HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-30, Page 3,sweeesessrws-rwsricssw;
DOMINION PARLIA.MRNT, vestigate into the combines of the 1
cOuntry, and the result was that a
(oorrixtson mon PAGE. 2.) report was. IM'Cliethtf.K1 to this House
which showed that the combines and ,•
theasseivesfrom the pockets of the trusta and associations of that kind,
consumers 'S Very truly can it be -bad fleeced the consumers of Canada
said that the tariff is a robbery of tliG
many for the benefit of the few. But,
again, protection is a promise to shel-
ter the manufacturers. What does
the Government say to the manufac-
turer ? It says, you go on and man-
ufacture your goals. It is time you
cannot manufacture them as cheaply
as manafficturers in England, Ger-
many and. other countries. True,
your skill may not be so great and
Your maellinery not so perfect, and
there may be a waste of capital ; but lars difference in. the amounts which
we will BCC that the waste which takes 1 they asked me, I went to work and
place is counter -balanced by keeping I found in another . province a com-
you from the competition of producers pany that was not M tho combine, -
in other countries. Is not that the and I purchased from them, and by
very sentiment expressed by these so doing I saved 20 per cent on the
who support protection, and is it not prices asked me by the glass combine
thus the manufacturer receives an ad- of Ontario. Does not that go to show
vantage ? Again, protection protects that if I had bought from the Ontario
the product of labor from. competi- combines, and. if I bad not gone out
tion, while it puts labor itself on 'the and beyond my own province, that
free list. I ask every honorable mem- on the little purchase of $325 of plate 1
ber who will look upon this subject glass which I made, I would. have
in a reasonable and sensible light, if been fleeced $75. There can hardly
it can be supposed for a moment that . be a business in this country to -day
protection is being afforded to • the that is not itt the hands of a combine,
laboring class, or that protection ever , where they meetanddecklehow much
raised the wages of the people one i product they will put on the market,
cent Y. When the labor market is what price they will ask for it, and
fully supplied the value of labor is in Which tlsey control the independ-
low, and when the labor • market is. once of smaller concerns and in every
stringent therithe price of labor rises. instance fleece the public. What is
When we have spentover $3,000,000 the cause of - that ? • Nothing else but
during the last fifteen years in trying the protective system„ for if there
to bring laborers here. from foreign. were free trade or anything approach-
countries'and , have sent agents' to ing it, there would be free tints open
London, Liverpool and Manchester, competition, which would prevent the
and. to France and other countries of manufacturer. taking this unfair ad -
the world, Setting forth the advan- vantage of the Canadian consumers
tages to be obtained here in the labor who are made to pay and protect
market, and urging workingmen to them. But, Mr. Speaker; protection
come here to compete with our labor- enables the miumfaeturer to unload a
ers,,is it not hard on our laborers to glutted market at a loss, or•at a lesser -
have to meet this competition, owing profit, and to recoup himself then at
to the action and infinencc of the the expense of the consumers of Can-
Government, while at tla.) same time ada. Honorable gentlemen know '
the products of foreign countries can- that, whether they be Conservatives
not come in here because our manu- or not. • Yon all knowthatthe large
facts -was want to make large profits industries of this country export and
out of their products. The whole sell. to outsiders, very frequently at a
,system is wrong from the foundation lower price than they ordinarily
to the last shingle on. the roof, wrong charge; and that when they comecast,
east, WOSt, north and south, the wholback to this country they raise the
system has no basis on which it can price to the consumers of Canada,
be Sustified. Therefore, the country was, aro thus forced to recoup them
will regret. very Mizell.. that this prin- for their loss or ' their small protit,
ciple is to be continued. s Protection • Let me give you an instatice of this.
compels 70 per cent of 'our people to The cotton companies of this country
pay a bonus, a subady, to40into the found last year'or the year before,
pockets of the other one-tepty of the : that the markets were glutted. They
population, and at the 'Wise time could not sell their products with a
forces the 90 per cent to sell their ht- high profit because there was too
bor in the free markets' of the world. much in the market, and so they con -
Take the farmers of this country. It eluded something' else must be
has been acknowledged by Conserva- done. 'They sent $215,000 worth of
fives last year, and probably it will 'cotton sto•China, and sold it ill the
be acknowledged by them this year; Chinese 'markets in competition. with
that it is impossible to protect the far- the Germansthe Indian, the English,
iners,that so soon as there is a surplus , and other. ,cottons. Now, if they
in the country which is to be sold in I realized,. a sufficient living profit they
the foreign market, Msd which comes do not want protection, and it they
into competition, wa the products of, did not receive a living profit they
other countries in the open market' could not afford to export it in this,
the bushel, pound or ton, which goes : way. Vhat did they do ? Immo:
into that foreign market gives a Price :diately after unloading on the Chinese
to the bushel, pound or ton of the , market they came back to Canada
products of a similar dumper that and raised the price of cotton 15 per
remain at home. That is an coon- , cent to tho Canadian consumers. In
mule question. on which there is no this way the Canadian consumers not
divergence of opinion. It is not Ps(only paid the legithnate profits upon
Bible to protect the farmer except inithe cottons they yore using, but they
some sinall localities, special points, I were made to pay as well to the cot -
geographically close -to the Unitedit011 manufacturers the loss they sus -
States; but taking the broad princi- I tabled, or the lesser profit they ob-
ple, it is impossible to protect the j tallied, by sending the goods across
farming interest, because it exports I the sea and competing with the pro -
a surplus of products. The farmers I ducers in, other lands. There was a
constitute two millions and a half of i base iniquity perpetrated on the eon -
our people, and when you add the i sinners of this country, and - the
laborers on the farm, and the laborers I country to -day will be very sorry to
employed on works such as canals hear from. the address from the throne
and .railways, they constitute 00 per that that system of iniquity is to. be
cent of tho popalation, and therefore continued.
only about 10 per cent of the popu- But, Mr. Speaker, protection has
Wien receive direct benefit from tho, another fault. Protection renders
National Policy, even, if they reed"non-productive millions of the capital
very much adVantage. Is it rightiof Canada which might be used in
and just to take money out of the 1 other ways. Let me explain this
icot ' • s ti ' • are'
pockets of this 00 per cent of the pee- country sew millions of capital
ple, whom. you cannot protect, and to I invested. It is estimated that there
to au extraordinary degree; SO much
so that it was deemed. advisable to
bring in a bill .W prevent them carryr
ing on their nefarious traffic. I had
a little experience last summer in
combines. I wanted some plate glass,
and 1 asked for tenders from the plate
glass companies of Ontario, but no -
tieing the heading' of the tenders, I
found that they were all beaded
" Dominion Stained Ulass Co„" and
that there was only four or five dol-
1 e 1 n cc , y m le pee sets 4; are about three hundred millions
)1.ac 't d' ' tl ' tl 1
those who receive the advantage of 1 w nth of manufaelaired articles dis- 1
kotection ? I say that it is a blan- tribittal to eustomers through the I
der,and it is a policy ,pshich will never i various markets of this country.
, develop the interests of this country Supposing. that one man undertook
- as those interests should be developed. the Misfiles; of distribution, he would
But there is another arolnent against require It empital of $300,000,000, in
'protection whieh I think shoulci be addition to what he would require to
eonsidered. Protection is the parent work his business. Under free trade,
of combines, trusts and monopolies, ho would only require $210,000,000,
which fleece to consumer. 1 atn sure or 80 per cent less to do the same
I need no argument to emvince the work, employ the same hands to dis-
honorable members of this House on tribute the samo ttrtieleg, and here we
that point. The Controller , of Citi- would save ninety-milllions of money
toms, a few years ago, saw that to that might be invested in other hi
such an extent- that he asked Parlia- dustries of the country, wiiich would
stent to give him a committee to in -
halt is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
ether Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
ISSMions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
C7.:17;Th Diarrhea% and. Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething- troubies, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castor -IA assimilates the food, • regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Case
toria i. th0 Childrozes P-:anacco.—the Mother's Friend.
"Casteria is et:cello:A medicine for ehil.
dron. I.:others he.vo roper.tccily told ruo of its
good cot upon their ch:laren."
Da. 0, C. °moon,
" C1.1.1to7:0;b to be.c remedy for children of
vrt lea I r.ni acquainted. I hopo Cm day la not
far Ciatant v..henInothers will consider the reel
interest of Eteir children, and to Castoria in-
stead of tho various quack nostrums which aro
destroying, thole laved ones, by forcin opium,
morphine, Soothing syrup and other hur. ;la
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature grr.rea."
Da. J. F. KiNeDELOU,
Conway, Ar'
"Castorla is so well adopted to children that
I recommend it as superior Loony prescription
known to zno."
IL A. Anyone, II. D.,
111 CO. Or.ford. Ct., Lreosiftx, IT. Y.
"Our physicians in dm eitildrmes depart-
ment have spoken highly of tht...r experi-
ence in their outside prootico with rastoria,
and although Tro only have among orr
medical supplies what is known as re3tri..,.
products, yet wo aro freo to confess that the
merits of Castoria lies won us to look with
favor upon it."
Boston, Mass.
ALLEN C. Szrrn, Pres.,
Tho Centaur Comrna:17, Mumray. Street, Nov' Teri/ City.
Thoughtit was Cancer.
James McMillan, Esq., Helena
Avenue, Bracondale,Toronto, Canada,
writes, "I lave been suffering from
i. Blessing to Every Efousehold.
These remedies luive stood the test of flit} years experience, and are limn -tweed the 14.s Mt
Family me.
Punt) the bleed, cermet ail disorders of the 1411:11. ST( ittlaCli, KIDNEYS AN])
invaluable in all contplaints incidental to frau/4es MI ell ag(s.
T.1TID 0.1Q- T'1\4...:Fi32NT
1( Itt
144 tilV 11). reliable remedy for bail logs, wor.n, ulcers, and old wounds. IP IR PERM:111'1W
t UMS, GOUT, ltr.CUMATISM, MAMMA It 14Will,/.1Nflri ALL
DialLAStiti rr IIAS NO 1,..41.1A1,. himinfuetured only rt 75, :ems. (Alert]. Late baa, (xOtn1 Wreet, L
and sold uy all 'Medicine Vendors throughout the mold.
Par...lissors should look to the Label on the Boxes anti I'u.s. 1 the addresii is to
553 Oxford Street, London, they are spuriotte.
. .
S Pal Shonalder 2Years
Cared by The DAL1.1Meathel Plaster.
My wile was afflicted for two years with a severe pain under the left shoulder and through to the
heart ; after using many remedies without relief, she tried a "D.14 Le" Menthol Piaster, it die at Wolk.
and owing to this cure hundreds of these plasters have been sold by me here, giving oral mtisfaction,
J. B. Surnestatna Druggist, River John, N.S.
Sold 3verywhore 25C. each.
INT ..,61-77
of Kincardine have bought the Marble Business of Mr T T Watson, formerly carried on by W Smyth.
Parties requiring work In their line will do well by calling on tnem or seeing one .of their agents bear'
purchasing. You will dna our prices are away down, etur woitionaprhip is unsurpassed. We Will USO USK
hut Elie i ury hest stock and hy square dealing hope to secure a Literal enure of the public patronage. Mi' hi
T Watson, why has heen running the bitsluass for the past year, will repruser us on the road.
Call mulatto our stook and prices.
Brucebasa generous and up to .
date county ' council. It voted a.
grant of $1,00 to each riding Agri-
cultural Society, $50 to each local
dyspepsia for over 20 years, and have Agricultural Society, $25 to each
tried every supposed cure, which in !Farmers' Institute, and the usual
I grants re the Teachers' Institutes.
some cases gave me temporary relief,
but the trouble came back again I
I almost 11 Skin Diseases are more or less direct;
with renewed force, until
dispaired of' being cured, thinkincs i osureosccattllee occasioned ouLibnagd blend. B
that instead of dyspepsia it •must bbeiShingles, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt
cancer of the stomach I had. For 'Rheum, Scald. Head, Eruptions, Pimples.
the last three years I have been in ,, Iii,rnodrnBtl:et tos 0, by removing all impurities
d fromussao'rce.emmon Pimple to
agony from pain in the stomach, be- the worst Scrofulo
sides other symptoms innumerable,l •
until I could not even move about . On Saturday night the ten -year -
from pain and weakness. At last I i old son of Murdoch McLeod, 10th
saw your K. D, C. advertised and icon. Howlek, died very suddenly'.
procured a, free sample which I found , He was at school on Thursday and
doing me good. I have used five died on Saturday night. The cause
packages and ain free at present was, we believe, scarlatina.
from pain or ache, although it its six Rheumatism Cured in a day.—South
Months since I have been cured, I American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
believe permanently. - and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system ie remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
The national meeting of Royal of the disease immediately disappears. The
Templar Order will be held in Ham- first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
ilton this Week. It was specially 'Warranted at Chisholm's drug store.
noteworthy because it was the first
attended 1.2y representatives froM all
(the provinces of the Dominion.
peculiar to Itself
So eminently successful has Hood's
Sarsaparilla been that many leading
°ibis -ins from all over the United States
furnish testimonials of cures which seem
almost miraculous. Hood's Sarsaparilla
is not an ascident, but the ripo frizit of in-
dustry and study. It possessei merit
"peculiar to itself."
At a,reeent salcin Carrick one
hundred and three dollars purchased
the following articles:' One team of
horses 7 and 8 years old, set of team
harness one wagon, one good binder,
one good mower, one rake'one set of
harrows and one plow. Who says
the purchasing power of a dollar is
not greater now than when wheat
wab a dollar a bushel?
(coxiktilunt PAGli'. 7.)
Belie! _in six lirrs.—Distyessing Kid-
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six
hours- by the "Great South A erican Kid-
ney Cure." This great remedr; is a great
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
count of its exceeding promptness in reliev-
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and
every part of the urinary passages irt male
and female, it rel k ves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately.
If you want quick relief and cure this is
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug
At the Duiferin. Assizes, held at
I Orangeville en Monday, Justice Mac -
Mahon disposed of n, Stitt over land in
sharp. order by drawing his pen
[ through the back of the record and
;dismissing the ease. The value of the
land in dispute was twenty tents, and
the cot will be in the neighorhood
of five hundred dollars. Etta party •
was ordered to pay his own costs.
C. Pills should be takon with
IC. D. C. 'when laxativo is to- '
The Rev. J. C. Madill, of Belwood
ConsTegational church, and president
of the P. P. A., has accepted a call
from the Congregational church,
Sarnia„ his pastoral duties to com-
menced the first of next month.
3ad 73lood causes blotch:Is, boils
pimples, ahazesees, ulcers, scrofula, eta.
Brirdock Blood Bitters cure bad Llood in
any form from a common pimple to the
worst sorofnlous.sore.
(lures Ooesetoptlett, Costghs, Cro_ep, Sore
Throat. Sold by au toruzeists oa a titlEirantee.
For a Lame Side, Back 04 Chest Shiloh's Porous
Plaster will give great shnsfsetton.--4 cents.
Mrs. T. S. Hawking, cit?:),),I3g.t.ii.!..1,11,011
.0,224‘ ntirogg.g;
nositlyely relieve ahs Curc ott. P,Odo 50cts,
ikiegoloigideorfree. 13c",nt i, Siio1i'1temodie8
to0 Wir
•iriaktn in time it will cute most severe data
a4 Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, ot clues* irritation
sf t., -aa. or Longs.
1401,, 0114tr
0 alisavy doctor's bill.
NoVE loss of wages. '
* Much discomfort.
• •
L. L., .L.13
Cheap for
Long Waist,
Correct Shape,
est aterial,
Combined with the best filling in
the world, makes the " Featherbone
Corset" unequalled.
riMM`a7' 2511. IF3'2S.T.EUM.
For Over Fifty VEDA'S
Ae seta AND Wunnautao Itssticirr.—Mrs. %Win
years en.oihin.: Syrup has been used for over fifty
slow' bv millions of mothers for their chiluren while
t-tithinc. 111111 perfect 'meccas. It soothu:4 the child
antleas the emus, 5lla3 $alt paln, cures wind code;
awl is t;;;,;;.;,t, voile iv for Martha a, Is pleasant to
the taste. be Imelda ono
ry 't ti.'
I Work,. Twenty-five cents a oath). Its aloe is
Inealeulable140 sure mid ask for Mrs. Winslow 14
SO01111E11411. rup, and take no other kind.
'R., _ZS- 31\T 1-47,-3.1P'..S-
'Dupl.:in Street - ant,
J. A.
191‘. Forest.
J. W. SCoTT;
Deposits Received and Interest
Money Advanced to Farmers and
Business Men.,
CLEM; 971t Dxv: Comm, Co. Ettinos,
ISSUER Or lrA111114GE Ltcralltm
commssioNEn ix H. C. J., 1.11c,
,701, •
On long or short time, on endorsal Lotes
or collateral security. Sale notes bought _
at a fair voluation. Uoney remitted to all "
parts of Canada et reasonable charges.
1;:ar •
Special Attention Given to Cob,
looting A.ceounts and Notes.
agOnta in Canada—The iderehatitte Eitel(
of Canada
liolirs—PrOM 05, M. to t p.
A. 2. fillifT11,