HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 2x.
11• ,`me1iiiqaiu
FRIDAY APRIL 18, 1894.
(.1 the side
• or 0 and then t d
' third mom, � l
shoots will push out. The following
year the side shoots will gleed to be
cut off, and SQ on year after year.
• In this way we give the peach trees
more firm and producing branches
which they are not inclined to grow
EDITORI:4L NOTES. without outside interference. All of
these young twigs produced by the
LooKsI 110w as if the embargo numerous side shoots are the ones
Inst Canadian Cattle entering, the that are apt to produce. fruits, and
tisk Illtlrket will soon be removed. consequently no space is lost o11 the
1 - ' b passed in
n . (� has been t A rsoz uT . . IThe cherry trees need' pruning
M 1t1w' British House of Couhmona iI1 when young, Diet+ after they .Have
Scotland giving r <) n Home Rule, their 1%a c, it is harmful ;flavor a „lti ln�, 5(. tea d tbc411 given s , pI 1
thele Tllis
i e tit 11 011 1
giving country to clo 1 gaol 1 1
and gi> tn,', that e.)ttlttry a 1
on the salve principle tis proposed for tree heals up slow3y after being cut,
1 and even a-bruisei'or cut will rule for
Tin Minister ofi Finance and Gov-' a long time. Alltthat is needed for
these trees is a little thinning out of
cutting off of dead
ICES need pruning
hat is the only way
as broughtdowniii the l?nd�et and
make shapely trees. They will
�' not do it tliemse'ves. Free pruning
i 'S altogether, �)(' lfl:el ' 1 great many
it It (tl 1,
eminent are being besieged with the branches and
deputations on tiff hatters. But limbs. The qui
very few are satisfied with the tariff every year, and
changes will be made by the Govern- of these trees ge wally means a good
1neIlt before the session closes. crop 0 '
f rich liq "Id food.
e Spring
needs a good medicine•
doh have accumulated in
ie cold months must be'
he mild days come, and
g air is lost, the body is
me 'by debility or some
he remarkable success
Hoa. Ma. liowELr. introducted the 1 in
new Insolvency Bill in the Senate on Tee i e y
1110 ilnpnriCies wl;
Tuesday. It provides for two classes the blood or during
of bankrupts ---traders and farmers. thexpeffect of brae,
Traders can only Assign on petition liable to bediseaseover
and farmers voluntarily. All incl- achieved by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the
"Fent failing to secure a discharge many words of praise it has received, make
'within a year can Obtain it after that it worthy your confictence. We ask you
time without the consent of creditors. i give this me good.datrial. , We mo sure
it will da you Read the testimonials'.
'Estates under e5,000" may be sum- published' in behalf of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
n1firily wound up. The bill has all 'from reliablf grateful people. .they
tell the story.
been framed with a view of simplify-
ing the preceedingai and lessening the Laohie Wulon on House -Letting.
costs .10 as great an ('Stent as pos-
sible, and consists of 131 clauses.
THE Soutll Carolina Governor is
finding some trouble in enforcing the
State liquor law: :Last week, the
residents of Darlington, a small
town, undertook to drive out n 11n111-
ber of constables: who were sent
there b. ` the Governor to ferret out
e �
violates of tlx: law, and a serious
encounter' ensued. Several were
killed on both sides, and a number
wounded. The • state forces were
called out, but their services • were
not required. No licenses are issued
in. the state, and all liquor, except
what is sold in :contravention of the
law, is sold in dispensaries kept by
the state.
Cold Weather Pruning.
Most young and `old orchards need
a certain amount of pruning at this
Season of the year to make them do
their best. No^orchard should ever
need heavy pruning at any season of
the year, fox the well-conducted' Ye great ,+ omineril that yo are ;
orchard is mined a little several that's no the question ava; I'm no'
times. a year so that excessive cutting talkie' o' mysel', but o' the • puir
of the limbs w'il never be 'demanded. workin' man. D'vc think I ha'ena
- Ileavy prunin always works injury au e'e to look ayont,my ain-fire-en' ?
by, devitalizin the tree, and 'unfitting • 0, wumman, ye wid mak' everybody
thein for resis.,ance of cold weather, as selfish as yersel' wi' never a
dry spells, an the attacks of fungi • thocht aboon yer ain petty pleas -
And insects. ,Occasionally decaying ures and falderals. Noo, will ye
limbs, or t e* wrenched and broken listen to Inc a meenit, and no look
by heavy winds, will need to be sae stippit. Tick' the ease o' a jiner,
sawed off, hitt otherwise no large or a mason, or'a penter, or a porter,
limbs should ever require destruction. or onything y like. What does the
In the young orchards a little work puir &bids keit whaur they'll be next
now will give the trees a better start year ? In tell words o' the poet they
this spring. • Branches of apple trees may a' say: .We're here the day
that are out of proportion should be and awe the iluorn'.
..,cut off, and those should be thinned But he can;;let his hoose to some
out that will 'be too close together ither tenant •
- - when full. grown. Young orchards ' Will ye hand yer tongue and no'
need the pruning generally at the interrupt myiffow o' poetic language?
head, as it is here that the brandies As I was satin', we're a' richt the
get too thick. The branches should noo, but whaur will ye be next
• be trimmed. off clean from the ground' week? As 4 (laeent' elder yince re -
to six feet up, for a low branched marked, if y waukent up some fine
tree is always a nuisance. Make the,mornin' and
trees straight and symmetrical, even wid ye be th
if it is necessary to use ropes and • Noo,, if a mai,
.stakes to hold thein in proper position. ' gang and se
It'll no daei llarget ; I tell ye it'll
no dae, and i� ye bother,' c nee ony y
mair aboot st.)ppin' and flittin' I'll 1
flit mysel, an leeve ye to pey the
rent as best 1••ye can, But, my certy, I
y c.'ll find thetvant o' the water when
the waal rias';dry.
Whit are y ii haverin' aboot noo,
Loch*? I'nl Aare I only asked ye to
notice thatfactor left the
fill upthe no't1
to see if ye're gaunt to flit or bide,
And whit richt has the factor or
you either to speir atm fewer months
afore the term. whether I'm sittin'
still or gaun al a
I suppose it's.;jist the custom.
I Custom . A ;bonny like custom to
compel warkin' men to taletheir
•hooses for sixte n months when they
dinna ken whey ier they'll be here or
there or in Garnav el, and, atwell-a-
wat, it's eneudi to drive folk there.
But, Laehiel ye ken that ye ha'e a
business o' ye# ain; and it disna mak'
Muckle odds Io you.; for yell be
here, or hereftboot, next year if ye
leeve to see't u
ud yersel's deed, whaur
Ay, owre n . 7
11•i s re tl uc.
loses his job he mann
anither yin, ad div yo
If the young trees have been neglect- mean to say tae's to gang goon' and
red saw off neatly the limbs that gave coon' in a wee circle jist twit -three
thelll an ungainlyappearance. They yairds in diameter frac Itis ain door;
ill do letter ,for this work even or is he to tat' a wide survey o' the
'though when quite old. Pear trees great and mielety toon, and maybe
will stand the salve treatment as the fa' in wi' abillit three or fewer
apples, only more branches will have miles frac hi§( peaccfu' abode, whaur
to be cut away to prevent them from he's brocht Lip his bit weans and
interlacing. This tree, is far more Oen them their skulein ? It's a' wry
branehy than the apple, and it is weel for you; to say he care find
apt to snake sac' a network of anither tenant, Yell mind. that
brunches as to interfere seriously there's twa„ to be thocht o' in that
with the growth of fruit. , bargain. There's the factor's snash
The peach trees and apricots are to staun' ling,. there's the tenant's
seldom pruned by the average farmer. baw-bees to (lolled, and after a', mal -
and there has grown up rL feeling be, the mail 110 worth a fnurclil�;
that the trees will not stand this work. land then wit gets the piper .to pey ?
reality few trees are more .'fell me alai Man liar et ye (11111ra
I3�tt in 3 , Marget,
'fitaare►iite'd by limning them than theken ye're bc2rn, for I tell ye ye have
• h and apricot. It is only by l glee idea aberet the hardships o' the
• ming that a,;(xtd,g:•owtli of young;llaund-toano'tth folk wha lia'e to talc'
cl is obtained, and without new � wark Svhaul . they can get it, and
0(1 no frith: will be produced. him oot at fl e, in the mornin' to be
ose trees need pruning every year at the rin in, 0' the six o'clock bell,
last year's vigorous growths But they calx get anither home
ltee topped nit Cut them f)ff near their wjlrk.
TJTE WIN 'UUAM 'l ES, APRIL `13, 1894,
`b no.they
Maybe ' andmaybe a If
a .n�
doe, they'll11 110 pey for't, because
the waist feel: o' the hooses will' a' ;
1)e ta'orl up,, 811' the rents will gang
lip like 1Viiildn'. When yince the
hooses are Wen at this tinge o' the
year its only the sllauehly shells wi'
leakill' rootia and rattiin' winch. s
that onybody can get at an o(1(1 time,
Noo, d'ye follow me ? Jist you look'
at the tickets that are cot the noo,
but in a wee while the maist 0'' them
11 that wants
l( .11' ' andel 'L tt a
awn' �n
to flit after this mond; may whistle
on his thoom for tG hoose.
propose, L' lfc'
1 0a
1 1 �' 't 111( c 1
.11( 11►r �
, •
' L the thing
O' sure l doe tl1
for 11n s l � e (, I(l a
grand if ye were 1 Parliament ?
1'4'llisht, wllltl111 n, na11e o' yer ble-
thers ; but whit wid doe is this—I
wid hale shorter pt. intuits and shorter
tacks. A month i long enough for
onybody wha basil a settled job,and
a month's rent is
nough money for
ony working man 1 to pey at a time.
Ile could either bit- thirty years orthirty clays, jist as 1'ye liked, and then
he could gang whittle his work was,
Let the gentry, like oorscl's, stick to
yin' hoose. so long asp„ we can pey oor
' the fine -coated
a nlalk. .
j(: a philosopher,.
No, I'm 110'; at least, I dinna think
1 am ; but 1 bgen whit I'm talkie'
aboot, and it's a' pea 1 sense.
Weel, weel, , my num, here's the
paper, and when ye' c Ellin' it up I'll
jist bring yea bit t othf'u' to sign it
Man, Maret, ye'
but I'm Sayin' ye
aboot yer long leas
I tell ye, Marget, it
Spend Your Outing othe Great Lakes.
Visit picturesque ackinac Island. It
will cost you . only about $12-50 froth
Detroit; 515 from 1 ole o, 518 NanCleveland, for the round trip, including
meals and berths. A'• void the dust and
beat !y travelling on:,the D. &C. floating ,
palaces. The attttetjona of It trip to the
Mackinac regiop'aro unsurpassed. The
island itself is a trrttnll romantic spot, its
climate most. 'invigorating. Two new
steel passenger' ateatr ers have just been
built for the a ppe ,:lake mute, costing.
5300,000 each. They' are equipped with
every modern conte ience,annuuciatnrs,
bath -rooms, ete., illtininated throughout
by. electricity, and ali•e guaranteed tube
. the grandest, large and safest steainers
on fresh water. '1' ese steamers favor-
ably compare w' h the great- ocean'
liners in construction and •speed Four
trips per week bet}veen Toledo, Detroit,
Alpena DMaekanm; St. Ignace, Petoskey.
Chicano, "Soo," 11'iarquette and Duluth.
Daily between Qeveland and Detroit.
Daly between Cl veland and Pet -in -Bay.
Tao cabins, pa ors and staterooms of
these steamers le designed for the com-
plete entertainm . nt of humanity under
home conditions the palatial equipment,
the luxury of tb appointments, makes
traveling on tl'o a steamers thardughly
enjoyable. Sen for illustrated descrip-
tive pamphlet. J3.ddress A. A. Schantz,
G. P. & T. A., IL & C., Detroit, Mich.
rent—though 11 --til ll 1
t o „ z le
scoondrels dli.iltl pey�
:flan, Lachie, ye'
c an awfn' yin ;
Ikeda talk to me
for it'll no clae;
1 no dae.
Half starved
winter. 1
Do not feed rain as an exclusive
diet. •
Lessen the -pease as much as pos-
Keep the la'iing liens from getting
too fat. 1
Don't espee poultry to thrive. in
damp quarter
Lime is a g
in the dust -bat
Fowls shout
can catch one
Beat scrap
week will helll
Pointers. •
hens never lay in
od material to sprinkle
be so gentle that you
lin the soft feed twice a
ralong the egg product.
Dr. Charles Edward. -Se-
L ` thefamous 11 "ti gal died in
( physician,
1 n P .*
Paris on the 2n(1 instant. He was
76 years of age. Dr. Brown-Sequard,
the celebrated play si tau and physio-
logist, was born ' in ilfallritins in 1817.
His father Was bora in Philadelphia
and hislltOtller was anativo of France,
1)1•'. Brown-Sequard claimed to 'have
discovoreda rejuvenatillgelisir which
would restore to its normal condition
the exhausted vitality of mall. IIis.
discovery created a great furore in
the medical world and was the sub-
1jeet of exhausti� discussion in the
Tho clixwas.obtained from
press. 1
certain oriz
s live 'animals or
those recently killed, and was aces
ministered by means of sub -cutaneous
injections, 111 1890 be -explained his
discovery and his application in an
elaborate paper.
Dear Sirs : 1 ha4 been using Burdock
Blood Bitters for boils and skin diseases,
.and I find it very good as a cure. As a
dyspepsia cure 1 Rave+ also found it un-
equalled. 1
Mas SAuAiI aura, x, Montreal, Glue.
The convict 1l1ac1Vller'rell, 110w
lying under senteee of death. in
Brampton gaol, 11 given notice of
appeal for a new t ita1 on the ground
�iie1 evidence in
of tete discovery o 1
leis favor since In conviction. On
Friday was the tat day allowed by
the law in which cel notice could
be tiled. Mr. Ro ' lette, his solicitor,
declares he has n 1ch testimony to
offer, but ije has 1 ot yet divulged its
Relief in six hov4•s: Distressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours by the "Great(ISouth American Kid-
ney Cure." This gr {at remedy is s. great
surprise and delight $a physicians on ac-
count of its exceedin promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the'blad er, kidneys,' back and
every part of the ori ary passages in male
anti female., It regi es retention of water
and pain in passing t almost immediately..
If you want quick re,gief aril cure this is
,your rewedy. Soli at Chisholni's drug
store. •,y.
The electors of Neer York, Brook-
lyn, Staten Isla,lc'1 and smaller muni-
cipalities adjacen will, in November, �,e pp
t on a ro est to
unite the
in one city. In tthe event of' the
proposal being aclhpted, and it very
likely 'vj11 be, tlle'1lalne of New York
will probably di ppear and that of
Manhattan, the t lie given by the
early Dutch set rs to the Island on
which the city Inds, take its place.
Burdoet>; B1; od Bitters cure Dys-
Wrap ever;, fowl for a private cus-
tomer in a put'e white table napkin
and let theyer remove it and
return with t �e pay.The inclesti cable stoneware drink-
ing r'
f unttLins � c, as gooda
we have seep and have the advant-
age of being heap.
Left -oven cabbage and celery
plants and ga; dei;• gL'eens should go
to the shut -hi poultry, They are
useful meat ace egg producers.
Put bones iii the stove and allow
them to burn ` white, when they can
be easily pulverized. Mix this with
corn meal and feed twice a clay to
the fowls:
On all farms large amounts0 o f
grains, grass seeds and other foods
find their way into the barnyard,
there to rot. ` The sharp eyes of the
hens discover this loss, and save it to
owners by producing eggs.
Duty is carrying all promptly and
faithfully the affair now before you.
fulfil to -da ` the claims of .
It is to u 5 r1
Children, ',ai 1s of weak diges-
tive 'organs can be eared by K.
D. C. '
-Burdock Blood
Burdock Blood
Burdock Blood
Burdock Bloo
'clogged secretion
ing headaches a
The sale of
Shorthorn cart.
will, aecordi
take place on
catalogue t'
animals will .
Geo. Barlow
died. Monday
aged 78. He
i' Bitters cure Constipa-
Bitters pure Biliousness.
n' itters cure Headache.
1 Bitters . unlock all the
of the Bowels, thus cur-
airnilar complaints.
the entire herd of
e of Bow Park Farm
to announcement,
pril 25, and a large
splendid pedigreed
put up at auction.
a veteran of 1837,
lorning at Belleville;
liaci lived there for 58
.F0arho removal
o ms o a in
wr fllk d5of
frotnchildren or adults,
use OR. SMiTH'S
LOzENGES. Always
prompt, reliable, safe and pleasat4t, requiring no
after rediclne. Never failing. Leave no bail after
ects, 'li'ioe, 25 cents per Box
This Witi InterestEver-
Best Coa i Oil at 12 1-2
cents per ! .perial gal-
lon, or a can containing
the equivalent of five
American gallons for
50c., exclusive of pack-
age. lj
American Axes, 5oc. to 65c.
Crosscut Saws, 45c. to $i,00
per foot. r
We to -day reduce our
quotations on Binder
Twine one cent per lb.
• _ ' V — Wingbam.
Josephine Street VINghanl, Ont,
J. A. II ALsTsn, J. W.
Monet I�brest.
Deposits Received and Interest
, Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men
On long or short time, on 'endorsed 'notes
or collateral security. Salo notes bought
at a fair valuatiqn. Money remitted to all
parts of Cauada.5t reasonable charges.
Special Attention Given to Col-
lecting A.ecounts and Notes.
Agents in Canada—The Merchants' Bank
of Canada
Rheumatism ured in a day.—South
American Rhea atic Cure of Rheumatism
and Neural°gra r ;as
cu1. to 3 daya:
Its action on th, systemlly is remarkable acid
mysteriotts. Ierernoves atponce the cause
of the disease i0:mediately disappears. The
first aose gizatly benefits. 75 cents.
Warranted at Caisholm's drug store.
Detective 'peer has gone to
Montana to 1 estigate the alleged,
confession the of the lean who says
lie committed le Port Credit murder.
Some lniscre nt threw a 25 -pound
keg of blasting powder, with fuse
attacllecl, into t e office of the News
at Tweed, Ont., on Saturday night,
but the fuse ecamc extinguished
and the scheme: failed.
s e � site
.P .
oust; anon Va
and Souringof•I
Heart, Distress
Blood Bitters ar
pepsin, if faithful'
Men of carne
temp)Iatiole exe
fluence over me
see Dizziness;Headache,
fable Appetite, Rising
.ods Palpitation of th
ter Eating. Burdock
guars ted to cure Dys•.
tined according to direc-
t thought and con-
cise a wonderful in -
of action.
prompt answer and a = onest opinion, Write to
Di f1 NN & CO.. who ;ave had nearly fifty years'
experIOne in thep56 a bueinOQse. CommuniCa-
hens strictly confiden al. A Iiandbook of zh.•
formation etneerning 'etente and how to ob-
Lain them sent free. so a catalogue of mochas.
teal and sere n Eon bo r Bent free.
Patents taken for Rh Munn ,i Co, reoe)v6
special notice In h
p 0 0o the 7 entitle. Amcrienn. mid
thus are brought "rid y before the nubile with -
Mit c"wt to the Inve or. Thllt splendid paper,
leaned weekly, elegant tlluetrated.bat byfar the
tersest oiroualation or ny scientific work in the
world. nnr damn m tbly 84.60 sent
r Bingle
copes, 25 cents. 'Dv ry number eentain's beau-
tiful plates. in ootors, and photographs of now
lhousees,,awitti, glans, enabling Welddee�rs t0 chow the
latest designs
td CO„. Navr Yens, :81 BROADWAY.
Office Hours—Frani 0 a. m. to 6 p.` m.
• . A. E. SMITH,
Oxainx OTB DIV.
COURT, Co. Hunoa,
CoMlIIssION$ IN H. C. J'., ETC.
Wnox trEn, ONT.
/ L .
GEORGE '•tU0141SOD, Proprietor.
Lumber o4 all kinds,
''First -c, ass Shingles,
an { Cedar Posts.
Car Load Orders a Specialty.
WOOD delivered to any part of Wing -
ham. ' aCi
reenters mail 1iolnptly attend co
Box i-
Widti haml?.A
sacs, LO&GS; i.OGS,
The highest Caslji price paid for any
quantity of good
deliver 1 in our yard.
Call and s before disposing ,of
your Timber.et rf of
g p
Cusum Sa yin�,Pfai�ing
done them') as the c eapest and satisfaction
gua nteed
All ' 'i
-i n ds of
Rough and Dressed Lumber, • Lath,
Shingles, &o.,
kept Constantly on grand •
(� edinOam ;Darn �•le
--AT 'rinI—
;subscription price, $1 per yenr,inadvancb
Space ; 1 yr. 1 O,mo 1 8 No tno•
One Ooluhiu - $o0. 00 S•l0 0(_i $2Q 00' .1..1 Se' or,
30 OU 1 1200
Quarter 00 1 0
2 00
80U 0
0 '
line Inch 5
per leis
uente 8oline
d advertisements,
th casuald
Le •al nd other Legalsubsequent
[or first insertion, and 80. par lino foreach
e rtion.
to o
Looel notices lea pe. lino for eget insertion, and
5o. perline for each subsequent tusertier.. No local
notice will be charged less than 250.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations.
and Business Chances liranted, not exceeding S lines
nonpareil, 51 per month
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8
81 for that month, 50u. per subsequent month
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for local advertisements, or fo,
longer periods.
Advorllsentonts and local noticeg without specific
dircotione, will he ineortod till forbid and char •ed
aeoordingly. TrailMory adverttaomeuts ;nus be
paid In advance
Changes for contract advortir.:ments must be n
ithe office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
that week R. ELLIOTT
B. TOWLF•1t. AI,D.C,Af.,
VV .
Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario
—Coroner for County of Iluro
°M ollp•statrs, next to Mr Morton's 'Wee, Wing -
ham, Ont. '
Orrin 1J outs. -0 to 12 it. in., Y to p. in., or at.
Residence; Diagonal Street.
JP. KENNEDY, 1I. D., M. 0. P.S O.
. (Successor to Dr, J. A. Meldrum.)
Gold Medahst'of Western University: Late House
Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special erten•
tion paid to diseases of women and children.
Office—Formerly occupied by Dr: AI old rum,Corner
of Centre and Patra•t streets.
Private mid Company funds toloan a lowest
interest. No commission
charged. Mortgages, tet, n
and farm propert3 bought and sold
Winghem Out
• U rr 111111 ter Ete. .
Office—Meyer Block, Whigham.
L• Is ma ufactur,ng arst•class sets of
teeth ,s cheap as they can be :made
in th Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by las now.
process,guaranteed rjlrte,tly safe.
OFFICE : In the cover Block, opposite the
Brunswick House.
Wm. H. M { donald, L. D.
Will visit Gerrie lst and 3rd Mondays
Of each month.
e' 11
D DEANS, Jo., t INoirAM,
MuSales attended in;lany part of the Co. Charge!
r H M
All orders left at the TIMES office promptly attend
ed to. Tor}ns reasonable. •
LlOexaap AVcT10xxsa' FOR Coto rias Hutton Ann
' All gales attended tr promptly and 00 the Shortest
s Moderate
od rOto a
Satisfaction ti6n
Guaranteed. arratigouents 0511 be madathe
DR., J. McASI2,
A1. B. Toronto, ltetuber College Physloi5lis and
Surgeons, Ontatle.
• r' • OOT.&RiO
Money to tioan oti Notes.
tern. .
Money advanced en Mortgages at 51} poi tent, with
1' VIllecig a la end of anyear. ;gotta'
MoLPAN & SON.. and acccy'nis cots "y PO T, Moi
Winghttm, DEC. 7111, 1811$. t Deaver Black Wlnlrhmm, Ont,
,�, (00SP11Orril) BY 31110 1v1NGl al
11In Gild and .s'h'one and .1
Weil call the at'oatlon, of the 'Mg
'10 the fact, that the Woman's ek
Knee 011i01, inerts avers Mender 1
sharp, terrine hour, at Alts. Helm's
rick Street. All ladles are made wi
As the Editor bas kindly given
space, for our work, we ask friends
send items of interest en all moral
day 60 '- qauy of our tunihere, ,..--
A. 3. Ri11I1d( t
that 55,000 Children';); R;
to s hcol
e each morning l rlllrl u
to states of platters is imp
for drink.
W. V e T. U.., Ci
* ,)
There are about 4,000
Great Britain of all de
now using uufernlenteu
sacrament purposes. Mr
Tabornaele is among the
5 -&i • is
It is estimated that
breweries that have 'beer
into limited liability eon
an aggregate of 50,000 s
Fortunately a, large plopor
'aro already in the trade.
* * *
The late Nova Scotia
plebiscite reports are no))
totsll vote cast was nee
cent. of the entire elect(
• Province, which is a law
in any election. The tot
- prohibition amounted to •
against it 11,411), or Ilea:
•'lr * °k
The Canada Presbyter
is a very ably'condueted
magazine and seldom gii
ion 111 regard .to• political
it does not hesitate to
indignation and contetnp
to the methods of tit
Governlnent and its Roy/
ion on the prohibition e,,
the April number, now
- us, after referring to thi
elotto s ofa'
� ,11to
ward Island, ' Ontario
Scotia have all given: mo
verdicts for.prohibition
have ever given to a
•party, it concludes by.
"Meanwhile the. `Royal
is trynlg to find out ,
country is ripe or read
1libition. Language fail
the absurdity of the situ
forbear." .
. * * .
The 1 inciplc oil ark
tionists aim the right
the liquor traffic bylaw
liquor traffic is a s,,urc
` and danger to the whole
—to those who do not d•
• as to those who do. T
Maine, Herald put the c
• logical and reasonable .t
The Winoleand Spirit G
• the oft -repeated • clues.
not follow the time -hon(
of all ages and leave ev
• to drink what he please:
._ the Herald replied as f
causee if he crisps linenlikely to interfere with
. society • in general, by
juring, endaugcrilig o
some one else, or destro'
perty of others; not to
increased criminal expe
staining'peoplc are to
And because one 1111
liberty ends where t
community begin."
* *'
. A plain taik wide tl
you want to know, say
American Youth; 'evil
usually begins to be i
eigttrotte. It is the la(
bravado, resistance ofs
and a . 1 `c '
•hold step 111
in 1
now take the (natter o
side.. 'Tobacco blight;
powers, wit, muscle
• Nations alp, legislatil
Germany, with all het
No tobacco in schools.
,� brains and makes thcr
soldiers. Knock at t111
titry institutions of .1''1
ham) is the 1•esponst
Point and Annapoli
cigarette, is the word,
ing bbys are' not like
as tlrat.• Major Huston
' corps, who is in c11111'
iilgtois navy barracks(
fifth of all the boys
rejected for heart disc
nillty»Mine erases 111'01l(
f1om cigarettes. His
Da You. smoke? No, .
able reply. .But Vie 4
ed on the 'Very body e
out he goeZ, Apply
a bank.. If you use 1