HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-30, Page 88 M, . McINDOO. ".I.HENEW FOREIGN DinISS GOODS Was there ever sleets a collection gathered together ? i\o; surely not in Wingham. In all th i nen French shades. INTRODUCTORY Will by in•1•le to this; really racoons col- le'etion, by celliatg for two weeks at greatly reduced prices. NEW FOREIGN BLACK GOODS. Just as strong in array; just as ex- clusive in their nature, as the Colored Dress Goods, P;,ENOEI DEL AINES. It's small wonder that we sell so many Delninos. For nowhere else can you see such a never -before collection of Frauds finest, all wool Delaines, in their bright - nese and beauty, of this year's Spring Fabrics. Of course the biggest and best collection is here. Sae our now Spring Cloaks and Wraps, at • . iL I CI4 OOU'S. CHEAP READING Our Clubbing Rates. The TrMES and Toronto globe, weekly 8 1 50 TheT,Ea and Toronto Empire, weekly 1 75 The TIMES and London Advertiser, weekly.,,1 75 The TIMES at London Free P, ess, weekly,1 75 Ties TIMES and Montreal Errald, weekly 1 50 The Totes and :Montreal Witness, waekly 1 60 The TIMET and Toronto D Lily World 2 50 TheTIMEsand Hontreal Family Herald and Star weekly, and premined ,. .. 1 75 The Tunas and The Ladies' Journal, ni mthly, Toronto..... .. .. ... 1 25 The TIM Sol ane; cosmopolitan Magaz,ne,inonthly, New York 2 25 The Toes and The Live Stock Journal and Nonsehnl1 e.'nr, piing, monthly ... 1 75 The TIM116 and Panu.rrs' Anvocato. hi -weekly 1 00 The Trouts an 1 the Cn't'vatai• and Country Gentle•nui, wenklf .. ... ... 2 72 Retlueed rates with all other papers not mentioned in the above lis:. Address Tluss OFFIsE, Wingham, Ont. , THE WINGHAM CANNON. DY FRANK no'TCa. Wouldst homage yield. you burgers stout, To useless catr)uade of war, Perchance that once from thundering throat Has quelled the force of feudal jar? Wouldst kiss the lips that shed afar, O'er sunny morn a smoky gloom, Caress the iron throat that swept Your gallant heroes to the tomb ? Or raise on high on maple throne, Within your park or market square, A thing that hailed its victims' fall, And lioars.ly laughed at their dispair a Could not our Government have seat A nobler gift for you to prize, Dismantled ordnance, 'tis all, To place before Cpnadiau eyes? Away, away, with tools of strife, Nor bloody pageant bring again, Could you not raise a grander ward Than cannon from wars' battle plain? A Pleasant Event. On Monday evening, March 26th, a larges and happy company assembled in the lecture room of. the Pres:,yterian church, Wingham. This charming "At Homey was under the auspices of the Young People's Society of Christian En- deavor. The whole arrangement reflect- ed the highest creait cu the superior tact and good judgment or those who had the matter in hand. After singing an appropriate hymn and prayer offered by the chairman, •Rev. D. Perrie, Prof Soott gave a vocal solo in his usual inimitable style, when Rev. J. L. Mur- ray, M. A., Kincardine, the thoughtful, happy and genial Moderator of this con- gregation during the vacancy,was invited to the platform. Mr. S. Gracey then _ read the following a ;dress and made the - presentation (a puree, $100:) To Ricv. J. L. MU mtsy, Rev. Alin DEAR SIR,—We the members t and adherents of the Wingham Presby- tartan church desire to take this opper- 'tatnity of expressing to you our appreci- 1 (salon of your valuable services while s air in the position of moderator to is congregation during the vacancy, a the fultilmentof your office you wore I faithful in attending; to the inter- I 1 f the congregation. Many calls made upon you for counsel and 10 One, all of which were received with 1. kindness, and the most careful j s teal bestowed bn all matters bear- i b on the welfare of our beloved Zion. 11 duties of a moderator of any vacancy w tto e a greater or less irksome *Woes 0 and we feel as a congregation i *a were no exception t -i) the general b We oan assure you that we were tad of the fact, that, as a pas- 0 and important charge, you tsar account additional burdens to already mtitlifarious pastoral b THE \\ING THAM TIMES, MAI►C,II 80, 18J4, labours, the voluminous correspondence you had to maintain and many other matte:a or an incidental oharactcr ull tended to make your over -sight of this congregation by no means a slight and easy task. We sincerely thank you for the kind, courteous and obligiu's Manner in which you performed your onerous duties. We would now beg of you to accept of this gift as a tangible token of our appreciation of your services and the esteem to which you are held by the members and adherents of this church. Accept also our beat wishes fur your future happiness and prosperity in that work of faith and labour of love to which you t•reoa'led. Our prayer is that God may ever make you strong, and keep you faithful as a watchman unto the house of Israel, that in God's good Prorideoee you may long be preserved to the work of the sacred ministry and to the Church of whim) you are such a dis- tinguished minister. May the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it, be with you and your I amiable partner in life and your whole household, is the earnest prayer of this people. Signed on behalf of the congre• gation. SAMUEL GRACEY, Rev. D. PERRLE, ALna, Ross. Sanitary Natters. A meeting of the Board of Health was held in the Clerk's otlice, last Thursday evening. Mr. D. M. Gordin was elected chairman and Chief Bullard appointed Sanitary Inspector. Dr. Towler, Medi- cal Health Officer, was present and gave some valuable suggestions regarding the sanitary matters of the town. Several complaints were brought to the notice Board. One of these mi„lit be called a public nuisance, as it affected more than one fancily in the town, and if allowed to continue, would, no doubt,be a serious matter. This evil is located at the rear of the Kont Block and show an extracr- dinary disregard of the provisions of the Health Act, and the requirements of cummon cleanliness, on the part of those offending. The unhealthy condition of a certain cottage on Edward street, lately occupied by a family afflicted with typhoid fever, was also complained against. It appears from very good authority that this dwelling, by reason of the existence therein, but a short time ago, of the above mentioned con- tagious disease, and there being nothing done since to have the house disinfected or by any means put in a proper sanitary condition, is quite unsafe and dangerous to the health of any family who may become the occupants thereof. A third complaint referred to the unhealthy state of the drain down the East side of Josephine street past the Meyer Block and other adjacent buildings. It appears that some persuns make use of this drain as a sewer to carry away the refuse matter from their dwellings, thus caus- ing a very unsavory smell in the lowed apartments of the houses by which the dram passes. This use of the drain is con- trary to law and clangorous to the public health. Although the Sanitary Inspec- tor was not present, it was directed that--; he should be at once instructed to take immediate steps to have this nuisance at the roar of the Kent ISiock abated; to find out the offendere in the matter of the drain complained of and notify the Board of the same, and to notify the owner or agent of the cottage on Edward street to have the said cottage put in a proper sanitary .sondition. The Inspec- tor was also ordered to lay information against each and every person tailing to fully comply with the following provi- sions of the Health By -Law (13) All wells in this municipality which aro in ase . . . . shall be cleaned out before the first day in July in each year. - (Rule 4) Within the limits of this municipality no night soil or contents of any cesspool shall be removed, unless previously deodorized, and during its transportation the material shall be covered with a layer of fresh earth, except the removal shall have been by some odorless excavating process. (Rule 5) All putrid and decaying animal matter must be removed from all cellars. buildings, outbuildings and yards, on or before the 15th dtty of May in each year. (Rule 0) Every householder and every hotel and restaurant keeper or other erson, shall dispose of all garbage, for he disposal of which he is responsible, ither by burning the same or by placing t in a proper covered receptacle for will and house offal, the contents of which shall,botween the 15th day of May nd the lit day of November, be rogu- arly removed as often as twice a week (Rule 8) The keeper of every livery or alar stable shall keep hie stable and table -yard o'.eein, and shall not parmit, etween the 15th day et May and the st day of November, more than two agon loads of manure to accumulate in r near the Mine at any" , one t 1me,eitoept y permission of the Board of Health. The above are some of the provisions f the Ifealth By -Law in force in this wn, which have been specially rought to the notice of the Sanitary Inspector, and which ho is directed to enforce. There uio nah"1' p,"rl'IS10I) . pronabiy just ;1$ mere: taut. Inst 1 10 0 - fotC0illenl of N UL!ll IR Ont t•tl Itlt t•wtl lilacs y necessary. Hole 5 ie tl hely I n.• nortirntt 011e, soil lo( rotatin,tt, ti. (•Pial , rt•.nb OF Oil r tuctr'tltlts Iced to naps) it to the basement of i hoir i+tor•tes. is halo they have ►r,1t1 ment, had, I•uttrr, rows 110(1 %eget;Lblej sus roll during tiu.N1,•10 to f. These lied all other (Akio; ehoultl be therms old v (-leaned out bel rt' toe worm heather bete io. if Chief liuttard attends to his dnlles as Saul t,u'y %us[recto ras the Board of Health expects hits to do, prop - oily till the !lUSitlOil of Chier Constable, take cat of the water works and town hall,and theh00(L•ed-an(1•oneotherthines .impoand ;gem him by.the Counsel, we du not see where 1,e min 11100 time to scrape mud off the streets, help to build side- walks, and oversee work being done 00 the stroete. His inspection of cellar's, wells, yards anti outbuildings will beeiu as soon as the ground is dry and the winter finally disappeared.—Coat. TURNBERRY. Mr. R. 13. Jeffery, station agent at Londesboro, has sold his property at Wingham Junction to Mr. John Case - more. It consists of a house and 11, acres of land. --Mr. R. I3. IIarris, of this township, ;las recently purchased a very- line standard bred stallion from Messrs. Dygert Bros., of Spring- ville, New York. Snrrah, 11782, has a race record of 2.48 as a three-year- old, and last year, in three trial heats made 2.25, 2.23 and 2.22, making the last quarter' mile in the third heat in 33 seconds. He is a beautiful bay, 16- hands high, and was sired by Rochester, 016,who has a race record of 2.31:1. Mr. Harris should receive the encouragement that his enter- prise entitles slim to. Horses of the stamp of Surrnll should 'be used 11y breeders, to fill the requirements of the markets of the day. BLISIN, McLr:AN.-1n \4ingham, on the 26th inst., the wife et Mr. John McLean; a son. OLftElisER.—Iu Teeswater, on the 18th inst., the wife of ioIr. Jos. Olheiser ; a 800. HowsoN.—In Teeswater, on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. A. r1, Howson ; a son. McINDYttE.—rt5 Culross, on the i•3th inst., the wife of M r. John Mor n:are ; a son. n5Aszl.zlsD. SauTH—SM1T1I.—On the 1-1th inst., by the Rev. J. A. 1:lcLachlnu, M. A., at the residence of the Itt•ide's parents, Mr. W. J. Smith to Miss Margaret A. Smith, eldest daughter of lir. Wm. B. Smith, all of Ouh•oss. SMITII--Hrvrs.—Ou the 14th inst., by the .Lam'. J. A. McLachlan, M. A., at the resideoce of par, Llealrney Smith. sr., Mr. George Smith to Miss Maisie Hilts, daughter of Mr. Lawrence Hilts, all of ®se. ITCHF.LL — MOPFAT.—At aIle I'eFl- denee of the bride's mother, Morris, on March 20th, by Rev. T. Davidson, M. A., Mr. Robt. G. Mitchell, of Turn berry. to Miss Bella, daughter of Mrs. Geo. i+2of- fatt. '.--LrNnLATEn.-1np East Wawanosh, on the 27th inst., Annie, daughter of Thos. Linklater, aged 2 years. RIVERS.—In Teeswater, on the 22nd inst.. Albert F. beloved child of Albert and Annie Rivers, aged 2 months and 11 day, s. GALLAUGITER.--In Bel more. on the 22nd inst.. Mary June Usllaugher, aged 27..years, 11 months and days. KELLY, --In Culrosy.on the 8th March. rLauretto Kelly, beloved driuethter of ri'homas and :clary Kelly, aged 7 years and 7 months. SLEEPLESSNESS is instantly re- lieved and per- manently mired by the faithful use of CAMPBELL'S QUININE WIND. It tones up the system and restores failing strength. Recommended by all doctors as a restorative after debilitating illnesses. Prepared only by K. CAMPBELL A CO., ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT. MONTREAL. FARM FOR SALE. st also part nf Fnot r,otsr'con. 14 WstWOwanosS, onotaln(„09 sterns, further particulars apply n,. the premises or by tuna to JAMES MO(t:nitAY, Saint Thomas D. 0., North Dakota. • JOHN PELTON, AGnIsTP, WINGHAM, - ONTARIO, Also, manufacturer of all kinds of W' , DEN PUMPS, iT PE; can be supplied db short ho pp rtno tido. Basler eared force Pumps aupplfed to order. abilepairing promptly attended to, Pried reason. Shop--Dragonai street, nearly opposite Batik of Hamilton, W mantra. MUSICAL EXCELLENCE, ARTISTIC DESIGN. DURABLE CONSTRUCTION. Catalogue sent free on appli- cation. MORRIS - FEND - ROGERS - CO. LIISTOWEL. FRASER'S DRQ AATIC CO'Y, OPERA HOUSE, WU ONAM. Commet MOIdDAY APRIL under tiro auspices of ment, No. 47, I. 0. 0 Dramas and Come ENCE," "TILE LITS "Ross (l.uiLAND," ALDA.” E T S fid, 1894, inerva Encamp-. ., in a repertive of is: "QUEEN'S FPID- UCIiESS," "DOLLY," T LYNNE," "EsILEIt- Beautiful Costumes, ioocl Singing, Danc- ing and acting. Nc ulgarity or indecency. Everything clean. : refined. ADaussror Man., L menials) SEATS 2dcTs„ VHILnIt N 15 CTS. Plan of hall and ti Iceta now at Williams' Drug Store. Tenders Wanted fo 9te for grouse of Ruge. Offers will he received I to undersit;ucd np to the fifteenth (ley of npril t1 1 for a site an which to locate the llonse of I _f t;;e, contemplated 1) the County of Huron. Tim . uantit,r of laud legnired will be from twenty-av . u fifty acres, soil to be of'n goofs quality and east) rained. To he within two miles of any of the fo owing pints: Minton, Sea. forth, Ex, ter or 001 with. The party will with utter state the prion rtquired per acre, together with a fell de lcription of the property. Dated at Ooderich this 25th day of March, A. D, 1804. W. PROUDFOOT, Chairman of Committee. Godurioh, P. 0, ANAU L The annual general ulve M the n'INGIIAII TENI ;'ANY (Limited), will bo rials. o.t Wednesday, the f next, at the hour of ten Wingham, March 22,0 5: EE T &NO. lia: of the shareholders 'FRANCE HALL COM- •eld hi the Temperance -turth day of April clock in the forenoon. 1R. ELLIOTT, 34, Secretary. WANTED SALESMEN To sell a choice line of Nursery Stock and Beed Potatoes. Liberal salary 1 rcmunlission paid weekly. Permanent and paying positions to good men. Special inducements to beginners. Exclusive terri- tory given if desired. write at once for terms to THE HAWKS NURSERY CO., :Rochester, N. Y. DR.' MCLELLAN, LONDON, ONT. 497 Talbot Street, EYE and. EAR SURGEON, Gradu•tte of the Nrw York Eye and Ear hospital, 1840. Host Graduate Conrsc on the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat at the New York Post Graduate Medical School and hospital, 1502, Eyes 'rested. Glasses supplied Pine stock of Spectacles, Lenses and Artificial Ef to 11111 be at the Brunswick House, WINGHAM, The first or last THURSDAY of each month,at date named below: Fourth Visit: March 29th, 1894. Hours 8 a. • m. to 3 p. m. Charges moderate. pei 1 fteioii] I have a full stock of Watches, - locks, Jewelry, GORtO Last week we mentioned something about 1st \ HIats, Ties, Shirts, Now a few words about OUR NEW WORSTEDS CAN /� /'iimpoo�t'tted, and CAN ADIA- 7l TWEEDS EEDS They are the finest and e1 eapest that we ever offered, See them. They are bargains. Ouri NEW READY-MADE CLOTHING, for quality, style and prices, leaves competitors out in the cold. OUR BLACK COLORED DRESS&C'OODS we imrorted direct, therefore can give you values that local dealers cannot touch. Please call and see the beautiful things in CROCKERY and GLASS- WARE that we give to our Customers FREE. Respectfully yours, D- M_ 0-0 • The Anchor House. . HARNESS A D COLLARS. Iiaving bought out the Ambles' Harness Business and started in his old stand, am prepared to furnish the public with everything usually kept in a harness shop suck as HEAVY, LIGHT and TRACK HARNESS, NETS, DUSTERS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, SWEAT COLLARS, TRUNKS, VALISES and TRAVELLING BAGS, &e., &c., •I make all my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction. - Give me a trial and I will use you right. C-- - WTC.Q]`T, winghaln L I have just received a large consignment of WALL PAPER, WINDOW BLINDS, &c, In all the latest designs and styles. Also, a large stock of School Books, Scribblers, Exercise Books, Copy Books, Slates, Pencils, Crayons, Stationery, &c. Prices as Low as the Lowest. ALEX. EXe ROSS. The Popular Bookstore, Wingham. - - PRS' F. ®OREN1A/ENDi the well c own manufacturer of human hair coverings will be at the UNSWIC•K HOTEL, ON THURSDAY, I2TH :PHIL 1894, with a complete stock of Ladies' and Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Waves, Scor(cbm', Plain Fronts, &c. Be sure and see these goods. They are aekaowledged to be 'per - faction. AT BRUNSWICK HOTEL, on &c•, THURSDAY, 12TH APRiL to whirSli I.irivite special attention, STI4.LIbNS FOR SALE BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN. R I E ATI( Com" IN•C A x SPECIALTY, "ft and all work done on the premises. I' M. PATTERSON. i Stand. --Directly opposite the hank of fiaiailton, Wingham. The undersigned offers - r selo,the throe. following Clydesdale stallions, all t, Ed front Imported ;dock: "MACK," dark 1me• owing s, x. nearly eighteen i d Cd von. thoown n r11elltn„HuAlss•, nsia r efto1 abl Wi tMteurc,m ratd!tor•H Colly e.m.Sl•u - "PRINCE,' coning th ba(; find "FthANnK," sewing aro, also hay, boil ghees' by •'Mack"• dant Imported "Nance,' who lifts Carried off the first prize, and ewerpstakas n 'Ire local 51100,, The nbofn animals •111 t sold ehe0p for Cash, etoek Or approved notes For further particulars se to pedigrees and ter iii appply to TEeiMAS Tol)D, 'Buren Co., Ont Ht. !felons 1' 0- ��R WEj /auPEE, s, .4 FARM The undersigned add g ,liar South u hall of lot 31, con enntatning 100acren; mt 75 acres tinder cultitaf pally bush. Thorn is o brick house and large (underneath, also a s rt a good sprtrg watt able. For parelri dress, lvhftechu Eat Wawanosh, t'eb R SALE. or sale fits , sari n being scion 14, Enid Wswanosh. or less. There is anent , the batfince is prinrl• the place a dontfortable rime barn, with etibllnlr 1111-, bearing( orchard and farntwlil ha sold roma. ply en the promises or ad• AS COOK, Proprietor 8 y' 1804. N r `itiS�"•rpeyl.i!�ItiM+. �, ;..11..,ys..". VOL. 'XXIII.---NO. 1.151 TIM BEAR never had a more desirable stook of Dry Goods, Boots and, Shoes than it has this spring. We have paid special attention to your wants thio season, and have watched the markets closely to your advantage. Our Deese Goods, Delaines, Challies and Prints are the most exclusive in Wingham, We call particular attention to our Black Goods, for color, quality and price. Be - =ember that we are the only house in town who import Dry Goods direct from the foreign markets, thereby insuring a savin gi to you. Our Grocery stock, as usual, is full, fresh and well assorted. Our 35 cent Tea is and always has been the talk of the people; three pounds for one dollar; five pounds for ono dollar and fifty cents. • ORR re HISCOCKS, Direct Importers. THE BEAR, March 20t11,.1894. - • Marriage S.icenses Issued by FRANI; PATERSON. No 23, Vic toria street,Wingham, Ont. Nowi g , tuesset� required. • � Place in Coanada to A �j gut a Business Edu t � �./' ��T c a . o n Shorthand, Corn- ett-, is 'at the Cea tral Business Col- 4 lege,' Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. Unquestionably Canada's Greatest Com- -merciaiSchools. Cain °rues free, hien- 0 L this paper. Shaw St hillutt, Principals ' LOCAL NEWS. -The public Sols is re -opened on Mor ',day last with a largjattendance. -Cash for good butter and eggs at R..A Graham's market grocery. -Mr. Hugh Ca pbell, a brakeman c the C. P. R.; had o fingers taken off i the Wingham yar , one day last wee • while coupling car —Tho best bran s of oysters, at 80 40ets. per quart, at Jas. McKelvie's. he misunderst&idingbetween Mess) r' P. Chapman and Geo. H. Mooney, the Ripley Inquir ,r, has been ainicab settled, and Mr. Chi pman will conduct t' Ptper in• the future. ; —An enjoyable 2 ;sembly was held the Temperance Ho 1, on Wednesday eve ing,, The London .iarpers furnished t music, and Mr. J s. Mcltelvie was t --caterer for the ocasion.- About,fi 'couples enjoyed th pleasures of the dance --'•Watches,clocks and jewelry prompt repairandfully warranted by HALF PARii,eyer Block, •Wingham. he cannon ha been placed in fl4 of the town hall, a, it is pointed direr at the residence of r. B. Willson, mana Of the Bank of Ha iiton. Does this me that our Mayor ha sanguinary designs Mr. Willson, or is t an intimation that will 'brook no re sal of funds for `play ? s wilt he se n by reference to coundil mil' rtes, in another colu alt j G:' sensor has seen instructed to as the Ocperty .of he telegraph, - telepl l and electric ligheeteoinpanies in town, 1 some t�'Wn this g55 been done for ye The 5onaa moti n also instructed assessor to assess 11 entire horses in t as personal prop ty., —Wanted, a boy about 16 or 17 yea'. age, to learn the printing trade. 1 have a good English education. Apps the Tlatrss ofpee. - --The Fraser Bran atic Company been playing to fair h wises in the i hall, this week. The ompany is the that has visited Wings m for some r the dee, Miss Mollie J ries, is a verk and pleasing actress, ea 1 is well euppc l They appear here wide the auspfci Minerva Encampment' I. 0. 0. I"., Will remain all the wee'`. The Bvoifution Of medicinal agents tl ie gradually glossa Meg 11 1 g �' e the old-time herbs, pills, draught; vegatable axttaotr to the rear and Irr3, Into general Ilse dere pleasant and eft liquid iaxat w', 8yretp of figs. To g trite remedy Leve that it is wanufaotnu the Caitornia 7'+•t Syrup Co. oily. halve by aid l*4Ung stragg etrs. 4-