The Wingham Times, 1894-03-23, Page 8H. lYieTITDOCL
TUE , E`. U G AM TIMES, MARCH . ,1894.
The'VVillialns Tragedy. Thursday afternoon, 11 large inin1lier i
- of Sympathizing friends gathering at t '-
most:: Id)e1R OF TUE ME'U1)Ett num, AT Mr. Foster's residence on Wallace 1
1/11.1MPTON. street. The . -WWII council, tit Willett
TRENFW FOREIGN DRESS GOO-LJS -- Mr. Atter is at member. ;wended in
'A -AI KIM ACQUITTED, BUT MA('1\'1IIR. a body. The brethren oi'Perliai'(1
Was them over smelt collection RI.I,i, Ie()EI\I) (IEIII.TI. lodge A. F. & ..k. M, also::htatrecl their
reslx'et and t:ylllpatily , illi' thew
gathered together ? 1G; sorely not in I31tetatk'Tox, Marc11 1R. ----Tl e ,rent bereaved brother by ntllrehing to the I
Wingbatn. In all the new Froncll shades. Williams murder trial which hal house, The interment took plate: at
been in progress here for a week the Palmerston cemetery..
INTRODUCTORY ended last night, the jttry at 6.45 pan, t,;vo &tool, nlarlrats,
Will he made to this really famous cal» bringing in the following verdict. EastI3uflitlo, N. Y,, Marek 1;):---•
"Tho finding of the j>.tryvti, Cattle ---Ninety-four cars On sale ;
lection, .by selling for two weeks lit M1tcWhirrell guilty of the murder of track' slow, but prices were steady, in
greatly reduced prices. - James Williams; Walker not guilty sable. ea, CS at shade better : export
Walker Ovals then remanded back to cattle,.„25;
NEW FOREIGN BLACK GOODS, jail till the ]all Assizes, when he will fait sliigood to carts, ::11.115 to l;iW s and butchers oft $,
Fust as strong in array est as ex- 1)0 tried for rite llltlydc'r of fourteen hundred weight, .`3 ,1() to
' 1 rteen
Williams. to
mediums, :i.d.o0 to $8.75; light,
•waive in their nature, as the Colored MacWhirrell, when asked Vile had handy, fairly fart, 0.10 to (;•!1,40 ;
Dress Goods. anything to say why sentence should westerns do ,"•,: to :.'3 7
.25 ; mixed
not be passed upon him, said: butchers, „?.5f) to ;'8.•[O;extra
FRENCH DEL AINES. "Yes, my lord, I have. I'm an Smooth fist butchers' cows, $3,15 to
'It's !mall wonder that we. sell so many innocent man and I wish to let the $8.40 ; do bulls, $2.75 to *11.15; ex -
people flee that Pin innocent." Turn- , port bulls, :33.25 to :;41.50 ; choic(s
Delaines. For nowhere else can you 1:ee ing to the jurors, he said: "�. o
tl oxen, ti 3 to $3,50 ; t,:eicers. ;,2,15 til
.such a never -before collection of Frenih ju!'o'` are responsible for Illy death.
MacWhirrell, with his hands alter-
iinest, all wool Delaines, in their bright- nately in, Ms pockets or resting oil the
nese arid beauty, of this year's Spring dock told of his movements prior and
Fabrics. Of course the biggest and best subsequent to the murder. Then
for over an hour he proceeded with
.collection is here. his statement, alternately pausing to
See our now Spring Utoaksaud Wraps, look up at the ladies' gallery an'l
at protesting his innocence and to call
God to witness that he was telling
the truth. He admitted that he
went along the Middle road and the
Lake Shorn road and called at the
a. Williams house and conversed. with
the old luau on Thursday Dec, 14.
He claimed, however, that he never
it 11- McI 1DOO'S,
Our Clubbing Rates. entered the house, and returned to
Toronto the same night. He re -
The Tams and Toronto g=lobe, weekly $ 166 , eatc(1 the story about buying the
The Toms and Toronto Emma:, weekly 1 75 p y g
The Theta and London Advertiser, weekly1 s8 , horse from the mcsf at Seholes' hotel
he Toms and Lnndnn Free P,ess, nreklr,.,, 1 45
heTtrnsand Montreal1leraid• weekly 1 se • on Friday night and contradicted
he TtMEe and Montreal witness, weekly 1 lin ' ever witness called, He stated that
e Tones and Toronto D rile World.1 LU
heTixrsand Montreal Family Herald and Star 'the man who bought the horse from
weekly, and premhnn ..... , . 1 75 I hu
he Truss and The Ladies' Journal, monthly, , ll TCSClnbled I OliCe111aI1 Cross very
Turemo 1 2t"'. nlucll. He denied that he had the
he Tine% anci Cosmopolitan 1lagau,ne,monthly,
New York . . 2 " knob in his possession when he left
he TIans and The Live Stock Journal and ' ,
;tome -sem Companion. monthly ..... , 1 7n , .9t<tt)('lffelC.'S. MacWhirrell ilirrCll kept 011
he TIMES and Flamers' Anvneate, hi•vetcltly 1 00.1 with his rambling story for an hour
he Turks end the Cult'rator' and Country
Gentleman, weektc • 2 75 and twenty minutes, when counsel
Reduced rates with all other papers not mentioned I told him to cut it short. Ile again
n the above lie:. l turned to the jury and said: "You're
Trues Omer. 1 res1
)onsible for my life. I ani inno-
Wingbam, Ont. cent. I can lock any Ivan itt the
... ... ^ face and say I am innocent. I am
not afraid to face death on the seal -
Memory of Annie Lamont Died June lA
1883. "' fold. I am an innocent )lean, and you
are the murderers of MacWhirrell."
She slept; we stnoc( beside her
And watched her as she lay At 8.30 MacWhirrell coneltuled by
With clasped hands on her bosom, requesting the judge not to deliver
Like children when they pray. any suutpatizing speech, but to just
The west was bright with sunset; sentence hila, and 110 more about it,
We knew the end was near
And whispered low to each other His lordship then sentenced Mae -
The Master will soon be here. Whirrell to be hanged on Friday,
She woks and we heard her whisper ° June 1. from oa to 4- c pal lb. A fcm c1tome
$x).00; feeders, $2.50 to e8;
$2 to :).'?5 ; Hutch CMS and
springers quiet ; choice fresh, '25 to
$42 ; extra forward springers,
to $40. Calves, good supply ; fair to
extra vcals. $ 5,5() to ,..,•7; heavy fed,
$2.75 to ti 1?5.
Sheep an(11i11111)13-10i) Cars; e1IO1Ce
stock steady ; medium and C:nlltllon
lambs 10c to 15e lower. Sheep
steady ; good to fat lots and wetllcrs
strong ; good to fancy tvethers, $3.5()
to $4.15 and up tow .23 for selected
C011lllon to very tholes; mixed, 12,50
to 3 ; good to fancy lambs, 4;i4.50 to
X4.70; fair to good, e4.1.5 to. 4.40.
Hogs -Only ()O cars on sale ; trade
slow and lower; demand principally
for light grades; pigs; 1`4.85 to l.110;
Yorkersand nixed packers, e1.80 to
1 `-485 ; good to choice heavy corn
fed, $4.70 to $4.80.
Montreal, 9., March 19.-.i here
were about 1,250 head of hurdlers'
cattle, 125 canes and 85() sheep
offered at the East Abattoir' ' to -day.
The butchers made a good turnout.,
as is sure to be the case. on Easter
market, but for sometime they seemed
careless about buying beef cattle, and
were more aluxiolls to secure some-
thing good in the veal line. After
ten o'clock business got quite brisk
and there was considerable difficulty
in getting the cattle weighed as fast
as required. Extra beeves did not
bring as'lligh figures as our previous
Easter markets, and five cents per lb.
was about the top of the markets,
and a very fine bull was held at 5• e
per lb. but it is probable that he
will not sell for more than 4- c per
lb.; other fine large bulls sold. at
1 hast week we mentioned
Now a few words about
Catalogue sent free on appli«
TOLL -ANDERSON. --At the residence
of the bride'siunole, on Wednesday, Feb.
2.9tb, by Rev. G. Niggly, Mr, Wm, Toll,
to Miss Emma T. Anderson, all of East
Fereenn-Binz.-At the residence of
the bride's father, B1ytb, ou Wednesday,
1 ]4th inst„ Higley,lktr. Wm.
J. Felker, of Auburn, to Miss Mary E.,
! eldest daughter of Mr. J. W. Bell, Blyth.
NonLE-F.eRousoie.-In Hallett, on
the 14th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton.
Mr. W. T. Noble, of East Wawattosb, to
Miss Jane Ferguson, eldest daughter of
Mr. D. Ferguson.
,JEwriv Morris,on the 9th instant,
Lewis Jewitt. aged 86 years.
PRnan.E-In Culross,on the Iltb Inst•.,
Sarah Sinclair, relict of the late Mal-
e le Pringle, aged 82 years.
osE-In west Wawanosh,on the 14th
inst., Isabella Rose, aged 85 years, 8
months and 4 (lays.
li1,AIrt,-In Morris, on March 12th. the
infant son of Robt. and Mary Blair, aged
10 days.
Our names; we bent to kiss "All right, your lordship," said the Iambs were sold at 51e per 11). while
�✓� The smaller oue, filled with
SKRE! Coo Liver Oil, will do more l:nildin up
tltau the lnr c oue Sillcd with the best of the
xnanv emulnl l:rn tt:".t i.i ilio nmrl:et.
S',{I�E[ costs no range goer cines three tinrt:s es
r t(
a bottles O ^
Hutch work n three � c .::tuition. Almost
tastelec.. Prepar c 1 only by
K. CAMs rireLL & CO., Montreal. ,.
Tho annual !tenets) meet ie. of the shareholders
M rho WVINCIIA3a TEb '1 RANCE 11A1.I. CObI•
YAAY(Lindted),uitlb held )n the Tuulperanre
Hall. a,
Wednesday, t
fourth clay of April
nest, at the gone o Oen o'clock In the forenoon.
r P,
triugham, March 22111, 1301, R. ELLIOTSecretary.
Tn sell a choice line of Nursery Stock and Seed
Petutneu. Lihe•'al salary 4reommission paid weekly.
Spec.'s! int and payintt pn.itioua to good mon.
Speelni btdncements to bcginut•rs. Exclusive terrt•
tory saver if clunked. Write et once for teras to
itOchestcr, N. Y.
something about new Hats, Tic's, Shirts, &e.
imported, and
They aro the finest and cheapest that we ever offered. See them. They
are bargains,
for quality, style and prices, leaves competitors out in the cold,
n e imported direct, therefore can give yon values that local dealers
cannot touch.
Please call and see the beautiful things in CROCKERY and GLASS-
WARE Haat. wo give to our Customer's FREE.
Respectfully yours,
. ID.. M. r -CJ
The Author house,
The truest face that ever prisoner. I'll have a better chalice eonnnon ones sold at about 410 pt:r ib. _
sbe slept again, to waken , active (Ionian(' and S' ALL, O NS FOR SALE.
T til d for I ami The prisoner was -1tig1. price' paid for good calves to
Our lives would have to miss to get to heaven than some of you,
There was a very
To earth , an sorrow no more; a --
We heard the aneels:singiug promptly suppressed. Soiree women day, but the "bobs"
Somesong on Hea'ven's far shore, commenced crying, and he shouted '
And knew the mystic boatman
Had sailed across the sea
- And borne the soul of another
To God's eternity.
• of d. The undersigned offers for sale the three following,
It'Mi hogs continue to Sell at from i tC. ")LACI , dark bay; coating, 844 nearly eighteen
b hundred pounds; sired by bincGretor; dam “Mid-
town hello," A an e foal cotter, and perfectly sound.
19, -Cattle --Re- '•PRINCE,. con,ing throe, bat; mrd "Fi1AN1 ,"
cnmino ta•o also ba+• both signet by '•Mucic"• dnm
1I (La 11Cta eeW Clydesdale stallions, all lived from imported ,trek;
• anti "Don't cry"; "I'm not afrakl. to 5e per lb.
to die; I'm no coward." Chicago, March
• ISTOIVIJL ceipts, 1!3,000; aeti
vC, with alt np- imported "leaner,' 'alto has canned off the first
sw • talc t t �tv local I s
L prises andsweepstakes s t e shows.
Gone homer Oh angel mother, The Roth brewery has been sole'( to - turn of 10e to Ise on suitable shipping The abo+c animals will bo sokr chdap for rash, -
Sometimesfrom heaven's far strand' and export steers, the same making Frock origrces ed notes. For htrther particulars
We hear d r 11 g James iSiatnnell of Toronto,at $5,400. g as ca and term., apply to
Il tipl se
your as voice calling ,t` e- r0 to 'i4 re; others $3.50 to $4 50 -Trina Toob
Hogs- Receipts, `3.1,0100; active;
steady; rough heavy to $-1.85;
-•,f - Antt see your beckoning hand. -The bill to allow Listowel to raise ' r '" 11nron Co., out. St. M ions P 0
• nd though between our nathways $5,000 for bonus purposes has passed
the Legislative Committee. -J. A. rough packers and mixed, : 4.40 to OR, �'�icLEU.A LONDON,ONT. '
Brown, of Kincardine, has taken, prime heavy ,,,,,, butcher + The Popular Bookstore, Wingham.
' weight, $4.5r to $4.65; assorted light _ .. ____. _-_.._.-___...___.-
7. Thsre rolls so deep a tide,
tire know you love your dear ones
The same as when you died,
Having bought out the Ambler Harness Business and started in his old stand,
am prepared to furnish the public, with everything usually kept -in a harness shop
such as
• I make n11 my own Collars and guarantee satisfaction.
Give me a trial and I will use You right.
I have just received a large consignment of
in all the -latest designs and styles.
Also, a large stock of
School Books, Scribblers,
Exercise Books, Copy Books,
Slates, Pencils, Crayons,
Stationery; &o.
Prices as Low as the Lowest,
charge of the 777 store in this town
recently purchased by A.McDonald
A Ilistory . - of Two Parliaments.
497 Talbot Street,
of Stratford. -The Marlboro football FARM FOR SALE.
be present session of the Dominion -Club has been Te organized, with J.
liament promises to be one of the most
cresting in the history of our Country.
and foremost will come the battle for
'Reform, in which the issues between
two parties will be sharply clefxned•
it parties will be making records for the
lug Dominion elections. 'Then there
be the Manitoba end Northwest Selma
$4.65 to $4.70. Sheep and Iambs-- EVE and TEAR SIJROEON.
Receipts, 12,000; active; IOc to 15e
uglier: top sheep, $8.50 to 08,85,
exporters, $1 to „4.05 ; top lambs,
$4 to $4.25.
W. Treleaven as president, Roy
Haeking, secretary, and George
Mitchell captain. •-•- The Listowel
junior lacrosse club met last week Hoare,
and elected the following ()flleers t DtssrAN--In Bluevale, on March 16th,
IIonorary president, Dr. Rutherford; the wife of .T. J. Denman; at sun.
WALREE--In J'eeswnter, on the 1st
hon. NAM, A. G. Bastedo; president, Inst., the (vice of Mr. W. Walker; a
Waldron Scott; vice-president, C. daughter.
s•, th FrO11ch Treaty; the position 13arber ; treasurer, Col. Campbell . Moltnow-In Teeswilter, on the 13th
McCarthy, and other questions of
but of minor importance.
Montreat Daily Herald, which
Axes its readers with the ftttlest,ablest
msost impartial reports of the session,
/awes that this year it will give its
readers a full -sued four-page Par.
areery Supplement, containing its
daily report. Concurrently with the
*Son session will be held the Imperial
Arent, which will also be of special
and will be fully reported ns
tar d'rt vveekty supplement. The
,itsitieg a roost valuable history of
mss of these great bodies.
*ewe who are not sultsorihere to The
secretary, .T. Meyers ; captain S inst., the wife of Mr,Thonlals Morrow; a
Culbert; committee, P. Wilson, F. daughter.
in Brussels, on the 13th inst..
Bess and J. Watson: --The annual the wife of Mr. Win. Edgar; a daughter..
meeting of the Listowel- Live Stock EGanar.--In Myth, Oh Sunday Marcel.
Association was 11e1(1 on the 12th inst., 11th, the wife of Wan. Eggert ; a son.
at which the following officers were BLAIti --�1n Morris, on March 3rd, the
Y wit6of Mr. Robt. 331air ; a son.
elected: President, Wm. Spears; • WIIGfLTb1AN.-1n Morris, nn March Oth,
treasurer, Geo. Zilliax; secretary, A%` the wife of Mr. John Wiuhtntan; n
St. Geo. Hawkins ; directors,P.` Gar daughter.
rock T. Livingstone. r. John Scott 1n�>lVEN:4. '
`t,"s j , r HARrtNI:Bs•-•ST1cvr;Na-�-At the tlethrs-
4. J. Stevenson, T. J. Ballantyne, E. distParsonage, Winghutn. by the Rev. S.
M. Alexander.`, H. B. Murphy, B. Vit, Set ery,1). Ir., on the 21st inst. Mr. Robt.
Hrlrkness, of Culror?e to 1vXws Marthit C.
Brooks and xly, Leslie. It tivas de- Stevens, of Turnberrs'. -
01110l tie hold the spring show on MnIIrisefs-MtCPl1CftsON---At the resi-
Friday, 13th April. -Mrs. Foster, dence of the bride's mother, on the ith
wife of J. .T. Foster, L. D. S., (lied oninst.,.by Rat. Jas. Malcolm, John Me-
_„' raid, a,rectal Into, of 25 acute Tuesday, 13th inst, in her 28th year. ,daui(htett' of anion hre s nig he hn, o ,
made, for which the publishers Deceased, hadbeenmarried less than Kintoas.
The Weekly Herald and the two years. For a nun -ober of years Wenn-1VIeQvn t,t e ---On the ;th rust.,
Marry gnpplenlent for the fait Mrs. Foster -had charge of the 1ni11in- at the residence of the beide"s father, by
of s sseeion, no natter bow longit ery department of Messrs. Carson 8(.'tiel o 4 rael 41�1.ulAililn to el. ttugh.'.
4t. The Herald is independent M s1 eo s store, and had many friends, illrebb, all of We)at t�awanoah.
politics. t,ubeeeriptions for the who feel deeply her early relytoval by o1NTosl�--•G.aoarsi -At this residence
death The husband, 11 of the brides father, on the 14x11 tnst,,lly
toitiou be sent direct to the Itev, :i. ,tVleltlly, t large Alexander ikby
Ii ltkl Co., 403 Graig Street, the sympathy of the community illtintosh to Jane, only daughter of hr.
his sore loss. The funeral took place! :Tit, Gaunt, all of Kinloss.
. Gradu,te of the New York Eye and Ear hospital, west half, also part of East half lot 17, nun. I4
1880. Post Graduate Cnurso an the Eye, Ear, None west 1Vawanosh, omltafinirg 99 acres. For further
and Throat at the New York Pest Graduate Medical
School and Hospital. 1502. Eyes Tooted. Glasses )'artleulars apply on the premises or by mail to
p JAMES bf(gWIlltAY,
sipplied• Fine etnt•t( of Spectacles, Lenses and Saint Thomas p. 0., North Dakota.
ArtilIeiul Eves, Witt be tit the
Brunswick House, WINGHAM,
The first or last THURSDAY of
each fnonth,nt dato towed below: l
Fourth Visit. March 29th, x894.
Hours 8 a. in. to 3 p. m. Charges
Will consult their own in.
Opens by getting their
1 have a full stock of
VM atoles, ..
Jewelry, 8vc.,
to which, 1 invite special attention.
Mille any Other
ma'y mod .a't mid all work done on the premises.. r
We have a large assortment of cute,
and can turn out work in the beat style,
on abort notice, andet moderate chargee,
.1Y1. PA1 .1. JGRSON
Q U pili ILL
ws oi=liar :-'•ga.,.no- ILL IS
Alen, ntnnufacturer of ail kinds of
*Melt con be stlpplicd on short notice
bon and Pores Pinups supplied to order.
Repairing promptly attended to, Price reason.
Sho )+tMaxonal street, nearly opposite hank of
tinmi�tAn, W hgham.
The undersigned Were for sato, his faint, being
eontut half
10 acme ntoreeor leas.ETh ea Is About
7Ir notes nudes manatee, the helmet, 1s print.
dally bush. More is on the pined a comfortable
btlolc house and large frntno barn, with stablint
underneath, also n splendid iroarintr.ardhnnl and
A ►rood sprig trdli. a term (viii be sold reason.
able. .Per particulars a xpiy ou the premises orad•
Stand -Directly opt sine the Hank of dress, tt idtdchnrt h, T pbtAS Coot(, Proprietor
Iiantiltoui, W3ngt)asrl. 'East wawano-h well 8th 1894
Tins Been never
'.stook of . Dry Good
-it has this spring,
..attention to your Si
have watobed the n
Our Dress Goods,
Prints are the most
Wo call particular c
• Goode, for color, ,qt
member that we ar
who import Dry G
-foreign markets., tilt
to you.
Our Grocery stet
and well assorted.
always has been the
-three pounds for or
for one dollar and fi
'Tns .BEAR, Marsh
rsatied by FRAim
toric Ftreet,Win
a'eg wired.
' 44400.04)444.
t lege, Toronto,
mercial School
tion this paper.
--Town Comic;
--Cash for g -c c
Graham'sxii ilia
--Some i sierp
the flume of the
v -The nuts h
M. P. P., for st
-T. A.. Mills'
county to buy y
befcre you buy.
-Large nem
took advantage 1
railways during
-Winter wen,
the time for til
antes are now i
at hand.
-Don't forge
if you intend p
clothes. He clo
styles. Advert
-Good 33'rid
served as a bol
Sunday appear
in . Paul's el
Mr. Wm.
England, for
We trust his h
the best for e
by the voyage.
-If you are
the many fine
wend will hay
Ho , Thurs
he Blyt
envy becaus
cannon front
decorate so
the town;;,
man to get a.
haps Ise woul
for his villag
-Geo. Ph'
do painting,
graining, s1
and rcasona
et `A. R. plot
--Plast we
the portrait
of the Dael
anion„ them
afield !}xoSt
Ifr. T. 'A.
drib; and f
"bleb ere
latter gen
having brol(
club. Wo
through t]
1 rivati
st seasonal