HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-04-06, Page 3>r�
Do you llnewsa Teldyonsoe?
Not a bigger lily grows.
They are scattered tar and near,.
Livein every hemisphere.
No one likes theta --can't, you know,
:Think touch of sl, Toldyouso.
All the'.TQldyousoa delight,
.And declare they have a right,
Just when someone does a thing
To arise and gaily sing,
Or, with Crowning head bowed low,
";fbere, you se.4, I told you so!"
When a fellow has a plan
That will waffle him a rich man,
Aad starts out to do his best,
Extortion liebuked.
balky individual in a long and
faded brownovoz'eoat dropped into a
:restaurant on Dearborn street recent,
ly, took a, seat at one of the tables,
pladed his flat on the floor beside ads
chair and beckoned to one of the
have you gotat3ystowed, pumpkin?.
he asked.
T think not, replied the waiter�
Got. any onions?
Toidyousos. watch With a zest. Boiled turnips ?
They first took at him and smile, 1\'o,
And observe i4Now, wait a while,"
.If his plan's a great success, What have you got that
cat, anyhow? -
Here's our bill of fare.
It' he faits and comes to woe, I can't read it without 'my specs':
They obeerve�, "I told you so!" and I didn't bring thein. Supposing
Never give a fellow warning ' you were hungry what would you
That a failure's on hint dawning.?
want to eat .
Always whit until it's over, Well,Ilere's perteritousesteaii,voast
When they're here deep in the clover, turkey with ortl3berry . sauce, veal
Than they're llaUPy, and s:tv "Oh,
Well,. you know, I told you sol" cutlets, breaded, saddle • venison,
•--130stou Traveler. minced clams on . toast, pork and
beans ,
Before Housecleaning, Resolve— . Pork an' beans ? That'll do. Bring
file some pork and beans and a cup
That is,. if you are a ., housewife, of sassafr is tear putty strong.' '
wife- or mother— We haven't any sassafras tea.
To have a well digested; but elastic" 1-iain't got any sassafras tea.?
Mian of operations. What kind of an eatin' house are you
To not only do the work more running.? Don't you know every -
:thoroughly than ever before, but to body ort to drink sassafras tea when
it with. less haste and more system the spring's coining on ? Kind o'
and order. thins the blood, like. How much d0
Not to- commence except around you charge for pork and beans ?
the edges, Until the weather is mild Twenty-five cents. '
The stranger stooped and picked
up • his hat and put it on his head,
rose. deliberately, and . said to the
waiter 111 a tone of withering rebuke. j
Youne; man, when I want to get ;
robbed 011 pork and beans I'll go to a'
first-class tavern and have it done in
style. Any charge for the time I've
sinful extravagance of doing heavy, been setting down: here? No. Well,'.
'c a • u z1 it e
`.Tiley sing out In joyfulness,
.As their heads wag to and fro,
•'Thtiro you see I told you so!"
a mall con
enough not to endanger „the health of
-yourself or your family.
Not to stint yourself, saying, I will
finish this work by such a date. If
you do, you will either -overwork to
accomplish it, or it will be a thorn in.
• the. flesh, goading you to the finish. t
• Not to commit the senseless,perhaps
bald work • th t y o ea 11 'e others good day. , •
• to d0 equally as well, and then flatter
yourself that it is wise economy.
Not to expend a'dollar in the par- pep it rdocti Blood Litters cure Dys-
„ , I Applied Science.
—or THE—
ru --•.
--off 1711x^
FOR T1 E YEAR 1893.
To Cash on hand front last audit
'Taxes: colleotedfor 1892.... . .
4' 1898.,..
Poll Taxes collected for 1893..
,e 1893..
Proceeds of Notes discounted
Sales of Cern.tery lots,.
Weigle Scales
Bonus Loans
Sitiking Fund
' Non-resident taxes..
Total Receipts..,,
By Cash paid for Streets,..
Town Hall, , .. •R /A
Public Scbool.. , . ..
Fire and waterworks, .
Charities, .. .
Notes retired..., :.-.
Coupons.... •.
Tax Exemptions and Refunded..
County rate for 1892....
Electric rights
Salaries., . .
Printing, Postage and stationary....
.flections.. , .
Weigh Scales. ..•
Singing Fund....
Mortgage Loan..
Balance on hand
$ 200 64
,• 3830 40
7998 10
,... 20 00
20 00
10225 05
`246 00
1(32 00
,,,, (340 58
30 1)0
, , , (31 00
1047 00
• 875 72
370 02
,,., 139 69
$25967 71
$1445 70
104 5800$355 0
1388 10
246 56
11000 00
2985 00
628 134
589 00
398 70
12:34 00
65 00
1'22 '3(3
20 00
113 81
023 17
1000 00
125 04
719 69
Total Expenditure.. $25967 71
We, the undersigned Auditors' for the Town of Wingham for the year 1803,
beg to report that we have examined the foregoing statement with the Treasurer's
books and compared, the same with the vouchers in his possession and that every
item thereof is correct. 11, VANST'ONB, I Apnrxons.
• W. 0. STUART, j
Dated at Wingham this 13rd day of February, A. D. 1894.
ler of other fiat dress" rooms, if Burdock Blood Bitters cute Consttpa
those: in daily Use by the family re tion. 1 Satisfactory gas pipes are- now
Burdock BIood Bitters cure Biliousness. made of manilla paper coated with 1
Burdock Blood Bitters cure Headache, asnl3alt. I
Burdock Blood Bitters unlock all the
clogged secretions of the Bowels, thus our- Danish lighthouses are' supplied
ing headaches and similar complaints. , with oil to pump. 011 the waves in ease
•! of a storm.
The Coldest Kind of a Climate.. The comptometer, a new calculat•
Ite was from Michigan and he was' ing machine, is, operated.by keys like
'proud of it. So proud that.it proved the newest typewriter.
to be all his talk. If anybody spoke 1 It is estimated that one of the larg-1
of fine wheat, good fruit, heavy tin- est stones in the pyramids weighs fully
ber, .pretty women, extremes Of tem Qighty-eight tons.
peraturer wet weather, dry weather, I A, proposition for a great shipway
or anything else it was just that Evac throug1l ranee, between the English
not i11 perfect condition and well sup-
plied 'with comforts. In other words
do not sacrifice healthfulness; con-
venience and comfort to vanity or
.the cowardly fear of Mrs. CGrundy's
To re -paper the walls of living and
sleceping room, if the old decorations
have been on long enough to absorb
iinpurities even though they may not
show soil badly. Beautiful wall
paper in soft tones and artistic design
can be ptu'ellased for fifteen cents a
roll, a11d the hanging is no harder
o1:. more difficult than many other
tasks that you do not hesitate to under-
To stain or paint an outside border
around the floors of all living and
sleeping apartments, and not allow a
carpet to reach within eight inches: of
the baseboard. Five niirtutes'. daily
lase' of a sweeper in such a room will
• effectually prevent an. unhealthy ac-,
cumulation of dust.
Not to relay a, carpet until it has
P, been thoroughly cleaned and repair-
ed,• and ' not . then without placing
carpet paper or two layers of ' news-
paper underneath! Lay matting or
linoleiinl in "the same way.
Not to decorate the ' windows with
such a profusion of draperies that
•sunshine, that greatest of -beautifiers,
cannot find entrance.
. To neglect nothing pertaining to
in Michigan, only A little Vlore 5o. channel and the Mediterl'anean,meets
One day he talked his favorite with'much approval abroad. - 1
theme till all his bearers Were wear- i Historic old Castle Garden leas been
led . and disgusted. .Finally Uncle, converted into a magnificently ap-
Ben Wilson, who had been listening pointed aquar'ilim. The work on the
patiently for the last halt hour to a building' has been completed, and but t
discussion on the merits of Michigan + little'relnains to be clone in the in- t
pork, looked up and asked slowly : , terior. .
Gits purty,cold up there in winter 1 ed IA New pek myt 11 urines as been grant
time, don't it?f1
You bet it sloes • said the Michi-• four feet nine inches by fifteen feet
gooier. Why, I've seen it so cold eight inches. It's to be used as an
thatr-- Italian fruit store and the. plans Were
Yes, I've heels so, broke in Uncle drawn by a regular architect.
Ben; They say 'at when . nun goes ; Ready sensitized postal calcis are
. r,:
1 upon • German
out to call flogs there, in the winter :noel )eln,, placed t Uo c Ge '1
time, his voice freezes up ag'in the market, ' so that . the photo.;•raphic
trees. 1 tourist eauTory easily dispatch prints
This was evidently 11CWS to the t of the pictures he is making in his
fell v f 1 1 e n (- 11 i 's ` d travels to his friends and relatives at
OW o' l Op
e e eye eS all
stared while Uncle Ben went on: - home.
Yes, and when they spring thaw A Freneh engineer has built an •--
&„tired N.m, DICTIONARY
Ab✓e.,s elthe Tin
4 Grandd&ducotor-
sets in ever• tree in Elle l• eio'hborhood eleGltrie locomotive winch carries a
the sanitary condition of . either the goes to calling !togs to beat the world. 500 horse. power stationary steam
home or premises, and especially of The crowd roared, while some of engine. This runs a dynamo, tvhich
the cellar, kitchen, sink and all drain- the younger boys yelled, Let the fet- generates the current applied to the
• age. low from Michigan'treat, • electric 111ot01 ]ltoitllted Olrclrlvulg
That.absolutely perfect housekeep- But the fellow from Michigan hacl axles.
in; is not essential to the most belutti-: bolted.—Arkansaw Traveler.
fol game -milking --•indeed is often'
Bilious from Childhood.
fatal to it --while a little judicious Dyepe7;isla cause, Dizztness,I•Ieadaohe; Rev. 13enjanlin Hills, Pugii:ash, N.
shirlcil1g and,charmin0 disorderliness 'Constipation, Variable Appetite, Rising S., writes: "In a word I may 'say
0 Food, Tal itation of the
is the highest . wisdom.—Kathalme and Spouting f p that IC. D. 0. has helped me more
13. Johnson, Heart, Distress after Dating. Burdock than anything. else 1 have over used.
Blood. Bitters are guaranted to cure Dys- y g
pepsia, if faithfully used according to direo- nal, been bilious from childhood;
tions. - ' for several years I had rarely passed'
Hottowkr'S PXLLS.—tet Cases of
11ro111C indigestion, disOrclerecl flyer, ---.�- ;, a week without a severe attack of
, IIuinbolclt describes '° an oak tree bilious colic, with intense pain at the
and•geileral debility, these Tills aro he saw in Prance ninety feet in cir- betek of the head. Theseattacks
wonderfully effective. They • indeed culnference at the base, and estilttat- usually followed my Sunday work.
have 80 general and .powerful an e(1 to be two thousand years old. Since I began the use of the K. D. C.,
effect on the -whole system that they I The Greeks had two kinds of lice' havc'scarcely had any .1'CtitrYl'of
cleat' ate or ward oft most o£ the one broad, our own, b;liousnl aandtheattacks have been
His that flesh is flexr to, 'Theycleanse one ' likewn theother very light. I Have had greater.
the bowels purify the blood, correct ! having ttvo times or points,
freedom from suffering since I began
the bile, give tone to the stomach,' ' The last English census en 01101- the use of IC, D O. than for years!
.1 •0 r0. ,.
' t )U O tt oltteli VIA) t5 a1 believe t�rcite a healthy appetite, produce and about f 0 p past, ' I bc.11evo that the, oedasional
sound sleep, and intpar't increased fissional ; arcltter's in that country, use of a bottle of IC, D. C., will keep
energy to both mind and body. '`Pilo and six, who are employed in super- me comparatively free from the old
of these far- intending the drainage of towns. thank you for calling' nl
admirable properties ti � d tlatlble. I 11
famed Pills are too ll�ghly appreelat• Ouringlthc summer season Itrupp attention to K. D. C. Had I tried it'
ted to require any encomium lucre, as supplies his workmen with cold coffee long ago it 1Yiight have saved me
.they are resorted to by rich and poor
of every lt:ttlon. The ettrea they the cine and such of the men employ leeonp e
, i
but they bring about a marvellous
The successor ofthe
• "Unabridged.,
Ten years were
• spent revising, 100
•i! editors employed,
and over $300,00u
t expended,
_Everybody g
A; should own this e'
Dictionary. It an- p
3 ewers all questions v
concerning the his- g
tory, spelling, pro- e .
nunciation, and
meaning of words.
A Bleiisi to EveryHousehold.
These rrtnedirs have steed thu t:e,c of lifts year. rxperlcnce, end are i ru1eunerd the btu.; was
Yacn11y use,
►Isu94 the blood, r•nrrret n0 disorders of the L11Eit, STuIIAC.11, KIDNEYS AND 101 1Mod'
invaluable in all conmplaints incidental to•leu,a)es of all sir r•
03.1.9-'1'1\4_,Z1‘.7 T
Is the only reliable remedy for bad logs, ems, ulcers, and old wounds. Volt .3110NOt1r1I6. an
•TliltOATtI, 11u003$, 11O1,D8, at /CT, lti'111.'314Tl$3I, GLADULA1t SWELLINGS AND M.L. 1l'
D1SKA'3$s IT 1148 NO 14 4041.. Manufactured wily at i8, New Oxford, irate 0:r,, Oxford Street, Ism
and sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the ,rand.
-.'Purwllasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Puts.. If the address is not
513:1 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. •
.__. AAQ�q'U�qICKLY CUR - .f✓
MESSRS. -17 ,� . ONE BROS.,
of Kincardine have bought th.. arble Business of lir T T Watson,
Parties requiring wont heir line will do well by calling on then, or seeing one
purchasing. You will d our prices are away down, Our workmanship is unsurpassed.
hut the very best stoe nd by square dealing hope to secure a liueral share of the public Patroinag
T Watson, who has u running the bnsii.ess for the pest )ear, „111 represer us on the road.
Call an 1 sv: ur stook and prices.
ly carried on by W Smyth,
agent* below,
vee Ilea '
A Library in Itself. it also gives
the facts often wanted concerning eminent
persons, ancient and modern; noted ficti-
tious persona and places; the countries,
cities, towns, and natural features of the
globe; translation of foreign quotations,
words, phrases, and proverbs; etc., etc.,eto.
This Work is Invaluable in tho
household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro-
fessional man, and self -educator.
The Globe, Toronto, says:—
Thls new dictionary is the best book of its kind
in the English language. For every family. the
its purchasewillproveaproftableiart
The Times, Hamilton, says:—
It may well be prononnoed the best working dh•-
tlonary and the cheapest book in the world, and
Would be in every school and family 1n Canaan.
xraveyour Bookseller show it to yea.
C...* C. Merriam Co.
• ,Publishers,
Springifefti,Mass., U.s.A.
Q -'Do not buy cheap photo.
gramhta rep' pts of ancient
iSend for free prospectus
eontalninitspecinrenpages, -
illustrations, etc.
No Room for Boodle There,
(l'o, onto Nut%e.)
The Lionel Yorke contract for the
carpenter work on the new Parlia-
'arlia-mcnt buildings was $90,700, and the
extras amounted to $300. On the.
$70,800 contract for plumbing, heat-
ing and gastlttIng there was all ad-
ditional claim for .900. And $12,-
•000 was allowed over the price first
agreed upon' for the :;.752,000 job on
excavation, masonry and brick work
In all, on close upon $1,000,000
worth of work, tine extras over the
sunt first fixed amounted to' only 14
per cent. Whatever else may be said
about the Mowat Government or the
new Provincial Parliament buildings,
these facts, at all events, are very
mph to the credit of the Ministry.
' They show the extreme care exercised
in framing the contracts in the first
place galld the firmness with which
contr3etors were held to the terms
It is doubtful if an equally good
showing can be made in connection
with 111e -'rection of any other great
pubne building on this continent,
Auld vinegar at intervals throughout .nears .of suffering. I am glad to
r. i nIl it t0 felioty sufferers.”
etre& are not temporary or p 'foot eel hiconnectionwith the puddling
rrc('ivex one eight of aquart of ' bear Pira! I have been usfng Burdock t
and most beneficial change throu•rl'g Blood Bitters for boils and akin diseases
body, d enable it I
7 r
11(1 '.
bra �
!Hood's Sarsltptu•illa • is absolutely un-
equalied ns a binad pnritier and strengthen -
tig medicine. It is the ideal spring medi-
eine. Try it.
john l ullyttn. Yinisile:l the "Pilgriul's
i tibii.
i; Asa care. As
a n
)d it ver good s
'a I �)
out the entire) y, art
'and y g j'rni(r, es at 50.
p ,D C 1Vi113 dyepepl a Cure I have also found it un-
With I'enovs.ted owcls 40 1OSISt the cure e11111oi ie oe1111'lri+ equalled. 'tY& • j1 . 1). 0 3or. indiserOtYtiu 01
'ST VAL `� E
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CLOT 1i_'�' ,,
l �:� cap ..:.F
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Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which
were made five or six years ago.
The Fcatherbane Corset of to -'day
is as far removed from the old
style, as black is frac. white.
For that Bad Cough of yours
�,A► .ten : tin, r .a
As a Preventive and Cure of alt Throat and Lung Diseases.--
Itoh on human and horses and all and'
m .is c,lrerl in ,30 minutes by Woolford's
;sanitary Lotion. These never fails. War.,
tenter[ at Chisholln's drug store.
1 OMPI,!6.0aMW,.i■F,.l.,.i,.1.:arvb,Mmst ...-
Onret ofstrU tido, Coughs, Croup, Sore
• "9Chroat.
ord b nil DruiXgists on a Guarantee.
Farce I'acnetiltsbit kora heot8hiloh'si'osons
Plaster will give great latlsfaction.•+-ng cent%.
Mrs. T. S. Rt kind, Chador/nog a Tons, star
'•Ri.Eidh'aV(tanger' AVE]111iI' �z.ri a. I
'seeretoe 6 ForD ee siaoLite orEid y
atpprolteb of all ftttur'e attacks.
Mae Snuoi 11.1,014A7', luontreal, Gide. ; •u..t iia hltltira...
ttwuble it extiols. rice 5 els.
ON S•,„ ..CATAfti l
R Et' Ebt
ratted .
)a leo
Tr t i(s Y
liavo o f
t�crQitivel�• relieve and Cure you. Price Wets.
Thio inieetor for its" n000e$sTul treatrent 35
furnished *o dona free. laranrto i -' o... b tisxaa dM s
� �
The" EL ,. +......:+. R
itwin • • •
Ptt11esh onliourBones , , •
Prevent Consumption.!