The Wingham Times, 1894-03-16, Page 99Sort Sayings,
Regret:( (10 not make redress.
The big Nikes is a little doer.
A very short chaff may, 1:(' It Ve1'y
tall liar.
The fast liver is generally a slow
The loud talker is generally at
slew thinker.
It is impossible to read without
profiting by it,
StingilteS.'3 and economy are not
akin to each other.
What a miserable aim has he who
lives for himself alone..
He who is big in his own eyes is
small In other people's.
Exemption of Homesteads from
Forced Sales.
Gilmour, M. P. '
D . I 1 cu I. has intro.
1 , t
•duced a bill in the Ontario Legislature
to exempt homesteads from forced
sales. The bill provides that whom-
ever. the 'word homestead occurs it
shall include one or more • lots or
parcels of land with the buildings
Thereon owned by a householder, and
used as a home by such owner, and
when. within the limits of an incorpor-
atedslOge or town of less than 5090
inhabitants not exceeding an acre in
extent; when witilin•the limits of a
'city or town of' over 5000 inhabitants,
not exceeding one-quarter acre, and
when outside the limits of an incor-
porated village, town or city not ex-
•eeeding 40 acres, provided that in no
ease shall a homestead . embrace'
different lots of land unless they are
habitually used as a part of the same
homestead; provided also that a, shop
or other building on a homestead lot
and used and occupied by the owner
in the prosecution of his business
shall be deemed a building appurten-
ant thereto.
Every homestead, when duly
registered under this Act, shall be
exempt from seizure for debt after
July 1, 189.1,, or after the date of
registration if later than July 1,
No homestead shall be exempt
from sale for non-payment •of taxes
or for a debt incurred for the pur-
chase thereof, nor exempt from the
operation of the Mechanics' Lien Act.
In order to obtain the benefit of
exemption under this act, a descrip-
tion of the property, containing a
statement that it is designed to
be held, as a`homestead, must be
registered in the Registry Office. •
The exemptions allowed by this
act shall continue after the death .of
the person in whose favor it was ex-
empted for the benefit of the surviv-
ing husband or wife, so long as con-
tinued to be occupied as a homestead,
Or until the youngest child becomes
21. •
The right of exemption shall not
be affected by a suspension of the
occupation of the homestead not ex-
ceeding one year.
The benefit of the exemptions shall
only extend to a homestead within
the limits of a city or town of over
5000 to a value of $2000; in an • in-
corporated village or town of less
than 5000, to a value of $1,500, and
in case of a homestead outside of the
limits of an incorporated village,town
or city to a value of $1,500.
When a homestead is conveyed by
the owner, sueh conveyance shall not
subject the prettiises to any lien or
incumbrance to which it would not
have been subject in the hands of
such owner; and the proceeds, to the
extent to which the homestead is
. exempt, shall be exempt for one
• year after the receipt thereof by the
person entitled to the exemption, and
ARCH 16, 1.894,
Friday in History.
Lee surrendered on Friday.
Moscow was buried on ]friday. •
Washington was born on Friday,
Shakespeare was born on Friday,
America was discovered on Friday.
Ricluuond was executed on Friday.
The Iiastilc was discovered on Fri-
`11be "Mayflower" Was ]an(tvd 011
Friday. '
Queen Victoria was married on
Fort Sumter was bombarded on
King Charles I, was beheaded on
Napoleon Bonaparte° was born on
Julius Crew was assassinated on
The battle of Marengo was fought
on Friday..
Tho battle of Waterloo was fought
1' rlday.
The battle of Bunker Hill was
fought on Friday.
Joan of Aro was burned at the
stake on Friday.
The battle of New Qrleans was
fought on Friday.
The American Declaration on In-
dependence was signed on Friday.
'or Over Fifty YAarw
yearn thothin: Syrup has been used for over fifty
slow' by millions of mothers for their fhiluren while
teething, with perfect sweeps. It soothes the child
sottens the guars, allays all pain, •mires wind colic,
arid is thebest remedy for Diarrhma. 1s pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists hl eery part of the
World. Ta•entvflve cents a uottle. Its value is
Incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs, Winslow s
Soothing Syrup, arid take no other klnd.
. Maks of Viable.
Itop(' is the chief blessing of Ulan,
The law is the measure of civil
No man can be happy in total
Far Ngl"YOtus FLeadaene..
IIOIi0E-RADISH TihI 0111131.4 AND
EI?d EO'1'Ivis Breads sZ,
It is better to suffer wrong than to
The first step to greatness is to be '
No mail bates a worn as he hates
It viper'.
Very near to admiration is the wish
To admire.
The excesses of hope must be ex -
plated by pain. •
Nothing s0 evidently proves esteem
as imitation.
]fancy is always t'1 act in subordin-
ation to reason.
A man shouldkeep his friendship
in constant repair.
The brightest sunshine of success
is not -without a cloud.
If there were no cowardice there
would be little insolence.
We 111nst mates the present mo-
ment, and employ it well.
Every hand adds to the happiness
o1' misery of mankind.
Nothing which has life for its basis
can boast much stability.
Life has no pleasure higher or
nobler than that of friendship.
Etiglisti Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft, or calloused Lumps and Blem-
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone,Sweeny, Stifles,
Sprains,Sore and Swollen Throat. Coughs,
eta. Save $50 by use of ono bottle. War-
ranted'at Cllillsolm's drug store.
Raxn'it Horn Blasts.
There is absolutely nothing .that A. loafer is never satisfied with his
will help you bear the ills of life so wages.
well as a good laugh. Laugh all you A drunkard's throat has no bottom
can. If the clothe lune break, if the to it
cat tips over the milk and the dog 'rile llnall 10110 hates light isalways
elopes with the roast, if the children g •
fall into the mud 'silnnitanooltaly afraid of' his own sha(tow.
with the advent of clean aprons, if 'When peolile have only a little
the new girl quits in the middle of religion they are apt to be ashamed
housecleaning, and though you. search of it.
th •th 't1 candles fid Tl • t b 1 1 1
e car �vl l cant es you n none le man goes o ec ti w to
other to take her place, if the neigh- spends the day in looking for an easy
What a terrible thing it is to be
suhjeeted to beada0110, and it is,
perhaps one of the commonest calain-
itk a which afflicts my sex. Just
wlhenone Iletagot into the nnidstofsoii
work, and sometimes even pleasure
for that matter,. the pails begins or
goes on until it is really flllpossible to
Continue the work or enjoy the t
pleasure, .headaches of this kind I
are warty always 011 the leer ves,alld I
wish to menton a very simple old-faslr
ioued remedy wllich,if not an absolute •
cure and I fear styli apanaceat iloesnot
exist --does undoubtedly alleviate
toa great degree the suffering. Some
freshly scraped horseradish is the
nostrum, and it must be held in the
hand for a minute or so till it is a
little 1511and. then sniffed with
l 111 tl (,
energy, This requires courage,for the
sensation is as if the pungent odor .
passes right through the brain; but
it seems to drive the pain before it,
and the consequent relief makes it
worth while to endure a pang for a
It1011mllt. 1I
Two years ago I bad at bad attack of
biliousness 5110 teak o,leh
tle ai Burdock
Blood Bitters and can snit), recommend it •
to anyone saifering from this complaint.
Mus. U1n.s. iinowii, Toronto,
Blondiu, the famous rope -walker, I
celebrated his 70th birthday %dues -
day of last Week, and a reception was
tendered hinlin the Crystal palace,'
his venerable wife and their five
children sharing in the honors of the
day. During the reception Blondin
walked a tight rope, carrying one of
his children, who tips the beam at
150 pounds. He said that lie stint
expected to be waikinr the rope
when his 80t birthday is reached. ,
Norway Pine Syrup is khe safest 1
ani beat cure for oougils, cold, asthma.,
bronchitis, sore throat, and all throat and
lung troubles. Pride'60. 5nd 500.
bor in whomyou have trusted goes place. After -Honeymoon Proverbs.
back on you and keeps chickens, if The. easiest thing for a fool to do is
the chariot wheels of the uninvited to tell all he snows.
guest draw near when you are .out As as long prize fighting pays so
of provender and the gaping of. an g P Y
empty purse is like the unfilled mouth much better than preaching, the
•devil will feel that. he still owns the
of a young robin, take courage if you '
have enough Sunshine in your heart earth'
to keep a laugh on your lips. Some fiddlers can play a tune on
Belief in six hours. -Distressing Rid-on string but it never makes any
ney and Bladder diseases relieved in six oc y want to dance.
hours by the "Great South American Rid- Angels weep on the day a young
ney Cure." This great remedy is a great man begins to spend more money
surprise and delight to physicians on ac-
count he can of its exceeding promptnessin reliev- •
ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and ' A hypocrite feels better satisfied
every part of the urinary passages in male with himself everytime he sees a
and female. It relieves retention of water
and pain in passing it almost immediately, good man make a nus -step. •
If you want quick relief and care this is . A mistake is apt to attract more
your remedy. Sold at Chisholm's drug attention to ub than a virtue.
The mail who leans on his blessings
ing of the cherry. This is, however, 'straight.
There is no difficulty in the graft- - cannot �t alk
done earlier than the grafting of Many of the sins which shine the
apple or pear, and before the leaves brightest will kill the quickest.
start to grow from the buds. The The devil soon runs from a lean
process is precisely the satnle as for' who is not afraid of a lion's den.
the apple. The grafts are taken - Cut off a rooster's spurs and you
from ' a tree of the variety desired, take the statics all out of his crow.
and prepared by cutting the but of • With 11 1 ' t' the d it has
a us prat ice ie er
the cion into a wedge shapo, and never improved on the first hypocrite.
thin into the side that goes into the Good fortune sonietilnes comes to
stock, The stock is split and held.- see us in a very shabby -looking
open by a we,clge while the ci011 fs
put into its place; when it is :take out carriage.
the split springs slut' and holds the Looks Like a Mi1'aC1e. - Na -
1 cion. The graft is then covered with poleon conquered the world- The -
, some well worked stiff clay, made _ toothache conquered Napoleon. The
Into a ball around it, leaving the end great trial is faced with calmness. It
I only out. A strip of cotton cloth is is the gnats of life that sting to
' then wound about the ball of clay to madness. One may stand .the loss of
I keep it from cracking off: Tilts oldSofortune. The unrelnlittire sick head-
fashioned mode succeeds better thpfi- ache has made suicides before now.
1 the grafting wax for all stone fa ttIts: Add biliousness and neuralgia, and
The ci . n need not be more tll six
if reinvested in a homestead shall be I inches tong, and the bud
entitled to the same exemption as the 1 tended to grow shotticl be
original homestead. - ; the 'outside of the trees
When a building exempt as as be placed ,.not more
homestead is ensured to the person above the joint. • Int ply
entitled to the exemption and a loss , in the stocks the lurks should fit •sciousness of ease and freedom in head
occurs, the insurance money shall be closely together. f - - and stomach.
the. most iron determination goes
�1Tit is in; down before this sinister combination.
urned to Stark's Powders cure these affections,
attest, and make the brain clear and light. For
Ian an inch the excruciathig twinge of neuralgia,
ing the graft Stark's Powders give the happy con -
oxen pt to the saltie • extent as the
building would have been.
A mortgage executed after.this
act comes into force upon homestead
property . exempt is ineffective until
the exemption has been cancelled,
except that a mortgage js valid to
the extent of the purchase money of
the property secured thereby,
In •110 ease shall homestead property
S0 eticuillberett be exempt to supply
the defficicncy remaining after ex-
hausting any other property held for
the payment of the debt and Costs it
shall be to the extent of the exempted
interest of 1 judgment debtor and
be oxcini•.:..:1 the salve extent as pro-
vided in f.he case of a judgment
debtor's role -est in the proceeds of a
forced sale,
I If you decide to'ak
1 do not be induced to
artiole. Take ]food
I Lady -Has tl
you speak of pl
--Dozens, lila'
bedrooms wi
built for a s
i Rheum at
and Noura
Its action
of the di
first a
beef -
I3ar. n Tweedmoutln; Lady Aberdeen's been secured, with at paid till capital
father. of $25,030,
ood's Sarsaparilla Three miners were killed and two
sty any, substitute
and only Hood's. °thet'S injured by a fall of rock at the
Ophir gold Irvine, thirteen guiles from
t *suburban house Bruce Mines, Monday.
sty (Si' closets? Agent
m. A the upstairs But one Opinion prevails
do for closets. It was throughout the world and that is so
miner hotel, favor of Perry Davis'
' PAIN-TYi.rui2, that no other article
Cared in avlity.--South cvcr attaillecl so wide spread popu-
ennlatie CtireofWtlietunatisln laility. .25 cents buys a big Mottle.
A radically mires hi). to 3 days.
1 the system is reml►lrkable and .mile' 1 ltv canned oftl•tlnlen",treil'3
It removes at onee•the cause t • '
aseimntediately disapliears. The decided to exempt from.
taxation the
se greatly benefits. 78 cents. property u:lc(l by a company which
ed at Chisholm s drug store. l eta ijit-c; been formed for the lmalitu-
estivities at Rideau Hall have faCttdt'e of carriages. Stibseribetl
uspended, owing to the death of stock to the atinonnt of C$50,0i.Y) has
It takes a• man to talk economy -
woman to practicelt.
When the rag doll and the stuffed
elephant got Married they found each
other' out.
If you've picked up a crooked stick,
don't tell every 011e 60.
' tf you feel like a pair of scissors,
don't choose a penknife to live with.
It isn't every rvife who can laugh
at hes huiband's joke3.
A hungry husband is hard to coax.
Man is head of the house, but wo-
man the neck that turns it.
The proof of temper is in the enex-
pected guest.
It's ne.�=cr to late to wed.
Better wait than sever.
One kind thought spoken is worth
ten unsaid.
Let a husband loose in a fenced
To.s u COWAN',
C1.F:11x• 0T11 D;<v. C ovlrr, Co. Handel,
CoMailsslo2 au n IT.. 0. J., I; re.
Wnoxsrstt, ONT.
Always remember that you have
eyelids as well as eyes.
It's a cross-grained wife that will
scold in a new bonnet.
Govern yourself and you will goven
A sullen silence works worse mis-
chief than a royal row.
A husband's wrath spoils the best
broth. -
Rule by appearing to submit.
The shorter the bill the sweeter the
A sensible husband,- in llaltd is
w(Srth a dozen heroes in , dreamland.
Let no time run t iva3 with love.
Rebuke when alone; caress when
at home,
25451103Mc �_ X49« tr:
Cnros Consr.,i.Itilrrn, Cu zgltr., Crat:p, E, ,;
"cheat, Sohn b• all Druggists on t Gunranf
For a Laine Side, SacI: or Chest $hllotr'a i'l:r •R:.
Plaster will give pee t Fatisfactiocc.-a5 centf4
f7 �LCad' r4�."t `L`d weard�rip'�6e .
Lira: T.0,I3aw kins,(llat`nnno- Tenn., v. r:
"STliloh's V ct cr•,•I4Vi.L ,Bre' LTL .t -
eonsitioitil:tbrrcmorlu orodeb r r,• _
Laver used." k'orlls' poi iarToi(tt ..:'+.•r
trouble it excels, Price .5 eta,
Nave y0t.Qtt•t'•elll'ir,7 ','r:`••^"•'••.
positively rci.m: c a• a (u . ,,.. 1 ,c3 .' ••
Shte II-deotoe LOr ,.: Ft . c l..•'.'
furnishes:fret , 1 -...•'•-t t,, •' Nor.,
are sold on ca ; ,nr.: :,snot.
0anadiaxt .rala1i :e• #'
Trains arrive and depart is Koss:
,i355.lq...... ,,..For Toronto .........61t1„
I0;.p.m '" 1..,
2:50p. m ' kor Teetwater 2.15
10:40 p, ea " ip1:A '
F e
----^-TIME TA L,E.^*^,�-,..•.
PA 0:35 a tu. Pagnergton,0uelpb, Taranto. kc,4:s3 p.m
11:20 ," ., /1 4I 11•aa ""
In 55 p m. 'c t' '• 7:3ep, in
0:02 a. m.. " mixo 1 for Ah cardiae 11.20a nt
3:57 pA1at. ltor Sintrdiue 3.17p m
0,('2 10,07 1'. to
1-4 talon. Clinton. Ac., 8.4Q ..
1:00 a.m.
_ 3:1Lp, to.
Sheridan's Condition Powder'
Strongand Healthy • Prevents all Disease. •
awlutelypnre. MOLT concentrated, 111, uan.
tlty cn,ta tenth nr a cont a day, No otherktnd 1e OUP it.
Samplelort.,rtnlnatampps,lvepaekt$I, Large2l•4Ib,
enn, by mail, 31.20. 8114 large can.., 3r., exp,-ee. pre) old
1.:, b1lNSON6 CO,.2dCastonitousaat„noeton,3tae!
eot enoghs, colds,anl
Do not neg;1and bronchitis, Int euro thein by using Dr.
Wood's Yertvny Pine Syrup.
True modesty and true pride are
clinch the sane thing. Both consist
111 setting a just value. o11 ourselves
•- •••neither more nor less. t
Sad <1ood causes blotches, boils'
pimples, ase.. oases, ulcers, scrofula, etc.
I3nrdonk Blond Bitters cure bad blood in
. any firm from a common pimple to tile'.
worst s et•ofuloill( sore.
New occasions teach. new dutieal
time makes ltnc'ent good utleotith..
They must upward still and onward,
who wouldtlt:t keep breast of Truth.twoulds�1) l 4.
.M'. .�
raw, �;,.• � ( ..:5,.. jY� ; t1�°•"3
052ES t'f fast ALL Lb!:(AILS•
est cough yrup ALL Good. 144'
, In Woo. Sold by draag'ett -
When we assert that
Kidney Pills
Cure Backache, Dropsy,
Lumbago, Bright's Dis-
ease, Rheumatism and all
other forms of Kidney
Troubles, we are backed
by the testimony of all
who have used them.
By al druggists or mail on receipt of price,
5o coos. Dr. L. A. Smith ',Sc. Co., Toronto.
., 4. .1
.ices Private Lessens In YoeolTralning, both In Staff
and Tonic -Sol -Fa Notation. Open for engagements
for Concerts or Church meetingt. Terms moderate.
Pu4rickSt btiugham
T14CLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, rooters, 1;111
J. Maude, Circafurs, AR„ he , executed In the hest
style of the art, at tuoderate micro. and at, oh'.t
nutici,. Apply or 414141, eon
�t aLl.larr.
ThiesOWDce, Wiagt•i"ttl,
Capital, $1,250,000 Rest, 5650,000.
President -Jells SteAR•r.
tice•Presideat-A /1. Retract.
;Ells 1'Rnerea. Gan. 12040n, wAl OInsON, M P, A. T.
Weep, A, 0. L4$ (Toronto).
Cashier --.l. TURNBULl..
Savings Rank --Hours, 11" to 3 ;Saturdays, 10
1. Deposita 01 p1 mid aptrurds retched and interest
, fipeoi.,tl Iteposfts also received ut currant
'uses of interest.
Drafts o,. Omit.l(ritalta and the United States
bought and sold
z a a 6U '
.rktera'r: rea:x„••rxk .ta e> -r�ra zrar r
Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Meet,-
sleet,Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse,
Kidney and Bladder Diseases Positively Cured by
Toe Nei M6tQod iteaMOUI WuqICrflll 6iscoVON
p -"You can Deposit the il5oney in Your Bank or with Your Postmaster
to be paid us after you are OURED under a written Guarantee!
,co;f Abuse, Tczces vs and Rtood Dtseaseahavo wrecked the lives of thoneandh of young men
and middle aged men. • The farm, the workshop, the Stunk.. school, the office, the pro es.
sions althal•e its victims. You t/ man, if you have been indiscreet, beware of the future.
Middle aged tnen, you Urn growing prematurely weak and mid, b'th ,cruelly and physically.
Consult usbw:oretoo lata. NO NAMES USED Wi1HOUT 1. BITTEN (UNSENT. Confidential.
W. 13.00t,T. N3. W. S. Collins, of Saginaw. Speaks. 1i. S.COLLINS.
. "I am 20. At 1,i I ioarned a bad habit w:tich -I Contin-
' ted tilt 10. I then became "one of the boys" taut led,t
ty life. Bxposut'e produce.1 Sygleitlx. I became nerv-
ous and despondent; no ambition; memory pour; eyes
rod, sunken and blur; pimples on face; hair loose, bona
loins; weak back; varicocele; dreams and losses anight; weak Marrs; deposit in urine etc. I spent hun-
dreds of dollars without help, and was contemplat inn
suicide when n friend recommended Drs. Kennedy &
tiergan's :• ow Method Treatment. Thank (sod 1
tried it. Iu avis months I was cured. This was six
a, ".yens ago, and nevor had a return. Was married two r
years ago and nil lumpy. Boys, try Drs. Kennedy b Ker-
nsso+.7, rnuAT: l'T gun bolero giving up hope." A8'THIt TRNATDI'T
;s. A. TO'41'O1. Seminal Weakness, impotency and
Varicocele Cured.
"When I consulted Drs. Kennedy & Eorgan, I had
little hope. 1 was surprised. Tlt•lir now Method,Treat-
moat improved me the first week. Emisstons ceased,
nerves became strong, pains disappeared, hair grow in
again, eyes became br'gtt, choorfal fu company and
strong sexually. Having trioti many quacks, I can
heartily recommend Drs. Kenn by M1L- Keegan as reliable
it*•i , !3, o-iuliots, They treated me honorably and skillfu11y."
T. P.shrri ts!7:i, A Nervous Wreck --A happy Life. rr. P. rlf'`Rs0N.
T. P. Emerton ties a Narrow
I Iive on the farm. At school I learned an early
1.a.' which)rawoakon
mify!leecto$ tnrso phstu)sicadIIlywad, soxttnliy am[
FChtntt int 1
"decline" (('•oneutnption'. Finally "the Goiticlt
itionitor," .'(sited by Drs. Kenn••dy 62 Korgun fell in.
to my hands. I learned the Truth and •'mise, Self
abuse had supped my vitality. I took the Nero
�l• Natant Treatment and woe onted. My friends think t
t4 % P ' WWI oared of Consumption. I have Rent them many
rh ,
'ttients�all of whnm•weo cured. 'heir Now (l�i it/Method eatmentsu plies vigor, vitality and man -
TRS.tr51"T. hood." w !tf TER TP.LATib NT,
tiRt� q D E i� Aro ynu n victim? Nave yeti lest h0140? Aro you contemplating mai
EH1-%G1� 1 ritt,ra7 Ilns7001Biutx b008dieeae 1 Ttavo oft eSywenkneesf Oar
Now Method Treatntoat will cure you. What it has done for others it writ! do for your.
4Crfa.100fil2Rd COE& Va tc) ` C
16 Years In Detroit, 160,000 Cured. No Risk,
Consultation tree. No matter who has treated y, writo for an honest opinion
ittftoof charge. elhargos reasenahle. BbdK9 t:ree•••-"nn•110 Golden Monitor" (Mus,
tratod), on DiBe000R of 0100. Inclose portage L t'nnts. tlealetl
VATn.. No medicine sent C. O. D. No names an boxes or envel-.
owes. ltv'erythlng confidential. Question list arid cost of Treat..
merit. FRB . ..
No.i48 SHELBY S[
0. A. meNTON..