The Wingham Times, 1894-03-23, Page 2le .e. ... 1:. TUE WING i- AM TIMES, 3/1ARCII 25, changer; alluded to. Stab butter Farm Notes, E e kttin�•,bctvveen(:rl'at l3ritaitl and the iTnitedf ' State with re„,3111( to (�anttdtt. There lu that ) to believe the 1 c\(1\ FItIDAY MARCH 23. 1894. reason u , From c , etltt 1 1 l 1 Olt 1(la 1.(31131 111 thirty 1 1) ')( t • •) fifteen l to tl i v albs \ tile 1 131 Tll fl l 1 1 • +1 full f buttermilk and most •11 represented ted by every pound FOR the Tor of worms t d o ail k n .10 dull ' ren or adults, ae from cal m e OL less ll 0 r • ,�, milk l l'(' 11 �( Il ' use Dn. SMITH'S ' ' ', l ' g lir bnttet;l The difference in the GERMAN WORM \Ia j(sts•-'s (1' 0ye1'lllnt 1131 \4111 obtttilt 'people t)pl( lite their flip �t l'adt :t of' table LOZENGES. Always tredress for those Canadian ultlljeets of butter refuse 31(1 accept Nllc11 tl L1YU^ amount represents the difference prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, requiring no 1 r . , , after medicine. Never failing. Leave no had arta( het Majotity woo Were deprived of deet. 1 hey have k tlrnc 1(l t.) c hue): t between 3131 good e()\\' and a poor °11(' erects, price. 2s cents por sox ., . liberty without creamery butter ever} time, and the Which do you thins. it will pa} beet �,.. theft property t\ lin( 1 t • o have 111'\ your dairy? � 1ft 1logress, Eggs g 1 1 �® THE occupations of the 4Ueillbers 1 ” 11 '1'iic'Lc' are luau)• wi re 11'.! foods that \\'c etnl _.-- -.. -^ I NOTES. just cause while the controversy AVIS result is daily butte t IA receiving nig a EDITORIAL 1. steady tict-back. • ;g .s )take one of the Tnost perfect c an e111'ly (l:31311' a ilielt�ill't' \Vt of the Ilonse of Commons and On- be said before you having for its flue 112111'y butter I made astunI•,thtltitin almost all of the elements lequir- %► k xtt ha tt (villa's � -p kUBLLStU D-.- .BVEflY FB�Il)A'Y MORNING •-^AT ('1U -• TIMES OFFICE. JOSEPHINE: STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. HERE I Sttbaoriptlon�ricQ, t per yoor, In advaugk ADVERTISING RATES: DIIEGII I 1 �'r I,_ 6 me. # 8 mo.( 1 two fL)ne Column 1100 00 #d0 00 1 X20 p0 j0 00 H"00 00!n 00c'�2 00 IS 000 VVIII SEvery- MI ILY lane Inch b 00 3 00 � 2 00 ( 100 obtain. They con - Maio 1u,,t 1 r `� creamery. from the ' conies rT tar10. Legislature are given 'l5 fella\vs • object 't revision, \ l,�ten of tho duties of cel to nourish the llllltlatl body. 1 Occupation, House. House,changes which time has affected m plenty Ui co\\, are kept to "'" 1' tiul)1)oso that the producer of it Must Farts 1 Dominion Local • customs, WWI It view to meet the thrills, however, are large ones, and Considering this, it it; reasonable 310 Farmers 1#3 ;?3 business operations of all kinds possible to churn cream every (lay. have acecsss to'a. good variety of cic- r churned lltl It 1 d( and C it Bearing (' 1 1 fl, eAllc et 1 1 •r 111 C1 .1 1 ver,....... l#•f 12 throughout the Dominion. While my 'tints In making It up. Bcaling 15 3I1uisters (10 not propose to change before it lis twenty-four hours. Old, this in mind, it should be, the con - 10 the existing and the result is that some of this f keepers to give 10 Merchants.. •.•83 Doctors 18 Managers of coni- parties 10 Journalists 11 Lumber merchants 7 Millers and mill Manufacturers , 4 .Ship owners 4 SSllip and real es- tate owners 3 'Contractors.. 3 Teachers and pro- fessors.. 4 Distillers and wine merchants ..... 1 General agents 1 Bakers . Cheese manufac- turers. •, Cattle shippers Millwrights Postmasters 1 Land surveyors 1 Railvayemployees 1 Not given ^ 5 the principles 011 \v 1( t taut trim of poultry — ! enactments oil this subject are. based, extra- dairy butter is just as good, •their fowls the greatest possible ( hak Legal and other casual ad i cross me each subsequentline for first Insertion, and 3,,p" insertion, Local notices 10a, pe line for tb'mt bneertion, and 5a. per line for each subsequent hnsorticc. No local aottce will be charged base than 25c. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 gnat We are s -11H) the amendments which will be offered and ill some mstttnces a 11313110 super- variety of good food, ho that their U nonpareil, $1 per rtront►, consideration are designed 101 to the finest creamery. The dairl Houses and Farms fo' Salo, trot oxcecdinir 8 7 , for your b Indy have every desirable constituent Bestt Coal Oil at1 l 2 1 � 2 of for nnst month, 6 )ef per eo41: uent month 4 These to ret will be strictly t 8 to simplify the operation for egg cents Imperial ga r 1 e O )erat1011 Of the tariff men are progressive awl adhered o formation.'Special rates • for local advertisements, or to `111(1 to lc'�ell 'l4 ill al> Catl b< (10X11' b1lttei lllal'CT's, and t11C�" pull their I a (' Vatct' 15 11eCC'tl8inv for the per�^ ;longer periods. ' with those principles and butter up 111 heat 1)ilClltigeS, ' LeglSter • I At \ 1' I)0 log, O]r a CAD, CCI1 f al><D�11g Advertisements will to rand )teal notices •without ape gee 3 consistently \ i l 1health and thrift Of all stock, direct[mns, will be inserted 313111 forbid wild charged 3 ! with the requirements of the treasury, lug it under their own track -mark, equivalent • I pals stn ndwnnca + 11C1 hunting up their customers all 131031 permit the CO\Vti 310 (11'11111 from the of�%�' j accordingly. Trauat'4ry advertisements muatbo the imposts willllich are now in force. a :,standing )AAI:; in the bit It \ atcl even .AineI'YCcl,i! gallons for ' ehanget for eontraot ndyerttt;melte must be n "There also be laid b('fOr('y0i1 over the country. Their methods ' �•�, 9 I theofliee by Wednesday noon, In order to appear a measure on the subject of bank- are not secret. They can be 8(1*.p ('d' if it is a little trouble to give them 50c , exclus:ive of pack- 1 that week to ELLIOTT 1 n raptev and insolvency, Which will, it and followed by any cl:tir yluan or better drink. By -the -way there i f • 1 vision than now exists 1 that subject t Inthe fi • •t place, the butter at T age. Pltortmov t AND PUBLISHER .is sloped, make more 4 adequate pro- farmer, especially on a large scale. shonlcl be no pools in the barn -yard. t o It la x3131 )'(1( ie 'is these farms is churned at the point ° each. • of pleasant acidity, tlnd'not when the going to soak the manure, do' it in the CENTRE STREET, - - t 's sour. The churn is stn p'cl I field, where the fertilizing properties Crosscut Saws, 45c.1 to $x.co at the granulating joint and the � � ._-- 1)utteriuilk washed out with cold l If yeti are making the We to-day.� �.� Out. I �T B. RV)IYLEl(, Ai,D.C.bf., growing of hogs any part of the �/ cream itis means a clislogaic o \a • American Axes, 50e. to 65c.. DR MACDONALD, f the fi'rtilizer there. If you arc• for the increasing trade and coni - 1 meree of the country, and for the I greatly expanded trades between the 1 several Provinces of C11,`1ada. I "Measures will also be submitted 1 . to you leaking more effective provis- 1 ;ions for our lines of steam connmuni- 1 cation on the Atlantic„ and Pacific Oceans. :. 11 1 "For improving the':law with re- gard to the management of Indian 3 ' affairs. — I "Also a bill respecting joint stock 215 90 companies. �"Another with respectitothe fisher- i(, and sceveral less ire rtant meas - DOMINION 'ARLI1MENT. meas- -ryes which experience list suggested SPEECH FROM THE THRONE. I with regard to various natters under . your control. On Thursday of last . week: the I "Gentlemen of the onnnons :— Dominion Parliament assembled at The public accounts will lie submitted Ottawa. A. great c1ea1,of interest to you at au early elate, and also the was manifested. in the proceedings, estimates of the expenditure which and it is said that 10 000 people Inas been consklere(T, necessary for the witnessed the arrival of ;the (;over- ensuing year.. nor -General and escorts. Shortly "Moll• gentlemen of the Senate; after his arrival the Governor-General gentlemen of the House of Commons: read the speech from the throne,as Wiile it is hoped that the public pmeasures which will demand your follows , attention will not be very numerous, "Honorable gentlemen of the Sen- some of them will be of'great weight .: - ate i gentlemen of the House of Coln- and importance-, audit kis my earnest iiupns:—In the Queen's flame I greet hope and prayer that the care and .you for the first time since assuming zeal which -\-011 will apply to the the high function intrusted to me by delfberatiolls of the session may be -her Majesty, and it is with feelings aided by the abundant blessing of of the liveliest satisfaction that I thus the Almighty." meet you assembled for the labors of _..r— another session of Parliament. Perfect health is seldom 'found, for 1m - "This feeling of satisfaction is en -1 pare blood is so general. ;Hood's Savo, 'lanced by the opportunities which I parilla really does purify the blood and have already enjoyed of visiting and restores health. I? • in my official capacity •renewing ac-' i quaintanee with several of the chief 1 Creamery and Dairy Butter. centres of the enterprise and activity The sole reason why creamery of this Dominion; nor need I refrain butter commands highest prices than from assuring you that I have the.dairy butter made 1i r the indiei- - been deeply impressed by the hearti- . dual farmers is that theimethods of ness of the reception accorded to ale making it are superior tp those adopt- • and her Majesty's Viceroy and repre- ed by the farmers. In many respects sentative, a reception which has once the farmer has better ;Material to Vlore manifested the loyalty, the cor- begin with than the creamery, for diality and the public spirit of Cana- the latter has to collect 1us milk and dian people. cream from widhly separate regions, "My predecessor was able to es- and then to nut the :carious lots press gratification to you last year on together. The milk and 'realm raised .an increase in trade and on the con- right on the one farm aI d under. the tinned progress of the Dominion. It eye of the one farmer, must naturally is gratifying to me to observe that be superior to those nlixek lots used -the expectation which. was then by the creamery. In 1i the latter - formed, that the volume of trade there must be mixed a certain amount -during the then current year would of inferior creanl,which b rely comes .Ieticeed that of any year in the his- up to the standard requilrcd, while tory -of the Dominion, has been fully other lots are of superior worth. realized and that Canada's progress continues with every nark of stability and permanence. It nay be observ- ed bserve ed with satisfaction that a large pro- portionincrease isshown to of this ncl( have been due to an extension of our coninerec with Great Britain. "It is a eatISC or thankfulness that our people have been spared in a. very great degree from the sufferings ;which have visited the population of borne other countries during many •months past, and that'while the cotn- mereial depression prevailing abroad ,could not but affect the activity of 'business in tllc Dominion, we have been free from any extensive fitian- Widespread distress. c •'t disaster or ial s1y.13t ,c "The revenues of the year have green ample for the services which , ,Troon provided for, and have met the Its action on the system is remarkable and 7 expectations oil wlliell the, apps opria- erenniery, , probably Ino better butta'r mysterious. it remnoves at once the cause tkma of last year. were based. : would be turned out, of the disease immediately disappears. The "The peaceful conclusion, by the' Generally the farmer'suitts his own tirst ()ase f -f eetly benefits. '75 cents. award of the arbitrators at Paris, eonvetliecicr about churning his owls 4Varraute(1 at Chisholm's drug store. of this Controversy which had pre- cream. Sometimes it - IS Ptostponed No, admitted a. man, niy wife never st w lie i' so 10;1,;..; \rii:i rt.•i.,:rt to the owing to other work, and .again to tel i Inc that she is fond of me, but steal fisheries in the Pacific Ocean and the fact that there is not i1,Uflicirnt she, al\Nays makers the kind of pie 1 ;''tune rights of British subjects in the cream to make it worth while• (;on- like Net. morin Sc'a has removed the nilly f,eluentIy the cream has to st',11d for K. D. Cr'. 1.'IIis1 tone Mil regulate >x .. •� I'm of ce'Fi.tc•nti()Il Slidell (es:i:<tei.I s(rntc tllnc, atiicl ilnderg;O the cil�.litiea. the, borJOhl. t 1 ' i Cart be made nye of by the crop. per foot.woomAat, „ g 1l churn and BiI1d.C1' butter. Then the butter is taken out well to base your work upon the idea Twine .ne one cent per lb. and Worked over carefully, and of slaking pork from young hogs packed into neat prints or moulds of I Only. Precise experiments 1 have J. A. CLINE & CO, water 1'11CI1 the sato 1S pUL llte(1 the 1 1 worked carefully into the business of the farm, it. would be quotations o12 various sizes, shown. that It is verynearly 1111 Wsngl*am. possible to feed in such a manner _• _ Relief in :.ix Itours.-Distressing Kid. ; that a pound of' pork cam be produced nay and I -Vedder diseases rcllievo1 iu six at a profit from any animal. ever a hours by the "(treat• el dmetican Kid -'scar old. The best profit is secured nov Gnre." This greaatt remedy is a great ' s• • from feeding at several months under surhli,e s.u(1 delight to i,hy..oiana o11 ac- • • con .t The quality of creamer butter is steadily increasing, whge that of dairy made remains about the salve. There are many grades oft the latter, and so there were years order to keep up the present ago. In compara- tive prices between the two, farmers must be exceedingly progressive in their methods. The chief tirawbaek ing ever and and If yo you. stor tit 1S To keep hogs through two e.s is an antiquated method, and not stttnd.investigation, )ward the close of the winter, "'I'''s dr" or hire usually trim their orchards, IOr' hJre.somebody t0 d0 it for them. An idea seems to prevail that the lieacl of au apple tree. should be open ,1*• Hints for the Household. I to bareness, and that the brandies Powdered pipe clay, mixed with I should be thinned to an extent re - water', will remove oil fitaims frost minding one of a ship under close - wail -paper. reefed sails. There is also an inl- The line its soon 85 its daty is presiion that fruitfulness 1s promoted ended sllouldbe reelect up and placed by severe priming and. thinning. in a ba"' till next time. The art of priming is not very well understood even by those .professors Pillow slips sllonld be ironed length- of it who go about lure. cola -lit.'s? seek - toinstead otcross\vis(: it' one wishes hig jobs of work is that line. Yet to iron wrinkles out instead of In. there is nothing mystericius about it, Clothes when brought fit should be nothing but what any an4 everyman separated and folded at' once; if who calls himself a f trmer may allowed to lie together many easily master. Symmetry ;aucl 1)ca•Uty wrinkles accumulate. of shape sheuicl always be' considered. Nothing should' be' clone', calculated i)ise towels and common n towels to give all appearance of mutilation 0.0(111)0 ironed just as well in half the or disfigurement to a t'4 Ce. • With time if folded together .Duce as if proper management, it will never be ironed singly.necessary. to cut off large limbs unless Don't grease a. creaking binge and from some cause they have gone to stick it up with a remedy that is decay. Lopping off large branches worse than the evil, but 1)itt a little graphite or soft lead pencil on the place of friction. . not only causes an unsightly appear- ance, but i11 a severe tax on a trees' vitality and vigor. From ,its earliest - A pleasant tooth powder, and development a fruit tree should be shaped and. train.(. into syiumetry beneficial as well, is macre of finely- ground orris rooand precipitated by the removal of superfluous chalk in equal parts. When hall. branches While they are s with oil of rose it is very fragrant. If shelves and floors of closets are wiped with water hot with, cayenne- pepper, ayennepepper, and afterwards sprinkled with borax and alum, roaches and other vermin keep at bay. t When the fat's in the liret isnever wise to throw water upon It. If fat. in a kettle boils over and Tllcre are ashes convenient to throw on 'tile blaze, it is the surest, safest: way to put 1t out. A pair of white. gloves ou4 mittens I are a comfort to ].lands taken from hot suds to hang clotlies lit zero weather; also a close fitting jacket and hood to keep one from catching cold. r, to the dairy makers is tha4 they let When oiled walnut furnitulebegins their milk and ercaln star so long to grow dingy, it can be made to that the latter undergoes: chemical look as fresh as new by ..re -oiling. changes which more or les •' inure its Linseed, or even Olive oil may be real value. The Gleams y butter, used, but pure, good kero:en(e oil is ',v' • is de from ill(. steam however, 1(,r, tna f hutch the best. Rub it well in with before it is in the granular stage. tl. soft \VOOIeIn rag and polish with I3y waiting for several 1 days the clean dry flannel. average farmer loses L01 (thing l his raw atcl al which nnnt be „ 'n nut iluf`<l t trc replaced b• an skill 1 e t I y Y If the same ereanl Wll:i to ken to the Rheumatism Cured it a - ou 11 I1 n � t American Rheumatic Cure of Itlleutnatism atidNeuralgia radically cures fn 11 to a days. CAVEATS,TRADE MARRs COPYRIGHT$. CAN I OBTAIN A PATEN'? For a prompt answer and an honest opin on, write to AIV NN S: C(1., who have bad Hearty fifty years' experience to the patent business. Communica- tions strictly confidential. R Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice in theSciontitleAin rbean,and thus are brought widely beforethe'publiowith- out cost to the inventor. This splendidaper, Meucci weekly. elegantly illustrated. has byfar the largest circulation of any soientthc'work in the world $3avear. Sample copies sentntfre a. Building Edition. months Z.tD a year. Single 0ies, `25 cents. ,very number contains beau- tiful plates, in colors, andhotographs of new houses. with plane, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN 6 CO.. NEN YORE:, 361 Bno4nwAY. s 8'31311 'WWEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL E„t=reL• New. DICTIONAR Y Abreast .Jelse T aa.... A Grand Educator. The successor ofthe "Unabridgcd.,, Ten years ',yore spent revising, 100 editors employed, and over $$300,000 expended. Rver ybody should own this Dictionary. It an- swers all questions concerning the his- tory, Spelling, pro- nunciation.. and . meaning of words. A Library in Itself. It also gives the facts often 'wanted conce>dning eminent persons, ancient and moiler llt , noted fieri- ; tious persons and places; t le countries, cities, towns, and natural fe turesof the globe; translation of foreign quotations, words, phrases, and proverbs ji etc., etc., etc. S This Work is Invaable in the household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro- fcssional man, and self -educator. Tho Globe, Toronto, says: - This now dictionary is rho best book of Its kind in tho English language. For every faintly, the lis h lreotlsttg its rs of wflpovaprflad beinvetm n. The Times, Hamilton, says:- aunty ays:Ttmay well be pronounced the best working dic- tionary and the cheapest book hi the world, and should be in every school and family in Canada. Have yourBookseilershow it to you. G..te C. Merriam Co. /�\ Publishers,/ SprfrttJ1teld,Dlass.,U.S.d. E135TERs trio not bay ehenpphota e editions reprints orancient `lNp CTIONARY,1 ,,•oontninfor sfree wee 7mb'ea lllostratlons, oto. 9 °IMAabe. • Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario -Coroner for County of Huron- OiIicMilp•stairs, next to Mr Morton's office, Wing. ham, Ont. Orme If nous. -0 to 12 a. nn., 1 to p. m., or at Residence, Diagonal Street. • JP. KENNEDY,, M. D., M. 0, P.S 0. (Successor to Dr. J..4. Meldrum.) Grid Medalist of Western University: Leto Iiotse Surgeon in London General Hospital. Special atten. Oen paid to diseases of women and children, Office -Formerly occupied by Dr. Meldrum, Corner of Centro and L'atrn(1 streets. WIFauAat ONT VAN STONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private end Company funds to loan at lowest rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm propertl bought and sold OFFICE -Beaver Block Wowing ZETLAND SAW MILL GEORGE FHOMSO!d, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. 'Car Load Orders a Specialty. WOOD delivered to any pirt of Wing. ham. a I1PT'Orders by mail promptly attoml co 01:.) )1011 '0L1011SON, Box 125. irIngham P, n oWDF S Cure GGIC)K HEADACHE k.¢d Neuralgia in 20 MINUTE'S oho Coated Tongue, .Mort. nesa,1iiltotisness, Pain in tho Side, Constipation Torpid Livor Bad Breath. To stay cured enc{ regulate the bowels. tf£RV' Nlert TO TAKE'. Palos 2S CErrTS ar f1RUQ STORES. NERVE BEANS are a new MS. revery that euro the word eases of Nervous Debility, .Lost Vigor and Falling Manhoolj restores the weakness of body or mind caused: by over -work. or the errors nr e cosecs of youth. Tris Itomcdy ob• solutely cares tllo moSE obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed CVO tb relieve: ;AM bydrug- Ovists at taper package, or six for is or sent by mail on sD '.INTI! receipt of pr:co by addressing TIII.,�i1AtT:S Mi TC CO.. Toronto. Ont. Writs for pamphlet. fend ha--' 'Sinfh:ul., Ir. F. 001tD0N. NERVE BEANS LOGS, LOGS, The highest Cash price paid for any quantity of good LOGS. HARD AN SOFT WOOD LOOS delivered in our yard. Call and get prices before disposing of your Timber. 'Custom Saing1Ptaining and SHINGLE CUTTING J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, Sic , ' W'ingham out E. L. DICKINSON, Barrister Ete. SOLICITOR TO BANE OF IIAAIII.TON. MONEY TO LOAN. Oli�cc-Aleyer Block, Winghant. DENTISTRY. -.1 S. JE1t031E, tl'IN011AM1I, Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates, Vulcanite plates of the bestmaterial as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. Painless extraction of teeth by the use of Electric- ity or Vegetable Vapor. TARE NOTics.-I will extract teeth for 25 cents each. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, gpposite the Brunswick House. Wm. H. Macdonald, L. D. S. DENTIST. done cheap as the cheapest aid satisfaction guaranteed i All hinds of OFFICE, - - MASON'S BLOCK „ Opposite the Queen's Ilotel, \gingham. Will visit Gorrie let and 3rd Mondays of each month. JOHN RITCHIE, Bough and Dressed a_i.l`anber, Lath:1 Shingles,. ase,, GENERAL INSURANOEVAGENT A WINDHAM, ON'rA RIO f. DEANS, Jot., Wnionaa, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of tho4bo. Chargeo Moderate. JOHN CII I IL , V INOFA i1 UNT.• . LICJINSIS) AUCTIONEER Foit TUE COUNTIES or HURON AND DEUCE.. All orders left at the Toms otgoeipronlptly attend cd to. Terms reasonable. JAMES`HENDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTIES• HURON AND B1ttle&'. All sales attended to prolnptly and on the Shorten' Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A11 necessary arrangements Can be luade at the TIMES' casco IVINotraat ...�... Ott. DR. J.IffoASII, Al. 13. Toronto, Member College Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. lit annus t ONTARIO Nonny to Loafs Ori Notes. Notes Discounted 1 AT RtASONABTot Rept constantly on hand I Money advanced on Nati/ages at ti pet contwlth MATES' n privife(:o 1(f poy)no. at tl d of any year. Notes nil accounts cuticetad. ingham, Dec. 'i th, 1 i;#Il;, Beaver Inca( it lnehatn. Ont. ;tTrtil;AN e'C SON. 1 a `iV 1;11,0 . NoINDOO. ty- , ' ,, t..+ 1. . VA, ., ailli W. C. T. C. COLUMN, (CONDUCTED DT TUE \WINOIIASI 1111ANCII.) Par God and ?dune and Natir° Land, Well call the at,ontton, of the mother* and mutton to the:fact, that the Woman's Chrlstlan Tempel Anes Omen meets eVery Monday at three o'c1oc sharp, for one hour; tit AIH,. iloltu's re*Iduaau, Pa rick etrect. All ladies are made woloone, As the Editor hes ldndiy given 118 tort 01 h epnco, for our work, we ask Pleads of the nun send items of Interest on all moral questions of t day 00 env of 'our members, Tho Moderato Man. The man who uses intoidcatit drinki asbeverage,a embarks on unknown ocean, fro which ho Hoy returns with the same vigor 1(1 strength, He may keep in sight land for a lifetime, but it will 1 only through a combination of t most favorable Circumstances ov which he has no control or earn see, The moderate drinker is £I anytime to be wafted out into t deep waters of chronic inebriety confirmed drunkenness or go do on the rocks of disease. No otl known drug produces such prowls ed degeneration,—Index, Two Olassos only.. Our • Saviour divided the- world men into two classes, the riighte and the Wicked, the saved and unsaved, the sheep and the goats, In the fight for prohibition we only -observe the sante distinct There is -here no room or place f1( third or neutral party, In a g: l question such as this, affecting temporal and eternal welfare of t sands of our fellow citizens, we not, without the violation of our pertttive duty, stand aloof from contest.. "Ile. that is not with 11 against • me, and lie that gathe not with ale scattereth abroad,” 12 : 30, We may recognize des of rightness and wrongness, of ( or dull perception of duty, of ii sity of purpose, or indifference results ; but we must realize this that every one possessed of the ehise is either for us or against u one earl divest either himse1f 01 self of responsibility in the m This is not a. question as to wh if a prohibitory slaw were en liquor ]slight not be sold surrept ly. It is not, a question of' city a town or town against village. not of question of one towns county expelling the liquor fro boundaries, whilst the mimic:, just across the way is mean C to seek to profit by such l action I is a gticstion of moral principl is a question of responsibility continuance of this national spot, and all the evil flowing from; and in this Provincial - minion contest all geograplli viding lines are swept a\ells are responsible for humour 1 the laws -on the statute books Province or this Dominion, iri as lye have by our vote expf'e l approval or disapproval of tl lators who enacted these laws fore, every vote cast in firs candidate for pluliamelltars whose policy is to license th traffic, is a vote in favor licensing of that traffic, and rote we assume the responsil that tragic and all which til involves. Law is an educator. which is legalized and saiicl law has prima facia evid the government considered for the welfare of the poop has authorized its existcllc(I which would provide ani facilities for the gratificatic would be a law which sol, to s111, silt, which would °crime,\s-llich would educate; into vicious, hurtful and S. practices, and which wool the wicked for a I'e\S'ar( 'What is the license law of ince but just Bucll a laky as ofdrink Is n flit, legalized traffic which promotes fii the gratification of ythe (1 And is not that lust a lust deadly, enslaving, deb, damning character ? ZV'1 or (rare shirk or try to a\ sibility ? Before God We are cltluerf or it or If we would clean our this ” blood.. stain," we ill the polls. r iA Horsier iviquov it:ena.Naran..wn,w.. Por Ovor I'1t'ty Ye As sett) AND WEti,•Tntr.D-. RE: years 8..othinoSyrup has been us slow' by millions of mothers for I h t'athluo, with perfect, 81104:014. It Battens the gums, allays al( pain, and 1s thabtet rtmedv ter Name, the taste. sold by -h'nga#its 1n 1\`arla• 'twenty-fivs cunt,' a not ine:dettlahlo. lib sore and ask to Soothing ey0Up, and take no tithe