HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1975-07-10, Page 14Hully Gully July 12 & 13 -Country Singles Camporee July 12 - Country Singles Dance with Crippled Creek Project. July 19 & 20 -Summerfest '75, Octoberfest food, tug o-war, dune buggy races, canoe races, ball games and childrens' dames. 1Aly 19 - Summerfe st Dance - Bluewater Play- boys. Polka Contest, tickets available. July 27 - Snowmobile grass drags. 1-100-1 Classified Rates WORD COUNT Charges are based on the number of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 Words $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 4c per word, minimum $1.00. SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $1.68 per column inch. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - $1.54 per column inch. (M inimuM size in this category 2 inches. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 50c per insertion. BIRTHS - 20 words, $1.50, 6c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.50 plus 10c per line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 20 words $1.50, each additional word 6c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS - 30 Word-a-$1.50 , each additional word 3c. 25c DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE WEDNESDAY OF WEEK FOLLOWING FINAL INSERTION No cancellation of multiple insertion advertisements after Noon, Tuesday. Deadline for classified ads Is 12 Noon Tuesdays. :Phonie.,.,.527 -0240 river Required. Reliable person required each Wednesday for driving Seaforth to Goderich and return and from Seaforth to Stratford return and to assist the Huron Expositor's mailing crew. block `involves 6 to 7 hours every Wednesday night commencing about 4 p.m. Vehicle is supplied. Apply in writing to THE HURON EXPOSITOR P.O. BOX 69, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 4 - 100 Service Station for Lease ON MAIN CORNER IN SEAFORTH Call BP Oil 1.800.265.4157 DAYS OR MIKE QUINN EVENINGS AT 482-7782 5-100-2 Expositor Action Ads Ph. 527-0240 TIVIE HUR N EXPO )TOR, JULY 19, 1970 1. Coming Events 4. Help Wanted 6. Teachers Wanted 11. Articles for Sale 11. Articles for Sale 14. Property for Sale 14. Property for Sale Friends of Neil and Edna Bell are invited to a reception honouring their Silver Anniversary. The dance on July, 12 will be from 8 - 12 at the Seafortli Legion Hall, A buffet lunch will follow the dance. 1 -100x1 AG-OP Poor Man's Centennial Ball, Seaforth Arena, Saturday, July 12, 1975. Desjardine's Orchestra, $3.00 per couple, tables reserved. 1-100-1 THURSDAY evening, July 10 - Bahai Community conducts a discussion group. Topic, The Family, a Nation in Miniature, at 59 Jarvis Street. You are welcome to take part. No obligation. 1-100-1 NEW Bingo Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 p.m. July 10th. Admission $1.00 $160.00 in 55 calls. 1-100-1 Reception for Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dale nee Patricia McCredie, Saturday, August 9, 8 - 1, SaltfordH all. 1-100-1 CHICKEN BARBEQUE, July 23rd sponsored by the Brodhagen Chamber of Commerce. Dance to follow - Lincoln Green. 1-99,tf Plan to attend the Dubli nfest, Saturday,July 12,1975 in Dublin. Starts at 5:00 P.M. Tickets for barbecue: Adults $3.00, Children 12 and under $1.25. Dance tickets $2.50 a couple. Sponsored by Dublin - District Lions Club. 1-98-3 WATCH for the annual Seaforth Lions Club summer carnival Thursday, Friday, Saturay, J uly 17, 18, 19 at Seaforth Lions Park. 1-98-3 HURON County Pork Producers Annual Pork Barbeque, Seaforth Arena, Thursday, August 28. Advance tickets only. Cal) Geo. R. Campbell, 527-1747. 1-99x2 FOURTH Annual Fiddlers Jamboree and step dancing, Sunday, July 13, 1975 at 1:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. at Mitchell & District Memorial Arena. Bring the whole family. Everybody welcome. Fiddlers and step dancers please accept this invitation. 1-99-2 Good Times Tours SCOTTISH WORLD FESTIVAL Canadian National Exhibition Sunday, August 17th Admission, Transportation evening Grandstand Show $17.00 per person Good Times Travel Box 789 Phone 527-0050 Seaforth, Ontario 1-99-tf All Star Tours SENIOR CITIZEN TOURS Eastern CAnada Polar Bear Tour Western Canada Smokey Mountains SUMMER TOURS Ontario, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, Newfoundland, Alaska. Quebec and many more. More Information and New Brochures on Request GOOD TIMES TRAVEL 527-0050 Seaforth 2. Lost, Strayed LOST a hiefier steer, 450 pounds. Call 262-5504. 2-100-1 LOST during Centennial parade June 28 Arabian sash, pink and white, possibly between Optimist Park and VanEgmond house. Darrell Adams, Box 246,Mitchell, 348-9281. .2-100x1 A grey German Shepherd dog, answers to Duke. Phone 345-2458, Martin Murray. 2-100x1 4. Help Wanted PAINTER and decorator must be experienced. Call 527-1582 between 6 - 7 p.m. Gary Bannon Paint and Paper. 4-100-2 HELP Wanted in the Beverage Room. A pply Commercial Hotel. 4-100-1 Help Wanted STEADY EMPLOYMENT Mature middle aged male preferred Salary negotiable for shift work 3 P.M. to 11 P.M. 11 P.M. to 8 A.M. Apply in Person ARCHIE'S SUNOCO 4-100-1 MORE THAN 2000. will be paid to our regular part-time school bus drivers this school year. Why don't you supplement your income? Regular & part-time male or female drivers are required. We will assist in obtaining license. UNITED TRAMS INC. Phone 527-1222 4-100-6 7. Situations Wanted WILL baby sit children in my home, Dublin area. Phone 345-2310. 7-100x2 STUDENTS for hire any job, any size. Phone 524-2744. 7-95-10 8. Farm Stock for Sale 10' Sows, due soon. Phone 482-7467. 8-100-2 4. Help Wanted 5. Bus. Opportunities FILTER QUEEN Goderich is pleased to announce Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Layton of Clinton as Grand Prize Winner of a Storage Chest during the Clinton Spring fairs VARIOUS OTHER PRIZES WERE GIVEN AT FILTER QUEEN'S DISPLAY BOOTH girie Ion ~iocznG~ dcaid 6`deere ,,Von REQUIRES Occasional Teachers to do supply wort in the elementary and ,:ondary schools during 1975-76. Written applications. including qualifications, social insurance number, and telephone number must be mailed BEFORE JULY 23rd to R. E. SMITH SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 103 Albert Street CLINTON, ONT ARIO Applicants should indicate the grades and/or subjects they are prepared to teach and the schools in which they would serve. From this information lists of available teachers will he prepared for each school. Primipals will then contact applicants when their services are required. Occasional Teachers in our Persons presently serving as schools need not re-apply. Names will automatically be included for the coming year unless notification to the countrary is received from either the teacher or a principal., D.J.Coehrane W,Shortreed Director Chairman 6-99-3 9. Poultry for Sale EMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCQTT POULTRY FikIRMS.LTD: Seaforth Phone 527-0847 I Box 169 • 9-99-tf 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 Chev. % ton truck, standard six: - good tires - new battery - sturdy body for farm work - certified. Apply Art Finlayson, R.R.2, Seaforth. 10-100x1 1960 Cadillac motor, 425 horse with transmission $100.00; also 6 cylinder Chev motor, 2 speed with rebuilt starter, automatic transmission $60.00. Call 527-0076 after 6 p.m. 10-100x1 1971 Ford, 1 ton truck 360 in standard, 4 new snow tires, had new brake job, body in excellent condition, $3800.00. 527-0076 after 6 p.m. 10-100x1 1969 ' Meteor Montcalm, low mileage on motor,' body in good shape. $550.00. Phone 527- 0076 after 6 p.m. 10-100x1 1971 Chev Biscayne, good condition, power steering and brakes. Phone 527-1410 after 5 p.m. 10-100x1 RASPBERRIES, pick , -your own, beginning July 5. 3/4 mile west of Van Egmond House, Phone orders. Martenes 527-1507. 11-99-2 SWIMMING POOL repossessed, excellent condition, leading manufacturer willing to sacrifice at half price. Call collect 416-536- 9278. 11-99-tf BEETS cabbage , cauliflower, green onions, peas, head lettuce and red potatoes. Apply 150 Market Street, Seaforth. 4-100-1 NOW in stock - Speed Queen freezers from 12 to 23 feet; 8 Hp MIT tractor mowers electric start; 5 H.P. MIT tillers. Ready for immediate delivery at money saving prices. M. J. McCreight Hardware, Dublin, Phone 345-2273, 11-100-2 DEMOLITION at Clinton Air Base (Vanastra) . All building materials for sale, buildings for sale, wreck them yourself, salesman on site. 11-97-8 AUTOMATIC battery-operated scotch tape dispensers available at The Huron Expositor, $8.95. 11 -95xtf PICK your oven cherries at Murray Bros. Orchard, 4 miles S.W. of Thedford on Ridge Road. Sweet cherries ready July 8th and Montmorencies ready July 10th. 11-99x2 USED wringer washer, like new. Best offer, 345-2887. 11-99-2 COPIES Copies of your important papers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 11-994 SWEET and Montmorency cherries, Pick your own. Shady Lane Fruit Farm, Arkona. Phone Casey Bongers, • 828-3305. 11-100-2 MIXED GRAIN. Ken Beattie, R.R.#4, Walton. 11-100-1 -TENDER Amp. & Dana guitar :thor and strap included. Phone '527 , 44, 120 base accordion with ,-''lease books. 11-100x1 A lc; 72' Chord Orcana electric organ and bench, like new condition. $200 or best offer. 527-1799., 11-100x1 KAYAK CAREFREE POOLS: We accept almost anything in trade. LOOK AROUND!, Turn seldom used items into a useful, enjoyable Carefree Holiday in your own backyard. Campers, boats, automobiles, trucks, appliances, farm equipment, furniture, bikes and motorcycles, photography equipment, snowmbiles, used pools, etc., etc., etc. For more information, call collect to Mr. James 416-495-6690. 11-100-4 CHERRIES: black and Montmorency, pick your own. Pitting machine for your convenience. Also frozen cherries in pails. Open any time. Sunrise Orchard, Jerry Veens, R .R .1, Arkona. Phone 828-3466. 11-100-2 FRIGIDAIRE, stove and fridg. $75.00 or nearest offer. Ph. 527-1130. 11-100x1 CHERRIES sweet or sour. Pick your own. Low trees. Excellent quality. Bring quart baskets. Ross Middleton, 1 mile east. of Bayfield. North of River. 11-100-1 CHERRIES, black sweet cherries are now on. Montmorency will start around July 15th. Bring containers and pick your own. Elmer Wells, three miles south of Camp. Ipperwash off Highway 21. 11-100x1 KENMORE 30" electric range with timer and rotisserie in good working condition. Phone 527-0895. 11-100x1 ROXBORO GARDEN for sale or pick your own, New Potatoes; Peas; Green Beans; Yellow Beans; Carrots; Beets; head ,Legiice,,, Onions. 11-100-1 RASPBERRIES pick your own 55c a quart. Bring own containers. Open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays only • from 8:30 a.m. Located 3'/, miles east of Grieve's Bridge. Mrs. John Spontiens, R.R.#5, Seaforth. Phone 345-2389. 11-.100x1 14 Foot trailer, sleeps four, flush toilet, gas freezer and stove. 262-5504. 11-100-2 RASPBERRIES:` Pick your own. Bring your own containers. Ken Saber, 262-6502. 11-100-2 STRIP tickets for admission or refreshments, single and duplicate. The Huron Expositor, Seaforth. 11-99xtf BARLEY for sale. We will deliver. 262-5282. 11-10u-2 PICK your own raspberries. Bring your own containers. Evenings only. E. Young, Roxboro. 11-100-1 YOU pick raspberries at' Bill Lobb's Farm, 4 mi north of Holmesville, Maitland Conc., Goderich Twp. Phone 482-3263. Your own container. 11-100-1 1970 model 20' fibreglass boat with Volvo inboard - outboard motor. Sleeps 4 with facilities. Price $3,800.00. Phone 482-9206. 11-100-1 GOVERNMENT inspected 'beef cut and wrapped. Also new Potatoes, 482- 7578. 11-100-1 GESTETNER INK AVAILABLE AT The Huron Expositor. 527-0240, Seaforth. 11-99xtf 12. Wanted to Buy SMALL fridge, in good working condition.' Phone 527-0032. 12-100x1 SETS of pressed back chairs, wicker furniture, sealt.rs, what have you. Phone 348-8298. 12-98x6 WE buy any antique or household items, singly or in complete household lots; or sell by public auction in our new modern u. ^tion rooms.We specialize in estates . Norm Whiting Auctioneering and Appraisal Service, 63 Main St., Exeter,. Phone 235-1964. • 12-99-tf Places For Sale 3-bedroom one-floor plan, all carpeted. Corner lot in a quiet area. * * * * 3-bedroom modular home. Ultra modern furnishings included in the low price. * * ion * * * All-carpeted home on Goderich Street West. Beautiful' bathroom, modern kitchen, nicely located. * * * * * * two-storey house on High Street. REasonably priced to clear up an estate. * * * * * Classic white brick home across from the Separate School. Very large lot. * * * * * 1% storey house on Jarvis Street. Poplular location for those wanting to be near the uptown area. * * * * * * 100 acres of vactionland. More than a 1/2 mile along the Maitland River. Springs, ponds, trees, shrubs, animals and fish. Hills for sports, water for fishing, paths for walking, quietness for dreaming, and untold nature for relaxing. A beautiful location. Not many of them left. WILLIAM M. HART Salesman Seaforth 527-0870 or 565-2855 GEORGE R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. Realtor West Lorne 14-100-1 Real Estate 82 Albert Street Pihone:' 482-9371 .•11., Y., t'f 4111, MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER Easy financing arranged on this 1 floor brick home in Clinton, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, electric heat, carport. * * * * * * Country living on 4 acres close to Blyth, 2 storey brick home with new oil furnace, newly decorated, 3 bedrooms. * * * * * 20 acres in stanley Township, backs on Bannockburn River. * * * * * * Laying operation in Blyth, price included all equipment and egg quota for approx.5 000 hens. * * * * * * 55 acres rough land with creeks, springs and bush, 3 acres workable on Huron Road, ideal for camp site. 1 1/2 storey frame home with 3 bedrooms.. * * * * ** 3 room school house in East Wawanosh Township, approx. 1 1/2 acres of land. * * * * * * We have listed a variety of farms in Huron County. * * * * * * 100 acre farm in Morris Twp. 70 acres workable and drained. 2 floor brick home with 5 bedrooms. * * * * * * 50 acres cash crop land in Hullett Township, no buildings. * * * * * * t Small 4' t7aorlisrhO e is( -Clinton, Nice 4eLel Int..,2 ' _ 1... FOOD FOR THOUGHT Politics is like love; everyone jumps in head first without understanding the first thing about it. 14-100-1 MI I• NifT: Clinton Office Phone 482-3821 SEAFORTH Duplex on George Street, fully rented. NEAR KINBURN 2 bedroom brick bungalow in good condition on % acre. VANASTRA 3 bedroom house in good' condition $15,000.00. We also h' aye farms, hobby farms and cottages and houses in and near Clinton as well as • commercial properties. PETER DAMSMA, 482-9849 HAROLD WORItIVIAN 482-7658 CLAIM ZINN, 524-8620 14-1004 PRICE REDUCED Now $5,000 for this 2 floor 3 bedroom home to be moved. On first floor is countrylitchen, large panelled living room, utility room, bedroom with new drywall, and 3-piece bath. On second floor brand new 4-piece bath with vanity and ceramic tile, 2 bedrooms , one carpeted plus. one unfinished room. Carpeted hall and stairs with wrought iron railings. Propane forced air furnace. Will consider all offers. MOBILE HOME 1971 Northlander 12' x 60' with added carpeted living room 16' x 20'. Kitchen and dining room with cathedral ceiling, avocado stove and fridge and china cabinet. 2 bedrooms with double closets, built in dressers and beds included. Large utility room would make a third bedroom. Priced at $12,500. HOG OPERATION "P Steel covered barn setup for 100 sows and 400 finished hogs. Silo 20' x 60' with unloader for high moisture corn. STeel implement shed 40' x 80'. 125 acres of top producing land all tile drained and all in corn. Modernized 2 floor 3 bedroom home With, $10,000 recent renovations. JOHN THOMPSON R.R.2, Sealorth 527-0238 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LIMITED 14-100'4 15. Property for Rent 2 Bedroom apartment, separate drive, available August 1. Adults preferred. 527-0043. 15-100x1 3 Bedroom furnished References required 345-2610. ' - -15-100"4""" 11 room farm home, west, of Winthrop, all modern conveniences, Available August 1. Phone 482-7283. 15-100.1 19. Notices EAVESTROUGH I NG installed by the foot Phone H. J. MERO Phone 527-1533 Seaforth, Ontario 19-106-7 Lawrence's Roofing and Painting 482-3271 19-99-2 Bill's Plumbing & Heating' General Repairs Industrial, Commercial & Residential -Free Estimates Phone: Bill Holman R.R.4, Seaforth 527-0203 19-99-tf MANUFACTURERS'Rep. would like attractive site for display of new above ground pool. Call collect 416-536-9278. 19-99-tf For painting, decorating and paper hanging call Garry Bannon, 527-1582, Seaforth. 19.98-4 Additional Classified on Page 15 11. Articles for Sale TROPICAL FISH BUDGIES CANARIES A complete line of pet supplies PAT'S PET SHOP 350 Main Street Exeter Phone 235-1951 11-99-tf Ball Auctions Furniture Warehouse of Brussels is having a one day Retail Sale Of all new chesterfield suites, kitchen suites, bedroom suites, stereos, component sets, coffee and end table sets, table and pole lamps, continental beds in all sizes, recliners, matching stoves and refrigerators and many small giftware items. Saturday July 12, 1975 from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. ALL APPLIANCES ARE STILL UNDER MANUFACTURERS WARRANTY. Use our handy budget plan as well as cash or cheque. Don't miss this once in a lifetime opportunity to sage money 11-100-1 it of ti Realtors r rr-rr ,r+ rar. .144.4-rauroror