prizes: .75e; 50c and .25c unless otherwise stated
Aster, Powder Puff, 1 plant.
2_ Aster. White. 3 blooms_
3. Aster, Pink 64 Rose, 5 blooms.
4. Aster, Blue. Mauve or Purple.
5. Aster. Needles or Cactus type.
6. Begonia, Tuberous, 3 blooms in low container, blooms only_
7. Chrysanthemums (garden Mums). 3 - across or over, 3 blooms.
8. Celosia, Cocks Comb. I comb.
9. Celosia. Pampus Plume, 1 plume.
10. cosmos. display.
11. Bachelor's Buttons. (Cornflower).
12. Dahlia, Pompom, 5 blooms.
13. Dahlia. ball or honeycomb, 3 blooms, different.
14. Dahlia, Cactus, I bloom, any color.
15. Dahlia. Semi-cactus. I bloom, any color.
16. Dahlia, large decorative. 1 bloom, any color.
17. Vase of Miniature Gladioli.
Itt. Gladioli. 5 spikes different.
20 Gladioli. assorted basket, SIM; .75750.
21. Marigold. African. 3 blooms.
22. Marigold. French, S blooms.
23. Pansies. 9 blooms.
24 Petunia. double, S blooms.
25 Petunia. large ruffled, .5 blooms.
26. Snapdragon. 7 spikes.
27. Zinnia, Pompom or Lilliput. 7 blooms.
28. Zinnia. Dahlia type. 3 blooms different
29. Zinnia, Cactus, 3 blooms, different.
30. Roses. Floribunda. 1 spray.
31. Roses. 3 blooms, 3 colors, names attached.
32. Roses. Peace rose. 1 bloom.
33. African Violet, Single, I crown.
34. African Violet, double. I crown.
35. Begonia, Pendula, I plant.
36. Cactus, collection. 7 varieties.
3'. A new or rare plant, correctly named. SI .00, .75c; .50c.
38. Geranium blooms arranged in kitchen utensil, all around view.
39. Asters, best variety, in small basket, mixed colors.
40. A buffet floral arrangement in tones of -one color.
41. A coffee table arrangement.
42. Floral arrangement in container same color as flowers,
SIM; .75c; .50c.
43. Floral arrangement for wedding anniversary.
51.00; .75c: .50c.
44. Any two color arrangement.
45. Cup and saucer arrangement.
46. Hospital arrangement for tray in disposable container.
Dining room table arrangement. not over 9".
48. Corsage. rose, carnation or gladioli tips (stems wrapped and pin).
49. Sweet Pea display.
50. Basket of Chrysanthemums. $1.00; .75c; .50e.
51. Basket of assorted Dahlias. 51.00; .75c; .50c.
52. Basket arrangement of Gladioli and Dahlias. 51.00; .75e; .50e.
To the exhibitor with the highest number of points In S mtion S •
MacLean's Flowers offers a 55.00 credit voucher.
To the exhibitor with the highest number of points McConnell's
Nurseries offers a 53.00 .credit voucher,
CENTENNIAL ARRANGEMENT - 1875 - 1975. for coffee table. Use youi:
imagination. S2.00, 51.50, 51,00.
Prizes - 1st 55.00; 3 prizes 53.00; 10 prizes $1.00
To the exhibitor ssith the highest number of points in Section R.
"The Hobby Shop". Brucefield (June Yonikins). offers a $10.00 credit
Fall Fair Dates
Bay field -Aug. 29 & 30
Brussels -Sept.16 & 17
Exeter -Sept. 19 & 20
Klrkton Sept. 12 & 13
Listowel -Sept. 5 & 6
Mitchell -Aug.29 - Sept.1
Stratford -.Sept.17.21
Teeswater -Octal
Zurich -Sept. 22
ARTS & CRAFTS - Section R Committee: Miss Dorothy Parke, Mrs. Wm. Bodged, Mrs. John Bach, • Mrs. Ken Stewart, Mrs. Leonard Strong, Mrs. Marlen Vincent. No Competitor will be permitted to make more than one entry in any one class of a section. •
PAINTINGS: Pictures must be framed and ready to hang.
SPECIAL (a) Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell, offers a $2.50 voucher for the
best painted quilt of Liquid Embroidery.
(b) -Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell offers a $2.50 voucher
for best velvet article with 'Liquid Embroidery.
PRIZES 1st 52.00. 2nd. $1.50, 3rd. $1.00
1.00 1. Article made from egg carton or egg cartons
2. Any article recycled.
3. Ecology Box.
4. Any article of ceramics.
5. Picture of 3 dimensional an.
6. Collection of old pictures, not more than 6. Mounted.
7. Picture or design of old buttons, suitably mounted not more than 9
12 inches.
8. Miniature Flower arrangement. in antique container. not oyer 3
.50 inches each way (real flowers - fresh or dried)
9. Macrame - any article
.50 10. String - art picture.
II- Corn husk doll.
.50 12. Dried Apple Doll
13. .3 Articles for Bazaar. material to cost no more than $3.00
l4. Gift box wrapped for a 100th Birthday
.75 15. Tea Cosy and material any style.
16. Any other craft not listed above.
2.0& 2.00 2.00
(Please have sample attached)
35. Fancy tea apron 1.00
36. Ladies apron. any style. Binding is to he
homemade. with sample of binding attached 1.00
3" Hall-apron. decorated with
machine stitching. . stitching. -
38. Girl's %linter pyjamas. 6 yrs. and under
. ...... 1 00
39. Boy's Flannelette pyjamas, by rs and under1.25 11 0000
40. Child's pants.
41. Child's blouse in polyester cotton
1.25 1.00 Bared. knit fabric..
with set-in sleeves 1.50 1.25
42. Child's dress (dainty) 2 - 6 yrs. cotton. 1.50 1.25
43. Girl s or Misses skirt. knit fabric... 1.25 1.00
44. ladies sir girl's granny gown. any
suitable fabric. 1.25 1.00
45. Ladies or misses lingerie. 1 article
1.25 1.00
46. Youth's or boy's sport shirt, any suitable
1.25 1.00
Ladies or girl's 2-piece pant outfit in
2.50 2.00
47 [d
girl's unlined jacked or -blazer in
2.00 1.50
49. 'kLnadit ifeasbdr ricess, street length. knit fabric 2.50 2.00
SO. Ladies long dress, any suitable fabric 2.50 2.00
51. Ladies long skirt, any suitable fabric 2.00 1.50
SPECIAL: by committee of Section 0 for most points in
classes 47 - 51. 1st $3.00; 2nd. $2.00; 3rd. $1.00. _
OLDER LADIES WORK - 70 Years and over (no entry feel.
1.25 1.00
1.25 1.00
1.50 1.25 1.00
1.25 1.00
2.00 1.00