HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-13, Page 1M' a 111E VV ING1iAlI VOL. .XIII. - NO. 1158. Tile Bean never had a more desirable stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes than it has this spring. We have paid special attention.to your wants thio season, and have watched the markets closely to your advantage. ,- Our Dress Goods, Detainee, Challies and Prints are the most exclusive in Wingham. We call particular attention to our Black Goods, is forl prize. color, quality y an d p to Re- member that we are the only house in'town who import Dry Goods direct from the • •foreign markets, thereby insuring a saving to .you. Our Grocery stook, as usual, is full, fresh :and well assorted. Our 35 Dent Tea is and always has been the talk of the people; .three pounds for cue , dollar; five pounds for one dollar and fifty cents. . ORR & IISCOCKS, Direct Importers. Tan,]3Lan, March 29th, 1894. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK FAT] RSON, No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. .s••a•eo®•®oat•♦•®coo®o®ee A BEST Place rn loess E to get a Business Ede- cation, Shorthand.9 • etc., Is at the Cen- " tral Business Col- I mlege, Tomato, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- m ereiat Schools. Cala o, nes fr:e. Men- tion this paper. Shaw & lalliutt, Principals,, .0044.0a'.040.4.40.$ aeeta sena ®®eo LOCAL NEWS. sli;or good butter and eggs at R' A. is market grocery, meeting of e Huron Medical ladooiation was h Id in Clinton, on 'Tuesday last. —The 26th ins nt will be the 75th anniversary of the rganization Of Odd- tellows'iip in Ame ca. —The befit brands of oysters, at 30 to 40cts. per quart, at Jas. Mciivelvie's. —The man who gets inad for what the newspaper says abort him should return •thein$s-three times a day for what the ,'neafepaper knows ,bout him and does not nay, fiMr, Geo. Mu grove, formerly of his town, but now located;in Parkhi J. was successful in pe sing for the de ee of D. D. S., at tie) recent University, dentalexaminati ms in Toronto: '"George's" many riends in Wingha will be pleased to h •ar of his success. —Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly -repaired and fully warranted by Hats= Tanis, Meyer Block, Wingham. • —Rev. Robt. Johjston, B. A., of Lind- say, well known to any of our towns- people, bad, the agree of Bachelor of 'Divinity conferred upon him,, at the Presbyterian collect, Montreal, last week. • ---The Fraser Dramatic Company con- cluded their weak in Wingham on Satur- day last. The comm my is one of the 'hest that has ever vii :ted this town, but they Wbre not as well atronized as some inferior troupes who eve played here. —Oranges, Pineapple*, Cocoanuts, Ban- anas, nas, and a large assortment of canned goods, pure maple syrup, at the cheapest pricer;, at ,las. MoXelvie's. —An 'experienc f fruit grower says thatthe fruit grow rs have reason to be thankful •for the Doll snap of the past two wmeks. If the warm weather had lasted, it would b ve brought all the fruit trees into bid, to the ruin of the whole year'' Drops with the first frost. The col weather checked this tendency; and it is believed that trniiitrprospeets aro a 1 right. -- Last friday, r. S,Youhill, real estate agent; sold is 120, 127, 128, 123, Diagonalstreet emit, and lots 13O and 131 Carling street west, to Mr. Duncan Moltinlay, G►oune! for for No. 4 Ward; and on Monday las , sold 1oi 439,Leopold. West, hair cit he e, to Mr. Alexander '[tors, 0, P 15 :exp•ess Agent, of this own,w•llo int odeo build a comfortable titylf dwell inc. M Ross is fortunate in thisnos deli lierMringrabl building site for his future lime, WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY,, APRIL 13, 1894. --Mr. H, Day wags away with a load of horses this week. The high windsof 'Tuesday last blew he smoke off �r. T. Bell's furnitm e factory. —Mr. W. It W town, is now in the nese in Seaforth. —Private moneys to loan on, mortgages at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to tf JAHN i\1•:LLANLa. —The Galt Reform r is now issued as an Ilia, formerly of this foot and shoe bus,- -Mr. Walter Ta, or goes to Toronto o Monday to attend the annual meeting -a the Grand Camp of be Sons of Scotland, —For first•olass tailoring and ohe ap gents' furnishings, try Webster & C �. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grouery store, —Regular meeti g of Court Maitlaud, C. 0. F., to-night,(I'Y). A ' idslarge attend- ance ce of members bore requested; election d, a action of officers and other nportant business. —Toronto, Brat ',ford, Guelph, and other evening paper, and tb ; number before us. eastern and southc-'n points were visited.. presents a very credit ble appearance. The "With quite a beau snow fall on Tuesday, weekly will be contintatd as usual. • —Goderich is quiff, excited over the Police Magistriate gues ion, one, section of ratepayers wishing tie appointment of such an officer and the other opposing it. —Beaver Tobacco is absolutely clean. It is the highest grade stook in Canada and the only gentleman chewing. •--Rev. T. W. Cons, of Walton, will preach next Sunday in the Methodist church, morning and e ening. Mr. Comm is a most excellent pret eller. Be sure and hear him, —G. T. R. trains for Toronto and .east leave Wingham at 0.25 a. m, and 11.20 a. m. and 8.45 p. m„ via Clinton and Guelph, Good connections by all trains. -=The eighth ant versary of the estab- lishment of the -salvation Army in Wingham will be .1ebrated next Satur- day, Sunday arid lionday. Oe Monday evening, a grand ju'-ilee will be held, 10 be lid by Ensign ac:1 Mrs. Fraser. 'L -From the advera ;sement .of the In- spector of Licenses '1)r West Huron we learn that the followi ig parties, in addition to the present holden: of licenses, have applied for licenses in- Wingham, for the coming license year: .hn Dxnsley, Dinsley House; S. Merrifield, Park House; Shop License, E. A. Bennet, 'n , : lyn's block. Wanted, a boy a t 16 or 17 years of age, to learn the pri ' • g trade.. Must have a good English eel . • on. Apply at the Times office. —.'rhe Slavery Day Company, a com- pany of twenty colore comedians, gave an entertainment in .the town hall, on Tuesday evening, to full house. The entertainment consist d of scenes on the plantation, cotton 11 Ids, cake walk, wing dancing, etc., as in the days of slavery, and was grea 7y enjoyed by those present. —Ladies, have you' -garments made by Miss M. Johnston, Gregory block, opposite the Queen's Hotel. Latest styles, good work ays first-class fit. -Mr. Jos. H. Vans one, father of Messrs. Richard, William at d Walter Vanstone, of town, passed peace Zully away on Tues- day morning last, in iis 63rd year. • The deceased had been a'iasident of the town for only about a year Doming here from Iiisardine, where In sport most of his life He was -engage - in the marble busi- nesin that town for many' years, carry- ing on a very extensi e business. • He leaves a wife, several sons r nd daughters to mourn his departure. The-; have the Sympathy of the townspeople : i their sad bereove- total, $119.90; by ren ment, , The .interate rat took place in the i oil, $3.50; wood, 815.7 Wingham cemetery+sr Thursday afternoon. $11,80; sick and w =Mr. D. Pringh(bas disposed of his pop business to Mr. H. tloBride, of Biytli, Mr. McBride inttnds ,roving to Wingham, —The Town Co, nail held a special meet. log on Wednesday evening, to consider the Licr ineer's award _n regard to the .1: alit on Edward n,r•.:t. 4ltrt nus during the question, the Con cis adjourned without 7 n ion a il�t tion. . The Easter aul's church There was a goo presented his 1 encouraging one, about five inches falling in the former place of the work was while the people 1 those planes are trudg- ing through severs 1 inchesof the beautiful, we are enjoying fine weather and dry streets and an ant se absence of snow. —We publish i another column, an account of the-dventures of Mr. J, P. MoCasey, of Cinoi ivati, Ohio, son of Mr. P. MoCasey, of Mo -cis, near Belgrave..The yo tng.man has quite a job on his hands, but he appears to -1e a hustler, and no doubt he will be ab ; to accomplish what he has started out t do. =Mr. Thos. J. Stt of this town, has engaged Miss Nora Cleueh for two grand concerts in Walker ani and Ripley on the 23rd and 24th insta',.ta. Mr. Scott Has been ing adjourned. engaged by Miss Conch ancl Miss Colvin was.held on Mon to take pert'in a g-md farewell concert in.I with a. good a St. Mauston the 2."h, instant. Miss Clench' report declared a sai's for London, 1? (gland, on May 1st. I rect. It was de j of the church —A military ball will be held in the i year are : Rector' horticultural pavilic, Goderich, on the 20th 1 People's • Ward° instant. The build lig is capable of hold I Delegates to Sy estry meeting of St.: as held on the 20th tilt, attendance. The Rector port, which was a most showing that all pharee_ n a most Iroaperous cons dition. The fit_ neial statement showed• that the total re eipts for all 1 urposes w ae $5144.47, whirl included. $2719.01 for building fund. After payiug all nlaims, there is a balanm of $23.88 in the general fund, though at he commencemeut ofthe the year tber' was a deficit cf 6132(t.,A. committee was . rafted to suggest afeasitle plan for renting the rews. Also, a co mittee to arran with the Electric tie Company about ighting the church can aI b tsement and onuple of lights outside. The Rector's salt •y was increased 16100 pc r annum. The th, nks of the vestry was ten- dered to the retiri g wardens, and the meet. he a.ljouine l meeting.' ay evening last, 9th inst,'. tendnnoe. The auditor's 1 financial matters cor- sod not to rent the pews o officers for the ensuing Warden, J. H. 13isoocks; , cr. 11. Roderus; 'Lay od, Crowell Wilson and stry Clerk, A: E. Smith; Advisory Cumrnittee, J. ,J3. Willson, T. L. Jobb ing 500 people, an decorated, a professi in hand • The omit will be beautifully IThos. Cornyn; V nal having the minter' Seaton, T. W" etre, which will fur- Norris, L. Hausa nish music for the teecasion will consist of . H. Kerr, C. Wills eight musicians, at I everythipg will be ` done to make this t o event of the season. I Public The regular —A conductor i the Sarnia branch of Boaid was held in the G. T. 13. tel to following story : Tnesds.j evening la The other morn he regular train Messrs. Morton, B was a pretty miss d a fly young man. Galbraith, B n tton Beside the miss there vas a vacant seat. ton, chairmet, presi The fly young man w it up and, indicating meeting read and with a wave of the ha d the empty place, report for the month said: "I beg pardon, b t is this seat engag- ed. The Finance Co ed?" The answer he got was short and the payment of the f direct "No, sir, but am," and he sought Ross, supplies, $9,7, another place to get r sted. telegraphing, 75 cents — Mr. Robt. Mitchel writes the Trams ing coal, $7.50; Jtis. as follows : "Two wee ago I noticed in S. Farquharson, tea the report of proceedin s of our Board of by Wm. Moore, sewn Health, that a statemet t was made con- that the accounts be damning the sanitary c ndition of a cer• Treasurer presented a tain house on' Edwa d street, recently and expenditures for t occupied by my fancily I beg to say that by Thos. Bell, secon the house referred t was thoroughly that the neeistant tea renovated and was whe I left the house, in charge the class pr which I can peeve, and 's as clean as any monly known as the house in town,especiall theparty oi;.parties be given a gratuity o who informed." each teaching day sl :t4 $1 A YEAR IN ADVAN ligl.ta" we must, ilp and doing, for tin e is slipping quick by,and we may lose our oi,portunity, i£ - tarry in well doing. Mrs. Wilson sprat; on the effectual power of "Consecration? nd expressed the neves sity of the Homo orkers' lives beiug con 'iterated to the wo k of Missions, if they are toe b of any ren benefit to their friend"' in foreign fields, wli ' have left all near and dear to them, for th sake of consecrating their lives to the work of spreading the Gospel. Miss. Carrs Macdonald then favored het' hearers s ith a suitable raeita- tion, entitled "Rooke 's Christmas." This was followed by a sol from Miss Helmuth. One of the gentlemen present 'poke for a abort time on Missio work. A. quartette followed, after which t ecolleotiou,atnount- ing to $4,was taken an 1 the melting closed with prayer. A Prominen ,Lawyer. "I have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Emulsion, in which my wife has boundless confidence." Panic & Wagnalls' St dard Dictionary. The first volume f the two -volume edition of the "Sta lard Dictionary,' by Messrs. Funk & W Halls, New York, bas beetf received by t e Timms. It is a magnificent work, soli ly bound its full morocco and finished Hess and elegance uha prods ,tions of that we ing house. We fail t irnpro vent ent could typographically or no most profusely illustr cuts and with sev a that are nothing sho idea cf the magnitud tb the conmplete- aeteristie of the I -known pubtish- see where any e made, either shanicai)'y. It is ed, with excellent •al pages in colors of real art. Sotne of the undertak- Sohool Board. ing and the there': zhness with which eeting of the Sohool , the work has bee t done, may be got he Council Room, on . There Were present, 1, Abraham, Moore, d Griffin. J. A. Mor- ing. Miuiited of last dopted. Principal's f March was receiv- mittee recommended 'lowing accounts: A. C. E. Williams, J. Gillespie, team- euty, printing, 966.75; lug, $3.50. Moved ed by A. Galbraith, aid—Carried. The •eport of the receipts eY ear 1893. Moved d by A. Galbraith, er, who shall have acing what is com- strance• work, shall twenty cents for shall have such o be paid at the end f the teacher leav- Board before the with the last pay- ed. Moved by T. Button, that the issue orders for the or tiro month of meeting then ad - -Capt. Richards, furnishes us with class; said gratuity theefollowing stateme t of the Wingham of the year, or in case corps of the Salvat n Army for the ing the employ of th quarter ending March 31st, 1894 : Sun- expiration of the yea day offerings, 844.70 week -night offer- ment of salary• -Car ings, 819.40; soldiers' 'artridgeb 855.80; Bell, seconded by W of barracks, 826; Chairman and Secretat ; divisional fund, teachers and officers , unded fund, 83; March—Carried. The —Dr. Sinclair, t well known . travelling expense specialist, will b t the Queen's salary, 851.64; postai Rotel, Wingham n Tuesday, the sundries 90 cents; tc-al, $119,90. To in - 24th day • off Ap 1 inst., from 9 come from papers, a t., 811.50; by cash to 0 ,look in the fternoon until,,9 o'clock at nig . Let those who wish to see the doctor take notice of the day, date and hours. Con- sultatlon free. • —Prof, J. Hoyes 'anton, M. A , F. Gt. S. of the Ontario Agri. ultural College,Guelph, has just issued! tLi Agricultural Primer, a brief treatise on geology. The work is intended to supp y teachers in rural schools with the neat interesting facts in Geology, so that th y may beable to give a series 6f talks upon thissubjeot as it Sundayed in Wingham, Mr. Johnson oc- Faith" which exeress• d some very beauti- relates to agricultu . Special reference is cupied the Baptis church pulpit of that ful thoughts, and show d how much has made to the compo ition, origin and. for- town Sunday, pre chine two ' excellent been done for Christ, is faith. Miss Ada matiou of the' soil And also to the eco- , tons. 1 ,'line then sang a s4.o. Some time was mimic products o he rock systems o r: Geo, Kenned' .`ot Itattimore, spent taken up in open dismission on points of Ontario. The write-su - �ests that ifwith his \other Dr.J. P,Even-' 'Missionary interest. firs. Ireland next C gg �w�Sunday Y hours every week b devoted to this work, nedy, of this town. { spoke for a short tirra on "Talents" and the boys and girh and men and women Jas, Walker, of 1 _us.iels, spent Sunday endeavored to show thaw we Hare successful upon farms will sc 1 fn the soil a source of in totvn - 1 only in the practical a of such talents cis $4.95; Captain's journed. y - and drawer, 82.41; Missionary The seventh union Women's Homo and Society was held in April 5th, Mrs. Robert ' Per pals. devotional exercises, t Mr, Wm. Willis, of l:cucknow, was in meeting were read town a couple of day- this week, Mrs. Ritchie, as repres Messrs. Bobt. Blatt and J. W. Sander- gregational Society, son, of Wroxeter, w re in town on Thurs-work Missionaries ar day. ` i China. Mrs Pringle th n favored the meet - 1 Mr. Jos. Bonnett of Listowel, was in ,ing with a solo, which as well received. ' town on Thursday. I Mrs. Morton, represen ing the Methodist Atwood. Bee : Johnson and wife ' Society, read a paper o "Our Missionary Trade department..41.50. eeting. meeting of the oreign Missionary he Baptist church, n presiding. After o minutes of )ast d adopted. Then unitive of the Con - oke of the grand accomplishing in pleasure unknown - ) those unable to read ; Mrs. S. Merrifiel was visiting friends fill we possess. Mrs. Dr. owlet', in speakinrn the great book o nature. The work is' Mt. Vadat during .t a past week, on Self Denial, eudeavc ed to explain that i written in attrecti•. i style and the subients' lltiss I1lary Sa le, of Brussels was the whole Missionary Work was a matter 1 are arranged in :manner best .suited to ' 1 interest and instru►_ the reader, ; 'visiting Mrs. Jas McLauchlin, Shuler of denial of selfish interests, and that our - r - t street, this week, time, money, work and prayers are all for I teat Warning. • l Miss-Birteli, of Corrie, was visiting in! Christ's cause. Mrs. A. McGregor then ; All who are owing Wm, hill by note or town this weep. ;spoke on the "Power ryf Influence,"Ana, account, will 'a the sante to John Nee - lands at once or they will be put in court Airs. Arthur Coo left on Monday last on gave ter hearers swine very insf►etive and , for collection, anoxteuded visit to •'rands in West Branch, useful hints. errs. l o cck, on "Faithful. Wu. Itnln, V. S. 111ich, a loess," showe.l that if we are to be "shining from the following notations from the p'"ublishers' announc, meat: "It is now nearlyfour years :nee this work was begun. There have been engaged in its production 247 odic editors and special- ists, also nearly ' 50 readers for quota- tions. As an indicat a of a determin- ation to make the )tctionary as com- plete and authoritatir' trust that we may not by saying it), we have ,ossibi( offasentd goode tastwee already expended in its preparation near y 8500,000, and by the time the remainin volume is com- pleted, we expect it to cost not much less than one u.illion dollars.The vocab- ulary will be found extraordinarily —, in the e rules t•icb and full, 'and—although 6 t for exclusion of useless words and phrases that have been followed are most ext.oting—far'exceeding that of any dictionary that has receded this. The following actual COU • t of the words and phrases recorded un =r the letter A will ons he language t Dictionary, total nester's Diction - ',983; Stormonth's s in A. 4,692; al) Dictionary, Century Diction - ,621; The Stand- arms in A, 19,736. show to what proper has grown: Johnson terms in A, 2,886; W toy. total terms in A, Dictionary, total .te Webster's (Internati total terms in A, 8,358 ary, total terms in A,1 and Dictionary, total If a word bas two ort ore meanings,the most common ineani g is given first. That le, preference . s been given to the "order of usage" o er the historical order. u The Scientific 1phabet, prepar- ed and promulgated by the American Philological Associati n, and adopted by the American Spelli g Reform Associ- ation, has been used i giving the pro- nouncing of words. 1 isputed spellings and pronunciations ve been referred,. under the direction •f Prof. March, to an advisory committe of fifty philolo- gists in American, o Wish, Canadian, Australian, and East than universities and representative pr-+fessional writers and speakers of Engli..h. If a word in the vocabulary has m 're than one pro- nunciation, the first Liven is that pre- ferred by the Standa d; those that fol- low are from other di• tionaries, In the spelling of names i geography, the decisions of the Unite States Board on Geographic Nacres he e been followed', the comtnittee of tl•at -lnerd kindly con- sented titaness upon al words that might from tittle tgi'time bo s ibmitted to them. Tbnt 'there is a drif conservative ye;, rthesimple forma of spell- ing, toward s p p ing, has been recoguiz'- throughout the, work. ln all words fully Anglicised "e" hes been preferrer to the diphthongs "as" and "Oe," as in fel eltus, home(ee;op- athy, ertejstheti In eases, 1 0s where dli bthon alfotms areetilli •or prevailingly ed in currentlitettatlttt the taq forams ave been tracks vocabulary plae ; 1 Fs esthetics aesthetics erica, usage diff rs, as in the spelling, honor (honour), favor (favour), t simpler form has been given the prem encs, but the En fish, form has also b given a vocabula y place. The spellth of many words n chemistry has be simplified, as tiro in, morpbin, quint ' ulfur. The pia sof quotations used verity or illustra . the meaning of word has ebeen .so ind •cited that,they can I'; easily found—tb nameof tbeauthora the title of the rk,tbe volume,cheiute and page, and t name of the public: and date of p blication being given Great care has en exercised to av the recognition •f needless new litera terms words Dined by the caprice mistaken jodgttent of this or th author. A tom nittee of representati scholars has ptased upon now literal words before tb-y are admitted into th. Dictionary. Tt judgment of the sciels tine specialists hits determined' the ad mission or rejec ion of technical' term In the detinitioe . special pains has b `taken to make t ►e work as thorough a possible, by pre entiug exact and recon meanings and d itinutions, by giving definitive elue tt the great department and divisions of :nowledge, and by mak- ing the general 9etinitions cotnpreben sive and exhaust ve. Each set of worts hen English and has been definecl representative of the handicraft, p or passed upon by be betenee or art, or crty or class, or reli- gious denominatic o, to which the 'tests respectively helm ;. In the vocabulary, ' only proper names or proper terms ds-: rived from them h the been printed w.ittta initial capital Mises- Examples alto ing the proper us % of prepositions have been freely suppled. By a system at grouping applied tc the names of fruits,' flowers, coins, we ghts. and measures 1 the facts concernin f this class of words have been given wilt) very great fulness.' For the first time, it is thought, in dic- tionary -making. an attempt hes been made to reduce t •e compounding of words to a scientific ystem -an attempt rendered necessary I the extraordinary confusion in literate . and lexico. rapbio usage. The pietoria illustrations .lute; let en mane especial; ' for this work, in accordance with the ..eneral rule that • pictures in a cliff my should be.: definitive of the•..objicts A dirtiness should not be a pict re Book; yet this rule has been deviate trom ao far as.t permit the admission t a few pictures, largely because of t eir 'historic or general cyclopedic vas e. The drawing and engraving of 'the lustrations hay been in harmony with ie general plan of the Dictionary, that of having; th work of each department committed, far as possible, to Specialiste. William Little Dandelion Pills' will cure Headache, 13fliousneas,.1 Sour Stomach, eta. Try therm .mei) said, you will not use any- other. Price 26e. box, at all drug stores. Salmonis English. White Oils is the best Family Lutiinent in - tht►' Sprains .ail world. Instant cure for d'. Bruises. Beware of imitations. Ask or Salmon's English White Oils. Dr. King's Wortn Powders are safe and sure. lac. g box. Heatliifield's Healing ing Dalsauu will cure the worst Cold. 1Lundreds of testimonials testily to its merits. Money - will positively be trefundcd if Heathfield f Healing Balsam does. not do all that is clsimed for it. Dr. King's Medical Disc'o'v ery is the great blood purifier. It will make the blood pure and keep it pore. Cures dyspepsia and all forms of stomach and liver troubles. It is the best; buy the best. Price one dollar a bottle, .six' bottles for five dollars. W illitams' :Little Dandelion Pills. $ainitoni's English white, Oils. __ Jr. King's 'i'13`ornit Powders. Heathileiel'ss 3Iettling Btu snub • Dr. piing. s Medical D1s ce' i Are all reliable medicines and the 1 prietors guarantee satisfaction ha ORM or money refunded,