HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-08-07, Page 8PARK GOOIERIC*1 _ 411 ,H0 ,,1 524 '0 Ale (0o0.1.G1/411) WED TO TUES . AUG A./A.9,10,1117 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WED TO SAT AUG II, 14.,I5. In — , • Jacqueline Susan's bold hest seller , that [colored all the avenues and daffiest alleys of love , among the International set "Once Is Not Enough" 1arquilinP Strands t, 114.1.11 Once Is Not fie ,i1 se..4i" •4 fig • Irk Owe. Linn ',willLi Swill n, mibia *Dion Ilrfrwn llowdAIwrano Kr-A RAH. AL... . L -- ••••••••- •••.— SEAFORTH FIREMEN'S 11$111 NNIA BALL To Commemoeate Their 100th Birthday SAT. AUG. 16 1975 AT THE ARENA ON ICE SURFACE MUSIC BY The Silvertones from Waterford TICKETS $3.00 A COUPLE EVERYBODY WELCOME FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE ' Tickets available from the Firemen. 25th NVEDDIN If ANNIVERSAR PARTY for Mr. and M111. Rey Hutchinson of Egmonciville CO Sat., August 9 at 9:30 p.m. In the Seaforth Legion Hall with Ian Wilbee's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Best wishes only. Ladles please bring sandwiches. 4cA'S *0 44# • fert a Seaforth Monday to Saturday Terry Fitt Blend Next Week Nightly Entertainment Dancing Couhiry Singles Dance SAT. AUG.ioth AT HOLLY GULLY MUSIC BY OZART MELODIES Refreshments SERVED ' Watch for our next dance on AUG. 23 AT CLINTON LEGION Mimic By "ENCORE " ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL In The Crown Room Friday and Saturday ".Dancing Machine Miss Jill Wheatley daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Dyke Wheatley was guest soloist at the church chapel in Huron View Clinton on August 3rd. The Organist was Mrs. Elsie Henderson of Huron View. Visitoreihis.week at the home I. OPEN EVERY NIGHT /4415TAWC-Ort FRIDAY YO THURSDAY, AUOU BRONSON "DEATWair •14/11/4 •ta• HAD INOK SATURDAY TO THURSDAY, AUGUST a.voo,t1.11.13,14 WHITE LINE FEVER "DARKER THAN AMBER" ADULT INTIRIAINMINT • • • ... Dance TO "L incoln Green" AT THE Clinton Arena Sat. August 9 REFRESHMENTS 9 P.M. AVAILABLE $2.50 PER PERSON 55.80 PER COUPLE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY JUVENILE BALL CLUB MEMBER OR AT THE-DOOR. ) woe IT'S TIME TO WORK —, Nancy Danbrook and Arlene Cleland, both members of the Sweep Program are getting ready to start back to work. Last week, the crew worked painting bridges in McKillop to prevent cracking in frost. • (Staff Photo) MARY !ELAINE O'ROURKE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'Rouke R.R. I Dublin Ontario has recently graduated from the Conestoga College Stratford Nur- sing Division. • , • PAT WILLERT, daughter of Mrs. Milton Willett of Goderich. grad- uated from Stratford Nursing Division . of Conestoga College. The graduation exercises were held at the Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Saturday July 26. Pat attended Victoria Public School, Alma College in St: Thomas and Goderich District Collegiate Insti- tute. She has accepted a postion at, Clinton Public Hospital. RECEPTION ,Da ice Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Dale (Patricia McCredie • Sat, August 9 9p.m. -1 a.m. in Saltford Everyone Welcome Lunch Provided ROSE VANDEN HENGEL, 188 N. Main St., Seaforth graduated from Fanshawe College School of Nurshing, St. Joseph's Campus, London on July 29, 1975 at Alumni Hall. She will be employ, ed' at Seaforth Community Hosp. A Doe I for Marie Therese Nash SAT.,AUGUST 9 1975 Anriies mom. •••••• 1.66.60 ••••••66 mloo. Nom. moo ammo .116 romp it 6 OPEN Reception To celebrate the marriage of Nancy Gibbings and Elgin Dearing August 15 BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 9:30P.M. —1:30A.M. Best Wishes Only CASH BINGO ********************** Country and Western Entertainment Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday & Saturday . RED KNIGHT ROOM " LES PERANCE TRIO Tasty Chicken wings for Snacks — Ample Free Parking — We serve Beverage Room Luncheons 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 -At Very Low Prices-. [We Sell Ice] Commercial Hotel - Seaforth ***At*** TOMMY SCOTT'S rika TIME PIN Pe. Country Music Show STARRING 0 SIDTSEVIET" CARSON SPONSORED BY SEAFORTH LIONS Seaforth District High School Auditorium MONDAY, AUGUST 18 at 7:30 p.m. ADMISSION:- Adults '2.00 Children under 12 1 1.00 Tickets available at:— Bob & Betty's, Archie's Sunoco Ir Vincent. Farm Equipment Ltd., The Huron Expositor Friday, Aug. 8th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 - Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.0O (CHILDREN UNDER le NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth Exeter Agricultural Society presents TRACTOR AND TRUCK PULL Sanctioned by W.O.T.P.A. Sunday,August 10- 1 p.m. EXER COMMUNITY PARK - • CLASSES '1. Out of field 8,000 lbs. - 5. Out of field 2. Out of field 10,000 lbs. 6.. Open Class 3. Out of field 12,000 lbs. 7. Open Clasi 4. Out of field 16,000 lbs. 8. Truck Class $1,800.00 in Prizes Weigh in at Exeter Co-Op at 10 a.m. Admission: Adults $3.00, Public School Children Free Free Parking Refreshment booth on grounds Chairman: Bruce Shaptori, RR 1, Exeter Tel. 235-1027 20,000 lbs. 7,000 lbs. 9,000, lbs. 7,000 lbs. 4 6 j Local Brie fs of Rev. J. Ure and Mrs. mart were Mrs Gordon Couli and Mrs. Ed. Israel, both of Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Greer, and Mr, Robert J, Gar en of Hamilton visited with the ormers parents Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer ' over th Civic Holiday weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Gov ier and son Kevin of Goderich visited her parents on Civic Holiday Monday. , Mrs. Jessie" MacGregor and Mrs. Lillian Grummett have returned from a 19-day tour of the Maritime Provinces Newfound- land and uOveral of the Neiv England Statps. Miss Darlene I-Wiley spent a week recently With. her Grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. George Addison. Visitor4 last week at the Addisons were Mrs. Cliff McCar- tney and Elizabeth, of Detroit, taking in the Centennial celebra- tions at Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fry Jr Timmins, and son Shawn were guests* of Mr. and Mrs. Dorleon Sills. ...•••••••••• COUNTRY MUSIC BAND JAMBOREE Sunday, August 10 1 :30P.M. -9:00 P.M. PINERIDGE CHALET R.R., 2, Henson 12 BIG BANDS . * JOE OVERHOLT & THE STANDBYS * COUNTRY UNLIMITED * STARTREX * MOZARTS MELODY MAKERS * THE BLUEWATER PLAYBOYS * BITTERSWEET '* COUNTRY " AL HARVEY & THE BLUEBOYS * THE BLUETONES * THE HEYWOOD BROS. " THE COUNTRY FOLK -7 MIDNIGHT SPECIAL * FIDDLERS • STEP DANCERS Admission $1.50 * Children Free Food & Refreshments Available • Saturday, August 9th [DANCE TO "THE STARTREX' 9:30p.m. - 1 a.m. EOM IN CLINTON - ONTARIO , BOX OFFICE OPEN 8. P.M, FIRST SHOW AT DUSK WED. - THURS; - FRI. - SAT. Au•ust 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 5' ill EYNN AS -No XAVIERA HOLLANDER A REAL WOMAN TELLS THE TRUTH 5 ) WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - ERMA 'August 13 = 14 - 15 fl Sheila Levine Wevery single girl ho ever had to attend her younger, sister's wedding. Week-end Campsites available Proceeds forCommunity Service Work. ADUAT ENTENTA INMENT z•- 9,1,9 • .f•• CYLCOr j fAjIRVC NN kLEN vtiFfiEiD Rti FtliDIDON col BURNITT 1,11,NNi3N. AN, . 04%' 0,, N 41.PIANA 1611 •MAP, 1.0.1n 1.1/1iN11 /I if 11.111 AUMON1 • COLO, RV 1•10011 Lye on deg' . A uPovERSAt PICTURE TECHNICOLOR. li