HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-30, Page 5:13.11101T ;Oi3
1Vingho3u, Much
3y P. Deans, Produce
100 lbs 1
:eat .........• 0
I...... • '
green 0
in. ...... .. . . 0
per Imsbel 0
r lb 0
les, per lb 0
;ogs 6
20, 1/394.
50to 1 80'
ta 0 55
59 to 0 53
32 to 0 sa -
KJ to 0 40
52 to 0 56.
10 to 0 16
10 to 0 13.
O to 0 10 •
25 to 1 75
00 to 6 00
tIO, lo 0 36
05 to 0 05
05 to 0 05
00 to 5 00 .
50 to 6 50
3,1•., old 0 57' to 0 00'
at, new.. 0 57 to 0 60
beat 0 53 to 0 68-
(1 35 to 0 40
0 32 to 0 32
050 te- 0 52
per bushel.: 0 35 to 0 40-
0 17 to 0 18. -
dozen 0 10 to 0 12
1300 to 700
• 8 00 to 4 so,
AK, 100. PER LB..
other meats in low proportion.
• also on band.
prepared ',,c) pay the highest price-
:incis of fowl. They most be drawn
1 dressed.
;ham, Oct. 10th, 1693.
SICK HEADACHE.: and Neuralgia
mtmurrs, aIo C.1sted Tongue,
Biliousness, Pain in tsie Side, Constipation, •
id Liver. Bad Breath. To stay cured and
ate the bowels. VERY NICE TO TAKE.
if you do you will find
you ever saw here.
you don't believe in them, if fraud.
leceit have led you to doubt all Bargain
s, you can get your faith restored by
ng to us. Figures that speak louder
es' Fine Dongola Boots at 31 26
es' Fine Dongola Boots at 1 00
es' Fine Oxfords at 50•
es' Fine Toe Slippers at50
's Fine Gaiters at.. ...... .1 00
's Gaiters at 75
le Boots at 50
.es' Overgliters at . 25
.es' Carpet Slippel s 25
3' School Shoes 1. to 5 50
School Shoes 11 to 2.. • ••• 50
ths' School Shoos 11 to 13 50
Les' Rubbers 30
'n Rubbers 40
dren's Rabbers 20
melettes • 05
:a Heavy Flannelet (c a.. ..
.onn,des worth 28 (lents for 20
:Ory Cottons 5, 5, 7 and....
arils Gingham for ... .. 1 00
calls 50
usttnds of Spools two for.. - 05
pounds Currants 25
pounds 1133.i).ins 26
ing machine oil, can filled with
best oil 10
Mixed Pickles per quart.. 16
) bottles Nice Fresh Pickles., 25
pounds best Japan Tea.... 1 00
) pound very fine flour tea 26
o Black Tea 26
se clanR
s ed Salmon ...... 26.
o bars Witshing.Soap.... 05
ir ptcltages ()ern Starch. 25
?amnia llecipath White Sugar1 00
iner Sets 07 pieces ' 4 50
mar Sots, 100 pieces 5 75
.red Tea Sets, 44 pieces.... 2 00
mud Toilet Sets, 15 piect .1 00
pounds Or en 0 .fft e ...... 00
ounds Pot Barley 10
ponnds Oatineal • 466• 25
Dippers.. 05
Pails worth 40 OMAR for-- ,. 20
'Ming Dihhes, were 10c, for...... 06
std Pans worth 40o for 0 20
)etrics Soap per liar 02
see oar WOW Plana see SIMITINOS.
;BB ova 25c. Corxratt Amy t 0c, TAnt.
Drifter, • Eggs and Largt
taken same as Cash.
I '
ture,,free from tuivertismg, and well worth Supreme Comiell, R. T. of .., which
form a cheese market association for framing. This is an eo,sy way to decorate Hamilton, March 23. --The Domin-
will meet in Buffalo next week.
Western Ontario, and have it Imes- your borne; The soap is the best in the ion Council of Royal Templars closed '
porated under such regulations that market and it wilt only cost one cent post- its annual session this afternoon, and s,......• • -. : . - .
anyone joining the association could tage tosend in the . wrappers, if you leave the representatives left for their
sell on any of the 'cheese markets- n heoynas open. Write your address care. homes. The 80881011 was a most ins -
A very important meeting of dairy-
men and otherinterested in the
eheese industr 7 of Western Ontario
was held in 'office of the Dalry-
Men'Association of Western Ontario,
Loudon, on Monday afternoon last.
The meeting was called under the
auspices of the Western Dairymen's
Association, to consider the rules and
regulations governing saks of cheese
on the various markets, and to adopt
such regulations 'to be recommended
to the different markets at the be-
ginning of the season as would facil-
itate . buying and selling of cheese,
and promote the best interests of
dairying in Western Ontario.
There were present .A. F. McLaren,
Windsor ; J, S. Pearce, London John
Geary, president of the London:
cheese market; A.Nelles, secretary
London cheese market; James Con-
nell, Harriston, president Listowel
market ; Wm. Climie, Listowel, score-
tory Listowel market ; James Ander- Some of the buyers claim, how- Constance, soke on
son, Woodstock, president Woodstock ever, that to compel salesmen to sell , one of the. best methods to persue
to make farming profitable. He
1 1 I 1
claimed farmers should drive around
them in their business. Frequently
ing definite was done along this line,. West linron Farmer).
the opinion was strong thasome such
means would be utilized in the future,
if present methods do not give better xox,
special meeting of' the West Truro.
There is a movement to extend 1110
Farmers' Institute was held at Dun-
" call " system and compel everyone
gannon Friday week to receive de -
who joins the -market to sell on the
board only. Although at first sight legates, report from Central Farmers'
Institute. President Bailie W31$ 111
this seems arbitrary, yet if this regus
the chair. Minutes of last meeting
lotion were adopted, and both buyers
seat -Vaud confirmed.
and, sellers would live up to it, 330
Mr, A, Cowie, Of Whigham, dele-
doubt good would result from it,
gate,gave his report, which WAS wry
The salesmen would get 11110 the habit
full and instructive. lie spoke on
of telling when their cheese svere
some methods of lessening the ex -
ready, as they would not feel like
pense of farm labor, and on several
holding them till the next market ;
methods which he pursued to lessen.
the buyers would know definitely
I labor. Always use three horses to
what cheese were sold and that thev l plough with when. able; cut hay with
would have the privilege of bidding
on the cheese that were not sold at
straw -cutter to take less room, and
peas with straw -cutter; put a, movable
the following market. By -inducing
divider on binder so he could make
the sidesmen to sell regularly ;the
: round corners when binding. Some
goods would bo going jute consump-
of his ideas were very much criticized,
tion as soon as they wore made, buy- of
others were thought very prac-
ers would feel that when they had:
stical, especially cutting peas when
orders to buy they could get them
drawu in.
filled on the markets.
market ; Harold Eagle, Autterpliffe
Station, president Brantford market ;
Ed. Sawtell, Laurel,. president Shel-
burne market ; and the following
cheese buyers and. others : C. W.
Riley, J. 13. McLaren, J. H. Thom4
C. C. L. Wilson and Wm, Riehard-
son, manager of Imperial Bank, In-
. crerso ; M. Ballantyne, Stratford;
R. Robertson and J. W. Wheaton),
There was considerable difference
of opinion as to the best moans to
adopt to govern the selling of cheese.
There seems to be a lack of confidence
on the part of buyers and sellers in
each other as to observing reseulations
now in force. This disLus-Ctends to
snake the members of the markets
suspicious of each other, rendering it
very difficult to carry out the bylaws.
The system. of 'selling cheese on the
different markets is the call system.
That is, the salesmen board their.
cheese, giving the name of the fac-
tory and the number of boxes for
sale. There is a ticket with a num-
ber on, corresponding to the number
opposite each factory. These tickets
are taken up one by one by the pres-
ident or secretary, and the cheese of
the corresponding factory offered, for
sale, ,The buyers bid, and the highest
offer is accepted by the salesman if
he is willing to sell. On the regular
day of the cheese market 110 member
is allowed to sell off the market.
than the weight marked on the- box, ( . ,
lay with 2 lbs bran - lbs eround
• , • >, M. Featherstone, Montreal ; Do
ThiS system has given pretty fair
and that no fractions of a pound wheat, 1-2 lb. pea meal at each ineal • •
minion Vice-Couneillor, Ald. G. H.
satisfaction. when properly carried
21?e, marked. on the box or in- acTs.rding to the Si= of cow and her Lees, Hamilton ; Dominion Past
out. At many of the markets, how- I alulity tO take so much. Councillor and General Manweer, W.
ever, the remidations are frequently '
• WsBuchanan, Hamilton ; Dominion
broken, and r' cheese is sold by mem-EVENING SESSI0(. This latter 311011011 was pretty '
bers on the regular market day off thoroughly discussed bY the various . The meeting was enlivenedthroup,h- Chaplain, Rev. F. B. Stacey, Moose
the board, Many salesmen and boards last fall, and adopted by the out by music from the choir and by Jaw, Alberta; Dominion° SecretaiT,
others merely use the market as a id Woodstock boards, instrumental 11111810 by Mr. and Miss J. H. Land, Hamilton ; Dominion
Brantford acid
"feeler." Consequently many have and, therefore, did not take up the Iemzer, and recitations by Missee Auditor, P. H. Stewart, Barrio; Do-
- .
thought that it would be - better to attention of the meeting to any great Crozier and Pentland. Mr. Tom Me- minion Medical Referee, Dr. B. E.
discontinue the "call " systene unless 1 extent, but was strongly recommend- Lean gave a solo which 11q1.8 well re- McKenzie, 13. A. Toronto; Dominion
the rules could be enforced. 1 bythose present. ceived Advocate, 3. W. Jones, LT,. 13., Ham -
It is very difficulty to get each reg- Prof'. Dean spoke on the Babcock ilton ; Domirion Superintendent of
illations as will be satisfactory to tester in the cheese factory. He Cadets, Miss M. .T. Saunderson, To -
both buyers and sellers; but it is explained very fully the benefits to ronto ; Dominion Superintendent,
hoped that both -parties will sacrifice be derived by its use; from all factor- White Cross. Rev. C. W. Watch,
self-interest to a certain extent and ies who had. put it in the milk had Oshawa. Finance Committee -C. N.
adopt such means as will tend to improved and it also slopped. pat- , Emory, M. 1)., Hamilton ; w. M.
promote the best interest of the trade sons from tampering with their milk. I McMillan, Toronto, The Board of
in • general. By promoting the best James Snell spoke on "The World's 1 Directors. is made up of the following:
interests of the cheese industry in a Fair," anus R. M611118.11 OT1 farming , A. M. Featherston, W. W. Buchanan,
Dry- ; G. H. Lees, J. H. Land, P. P. Stew
general way, the individual factors as a, profession. Hon. John
are benefited and the business 118 a den, who 'MIS tO haVO been presents' art, Ds. B. E. McKenzie, 13. A., J. W.
whole, placed on a firmer basis. was unable to attend owing to pres- Jones, LL D., Pew. W. Kettlewell, J.
• sure of business in the House. After H. Flagg, and D. j, Ferguson. Rev,
is being done and what cheese is Stow to Got a "Sunliglit" Picture. . , several votes of *thanks the meeting 0. Iv. watch, of 081111W/1, was ap-
going at. send 250Sunlight" Soap wrappers (wrap- closed by singing God Save the pointed representative to the Prison
per bearing the words "Why Does a, Wo- -
Queen. Reform Assselation, and Mr. ,)ohm
In reference to enforcing the rules, man Look Old Sooner .Than a man") to -..--
'' 111 and, 1) 5111 0. 11 was
it was felt by many of these present Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto,
sad you will receive elected fraternal dehssate to the,
that the only practical means was to by. post a pretty pie- Royal Tomplars of Tomporanoe.
p ,
,more and visit each other, especially
orders aro received to buy a certain
, those who had made a success in some
number Of cheese within a c'ertain
line of farming He also said that
time, and if there is no market during
stock was not 80 good as it was ten
this period. they could not fill these
orders. This could bo remedied by ; or fifteen years ago, as bulls were
not kept until they were matured
having markets under one control,
enough. He explained how to lay 100
and allowing salesmen to sell on any
market, and also by arranging, as acre farm out to work it to the best
far as possible, to have a market advantage.
every day of the week. There are Prof. Dean, 0. .A. C.,spoke on "The
six markets now in Western Ontariobest dairy cow." Ile started with a
which woukl allow this to be done. i few general remarks on dairing; he
The following resolution was moved . claimed that the cause of depression
by R. Robertson, and seconded by in beef Was by other, meats taking , tion of the policy of prohibition. A
.John Geary, and carried 11114111,1110118- 1 its place, but there would always be !resolution was also adopted urging
ly : " That it is the opinion of this a good demand for clary products. the Government to oppose the ratifi-
nicoting that it would be for the best 1 He then divided his address into four •
' cation of the French treaty, and call -
interests of the dairy industry of heads: How to know her, how to
'Western Ontario, and would facilitate get her, how to treat her, 1101)' so ing upon the members of the order
the business of the different cheese I feed her. He explained the form of to exert their influence with members
boards to again adopt the " call " I the best dairy cam', her handling of the House, in the same direction.
tem of selling cheese; and it is also !properties and other points; he The former policy of theor er d •
strongly recommended that such fur- ! claims it was best to raise one's own
Brings comfort and imnrnvernent nua
tends to nal,. •.;o: c•-jo:„.7,•elit when
rightly used. Me; rnasy, who live bet-
ter than otllers and el L10 inoi o, with
less expenditure, by snore promptly
adapting the world's hest products to
the needs of physical ting, will attest
the valuo to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tho
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to itz presenting
in the form most acceptab'a and pleas-
ant to thetasto, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax-
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
diPpelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
:net with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid.
neys, Liver and. Bowols without weak -
:313113g thein and it, is perfectly free from
:very objectionable substahco.
'Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
*Dept any substitute if offered.
M111,411: 4-7k1444 ""45r LI S
Every year a great deal of money is lost
Tills week we, will put you (01 the right track to save that money by a few
practical pointers. It 18 an acknowledged fact that
- M .-As ID""Y-- 0 .As S it1.---. , .
is the great money power to service in the present day, and the man who
buys for SPOT CASH and sells for READY CASH, is in a position to help
you along. Here are a few pointers to start you on the right track. They
are only a few of the many we could give you, but time and space •does not
permit: .
Factory Cotton. ... . ••• •••• .66.4e. per yard.
White cotton "Pe .06. .....le.. "
;shirting.. . • • . • • •
Flannelette • ... • • •• ....5c. "
Print•••• •••• .. .. 50. "
Ladies' Hose .... . . .. 5e. per pair.
Ladies' No. 4 Vests.. • • • • . • • . .. .. 5e. each
Lace Curtains, taped... • • • . .. .25c. per pair.
Ringo Silk, all colors.. • • • • . . . 25c. a yard.
Kid Gloves .. ..25c, per pair.
Dress Goods, doable width.. .. .. 1 5c. and up.
• • • •
Cathie. and titans. a specialty. ALL MANTLE GOODS bought in this
store cid)free of charge. TWEEDS 25c, a yard and up. See our all wool
suits for :N.50. GROCERIES fresh and cheap. 6 lbs. New Tea for $1.00.
SHOES at Manufacturers prices.
Our stock is now complete in
ther regulations be adopted as will cow than to buy them, when it could educative and reformatory lines was 19
make it necessary for members of the be done. The stables should bo endorsed, and will be continued. In
various boards to sell and buy cheese cleaned out twice a day, and use the beneficiarydepartment 3411 34111511(1-
011 the markets only." lots of bedding either sawdust or anent was adopted, which provides
It was also niovecl by R. M. Bal- cut straw, and put some lime in gut- for the paying of an annuity to p111'.
1341117115, ancl seconded by Harold • ter to keep the stable, sweet; white- ticipants in the total disability fund,
Eagle, and carried: " That this meet- wash the stable and give the csw on reaching 7.0 years of age. Pro-
ing recommend that the several dairy- plenty of water and salt; the cow vision was also made for expending
men's boards of trade adopt the fol. should always have some green food more than usual effort in the extension
-. . of the benefit business. The officers
for the ensuing year were then elect-
ed as follows i-DominionCouncillor
lowing rule : That all cheese, bought sown at ediesent times dnrmg the
and sold on this board shall be weigh- spring and simmer. •His ration W33;
cd up -beam at half' a pound more sila,ge from 40 to 50 pounds per
Some of the buyers expressed
themselves as much in favor of going
back to the old " hole and corner"
system, rather than continue the pres-
ent system. The difficulty With this
old. 'system was that business W118 I
done in such a way that nothing could
be gleaned as to the amount of busi-
ness done, the number of factories
sold or the price paid. The " call "
system ie better for all concerned. It
enables parties to buy cheese at less
expense and the salesmen know what
the markets to be considered branches
of the main association. Such an in-
corporated association could have its
rides enforced, and would bring -about
uniformity in the methods of oper-
ating the markets. It would also be
a centre to which difficulties could be
referred, and before which certain
matters could come. referring to the
trade in general.
• Another means suggested was to
have the act incorperating the West -
sins Dairymen's Assoeiation so amend-
ed as to make local markets branches
of its wotk. This. latter 8001118 to lie,
the more feasible plan. The associa-
gOil is recognized OS the organization:
that particularly looks after the dairy'
industry of this part Of the Province,
and it is reasonnble that it should be
used 48 a 11305118 of assisting in dis.1
posing of the animal dairy product to
the best advantage. Although noth.
Lir° Stook Markets.
taSt Buffido, March 27.7 -Cattle -
Seven cars- on sale. Market strong,
with a fair clearance. Choice to ex-
tra exporters, $4 to $1.25; shippers,
$.3.75 to $8.t)0; medium butchers,
:'13,35 to $3.05 ; light fairly fat ;steers,
03 to- $3,25: Fair tonxtra cows and
mixed lots were hi the best demand
and firmer than any other Class of
stock at $2,50 to $3.40. Sheep and
portant one. The principle items in
the programme for aggressive tem-
perance work, set forth by Mei Tem-
perance Committee, and adopted by
the council, were :---1. A vigorous
effort to secure the nomination of
candidates for Parliament, who are
known to be squarely committed to
the principle and policy of prohibi-
tion, and to refuse to support any
candidate who will not publicly avow'
his adhesion to the prohibition cause.
2 To make a well-planned -eftbrt to
lambs -Seven cars on stile: the mar- secure the 01(.01011 to Parliament of a
ket Was steady. (100(1 to few wethers few able independent prohibition
$3.90 to $4.50; choice to fancy Iambs, leaders, who will force the question
$4,65 to $5 ; fancy lambs 100 to 1 fie. to an issue in the legislative halls.
higher,dosing with an active demand. 8 To promote a better co -opera don
Hogs -Offerings 11 cars ; prices 5e 'of the prohibitionists (32 111(1 various]
to 1.0o higher, and all sold early. Provinces in bringing influtnee to •
nest Yorkers and pigs, $4.05 to $5.05; bear to make prohibition an issue in
mixed Pickers>. $1.85 to 84;00; good Dominion elections, and to press the
smooth ends, $4.60 .to $4.75, Government of the day to an endorsa.
is Disease Germs living itt
the Blood and feeding upon
its Life. Overcome these
germs with
.6.1./...1,1,41,1 La A. 1. 11LJA.4.A1,-
et •
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
and make your bloodhealthy,
skin pure and system strong.
Physicians, the world over,
endorse it.
DOIllt be deceived by Substitutes!
Botta B Waft %natal& Ali Mutest& SOO. AP+
See our TWEEDS, HATS and OAPS.
pieces of 40c. WOOL DELAINES for 25c.
• Call and see our stuff.
wholesale and. Retail.
Respeetsully yours,
TBJ.. Cr_
Witl. the first of Mareli we inaugurate a, Big Sale of White Good
of every deseriptiott. 11' bite Cotton Luwn Muslins, Table Linens,
Sheotings, &e.
%Vlute Cottony, Erosn 0e. up; Gray Cotton, 34 inch( s wide, 4e. a
yard; Heavy Twill \\ bite Cotton) extra value at 14e., v. -ort h 1704
Victoria iaawns, from 10e. up. Special novelties in Lawns and 'Muslim,
with embroidered edges. Ready-made Dress. Aprons for 30e. Table
Linan, good andrheavy, from .`20e. up. Sheeting,s,either 1 or bleached
or unbleached from 121,c.
We have made a specialty or Laces and Embroiders this aeason
and are prepared to show you a fuller range than usual. You know
what lovely Leeem wt. hail last seasoti; well, yea' we. have far snr-
pass( d all former efforts, both as tegards to quantity and quality, and,
have .almost ton large a stock.
Now is the time yon ladies are eon) trieneifil to look out for these
.goods and we invite you to come in and f.ee thorn,
We are 81155 you
cannot reaist our pale) us and prices. We have thein in White, Black
and two tone Silk, Cotton and Linen ant1.700 are sure to get the best
choice hero, See our new Spring Goods in all departments.
Headquarters for Field and Garden Seeds.
• • •
N. B, ---We bought at a low rate on the $, the stock of Boots and
Shoes b.doneitrY to the ostato the. late S. M. Buchanan, whieh
be sold at SLA.UGHTBE. PRICES. See these godsli.Ann.dlEla;
on your purchases.