HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 4:MI ID 111 1
E. WILL i A M% ,,. 50 per cent on receipts over $3,000.
(-41-, slietift•s and County Crown Attorneys
_i.i. . . 5 will be required to return 10 per
VREIVLIST emt. On incomes of from el,000 to
-.V.,2,500, with the sliding smile up to
51.) per cent. en returns over •••'3,:`)00.,
The deductions now made in the ease
i...t of Sheritt; are estended to Clerks of
DRUGGIST flw pet and County Crown At-
torneys. An important change is
also effected to the advanteg•e of the
municipalitiee. leegistrars were for-
merly required to ply a proportion
of their gToss meelpts to the Province
and of their net receipts to the muni-
"- epp. Urunsmok House cipalities. Both these refunds will
now be made to the manicipalities
under the new act.
Brussels Young Itberalo, Banquet.
t, r,*.•••• Ernssels, April 7. ----The Yonne,
pc- 00111141jani 1111e5 lien's Liberal Club of this town hela
.tucet mccessful banquet in the Town he still h
eld the pusition. The tariff house aud his intentiond to comply
a t
Hell last night. There was a large renthieed a manufacturers' tariff, with rules of Company. McKague
attendance, including not a few local although it was pretended that it was —.11.1eKagne—That all applicatiOns
Conservatives,while among the guests afarmers' tariff, lf the latter state- . for insrannee be no* laid bore the
lenent were true the farmers had to t-Directora for examination --Carried.
• • tene a &eta -nee were Ho
on, might quote their Blue 1300le. which you here attended to the in.
figures and thew retiree, but those tweets 8J.1 the admirable way in!
familiar with the country kienv that which you have performed the work ;
more eeollottly Was required today of the Company during Ulm seven ;
than tbr malty years past, The Gov- years. And now that you are about
erument might dictate a policy of to return to the Old Couutry, we feel
protection to their followers, "bid," that we are parting with one whose
said the Colonel, "1 refuse to h.( bound urbanity has been conspicuous and
by it. I deny that a C011BerVatiVt, whose presence we willg•reatly miss,
must be a protectionist, and when . We trust that you turd yours will have
the general election comes on there a pleasant voyage home ad that all
are thoweand; of Conservatives who vow: expectations will be tally waltz-
' win not accept the doctrine of protee- vU.We assure you of our best wishes.
tion propounded by the Finance for your present and future well -
Minister." Mr.. O'Brien declared that being. Signed in behalf of Board of
Mr. Foster could not defend his tariff DirectorbY
reductions on protectionist principles. ! . R. E. LITTLE, President.
It reminded him of the general =leer Culross, March 31st, 1894,
who, -finding it impossible to defend a A. Aoamsox, Esq.,
position, 'retreated under cover of ; • Culross, Out,
night, leaving his wateh fires burn- Mr. Andrew McKague gave notice
ing that the enemy might think that of improvements to benutde on his
FlaDAY APRIL 18, 1894.
• • Tun position taken by the Domin-
ion Government in regard to the
taking -of evidence before the Public
Recounts committee looks very much
as if they were desirous of burkieg
investigation -into the expeediture
*the different departments of the
THE redistribution bill was intro-
-Zinced in the Ontario Legislature, the
other day. By it Toronto, Hamilton
and Ottawa are each given an ad-
ditional member. None of the other
tonstituencies of the Province are in
any way. dealt with, except, those
bordering on Hamilton and Ottawa,
and some of the territory le longing
'to these are added to the cities for
election purposes.
MR, O'CONNOR, M. P. P. for South
Bruce, has a bill before the Ontario
• Legislature to exempt the plant and
• a-ppliances of gas and electric com-
panies from taxation. Any such
company, however, is to be assessed
on an amount equal to the amount of
dividendspaidto the shareholders,who
aFC tJ he exempt from assessment in
"tiftesPect of such dividends. It is:also
; ..: peovi cd that a tele]. hone company ,
1• • whose head Mike is . not within the
Province shall be assessed in the
municipality in which operations are
.being conducted upon the net profits
earned in that locality available to- .
- wards dividends to shareholders.
Sharehoidere, in such case, to tel
from assessment in respect •of
income derived eenn the company in
THE annual report . of the inspec-
tion of prisons in Ontario for the year
Cnding September 30th last, has been
laid before the Ontario Legislature.
• Daring this period a decrease is c
8,10W11 in the Dumber of prisoners
committed to the common jails of the
Province. in 1892 there were 9,01 1. '
• in 1893 8,619, a reduction of 892,
.. Sinee 1889 e steady and satisfactory .
felling off is displayed; while in 18:3
the number of commitments was
fewer than for the past twenty years,
• Of the 4619 persons committed,
• 7;180 were males and 1,439 were
females; a•decrease of 4-13 males mid
an increase ,of 51. females. The
crime most prevalent was- that of
41runkenne4s--36 per eent—while
vagrancy, larceny and common
assault Were the next in order. Of
the total number convicted 4,477 •
Lwere males and .931. females; 2,765
Were temperate and 5,854 were in-
. temperate; 6,915 could read and*
1,701 were illiterate.
THE Hon. G. W. Ross has a bill
le Tore the Ontario Legislature dealing
with the fee question. By it the
' eliding sole of percentages which
fee -paid officials are required to re-
, Owe to the public, is altered, the old
ea:Wales not being milted to the i
• • .
. •! • ) be thankful for small mereiee. 4.UL J Mele ague—Allison—That having
Hard!, ; Mr. Charles Hyman, AI. ., I , J.
London; Thomas Gibson, : the necessaries offthe farm remained - examined sixteen' npplications, they
highly taxed. rhreshing ma -whines I are found satisfactory, for which the
and Mr. Frank Pedley, President of .
( were :10 per cent, axle grease 25 per ' President and Secretary shall Prepare
the Toronto Young Liberal Club were
tiles and lelittlice• belting 20 per ! and issue policiee—Carried, Allison
The chair was taken be President
Kendall, ancl the viee-chair .by Mr. cent, Harness 30 per cent. nails 30 l —J. McKague—That the motion .6y
PCI eent, seythes, , etc., 35 per Thos. Allison, seconded by Alek. Me -
G. F. Blair. The local elergymcne
cent, shovels do per cent, wagons 25 Kague, and laid over at last meeting,
Reve. Mr. Ross and Mr. Cobbiedick,
per cent, buggies 85 per cent, horse • be received by. this board and adopt -
were toasted first and responded
tee .
blankets . pm ccnt, and so 011 over ed. Mr. Clark asked for • yeas and
-felicitously. To the toast of the
a long list of articles. What had -the nays, when Messrs. Reid, Allison, A.
ladies President Moore of the Yormg
farmer on the free list? Corn for McKague, J. McKague and Little
Conservative• Club responded; and .
seed and animals for improvement of voted yea and Mr. Clark nay. Motion
Tice President Taylor and T. Farrow,:
stock. That completed the free list carried. Allison—Reid—That the
ex -M. P. P., spoke to the toast of the
for the farmer. This new tariff was . Secretary -Treasurer is hereby. in-
After'Young Conservative Association.
' from. first to last a manufacturers' structed to prepare a by-law ratify-
theee courtesy toasts came
'that of the Governor-General and tariff, and. would be scorned by the ing his appointment and . have the
farmers of this country. It is an same laid before this board at next
Dominion Parliament, to which Mr,
Charles Hyman, M. P., replied in a anti-British tariff, in support of which meeting; that a copy can be sent -
powerful speech on the trade ques- he iustanced the discriminating tax to the Inspector—Carried. • J. Me -
tion. He discussed the new tarill"at on tea Coining from England. He Kague—Allison—That this Board do
able length and pointed out ridiculed the policy of the Govern -
that it had clone little or nothing to_ ment asking 1;1750,000 for a fast
;ward modifying the National. Polley. Atlantic, service in order to promote
The corruption accompanying and foreign trade. Mr. Foster must be
the increased expenditure resulting 111811110 to think that lie could have a
from protectionist taxation :WM foreign trade and a, ,protectionist
strongly condemned. "Yuan ent _policy at the same time. No Country
Liberalism" was respondedto by 111r. '°verY succeeded -in doing that. In
Hyslop and President Peaky, of rro_ .conelusion 111r. O'Brien =said "I can -
Tonto Mr. Pedley spoke es- . mot support :the Government in -this
•of the benefits of organization among new tariff."
young men aud of the intenehanee of .
wiews at such gatherings.- He urged CULROSS.
his hearers to prepare for the lea . The Directors of the Cuirass Manual
election and do everythingpossible te • I ire Insurance Company met b.
,again re -•urn the Mowat Gorernment Teeswatee, 3.1Iareh 31st, 1894, afeeord-
:to powei.. Ng to motion of adjournment. • Min -
Mr. tilbson,I •
who reiniesanted Fa*t,. utes of previous mo.,,ting read and et
Huron in the Legislature before maw motion J. iNicKagueand Reid, were
of these present wear born, was tic,-- adopted. Mr. 1Vallec3r, of Graenoch,
,corded a most enthusiastie 'welcome. appeared ,before the •board as 'request -
He spoke of the honesty and fairness 'ed with regard to two sheep he sup -
of adminstration of the Mowat Goe•-••".posed to have been diked by light-
•ernment, and of the progress made Ring- Moved by Thos. Allison,mecond-
during the period in which be had .ed by A. MeKague, that . as Mr.
been a member of the House. Hon.. i Walker has .not complied with the
A. S. Hardy, replying to the sabre rules of this company by „giving
toast, expressed the pleasune he felt in : Secretary,proper notice and also not
ihie,first ,visit to Brussels. Hepraised ;giving sufficient proof that his sheep
Mr. Gibson's devotion to the interests *
evere killad .by lightning, this cone
of Ids constituents, and then turned ipany cannot entertain his Alaim—
P. Clarksecond,
'to a ,discussion of the prheetples of Carried. .Moved by
Liberalism as shown in the history of ted by W.,Reid, that as auditors have
ilhe mother country and ,of Canada. epresented their repast •of the a0311;
The great leaders of Libealarism dur- ipany's books since lst Jan. ,to 31st
ing the past, century were reSereqd to :March, the same being satisfaetory,
and -their life work shown to be the
that repent be .adepted—Carried.
broadening of the liberties and the 'Moved by likes. Allison, seconded by
Reid that as...1 • GODERICH.
fr. Gordon has
WOrd was received by Mr, Robert .
Crawford of the death of his Bou
Williamovho was accidentally killed
in Oregon, on the 15111 Marele—Mr.
Andrew Taylor left last week for
Manitoba the Northwest, where -
lie Will spend, the summer,—Mr,'
Dawson did not deliver his lecture
011 Mouelty night, as wee advertieed,
there being -Very few out owing no
doubt -to the revival meetings that
are being carried on in the Metho-
dist ehureh. Mr. Dawson will, in
all probability, lecture this 88
11)0 seasen is getting too late for this
spring, ---There seems to be a good
deal of talk about . draining in. the
village and eome Meetings held, but
nothing definite has been decided
upon yet. —Next Friday evening will
be. the regular meeting night of the
S.. 0. E. Lodge. 'The report of the
delegates to -Grand Lodge will be
submitted and other important mat-
ters leid before the lodge„ A good
attendance . desired.—Miss Crisp is
visiting friend* Walton ---Mr Ueo
Emersen sold a fine new Heintzman
Piano last week.—The two young
Englishmen who came out with John
Holland have procured employment,
one of them with Mr. E, Lear,,,ef the
3rd .con. Hullett, and the other with
Mr. Boyd, of Clinton, as baker. --Mr.
Bell, hotel keeper, had a little bit of cl m -T-, Ty C LB
a scare on Friday last, caused by- a 0 -
blazing Chinmey.—Joseph Colclugh • and other meats in low proportion,
i$ engaged with Mr, Lowsley, our
butcher.—Robert Crawford, who has
Wingbam, Alain% 189
Tolour per 100 lbs.. .... ... 1 GO to 1 80
Oorreeted by P. Deans, Praline° Dole , `•
0 53 to 0 55
gall. Wheat... ..
proig Wheat.. ......... 0-52 to 9 p.
Oats.. • 4 • s . 4 4 • R. • • • A •'• 4 • • • II
0 02 tg, U OW
0 35 to 0 400
0 -52 to 0 55.
Butter, tub.... . , 0 10 to 0 16,
Butter, rolls ...... . , .. ... , 0 10 to 0 1.6',
„ Eggs per dozen - . ..... .. , .• 0 8 to 0 9'
I Wood per cord.... .... .. - 2 25 to 1 75.
0 80 to 0 35
1Hay per tot, ...... . , - , . - o
'Potatoes, per bushel:. .
0 05 to 0 05
1Tallow, per lb
,, 0 05 to 0 05
Dried i'.piles, per lb
Dressed I oge......,.. 6 00 to 5 00
4 50 to 6 50,
'0,11Wheat, new.. .... .... 0 87 to 0.60
Fall Wheat, old cir:Ton,
0 53 to 0 58
0 57 to 0 Oa
ariey . .
0 32 toll 82
0 35 to 0 40
0 85 to 0 40
0 50 to 0 52
itstoes, per bushel, .
Butter 0 17 to 0 18
lbge ., . per ............... • • . 0 10 to 0 12
. .... 6 CO to 7 00
Cordwera 8 00 to 4 00
. ADAK —
been on the sick list, is getting bettele
—John Lawson is also- improving.— • . also on lutnel. • .
The next meeting of District Lodge
No. 94,1, 0. G". T., will be held in .for
kinds ef owl. They must be drawn. •
I am prepared •t:, pay the highest price,
Clinton on May 18th.,--Notwitlistan.d- and well dressed.
ing the had- night, there was a fair •
ttunoue at the Goocl Templar meeting1 _ GEO., SHAW..
011 Tuesday evening. ,There .was Wingham, Oct. 10th, 1898.
Inow adjourn to 'meet . again an the one candidate initiated. •
!last Saturday of April, at 2 p. in
town hall—Camied. Board then ad- BLUEVALE.
journed. .Mrs, John Johnston and Master
G. A. PRINGLE, See.. Freddie Johnston, of Goderieh, were •
visiting in the village.—Mr. R. N. I
Mr, T. Ross has started, a shingle Duff and Mr. James Robertson at-,
mill on lot 26, 4th con., running it tended. the Young Liberal Club
with his thrashing engine.—Mr. Wne
Caslick has severed his connection
with the homestead and is now work-
ing his own. -farm on the Sed with his -family to Toronto where he
Mr. Andrew Ager is at present 'en_ will reside in fature,—The house of
gaged. .with ten Reeve.—Miss Rate Mr, Nelson Thornton in Morris, was.
banquet in Brussels last Friday;
night. —Mr. .3 eines Timmins. having I
sold his store and contents has moved ;
Murchison is at present in very poor burned to the ground on Tuesday.
health.—Mr. N. Piekell is improv- Very-• little of the. contents Were
saved.—Me. and Mrs. J. J. Messer, of ,
ing and beautifying the approach to
the front (ends residence.—Miss Lea Hamilton, are visiting at Mr.. Wm.
McDonald is home from Windsor at Messeies this week.—Mrs. R. N. Duff'
and .Master Clayton Duff spent Hon -
her paresets, severely. indisposed with
(day last in Bruseels.—Mrs. John Bur
an attack 'df pleuriste-LMr. J. Meir'S
gess spent last week In Brussels. -Mr,
boy, who got his leg broken, is bn-
Alex_Andemon has rettirned from
proving—The severe nightly frosts.
kinske.gen, Mich., where he went to
of the tufa week have retmelled spriwg
;attend the funeral of his sister-in-law,
operations considerably, and it is:
feared Chat the fall wheat, whick .1i0bert Anderson. . Mrs. Ander-
son be -remembered by rminy.in
a very prOmising appearance, is ene-••
eia_lhe *Hinge, she and her busblmd
fering..—(0n Thursday last the,
neral °air. J. Charterspaked through hawing lived hero some years ago.
--111r..and Mrs. John McIntosh have
here on ets _way to the Wingliath
nix, of gone to live in Molesworth. -31r.
cemetery. Mr. Charters was
Aezh. Pattersen has bought Mr
the pioneers of Kinhess, and limed (en
Wan.. Smith's, house fel.. $400, and hae
the boundary.
moved into it Mr. Smith is living
a new house.on his farm—Mr. and
Lives Stock klasitets.
Mare. Wm. Gray are living in Mr. G.
East Etiffalo, April 10..—:Catele— Me.Denald's heuee—Mr. Geo. Burgess
Receipts, 16 cars through, .1. ear 'sale; is home on a
market oteady and --Aren; no leery •
bettering of the condition ,of the t. • „ ▪ (rood heej. Hogs: receipts., 10 ears .
ormegovernment cry,
pecigle. Mr. Hardy spoke ,of the
and slimed ,• G.. A. Pringle beetppointed secretary -
fused to act sas.seertary-tieastum,
borough, :8 (care stile; Imarket akivp
excited ;and 'higher; ..Yorleers .0Rilled*/ Onalhe Y. P. 5.. C. E. entertainment, 110 cilarilott t
Thursday evening -of last week,
Cure SIO,C 14 E. A DA011a and Neuralgia '
I1 20 MINUTES, a,..o Owed Tongue, Dizzie
ileSei. Biliousness. Pain in the SidieSonstipation,
T • pid Liver. 41 Breath. 'rosily cured and,
reau.i.te the sbuwe.'s. VCRS, NICE 70 TAKE.
PRICE 25 (17....c.rs AT DRUG STORES,.
497 Talbot Ptreet,
EYE and 1Q.4.1R, 0111DRGEON; •
Graduate of the New York Eye and Ear hospital..
1980. Post Graduate Cniirse en the Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat at the New York Post ',radim:Medical'
surtifietal es. l it , be at the
SAephiollioeldrindrIviansissclt;11.; 18,i9f2.1pEeirtn.esekress, elites:as.
t Brunswick House, WINGHAM,.
I The first or last THURSDAY of
• each montb,ut date named below:
Fifth Visit, May 3rd, 1894.
Hours 8 a. nr. to 3 p. Charges;
%h. ALWfrYS
well be, applied to tmasurer eittmesalaey and on -same
that it,eould not w
G 1, • c . -1 I at $5.40 to $5.45; later sales, ;SBA() 'to
MS a -decided success, -The• Miss .
Ontario :which with greater I mit.u.lconditiens as A 010C OD.— al met . t t .t
tion than Nova Scotia, New Brims-
Mayed by MOH. seconded by
T. Reid, that Mr. Adamson is hemby
wick, .Manitoba, British Columbia.and
Prime Eward Island, maintained a rnstIlleted to laaal
cl over all •caslr, on
Legialature that cost nothing like the hamiq cheques„ bank aosiounts, becks
amount proportionately that thefand ;papers, the property of this,com-
Legislattu•es of these Provinces east. pany,, to his successor 111,0fflOG, G. A.
During the evening the Yew* Moved ,E,
Liberal Glee Club contributeilseveml Clark and J. McKagne, that the .fol-
soege that added greatly to the sue- lowing .accounts be paid, the -same
being satisfactory: IL B. -O'Connor,.
cosh of thegathering.
'Not a Farmers' Tariff. printing, $2 ; R. N. Thurtell,.stationl
stationery, 72 cents; A. G. Stewart,
Col. O'Brien, M. P, for Muskoka, ery, 4o cents; A. AdaMS0/1, postage,.
he other night in the House, made a i$2.02; A. W. IIaldeithy, agent fees,
trong speeth against the protective 1; $3; Chas. Button, agent fees, $1.25.;
policy and. the new tariff. The fact 1). A. Ireland, agent fees, $1..50 ;
hat the honorable gentleman has ! John McRae, auditor, $2; Rat.
been until recently a strong,supporterlWatsont auditor; $2 —Carried. Mosr-
f the N. I'. lent imusualinterest and ed by J. McKague,seconded by Wen.
$5.55; mediums, $5.4510 $41.50; heavy _I ex .en et aliment, on Friday even -
$5.45 to $5;50; mixed pikers, $5.,15 leg, •was good, but poorly attended.
Miss Hext, • who remained in our
to $5.55; =Agit, $4.25 to $4.85;stags
• $3.25 to $4; closed firm. Sheep and town ,over Sunday, attended the
lanihs—ReOpts, 2 cars through, :50 GoVer Temperance meeting and at it
ears sale; market steady for good 1 moiled the "Estee Upon the Floor,"
grades, dull mind lower for
best wool latailbs, $5.15 to $5.
7;c4041nalgOod.,* I 4.11raltat'ilenfisc Neer veryeCw1.7111;•eceiTvehde
0.75 to $1.7.5; wool sheep, good ! -7
$4.75 to $5.10; ,clipped, fair to good, j and SWeaS0 suitable for the occasion.
1 %fo 1 With1(1a
eTtilinge townSetrt9e°sigalleilin°gfiltitioewli
mixed, $4 to $L65; choke wetheradev
$4.90 to $5.2.5; right to fair, $4.25 to exhibitions of Slavery Days, &c.-
8.75: clipped :Amp culls to choke ;The work 011. the piers is going
$1.75 to $3.75; textra clipped *ethers, 'ahead =Fidler. They will soon be
ready to flait mat and sink, The
$4 to $4.85; dosed steady, with bulk •
'stone for this purpose will be brought
offerings sold. ". • down from near Port Albert, and a
eXCos:.ive buslnoss occasioned by the
ge,,wth of large cities. Division
Gond Clerks are required under the 0
new law to return 10 per cent. int
reoripts between $1,000 and $1,500 t
a year, 20 per cent. on receipts- front
• $1„500 to $2,000 ; from $2,000 to $2,- t
500, 80 per eent, and over $2,500, 50 1
per emit. Registrars, Local Regis- tc
f/-etra of theltigh Court, County Court
inportarice to his remarks. TheyiReid, that the late Treastiier Mr. A.
lad to consider,* lie -said, whether 'Adamson, be paid $15 as salary for
they should legislate for the farmets quarter ending March 81st 1894—
✓ for the manufacturers. .They Carried. Clark and Reid—That the
were face to face with a deficit and parting address to Mr. Moms= -
vith st depressed condition of affairs read by -the President and signedby
hmughout the country. It was all the President and presented to Mr.
very well for the Minister of Finance Adamson, be entered in the minutes
o talk glibly of prospi•rity. He may ' of this meeting---earried. The
rave lost all idea of the value of a dress was- as Mows:
el -dollar bill. Demi Stu,- In asking you, the
This refiernee to lir, Fosteets cretary and Treasurer of the Cul.
arly 'teiriperance Speeches at $10 8 1'(;53 Fire Insurance Company,
tight appreciated by the Op. to aecept of the photo of the Ditee.
tosition. tors, we beg thus to express1,0 you
The llovernment,Col. O'Brien went our appreciation tif the manner in
1ftlerks R1111 Surrogate Registrars will e
s equired to return 10 per eent. 011 1
rts front r-51,4104 .,.,2,01.31, 1111(1 1
$hts TIP.' regular gradations, 01)
!there a11 winter making the stone
followingTIC is the tepee t of minty for toading....._it is ,probable
Union. School Section N'e. 13, ffowick that the Rev. Mr. Sellery, of Wing-
Mareh.: 5th Class: Ella Neill 888 , . .
imunber of men hate been at work
' That's about the size of it; we don't
, worry xnuch about hard times). because we
I adopt our trade to conditions as they exist.
Always the cheapest, means that you get
the very most for your dollar • here. Our'
prices for the first 'Art .of April are as,
Gent's Gaiteks, very fine ...... . f..$ 1 00,
Gent's Oxfords.. - ........ . . ... 50,
!Men's Plow Boots ..... . .. ' . 1 Cele
I Gent's Shoes..., .... , ' 50r
Men's Pine Tweed Pants.... 1 10,
Men's Rubber °oats ...... .... 1 75,
Faetory Ootton, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0, 10 cents
Great Values. ,
20 yds..Flannelett for1 00
12 yds. extra wide -Flannelette for , . 1 00
20 yds. Guagbain for , e
Prints 5, 0,1, 34, 8, 9, 10, ltli cents. 1 °°-:'.
Men's_Rubbers ...... .1, .....
Lit,clies' Rubbers .............. e
Men's Socks, 8 pairs for. .... . :„
Gliambray 8, 10 and 121 eta. per yd
A fine asset:intent just r.e.c.e.i.v.ed
tills week.
Overalls, per pair)
6S ybotsfi sc,102riroati;.1 .. i. . : ........
• ancl Turnberry, for the month of , ham, will be putin tehhautrgloGf tohde.
o Street
God -
)narks, Minnie Fry 228, Agnea For. etieb, at thegeneral change of :kettle.
tune 211. 4th Class : Cassie Barton dist Clergy in July.
328, Bella Underwood 306, Lilly,
Fortune 295. 3rd Class,: William WHITECITuRca.
.... 25'
1 lbs, Itaisini for . ........ ...... 25
Nice fresh Pickles:2 ........ ft;... . .. r.. 25
Erbotas for- .. , . ..... .... 25
10 lbs. Oatmeal
1141“. ..... 25
Sibs. Flaxseed meal.. . . .... 26
0 bars Elleetrie Softa .. . 25
Dinner Sets, 100 planes .... 6 50
lbs. Good Japan Tea for 25
lbs. of our wonderful Tea for.. 1 00
Butter and lilgges taken sitno as Cash.
Abram 178, George Greenaway 147, Mr, H. D. Henderson spent a few 6
Melvin Willits 98. 2nd Plass: Waldodays this week in Brantford, attend.
'Weir 295, Ralph Gemmill 181, Thos.!, ing the Executive Committee moot.
Fortune 177. Part II: Herbert ing of the Canadian Order of Pores2
Neill 38 Robert Underwood 88, ters of which he is a metal) • I
lbs. Green Coffee for ..
Colored Toilet sets, big ..va1u . -------1.... 60
limey McGlynn 32. Part I: Minnie Ims been deckled not to let the con -
Abram 19, :Cloward gooey 19, Edna tract of building the new Presbyter -I
McIntosh 19, Jessie Barton 19: ian Church in this place Until next
•• Jong INuThite„ Testeher, fall. s
Pit1\oinnati i3;;;n
WAGEns $5,000 0:1
1119 MIMI' EARN $5,000 A1
Among Ilia reeent
: Is
s IiIosusoddsoetare
MeCassY,of Cincinnati.
• having made a wager
la now On his way arouni
merchants of Cinetimati
encircle the globe 111 eigl
and make $5000 over a
expenseor forfeit $5000
Mr. MeCassy is a mei
firm of McCassy Bret'
corner of Main and see
Cincinnati. He is also 1
a newspaper man of tin
special correspondent
nIi1i Tribune and of t
Record of' Indianola
and controlled by t
Press Association of Illi
Daring last Sulumer
the idea, of making a c
globe within a stipulat
also making money • k
conversation. with son
chants the statement wa
man Could make the tr
months and in the sat
$5000 in excess of his
MeCassy had sufficient
himself to take a coati:
he enforced it by offer
45000 that he could ch
and under the cond
The wager was acce!
only $300 in. his pock!
Cincinnati OD- his par)
ber 8, 1893.
- "I was -first attract&
strip," said Mr. McCask
• • • regresentative last nigl
; . • few weeks' residence
• • would be profitable
that reason I went t
▪ • • boomers, I was mia
however. As far as
reach ft was shockin
, •
• hand-to-hand Conflict,
Clubs, knives, guns t
' 111 constant requisitio
• to twelve would SWG
- •
an honest settler and
, •
.±tt the point of a revc
• . • it was wonderful
, offoocyrink, and she
• ameng the boomers.,
to hold down a lot or
almost criminal on 11
Government not to 1
provided at Newtons
water for the multi
feting of these po
ceassy statt
Government calcula
f Oiler -for this va
-country was
StatesDeputy Mar&
who were backed
ulators, syndicates
ness men, render!
for a bona -fide se
or claim to make a
4'1 saw no oppor
money enthestrip".
"but on the contra
rapidly diminishi
resist the desire to
feting women wit!
when I saw that I
poor as the poores
another Week, e
for Chicago to tal
'What did yo
"I entered the
and selling.railro.
McCassy. "It w
too; and in a few
above my expenk
Fair I went to T
the State fair
sold some •jew
aad made up a
by which 1 elea
I theu visited in
MeQassy, who I
the State Asylir
renlained in, 1(3
added a few b))
my store." .
Leavino. Ear
an agency for
jewelry, giving
"I Pore
resumed he, "a
on my venting
my firm, the ,
oredited to my