The Wingham Times, 1894-03-23, Page 5irsersesiesor.... Donald icL an and And gangue of this phenomenon ), but it la likely con. 1, Neil Mailmen and Arch : that ineoanlalete registration is largely Stutt eons 2 and 3, D, Taylor and M. ! accountable for the aipparennt dintniini. Keith cons 4 and 5, S. Hutton and tiou, and Dr. Bryce, the Deputy John lticKaguo cons 6 and 7, Am- Registrar -General, in the course of broso Doitricla and Ale;;;, Watson, eons the report, suggests a slight change 8 and 0, George Armstrong and in the law with a view to securing Peter ()rant eons 10 and 11, Levi more compioto registration. The Erb and Thos. Thompson cons 12 and total number of births was 52,280. 13, Dougalcl Calalpbcll and John The ratio of male to female births Sidor cons 14 and 15, Sab Lelinlar, shores a slight inereaso in flavor of Cote .4. to.4, following analea, the proportion being 1,063 The foli ming are pound keepers , males to 1,000 females, as opposed, to Robt. Ballagh con 2, Johan McRae 1,001 males to 1,000 females in 1801, con 3, John Boyd con 4, Jos, Bucket The number of illegitimate births coil 6, And. Adamson con 7, Jars. was 525, or 112 less than in 18911, The proportion now is 12.4 per 1,000 births, as opposed to 14,3 in 1891 and 10.7 in 1800. The lowest English mato for some years in this particular has been, 42 per 1,000. The number of marriages was 14,482, a slight in- crease over 1891 of 293. The inar- OULROSS. A special meeting of the Council was held in the Town Hall, Tees - water, Mardi tit, t804, fo consider the steps to be taken in the matter of the Bryce vs. Culross ltawsuil Reid—MacKay---That the Reeve go to Toronto and see Blake, Lash 6 Cassels regarding the settlement of Mlle Bryce vs. Culross lomat* and see what prospect there is getting of the amount date the township—Car- ried, MacKay---Kuntz—That this Connell dao now atcljourn to meet again on Saturday,tho 10th of March, according to motion of last meeting— Carried. 'l'lhe Council meet at the Town hall, Tocswater,Marcit 10, 1894, according to motion of adjournment, Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last general meeting and ,also of special meeting react and adopted, Report of Committee re Treasurer's Securities .---To the Municipal Council of Culross : Wo, the undersigned committee appointed to examine the treasurers securities, find them the same as last year and think then, sufficient. Jos. WELwOOD, WM, REru. Report of Jos. Welw.00d re Bryce lawsuit : As authorized by council I went to Toronto, but did not find any of them at the office that day. So I had to stay until next day, when I net Mr; Blake and hacl a talk with flim on the matter, and I )lave lunch pleasure its reporting that there is good prospects of Cuirass getting a considerable share; .ef the expenses Contneeted with the snit Jos. Werswoon, Reeve. MacKay—Krantz---That the report of committee on titeasurer's sureties be adopted, and the Reeve's report. re Bryce lawsuit The received and TUE: WINGRAM TIMES MARC: Ltttic con 8, Jas. Donaldson con 11, Jas, Smith con 12, (leo. MaL"vers con 14, Alf. Ilaldouby eon 18, 'Miehacl Groff con A, Kuntz-•-MacKay---That the Coun- cil do now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, the 21st of April, at 10 o'clock a, in. ---Carried, nage rate in Ontario is 13.4 per DIA.& BuTToY, Clerk.' '1,000. Thc total number cif deaths Provincial Reports. was 23,120, as compared with 21,558 in 1891. The average is 0.5 per The report of the Immigration De- 1,000. partment for 1893 states that the total number of immigrants conning Tho Free Grants and Indian Lands into Ontario in that year was 6,571, in Algoma. being a decrease of 1,200 from 1892 and of 3,704 from 1801. The gen-, LETTER, FROM, A SETTLER, eral causes which have led to this decrease are given. as the quarantine DEAR SIR, As once , in awhile I see atrtic1c's its the newspapers deal- ing with . the advantages of other fields of emigration, •1 thought I would write to your paper about the prospects and advantages of Eastern Algoma .as a place for settlement. In this vicinity there aro thousands of wept any substitute if offered. would make happy )tomes for thous.: ands of people who would be willing to take hold and help us to blear up this bcantiful valley on the bangs of the Mississauga River, if they only adopted---Cerried. Reid -- Johnston proportion of English continues to knew the advantages to be gained by -•-That the Reevego and inspect the increase ,enter Irish and Seoteh immi 'doing so. Goldeuburgh is situated road opposite lot 1.1, con. 4, at rail- grants. The distribution of iiumi- on the hanks of the Mississauga, way crossing—Carried. MacKay— grants is general. There was not some twenty miles from its mouth, as Reid—That as:small bridge on Mos- enough immigration of agricultural handsome e site for a town in the Mr. J. Currie, auctioneer, wielded the hammer. regulations, the high rates of ocean. • passage, business depressions in coun- tries from which immigrants chiefly • come, the industrial stagnation in the United States and the low prices for agricultural products. The returns, however, .area incomplete owing to the withdrawal of Dominion agencies from the Province and the conse- quent cutting off of record concerning the arrival ,af European immigrants via United States ports. Britain is the chief source of supply, and the acres of land fit for settlement which 234 Mg, Brings oorafo*t end hnnrnvernent" and bends to porisu:ul a' ;,:yn,c:.t when rightly used. The ;many, who live bet, ter then °titers and et •joy life moi e, with less expenditure, by mare promptly adapting the world's) befit producte to 'the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of rho pure liquid laxative principles embraced in, the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excelleuee is due to its presenting in the form most acceptab'.s and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly b eneficial properties of a per ea lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation, . it has given eatisfaetlon to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening thein and it is perfectly free from Wery objectionable substance.. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75o. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not HOWICK. There was a good turnout at Mr. Wrn. Galley's sale, Iast week, and good prices realized. Everything sold well except sortie horses. A brood sow with a litter of young pigs four weeks old brought about $45. cow reed is smashed out that Jos, laborers to satisfy the demanid, bat near future as ever lay under the Johnston have the sante rebuilt' as great difficulty was experienced in sun. And all over the entire district soon as possible, also the one at lot placing ,clerks, tradesmen and me- east and west of' me there is township 28, con. 8—Carried. MacKay --Reid climates. The immigrants through after township of magnificent land, —That as this Council has been notitlle year were generally of a fairly either not settled on at all or only fled that the .small bridge on the first • good class, but there was a great partly settled, here a settler and there sideroed, eon. 10, is`washed out that [ scarcity of experienced farm hands a settler, which in a few years will Peter Kuntz have it fixed as soon as possible — Carried. Wclwoocl-- Johnston—That John McDonald be granted $5 to aid hinn in the support of two orphan children in his charge, and very few female domestic serv- be thickly settled. Algoma is a new ants, .except those who came to situa- and growing country; now is the tions already seemed. In all 1,722 time to conte here. Now I will give children were brought out to•,,the my own experience since I came to various "homes" but tine Work is this district in 1881 I had then a a he to appear before this Conned at absolutely independent of the depart - its next meeting and see if rye can meat. The reportrefers in unfavor- get plaees for thein by that time, and able terms to the "farm pupil" if the Comicil gets a place for then) system, stating that yotng men with he is to put then) i11 such places or means - who desire an agricultural never ask the Council for' help to keep education ,can get it at the Ontario then) anylalos:c=-•Carried. - Reid— Kuntz—That the Reeve and Dcputy- Reeve inspect the roll when returned by the assessor and report at next sleeting of Co u eil---Carrico. PIXA OE REPORT. Municipality of Kinloss, 113 yds. =LOSS. The residence of Mrs. Jas. Mc- Pherson, 9th Kinloss, on Wednesday nightof last week,was the scene of' one of those happy event which rejoice the hearts of fair maidens and gallant beaux, it being the marriage of Mrs. McPherson's daughter, Annie, to Mr. John McKenzie of Sth con.ofKinloss. Rev. Mr. Malcolm, of Teeswater, family of ofi children, the oldest of formed the marriage ceremony. Miss thorn, being only 15 years old, and Aggie Fisher acted as bridesmaid when I got a shanty, 8x1.0 erected on and Mr. Alex.McIienzle was best man. my .present homestead I had just 25 There was a large number of- guests CC11tS in ea 11 to begin with. So you present and the presents were numer- sce, 11r. Editor, any man who is wit- ons, handsome and useful. The young couple took the early train at Whiteclamch for their wedding trip. TEESWATER. The Quarterly Official Board of Fergus has extended an invitation to Agricultural College for a less suer ling to take hold and to attend to than. that ,exacted as "bounty" by the his business can do well in Algoma agents, white even inexperienced Hien and in a few years snake himself and can get situations • as farm elands family a comfortable hone. I will without the intervention of an agent. now state how we have been doing. We had not a single ox, horse or The report of the Commissioner of 0f gravel at 5 cents, R. Lane, Crown Lands states 'that the .area of covering bridge on boundary between Crown Lauds sold during the year Carrick, $017.50 ; John McDonald aid was 28,1:35 10-20 acres, aggregating in value $26,811 63, The collections ora account of these and sales of fromer'y ears amounted to $32,249 39, In the milling districts 13,386b acres were leased for a rental of $15,568 69, The total eollcctions of the depart- ment were $1,8.0,433 31, and the disbursements $242,410 34. • The output of the Province of saw logs and round timber was 742,491,792 feet, of which 210,682;802 feet were exported in the log to the United States. Only seven fires, none of oleins important, were reported: A number of Crown surveys, municipal surveys and mineral surveys have been made, and 1541- miles of new 'colonization roads constructed, $112, - for orp,llau children, $5 ; Jos. Web wood, expenses tea Toronto re Bryce law suit, $11.35. Johnston— Kuntz—That the fin- ance report as just read be adopted --Carried: The scale for statute labor will be the same as last, which is as follows: All parties liable for statute lailos• and not assessed, includ- ing farmers' sons not jointly assessed with parents and parties assessed up to $100, one days' work ; up to $500, two day's work ; up to $750, two and one half days ; up to $1,000, three days, and for every additional $500 or part thereof, one half day. Tlie•followiug are the patmasters for thissyear :---Peter O'Maley, Wm. Elliott; Robt. • Campbell, Alex. Mc- 160 10 being spci`it by the, department Gregor, John Hardie, sr., John Mc- on colonization roads. ninon Jos noir, Robt Bausch Jabez Pennington, David Ritchie, The report oftheRegistrar-General Henry McAllister,Thos. . icI mt icupon t 1Clirahs1ari a es a11 deaths ths Neil i%[cKinnon, W. G. Icing, Henry in the Province of Ontario during sheep when we began) here; now We the Rev. J. A. McLachlan M. A. of have 24 stead of cattle, 24 sheep, 4 this lace to the pastorate of he horses and a colt. We have also p about - 110 acres cleared with one benne barn 40x00, with stables underneath, one frame lions° 22x80, one sheep house 24x30 and 4 or 5 other squall out buildings, hennery, milk house, icehouse, etc. All kinds of grain, roots and vegetables do well here. We have a good market at our own doors among the lumber camps and good prices. Any person wishing to correspond with nee , can write, inclosing postage stamp for reply, and I will be most happy to answer any questions. A pamphlet has recently been published giving a good deal of information about the wlhole'district, and containing a map, names and addresses of settlera„ • ere Fergus Church next canfi'retice year. Mr. 11cLaehlan has accepted this in- vitation subject to the action of the stationing committee. During the three successful years of Mr, Mc- Lachlan's ministry- in Teeswater he has made uunii friends and is regard- ed not onlyl.)y his own flock but by all denomiva.tions, as a ripe scholar, an effective speaker and an earliest and faithful worker in the Master's vineyard. Should the request of the m , Fergus c ,c G to by the I bars board be ace c l d stationing committee, the good people of that place will have no reason to regret thein' choice. 1Vitl, the tint of r THIS WEEK THE CEM. CAW TRR .I We are busy this week passinng into stock as largo end carefully ed range of Goods, nlc'cea>a1'y for a evil conducted General Business. are too busy to begin to enumerate dais week. Connection, by a Practical Dress -Maker, using the most inheres ed systems of Cutting. CUTTING AND FITTING A SPECIALTY. ALL 1TANTLE Gomm bought in this store cut free of eharge. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SUE AS GASH. ' MACDONALD BLOCK. G. MeINTYRE, tu,Lit 9 Our stock is now complete in . WINGHALf, DRESS GODS, 'RINTS, CI- ALLIES, DELAINES, &c. TR See our TWEEDS, HATS and CAPS. 19 pieces of 4Oc. WOOL DELAINES for 25c.. Call and see our stuff. 111111014Y AND 'LOVER SEED Wholesale and Retail. Reslseetlully years, LESS LABOUR GREATER COMFORT ! OES YOUR. 1FE ® HER OWN SHUNC? hite Daniel McKenzie, aried 55 the `f every description. entitled, ".Algoivaa Farmers Testify." father • of a family, committed, Copies of it may be' obtained front, suicide at 'Tiverton on .friday night. Crown Lands Department, Toronto, or from Mr. Fred Rogers, its compiler, Barrister, etc., St. Ste. Marie, Ont., free by writing for them, I trust that dtuing this winter the news - Wicks, Wm. McKa„ue, Hamilton 18112 has beengiven to the public, papers will try and make the facts I have stated known all over. the country. We seam to stop a further exodus to the United States and keep the farmers sons and tenant farmers of older Ontario and Quebec in Canada. Fours truly, JAS, RALPH, P. M., Goldenburgh, Algoma, Ont. Ballagh, Robt. McAllister, Lac1i'llic- The total for births, marriages and Kay, John McKenzie, Michael death together is less by 723 than Schiestel, John Hill, Win. Kirkland, in 1891, Eigiht counties show an James Reid, Wm, McDonald, A. increase in births, 21 an increase in Adamson, D. McIntosh, Jos. Walker, tnarriages and• 31 an itierease in Peter Arkcll,.:Jas. Little, Alex. Me- deaths; 32 show a decrease in births, Donald, Jas. Moffat,. Geo. Grcnache, eighteen a decrease in marriages and John Wall, Jeseph Borho, John Me- nine a decrease in deaths, while in 'ravish, Jas. Donaldson, Robt. Green, one county there is an equality its the Tinos. Woodcock Isaiah Stewart, Geo. number of 1matl'ria"'t'S, 'rile decreases Bcl1, lbs, Kuntz, M. Schumacher, .Sol are thus spread over the whole Pro - Hardy, Giro. Pringle, Gavin Miller, wince and are not specially' locralized. 3ioW to ,tot a ••81nli$lit" lalotus`o. Send 28"Sunllgh't" Soap wrappers (wrap- W.M. Alords "Why lloes at tVo• Wm. Hetherington, John Hein, Robt. The steady decrease in births is man .Leola ol.l HFbi:re°1:o 'l'tiai: at man") to ttiito, John Voisin, Win, Latimer,' especially notable, the decrease nil the Lever Bros., Ltcl.,John Sitter, Robt. Murray*, Wnl.Watl, rural distr'iets is 1r2,9 sllowit-t>• tllaat todyouwill receist a j)retty sic• John (.inlet C% And Welcher G los the decrease is relatively C•leai111 f ,1'1. . decorate Dosnlan, Jacob Latnbertus, Joseph the urban population. Of ,he urban . your home, The soros is the best iii rho t -'` 't' - 'e, free from advertising, and well worth Chittick, ,1 1'r, c" . ti " ;, • terarcing. its is Aar easy wary to a' "n Toronto and ,market anti it will only cost one cent post- • Xuocplilcr, Val Rcttitic'c t Andrew cICctGasr, 7' were r Schell, John Kline, Geo. Winter, , Hamilton, Tito commercial ticpres• a ago to send in the wrappers, if yea heave fully. ThThe following are fence vierverS t Igen is referred to as as probable cause theends,open. Write year address care e , s a a a 4 ♦ . a r t a a , PhhyT151 YSIC1 Nal the world over, endorse it; babies and children Iike the taste of it. Weak mothers respond readily to its noura' fishing powers. 3 ' Cate , tilt 11 It 45 the Cream Of Cod-liver Oil, • Is the life of the blood, the maker of sound flesh, solid bones and lung tissue, afid the very eesenee elf nour'ish;ncnt. feel he deceived by substitute. 'Scott 4 inowriO, IntiiCvillo.11alilrUSgtst4, (do, 40. heetings, &c. White Cottons froth, 90. up; Gray Cotton, 34 inches wide, 4e. a yard; Heavy 'Till at bite Gotten, extra vaiue at 140., worth 17c.; Victoria %awns, from IOc. up. Special novelties in Lawns and Muslins, with embroidered edges. Ready-made Dress Aprons for 30e. Table Linen, good andrheavy, from 20e. up. Sheetings,either or I bleached from 7x . or unbleached .rue 1 1�. n 1 �G, 11. We have made a e-peci:City of Laces and Embroiders thia season and are prepared to shirr you a fuller t'an;to than usual. 'You know what lovely Laces wo haillast season; weli, this year we have far sur- passed all former efforts, both as regards to quantity and quality, and have almost torr large at stoat. 1 F she does, see that the wash is made Easy and Clean by getting her SUNLIGHT SOAP, which does away with the terrors of wash -day. Experience will convince her that it PAYS to use this soap. March we inaugurate a. Big Sale of White Good White Cotten Lawn Muslins, Table Linens, THEY MUST BE SOLD. Now is the time V,ul leashes are co:ninencine to look out for these goods and we invite pat to come in and Fee then). We are sure you cannot resist ntt3' p, Morns and prkes. We have there in White, Black and true) tone Silk, Cotton and Linen and you are sore to get the best. choice here. Seas out. tn'w Spring Goods in all departments. • lleadquat•ters for 1a''elai and ()Arden Seeds. trr • ALP 11411 X ._ds�..... /tip 181'. Bbought at a low rate on the S, the stook of Boots and Shoes belonging to the estate of the late J. M. Bechanail, which tarn be sold at SLAUGB.'TER, PRICES. See these goods and slave money on your purchases. T. A. MILLS. 1