HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-06, Page 7TN "MITE DOVE.
The choir 'was full of children
Singing with heart and word,
With melody almost divine,
The pridees of the, Lord,
Q sweet their ringing Voices
Went up to the t;atht+t's ear,
And throngs of Easter angels
Drew nil;their songs to hear,
But not to listen only;
With heavenly seal and love,
The angels sing the melodies
Or the grant choirs above;
And blending with theebiidren,
Their Easter anthems rise,
Until the rapturous harmonies
)pall out beyond the skies. '.
o heaven and earth were blended, .
In those sweet jubilees,
The unheard voices throbbing
Through the eternities,
Yet with the children singing,-
When lot far, far above
The listening congregation,
Their flew a fair white dove. .
Down on the air it floated,
Its wings are silver -bright,
Now in the shadowed chancel,
• Now on its pillard height.
As some soft breeze from heaven,
It stirred the listening air,
Like whispers after silence,
Like singing after prayer.
0 Christ, thou loving Saviour,
Thine emblem was the bird!
As round •and round it oiroled,
By the grand choral stirred.
Each heart swelled high with worship,
With joy and sweet surprise,
And•Paradise toEarth drew near,
Aed E •
arth to Paradise.
tierce of Thoughts
Fly the pleasure that bites to-nior-
• row,
A clay at a time is the way to live
at life.
Enjoy present pleasures in such
way its not to iti j ore future Ones,
Put this. restrietion on your plea-
sures, be cautious that they injure no
being that lives.
T11e Woa"1d of Labor, WW11xe Goes to Church,..
There are aluminium' bullets. Willie (In a whisper, after two con -
England baps 120,000 barmaids, • :secutive Minutes of laborious silence/.
A nlaehiue makes snlldwlebs s, A'lantuta what kind of flowers has
Alligators are becoming scarce, ,that lady in her bonnet ?
Papet is made from waste hops, You musn't talk so lout), ilea`, his
Thread is Made front old leather. martinis said, you'll disturb the con -
St, Louis has cleatL'Jic ambulances. gregatiou,.
(las engine lire increasing hi size,. •• They look like Johnny -Jump -ups,
California uses, peach stones as fuel...don't they mantilla?
Buckingham palace eost• $11,000,- . Hush, deal'! Listen to the sermon.
The most delicate, the most' sen- - 000, After a prolonged stillness of ten
bible of pleasure consists in prontat- 'Fite States contain 5.00,000 wind- miaute5 he aiked—
itig the pleasure of others..nlill8, , Are they real flowers, )Mamma, or
This world would bo studded with Aluminium visiting cards grow iii only make believe ?
angels jf each plan would act upon favor•, They are sa tifioial, Willie. 13e a
the advice ho is ready `to give to 0,ormany pltiJlished 2D,000 books good boy, nowt, . and don't whisper 1
others. ,.1898. e any incl e,. t
No. cool disapproval, , however
West Virginia exports ginseng to He said nothing for `at least hair a
stern, no. inflicted penalty however _ China
nlarlu e.
severe, has the same effect that a sur- • 1
The world's soldiers cost 5,000a Mamma!
prise(' and pained feeling usually 1'
Wiliiet whatis it?
exerts when sincerely felt and frankly t Ay^• t., .
expressed. Floridaproduces (10,000,000 or- .- When
l►nny jump ups are grown
It is by imitation far more than by angos ti year, up do they get to be jumpin jacks?
l�lenell I'ailloatls have ladyticket Listen to the sermon, clear. I
precept that. we learn everything; Yes 111.
and what we. learn thus, we acquire agents. A otho' +peel f hence .I
not only entire effectual) but atom I The cocoanut crop brings 87,000,- It l period o b
Y Yip 1 � li'1'F`1111111a the preacher said tllil•.11y, i
pleasantly. • 000 a year. How many- tnorelys will lt0--
• Nobody talks mach that does not Uncle Sam has over 200 trust Sh, Willie ! .
say unwise things—things that he did companies. Y.es'n) but I'm getting awful tired. '
not mean to say; as no person plays France's postal service 'zemploy s It will only last a little while long-
moon without striking a false note 5,400 women. , , er, clear. Be quiet. ,
I sometimes. One storey houses are tlte'''`rule in
Exact justice is commonly more New. Zealand.. Silcnee.. ;
merciful in the long run than pity; Amer' 1 ' anima, can a woman b0 tea ,
Lean newspaper as usec fit
for it tends to foster .in leen taloseE lti 1 pious if sale wears a stuffed llunmmr
ngnc. �•,
Capital and Labor: stronger qualities which make the))) bird on her bolnlot . , i
Here is the Way a prominent Am- good. citizens,
The City of .Mexico is to have an Williif you don't )lush I'si alp
1electric railway.
el' is it: "Here Isla harness All true work is sacred; in all true have to punish you!
)tela pu
shop. One elan in the shop is always work, were it but true hand labor,
busy through the day—always in- there is some thing of divineness.
dustrious. In the evening he's court- Labor wide as the earth, has its sum-
ing some nice girl. There are five mit in heaven.
It takes a Spanish express tramp a
day to travel 100 miles.
The first iron mines in the United
States were opened in Virginia in,
other men in• the shop that don't do It has been -well said that no man 1668.
this thin T1 d half f their
ung, The
soca la o leer ever sank under the burden of to, •'Ilighmonutains are a feeling
working evenings in dissipation. The 'day, It is when to -morrow's burden ]tut the hum'of numau eitlos torture"
first young man by• and by.cuts out is added with the burdens of to -day to those who Fuller from headache,
these Others, and gets a harness store that the weight is more , than a man neuralgia aucl biliousness, hilt Stark's
of liis own. Then be marries the can bear.
girl. • Soon he is able to take his
wife out riding of an evening. The
five laborers—his former companions
---who see hint indulging in this
luxury, retire to the neighboring
saloon and pass resolutions that there
is an eternal struggle between capital
and labor." .
Don't Put It Off.
The necessity of spring medicine is uni-
versally admitted, This is the best time of
the year in which to purify the blood, to
lost appetite, a d to h build
restore the oo u up
the entire system, as the body is now pecu-
liarly susceptible to benefit from medicine.
The groat popularity obtained by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, owing to its.real merit and its
remarkable. success, has established it as
the very best medicine to take in the spring.
It cares scrofula, salt rheum, and all
humors, biliousness, dyspepsia, headache,
kidney and liver complaints, catarrh, and
It may not be ours to utter con-
vincing arguments, but it may be
ours to live holy lives. It may not
be ours to be subtle and learned and
logical, but it may be ours to be
noble and sweet and pure.
A man's time when well husband-
ed is like a cultivated field, of which
a few acres produce more of what is
useful to life than extensive provinces,
even of the richest soil, when overrun
with weeds. • •
Endeavor to be patient in bearing
with the defect;;' and infirmities of
others, , of what sort soever they be,
for that thyself also haslnanyfailings
which must be bolrne with by others.
The days 'are ever divine.. They
come acid go like muffled and veiled
all affections caused or promoted by low figures sent from a distant friendly
state of the system or impure blood. Don't party; but they say nothing, and if
.now. • It will do you good. fwe' do not use the gifts they bring
I they carry them as silently- away.
Points of a Horse. 1
At a recent meeting of the East For Over Fift3r Yearn
Sussex. Fannner's Club Mr. Harold 1 Apt scot AND want •Tarso Ranlsov.-Dire. win
years 8,.othine Syrup has boon used for .over eery
Sessions read) a paper on the "Points clow' by millions of mothers for theirchilerenwhile
„ I1 teething, with perfect succors. It soothes the child
of a 1•I01'se. I amens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic„
The greater the muscular develop-) and fa thebeat remedy for Dfarrhree Is pleasant to
ripe taste. Sold by DrugKists in, et wry part of the
put it off, but take Hood's Sarsaparilla
ment the greater, he said, was the
power of the horse. It was to be
remembered, too that if a horse was
\Vorlu. TwentyIive cents a Cottle. TW value is
Incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. IVinelnw s
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
-thoroughly good in the hindquarters The spinning wheel was invented in
and weak in - the •. forequarters, or India before the•tnost ancient historical
vice versa, it Was likely tq give way records. . •
where it was' weak;• The same was Aus,,ralia has more churches in • pro -
true' if the booty was too heavy for portion to the population thanany other
the legs. There must, therefore, be country.
due symmetry if.tlieywere to get the
greatest value of a horse.
The head of a horse was a part ney Cure." This great remedy is a great
that required .consideration, and in a surprise and delight to physicians , on .ao•
good average -type the width over the Count of its exceeding promptness. in reliev
eyes would be just half the. length of everyaparGof thelnrinaderry.passagesin
the head. The horse -with small, and female. It relieves retention of Water
sunken eyes was apt to be vicious, andon wanty.
iit paling itoanc
it a,la'o t i eetht elis
and the reason usually given was your remedy. S�oltl at Chisholm's drug
that such a horse could not see behind'. store.
it, and•so it kicked as a precautionary
eRelief in six hours, -Distressing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in sax
hours by the "Great South American Kid
''neish P'avin Liniment removes all
hard, sot'; or calloused Lumps' and Blew -
It wvas a geed point in a horse to ialies,Aiom hgrses, Blood Spavin, Carbs,
have 'a.high crest between the cal's Sp►1nt; Bing Jione, Svteeny, Stifles,
us the muscles from. the forequarters.S d Zan Tt t C h
et tai Save S6btby use of one bottle. o War -
Caine t0 that Point. The nostY11s' rantedat Chihsolni's drug store,
. should be large, as the horse br: ittlhed Keats wrote the ">;ndyrnion" at, 22. -
only through the nostrile Apal't buckets of plantain leaves are made
from the 3e points, a biglt"acl was not by the natives of almost every tropical
all advantage, but only added to the rountry. •
animal's weight. • t vas worth noth- 1.11 1.. Cured fn a day. --South
tag that it only ok two andIt half American Itbettmatic Cureefltheumatism in Celon to-dayy' that were employed mg111 his bedroom,• several nulei
beads to go whole length of .a and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. there 2000 years ago. . away", There was nothing to do bttt
horse, mint which was very often Rs action on the system is remarkable and hasten it messenger after the missing
nliss„(a. •' t)y painters, . Who usually tnysterioltll. It removes 1mt once rile eatls9 Norway th P it
veru� co d, f or it *birth
irn excel- doett111et1t and kill time till he „()t.
P of the &seaseinlmed ately dtsappearS. The y V,
Made the head )noel) too sinal), first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents, letlt, remedy., giving prompt relief and. back, after wt'hich everything went
A large neck -meant, as• a Tule, the Warranted at Chi:sholm'a drug atone. pleasant to take'
merry as a marriage boil, ,, This Will
ower of speed,. while in the ease of J. PAv'Nr> it, ll[untsvilie, Ont, be a lesson tel the young loan. He power
power inmoving weights the The directors of the 100 net North-. Spbo115 of wood, ilei')), )macre) or will remember his license' next time.
neck d 1 1thick ern exhibition have thought over the
and strong' I he shoulder blade ought
were attached all the muscles that.
try their exhibitionagain.
held up the front part of the body.-- wave volt do -promo). of spirits,
Powders are an ilnii1C.(liate, pleasant
and permanent cure. You can get
then from any good, druggist for 25
cents a box. ,
Shilley wrote "Queen Mab" at 18.
Heine published his first songs at 2.°.
Printing paper was first made in Eng-
land in 1(1£0.
Cocoa grows wild in South America.
It was taken to Europe in 1729.
"The total income oe' the Church of j
England is about •51,000,t)OU per week.
"the Beauty" 'bf having a bot-
tle of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer in the
house is, that you are prepared for
the "worst," Croup or ` Cholera, the
Pain • Killer is a sovereign remedy.
25e. Big I3ottle.
In 1803 there were in use in the
United States 440,000 miles of telephone
The only variety -or thornless rose
North American. It was noticed
Florida has
bees to work
Egyptian monuments represent hats
in nearly the share of the Mecio„ In som-
brero. . .
About two months ago I was nearly
wild, with headaches. ' "started taking
Burdock Blood Bitters, took two bottles
and my headaches have .new altogether
disappeared. I think it is a grand medi•
Ev.tI' , Massey £talion, Ont.
the cave aninlalsofNorth America,
according to S. A. Packard, of Brown
University, comprise 1 f species of
blind animals, nearly all, of which
are mostly white in color. ' 4,t •
"The new St. James' Roman;tLtholic
Cathedral in 1iiontreal was opened
Sunday. The Cathedral is situated
OR Dominion Square, ill the - most
beautiful portion of the eity, and is
511 exact copy of St. Peter's at Rome.
It will seat 4,000 people.
something in bloom for
on during all timet of the,
ha,a snob a severe cough that
my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp.
On•taking Norway's Pine Syrup I found
thi3 .drat dose gave relief, and the second
bottle completely Cured ole.
Miss A. A. DowNt f; i\i anotie, Qnt, A rather awkward circumstance
mstance -
13ones of a maslcxion have been occurred at a wedding • which took
unearthed at a depth of 40 feet on a 1 place in the vicinity of Clinton reeent-
plantation in Tei as. 1 V, .just about the time the ceremony
Moon's Pinna do not purge, pain or gripe, 'as to be performeclthelueltiessgroollt
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. discover° 1 that he lead left the itemise
The sante kind of plows are used in the pocket of ct coat that was hang -
Mott here?
No, after we get
Another pause.'
Ma)))nia, seems'
'skiing a long tulle!
is he goin' t0
Growling , desperate his mamma
Willie, if you say another word I'll
twice you right out of chat ch
Apparently struck by the idea,
Willie returned gtticl:ly—
• I won't say another word,nuuuma, 1
but I'm gettin' jest horrible tired, I
and I don't see how I can sit still i
another minute, an' I wish he'd quit 1
talkin'. Ain't you tired 'most to
death? SYlint's the use o' bringbf
me hero, anyhow? -
Aucl Willie's mother took hili) out
home. Sh! i1
to inc I've been !
Bolls, Pimples Blotchos,
Ulcers, ;'ores,
Scrofula 1t° Skint Diseases.
C>'Llaalliatl Et.c,t �c 51a11:atrlx .
Tr/tit...1)1hr. t•r,, •lelu•f t .. t. +'r a•.;
"•A{ lsu R Yti'te
• :jr, it. n1 ... • 1,n Tm.., r :d •
• 1,.10 1.1 .. 1,
Drip. m .. . t'fl, .••.; ..
1 411 p. tit• 1. ill4Q"
CURES r1ilIIE za�i.e. --r-
fiaunty's AT trlxpaAM L1$A�,N Y tvallAAlt
BAD B.0 0 0 . m. Painxn•ston, 0uciph,Tnroatt, lie r•rs i, in
1t:Nt •s ., „ lay,,, "
P>D ut Sum—Imes covered with, pimples and
smell boils and atter obtaining no relief from
a doctor tried different remedies without suc-
cess until one Sunda I was 5ivea i of a heaps
of Burdock Blood Bitters, by the use of which the aorea,were sent flying in about one week's
time. I made up my mind never to be without
13.B.B. in the house, and I can:highly recom-
mend it to all.
FRED.' OARTEIt,'Raney, B. C.
I can answor•Yor the truth of the above.
T, C. OHBISTIAN, Hauey, B. e.
How much longer 1 -- _____ _
When Baby ww sic::, we gavo her C'astoria.
When 1,ho was a C' ai:d, sale cried for Cactoria.
When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria.
When she 111141 CLilkren, she gave 1hhemCestoria.
Columella .• says that Remail
peasants levelled their ground with
rollers inftde of the trunk of a tree.'
An underground railroad tip the
Jung;frau mountain is one of the late
projects of Swiss engineers.
The Chinese claim that their beat
musleal instrument,. the king, was
invented 2,0i)J years b°efore. Christ.
The 'spade used by the Roman
peasants during the empire was a
wooden instrument tipped with iron,
Punch is the fundi) were) for five,
because live ingredients — arra•eti,.
sugar, tea, lemons and mater—eater
into its composition.
The Red Sea is so called bedause it
is literary covered with minute red
animaletttae; the water itself is of a
clear, bright blue. •
Mrs. Maedonlhell; wife of Rev. D.
1. Macdonnell, the well-known n pastor
of St,Audrew's Church, Toronto, died
on Friday morning. She had been
ill several days of pneumonia. The
deceased lady wa.s widely known'
through the Province; and was an
invaluable assistant to her husband
in his pulpit work. She was a daugh-
ter of Rev. Dr. Smellie, of Fergus.
' 1 MAN'S
sl o t an t e muse esbeen... _ .i...
eC wv short the . lawc. made la
tone i.. ..
1.1 )natter and after the lust burst of s -- -
to be large in all horses, because to It ttisgast has passed have deckled to
th i•
N B Agriculturist. uss II a
cotntl f, f
1 prehistoric ages.
i3y the old system of chronology in
I vogue in China the year 1894 i+-
marked as the year 7,910,848,
PEWS Remedy OR Catarrh ma.tbf
hest, Fastest to Do, and Meanest.
1, P1 :4 its
sold by druggists er sent by radia.
boo. mb. 1. 1tasettlon. Warred, Pa.
riMartk anima YMbuseain.
t.:fib a. tn.
:1.a, P. M.
10,02 1
11 CO a. n„
N:1Fp, III,
.. 4. ..-x3t•p.ui
" rapt) d ear i inrmdine 11 v,. pi
44 Ai ltinardine i3 27 p arl
15(714. DI
London, CllII,aton, leo., ;i4e
gives Private Lessons in vocnlTraining. both in Bluff
and 'I mile -Solara Notation Oprn tor eui•-,t ementlr
for Concerts or church meetings. Terms u:aderate.
AWAY a - -
MRS, 11 MOItttf WR,
PairickSt 1rhl;,rftatn
INCI.UDINu Books, Pami.hleta, Porters. Hal
Vends, Circulars, em., ale , 1-xetutted in t•t:v beat
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on Short
notice. Apply or address
1t ELLIOTT, , •
Tulsa Office, Wingham,
W I N. G H A M.
Capita,),.§1„250,000 Best, $G50,000: •
President -4011N STUART.
Vlce•Presfdent—A. (4, RA'IsAS.
DliLECTOitfb -
'seen Pa00r0R. 050. WWII, C,1 G1asON, if 1', A
WOOD, A. B. Las (Toronto), .
Cashier—J. TUR NBULL.
Savings Bank;-Boura,10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 to • .
1. Deposits of grand upwards melted and interest -
Special Deposits also received at current
ruter of interest,
Drafts on Great Britain and the 'United States
bought and sold
h. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. -
i To E. cR Y8`S
Thouands of Yoi ng and Mirttte efgd Nen are annually swept to a pree grave
through early indisor,tion ar.d later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood
Dis^aces Neve ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young mai Have Sou
any of the following Symptoms; Nervous and Despondent; Tired in idorni do Ambi-
tion• Memory Poor; Easily P':,tiguodi Excitable and Irritable• Eyes Blur. Dimples on
the 'Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; lalotrbs; Sore
Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeleas; Distrustlnl and Lack of
3tner y and Strength. Our New Method Lrcuttnene will build you up mentally, phycioally
and aaxuaUy i;ead Have
Chan. Patterson.
"At 14 yearn' of agoI•learned a bad habit which. almost reined
me. I became nervous and weak.' lily back troubled me. T CI nld
stand no exertion, Head and eyes became doll, Dreams and
drains at night weakened me, I tried seven Medical Firma, Elec-
tric Belts, Patent Medicines and b'atnily. Doctors. They gave me
ho A friend advised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan: They
sent ale one .month's treatment told it oared me. I could feel
myself gaining every day. Their New ilethod .Treatment cures when
O..reu. 111 ern tu'utl9 atlelse fails," They have cured many of my friends."
DrDloniton. • '
"Some 8 Vesta ago I contracted a carious constitutional blood
disease. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for eyphilie. Memory almost
killed me. After a while the 'symptoms again appeared. Throat
became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red,
loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs.
Kennedy & Kergan's ilowMethod Treatment. It cared me, and I have
had no symptoms for five years. I -em married and happy, As a
�- - -- doctor, 11 heartily rccnmend it to all who have thin terrible disease-
syphilis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood:
Capt ."^." mend. is YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CURED•"
"1 ata 88 years of age, and married. When young 1 led a
gal ,life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble
for' me. I •became Weak and nervous. My kidneys became
affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married li! • Was nasatls-
factory and my home tmhappy. I tried overrating -ail failed till
�•,, I took• treatment from Drs. Kennedy and xergan. 'their NAve
• Method built me up mentally, physicaltir and sexually'. .I feta
and act like a man in every respect. Try them,"
"tom'` No Names Used Without `Written
Content of Patient.
t3144 Orr 1,1 ti14rl,. Haver i8ila in cntinff bieeaee'S ot! fntlp.
O r New Method Teeetmen# it,etren hoes the bait', :tops till
drains and losses, purift s the blood, oleate the brain, bui de up the nervous and eexual
Systems and restores lost vitality to the body.
We tt:tnarautee to titre 1lterIrottts 'Debility* Val11tiit' l►lattlht►tl 1,
1°yplilnotvtaticocele, atrtctare,Gleet,LTsttnftaarai tatot11esrj es*
'Wait; Parts and A11 Idueyr top! alp tdder' esiseasets.
Drs. Kennedy & i Kos ate the leading specialists Of
Americk. They guarantee to etre or no :pa. Their retM.,
,r tattoo and fifteen years of business ate at stake. Ton
tan no rick. Write :thett for ata honeet Opinion, no matter who treated you. It May
Piave yon ,cath ofregret and Buffering. Chargee reasonable. Write for a
11h1 tileDatt i.iillt aitutl aloe i . Vtec• Coni uttatiittlan Vi''
MS Shelby St