HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-07-24, Page 9For the Deal Of Your Li See KEN at . . • • BILL McLAUGHLIN MOTORS LTD. SEAFORTH MERCURY Country Singles Dance SAT. AUG. 2nd At V ancNtra Social Club Music By HARBORLITES CENTENNIAL DRESS OPTIONAL Refreshments SERVED Watch for our next dance on AUG. 16 AT HULLY GULLY MUSIC BY MOZART MELODIES 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 THREE $25.00 GAMES $75.00 JACKPOT TO GO — TWO DOOR PRIZES — Admission $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 ,(CHILDREN UNDER 16 NOT PERMITTED) —Proceeds for Welfare Work— Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion, Seaforth ROYAL HOTEL MITCHELL In The Crown Room Friday and Saturday "Hobbit" L WATERLESS WADING POOL- Ken Moore seems to be enjoying the ,had in the Lion's -Park, while his son, Barry seems to have been caught fantasizing at the edge of thp empty wading pool. Chairman of the Li9n's Park and Pool, Gord Rimmer, said the wading pool will be open only Wednesday and Sunday ' afternoons unle6s the public request it be filled more often. (Staff Photo) SOCCER TOURNAMENT WINNERS- Joe Visser's St. Columban Mosquito team were pleased as punch when they won the trophy as the over all top team in the Seaforth Centennial Mosquito soccer tournament. Games were played at the SOH& soccer field during Seaforth's Centennial weekend. ZURICH LIONS CLUB SUMMER JAMBOREE ZURICH ARENA FRIDAY, JULY 25 CONTINUOUS DANCING ALL ,NIGHT TWO BIG BANDS "DESJARDINE"ORCHESTRA AND "JOE"OVERHOLT Garden Party Van Egmond House, Egmondville Wed., AUGUST 6, 1975 7 1"n. - bring pot luck dessert, coffee served' Admission '1.00 Program following featuring the popular Bradley FaMily and local entertainment a • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • BAYFIELD ROAD GODERICH 524-7711 LI i DINING & DANCING = Nightly **1.1 Entertainment This week • A Taste of the Orienti Next week Julie Lynn ticonsod under L.C.B.O. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • or* **** * * *****4**** *** * Country and Western Entertainment Friday & Saturday RED KNIGHT ROOM "ELGINFISHER TRIO" Tasty Chicken wings for Snacks — Ample 'Free Parking — We serve Beverage Room Luncheons 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 - At Very Low Prices- [We Sell Ice] Commercial Hotel'- Seaforth upoununumummosinimmunimiumiliount Li011S = • (confirmed from Page 1) a t worked and repaired old pools, mow can recommend ways to repair POW* sm.* and cut costs on Seaforth's pool. = "What we have been doing this mumPION year is the old question of putting = out fires." As they have for many years a Lion's Club members have moo cooperated in pool and park = projects by contributing hundreds NNW of hours of work this year. About 20 Lions worked about three hours and' applied 14 gallons of paint, repainting the pool area. This year the skills of area residents and club members have been utillied in order to save wages. He said an official from the Huron County Health Unit who inspected the pool before its opening this season said he had never seen the pool look much better. Yet last year officials weren't satisfied with their septic tank system which would have cost "a fair bit of money" to replace. Holding Tanks Instead of putting in a sewage system costing perhaps $10,000 to $15,000 the park committee installed holding tanks at a cost of a, little over $1,000.While the basic is less, holding tanks require constant maintenance and pumping out which is costly. During Centennial, campers were charged $4 a night, but this wasn't sufficient to cover additional costs of employing an all night watchmen, and keeping the washroom and bodth facilities open, Mr., Rimmer said. • There are an average of 350 people in the pool most Sundays. Pool attendance on some Sundays is twice this„ number. But there are many casual users who come down for a picnic or who visit the area who don't pay, "we're here to provide that service to casual users," he said. Although there is no admission fee to enter the park, car stickers are sold each year which say "Seaforth Lion's Club Supporter", and "we need that support", Mr. Rimmer said. For a number of years the park committee has relied on public donations to help fund the indirect costs such as cost of repair. TheLion's Club has requested an increased donation from the town due to increased expenses this year which were partially caused by increased wages. In some towns where the municipality funds both pool and areda, the arena subsidizes the pool, he said. There is always the controversy of who should pay, the 'users or the general public through taxes. When discussing whether the increased cost of poOl rates will prevent some kids and fainilies from enjoying the facility, Mr. Rimmers said it was hard to say. The pool has always had a special family rate for three or more and this makes it cheaper. We would hate to think We ool cools off ITHE U 9klExP9sITO 4 lsli.:.21* 107;51, 1 .--= a 111 PATRICK F. KENNY g 111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I. NOTICE- .1 The Hair Shop Erj will be 1111 1. CLOSED for Holidays Aug.4'1' to Aug. 218' 1974 CHEV IMPALA 2 Door Hardtop, 35.0 V8, Automatic, Double Power, Radio, Rear Speaker, White Walls 1971 METEOR RIDEA U 500 4 Door Sedan, 351 V8, Automatic, Double Power, Radio, ( Wheel Discs, White Walls 1971 TORINO 2 Door Hardtop, 302 V8, Automatic, Double Power, Radio, White Walls, Low Mileage 1970 COUGAR 2 Door Hardtop, 428 Cobra Jet V8, Automatic, Double Power, Dual Exhaust, Mag Wheels, Rear Spoiler, Radio 1969 DODGE POLARA 2 Door Hardtop, 318 V8, Automatic, Double Power, Radio, White Walls WEEKLY SPECIAL 1969 VW FASTBACK 4 Cylinder, Automatic, Radio, White Walls tt Ideal Second Car! PARK P 11 0N( 10 TH1 WWI E70 181i GODERICH AIR CONDITIONID WED TOUR FRI SAT JULY 11 7+ if 10 butioil,BEn Him LOOK 411411 7,U4 6PIC 1 ... '0. t. P 71 ; . MA THel-10LyGlIAT L . SUN MON TOES . JULY 11 :I 19 o.....,....Ud ......A....ft.............. Aron lADIIS I 4i1111114 1 /1 ...- 4140--,000 in sp.et:.lar WOROW, Sound! ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -PLUS_ -et-111ga 7Aa-Va y .161001TARN DAVIDESMIX WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JULY 10 IT IOW IDIVIII i . TO %RON 6E-ST MANT'a[WORLD ,_.-1:;‘: . . fr.,-i, , . • - • - - — - P4. ,L "A GOOFY.: • 1-4 SPORFACARAR* -s,,.) ,WIllt 0151158"R' 1;N .,,' 0, to,,, v 4 , fo,,, PROGRAM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE would be culling out any family simply) on cost. "If you're going to have service you have to pay for it, hopefully we can provide some better services." He said he likes to use the poi, and once when he was in the changing room he heard two boys talking. One asked another if he wanted to go to, the store after swimming because he had $2. When he asked( if he would save some of that for the upcoming carnival he said, he had $10 already saved for that. Mr. Rimmer said the Club recently sent letters asking the' public fordonations. The average donation is bout $10 but they get $1 and as much as $20 bills with no name on. Older people who never use the pool but enjoy the attractive park, give generously. Since the public has been made aware of the financial burden the Club carries, "we have gained quite a bit of support in not only money, but of time and a lot of , good advice," Mr. Rimmer said. Some retired men, who can't participate regularly, help out. One just has to ask them if they could fix something when they get a chance, and the next thing, it's done, and a good job they do 'of it too, he said. Mr. Rimmer said he doesn't know what the future of the park will be, because any replacement of the pool, would involve a considerable amount of money. "All we can handle at the moment is the upkeep." Throughout the nearly fifty years in which the park has operated it has been possible through careful management and- by taking advantage of available grants for the Lions parks com- mittee to not only create a park and pool second to none in the area but to provide top mainten- ance. The Lions Park has become indentified with Seaforth and has .brought many thousands of doll, lars worth of recognition to the town. Today's problems, Mr. Rimmer pointed out, flow from the extent to which maintenance and instr- uction costs have risen in recent years. While there has always been some loss through vandal- ism, this too seems on the increase. This year a.` flower bed at the entrance to the park was stripped of the flowers which someone had 'donated. The park as it exists today has been possible only because of the support and cooperation which has been received from the community, and this cooperation is continuing, Mr. Rimmer said. Already this year gifts totalling more than $3,000 have been received by the maintenance fund and the total should be well above that of last year. "At this point things are looking good. I'm trying to keep from looking elated , because weather is one of the biggest factors," he said. "If this weather keeps up, I'm looking for a good year. We might just have a dandy," he said. Blyth Summer Festival The egbanteeleer Puppet Theatre for Children Saturday, July 26 at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Admission for all 50c Country Cabaret, July 29 at 8:30 Admission $1.50 Mostly In Clover, by Harry J. Boyle, July 25, 31 and August 2. a The Mousetrap, by Agatha Christie July 24, 26, 30 and August 1, • 8:30 p.m. Adults $2.50 Children $1.50 Telephone 523-4452 7 OPEN EVERY NIGHT .1,3 a$144e6. "I9C1 N „•r oviLLTA TO . ...."1-IRC WED TO SAT JULY 11 M is 10 The Second Greatest Flyer in theN/Voricl ROBERT RIO:WORD di mr...(% -....,.. Bo %ow. ... . . .. ... . .. ... . ,... . . pi. us Apt., , ENTERTAINMENT ' JACK AITER 1130AKION • MA W TINAUIN .i...-..;\ THE FRONT 'V PAGE, , s, v ' ' ........f.. : , . SUN MON ) Ul ', 7. 3 Si ter' m an, , .4„voi , SW KEPT IT 1, THE FUMY! A 'OW. PRIAM. OtirPP,r41 4.1..t • They gap Chet MINX Me !NOB 41ki ie .4 .4-•ti - ..eg ".\ • •► * .;f:ys ,ill' %' .. '' Tp *Vinging do (4elivideq TURN WED ',TARS Tut, T• 10 1 , Tire nInsl magnificent ilictun. ever! ... ,-.,. GONE WITH r i ' .1 : ....THE WIND'. ciAttii Gail :, ef . * .::, .: . MIEN 1E101 :' • a 'NS' I KSI.IF Immo 0 01.111111e11A11.1.1ND Pr,Arirns siib*, tr. chant,. Without NAM • • CASH BINGO. Legipn Hall, Seaforth Friday, July 25 Stag for RoU Dalrymple SEAFORTH LEGION HALL Sat., August 2, Admission '1.00 /1.4 a0f0434yficocl ,C9.900rOVOil AutNioiity . . • p4*** E SUNDAY ::::4 at the P0110110.;ONSpRVATION .RPA.: .R9918tratiari 9 *:10$.m. Rap9p*firt at 1;40 a,16.4. For t urthor IrlforOation .Contact the Aiioatita,p000.10, Conservation AMIlioritvOff10,.gxotor, 03.5,2010Y , • 44.1VS 44, yo 0 CY Seaforth Thursday, Friday arid Saturday Derby Saunders Street Next Week Hanky- Tonk Rounders Nightly Entertainment Dancing PHONE 527-0240 WEDDING IN VIT THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTII