HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-06, Page 5JAKE'S REI'Oirrs. Wa:,w at. Win il.ni, April S, 1894. P. Deans, Produce Dealer. lbs.. 1 50 to 1. 80' 053.to055 b . 0 52 to 0 53" 0 32 to 0 33. 035to.040 052 to 0 55' .., poop 0 10 to 0 15 ...., 0 111 to. 0 10, ;ei ..... ,,,, 0 9 to 0 10 rd.... .... ,1 25 to 175 6 00 to 0 00 bt 1'el 0 30 to 0 35 lb 0 05' to 0 05 per lU5 05 to 0 00 400to550 old ..,. 0 57 to 0 60 new,. ........ 057 to 060 at 0 53 to '0 50 ..... 035to040 0 32 to 0 32 000to052 r bushel.... 35 to 0 40 0 17 to 0 18 ozen .. 0 10 to 0 12 poop. 6 00 to 700 300 to 400 1171E-07SHAW IWN THE PRICE OF MEAT' AGAIN. -K, TOC° PER LTi. lien heats in ldw proportion.. )RK SAUSAGE also on hand. spared to ,pay the highest price Is of fowl. 'They must he drawn ressed. • GEO. SHAW. m,.0ot. 10th, 1893. ALWAYS loapst ad But. bbout the size of it; we don't eh about hard times, because we trade to conditions as they exist. ie cheapest, means that you get post for your dollar here. Our the first part of April are 'as .i.ters, very fine...... poop$ 1 x00 :fords .50' Gw Boots1 CO. Des 50. le Tweed Pants. 1 10 bber Coats..... .. poop. 1 75. iotton, 5, 6, 7, 8, ti, 10 cents t valnda. lanneletce for 1 00 :tra wide Flannelette for 1 00 Ingham for.... . 1 00. 6, 7, 7.1, 13, 9, 10, 12,,1 cents. e assortment j'ast received week. y6,10and 12ti,ets.per yd. eke, 3 pairs for 2a' tubbers - 80 Albers 40 per pair.. ... . ....... 50' 5. 25. 25. .25, 25• 25 25' for rrants Ior.......... poop.. i,ins for h Pickles, 2 bottles for.. a for atnlaat poop. .e\seed ineal een Cnilaefur ,... 1 00• 'roust sets, i,l value.. .... 1y50 Iuctrio Soap 25. ;pts, 100 pit's fur.... 6 60 god Japan Tea, for25 our wonderful Tea f+,r.. 1 00. and E;;s t tam s ton, as Cash: ;SOP & i aE OYr NANTED SALESMEN holco line of Nursery Stock and Seed Liberal salary or Commission paid weekly. and paying, pasitions to rood men. UCen+,+nts to beginn+rs. Exclusive torr. if desired. Write at once for terms to THE tIAWAS NUItSEItY CO.,. Rochester, N, tL BSEP E.N • IiSi ill .1M:suit their own rin- tOrn.t ., t. y „ettin? their £rnLL. TAD9LATRD PEDIGREES• ly other r Printrn they y. may need at TIMES OFFICE ave a large assortment of 'cute, turn out worst in the beat style, t notice, and at moderate charges. . r THE W 1N URAM TIMES_, APRIL 6, 1894. T.AST WAWANOST•I.. Gerrie, to rent the hall Or religions , LISTOW1'L. The Cowen met in the Connell services for six montlisfo>.'ono service ; Ex -Mayor Bruce and Misr Annie room, on 11 :reh 27t1i, 1804 pursuant, each .Sunday. Moved by Mr, 1''er-'Bolton are appointed to represent the to adjotlruinent. Members All pre- gnson, seconded by Mr. Graham, that 11liethodist Sunday School of this town sent. Minutes of last meeting read they be granted the use of hall for l at the convention which is to be field and adopted. Application of N, T. $1 for each Sabbath, council holding t in Mitchell 'next week. , , Ritchie, C. E.,Ifineardine,. for trio privilege of calletlling agreement atl 13. B. Saivis, whets now travelling . office of 'Towvnsliip. i ngineet', receivc(1 any time—Carried. • Moved by Alt. 'for the .J. Mundell I Furniture a Co,, of - aind laid over for further considers- Doig, seconded 1)y 'Mr. Graham, that !Elora, has been in the lower provinces tion. Petition of A. IL ' Jacobs and the Auditors' Report as now read be for the past four weeks. where he bas 200printed in I u ee(. ed taking a l of of orders, forty-two other ratepayers from the adopted au1c1copies be i i n s cc 1 in 1 townships of Last and West•wawa., pamphlet form—Carried. Accounts i A great deal of suprise and dimity TIOS11 and IIttllett, again asking to Passed: R. Ross, $72.50, for salary as ; was exhibited by the people of this take steps totivards the formation of at. collector ; L. Bolton, P, L, S., $10, 1 section when they heard that the new ( p point an arbitrator on the Southern' u, Murray' $1,50, rent of road, lot i Airs. Martin of Wallace was allowed p ) 15 con 1k3;I. J. Bartlett $2,50,for togo free, There surelyhas been botindal y, concession 1, between rust ' :Dickinson, ' c) i t• r i+l F i i l t' ;' d+ \'c(I ! repairing scraper ; E. L. Dickilltson, a miscarriage of justice soiuewtierc.. l\ atVeatti . li 1. t ib, i'vt 1 , S when it was unanimously resolved ; $4, for advice re Knox drain atncl A large .and. very crithusiastic MSS that no action be taken in the natter, I Division court fees; Mrs. Angst, $5, sleeting ,of Our eititizei s assembled at on account of Hallett council refusing' charity; John Haskins, $2, far eul- the call of the Mayor in. the town to appoint air arbitrator. - I vert on H & M boundary; A, Sinclair, hall last Friday evening to discuss 1p Union SI 61 Section incl .a - ; for survey of Lonox drain in Gre. ; self-confessed murderer of old The $7.20, •insurance on Township hall; the proposition of Krug Bros. & Co., The following persons were ap- w J. Perkins, $3.62,charity for Mrs. of Cltt:slcy, re the moving of their pointed Pathinasters, Pound Keepers Marn and clothes for 13irtch boy; furniture, factory to Listowel, A and Fence Viewers for 1894: I,Jolln Evan's, $8, Auditor's fees; P, number of leading citizens addressed . Pathmastei s : George. 11 Marshall, I I3epinstall, $8, Auditor's fees, Moved the meeting and all were in favor Henry Lawlor,Albert II..Jacobs, Jas. (b Mr. Graluan, seconded by Air. of the scheme and promised to do all Potter, sr., Wm. Kehna; Wm. King • y , Doig, that the council do now ad- they comet to help it along. 'A board. sr., Henry (xoviel, \\'1n. Wilson, journ to meet in Brown's hotel, Ford- of trustees eonsisting of J, W. Scott, Thomas Brown, Robt. y Jolmston, sr., with, on the third. Wednesday in W. G. Hay, W. E. Binning, A. W. Robt. C. McGowan, Carles Steti art; April next—Carried. Featherstone, and J. H. Stewart, was Wm. Radford, John Dingwall, Geo. Wm. .D•axl•;, Clerk. appointed to act on behalf of the citizens, A subscription list was TURNBPRItY, started which a large number signed before leaving the hall. Whatever Mr, Robert Douglas had a herd assistance is given the firm has to be of twenty head of cattle clehorned, a given in the shape of' subscriptions, Thos. W. Noble, • Thoxnas Ross,' short. time ago, --The Trustees of S. as we cangive no more bonuses. Lancelot Nethery, Jas, McGill, Henry S: No. 9,(AMcPherson's), are asking forKrum Bros re well and favorably Krachling,. Thomas Potter, Wm. Helps, Wallace Jackson, Minn° Vin- cent, Adalii Hoover, sr., •Win. .T. Parks, Jas. Higginbottam, John Red- mond,' sr.,John Cook, Benj. Taylor, Edwards, Benj. Witmer; Benj. Il:, Taylor, John H. Hoover,Davicl Cook, John McLean, Wm. Nethery, David A. Dunbar, George Taylor, John Bennett, Samuel Fells, John Owens, Jas. MoCalltuu, Jas. Henry, Joseph McBurney, Patrick Gibbons, Jas. Walsh, si•., George Reid, David Taylor, henry Deacon, John Shoe - bottom, George Daley, John Salter, sr., Mark Cassels, John Menzies, sr., tenders for the erection of a brick known to most of our •citizens, they school house. having a..'c'sidec1 here previous to going The following is -the standing cif to Chesley. The fact that they have the scholars of S. S. No. 5 for the succeeded in building up an extensive month of Marcel. The names are business there in a short time, frtoin arranged in order of merit and the a small beginning, is the best figures correspond to the • number of assurance that with larger and more days the pupil was present during suitable buildings, better shipping the month. This week ,the TJniform facilities, and a much superior trade Examinations from the second to the centre, they will establish an industry Richard Irwin, Andrew C. Sim son third class, and from the third here that will be of great importance p , class to the ' fourth are being i11 the towns future development. John 1?. Currie, . Duncan McKellar, Held in the school: 4t11 clhss-Thos. 7 .Jas. Young Jas. Perdue, Wm. Ar- R b' 20• Ma Brie 1'9 How to Got a "Sunlight" Picture. Wm. ell, , a„ie .. o 4th Class Senior—Thos. Gilmour, 20: Per bearing the words "Why Does a wo- man Look Old Sootier Than a man") to Annie Weir, 11; 'Mary Gray, 7; Lizzie Lever Bros., Ltd., 43. Scott St., Toronto, Hastings, 4.• 3rd Glass Junior— and you will receive by post a pretty pio- Aggie Fergie, 15; Alex. Higgins, 20; tune, far ea fro Isis erteay way to decoratle David Weir, 19; Waldo Hastings, 17. your dome. tie soap is the best in the 2nd Class—Thos, Gibson, 20; Lily market and it will only cost one cent post - Robinson, 20; Gussie Hastings, 17; - age to send in the wrappers, if you leave.. Robinson, Maggie Robinson, , buckle, .Jolm F. Linklater, John W Wen, 2Q. i1 a ie For ie 10 Send 25"S Rohr Soap wrappers (wrap- Curric, Gavin Wilson, Henry Grain, John Leggatt, Thos. Campbell, David Clow, Wm. Pardon, George Garton, sr., Wm. Beecroft, Jas. Martin, Albert Rintoul, Robert Haines, Hugh McBurney, Richard Leishman, Alex. Bruce, sr., John Stein, John B. Jefl'er- son,and Jolm Murwood. Hugh Gilmour, 20; y Pound Keepers John Hoare, Geo. 18. 2nd Part Class—Miner Gibson, fully. Quinn, Benj. H. Taylor, Wm. Bone, 15; Eilmer Gibson, _19; Robt. Weir, , •. • LOWER WINGH AM. Andrew:Wen, Jiffs. Clow,. Edward 13 'Phe average attendance for the • KNOWLEDG Brings oomfn. t rr,d im„rnvement and tends to °persons'. ,C' t,Vniellt when rightly used, The many. who live bet- ter than others and onjoy lifo more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles enibracsd in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellonco is duo to its presenting in the form •meet acceptttb'e and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- , ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with • the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the. Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without -weak - ailing them and it is perfectly free from :very objectionable substru.ce. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug.; gists in 75c. 'bottles, but it is mann- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being, well informed, you will not kept any substitute i>1()Eored,• lI• Lr ' C trrL1t11C1• the ends open. Write your address care - Robinson, Jas. Owens and Jas. Cocli- month was 20. The following is the .report of the rramsJos. E. McDoNoorr, Teacher. Lowehr Wingham school for the Fence Viewers : 'Alfred Carr, John. The followingreport is a repof the montjl of 1larch, 18SR. : • McDowell, Geo. Fothergill, John T. standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 6, 4TH CLASS MASKS DAYS IRssnxr. Currie, John Menzies, sr. and Samuel for the month of March: N. Beckett._ .. 157 20 McBurney sr. 4fen CLASS SENIOR. 140 20 Statute labor scale same as last 1(AR+Sa DAvs PRsasNT year, viz.: Assessed up to $500, 1 Ennnie Wheelens t . . 20 day's work, from $500 to $1,000, 2 Ernest Blackwell .. . day's work, from $1,000 to $2,000 3' Milton Blackwell ... day's work, and for every $1,000 •Sara Johnston assessment or any part thereof, one Aggie 1\Iitehell additional clay. Three clays allowed Albert Porter us usual for elan, team, and inlple_ Albert Louttit ments in the performance of statute John Iloinuth labor. By-laws Nos. 4 and 5, 1894, • 4TI•I massJUNIO3. read and passed. Debentures were Lizzie Honntth 215 °... 213 Mason, sr., cleaning out gravel pit, Foster Fyfe 78 passed and signed in favor of Wm. Tena Kelly . and. fixing culvert twice on Eastern 3RD CLASS. gravel road, $4 ; Wm: Karla; 30 ` Zorn, Wade, 446 10 18 15 20 10 18 li 16 16 11 0 1 19 20 19 19 20 20 7 15 rods wire fence, lot 36, con. 1, 84.50; Icla Hoinuth........ 447 John Daer, ;60, rods wire fence lot 35 Andrew Mitchell... 383 con. 1, $9. '. The Council then aur- Winnie Porter.....: 371 Punted till Monday, 28th May Nett, Lizzie Bryce ....... 369 then to Meet as a Court of Revision Mary Cowden...... 356 • and Appeal. Edward Johnston':. 309 P. PCRT>JRI+IRLD, Cleric. Matthew Ferguson.. 232 (, _ Ella Mitchell....... 161 IIOI\'ICh, Bert Porter. • . 14.1 I i'iugllie Johnston. , . , 139 The council timet in the Township 2ND 'CLAS,. Hall, Gerrie, March 21st pursuant to Clara Elliott......., 259 15 adjournment. :Members all present. Frank Elliott 251 19 The peeve in the chair. Minutes of Freddie Elliott.... 225 18 last meeting read slid approved. Emma Hawk .156 8 Letter read from Mr. John Knox, Willie Mitchell140 14 stating that wished drain to be ... 2ND CLASS Icra?IC13, cleaned out by May next. Moved by , anies .Belly ..... 21 20 Mr.GrabainsecgndedbyMr. Fergusoit, , i'AizT 2\"D CLAss, the clerk uotlfiyall parties below hint. *etty Bryce. 131 19 ' to go on and clean out • their drains Willie /telly123 19 . and have all completed not later Harry Goy, 111 • 13 than the 1st of June. Letter read, Alice Little, - 108 14 front R. Matheson, Esq., of Dcat and i ,Lucy, liaKKa,;'ue'1.03 16 Dumb Institute, Belleville, asking for i George Little: 102 18 three pairs of stockigs for l3irtch boy. i • PART Ta'r CLASS. . Ordered to be foifvarled at once, manic.i e Holmes ... Upon application Of Jeremiah Beldon Frankly, Johnston, N in re drain on hie property 311(1 Eddie tillott ...poop down, movedl'by Mr. Greg,,seconiled Iterbit; Elliott....., . by lir•.Ferguson, that the Reeve and Bertha ;ticlt.agtte .. , 4 • 16 17 15 Mr. Doi,e, inspect the. same --Carried. Average attendancefor the month A deputation .of the A.0. U. W., was 83. 1+'. Hill A. King ' .... 119 • 19 M. Linklater 117 20 J. Murdoch. 101 20 4TH CLASS JR. J. Dey , poop 103 19 M. G rahani 102 17 R. Currie 90 15 M. Halstead . , 78 18 3RD CLASS SR. 20 M. Kennedy. 108 N. Martin 111 E. Welsh'92 3, Lockeridge. 3: 3RD CLASS .TIL. G. Ansley . . 168 J. King '141 G. Johnston116 M. Campbell. 109 B. Cruickshank.. S. 101 E. 'Wellwood'. 101 J. Murdoccl 93 1?. Green 83 A. jPattcrson 70 M. MacDonald65 R. Johnston .. 64 N. Graham 62 Campbell, 33 2ND CLASS SR. V. Phippen 160 G. Elford.... 153 J. Linklater 131 R H. England 1.22 R. 'Elford 10:1 A. Graham... 108 0. Campbell 100 Jr 1'ottcr, ...poop98 I... Finley poop.. 93 W.' Welsh 85 A. Currie, .. 63 L. Potter 63 2xD CLASS .TR. R. Deyell. , poop 136 A. 130 Wiley. . U. Ransom ..... , 111 J. King. poop92 J, Murdoch.. poop00 • Graham ........ 8 2 J. England........ 73 S. Currie........... 75 J. Finley......... lis 1). Finley.. 110 J. Lockeridge: , ... b Average attendance Siru. 57. consisting of Messrs. If, Perkins, Its IT I!rZ11 A. 1tntis, Teacher. Iottnn + and R. Ross, b the 001111cil to root drake any charge for l The .text uniform promotion exam - use Of hall for entertainment prod. . ina,,.aotl for the county of Bruce will ously field by them.'1'lldi same wit; be, guild x8n Monday and Tuesday, 1ft ` fl ha urs of the caretaker. c 111 e )ill Applieatlon of .los, nndt'rsoii, • or 1 lith and loth. R. J. BARTON, Teacher,. 20 - 19 9' • >0. 19 20 17 19 lir 10 10 20 19 15 20 20 19 20 20 17, 20 19 20 17 19 19 12 20 20 20 15 20 13 19 15 1!) 17 12 Live Stook Marlt:ats. Montreal, Q., April 2. --There was about 450 head of butcher's cattle,80 calves anct 150 sheep and 10 spring lambs offered at East End Abattoir to -day. The butchers were present in large numbers, but trade in cattle than on priceslower slow and was head of the few i cad • t Thursday. A fe 1 ts Thus y best cattle were sold at 4• cents per lb. and Mr. Bickerdike bought a car load, 22 head of very good beeves at 4 cents per lb less $1 per head Pretty good stock sold at from 31-e to 3ie and the common, rough and half - fatted beasts at fi'oni 21c to 34e per pound; a large bull in good condition sold at about 3 o and the hard looking scrubs at from 2e to• 3c per 'lb. There were no prune calves offered here to -day and the best pair was sold at $13 for the pair; • shivering bobs would bring less than $2 each. Mr. Meurrier bought 25 choice yearl-' ing lambs at 5c per lb, The spring lambs to -day were a rather poor lot and sold at from 3 to $5 each. Fat hogs are lower in price and sold from 4ie to 5c per Id. East Buffalo, N. Y., April 2.— 1 Cattle -Ninety . cars: sale opened • stronger, but grew worse, closing dull, i dragged at last week's opening price; • exports were light, buyers at $3.75 to $4; fairly good choice to extra quoted at $4,10 'to 64.25; iltocliuui but choice I $3.23 to $3.45; good light, $3, to $3.- , 25; mixed, $2,60 to $3.50; export brills i$3 to $3.25. Sheep and lambs --One hundred and fifteen cars on sale; unexpected ly active and stronger;° ad- vance in values of lambs has been equal to $1,15 po cwt. in the past three weeks, and to -day's value were 15e to 25c higher than last week's close; good to fancy lambs; $5 to 5.50; good to fancy wethers,• $4.75 to $5; good to choice sheep, $-x.15 to $4.55. Hogs—One hundred and tete cars; opened fairly active; a trifle lower, • grew weaker and closed • dull; best Yorkers,. $4.85 to 614.8 7' ; pigs, :4.80 to $4.00; •nlixecl packet's, +,, 4.80' to $4.- 85; 4: 85; choice heavies, x,'4.75 t.) $4.80. MC)N AHI *.m5r Every year a great .tient of money is lost BY THE LQNC CREDI" SYST ' This week we will put you Dai the right track to saver that money by a practical pointers. It is an acknowledged fact that is the great money power to service in the present clay-, and the main who, buys for SPOT CASH and sells for READY CASH, is in a position to help, you along. Here are a few pointers to start you on elle right track. Tile are only a few of' the many we could give you, but time and spaeo does n permit Factory' Cotton. , .. poop icy, per card. White Cotton-. ,poop - . • . Shirting, . Flannelette .. . Ladies' Hose Ladies' No, 4 Vests . . Lace Curtains, taped... Ponge Silk, all colors . . Kid Gloves. •.°.. Dress Goods, double- width . . 41110 111.1 .., 5e. .. ..5e. 45 ...Se. per pair. °.,.Se. each ,25e, per pair. ...25e. a yard, • , • 25e. per pair. • .,15c. and up. Cutting and fitting a specialty. ALL MANTLE GOODS bought IOUs store cut frac of charge. TWEEDS 25c. a yard and up. See our all 'wool suits for $4.50, GROCERIES fresh and cheap. 6 lbs, New Tea for $1,00. SHOES at Manufacturers prices. MAC:DONALI) BLOCK. Coughing leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal the Lungs and strengthen the System with Scott!s Ernulsion the Cream of Cod-liver 011 and hypophbsphites. It Is palatable and easy on the stomach. Physicians, the world over, endorse it: teat 3 til abed deceived Substituted Oo, by Scott.t%%site, Belleville. A1ipfUggists, $5. &$L G. McINTYRE, WIXGITAi11. PRINK, 189 Our stock is now complete in DRESS GOODS, ' PRINTS, CHALLIES, -. DELAINES, & See our TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. 19 pieces of Call anf'sec our stuff. • 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c. TIMOTHY. AND CLOVER Wholesale and Retail. Respectfully yo:irs, G-] Q - SEED HL DON'T LET ANOTHER WASN.DA Y G0 BY W"rllour (JSING OU will find that it will do what no other soap can do, and will please you every way. It is Easy, Clean, and Economical to wash with this soap. hite Goods Sale. g \Vitt' the first of' March we inaugurate a Big Sale of White Good of eA 'i'y description, White Cotton Lawn Muslins, Table Linens, Sheetings, &c. \trhite Cottons from Ge. up; Gray Cotton, 34 inches wide. 4c. a yard; Heavy Twill \\ hite Cotton, extra value at 14e., worth 17c., Victoria i,,awns, from 10e. up. Special novelties in Lawns and ltlnslins,, with embroidered edges. Ready-made 1)t'ess Aprons for 30e, Table, Linan, good anclrheavy, from 20c. up. Sheetings,either ¢ or .& bleached, or unbleached from 121c. up. We have made a specialty of Lases and Embroiders this season. 'and are prepared to show you a fuller range than usual. Yon knows what lovely Laces we bad last season; well, this year we have tar sur- passed all former efforts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and have almost ton large a stock, THEY MUST BE SOLD. Now is the tiro), pm folies are commencing. to look out for these goods awl we invite yoti to come in and l=ee them. We gra snac' you cannot resist our tttns andprices. We them in White, 3t a k and two tone Silk, Cotton and Linen itnd.yon are sure to get the finest choice here. See our new Spring txoods 1n all departments. Headquarters for Field and Garden Seeds. Prib 10 II 4 0 N. 13—We bought at a low rate on the $, the stock of Boots and Shoes belonrting to the estate of the late J. M. Buchanan, whit+ will be soh. at SLAIJTGI{TEIt PRICES. See these goods and save 117o • on your purchases. T. A. MILLS.