HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 5THE WINQIIAM TIMES, APRIL 13, 1894, AROU,I 111R WORLD. if the money went directly into my A ?t'ow observatleas ori Trees. r, own possession, This 'brought my • Mr. W. 0. Searle, of (moon, tin earnings. to nearly $1500 above my authority one the subject, writes. as expenses within tlirec months after follows. to the New, -Record, ou tree: leaving Ciueinnati." pruning, &e.: Having had a. desire i♦nfeCassy traveled through Wash, Ito see hew shade and ornamental ington and Oregon, selling jewelry !trees are taken care of iii Other towns, and doing anything by which he., that are older than our own, 1 visiteti could, increase his capital, having In t a town south of llc}•o and noticed view the one idem, of making up that the streets were well planted the required suns of $5000, without with Bard maple, but the trunks of Among the recent arrivals at the thinking of anything else, This once the trees were too close together and :Russ house there is pen° probably- (Ambled, future travelleg would the limbs too law, like our trees, who 11a1s sq odd a mission. as J,. i?, prove comparativo1y eaasy, , Consequently they have had men McCasS ,of Cincinnati, Mr. MeCassy <'Icame tothis city ashort time at o,'',prunil,z them, cutting_ off 1ar'gelimbs is now on hiss way around the 'world' resumed 11IcCassy, "and have already , dace Ittalfiiizg i rgo wounds, can i y ing leaving made a wager with several rot into the trees this will cause the ar l; is g oinnati Kan on avels. is vbtonns $5,000 ex rnnr. RE- SULT. SUI.T. Ui MUST EARN ,$5,000 AND I XPI?.xfiES it w"ID MAIM 7•?ir; TRW IN I I iniTlai<^i IONTxs_ merchants of Cineinuatt that he could encircle tlieglobe in eighteen months rind make $000 over and above his enpcnse,ar forfeit $5000, Mr. IvteCassy is a member of the titin of Mc0assy Brothers, at the eornor of Main and seconds streets, Cincinnati. He is also well-known as a newspaper man of that city, being special correspondent of the Cincin- nati Tribune and of the Theatrical Record of Indianapolis, awned and controlled by tlie. Interstate Press Association of Illinois, During last summer he ' conceived the idea ,of making a cireitit of the globe within a stipulated. time and also making money • en route. In conversation' with some fellow -mer- chants the statement was made that no Tuan eould make the trip in eighteen months and in the sante time earn.. $5000 in excess of his expenditures McCatssy had sufficient e.)nfidence in himself to take a contrary view and he enforced it by offering to_ wager 4,5000 that lie could do it in the time and under the conditions , named. The wager was accepted, and • with only $l#00 in his pocket McCassy left •Cincinnati en his journey on Septeni-' ber 8, 1.803. "`I was first attracted to the Cherokee, strip," said Mr.11io0assy to a Chroniele roclresentat eve last night. "I thought a few weeks' residence on the strip wouid be _profitable to Me, and for that reason I went there with the boomers, I was miserably deceived however. 1-1,s far as the • eye • could reach •it was slioeking to behold the hand-to-hand Conflict for supremacy. Clubs, knives, guns and pistols were in constant requisition. Clans of six to twelve would sweep down upon an honest settler and drive him off at the point of a revolver• like a dog. It was wonderful • what privations of food adrink, and shelter some women among she boomers endure in order to hold 'down a lot or claim. It was almost criminal on the part of the Government not to have had•wells provided at varioas points to supply water for the nmltitude. The suf- fering of these poor people were intense." Mr. McCassy stated further that•tIle Govorninent calculated by new rules and - reesdations to obviate "skulk darned nearly t 300 by selling my jewelry and in disposing of eorres- pondence, I have • now on deposit $1800 toward my $5000 and so far leave paid all my expellees. I am confident that I will win my wager but 1 have discovered that I must hustle about lively to do it.'.' MeCassy willreinain here until May lst or thereabouts, when he, will leave for Honolulu.. He has not the slighest idea what lie will do there during his stay of twenty clays, but that he will speculate in jewelry is certain. He KNQ L EDG1 clearer of the trees, They also ptnt Brings Comfort and improvement dense ' red paint on the wounds. Why not tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used who male the paint the color ()Me wood? The many, for. live bet- or whynotput tar on to reserve the, ter than others and enjoy life more, with p less expenditure, by more promptly wood till the bark grows over aclaptiug the •world'::, best products to There were a number of young trees the needs of physical being, will attest On other streets that required pruning the value to health of the pure liquid anal could be very quickly Clone. laxative principles eiitbra,cecl„ in the Tide is about the condition of many remedy, Syrup of rip. pf our trees in Clinton. Tho ;onger rte oxcelleuce is due to its presenting 'they are left the greater ,will be the in the form most ileceptab a and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly wound, asci the harder to heal ov-cr. beneficial properties ofe. perfect lax - Some have the opinio n that hard :Awe ;effectually cleansing the system, maple will stand any amount of prim -dispelling colds, headaches and fevers \►'ill then go to Samoa, wirers 12e,w*ill rn sproutagain, and permanently curing constipation. visit Robert Louis Stevenson, and 212:., ante \vile a. din lath this is not so of old trees. You might It has given satisfaction to millions and after a brief stay at tepid, he willas well expect a finger that was cut met with. the approval of the medical tackle Siam.' off to grow again as to expect a large 2rofession, because it acts on tl)e Kid - It is IliS ,purpose thou to g0- tQ tree to got into shape • again, yet net's, Liner and Bowols without weak- .t uckland and then .° to Sydney and 'there are many shade trees that oui»g them and.it is peerfectly free from oilier cities of . Australia, remaining would be inproved if some of the 'v 'y p of tFigsi a fur salen by all drug - long enough in each place to tura an centre limbs were cut' .out, as the gists in 75c, bottles, but it is tnanu- honest penn T• After leaving Ants- head is too thiel;. Evergreen trees factui'ed by the California Fig Syrup tralia McCassy goes to Calcutta and are often prance so 'close that the Co. only, whose name is printed on every Zanzibar, ti ru o£ F 1 8 a a ears the n, me S c>t O + thence to Egypt, Jerusalem, new wood is. cut off and they cannot p g.+ y p Jaffa and Constantinople. Each a iin ha\rinrn uo bncls to' and being well. informed-, you will not sprout: g kept any substitute if offered, leading city''in Europe will 12'e visited grow from,}hence they die. As you in turn, and the schedule time ad- 'pass by many orchards you see trunks - _ ... ...... . hared to so as to allow the traveler rotting because large limbs have been I g mornin to reach_ home, no later than noon On cut off and never healed --that is At Seaforth on' Sunday fire was. discovered in the moment' March 8, 1800, called pruning—instead of opening1 and dry goods store occupied by G. "While mnyprimary objeet,"said Me- the head, • letting the sun shine on it i Snithers and owned by A. M. Ault. Gassy, • "is to win my wager of $5000, ' and balancing • the-- tree. At • this ! The flames completely demolished • .1 have another purpose in view. 1 time of the year numbers of cater- I Mr. Smithers, stock, nothing being will collect valuable material pillars' pillars eggs are- on the trunks and v b>, saved. M. Y. MeLean's printing corning the, people and lands visited Iimbs, some in rings around the limbs, office and an adjoining store were by iue, andi 1 persume, write it book others in, clusters and under dead slightly damaged by smoke and 1 detailing my experiences and the leaves. Take. diem off and burn I water. The stock was insured. The facts I have collected, My intention thein. •. cause of the fire is unknown. • is to deliver lectures on • my return , home, but this is subject to . future developments." A q iiet but most auspicious event # Bros. Co„ the most extensive nursery house ."What do you think of the Fair?" . transpired at the resldence 'of Mrs, in Canada, have a -vacancy in this section. "I think it iS one of three great Harmeston BehmorE on March 28th ;Write thein at Toronto, Ont., for their events of Aineriean history of the it being the occasion 011ie narriage. i terms. nineteenth century. The first; is the of her slaughter Etta, • to Mr. Samuel 1 •The new cheese factory constructed World's -Fair, the second the opening Renton,, of Pahnerston, formerly• in Downie by Messrs. Ballantyne & of the Cherokee strip and the third m'intwer of the cheese factory here. Son to replace the old. >Blacic Creel: the California midwinter International Exposition. It is certainly an enter- prise which will result in incalculable Every year a great deal of money is lost BY ,THS LONQ CREDIT SYSTEM `.Tis week we will put you on the right track to save that money by a practical pointers. It is an acknowledged filet that is the great nnouey power to service in the present day,. amid the man i buys for w3, POT CASH and sells for READY CASH, is in a position to - hal you along t Here aro a few pointers tci start you on the :right traek. They are only a few of the many we could give you, but time and space' does not- ' ade 'permit: Factory Cotton... White Cotton, ..... , Shirting... Flannelette Priut Ladies' hose - Ladies' No, 4 Vests, . Lao Curtains, taped.... l'onge Silk, all color's.. Ilio Dress {roods, double width. Cutting and 1141111; a specialty. ALL MANTLE GOODS bought in this store cut free of charge. TWEEDS 25e. a yard and up. See our all wool suits for $•4.50. GROCERIES fresh and cheap. ti lbs. New Tea fiat $1.;00. SHOES at Manufacturers prices. , , Vie. per yard. •lc,, ii .....Ze. Rt Ii • . - 5e•. is • -5e. Per pair. 5G, eaeli • • 25e, per pair. • 25c; a 'yard. ▪ 2.)e. per pair, • • .15e. and up. MACDO'"ALD I3LOCKK. I3ELili Qiz . ••-'Fruit euiture is more profitable to the i farmer now 'Wan his other crops. Brown Rev. E. 'V,, Setas performed the este- ; factory is one of tree largest, and moot' at 8 p, m. After the marriage handsomest structures of the line in , tete rnttestS sat down to a most sump. -the Dominion. The firm has deckled I benefit to California, and its projectors tuous repast. rt'lhe iticncls rptirc'cl to . to discard the BabcociiitesterV., the , deserve the greatest credit. I cannot their homesabout' midnight"liiitiig l las of cale'ttrcitidri': in paying for, understand the reason for certain spent a most enjoyable evening. We milk. opposition which had developed, but wish the young couple at prosperous' -`" Spend 'rear,Outing en.the Great: Lakes, I can "appreciate the, harm these career through life.•.: • ••( Visit'piofur"es' ue 1Vlackinac Island. It attacks will have upon the standing of California elsewhere. ''Any eater - prise that does good. to the .general • I3t1IZRISTOi\. ,, tr , :Cleveland, for the round trip, including ., It has been rumored that our now.1 meals sod berths. Avoid.' the dust and I will cost you only about $12.50 from # Detroit; 815 from Toledo; $18 from ' t a public should be fostered, and the tinsirzith, lY 0. Doke, is about..., to' heat by tri ellififi an thio D. & C. floating duggery and soonerisin," but all was Fair ir} doing much to incrcaso the leave tow'ri. For the benefit of tl'iose palaces. Tae attractions,of a trip to the Wiley for this vast and valttal?le' prosperity of Calfforuia. Let- the; who leave -tions, of their o -elm.. tress Mackinac region are unshrpassed, The 'COttigt y` WAS 2 ,to1QCd up by United people sispptlrt it? by tLIi illcttlls," t0 iLt>rei r tQ Ijci •tllc i} f01'4t"I11CselClle t island itself' is a ....rand romantic spot, its States Deputy Iairsliarlaifiitcl"sooners" °timate' epeeubt .i--I' il;iiteers, i•ijub-nehn ikfr, "'rt;Casgy 'Stith% 'that ha is lvitlt °trite` jieopleps. affairs, we \vottld steF"l,afiseplger : #.i antets; i ,it a - just been who were backed it byf Itlild Spee- favorably imt21iressecl with California sa\r t12at Ilia statement is not true. ` hunt for the uvt+ur lafte nuts, costing ulators, syndicates and wealthy busi- and were it not for his wager it would Mr. Doke is here to stay is—Th not teon,rue. i S Q fl ucioclet li crin c The- me a equipped atorh 2iess men, ren(lering it impossible be atoys-hep with him -whether or not tract of bricicing the card stoiA,,o bath room,, etc., tlluini .a ed throughout for a bored, -fide settler upon a lot to make it his future home.. o,. .,. t • building has been let to John Iv al, ' by eleotr'ieitj roti are guaranteed to be or claim to make any headwiiy. I.t is a big Contract, and will keep the grandest, largest nod surest sfeamers '"1 Slew no opportunities for making him and his men busy for sonic time, on 'flesh ti Orrin. These steamers favor- f Interest to bafrgnleii, ably cgmpare with the great ocean ° titoneypnthestrip"continuedMcCassy, vpi2e Dairymen's Association of -The 24th of May celebration co122 liners,in const, itatiyu ,,ud speed. Four "but on the contrary my funds were mittee are now beginning to get to trip, per week .between. :Toledo, Detroit, rapidly diminishing.. I could not Western, Ontario have decided to work. The track is in good shape. Alpena. Maeknnie. St. Ignace, Petoskey, resist the desire to assist many sof- make a new departure in the work Thoy are offering purses •tirat 01rieiw), "Soo," a, an)uette and Duluth. Daily between 0leve)and.ax, it.lietroit. feting women with financial aid, and, of promoting tete interests of their will bring fast horses. Games and Da ty betkeerr.0letiilaad-and Pet -in -Bay. ind when I saw that 1 would soon be as ustry, The services of Mr. T. Ii other sports will also rrec.vO careful 'The cabins. parlors ami staterooms of poor as thepoorestboemer if I stayed attention. these stefltners,nire designed for the corn - smilax have been atgairr ,secured. He , plete entertainment of humanity under for Chicago to take in the oi' S a Send w5+ Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- the exiiry of the cj11 poiutntents, inrikes „and instructor lriCl in addition W traveling on thoi. see, n.els thoroughly Fair." "did .. ou do there?" w his l l 1 will, Cerullo• the n Leos Old' Sooner 1 aoi 1 a name) able.. Send for illuwirated desorip- Wlgat y bypost a tett pia- . et ei .. in 'I entered the business of buying three days at ettelt of the leading 'tare, free from advertising, and well worth and setltngrailroad. tickets," a tiswere ftZctaiies in file various districts. 1 t'• your home. The soap is the best in the isleCassy. "It was a good business, t I a2rristal2 on Jtu2o market it will only is t one cent russet 1; determined to leave 1 World's will fulfill the duties of travellin • ori FX toGet, a sunti ;at" Picture. h, onnditinnp ,the 1pfllni.iol equlpireat, specter per bearing the words "Why Doss a o - as to his usua work g4 w i , , r ma . • " t " to enjoy Lever 13ros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, tie pamphlet. -Address A. A. Schantz. Cotuttgc, Season, spend from two to and you will receive pretty + G P ' A D t t" b t t 't tilt' h asked. poet - the d 1• Mr framing. This is an easy way to decorate too;told cost and in a few days I cicarecl$200 Millar will beat I age to semi in the .wrappers, if yon leave yAfter seeing' the the 1st and 2nd. Every maker in the ends open. write your address care- aljovo nit' expenses.y is cordially invited to 1+'diet T went to Topeka i an, whets the vicinity S fully. 1 f clays with Mr. the State talc was in progress. , (luring his visit. ' I spend a coupe o ty A. young man named ,Jardine, aged sold somejewelry ` at the tattjtlTat ur It, The Dairy School at!.Ctivdstock will 18, is in jail in Goderich on the , • and imide up a book' on the tacos charge of criminally assaulting a by width I cletitted up nearly $500, not be cohltlnue(l this seagott, •`Che 5 Di' .1. >i. good work formerly done there is girl of 6 or 7 years, his niece or 1 then visited my brother, _ McCass who is superintendent of bony being clone largely by the Pro- S3 onto ore is State, . I vinciatl Dairy School at Guelph, a,- n^, h, tore ili'thepriI i1. i-Tler live little iock r sJ Insane. cl a the Xs ai of n, s -eat tile. St tt, A instruction tact ori c Y by the system of Inst ad - market, with prices generally steady. s ought to be fat. Give trio Thin Babies a chance. Give themCy 41 4.9 remained in, Kansas three weeks and on during April it wind 14iai consect added a few hundred dollars more to ty it has been deemed May, 1, my store." to continue the School this' 's Portland, Lriavin,g Iansas,ileCttssy }vent to 11Ir. Bell, however, will be ply l yortland, Or., where he established have makers visit hien at TS 41 41 3c. Calves rule at ' t0 $7.50 ea.Ch, . an agency for the sale of watches and during the summer and tvi1 'gladly 'Watch them grow Fat} Chub- ,jewelry, giving employment to thiOO assist these who may desire il, "bite and ntilch cows $25 to 500s at 4 b'yy enYthyr bright. l ' il sz- • at ,stets. l xceutive committee hoe also to be Sheep—Unchanged,r g „ p , to ire. Lambs soler at 41 to CEA. t;aans,thr3 world twiner) ht:dorso errors to utilize the . •'t stilttl*ai tlaadotti !thxetttveelcs t Civiecs>,f'41t.71i1t twinned rte "and I cleanser over $500 during tl•c s'unnncr for work to a 12Cr lb, flogs are steadier, with sales itti tc iTI for of the boat at 4tc to 4 c or Ili,'' re h.t cell my venture, 1 took orders foie few datr stations. 0 P{ ens s .1,,- .l 't i i ii t b deceived by tiGsfiitftll . iny firm the profits of wdiielt rtre :smell work aro now tinder tlonstatr., thick fat at 41,,e, and inferior and to*tt C nottde,Belr„oi;ro, Si115ruagrrts. Che, 3;vb audited. my a000tittt the Sane( as anon, rough at 4c. to 41e. per Ib, o•. of Choice cattle sold at 3,ic. to 31c, by .7 e to and threes of e q , 5 inferior , I. al on, the load, and at 81e. to 811e, for twos i , tri italit •. Medium rho Croam of Cod. -liver ©i:4, fstoelc eatttic, 3c. to .3?;c., and inf°riot to with hypophosphites) and 11 G. ici TYR , WINGII.cA,M,. Gy 1Y9 Our stock is now complete in DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, OHALLI `S, DELAINES, See our TWEEDS, HATS and GAPS. &e. 19 pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c. Call and see our stuff. TIMOTHY An CLOVER SEED Wholesale and Itc tail. Respectiully yo:sr --t_;G_ _ So P 1 Has proved by its enormous sale that it is The best value for the Consumer of any soap in the market, Millions of women throughout the world can vouch for this, as i1 is they who have proved its value. It brings them less tabor, greater ,comfort, hits Goods Sale. With the first of March we inaugurate a Die; Sale of 'r'bite Good of every deseriptio►i. White Cotton Lawn Muslins,` Table Linens, Sheetings, &c. White Cottons from Gc. up; Gray Cotton, 34 litchis .wide, 40, a yard; Heavy Twill White Cotton, extra value at 14e., wertd, 17e,; Victoria lawns, from 10e. up. Special novelties in Lawns and M oslins, with embroidered edges. Ready-made Dress Aprons for Mc. Table Linen, good andrheavy, from 20c. up. Sheetings,either ¢: or bleached or unbleached from 12ic up. We have made a specialty of Laces and Embroiders this season and are prepared to show you It fuller range than usual. Yon know what lovely Lames we had last season; well, thzs year we have Liar stir - passed all towner efforts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and, have almost to large a stock. . THEY MUST BE SOLD. NOW is the time you ladies are commencing to look out foe -these goods and we ir11•rte you tri come in and see them. We am shpt; you cannot resist oar lr tot ns and prices. We have thern itt White, Black anal two tone Sill;, i'i,ttoti And Linen and you are sire to get, the best choice here. Sec} our tn'w S#:ting Goods in all aepartmetttp„,. Headquarteru for Field and. Garden Seeds. N. 1I—We bought at'tt low rate on the , the stock of 1hu.t4 ana Shoest belt-An:01w to the estate :,f the late d. M. l3nebanafi, wl>it'1 vale be dolt tit SLAUGHTER, l't•IICES. See the;,e roods and save 'money on your pttl•chtt,Ses. yy MILLS. J. 4 A. LL.