HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-09-11, Page 25 ,AMIN11111 Section S .ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION Committee Convene; • J. W. Talbot RULES 1. All pupils' work must be placed under proper signs -Vegetables, Flowers, Cooking. Hobbies. Crafts. etc. 2. Special tags ate available .from the secretary, Mrs. W.J. Cuthill, Seaforth, for- each entry. 3. All entries to be judged, must have an entry tag. 4. To qualify, entry tags MUST be properly filled in. 5. No prizes paid for articles not on li st. 6. All entries MUST be in place in the round house before noon. first day of fair. 7. Eggs must be placed for judging by 11:00 A.M. on the second day of the fair. 8. Rules and regulations endorsesd by Fair MUST be adhered to. 9. Children exhibit in grades as of June 1975 or higher grade. 10. Entries to be removed from Round House at 5:00 P.M. HOW TO PREPARE VEGETABLES FOR EXHIBITION 1. Choose medium sized carrots, potatoes, beets. 2. Choose regular shaped specimens. 3. Choose specimens the same size and shape if possible. 4. Cut off tops, leaving only 1 inch. 5. Polish with a dry cloth. 6. Choose large onions. DO NOT PEEL. 7. Potatoes must not be washed. 8. Pumpkins and squash must have stems on. VEGETABLES - [SECTION Al In Charge - Mrs. J. McCowan , Mrs. A.-Devereaux, Mrs. E. Nott (Paper plates will be supplied) Prizes: 1st, 31.50; 2nd.$I.25; 3rd, $1.00; 4th., .75c; 5th, .50c. Class 1. Four garden carrots (short) 2. Three slicing cucumbers 7" long or over 3. Four pickling beets 4. Four Spanish onions (with skins on) 5. Four garden carrots (long) 6. Five pickling cucumbers under 3" 7. Four table beets 8. Four cooking onions (skins on) 9. Five red ripe tomatoes -with stem on 10. Twelve potatoes, any variety in suitable box, girl exhibitor. 11. Two green cabbages 12. Two. pepper squash. 13. Twelve pffatoes. any variety in suitable box, boy exhibitor. 14. Two pie pumpkins 15. Largest pumpkin or squash, stem on 16. Three ears sweet table corn 17. Two Sunflower heads. 18. Three specimens of gourds, placed in box. 19. Jack-O-Lantern carved out of a yellow pumpkin FLOWERS - [SECTION 131 In Charge - Mrs. Peter Dunlop, Mrs Bruce McLean Water will be provided. Containers not taken into consideration when judging except in Class 19. Prizes: Classes 1 - 18 and 23 - 25 1st. $1.50; 2nd. $1.25; 3rd. 51.00; 4th. .75c: 5th, .50c. Classes 19 - 22 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1.75; 3rd. $1.50; 4th, $1.25; 5th, $1.00 Class I. Pansies (12 stems) 2. Sweet Peas 112 sprays) 3. Gladioli (6 - 8 spikes) 4. Asters - Mixed colours (8 - 10 stems) 5. Asters - Powder Puff (8 - 10 stems) 6. Asters-Needle Asters (8 - 10 stems) 7. Marigolds - African (3 stems only) 8. Marigolds - French (5 - 8 stems) 9. Zinnias - large (3 - 5 stems) 10. Zinnias - Baby or Pompom (8 - 10 stems) 11. Dahlias - Show or Decorative (3 - 5 stems) 12. Dahlias - Baby or Pompoms (8 - 10 stems) 13. Dahlias - Cactus (5 - 7 stems) 14. Cosmos (9 - 11 stems) 15. Assorted varieties - 4 different kinds (3 stems each) 16. Petunias. double (5 - 7 stems) 17. Petunias. single (9 - 11 stems) 18. Snapdragon (7 - 9 stems) 19. Dining table centre. flowers NOT MORE THAN 9" HIGH 20. Floral Mat 21. African Violet 22. Red and White arrangement 23. Roses (3 blooms) 24. Floribunda Roses (1 Spray) 25. Bachelor Button or Cornflower 16 - 8 stems) Seaforth Jewellers offers a prize to winner of most points in this ssction. NOTE: Changes in 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 12. 15. COOKING & CRAFTS - SECTION "C" (All baking and craft work to be done by the EXHIBITOR ) In charge - Mrs. A. Broadfoot, Mrs. Coleman Prizes - 1st 51.50: 2nd S1.25; 3rd 51.00; 4th .75c; 5th .50c I. Six plain bran muffins - open to all grades. 2. Six drop cookies. chocolate chip -open to all grades. 3. Six squares. uncooked - grades 4.5.6. 4. Six date squares - grades 7. 8. 5. Six pieces maple cream. plain. each piece 1 - square. all grades. 6. One layer. square. light cake. made with a mix. fancy iced. all grades. 7. Nutritious and attractive school lunch - all grades. CRAFTS FOR GRADES 7 & 8 only 1. Display of many types of fasteners - mounted. 2. Stuffed toy, any material. , 3. Barbie Doll. 2 complete outfits, mounted. 4. One craft item to represent Decoupage, Macrame, or similar homecraft activity . 5. A woodworking or plastic project. (Not including commercially prepared models) WALL & TABLE bISPLAYS - SECTION "D" We would like each school in our Fair District to put a display of children's work in the round-house. This may take any form you choose to show the public some of the work done in the school over the year. Wall space. (approx. 6 ft. high by 10 ft. long; and table space (3 ft. wide by 10 ft. long) will be reserved for each display. It would help in dividing the space if each school would notify J. W. Talbot. Seaforth, of your intention to put up a display. These will be non -competitive but each school placing a display, will receive 510.00. POETRY COMPETITION - SECTION E Prizes 54.00 1st; $3.00 2nd; 52.00 3rd. Class 1. Grades 1.2.3 • A rhyming couplet -topic: "Summer Holidays". 2. Grades 4,5,6 - Topic: ''September Moods" - in the Haiku sty le. 3. Grades 7,8 Topic: "Going to the Fair" - 12 to 16 lines in 4 line verses. . ESSAY COMPETITION - SECTION F Prizes $4.00 1st; $3.00 2nd: $2.00 3rd. Class 1. Grades 4,5.6 - Topic: "A Tall Tale" - written on one side of one sheet of foolscap paper. `2. Grades 7, 8 - Topic: "A Huron Historical Figure" - about 300 words NOTE: To be submitted on foolscap, signed by the pupil and certified by teacher that it is the work of the pupil. Entries in Poetry and Essay competition to be sent to J. W. Talbot, Box 609, Seaforth, by June 27. 1975 • PARADE In charge - Paul Carroll, Gordon Hulley Royal Canadian Legion Branch 156 donates $40.00 to Prizes in the following competitions. Class 1. Grades 1, 2, 3., 4 - to room with the best identification headdress, sash or apron. Prizes $12.00; $10.00; 58.00; $6.00 - $4.00 to all other entries. 2. Grades 5. 6. 7. 8 - To room with best banner, individual placard. flag or pennant not to exceed 9" x 12". Prizes $12.00, $10, $8.00; $6.00 and $4.00 to all other entries. 3. Best Class float. Prizes $15.00; $12.00; $10.00 and $7.00 to all other entires. 4. Best non-school float - Prizes 515.00; $12.00; 510.010 and $7.00 to all other entries. EGGS - SECTION G In charge - Clare Reith Prizes $4.00; $3.00; 52.00; $ I.00 Class 1. Two and one half dozen brown eggs 2. Two and one half dozen white eggs Key trays will be supplied free. LIONS CLUB PET SHOW Class 1. Best looking cat 1.00 .75 .50 .25 2. Most unusual cat 1.00 .75 .50 25 3. Best looking rabbit 1.00 .75 .50 .25 4. Most unusual rabbit.. 1.00 .75 .50 .25 5. Best looking-dog 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 6. Best dog, least resembling any known breed.... 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 7. Best behaved dog .75 8. Any breed pigeon.... 1.00 .75 .50 .25 9. Fancy Fowl 1.00 .75 .50 .25 10. Most unusual pet 1.00 .75 .50 .25 II. Consolation event 1.00 .75 .50 .25 No exhibitor awarded more than two prizes in pet show. These entries may be made through your school or direct with secretary. Exhibits must be in place by 11:30 A.M. on the second day of Fair. Dogs must be shown on leash. Above are judged solely as pets. Pedigrees are of no consequence. A Lions Club representataive will be on hand from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the second day of the Fair to pay the prizes for the pet show. Competitors should arrange to collect their prize at that time. H ISTORICAL CONTEST - Sponsored by The Huron County Historical Society Prize money: 1st 58; 2nd.$6; 3rd 54; 4th $2; 5th, 6th. 7th, 8th. 9th. 10th each $1.00 A model, demonstration or display of a pioneer craft. industry or any other pioneer activity. A demonstration could involve more than one person. Crafts or industries would have to be typical or representative of pioneer life in Huron County. • SEAFORTH WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, WILL SERVE' Coffee Pie Sandwiches ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 18th From the booth in the Arena from 11 o'clock a.m. 47. DAIRY CATTLE-- Section C Committee - William Dale, Convener. Sec. C-1 Guernseys Sec. C-2 Ayrshires All cattle being exhibited at the F air will require a negative test for Brucellosis conducted within 60 days of the opening day of the FAIR. EXCEPT -- 1) Bulls under 8 months of age 2) Steers It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to contact the Health of Animals Branch office serving their area, at least 3 weeks prior to the commencement of the fair. The tests will be conducted by an officer of the Branch, free of charge. NO CATTLE WILL BE ALLOWED ENTRY TO THE- FAIR WHICH DO NOT MEET THE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ABOVE. OPTION (I): EIGHT CLASSES FOR BREEDING ANIMALS Plus the Interbreed Best Udder Class . All entries musts be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor. 1. Bull Date of Birth From dam with at least one July 1,1974-June completed recor d with a 30. 1975 (Senior minimum B.C.A. of 120 for milk. and Junior Calf) Sec. C-3 - Holstein 2. Female From dam with at least one July 1, 1974 -June 30. completed record with a mini- 1975 (Senior and Junior mum B.C.A. of 120 for milk. Calves) 3. Female From dam with at least one July 1,1973-June 30. completed record with a mini- 1974 (Senior and Junior mum B.C.A. of 115 for milk Yearling) 4. Female In milk or dry. If dry must July I. 1972-June 30. be within approximately 8 197 3(2 year old) weeks of calving. Must be either from a-dam with at least one completed record with a minimum B.C.A. of 115 for milk, or the "entry" must have attained a production record equivalent to a minimum B.C.A. of 115 for milk. 5. Female In milk or dry. It dry, must be within approximately 8 week of calving. - At least one record with a minimum B. C.A. of 11▪ 5 for milk.- July 1. 1971 - June 30, 1972 (3 year old) 6. Female In milk or dry. If diy, must be within July 1. 1970-June 30. approximately 8 weeks of calving. 1971(4 year old) At least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 11:5 for milk. 7. Female In milk or dry_ If dry must be within Prior to July 1970 approximately 8 weeks of calving. - (5 years old and up) At least one record with a minimum B.C.A. of 115 for milk. Queen of the Fair Part 1 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. /8, 1975 Arena Auditorium 9:30 Contestant Interviews 25 points Impromptu speeches, 2 to 3 minutes 25 points Part 2 deportmentOverall. appearance, personality charm and 50 points 100 points Prizes: In excess of 5200.00. With a prize for each contestant. Queen of the Fair to be crowned at the Judges stand following the parade on Fair Day. Committee: Art Bolton, Alf. Ross.„Ken Campbell and Robt.Broadfoot 1. Open to girls 16 to 20 years of age as of August 31, 1975 who are residents or employed in Seaforth, McKillop, Hullett, Tuckersmith, Stanley or Hibbert. 2. Each contestant must have a local sponsor who will supply a suitable sash, a corsage- and transportation for the parade on Fair Day. 3. Entries to be received not later than September 15:1975. 4. Winner to be eligible to compete in Queen of the Ontario Fairs contest 1976. 5. Judging. z A. Boars (1) 8-9 months inclusive (2) 6-7 months inclusive B. Gilts (I) 10-11 months inclusive (evidence of being in pig) (2) 8-9 months inclusive (3) 6-7 months inclusive' C. Breeders Herd A group of 4 animals. Beth sexes to be represented. Each labial in Die group must have been-exhibited in(meet theabove-classea,BatrieS inert meet with the requirementssetoUtinDenerAl Rule& 1-4b);Grodp Classes: . • 3. R.,0:13, Requirements for Entries in Clattes For -Bieeding Atihnits: Either the entry itself ortheshehave completed.test Underone tae of theirethseR.at13;s Proroigr ioyainsi PtemininitimreqUitritOnts htthe:eritty•ittat the , . • Adjusted Ageto2001.14.1ive t - 47Sdiya Adjusted tfackfatto2001bS.live-w 'eight; 400 It is mandatory ihatofficial testresidtsbelistedon:Ote,,entryfrirm44 listed in the fair catelegite, it one -la • Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.) Breeding classes: For the purposes of the 1974 Classifications an entry shall interpreted as follows: In order for our Society to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize money grant. there MUST be three exhibitors in each breed or groups of breeds. If there are not three exhibitors the Society will pay 50% of the pine money offered. an average B.C.A. of 125 for milk. Records must be available at ringside. Limit of one entry nee exhibitor. Prizes: 5454 $35; $23; $20: $15: $13; 510: $8; $6. RECORDS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT RINGSIDE DEFINITION OF AN ENTRY 4 4 -THE HURON EXPOS'TOR, Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.) OFFICIAL OPENING Thursday Night, Sept 18 R. Gordon Bennett Deputy Minister of Agriculture and former Huron Ag. Rep will open the fair at 9 P.M. PARADE OF FAIR QUEEN CANDIDATES VARIETY PROGRAM Friday Afternoon Parade -12:30 Selection of QUEEN OF THE FAIR. who will be crowned by 1974 Queen BILLY KPH - MASTER OF CEREMONIES Visit the PENNY SALE BOOTH at the Arena "MISS CNE" Sweetheart of Ontario Fairs To be chosen every year on the Opening Day of the C.N.E. Contestants must have won a local fair contest sponsored by an Agricultural Society. Contestants will be judged.on the basis of personality. char..i. interviews. speech and overall deportment. Contestant must be between l6 and 21 years of age at the time of her local fair_ First prize 51.000 cash: Second prize 5 300: Third prize 5200: Plus many other exciting gifts. For details: Write Ross T. Farr. Manager Agricultural Department. Canadian National Exhibition. Exhibition Park. Toronto 2B. Ontario. Sponsored by Sweetheart Products. PurekCorporation Ltd.. Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies and the C.N.E. Write the secretary, Mrs. Wilmer Cuthill, Seaforth for entry forms • All registered cattle, whether owned by one person or by more than one person (individually or jointly) which are maintained on one farm or breeding unit, are considered to be the production of one farm or breeding unit. Where the same or common interests are involved in more than one dairy breeding operation such operations are considered as One Breeding Unit. (b) Group Classes The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner"--in both cases either as an individual or in partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a "joint owner" of an animal and/or the "joint-breeder" of an animal. Therefore the animals must be: 1. owned and bred by the exhibitor, or 2. jointly owned and bred by the exhibitor, or 3. owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor, or 4. jointly owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor. All entries must be owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor. Production Record (B.C.A.) In those classes where a certain minimum B.C.A. for milk is a requisite for entry, either R.O.P. records or records issued under D.H.I.A. (Standard Plan) in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, arc acceptable. PERTH-HURON JERSEY BREEDERS PARISH SHOW OFFICERS President 1st. Vice President 2nd. Vice President Secretary-Treasurer Judge Gordon Young A. G. Whitely Richard Agla Mrs. Richard Agla Jack Macklin, Clinton, Ont. REGULATIONS: I. Competition open to Perth and Huron Counties. 2. Exhibitors must become members of the Seaforth Agricultural Society and also the Perth-Huron Jersey Club. 3. General rules bf the Seaforth Agricultural Society shall govern except where special rules of this show apply. 4. Entry fee is 15% of the prize money won. S. All cattle must be on the grounds by 11:00 a.m. the day of the show. Judging will commence at 12:30 p.m. No animals will be allowed to leave the grounds before 5:00 p.m. 6_ All exhibitors must get a Herd Health Certificate from: Health of Animals Branch Health otAnimals Branch Canada Dept. of Agriculture Canada Dept. of Agriculture 307 Federal Building P.O. Box 730. Federal Building STRATFORD. Ontario SEAFORTH, Ontario No- 41- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, Exhilliters be sure and send tattoo and registration numbers with your entries as this is a big help when checking cattle at the_altow. - - PLEASE SEND ENTRIES TO MRS. RICHARD AGLA, FORDWICH, no later than september 9th, 1975. IN ORDER T O GET AtATAIDGDE OF ENTRIES PRINTED. ENTREES Section I. Bull, Born July 1. 1974 - Alen 30, 1975, From-a-dam-withatleastane completed record with a minimum B.C.A. 115% for milk- /. Female, Born January 1, 1974 - June 30, 1974. Junior Yeari1eg,:frorn dam with at least one completed record with a ntinimum RCA. 115% for milk. 3. Female, Born July 1, 197.1 - December 30,1973. Senior YeAding in milk and/or in,calf. From dam, with At least -tone record with a minimum B.C.A. 115% for . milk. 4. Female, Born July 1, 1972 - June 30. 1973. tumuli ordry,,If ar' Mimi be within 8 weeks of calving, B.C.A. 115% or from dam adth13.C:A. 115% for milk. 5. Female, Born July 1. 1971 - June 30, 1972.1tatilkordry.Udryamst be within 8 weeks of calving. B.C.A. 115% or from `dattraitli-IMA. 115% for milk. 6. Female, Born July 1. 1970 - June 30, 1971- bunfik orilry.lfdryInttst be within 8 weeks of calving. At least one completed record Vidait minimum B.C.A. 115% for milk. 7. Female, Born prior to July 1, 1970. In milk. At least Ante:word with*, minimum B.C.A. 115% for milk. NOTE " Inter breed Udder Competition, Dairy Cattle Spetial Junior Special for 4-H age or younger. Junior Calf - January-}1975 to June 30. 1975. Senior Calf - July 1, 1974 to December-30. 1974_ Prizes - Ribbons and Merchandise The George Bagg Memorial Trophy - to Grand Champion Calf, Junior And Senior combined. OPEN SHOW FOR RIBBONS ONLY Section 1. Junior and Senior Calf - born July 1, 1974 to July 1,'19.'78 2. Mature Cow - Born prior to July 1, 110. No. For an official prize list of the Seaforth Fall Fair pleash apply tow KithleenCuthill. North Main Street, Seaforth. We will appreciate your co-operation in bringing out cattle to The Parish Show at Seaforth. PIGS - Section F Committee - George Townsend, Bob Broadfoot,RehertAle5111111411varls Hunt, Donald Dodds,Ilia Papple Section F-.1-Yorkshire Section F-2 - Landrace and--Iscombe_. Section F - 3 - Mother Breeds 1975 SWINE CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Number of Classifications far Swine The classifications may be offered for a rnairin' S individual breeds, namely Yorkshire, Landrace, Lacombe,.liampaltireansioc. Should the registrations of purebreds fall below 1.000:head for Anyane breed in the year preceding, then that breed will tie ineligible to thew- under the swine classifications. . 2, Six Classes for Breeding Animals Plus the "interbreed" Single Barrow (lass (Optional). 1111-:breed- ing. class entries must be owned by and registered in. the: !time =of exhibitor. Ages to be computed from liateoTliirth to-datelifaItawittg, 1 • 8. Breeders Herd (bred and owned by exhibitor) Group of 4 animals, but not more than one bull. Each' animal in the group must have been exhibited in one of the classes for single animals or in the Interbreed Best Udder Class. The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the 7. Pedigrees and R.O.P. records must be produced when animals enter exhibitor as "breeder" and as "owner"--- in both cases either as an the ring and must be registered in the name of the exhibitor at the time individual or in partnership. In other words, the exhibitor may be a of the show. "joint owner" of an animal and/or the"joint breeder" of an animal. , ,. All the animals must be from one farm or breeding unit. 8. Number of entries will be limited to one per class, with the exception Seaforth Agricultural Society authorizes two entries per class in a that every exhibitor may show two animals in two classes of his n ,.oice. minimum of two classes in Section CI, C2 & C3. Interbreed Udder Class '4,. xexcepted. 9, kit cattle being exhibited at the show will require a negative test for Prize money paid in each of the Sections will be: $45: $35; 523: $20; $15; Brucellosis conducted within 60 days of the date of the show except: $13; $10; $8;$6. a. Official Brucellosis vaccinates under 24 mo. of age b. Bulls under 8 mo. of age - c. Animals originating from a Brucellosis free herd. PRIZES 8. Female, DRY -Must be with-m 8 weeks bf calving. At I .wiat:anellecord with a minimum B.C.A. 125% for milk. An animal showainthis-class cannot be shown in any other class for single -mantis, But :may shown in the "Group Class". Must have completed lierlaAtlactstion: within 120 days of the date of the show. 9. Junior Champion Female - - Ribbon Reserve Junior Champion Female - - Ribbon 10. Senior Champion Female - - Ribbon . Reserve Senior Champion Female - -;Ribbon 11. Grand Champion Female - -.Ribbon Reserve Grand Champion Female - - Ribbon 12. Group of four animals, bred mid Owned by exhibitor, notmorelhark - one hull and-each animal must have been shown in one4rIthe above classes or in the Interbreed Udder Class. The prize list is made up of funds to the extent of $1,000. under SPECIAL 1 year subscription to The Huron Expositor for winner of most category No. 6 of the Federal Prize List, contributed by the Perth-Huron points in Section C-1, C-2, C-3. Jersey Club. Ontario Livestock Branch. Seaforth Agricultural Society, Federal Department of Agriculture and the Councils of Perth and Huron ti unes. SPECIAL Interbreed Udder Class, at least three completed records with Co LITTER TEST - . TestitStitiow A sum of money has been donated by Jack Van Egmond,RiChardAgla, (a)The etitty(iftesteituridefihis 'Program/ .when - be Paul Robinson and Alec Ostrom to be divided equally 'among NEW not more thinIA•lbehes average adjusted 144:fat safitid exhibitors in' the Open Show.Age 4180 .4ays s3r1e:ss. _ Cash prizes will be paid as follows: 1st 545; 2nd 535; 3rd 525; 4th $23; (0 Rim a dam W:hi.cli.bad a =rasa',equ!II0-oiletterthate4.0-Sf y- 5th $20; 6th $15; 7th 513; 8th $10; 9th 58; 10th 56, (Estimated yield of trimmed cuts.) (h) Froin a:sire *likth had, a minimutri4flihkee litter:Teir;AVith softies A cash prize has been donated by Tom Rathwell for the sum of $5.013 to that Average At least the minlmum'staudards is 40 above the best female, bred and owned by the exhibitor, eligible to exhibitor uo,„6././thilorobe• and ..iivi.iiiiiit;ogranil:piadding .voxid once in three years.