HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1894-03-30, Page 111
VOL. XXIII.---NO. 1157.
Tne Bean never had a more desirable
atook of. Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes than
-it has this spring. We have paid speoial
.,attention to your wants this season, and
have watohea the markets closely to your
Our Dress Goods, Detainee, Challies and
Prints are the most exclusive in Wingham.
We call particular attention to our Black
• Goods, for color„quality and price. Re-
member that we are the only house in Own
who import Dry Goods direct from the
'foreign markets, thereby insuring a saving
to you.
Our Grocery stook, as usual, is full, fresh
and ;vell agorted. Our 35 cent Tea is and
always has been the talk of the people;
.141`'three pounds for one dollar; five pounds
for one dollar and fifty cents. AMr. Jas. MoCrei btand. family re -
--T-4""0"1147".11/rtc.7t' Tt4"r4-47-0-
—Is it not Molt tirn& to make arrange- —One candidate se initiated at the
ments for the 24th of y celebration?
minting of Anchor of pe Lodge, I. 0, G.
—The best brands of oysters, at 80 to. T., on Tuesday eveninlast.
—Rev, W. Grible,of ontreel,will preach ...` Mrs. Al new antifamily will remove to
in the Congregationalchurch, on, Sunday-
• vanston, 1 linois, next week. Several
next, both morniug a41 evening. members of the fatly have been residing
40ets. per quart, at Jas. MoKeivia's. —Dem er Tobaeco is asolutely olean. It —Goo. Phippen, painter, is prepared to there for some titne.
is the highest grade stick in Canada and do painting, paper hanging, kalsoodning, youbill, real =state agent, has sold
—The Mechanics' lastitute has lately the only eentleman chewing, graining, sign writing, ete., on short notice
added a considerable somber of neve books . and reasonable terms. Orders may be left, west * of lot 408, on he corner of john and
,The great want Wingham to -day is at A. R. McDonald's flour and feed acne. ' William streets, O gentlemen from the
to the library.
A dwelling houses. \'J1 not some of our , s' ' county of Bruce, wh s intends to build a
—A. subscription nes raisel and. the are place
freight paid on the ca mon this week. it
fortable residences ? r,c,* 'Beckwith, a former
will soon be placed in sosition.
—Watches, clocks and jewelry promptly
repaired and fully warranted by theses:
Penn, Meyer Bleak, Wingham.
monied men erect a inter of neat, come' /•—We
ou Tuesday.
Listowel, were calling on friends in town
M. Fred, j.4eowell, representing Illesers.,
Gwatkin & So_', printers' inippliee, Tor-
onto, gave the "•-mas a call on Thurstiey.
Master Jam Dawson, who is atteuding
the Collegiate Institute in Torouto, is
home for the h !Ways.
have a good English education. Apply at
age, to tee, n the printine, trade. Must
the Times office.
—Wanted. a boy about 10 or 17 years Of chased a baking bu ness in Clinton, where
he has been workir e for some time; :- The
TIMES wishes him eaccess,
inglithmita, has pur- the near future.
to see tl at Mr. M.
s. ?" cottage for himself t nd become a citizen in
anas, and a large assortment of canned.
goods, pure maple syrup, at the cheapest
—Oranges, Pineapples, Cocoanuts, Ban" Messrs. Adan Reid and Wm. Blaehill, of
, O Kincardine.
opendIng her E ster holidays with friends
last.Brussels, were ;eaitors iu town, on Friday
Mrs. Richer Ascott, of Wingham, is
—The union mee _Be sure and at end the gra:ni concert Prices, at Jas. MoKelvia's.
Mr. Geo. Har vnd, of the Detroit Free
Direct Importers.
'THE Dzn, March 29111,1894
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic-
toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
0 Ile Place in Gatuida to
. EST cation, Shorthand,
0 Mit, get a Business Edu- 0
ilk' * • -•" — ' •- ' ' - ' • .• tral Business G i
0 -
0 eke. isat the cen-
lege, Toronto, Ont., and Stratford, Ont. 4
einquestioneety Ganada'sGreatest Corn-.
merciai Scheele. Cate orues free. Men- :
nen this paper. Shaw tk hiliott, Principals.
•inoved to Doon, last eek. Mr. MoCreigbt
disposed of his dyeing business to Mr. Ezra
Hart, of town.
—Auction Sale of Iusehold Furniture,
Stoves, Kitchen Uten ils, eta., at the resi-
dence .of Mrs. &gn4w, Diagonal street,
on Saturday next, 31 inst, at 2 p. m., Mr.
P. Deans, auctioneer.
—Fon SALE—Hons and barn with four
and a half acres of la d ; two fenced and
orchard. Apply to
Mns. Bot4 LIME, Wingham.
—The uniform pro otion examinations
for this county, whi
Home and Foreign
be held in the Baptis
day, April 5th, at
cordially invited to s
ing of the Women's in the Town Hall, o -night, by Miss Me- —Rev. G. A. Gi
ssionary Society will Whinney and her Rails, assisted by T:ni- will preach the Sui
church, on Thus- versity Banjo, Gui ar and Mandolin club, sar3 sermon in t
rd, Ph. D., of Fergus,
day School Anniver-
e Wingham Methodist
7.80 p. rn. All are of. Toronto. .A. rat ; treat is in store for ohurch, next Sunda'. The young people
tend, those who attend. will occupy the nitre pews. Let all be
Press, was visit
and vicinity, fill
Mr. Chas. Pelt
was visiting frier
g friends in Wingharn
week. •
n, of the Atwood Bees
ls in town, this week,
I:le gave the Ten— a pleasant call.
essie Cencteree Sec. —T. A. Mills careies the largest assort- Pr colt. Mr. H. B. Elli tt, of the TIMES staff,
ment of Seeds in wingham. All kinds of -. Richard Ar derson, of town, who is
—For first-class tailoring and cheap Faucty Clover and timothy Seeds kept irtf spent a few days vith friends at Kincare
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, one door south of fore you buy. pit as. ea our seeds - arrangieg to move c a his farmenear Bal-
mer°, had his awstling on the farm de- dine, during the list week.
stock at lowest Sbe
R. A. Graham's grocery store. Miss Arden, of Sorrie, who was visiting
stroyed by fire, on Monday night. The
the Misses Roderea, returned home Tues. -
house had recently ,een fitted up, and the day.
fire is unknown. Miss Ida Bleaks on, of Durham, who
—For Field and Garden Seeds of all has been visiting a her uncle's, Mr. J. W.
kinds try T. A. Mi Is. High quality and
low prices, Don't my till you get his
—A copy of the sp
the Sudbury Journa,
auspices of the Pro
ation of Ontario.
cial mining edition of —We have thi: week received a couple
of letters dealing • pith Mrs. Margaret L.
publtshed under the
Shepherd, who recently lectured • in town.
ineial Mining ANNA -
been received at this As these letters cc ne under the same rte.
gory as others tat have been refused
for office. It conteine a great deal of infor-
were announaed
March 20 and 30, have been postponed =Mon about tin rich mineral fields in insertion ht the Ti
until April 5- and 0. Teachers and pupils that district. led. es, they are not insert -
interested will take notice. —G. T. R. train, for Toronto and east —Fruit culture is more profitable to the
—An agent of the Sexennial League, of
Philadelphia, a beaeficiary society not
eligible to do bus- ness in Canada, was
armee now than las other crops. Brown
leave Wingharn et (5.25 it. 01. and 11.29 a.
, 13roe. Co., the most extensive nursery house
m. and 8.45 p. m., vie Canton and Gue.pa. : •
an Canada, have a vacancy -in this sectiou.
Goo aonnections by al: teeth:,
j Mite them at Toronto, Ont., for their
recently fined 020 a d costs by Police M!)iert. Wingham woolen irilll property, and is fit- lS-`9Mr. Oliver Gil
a —Mr. Geo. MeT ish has -pnrchased the ' terms.
...Ll. k... has decided to
gistrate Denison, of -'2oronto.. ting it up. Be ntends menufacturie commence the num 'facture of furniture
—T. A. Mill t giva, wholesale prices on several household necessities, but is nbt :
quite sure if he wil engage in the manufac- 1
, in Wingham, and ha purchased a site for
a factory on the ea side of Joeephine
Field and Garden Stoat; to farmers' clubs
and purchasers of laege quantities. Write .
ture of furniture. At any rate he will not
usfor quotations. street,just smith of tl north branch of the
se make anything th st is made in any of - Maitland river near le Canadian Pacific
'--At a meeting .f the Town Council
a 'held. on Monday eve ling last, a resolution
was passed refusing 'es pay the freight on
the cannon, recant :y received from the
Government. ' •The ground on which the
grant was opposed 1 y some was that it was
illegal to take town unds for Buell a - pur-
-Town Council tie Monday evening.
—Cash for goted batter and. eggs at R. A.
Oraha.m's en •ket grocery. .
e er s
—Some:sae:141,s were ast week made on pm.- ‘Pe•
the flume .ef the waters rks.
—The postoffioe d apartment has made a,
notification of a clituage in the form of poste
office orders. Thi introduces into the
order the name of t le payer and makes the 1/B4ov:sale at Magee
order negotiable li. a a bank check. Thal= of a temperan
new forme will Le sent out to the poste ra that ' that the frienc
ccs as rapidly as the old ones which they to.pereee,se and
'—The Tines has ide ank J. T. Garrow,
X. P. P., for sapplie 'tifeeParliamentary
papers. ste.
—T. A. Mills' is the best place \nthe
43ounty to buy your S ds. Get our prier:
befcre you buy.
Coles, of this tows returned to her home
on -Monday.
r. and Mrs. Frank Hogg were celled to-
app—eTarheisF:hasseTroDwararnHastilel, fcCromxn
y wil-L Thos. Clarke, oth concession of :Morels, on.
the bedside of Mee. Hogg's father, lir.
commencing ou IS outlay evening next, Thursday. Mr. Cl ,rke is ly ill.
under the. auspices Minerva Encamp -
anent, No. 47, 1. S. 0. F. The Seaforth
Expositor says of this Company *: The All who are owin. Wm. Ridd by note or
Frazer Dramatic ompany opened up at account, will pay th same to John Nee -
lauds at once or they will be put in come
the opera house or Monday night. The
for collection..
company is by far gee best that has played • Wu. RIDD, V. 5.
in Seaforth for a geed many years, and is
deserving of libeial iatronage. •
'Town ouneth
Wingham factor es. We are pleased to Railway:'. It is a spieeidid location, ancl is lc -Tins, havetydur garments made by '
A special meeting f the Town Council
only n Sit ort distanoo from the Grand Qneenohsnerclon,e_reg •y block, op osite
t Latest styles, good was held on Monde/ vening last. Present
know that Mr. M. Tavish has decided to
—Two second hand.. Pneumatics Tire completed for the sreetion of the fac- _
twholesosc, always first-class fit.
remain in Wingl m. . I Trunk Railway stat )n. Arrangements ---fayor Henna, Re ve Sperling, Deputy-
----heWinnipeg FIee Press of the 12th Reeve Holmes. and touncillors Tennant,
Bicyoles for sale, heap, et W. H. 'Wel- .
lace's jewelry st • , nextdoorinstakeontaitte a,n omit of tin adventure
toil, and it will not be long before Wing -
office, Wingham. . telt" itatof Police CIar , of Winnipeg, had
i ham can boast of anotleer furniturefectory.
' We understand that Mr. Gilehrist will
• —A new Tempe nce book, fresh from while bringing a pri ner from Lethbridge
tjte press and pack mith most interemanufacture only th higher grades of
sting te(Winnipeg. At Meese Jaw, vyhere the
furuiture, vvhich will
'Matter, entitled "The Getting, with :
Ammunition for the Temperance Warfaxe,S with our existing fact
book store. The ad- ' —At the fequest
a is
—Large numbers f our townspeople nowlitettis used.
esse •
...4 . This is a beauty i
took advantage of the heap rates on the —Geo en, painter, is premixed le tents and is sold
railway -
s during the p st week. do painting; p r hanging, kaliforniuing, now and beautif
—Winter weather I s prevailed most of
the time for the pa week. The appetts•-
)s arms are now that saring w her is near
at hand.
—Don't forget Gee. H. I late, the tailor,
if you intend purehesin • new suit of
clothes. He does all, his ork in the latest
styles. Advertisement. n xt week.
—Good Friday wt pretty generally ob-
served as a holiday. The day was rather
disagreeable, and he town presented a
Sunday appearance Services were held
in fe Paul's chunk in the morning.
patrons I have decided
e book in Canada, is so
Renovating until Apri
of the cause= afford orders as this will be t
ead each new comer. •:
binding, paper and don -
t °outs. Numerous —Insider Dramatic
illUstrations. Hal all next week.
5, iu spettedng of
graining,sign w *led, etc., on &tort notice
and rea.sonadle terraaeOrdere'May be left
• DEESS5rAIUNG—Miss H. J. Powell begs N
to anaoutice to the ladies of Wingham cute .41crowded house greet
vicinity, that she, is prepared to do dress -
at A. R. McDonald's floite
k li
_For the first tiren a bentiftemaking e and a in themCompany in theiten
latest style and at
;ioderate /drama "The tittle
half Easter Sunda: this year faykoi, prices. A call solinited. Shop—Nearly
"Ledy" day—the an iiversexy of the a'a• • last Thursday nigt.
opposite Macdonald's iskesk.
dramatic and pathe
nunoiation of the Vitrein Mary. This is a
fixed date in the ecol siastical calendar, the
festival always ow wring on March 25,
while Easter, which s dependent on the
moon and the vernal equinox, may come as
early as March 22, o: as late as April 25.
—All T. A. Mills' Clover and Timothy
Seed is home grown. No lower prices in
Wm. Vanstane is away on a trip ,
Winghana. See our seeds before you buy.
England, foe botb businese and health` —On Saturday ev ning last, just before
We trnst his health which has not be
the best for some ti ne, wil be benefitted
by the voyage.
six, o'clock, the fire arm was sounded, end
it was soon ascertai ed that the Rectory
was on -fire. .Y.Che fi e brigade wag prompt-
ly on hand, but a at tether of willing'work-
-If you are bald n• 1 thin hair, see
ers had carried•Siket r O pails and had the
the many fine Hair Cov ngs Prof. Doren ers
will have with 1iijpf at the Brunswick fire extinguiene.clbef ne the Ere Appliances
H21, HoA-, Thureday; 12th t.pri1. were in readiness. Tee baseboard in one
—The Blyth Standi rd man is green with of the upper rooms caught fire from a
envy because our Lfayor has secured a stove pipe which pas ad through the floor
cannon from the Doninion Government to =exit. There was sat little damage done.
decorateeamme of t e public property of
the town.,,,P, We woulc advise the Standard
man to get a tip fron the Mayor, and per
baps he would then ne able to procure one
for his village.
—Geo. Phipnen, p sinter, is prepared to
do painting, paper hanging, kaleoritining,
graining, sign writing, etc., on abort notice
and reasonable terms, Orders may be left
MA. WieDonald's dent and feed store.
—Last week F Free Press contained,.
the portraits of a umber of the members
of the Baehelor'4 Club of that town, and
among them we n tice our former towns.
man, lr. R. q, Talbot, who bola the.
ofBei.t1 minion of club Jaw Ilreaker.
Xr. T. A. Reit is also a neeMber of the
°Oh, and from am droceedingitf the club,
which are publl led, we learn that .the
latter gentlem n is under a cloud,
having broken E.rne of the the
club. We feelt...mlident that he 'dorms
through the " 1714 ,ordeor h flying
.—Private mo ,,,vs to loan on mortgages
st reasonable rate of interest. Alply to
tf J0101 11/113gu4DL
—If you intend perchasing a bicycle, it
will pay you to 'all I ld nee W. H. Wallace,
Wingham, and.get h rices, for Beeston
Humbers' Budge, ne Ilowo and Scorcher,
the hest English heels in the market.
Call and inspect our 35 pound Scorcher,
fitted with Dunlop mimetic tires, ball
bearings throughout, or 1175 net cash.
—The Execntive ommittee ot Demon-
stration District No. , Canadian Order of
Foresters, met et t e store of Mr. IL M.
Gordon, Winglititn, n Friday last, 23rd
inst., to complete arr ngemento for holding
a grand District Dem .netration in Brussels,
on Monday, July 2n4.1 1609. The =unite -
tee is determined to take this done:metre-
tion the most auccesfful yet held in District
No. 1. Vigorous afJd systematio efforta
will be made by thel committes and its
friends to secure ra
and low rates. A a
outlined; liberal pri
A Ptonil ent Lawyer.
"1 have eight children, every one in good
heelth, not ono of whom but has taken u P
The liodern Way
Witty accommodation commends itself to the well -formed, to do The Culture of Pue.:;silts is the subject 01 street, a few days last
'mild programme Wag pleasantly and effectually what was former the Floral article, a Al there are many new. Mr. Wm. Hartley,
es will be offered. ly done in the erudestmanner and disagree- designs in Kilittinb. Crocheting. Netting High School, was colli
n no way compete prisoner had been giesn his liberty so as to
•ies. enable hira to get a lunch, the prisoner by P. Deans, seconde 1 by R. Herdsman,
a number of my made a dash for freec The chief was that the town accept- the gun sent here by •
to continue Feather too quick f or his prise ter, who was a large, the Hon. J. C. Patter, on, from the Militia
7th, so send in your
• • athletic fellow, and on had him hand- stores at Kingston an - pay the freight on
gun be placed in the
be agreed upon by
e, also that we eon -
deal too high and.
matter of freight
is view to rebate.
'lis in amendment,
.y, that we take no
action in regard to le gen sent here by
the Hon. 3. C. Patters t 1 as the Connell
did not order the same, .o be sent to the
Town of Wingham. ie following is the
vote on the amendme leas—Holmes,
Green, Inglis, Arscot shieKbalayelteading,
Gregory,"Herdsinani.ed Moore. The mat-
ter before the Connii was the ace:eptance
and placing of the ca mon presented to the
town by the Hon J. . Patterson. Moved
e as oep Y.
. S. BOWKAE, cuffed and shackled
Whttechurcb. old Wingham boy and
Company in Town dent of Wingham 11
Chief Clark is an the same and that th
is mother is a resi- Town Park, position t
present time. The the Property Commits
The Berne Daily chief spent a few days hi town, some eider the freight a gre•
his Company, says; mouths ego. 1 that the clerk have the
d the Fraser Theatre ---- • — looked into at once wit
Person ds.
lition of the comedy Moved by J. W. It
Mr. W. J. Welch, of Etarristou, Sunday-
tchess," at the hall seconded by D. McKin
• ed in town,
The • humorous,
r. Stanton Agnew 1; home from Chico,
le situations were 4001;41
. go for some holitleys.
finely portreyed by e ery actor, eachin .
Mr. H. P. Chapman, .1 Ripley, was cal -
their particular parts and the „audience
ling on friends on Fridi y last.
were loud in their ap*ause., 11 18 safe to a,,
Mrs. It. limiest spent Easter with her ,
say not many superic— companies to thisTennant, Inglis, Arsco t, McKinley, Read -
mother nod friends, in _ Aistowel.
have appeared in Berlin and they well ing and Gmgory 7. N ys--klanua, Green, -
Messrs. B. Barber a d .W. Stuart, of Deans, Ilercarnem, Mo. re and Sperling 6.. -
merit the support th
—T. A. Mills is th
in Seeds in Wingham
sold by the car lot,
sell send us sainples.
get our prices.
—The Delineator f
"College Commencer
contains three erticle
ing to students. A (9
at Vassar is the title
the Women's Colleges
A College commence
tively described by a gr
there is a. fully illust
• Listowel, Suncle.yed in 1 iwn.
only wholesale dealer Goderich Star: Mis In lv ofWing-The motion was theu littaci. ou and lost on
8 8-1 -' same vote reversed. 0 uncil then adjeurn- - -
Seeds bought and
f you. Ineve any to ham, if the guest of Mi a Eva Wallace. ed.
Don't buy till you Mr. S. J. Reid, of Kin ;sten, formerly of
this town, is seriously il..
r May is celled the Mr. Wm. Oornyn was n Clinton a couple Williams Little Dandelion
rills will cure teeedeche, BiliOUslieS8,
ent Number," and of days, this week. Sour Stomach, ete. fry thein mute mid I
especially interest- Miss E. Mason, of B yth, was visiting you will not use any other. Price 20e. • .1
l's Life and Work friends in town this wee :. box, at all drug stores. . .
the first series on Mrs. MeFeggan, of Tonto, is visiting —a. ., • , .,
el 'mom s znglisit VVIate
of the United States; her father, Mr. S. 'lout ill, Leopold street. OUlte is the best Fatuity Ladment in the
ent is most attrac• Miss Maud Help, ofialyth, was renew- worlu. Instant cure for Sprains and •
duate of Smitleand ing acquaintances in t vn during the week. Braises. Beware of imitatious. Ask or
tted paper on the Mrs. B. Langford, of Goderich, spent the Salmon's English 'White Oils.
Commencement and KIraduation Gowns. EaAer holidays with f ends in Winglutin. 1 Dr. King's Worm rowderg
aresale and sure. 2i,e. ft uox.
Under the head of Ent- ntoytnentfor Women r. A. E. Bra:twin, 4.- Toronto Saturday 1
is a sensible article on Journalism, b; Night, spent the Baste-- holidays with his 1 liteathlieliPsiiealingBelsant
Edith Sessions Tem, X, and tloanor j parents in town. will cure the worst cold. leutithettis of
. .
' • M -
' tweirpTsitively be- vefuithed if Heathfield"
ct of Pantomimic 1 Mr. W. E. Binning, architect, of Insto- i
practically. A wet, was te transient visitor in town, on I
Healing Balsem does not do all that is
tne Uses of Crepe ; Friday Inst. 'claimed for it.
duces some pretty I Miss "Humtnie" and Master Lloyd Sills 1
Dr. King's iledical Diseov-
a Spring Lunch 1 spent part of the Ec liter holidays with
ery is tee great blood purifier. It will
r on Wise Living friends in Senforth. make the blood pure and keep it pole.
Goorgen treats the suW
Expression -tilearly
further instalment of
and Tissue Papers intr
articles for decoratin
Table, the third pa
gives some good advic about Eating, and Mrs. Jos. Vanstone, ef Kincardine, spent Cures dyspepsia and alt forms of stomach.
this and liver tt•oubles. It is the bestt buy the
the many ways w doh daughters cant a few days under tlia parental roof,
best. Price one dollar a bottle, tict bottles
Col. 1 for 'flee dollars.
liel S . e
help- their mothers is told in the second., week,
chapter *of Mother and Danghter. , Miss Biht Deans, of he Goderich
' li
Leather Wedding ant a LogoniocilY Party; legiate Institute, is sp -tiding the holidays ! "Win
are entertainingly .voribed. Some New at home.
Desserts are given, and in the Tea -Table Mrs. D. MeLauchlin, f Bensseleavas the fitalmoneS English White
Talks many seas= le toping ere diaeusoetl. pest of Mrs. Jas. Mc achlm, of Shute)! •
eek. 1)r. Ring's Worm Powders.
of the Harriston '
ble as well. To cleats° the system end and Tatting. Tie subseription price of t week.
break up colds, headman) and fevers with- the Delineator is $1.00 a year. Stogie • r. Albert Thornton
IA after effects, use the Copies, 15 cents. Address The !Mines. .1figh School, io spendi
g on friends in town cat atlifteld's Healing nal
et the Harristort1 Dr. 'tine's Medital Diseov.
— .
g the holidays with
"lit sli reliable medicines and the pee. .
Soott's Emulsion, in Whieli my Wife hall delightful liquid laxative remedy, -Syrup tor Publishing . (Ltd.), 03 Richmond, his parents, near Attie el. prietort guarantee satisfaction in aTtlry
- Messrs 1, Amey an Simnel Kilgonr, of ease or money refunded.
boundless (Milano°. f lags.
Street West, Tor ito, 'Ontario.
• eseeesaaellts- 4" owe s 0 0 se lemon
, .