HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-30, Page 7W .
PARLIAMENT. • of this douse bought a painting in
Nc* York for $46,000, brought it
*amnia) i"lt(]ll 1Y.t(.1; :i,) Home to Montreal to adorn his palace
,rive einplayniant. to about Hilo+tg and brought it in ft'('a of duty; but
't13WU�1em mu. Let 111( give \'oft eat1- if 111'ant a picture in aeeordai}ee
etllel't1 tc':a,'on of lois of capital its tyitll my linlitrcl cal);lcity for buying,
listrib lt:ill ; airier Chi 1 Iti�11 t;Lein'. I have to pay 3() per cent of its value
t before I can bring it in. Is that not
We wal t 1!: silo tome o(` abov .lett discrimination in favor of the rich?
impar:;, ill 1')'1'11 11111111)(lr't, Jll)ott. still •. ,� , .
Inillio'l d tll:Lr+ tiv):'tli or {Colt eneh The best carpets which can be pur-
• yells!, 1411:'1 0'1 t:1:1; fid p•1;4 )')),0)) ; hasedein ntthis
per cent;
fluty. If there we:•k1 110 ditty,
tl )1);111 ' (`'c'1Cy fir); per cent; manufactures
could undertake to distribute Cha i'o ' gold, 20per cent ; ehina and por-
whole iron used by the various eon-
miners of this country for .0,000, Maine ware, 30 per cent; fur coats
000. That would be the amount or and cloaks to keep the rick warns,
capita111e would have to put in his which the poor cannot buy, 25 per
ft business, but, under the present can-
cent. Ill, this list there is not one
single article on which the duy is
above the average. In the face of
these figures I ask this house, and
employ more bands by the t'i ]ends- through the 1iress, I ask the country,
aro they willing to retain in power a
taro of the thirteen millions, because Government which thus places a bur -
he has -to send it out to the same eon, dell on thepoor and favors the rich?
stunts, but if he invested in other The situation is correctly described
manufactures that three millions by a little triplet which I found the
moith% he could spare out of his dis- ther day in the New York "Daily
tr'ibution business, it would give em- nth erica." Listen to it
ploynient to thirty thousand men.
As another instance, take the impar- "Yes, the tariff is a tax,
*`Cation of coal oil. We importedlast And the poor people get it
year 6,600,000 gallons for the various Where the chicken got the axe."
consumers of Canada, and the dis- But, Mr. Speaker, that isnot all that
tribution of thatwillemploy a certain call be said against protection. It is
number of baruls. Under the tariff, , such an abomination of iniquities that
we have got to pay $437,000 for the a parson could hardly get through
on and $ 630,000 duty, which comes telling of them in a week. Protection
to Nearly $900,000 altogether, which distributor unequally the wealth of a
a•man engaged in that business nation, and the labouring classes, in
would require to distribute that whose favour it is said to bo, have
e amount of oil under the present con-
riot at command at any time enough to oh
editions. But suppose we had free' carry them over a few months'
trade.X37 000 would buy the oil;stringency in the labour market.
he would require the same numbe
of hands to distribute the 5,600,000 . Twenty-five thousand people of the
United States have more money and
gallons, he �voukl give employment
within their grasp than tl�,e
to just as many people, and have balance of the sixty-five Millions.
137,000 of his capital to invest ill Is that a proper distibution of the
and develop the country in various wealth of the nation? l will show
ways. So you see, Clic protective you that protection brings about
tariff is a waste of millions and that inequality. Three-fifths of
17111117115 of capital (as 1 have said the wealth of the United State';
already, nearly $00,000,000) ill the, is congested in the nine North-
4� entire dist:iltation of the country.
easteCn States, the great lllanit-
But, Mr. Speaker, protection has
factoring States of the Union. But,
another :.Cilli. Protection protects
Air. Speaker I want to place before
the rich and discriminates against the
clition he pays t;�18,000,0J0, There
are three millions more which are
lost and unproductive. He does not
poor. I am prepared to prove from
our own official documents that it
' discriminates against the poor man
and favours the rich man, and I
challenge any Moll. gentleman upon
the opposite side of the house to
prove anything else, for the figures
here are incontrovertible, The argu-
ments are of such a character that
the? cannon be gainsaid; for, Sir,
000 farms, that would represent an average would like to ask in what business is it
loss to mit farmer of $'313, yet we havo Possible for a man in 20 years, without
men in this House who will prol)ybly, be- extraordinary profits, to amass wealth so
fore this debate is through get up and say great that lie can give away fortunes right
that the eeemees areas well off now as they 4114 left : It is the farmers' looney that ad
were years ago. Although the precincts of being spent, and this money hoe been taken
eaoh farm yielded fr�;1 hiss in hitt« than in unfairly from the pockets of the farmers of
18:11, yet we have :nett in tide House, the country, I ani sorry the Government
suflloicntly iatelligeut to be selected as Lae not seen fit to promise us 11 great re -
representatives of oonetitueuci.s, who will, duction of the tariff. I am sorry they have
in the face of thee° figures, takes: front
out promised ne the wiping out of the I ro-
official souroee, tell us that the farmers of tective prinoiple to the extent of establlrh•
tleie country are es well off Glue year as ; ing the tariff upon a revenue basis with
they ever were. My eouipreltausion may ' protection as an incident, 'rather than, as
be limited, but that eortainly ie ane thing they are doing today, putting protection
1 cannot understand. Now, the Govern- first with the object of revenue as merely
Govern -
limit may ask, how could we help all this? " incidental.
Supposing the farmers do not aell as moon
we they did, supposing their 1.Lnds aro l English Spavin Liniment removes all
cheaper in value, Cyan wo iaoruase the hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blem-
pricctd t \'hat ca a wu do for th° ftarmurs ? Nem -
miles from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
I will tell you, : ie, want the (suers mo Splints,Ring Bone,Sweeny, Stifles
can uo. They call leave the farmers alone; Sprain,Sore and Swolln Throat Coughs,
they can let tin= hew out their own destiny, etc. Save $50 bynee of ono bottle. War -
which they would do much more effectively ; rautedat Chiheom's drug store.
laud satisfactorily than they are doing at i
present. You do not find the farmers cont- , It is astonishing flow satin the
Nig to Parliament Ice lobbyiets. You do whole conscience begins to unravel
hot had diem so crowding our pasing't
here that y'on eau hardly tet through front if a Single Stitell drops, 0110 little sin
one plane to the other. Yea do out tinct indulged snakes a hole you could put
them coming to cask favours and special your head through.
legislation to increase their 11.•utits. All
they ask, atld they ask it mop toe:ally, ie to 1 Itch on human and horses wed all and
be let aloe° to do the best they can with ' mals cured in 80 minutes by Woolfnra'a
their products. They ask to be allowed to I Sanitary Lotion. 'There never fails. War -
sell where they can realize the most, and to I muted at Chisholm's drug store.
buy where they will pay the least, so that Tryto be happyinthe
if they lose in one way they will save in 1 present
the other. This Parliament, however, has a moment and put not Off being s0 to a
time to conte --as through that time
not acted justly by the farmers, but has
placed burdens upon them, and that in the
very face of the depreeiatioa of their pro-
perty and reduced prices for their produols.
In the Speech front the Throne, the Gov-
ernmout have announced that these burd-
ens shall be coutiuued. Their raw material
is taxed. On their farm implements,
there are duties levied to the extent cf 18
to 20 per cent, and in some cases even 00
per oent over the average duty of 30 per
cent imposed on other articles. Our agri-
culturists say to Parliament ; Gentlemen;
we want you to take off the burdens you
have put on ; reduce the taxatiou on agri-
cultural implements aurl oil irou ; reduce
the duty ou ooal oil, barbed wire, lad
manufactured goods generally—woolens,
the °beeper kinds of clothing, cottons,
t boots, and shoes. Give us a fair field, they
ory, and we want no favour. Wo can
stand on our o.vu energy ,and ill leedry, and
hew out, unaided, happy auri prosperous
hornet for oa�'nelves. t Lora i, auother
should be of another made from this,
which bas already comeaand is ours.
Norway Pine syrup is the safest
and bast cure for coughs, told, asthma,
bronchitis, sore throat, and all throat suet
lung troubles. Price 25c. and 50c.
Whose neglects a thing which 11e
suspects lie ought to do because it
semis to Bing so small a thing, is de-
ceiving himself; i is not too little but
too great for him,I'that be sloes it not.
Two years ago 1 had a bad attack et
hitioususes au'1 took one bottle of Burdock
]flood Bitters and cm trnty recommend it
to anyone suffering from Ode complaint.
• ,Hits. 'j .,, Blume, Toronto.
You seen to be a-fraved, observed
let:ug which the Government can t10. Oar the flatiron. That's because I 8111
farmers are t•. a very l,arg:exteur, 811ut out
of their Natural in.urkst. au•.t the Govern-
; meet have been promising for the last few
years to taste steps to pull down the fence
1 now raised so high between the two nations
who ought, in trade matters, to mingle
!and intermingle, freely with each other.
hard pressed, retorted the collar,
starchily. And the ironing -board got
hard under the collar.—Siatndard.
DO not neg:eet o„ughs, cnlds,a;theta,
and bre icltitis, hitt cure them by using Dr.
you and they House figures which go , , a ' ' t f 1 1 l wood's Netway Pine t3yri p.
17 he Americans predate many articles •
to prove my contention that protection • which we require,. cheaper than we can
10J/titience is the rape of ttdvancel�leut
distributes unequally the wealth of a produce ahem, and there are many in lines of life.
country. In 1860 the :arum values 1 things which we can produce cheaper
of the United States were? 989 000 - titan the Americans can, so that there is 1C. ID. C. Pilus restore the bowels
I every opportunity for reciprocal trade if no to lxealtlay acton.
000. In 1880, after twenty yCars' 1 barriers were raised to prevelit it. ire all
protection these values lied risen to . know what honourable distinction Canada Judge 1'4 ttybaek—Have you any
.12,140,000,000, or an increase , of gained at the World's I air. I was never prejudice against the defendant o
amounted. in 1860, to X8,180,000;0001 and saw the Ingle position our country took. eekly.
and1880, twenty ft ds In grain,our Canadian farmers won no less IN
1 so proud of beim; aL Canadian as last onto-
110110 IIOw1ei—•I (ltllnl0 yit, j,c1 '.
er when visited thermal
5� per cent Now, others va nes b 1 I t d ti Cit Dago oxhibtttoth Wot's 11is pal:t'cs? — New 1'a:k
in wen y years a erwar
they had risen to X31,538,000,000, Or 4 than 197 awards for their exhibits. ! In
• d ff 17 d. I o nooessi y o spring meatcino is unh-
Sir, there are other figures which I I swine they gained 50 awards:} Their cattle vernally admitted. This is the best time of
wish t0 give you, taken from the 1 bore off 18.1 awards. OuG. of 352 sheep the year in which to purify the blood, to
which they exhibited, 250 ° took awards, restore the lost appetite, and to build u
compendium of the United States 1 whereas, out of e7 sheepexhibited, byPl P
� the entire system as the body is now ecu-
censuS Of 1880, at page 926, SO that the United States, onl ,103 took awards,so liarly susneptihle'to benefit from me'li ine.
any hon. member can verify them for him- 1 that while 71 per cent -d5 our sheep gained Tho great popularity attained by Flood's
self. The amount invested in farm pro- ;prizes, only 40 per cent of the American Sarsaparilla, owing; to its real mei•it and its
perty in 1880 in the United States was sheep earned this distinction. Does not ren'iarkable success, has eetabliehed it as
$12,104,000,000; the valve of the products that prove that if we had an open market the very best medicine to take ill the spring. h
was ,butter, ,
when I place before you these facts, Eleni, oatmeal, &c., t ey tool 4 Ewa ds Don't rut It Os
and ask you to consider them in that all increase of 280 per cent. But, In honey, they came o awards. 11 Th 't f •
light, no other conclusion can be
arrived at. On the imports last year
the average tariff was 30 per cent.
Here are some of the tariffs paid by
the farmers of Canada : mowers,
2eapers, ploughs, drills, 35 per cent, 5
per cent above the average. Forks,
(two and three pronged), 50 per cent,
20 per cent above the average tariff.
$2 790 000 000 the persons employed 'for our cattle sheep homy, swine It cures scrofula, SIR were
and all i
were 7,070,400; the product per hadd was ; etc., we could profitably dispose of the'n in humors, billoasuess, dyspntlhi,t, hcud.iehe, t
kidney and liver complaints, catarrh, and
all affectians maimed (r promoted by mewl
state of :ht. sestet', or impure blood. Don't I
put it off, bet tab 1land's Sarsaparilla
now. It will do you g rid J
$288. The value of farm labor at that; the large centers of the United States 7
POrks, (four and five and tis prong- time was $270, so that the farmer had $18 Our best cattle would go the cities of
ed) 45 per cent15 per cent above profit on each hand that he employed. That I Detroit and Chicago, and other western
tlln Aterage, •lines, 48 per Cent. 18 was the farmer's side of the matter. Now , cities, where they would come into compe•
f side.I 1580 the I tition its the f
per take the manufacturer's 8 In 10 ltlon wl 3 10 115 erior beef from 'Texas
r cont above the average. Carden amount invested in manufacturing indus- 1 and Mexico and the Indian 'Territory; and
., 49 per cent, 10 per cent above tries in the UnitedStates was 42,791,000,000; I the rich customers in those western citrice ies,
the:avera„re. Barbed fence `vire, 51 the e costeof fruate sal was $3,370,060,000 ; l tlhe quality,roduct not iwoouk ld certainly much to llpe urchase our
per cent, 24 per cent above the the value of the product, less material, was oatttle in preference to inferior stook. The
average. Now, look at another $1,973,000,OUO; the persons employed sumo remark applies to our sheep. Let me
seheclttle of duties which will Show numbered 2,732,000; and the product per give you, briefly, the results which Canada
1101v; thepoor man is discriminated head was $721. Non the ws , the average wages achieved at that exhibition. Our cattle,
against. On checked shirting, the paid $325, leaving a profit to the of the a manufaeted e 0U3s awards, out of, swine an exhibit ottltr oof 1,847
e11Captte't in the market, the duty is turer of nearly $400 on every hand employ- animals, or 51 out of every huudrecl of our
48,,pe:: cent, on Elie dearest 22•}r: per ed, while the farmer had a profit of only animals tookI4 each prizes. Compare this with
cent; on grey cottens,the cheapest, 36 "shows beyond ninny employedd out thyttt the farm er t Steteshexlsibtedt4 005 of peso animals, and
the dearest 21 cent on i f any_
d protection; 1 1404 d tt t only 37
pCr e:Ll , le cares 1301' ; s not getting; air
Uri er Ott �' , . a war s, 80 ,la nn
fla1111els all wool the cheapest 40 per
and if it were possible to give similarfigures of their animals out of every hutulredcame
Cellt, the dearest 25 per cent; On in regard 'to exactly
Canada of ours, they to the front. 'This proves that mf we had
tweeds the eh i' est 42per • cent the would show exactly the same results in an open market for these products in that
r p ,/ principle. But there is another evil in country we should have a large and lucra-
dearest 2(1 per cent; on beaver over- }>roteetiou. Protection is at least one of tive trade. Sir, p
the dens,
I take u now the subject
og the
Cheapest 80 per Cent the causes of the depreciation of the value of cheese. You alt know that in her cheese
rest, 80 per cent; 011 nap over- of farm lands. We are told every day that exhibits You swept the board, that
the farmers are getting;. better off. Now, neither the United States nor any, other
coathlgl the cheapest 75 per Cent, the it ms no lige talking arrant nnnsenso t it to Country Lac. any pisco. Canada
dearest, 33 per cent; on serge cloak- no Use trying to deeeiva the people; be- tools no less than 392. awards for choose,
in 3 the Chea St, 58 (r cent, the cue they know that they are hot getting and hi some oases the excellence of this
detlPCt;t 8°03131
13percent;on blankets, the better off. I will give you a few figures ohee a ltvas recorded past i19 pomata, 100
, wtlich will show you.to a demonstration bein terfection. Su nae we had the
cheapest, 130 per cent, the dearest, that they are not tis well offas they were a American market for our clteesb; sUppose
33 l)„� cant. On only three of these fart' ,years ago. Cho average value of we had Chicago and Detroit ILud Buffalo
articles used by the riot is tho (ility, farm lands in Ontario for the ten .years and New York and Boston and other largo
from 1882 to 1802, was $082,600,000. In cities to send our magui0aent quality of
shove the average, while On those 1801, the value was $621,250,000, or Ili cheese into, should we hot bo assured of a
Sir, market?' Aro not all thebest
e'd ma 7 e
call su os splendid nr
Do o
' u• 1 s ,
v inions Y PP
1 1 all m YP
1SE ci) the 0 t ranges a
up to 100 per cent above the average that the farmers of this county in selling products of every ltinrl assured of a
In the face of these facts and figures, ont their lands in 18111, androgerting 11 ready market in these cities, where there
Millions less for their y, were are rich people anxious to procure them,
till Sickness Comes
bef'oreBuying anddle of
Ott may need it tonight
A lIietory of Two Parliaments.
The present seseiou of the Dominion
Parliament promises to be one of the most I
interesting in the history of our country.
First and foremost %till come the battle for
Tariff Reform, in which the issues between 1
the two parties will be ebarply delin. d. 1
Both parties will be making records for the
coming Dominion elections. Then there
will be the Manitoba and Northwest School!
questions; the French 'Treaty; the potiti•nl 1
of Mr. McCarthy, and other questions of
interest but of niiuor importauce.
The Montreal. Daily Herald, which ;
furnishes its readers with the fullest,a1•1ist
• and most imptrtial reports of the session,
announces that this year it will give its !
weekly readers a full-sized four-page Par -1
liamentary Supplement, containing its'
entire daily report. Concurrently with the I
Dominion session will be held the Imperial
Parliament, which will also be of special
intet'est and will be fully reported In
the Herald's weekly complement. The
'holo making 0 most valuable hi•atory of
the actions of these rent bodies,
For those who are not subscribers to The
Weekly Herald, a special price of lir cents
taken from documents furnished by efually. wealthy as if they had sold at the and willing to pay tate price? it nloto has been made, for which the publishers
of industry ' : Canada stood
2 nt 1
the Government itself, I ask you, this higher * of Worse than that, in 189 , deparitney will furnish The WeeklyHerald and the
Speaker, I ask the inomnberS of this the Valeo of the land was $016,000,000, or 80 per cent higher in fruit than any other
House, and as t110 country,is there $10,600,000, less than the average from country. And what a tnagsificent market parliamentary finpplement for the full
1882 to 1801. It is estimated that we wouldl be scones #or our apples, our pears, t f the matter 1 1 it
':.Ciel' against the poor ' 11ave 350,000 farms fn Ontario, so that, and our peaches if freeelom of trade were Lvhll last The Ifo aid is nutepeudent
tvor )f the mitts i'• "But that dividing the land equally, the vwlae of each established. an
Is tie:, £ili lia Let us look at the rieh f would show a re
1802 as comp
reasons at Payor
' Ac• %' reform• haver demonstrate thus '
• color 'Lint n a h eminent artists t0 the value of the tato present policy is a detriment to 00 per
p 1; y s, wheat, oats, rye, peas, cent of our people, and that burdens aro
adorn the '1••• ll Of tyle rielt, free ; ecru, buckwheat, beans, barley, potatoes, ptacedl uuoil the.ae nt tttder to secure the
but if t
has to
erns O he $ca810n, 110 n1a er low OTIg
d eve were able to ship aur
arm duction of $000 in 13mgih class goof
' fff Sill fabrics, 30 ,
Celli Sll 1
1s to puretiasors in ills Vni• Liberatfn polities. Subscriptions for the
aced e. l i 1 d` t I t bring m remarks to I t t
mans tilt 1 per .duping the decade.
i tl ' t t meat from the twelve or.
stones 10 per Cent • ell and water Bureau of Indo
the avenge va ue to 5ta es. mus ling, y oma a m sessions term o be sent direct to the
lent that is not 611, conolnsioi3, Y havo stem you, Mr, Speaker, 14lontreal >ieraltl Co., 603 Craig Street,
1:~ secs, 0 per �'Cllt ; precious %Cyt ine quo a 31s sae htrteen r d hfontreal
airy lzeport for 1802. of this ,
cording to that report,
i i following field Drop
tie i ,,n• Man tiVA.{its a fow'stoot tnangel•wurtzel, carrots, turilil,8, hay, 3t) prasperlay and a.ivanu'lueat of the few.
or 't"v''ltn 1,' of that kind Ito 11;1)1, wars $i80,80ii,000, and in 18(12', 110,• tt'ake th'e caro of the Massey-Ilanis Coln -
>a ,3J Per CeTit A member in 1892, showing a decrease 0f $20,803,000, pang, i�Ir. Mastey 1304 aucuinulated great
pay ' i ' in 18J2, as eontllared with 1801” On `250,• fortinies, which lin is now giving away. I
Emit Cough Syrup. raaotesGood Lae fel
In limo. sold been, glets
Ines. els. 0311an.
Worst Kind of Scrofula,
Dean Sins.—I had an abs^ass on my breast
and scrofula of the very worst kind, tho doctors
said. I got so weak that Icould not walk around
the house without taking bold of chairs to sup-
port me. The doctors treated mo for throe
years and at last said there was no hope for
me. I asked if l might take 13.1313. and they said
it would do me no harm, so I began to talcs it,
and before three bottles were used I felt groat
benefit. I have now taken six bottles au.! am
nearly well. I find Burdock Blood Bit,ors a
grand blood purifier and very good for children
Ali; a spring medicine.
rrankford, Ont.
4, . '1 r, .4111 ' acriiir1tiea s131°;4
teff•-':!.:: a:',=-..- 9
1 21•82,0-X1.21:8 ,n 112011 ,I 01:1 g '' relit', t•: t:,
in c2411 of ons, a:andmg. where a cure 11,1,.•.1
nnpe.a tee and I.fc ,ce,rrd nerdly worm num,
g� f� .t .
!ler i... G;. F.n 49WWc,50c9ot•$1,00
Callacii:LTu k'400.0 Ii,ailway.
Travis anive an.+ dclw14 o felt. a. :
f 1. ,%)... w1e1V1h0
-::l:, u. at...." .. .For 'Nicol.. ........0:;. a, n►
Li.ii p.m
'r, 1'111.•. 1'el':ceewul.l *.:o .
1 e,u l.. III " 10.40 ,.
1•1"".P ' ' u
-^• -TIMB
ABL.E.- - ---
AsaIvs AT M•ISe{IAA taayg ` iseea.r,.
1;:111i',,huorstou,err Ruetph,Tnronto:, ac G;;C n In
ll..w„ ., •" ., a 112' ,
n,Ss'd ee. Ii citrdhn' I1 son uL
1:51 g,. 111, for Rln:o•di„v 8.:i1p. 111
I,, , 2 .. ta.d.1 .. 111
115)0 ,.. u„ London, Clinton, 40, 6.40
8141.4. U'. .
hives Private Lessons in V011ITrab,inr, hath in Staff
aud'fneicesel-Fa Notation. Open tar enlcnit.un'nt8
for Concerts or Church meetings. Terms mnd"a•:Lte.
Apply a
1(88 R, 00ititnw 0.
Pr. alek St `+•itertrult
nf'f'.I i 'Cyt.'• -s �ild{.
I : mk,.. 1%, to .plats. Nedra s, 1101
he ds, t 11 .S'., ttr , exc.: ated 1, :•. • ! 'st
nth •c of the art, at n,oderata :trees, un,l o” .n, It
notice Al,pl, 0: address
it Iit,l.iurr,
Timms ('1118, hyiagiium.
W I >`a G H A M.
Capital, pl;'f:0,Uu0. Reit, $050,000.
Presid tilt—JOAN PfllArr.
-visaCrentdeat—A. U. RAMSAY.
DTBLEg"i'mlir b
ictal t':Lnat'ell 010. 11)0811. wi, 0)8400. Al P. A. T.
1) run, A. I3. Las i'rarotito).
(',wham--J:TURN UULt..
°lea frog" Ra'iir--Hnure.10 to 3; Seturtitn's.10 to
1, Lienesit, u, ,-,1111,11 upwards roveli ad 01111 Intel est
Spc,oiaa) Iseposits also received et, entreat
ra100 01 iatere.d.
1lrgfre oa .1 rent Urania and ilio, United States
bought ane ,.old
E. L. DICKINSON, Solioit+tr.
• i;
4: a
!•%1 nl w
eetriseeneremmeeeeaeneceeeeasereiraessetse l5ti li'�
Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Gleet,
Stricture, .Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by
Cryta be can taker younarolCURED Hank
a written Guaranteelastor
:s'e$ 7 .'mese, T(xcos'es and L'lnorl Dinaseshavo wrecked the lives of (honoanda of young men
and middle aged men. The farm, the workshop, the Sunday school, the office, the pro es-
sions—alt have its victim-(. Ina 9 man, if you havo been indiscreet, beware or tho future.
)Iiddio aged men. yon am growing prematurely weak and old. both vernally and physically.
Consuls us before tooled), NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confidential.
W. S. COWNA. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw. Speaks. W. S. COLLINS.
wa "1 am 23. At 15 I learned a bad habit which I email-
ned 1'.11119. I then became "oho of the boys" and led a
I; (y life. Exposure produced Syidtlar. I bucnme nerv-
ous and despondent; no ambition; memory poor; eyes
hod, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bone
pains; weak back; varicucele; dreams end losses at
night; weak parrs; deposit in urine eto. I spent hun-
dreds of dollars withonthelp, and was contemplating
suicide when a fri'nd recommended Drs. Kennedy &
liergan's :•ow Method Treatment. Thank (iod 1
tried it. la two months I was cured. This was six
rears ago, and never had a return. Was married two r
a' \ years ago and althnppy, Boys, try Drs. Kennedy&Ker- - .
Ma'am: TRE.tT)I'T gag boloro giving up hope." Arm= xaEAT u'T
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inent improved me the first week. lv'misstons ceased,
nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grew in
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itJt80RE TRI:A'tM'J a.•eatsa dere''r.
T. IVEIWERSON. A Nervous Wreck—A Happy Life. T. P. TrifnrSON.
i/.' ° 'ti, T. P. Emerson Hasa Narrow Eseapo.
"'live on the farm.At school t learned an early
habit, which weakened mo physically, sexually and
mentally. family Doctors said I was going into
"decline" (Gn sumptioi. Fin 11
o Ooi
to miter " edited b Drs. Iionnhdy do Kerwin foil in-
y Minds. I learned the truth and (hod. Self
abuse had sapped my vitality. I took the New
_Method Treatment end was ourcd. My friends think I
was cured of Consmnption. I havo sent thorn many ?j�, ,
patients,all of whom wore cured. Their New -;
f• �e..r.c•
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i ioEADi✓R I riaiuH? Iias year Blond been dieoasodl7 havoyou any waaknesaP Our
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