HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-06, Page 8THE WIN GUAM TIMES, APRIL 6, 1,894. and .Wingliatn.-Mias Leila Corley, Mitts MorNI:000. Bertha And xaster Corley spent several days this and last week with Wing. ham friends. macs 6ND VELVETS. Mr. Staunton Agnew left for Chicago on Tuesday. Mr. Join Lennox, of Hamilton, Was visiting in town this week. Clinton News -Record; M. Arthur Knox, of Wingham, was in Clintou last Monday. Isses Matheson and Sutherland, of the eaching staff of the publio school, return- ed on Saturday from spending the Easter colors in holidays with friends, the former in Ayr and the latter in Durham. Mr, Wm. MeLauclalin, of Listowel, is visiting his sister in town, Mrs. Jos. Adams. Mrs. D. McCormick and daughter, of Goderich, who have been visiting friends in town, returned to her home on Thurs; 401.. .Mr. G. J. Reid, of Mt. Forest, has been it f • th t i tin in The largest and most seleet assort- , t of Blacke and Fancy Silks outside eity. Pull line of Black and Colored Silks, Full line of Velvets, in •*oleo; and Black. WOOL DRESS GOODS. All the newest materials and right weight dress g iods, for Spring and Summar wear. Magn!ficent line Pattern = Suits in genuine French goods, just one dress in each pattern. Choice line Frenoh Delaines, in blacks and light shades. GLOVES AND 11.01ITERY, We have added several lines to OUT Cloves and Hosiery, making it the most soomplete stock in town. "SUITS." Have you seen our Spring line of men's 'boys' and children's clothing? Our as - n own or e pas few clays ass s g Messrs. Halsted & Scott's Banking estab. lishment, Mr. C. E. Williams attended a Masonic I lodge of instruction in Harriston, last !/week. A,' Mr. Robt. Patterson, of Erin, is visiting in town. sortment is now complete. All the Spring cloths and mixtures at popular .prices. Big stock of Boots and Shoes, Carpets, lace Curtains and Gents' Furnishings, at M. H. McINDOO'S. CHEAP READINC I Our Clubbing Rates. The TIMES and'Tormito alobe, weekly S 1 50 The Timms and Toronto Empire, weekly 1 75 The Toms and London Advertiser, weekly1 75 The Trots and London Free nese, weekly.- 1 75 The TIMES and Montreal Herald, weekly 1. 60 The TIMES and Montreal Witness, weekly 1 60 The Toms and Toronto Daily World 2 50 TheTIIIES and Montreal Family Herald and Star weekly, and premium 1 75 The Thine and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, Toronto 1 25 The Toms and Cosmopolitan Magazdne,monthly, New York 2 25 The Tates anti The Live Stock Journal and Household Companion, monthly.- .. 1 75 TheTtitss and Farmers' Auvocate, bi.weekly 1 90 The TIMM and the Cult'vator and Country Gentleinan, weekll 2 75 Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned in the above list. Address TIMES OFFICE, Wingham, Ont. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. -See the eake w lk on Tuesday even- ing, April 10th, Tot n Hall. -A No. 1 thoroughbred Short Horn Durham Bull for service on lot 9, con. 2, Ilttorris. HENRY PERDUE, Proptiotor. -A western pape puts it thus: "Oh ! they are wise who dvertise in winter, spring and fall; bu wiser yet are they, you bet, who neve let up at all." -Twenty-five c ns and colored ladies comprise the Slav ry Days Co. That merchant co himself denies The profits h might realize, If in a policy u_ W1130, He fails to fr ely advertise. 1 Spend Your Outing on the Great Lakes. Visit picturesque Mackinac Island. It will east you only about 812.50 from Detroit; 815 from Toledo; KB from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meals and berths. Avoid the dust and beat by travelling on the D: & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region are unsurpassed. The itaand itself is a crand romantic spot, its 'climate Most invigorating. Two new 'steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake rcute, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience,annunciators, bath:looms, ate., illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to be the grandest largest and safest steamers On fresh water. These steamers favor- ably compare with the great ocean liners in construetion and speed. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackanic, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Soo," Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit. Daily between Cleveland and Pet -in -nay. The cabins, parlors and staterooms Of them ateamera are designed for the coin- . •pleb* entertainment of humanity under/ bouts aoliditions;tbe palatial equipment, ' Jam*, of the appointnients, makes , Aterealting on those steamers thoroughly 'eramyelge. Send for illustrateddeactip- pamphlet Address A. A. Schantz, 4. P. & T. D. c., Detroit, Mich.' , Fettfpriabs, T. A. H. Mitsgrote spent Pso h( of lad in Toronto. W. K. Loutit, Bantle Creek, Michi. t a week or to with his parents in ilIrtarnifeg h ci home ),esterday. II' most eimntative: Mr. end Z. Neigh, NI/Ingham, and Mr. 8. of Toren , wers Itacter pests 3 Miss A. M. Hasa is E1Ibollibsys is ParNiat Fruit for the Farm. Fine, fresh fruit, and plenty of it -in variety as well as quality -is what every fanner ought to have. Nothing more helpful to the housewife, anxious to provide a varied bill of fare for the workers in the fields, could be done than to furnish her with ample supplies of luscious, life-giving fruits in their sea- son. Bulletin XCII of the Ontario Agricultural College,published this week by the Department of the Minister of Agriculture, the Hon. John Dryden, is a 32 page pamphlet Of large, clear type, with a number of appropriate Tustra- tions scattered through the text that will very materially aid in bringing about a consummation so devoutly to be wished. !There are five parts to this welcome little book about fruit culture, each dealing with a different line of that increasingly important 'branch of agricultural industry. It is this feature -the variety of fruits treated of -mak- ing the valuable. information given by the different writers available all over Ontario, which is . particularly to be commended in this publication of 'the Minister. Too great credit cannot ac- crue to him for discerning that most de- sirable thing in such a public paper - the widest possible general interest of its sulije:t matter. The introductory article is by Prof. Panton. It treats of the grape and the diseases which detract from suceess in the growth of the vine. The next by J. W. Beadle, formerly Secretary of the Fruit Growers' Associ- ation, tells how the farmer's apple orchard may best he made and cared for. Then follows "Strawberry Culture," by W. W. Hilborn, of Learaington, Ont. It is doubtful whether there is a farm in Oatario on which strawberries cannot be grown profitably for family use, and still there are thousands of farmers who do not grow thew. This should not be the case, as theyOrin be grown with so little trouble and expense. Strawberries ripen during the heat of haVly summer, when such an addition to the diet ie most healthful and necessary. What is more delicious than a ripe plum ? The fourth essay, by Mr. G. W. Cline, of Winona, is devoted to that delectable fruit,. Plum growing is a source of pro- fit too often neglected by the farmers of this Province, With the exception of perhaps the apple the plum can be grown more easily, and cheaply than any other fruit. The last part is a compilation of fruit statistics, showing the numbers of •BtfILN. apple, pear, peach, plum and cherry,-;_,..m.cCoot.-In Wingham, on the 1st n ttees, and of grape vines in the town- instat the wife of Mr. John McCool; adaughter. ships of Ontario, as computed for 1892 Sivrirennariu-In Wingharn, on theist and 1893, from returns seat in by farm- instant, the wife of Mr. D. Sutherland; a . ere and fruit -growers to the Department !_d;ateahteri. w:n ha .1[ORRIS. Mr. Jas. G. Fyfe, of this township, has purchased a very line Durham bull from Mr. David Mack, of Exeter. Mr. Fyfe leis enterprise entitles him to. ••-• BELMORE. On Wednesday (welling of last week, Mr, ,Jus. Hall, one of Belmore's promising. young men, was united:in wedlock to Emma, daughter of Mr. Wm, Irwin. Tbe Rev. A. C. Stewart tied the nuptial knot, at the residence of the bride's father. ---Mr. Jas. Kuhry has purchased the Royal Hotel bere.—The prospects for the cheese industry in this section are bright this season. Farmers should give cheesemaking more attention, as it is one of their best sources of revenue: FORM 'IDI(34,1\os MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS FOLD - ROGERS - CO. LISTOWEL. Next Sunday evening, Rev. Geo. Ashfield, on 20th ult., by Rev. J. S.Ren- Buggin, of the Methodist church, will ner, Mr. James Cook, of Huron, to Miss preach a sermon 011 amusements.-- M.J.A1VIcDo nou g h. EN.R.Y-MaALLiswat-At the manse, • Mr. Jordan, of Colborne, has rented • Mr. R. Howard s farm on the gravel A. Anderson, B. A., Thomas Henry, of road, for a term of years, --The en- Wort Wawanosh, to Charlotte Ann Mc- Allister, of Belfast. • tertainment in the Methodist church, on Saturday evening last, by the DIED. Canadian Jubilee Singers, Was MoOoor,-In Wingham, on the 2nd very well attended.—Mr. James Nei;(- instant, the infant daughter of Mr.John bitt, a retired farmer of Morrts,AaAurrEas-In Kinloss, on Tiieeclay, having lately purchased the LittlefaW April 3rd, John Charters, ked 67 'years. !,,tLCA2irleidnenrir..t.-. mIniaaRAiirn'eartela, .C-Cetimi'Pbe°1112. property, in this viltage, has had al old building pulled down and formerly . rmerly Kinloss, aged 26 years and making preparations for building a 9 months. . 7-Goderich, on the 20th nit.,by the Rev J . . fine brick residence. --Rev. T. Higley • • was able to take charge of the ser- vices in his church, on Sunday last, A GOOD TRICK! after his recent indisposition. and one that wilt always please, is to buy a bottle of SKREI Cod Liver Oil mid astonish . your friends by becoming plump and rosy BELURAVE. checked. Almost tasteless, it always It is reported that a newly married TAKES 'WELL. couple were honeymooning in Bel- MADE ONLY DY • grave this last week. --Frank Wheel- K. CAMPBELL de CO., MONTREAL er now has four boys and a daughter. --We understand that Jas. Proctor, • of the 3rd line of Morris, is slowly improving. He has been sick for some thne.—Mr. Wray, sr., and wife, of the gravel road, have returned from London.—That extensive travel- ler, Mr. E. Dawson, lectured in Bel - grave last Wednesday evening-m(1q. the auspices of.the Temperance lodge. —There is not an unoccupied house in the village at present.—Miss G-ra,- ham, of Atwood, is at present spend- ing feW weeks at her sister's, Mrs. Erskine, of this place.—Mr.T. Agnew, of this place, has passed the final medical faculty examination at Trin- ity University, and will have M. D. attached to his name. EAST WAWANOSH. Mr. Robert Mason, of the 13th,was Apn. a visit- to friends in Clinton, last week. --The roads are drying up fast the past few days.—The fall wheat is looking very well so far.—Mr. H. McKay, who was working with Mr. Edwin Wightman last winter, is en- gaged with Mr. Elam Livingston for the summer,—Mr. A. Stewart, who was working with Mr. John Cole 'last winter,is„)fired with Mr. Jas. Owens for the sunimer. —Mr. George Owens has been krftrded the contract of drawing the mitk on the ninth line to the cheese factory this summer. Geo. will undoubtedly give good satisfac- tion.—Wood bees have been the order of the day for the past week.—Geo. Porterfield is at home at present, having completed his term with Mr. W. R. Erskine, of the Post Office store, Belgrave. • . • TENDERS W NTED. Tenders will be receiv y the undersigned Up till the 28t of April, 1894, for the ction of a BRICK SC OOL HOUSE, in School Section No. 9, Turnberrr (NIcPerson's). P1 in and specifications can be seen at the residence of the Secretary, Lot 10, Concession 6. The lowest or any tender not necessarily cceepted, JOHN ROLM, Secretary, Glebfar nw P, 0. YOU WANTED A I. • MAN to take hold THE ..WINCH FOUNDRY' AND MAC. E SHOPS To sup you with IRON STINGS of a kinds. Also, Repairs for you Machinery for both farm and factory. I ain, here. I can do both, at reasonable. rates: It re- mains for you to do your part. Give me a chance. R. J. BLACKWEI,L, • Prop. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO on th 5th inet,, of Agriculture (Bureau of Industries.)'' the wife Oft Wm.igGolny;-' a daughter.e There were last year three-quarters of a -In Wingham. on the 21st million of young trees,and nearly two and ult., the wife of C. Knechtel; a son. EbbloTT-In Culross, on the 3Ist ult.. a quaiter millions of bearing age. Now, the wife of Mr. Elliott; n daughter. when grain growing Alone is practically JOHNSTON-In Turnberry, on the 2nd played out, fruit culture comes as a inst., the wife of John J. Johnston; a boon and a blessing to farmers, in so far non. OU that it offers with dairying and one or the 23rd ult.,"- two other special linea tow sources of tdhaeuggfer, of Mr. John Wattera, jr.; a profit, for the enterprising agriculturist. Leona -In Howick, on the 24th ult.. Coming so soon after the glorioue vie- the wife of Mr. John Lucile; a daughter. to Tarnherry, ou the. 22nd ries achieved at. Chicago by the u 6 Ul 0 ofT. Noble I( tzell; Ontario Fruit Exhibit, the advice coo- daughter. • • tained in this Bulletin as to cultivating Morro/I-4n Cuirass, on the 24thhlt., the wider field which the Columbian „ the wife of Mr. P. Kroetach; a son. Exposition afforded the Province an un-. Teesivatert on theson28th IL, the wife of Mr. J. Ilergott.; a , exampled opportunity and means of ad- . MARRIED. Vertising to the world for the sale of Nienomorr-joitteiou-At the resi- those fruits we are able to grow to per- donee of the bride's mother, on 21st ult., fection, the lone and thorough distri. by Rev. T. WesleyCosens 'Mr. Joseph bution through the coeutry of this fruit Nicholson, of McKillop, to Mise Cather - bulletin is a thoughtful, ter-seeingra CrIe i Johnson. of Metes. by Mr. Dryden. Sent as it is to the It.CON--80WrActr-.4t the Methodist farmers' triNtitUteit and to all patrons parsonage. Auburn, on Monday, March industry, there are many others yet o 26th, by Rev'. W. Baugh, Mr. Jarne whom it would prove a timely guide. Wilson. to Mira ?details So*larr, both oi Upon application bo the Department of Zest Wawanoeh, alture, Toroiato, anyone eci deeiring C(001P-Ilic1)orgovan--A the reeideene Mein a wiry of the bulletin. (Atha" bride's father, on the 12th aeaa, at RVIN: Iron IT NEXT WEEK. Tenders Wanted for Site for House of Refuge. (Mere will be received by the undersigned tip to the fifteenth tley of April next for a site on which to locate, the Ileums of Itefoire, contemplated by the Connty of Bum. 'The quantity of and requited will be from twenty.flve to fifty arree, 4011 to be of el good quality' and easily dreitied. To be within two miles of any of the following points: Clinton, Sex" forth, Wingham,gx$ ter or floddich, The party Will with offer state the price required er acre, together with a fuil description of the property. Dated at Goderich this 2fith day of Starch, A, D, 1894. w. PROlIDPOOT, Chairman of Cominittee. Goderich, P. 0, FARM FOR SALE. Woet half, aleo part ol Naet half lot 27,ron, 14 Wed Warrarrosh, containirg 00 Retell. For further perticulars a y on the premieres or by mall to MOWBRAY, Wirt Thema P. 0., Nerbh Dakota, D. M. GORDON. This week we offer very choice lines of 3:31R,SS C4-acsips in. new shades. Our prices, too, are very attractive. Ladies win find their/ time well spent among those goods ; and while in, ask to see our beautiful lines of LADIES' WHITE GQ0DS. Something very special. Our spring stookof LADIES' SHOES, OXFORDS ' AND TOE SLIPPERS is pleasing to the eye, and we guarantee satisfaction. If you 'wear the • latest and best, come and get ours. JUST A WORD ABOUT TEAS. There is so much inferior trash sold, that for your sake, as well as ow' own, we would advise you to get your Teas from us. We • keep the best, therefore, will always sell you the best. Our successful .experience in this department justites the bold stride forward that we have taken in having our Teas in futurepacked to our order in the gardens where grown, and shipped dire& to Wingham front the place of production. In this way our patrons will save the "middle man's".profits. Very Respectfully Yours, ID_ C+013,DON., The Anchor House. Direct Importer HARNESS AND GOLLARS. Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand, ata prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop such as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, •WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING I3AGS, Sae., &c., --- I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. Give me a trial and I will use you right. G -A -.L\TICIWTC)N., ALL pAPE I have just received a large consignment of WALL PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, 1 in all the latest &sips and Styles. • • Also, a large stdek of School Books, Scribblers, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Stationery, &c. rices as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. HAIR GO PROF. DOR END, the well known manufacturer • human hair coverings will be the UN ICK HOTEL, 0. THURSDA 12 APRIL, ,1894, ies' and Gents' Wiga, pees, 13angs, Wave, Seortches, and see these goods. The' re acknowledged to be per, with a complete stock of Plain Fronts, &c. Ile s fection, AT BRU ICK HOTEL; ON TH SDAY, 12TH APRIL. R. MCLELLAN, LONDON, ONT. 407 Talbrit Street, EVE And EAR SURGEON* Orachrde of the New York Rya and tar hospital, use. Post OradotteCourso on the kilL, PAY, NOW Threat at the New York Poet Orsdiiatj Mexiirtal ford *oft* lOSS. Eros Tubed. Weems 414 WE lotlPtt aztvilelebidi zrorti: 1,:tqtikbeofftt totaelea, lentos and Itrunsurlek Rouse, WINGTIAMV, Th a first or last THURSDAY et each naonth,st date named below: Pifth 'Visit. April 26th, i84. Hours 8 a, m, to 0 p. n Charges 'moderate. VOL. X Tu Bi neve stock of Dry Goc it has this spring attention to your have watched the advantage. Our Dress Goof Prints are the nu We call particuls Goods, for color, member that we who import Dry •foreign markets, to you. Our Grocery et and well assorted always has been . three pounds for for one dollar b.nc Mar Issued by PRA.] toria street, Wi required. :........ BEE • • . lege, Toronto UnquestIonob mercial Schoo tion this paper. 4:044440048 LO( ,8hfor gc • . 's marl meetir4 Stiiciatjon v Tuesday last. -The 26th anniversary of in -The best b 40ets. per guar -The man newspaper sal thanyS three newspaper ki not say. Mr. Geo. his town, bu Was successfu of D. D. S. dental exa '"George's" will be pleas( -Watches, • repaired and f PAux, Meyer -Rev. Rob say, well kno , people, bad °Diviity cot Presbyterian week. • -The Fra 'luded their • day last TI 'heat that ha they were nr inferior trou -Oranges, s,nos, and a goods, pure priccS, ai ,Is -An oxj that the fru thankful •f( two weeks. lasted, it IN fruit trees the whole first frost. this tendot fruitprosps --LaSt estate age Diagonal s 131 Carling McKinley, and on Mol West, half Roo, C. r 'town, .e.130 init awe] *Waring tl site for hit