The Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 3•
W. C. T. U. COLUMN. cards the bank Alms 110 use for you,.
Business life demands fine brains, •
:(coattuoTslt Ilx Tits wINOIEAli a'ni'on.) steady nerve, firm i:onseience, Watch
--- the boys, See one sixteen years of
/Pity Gild and ,tlo,ne and Ntatre Land,' age, smokes, probably chews and
drinks. Babes of seven and eight
Well call the at'ontlon, of the 'mothers and stater% are at it. ,1.111e vie(? inev'eases, 1
to the fact, that the Women's Chrtstien Temper. conl(1
at1Ce Union DIMS dery Mondaynday at three o'clock pile le up h'tatistics by the hour,
sharp, for ono hour, at. Airs. Eiolw's residence, kat. testimony from the highest 111edieal
rick street. All ladles are made weicotne,
As the Editor leis kindly given, ns part at his l authority, of the . ''misery preparing
epaeo, for our work, we ask friends of the pause to and alrcaC,lyr come.
void nom of interest on alt moral questions of tho •
slay to any of our members, ,
I01.7 Over Fifty Yearn
AN ems Axe WitemTitinD llkatsuv.—Airs. win
:Mr. A. ,7. Mu11dclla, M. P,, asserts gatP. a;.ot owns otup ha be for then eh over jig
that 55,000 ehlldr'en'in London went • t'•othtn r, with porfoetsuoeess. It soothes thu child
sotfons the guutat allay, aU �sin, aures wind collo.
to school .each mot11fllg unfed, Such and to thobost rwuodv for Diarrhea, Is pleasant to
a. state Of 'Mattel's is impossible but `he taste. Sala by Drugsiots hi o+ery part of tate
• Yorit.. Tnetttyflvo runty u nettle, Its vahle is
f01' drink. incalculable. Do sure and ask• f•lr Mr.. Winslow
* :;t Soothing Syrup, and take uo other khul.
There are about 4,000 churches in Ontario Educational. Association.
Great Britain of all denominations One of the most important meetings
now using unfermented wine for in the educational annals of Ontario
sacrament purposes. Mr, Spurgeon's was held in Toronto last week. Tues -
Tabernacle is among the number. da tWednesda and Thursday. As • i
• our readers probably know, all per -
It is estimated that. the various sons interested in education. in this
• breweries that have °been converted province are organized with the On,
into limited liability Companies have tario Educational .Association, This
an aggregate of 50,000 shareholders. 'association is divided into ; 1. Public
Fortunately Marge proportion of them School Department ; 2, College and
'iLre already in *thea rade. • high 'School Department, which is
subdivided into (a) Modern Langu-
The late Nova Scotia prohibition agcs,.(b) Natural Science, (c) classi-
plebiseite reports are now all in. The cal, (d) Mathematical aucl Physical
' ' total vote cast was nearly 85 per sections; 3, Kindergarten depart -
cent. of the entire electorate of the moot ; 4, Training School depart -
Province, wllicll is a large percentage moot ; 5, Inspector's department ; 6,
in any election. Tho total vote for Trustees' department. The second
prohibition amounted to 41,459, and annual convention of this coiupl'ehell-
against it 11,419, or nearly four to sive organization, and' the thirty-.
one. • second convention of' the original On -
*,g Carlo Educational Associationas held
The Canada Presbyterian Record - last week in Toronto ' WAS a great
is a very ablyconduetecl non-partisan !success and. thoroughly gratifying to
magazine and seldom gives an opin- i all who are interested in Ontario's
ion'in regard ,to political platters, but I welfiLro. Probably over 400 teachers;
- it does not hesitate to express its trustees and inspectors were present,
• indignation and contempt in regard and the - general meetings of the
to the methods of the Dominion association in the evenings were
'Government and its Royal Oomllllss- largely attended and exceedingly
ion on the prohibition question. In valuable. On Tuesday evening i11r.
the April number, now jest before Alex. Steel, M. A., Grangeville; gave
'us, after referring to the fact that his presidential address on - "The
the electors of Manitoba, Prince Ed- Relation of Higher Educfition. to
ward • Island, ' Ontario and Nova National Development." Though a
Scotia have all given more' Sweeping very long address, it was interesting
. verdicts for .prohibition - than they • and thoughtful. 1)r. G. StanleyHall,
have ever given to any political of Clark University, WorcesteMass,
party,. it concludes by remarking : f'ollpwed with an inspiring address on
"Meanwhile the. `Royal Commission'
.T Ire New Psychology." As Dr.
Whenever- the weather will r
is trying to find out whether the Hall is probably the greatest physio- 1 shut b ds then' clo.
country is ripe or ready. ! ! for pro: logical psychologist on the continent all house plants should be well aired.
- hibition. Language fails to describe to -day, leis, words were eagerly listen- Newly planted grape vines should -When one man tries to do the work
the; absurdity of the situation,. so -rye ed to and will bear much fruit in only be allowed to grow one shoot. of three the work of two generally
forbear." . educational effort in Ontario: The - A'good wash for trees may be remains undone.
* * * .other general meetings of the associa- made of weak lye using an old broom It is not the thing, but the sensi
TheJinciio ) oil which Proleibi- tion on Weclnesda and Thursda to a 1 it tiveness of the thing, which is the
1Y Y pPY •
tionistslim the right to prohibit evenings were also largely attended.. The principal object in pruning is tine measure of its pain.
- the liquor traffic bylaw is that -the The various sectiolis met during the (to let air and light freely into. all Try and learn something every
• liquor traffic is a s.,urce of expense day and dismissed questions of parti- parts of the top. day; try and'' make yourself wiser
'"@ • 4444„ r
'8 :.,c. `tit •'its •,°
iQ�u��\acs �x.,.....p, ...•-• v, ``\; I.•'
Castoria is Dr. Sentinel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
otilc_ Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor, Oil.
It is 3Pleasaint. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
'Millions of Mothers, Castoria, destroys Wornis and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cure's Diarrhoea and Wind Colic.• Castoria relieves
teething troubles, ,euros constipation end flatulency.
Costo i,I, assimilates the food, regulates the stomach.
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa
toils is the Children's I.'anaeea–the Mother's' Friend.
"Casteria is an e_co11o_t medie!no for ch!1.
dron. Mothers Lavo repeatedly, told mo of its
good oTect upon their ch:ldron."
Da . Cf. C. Oacoon,
Lowell, Macs.
"C: otor'a i i tho host remedy for cit!idren of
wl• id'. I a: t acg :aimed, I hope tho day 14 not
Par c is:a:tt whin mothers -wCl const: er tho reel
interest of their chil.:re;, and use C.tstor:a i
stead of the variousguack nostrinnewhiclt aro
destroying their loved onus, by forcingopium,
morphine, tooth:ng syrup and other little fol
ascots down their throats, thereby sending
theta to promatti o graves."
Dr.. J. P. sisen''Loc,
• Conway, Ar
"Castoria is so well adapted to cltl'.dien that►
I recommend it as superior Loony prescription
':mown to I:r.."
1T, A. Ancnsn,111. D.,
111 So. O:tford L.b., i:rooslyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians la tho el:n rcri s depart.
meat have spoken highly of their experi-
ence to their outside practice with Castoria,
and although wo only have ninon; our
medical supplies what is known as regular•
products, yet wo aro freo to confess that tl•e
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
Boston, Mass.
Conrowan 'e" Murray Street, Hopi York City.
Orohard and Garden. Gems of Thought.
Don't manure against the roots in Move yourself .and you will move
planting. the world. It is the only way to do
Fresh manures often excite the it.
trees to a too rapid growth. If rye were all always what rye are
Lime and wood ashes slake a good in our holiest moments we should all
fertilizer for old orchards. be god—like.
A feeble young tree rarely amounts
to anything, especially if crowded. The truly brave are soft of heart
and eyes, and feel for that their duty
and clanger to the whole community talar interest to themselves. These than you wal yesterday.
Scions for grafting may be cut at �...
any time now when the temperature Blame not before - you have ex -
is above freezing. mined the matter; understand first
The • beat , pruning 'is that which and then rebuke if necessary.
.—to those who do not drink as well
as to those who do. The - 'Portland,
Maine, Herald put the case in a very
meetings were a -ll of value, and in
some seetions the papers and address-
es were exceptionally able and
• logical and .reasonable -way recently: i scholarly,
The Winestand' Spirit Gazette asked
the oft -repeated - question: "Why
not follow the tiny -honored practice
of' all ages and le`Ave every man free
• to think what lie pleases?"..' To this
Castoria is truly a marvelous thing
for children. Doctors prescribe it,
medical journals recoulfnend it and
more than a million mothers aro us-
°- the Herald replied as follows : "Be- I ing it in place of Paregoric,Bateinan's
• cause if he clrinls intoxicants he is Drops; so-called soothing syrups and
likely to interfere with the rights of - other narcotic and stupefying reme-
society-in general, by insulting, in- ' dies. Castoria is the quickest thing
it '111endangering'Or 111 '
1 u1C1C]'in ' toregulate the stomach. r' '
and bowels
g, . ,,j �'
some once else, or destroying the pro- , and give healthy sleep the world has
• perty of others; . not •to mention the • ever seen. It is pleasant to the. taste
increased criminal expenses that. ab and absolutely' harmless. It rclievet
staining,' people are taxed to pay. !constipation, quiets pain, cures diary-
' - And because one ,'s ` personal ' luta, and wind colic, allays feverish -
liberty ends where the rights of ness, destroys porins, and prevents
community begin." I Convulsions, soothes the, Child and
* * * ! gives it refreshing and natural sleep.
A plain talk with the ' boys. Do Castoria is the children's panacea --
you want to know, says the editor of ; the 'mother's friend,
American Youth, where the boy 1 Castoria is put up in one -size
usually begins to be, fast ? With a bottles only. It is not sold ill bilk.
cigarette. It is the lad's first step to Don't allow anyone to sell you any
L i
A Blessing t4 Even I vusfN�•e .
These retncdies have stood the test of fifty yours experience, and ere t.Imentheect the 11,14 1.c
fluidly MN.
Punt) the blood, correct all disorders of the LIVER, ST+J (l.WH, til ins lir r• .. '
invaluable in all cospllabite incidental to females of all Le r.
1c 1
Is the only reliable remedy for bad legs, mos, ulcers, and old wauude.THROATS1'(ph 11tt:NCnly
1116E Kl :i ITtIIAS NO lF U4I.. than uta t tredToniy at Id, Now Oxford. In to l i tint id Structs
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the world.
L 'Pur:pagers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the uddreM t
638 Oxford titreet, Loudou, they are spurious.
® _ ILD
WHY DONTe rnrn In1 �� nn��-yv1-�
YOU TRY /T1. r. ' o lI;�I IT IR 4�J lei '?
'"IT WILL ,il;LP W0NDgRsp'UL4Y
OR TH S BEST V _ 1 ,i '.:
P I� '�–1 . f •. ygr yg
yp . l .Y
Cheap for KAR P,
rately, if ever, calls for the removal It is with flowers as with moral
of a large branch. qualities, the bright are sometimes
Slow growing trees or vines should
poisonous, but never the sweet.
be set in richer soil, fast growing Perhaps one of the surest marks of
olies on poorer ground. sobriety and intellir,ence is having a
Tho currant meet's a cicep rich. pleasure in the convelsatiou- of age.
soil, rather moist, in 'order to bear When reflecting violently upon the
large crops of choice fruit. faults of others, hesitate a lllolilent
1111(' SUM 1 upyour own shortcomings.
1to Ol tC07111n 'S.
f •tilt of old trees is
richer and more highly flavored that Don't always thilik that other 1
tllcic front young trees. people's eyes' need doctoring. It
Allowing the ('esti limbs to remain
may be that you can't -see straight
on the tree only robs the live parts of yourself'.
needed sap and greatly injures the. Patient endurance, of' misfortune
fruit. will alone half conquer it, while• '
Plants do not receive all their food impatient murmuring docs but in=1
through the reefs, but take' a con-
siderable portion of it through the. All true work is sacred;' in all ,
leaves.. - . . true work, were it but true 'haled'
Grape vines should always be and labor, there is something of I r.
t . pruned ill Mild weather during the • 'ineness. Labor, wide as the earth
bravado, resistance of sobs t morality, , thing else on the plea of pl omise that 'las it sill
curl n limp' at•n,, i17 disobedience. _Tnaf if is =lino: as rnnnrl'� and "will answer winter in order to avert bleeding in
now take the matter on the scientific every purpose." SCC that you get
the spring.• Much ostentation and much learn -
unlit in heaven.
side. - Tobacco blights a boy's finest C -A -S -T -O -R -I -A. Fresh sawdust should not be lug seldom dgo her.
The sun
rising tool I‘ 1' m'tl:eb lone•
pOWOl'a, reit, muscle, COOSOlellee. The fac-
• Nations alio, legislating against it., stUeolo,e
Germany, with all her ,,smoke, says : of
No tobacco in schools. It spoils their
braids and tushes tllelll x00 s't'all fol'
n 'Lula.fol mu et ng, c p t 1 shadows; At midday, . when he is
G wrepP r. let it partly rot, or better still, use it
highest, none at all.
• It this way'.very act of life --all , our word,
✓ I Deep lova can do 'latch even when it will answer both as a manure and
and study, and enjoyment, our tcnlp-
sOlClit+rs. Knock at the n Leat 111111- , , L , tatiolls, our sins, our repentance, our
1 n in deep poverty. I n1n1Ch. 1whether we think it or no6t---2fM:when °WI run down"
for bedding in the horse or core
stable, and then apply.
tary institutions of Prance No, to-
bacco is the response. rr'ry• West
Point and Annapolis—Drop that
cigarette, is the word. Indeed, smok-
ing bbys are' not likely to get as far
its tll'at, Major Huston, of the marine
corps, who is in charge of the Wash-
ington navy barracks, says that one
flfth of all the boys examined aro
rejected for heart disease, of; which
linty»nine eases in ono hundred Colne
front cigarettes. 'lis first question is:
Da you • snlole ? No, sir, is the invari-
able reply. •l3ut t'la 4ecord is stalnp-
cd. on the very body of the lad, and
Out he .goes, Apply for a position hi
a hank. If you. use boor, tobacco or
• .faith, our virtue, are preparin& 118
No ,e,00d man 'can ever be happy
The spring MAdioine.
IteJIU it1Rl lil/uLLLQJtl-A/UNiV duty. effects of \t',Lr'.0 weather, you need a good "
There 1S 710 11101e • pitiable sight to l-tonic.and blood. pnrifier like hood's Bora- i Arany persons when not foolishly
_ l,n,.tlt,. lin rvn! not n# tak!tYr, ih. iVnmrtr- 1x111(1 Ilse unjustly 11iL1'S11, How much
lovers of their kind, ut any ,uui� Dire little aiIrnettts, if neglected; Will sdtlt. better would it be, if instead of track-
latlghable to its haters, than two break up the system. '
persons falling into love rooted in
lake Hood sbursa- !log from situ' to side between favor
and disfavor, they would endeavor
to keep the mean line of common
Anything that adds to thr lleatneSS I'iool>'s Plr,rtsare the best family cathartic jtlstiec.
and beauty of the holm and its be-* p.a. liver Medicine. 1larinless, reliable, •
parille, now, to expos disease and give you
strength and appetite. w -r
longingsnotonly increases the orwner's, I Most of our 'misfortunes are t1101'e
pleasure, tut fosters r('iiliclucltt 1111d i . 'ls'ell arranged time is a 'i 111 of supportable than the comments of
well -ordered ell•orderetl '''flit', a our friends open
real betterment of the llouit'hold• .
X. D. •C. Nils the best laxatwe k. D. C. 111 the Justly celebrated Use K. D. C. for mdisoretxons of,
for children. teKfng- of Dyspepsia Cures." diet,
/ (y
• Or'1is•
having Featherbone Corsets,
Refuse all substitutes.
See they are stamped thus:
PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No 20110. -
• Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
in 20 MINUTES also Coated Tongue Dizzi-
' ness, Biliousness, ]'gain in the Side, Constipation
Torpid Liver Bad Breath. To stay cured and
regulate the hovels. VERY NICE TO TAKE.
25t 50c&110
Cures Cobiinmption, Coughs, Croup, Sore
Throat Sold by til vrn eists on a Guuantee.
Fara Lame Side, Back or Cheat Shiloh's Perone
Plaster will give grtl� t eattsfaction.--v$ cehts. o
/Srs. T. S.Jiawit1nr, Chattanooga Tent. s!typs
"> 11foloh s Yitalt.^,cr • iiAV1JD :il�'Y L111'E. T
Maideritthxbestre�ncdp foradab.ittatedattstetn
lover tided." ForDyspepsia, ,L11 er or Sidney
tremble it expels. Price 76 ow.
Have you Catarrh 1' Try tine Remedy. Ittlrin
lv,rltivoly relieve and Cure you. Price 60 eta,
Ih13 Injector for its successful treatment IS
furnished free, Remomber,Shiloh'sltemed1e
are told en a ima ante° to give Satisfaction.
rrrtr x the Ti.
R Crau Educaler.
J' Ten years wore
spent revising, Wo
editors employed,
and ov$;00
.;i expended.y300-
1.' RvererbvC0
+; shsaversould own JtbtS
' Dictionaryallg.ttedtiV�is -tt.$n-:
concerning the Itis»
tory, Spelling, pro-
nunciation, and
meaning of words.
AL l ibrary in .Itself.. It alsoive's
tho facts often wanted concerning eminent
persons, ancient and modern; note(. ficti-
tious persons and places; the countries,
cities, towns, and natural features of the
globe; translation of foreign quotations,
words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc., etc.
This Work is Invaluable in Lhe
household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro,
fessional man, and self -educator.
!'ho Globe, Toronto, says:— i
TSIs new dictionary Is the best book of its kind
In the English inngunge. For every family, the
members of which have mastered the art of read-
ing, its purchase will prove apmfltable investment.
2'ho Times, Hamilton, says :-•••
It may Weil be pronounced the beat working
tlonm91(,,d tete cheapest book in the world, nail .
should be to every school antifamily lit Canada,
ZZavcyourfookselier show it ie YO u.
S G ::: C. iMMem
Sprtn i leTd,,1!oss.,t;.&4. wtBSTrP':I
✓ 5�7`+�"e nM hnv rty'.gp nelo•
.,-gasp. •c:n!m . u: tutcicut INTEI2.�.rAT.ONA
r.1 est' I„CT'0"..'11It
•,'•�t..11tt!r•N»'n1rt1•P��!1•r, .-
& Neu ra'.
OF THE..,.,,,. � ' 1
PJi&!tL o USTglt